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水润湿及潮湿条件下压裂支撑剂破碎率的变化 被引量:5
作者 崔付义 《油气田地面工程》 北大核心 2009年第1期38-38,共1页
油田压裂支撑剂(简称陶粒)的破碎率指标是影响压裂裂缝导流能力的关键技术指标。通过大量的对比试验证明,陶粒被水润湿或环境湿度对其破碎率有较大影响。陶粒在水润湿条件下其破碎率比正常样品提高2倍以上,在潮湿条件下其破碎率比正常... 油田压裂支撑剂(简称陶粒)的破碎率指标是影响压裂裂缝导流能力的关键技术指标。通过大量的对比试验证明,陶粒被水润湿或环境湿度对其破碎率有较大影响。陶粒在水润湿条件下其破碎率比正常样品提高2倍以上,在潮湿条件下其破碎率比正常样品提高1%左右。本实验研究对压裂施工设计、预测裂缝导流能力、压裂支撑剂选择和压裂支撑剂质量检验等有一定的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 压裂支撑剂 陶粒 水润湿 破碎率
作者 胡紫阳 段德莉 李曙 《中国表面工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期52-58,共7页
为更好的研究碳钢在油/水双相流体中的腐蚀磨损问题,解决抽油杆/管之间的腐蚀磨损问题。利用自制的金属表面水润湿测定装置测定了油/水流体中碳钢表面水润湿率随含水量和流速的变化。利用往复磨损试验机和扫描电镜,在牺牲阳极保护条件下... 为更好的研究碳钢在油/水双相流体中的腐蚀磨损问题,解决抽油杆/管之间的腐蚀磨损问题。利用自制的金属表面水润湿测定装置测定了油/水流体中碳钢表面水润湿率随含水量和流速的变化。利用往复磨损试验机和扫描电镜,在牺牲阳极保护条件下,研究了碳钢在不同流体中的纯磨损失重和表面破坏情况,探究表面水润湿率与碳钢纯磨损行为之间的关系。结果表明:随着水含量的增加,碳钢表面水润湿率提高;但是其表面水润湿率在含水量35%的流体中随着流动速度的提高而降低,在含水量45%和60%的流体中随含水量的提高而升高。碳钢在油/水流体中的纯磨损失重和摩擦因数均随着其表面水润湿率的提高而增加,碳钢的纯磨损行为受到表面水润湿率的影响。在油/水双相流体中碳钢发生磨粒磨损,表面水润湿率低的条件下以塑性去除机制为主;表面水润湿率高的条件下,以脆性去除机制为主。 展开更多
关键词 油/水双相流 碳钢 纯磨损 水润湿 磨粒磨损
探讨水润湿及潮湿条件下压裂支撑剂破碎率的变化 被引量:1
作者 高鹏 《中国石油和化工标准与质量》 2012年第13期25-26,共2页
本文以压裂支撑剂破碎率的动态变化为研究对象,着眼于水润湿以及潮湿这两种试验情况,从水润湿条件下压裂支撑剂破碎率实验分析以及潮湿条件下压裂支撑剂破碎率实验分析这两个方面入手,围绕水润湿及潮湿条件下压裂支撑剂破碎率的变化这... 本文以压裂支撑剂破碎率的动态变化为研究对象,着眼于水润湿以及潮湿这两种试验情况,从水润湿条件下压裂支撑剂破碎率实验分析以及潮湿条件下压裂支撑剂破碎率实验分析这两个方面入手,围绕水润湿及潮湿条件下压裂支撑剂破碎率的变化这一中心问题展开了较为详细的分析与阐述,希望能够引起各方工作人员的特别关注与重视。 展开更多
关键词 水润湿 湿 压裂支撑剂 破碎率 实验 变化规律 分析
作者 李树勇 丁敏 陆煜 《热加工工艺》 北大核心 2021年第3期53-55,共3页
固液界面润湿性与金属表面微观结构、界面能以及表面张力等因素有关。通过酸刻蚀6061铝合金表面制备出具有微米级凹坑结构的粗糙表面。研究表明:随酸浓度的增加,6061铝合金表面形成凹坑的宽度增加。当酸浓度增加至20%时,铝合金表面形成... 固液界面润湿性与金属表面微观结构、界面能以及表面张力等因素有关。通过酸刻蚀6061铝合金表面制备出具有微米级凹坑结构的粗糙表面。研究表明:随酸浓度的增加,6061铝合金表面形成凹坑的宽度增加。当酸浓度增加至20%时,铝合金表面形成较宽的凸台结构。液态水与熔融态的Sn9Zn-0.75SiC(wt%)钎料在6061铝合金粗糙表面的润湿变化规律并不相同。随着铝合金表面粗糙度的增加,水在粗糙表面上的润湿性呈现先增大后减小的趋势,而复合钎料在粗糙表面上的润湿铺展面积呈现先减小后增大的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 酸刻蚀 水润湿 熔融金属润湿
中国石化石油勘探开发研究院无锡石油地质研究所实验地质技术之液滴形状分析仪 被引量:1
作者 杜心宇 《石油实验地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期F0002-F0002,共1页
润湿性是页岩储层可动性评价的重要指标,系指在两种或两种以上流体存在时,其中某一种流体优先润湿岩石表面的性质。接触角是反映岩石润湿性最直观的参数,根据其大小可分为水润湿、部分水润湿、混合润湿和油润湿4种基本类型。中国石化石... 润湿性是页岩储层可动性评价的重要指标,系指在两种或两种以上流体存在时,其中某一种流体优先润湿岩石表面的性质。接触角是反映岩石润湿性最直观的参数,根据其大小可分为水润湿、部分水润湿、混合润湿和油润湿4种基本类型。中国石化石油勘探开发研究院无锡石油地质研究所近期引进了德国克吕士公司DSA100HP型液滴形状分析仪(图1),通过对拍摄的液滴图像进行分析,测得润湿性或表面张力(图2)。 展开更多
关键词 石油地质研究 岩石表面 可动性 湿 分析仪 水润湿 无锡
复杂油水层核磁共振测井时间域分析改进方法 被引量:7
作者 张少华 谭茂金 +3 位作者 李高仁 李博 屈亚龙 钟晓勤 《石油物探》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期686-692,共7页
复杂油水层中流体对测井响应贡献小,常规测井流体识别难度大,核磁共振长短等待时间(双TW)测井及其时间域分析(TDA)方法在流体识别方面具有明显的优越性。但是,现有的TDA方法通常认为孔隙中的水完全极化且流体弛豫参数是已知的,这并不适... 复杂油水层中流体对测井响应贡献小,常规测井流体识别难度大,核磁共振长短等待时间(双TW)测井及其时间域分析(TDA)方法在流体识别方面具有明显的优越性。但是,现有的TDA方法通常认为孔隙中的水完全极化且流体弛豫参数是已知的,这并不适用所有勘探区块,因此需要根据油水层情况对时间域分析方法加以改进。改进包括两个方面,一是针对水湿特征推导了核磁共振双TW观测模式下油水的弛豫机理,二是考虑到大孔隙中水的不完全极化问题,建立了回波串差与流体组分及其弛豫特性的关系。针对上述非线性问题,利用遗传算法实现了核磁共振双TW测井数据的非线性反演,计算得到冲洗带含油体积和含油饱和度。理论模型数值模拟结果表明,利用改进方法计算得到的油的横向、纵向弛豫时间以及含油体积与预设模型一致性好,比采用TDA分析方法得到的结果精度高。在鄂尔多斯盆地测井实例中,采用改进方法计算得到冲洗带含油体积和含油饱和度,计算结果与测试结果吻合,为有效识别储层含油性提供了准确信息。 展开更多
关键词 核磁共振双TW观测模式 水润湿 弛豫机理 遗传算法 数值模拟 冲洗带含油饱和度
基于主控因素识别低阻油层的评价方法 被引量:7
作者 黄琴 张建民 +2 位作者 蔡辉 王月杰 刘彦成 《西安石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第2期35-39,92,共6页
低阻油层类型繁多,成因不一,渤海湾盆地Y油田在测井解释和对比中存在低阻和高阻储层间互发育的三明治现象明显,利用经典的Archie公式预测低阻油层误差较大、识别精度较低。针对此问题,进行精细地质油藏描述,综合测井、录井、岩心、铸体... 低阻油层类型繁多,成因不一,渤海湾盆地Y油田在测井解释和对比中存在低阻和高阻储层间互发育的三明治现象明显,利用经典的Archie公式预测低阻油层误差较大、识别精度较低。针对此问题,进行精细地质油藏描述,综合测井、录井、岩心、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、黏土矿物分析、岩石润湿性等资料研究,寻找主控因素,提出基于主控因素识别低阻油层的评价方法,建立主控因素与饱和度指数n的关系,修正经典的Archie公式,利用修正后的Archie公式可以准确预测储层的含油性,并成功应用于Y油田的生产实践,获得较好的应用效果,表明该方法在寻找隐蔽油气层中具有较好的实用价值。 展开更多
关键词 低阻油层 主控因素 水润湿 高束缚水 黏土矿物 阿尔奇公式
Femtosecond laser micro/nano fabrication for bioinspired superhydrophobic or underwater superoleophobic surfaces 被引量:11
作者 ZHU Zhuo WU Jun-rui +3 位作者 WU Zhi-peng WU Ting-ni HE Yu-chun YIN Kai 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第12期3882-3906,共25页
The preparation of superhydrophobic or underwater superoleophobic interface materials has become a research hotspot because of their wide application in self-cleaning, drag reduction, oil-water separation, anti-oil po... The preparation of superhydrophobic or underwater superoleophobic interface materials has become a research hotspot because of their wide application in self-cleaning, drag reduction, oil-water separation, anti-oil pollution and so on. The unique wettability of organisms gives inspiration to design and create new interface materials. This review focuses on the recent research progress of femtosecond laser micro/nano fabrication for bioinspired superhydrophobic or underwater superoleophobic surfaces. This review starts with a presentation of the related background including the advantages of femtosecond laser and wettability theoretical basis. Then, organisms with unique wettability in nature, the preparation of superhydrophobic or underwater superoleophobic surfaces by femtosecond lasers on different materials, and their related important applications are introduced. Finally, the current challenges and future prospects with regard to this field are provided. 展开更多
关键词 femtosecond laser SUPERHYDROPHOBIC underwater superoleophobic BIOINSPIRED WETTABILITY
作者 朱书全 付晓恒 +2 位作者 刘昀 王祖讷 李颖 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 1997年第1期86-90,共5页
Wetting Heat of various ranks of coals in water was measured by using SETARAM C80D Calorimeter. The data were correlated to coals' slurryability which is characterized by the solid load at the viscosity of 1 Pa... Wetting Heat of various ranks of coals in water was measured by using SETARAM C80D Calorimeter. The data were correlated to coals' slurryability which is characterized by the solid load at the viscosity of 1 Pa's and 25℃. The results showed that the heat of wetting by wa-ter decreases as coal rank increases in the range of brawn coal to bituminous coaI with carbon content of 89% ~90% (daf), and then, increases a little for anthracite. This trend fitted well to the relationship of slurryability to coal rank. The heat of wetting was also correlated to the inher-ent moisture content and the oxygen content of coal, which are commonly considered as slurrya-bility indication parameters. Hence, the wetting heat is another measure of coal's slurryability. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese coal wetting heat SLURRYABILITY
Characteristics of Drought and Humidification Based on Standardized Precipitation Index in Weifang City during the Past 50 Years 被引量:1
作者 李树军 袁静 +1 位作者 肖清华 董晨娥 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第4期861-866,共6页
[Objective] This study aimed to analyze the evolution characteristics and occurrence patterns of droughts and floods in Weifang City. [Method] Based on the monthly precipitation data during 1961-2010 obtained from nin... [Objective] This study aimed to analyze the evolution characteristics and occurrence patterns of droughts and floods in Weifang City. [Method] Based on the monthly precipitation data during 1961-2010 obtained from nine meteorological sta- tions of Weifang City, by using standardized precipitation index, monthly SPI index of Weifang City during the past 50 years was calculated to analyze the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of drought and humidification in Weifang City. [Result] The results showed that the variation of drought and humidification had stage characteristics in Weifang City, which was relatively humid in the 1960s and 1970s and developed from extremely humid in early 1960s to dry in late 1970s, persistent drought was observed throughout the range of Weifang City in the 1980s, and the variation tended to be smooth during the 1990s-2000s. Spatial distribution of drought and humidification in Weifang City showed certain regional characteristics. In the 1960s, the mid-west region of Weifang City was relatively humid, while the southeastern region was relatively dry; in the 1970s, there was little difference among the drought and humidification extent in each region; in the 1980s, each region of Weifang City was generally dry, specifically, drought in the southeastern region was the most severe, while drought in the northern region was the slightest; in the 1990s and 2000s, variation of drought and humidification in each region of Weifang City was basically the same. The uneven spatial and temporal distribution of precipi- tation led to abnormal distribution of drought and humidification in some areas, such as the abnormal phenomenon in 1999; the spatial distribution of drought and humidi- fication duration in each generation had their own characteristics, which brought diffi- culties to the unified deployment of drought and flood control departments. [Conclu- sion] This study provided theoretical basis for the drought resistance, waterlogging prevention and disaster reduction in Weifang City under the background of climate change. 展开更多
关键词 Standardized precipitation index DROUGHT HUMIDIFICATION Spatial and temporal characteristics
Transition of super-hydrophobic states of droplet on rough surface 被引量:2
作者 叶霞 周明 +2 位作者 蒋大林 李健 蔡兰 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第3期554-559,共6页
Twelve samples with periodic array square pillars microstructure were prepared on the silicon wafer by plasma etching techniques, on which space b of the square pillars increased from 5 to 60 μm. In order to study th... Twelve samples with periodic array square pillars microstructure were prepared on the silicon wafer by plasma etching techniques, on which space b of the square pillars increased from 5 to 60 μm. In order to study the effect ofb on the wettability of the rough surface, the effects of apparent contact angle (CA) and sliding angle (a) of the droplet on the rough surface were measured with the contact angle meter. The results show that the experimental values of CA well agree with the classical wetting theory and a decreases with the increase of b. Two drop shapes exist on the samples' surface, corresponding to the Cassie state and the Wenzel state respectively. The contact state in which a drop would settle depends typically on the size of b. On the role of gravitation, the irreversible transition of a drop from Cassie state to Wenzel state should occur at a certain space of the square pillars. Since the transition has implications on the application of super-hydrophobic rough surfaces, theoretically, the prediction of wetting state transition on square pillar array micro-structured surfaces provides an intuitionistic guidance for the design of steady superhydrophobic surfaces. 展开更多
关键词 square pillar microstructure wetting mode transition apparent contact angle sliding angle
Influence of nitrogen hetero-substitution on the electrochemical performance of coal-based activated carbons measured in non-aqueous electrolyte 被引量:5
作者 ZHANG Chuan-xiang DUAN Yu-ling +3 位作者 XING Bao-lin ZHAN Liang QIAO Wen-ming LING Li-cheng 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第3期295-299,共5页
Nitrogen-containing carbons were prepared by modification of activated carbons.The modified carbons were used as electrode materials with improved electrochemical performance.Precursor anthracite was activated by KOH(... Nitrogen-containing carbons were prepared by modification of activated carbons.The modified carbons were used as electrode materials with improved electrochemical performance.Precursor anthracite was activated by KOH(KOH:anthracite= 1:1), modified by melamine or urea and then treated at 1173 K to obtain the modified carbons.The porous structure, the chemical composition and the electrochemical characteristics of the carbons were investigated by nitrogen sorption, XPS and electrochemical methods respectively.Electrochemical experiments were performed in an organic electrolytic solution of 1 M(C2H5)4NBF4/PC.The samples modified by the different methods showed differences in chemical composition that introduced varying degrees of electrochemical performance enhancement.The presence of nitrogen enhanced the electron donor properties and the surface wettability of the activated carbons:this ensured a sufficient utilization of the exposed surface for charge storage. 展开更多
关键词 activated carbon electrochemical double layer capacitor heteroatom of nitrogen modification
Displacement behavior and mechanism of long-term water flooding in sandstone oil reservoirs 被引量:1
作者 CAO Ren-yi DAI Zong +4 位作者 WANG Zhi-kai WANG Ya-hui JIANG Jun LI hai-long JIA Zhi-hao 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第3期834-847,共14页
Sandstone oil reservoirs with huge bottom water and high permeability are generally developed with high flow rate.After long-term water flooding(LTWF),the water flooding characteristics are quite different from that o... Sandstone oil reservoirs with huge bottom water and high permeability are generally developed with high flow rate.After long-term water flooding(LTWF),the water flooding characteristics are quite different from that of original reservoir.In this paper,the effects of the PV number,viscosity,and displacement rate during LTWF are studied through experiments.The mechanism is analyzed based on analysis of changes in oil composition,rock mineral composition and wettability.The oil-water relative permeability curves,oil recovery and wettability were obtained with new experiments methods,which avoids the oil metering error by measuring oil and water separately.The research indicates that when the viscosity increases,the water phase permeability decreases,the residual oil saturation increases,and the water content rate increases earlier.A higher water flooding rate results in a higher ultimate recovery.A higher asphaltene content results in a higher viscosity and more oil-wet reservoir conditions.After LTWF,the wettability tends to water-wet,which is more favorable for heavy oil recovery.Moreover,LTWF reduces the clay content,which creates a more water-wet surface and a larger reservoir pore throat environment.This research provides insightful characteristics of offshore sandstone oil reservoirs,which can be used to enhance oil recovery. 展开更多
关键词 long-term water flooding sandstone reservoir relative permeability curve WETTABILITY
Wetting between molten iron and prereduced ilmenite with carbon
作者 王玉明 袁章福 +3 位作者 赵宏欣 熊绍锋 姜伟忠 李肇毅 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第5期924-929,共6页
An interfacial study between molten iron and the prereduced ilmenite with carbon was conducted at different melting temperatures by the sessile droplet method.The wetting characteristics between molten iron and the pr... An interfacial study between molten iron and the prereduced ilmenite with carbon was conducted at different melting temperatures by the sessile droplet method.The wetting characteristics between molten iron and the prereduced ilmenites with carbon were investigated by measuring contact angle of the droplet of molten iron on the prereduced ilmenite substrate.The images of the interface were also examined by the optical microscope and SEM equipped with EDS.The volume of molten iron increased with the melting temperature increasing when titania or high-content titania slag was used as the substrate.The contact angle decreased with the melting temperature increasing and it was independent on time at constant temperature.The contact angle was positively correlated with the reduction degree of the ilmenite,but the work of adhesion was negatively correlated with it.Higher smelting temperature was beneficial to the separation of iron and Ti oxides.The permeability of molten iron into the prereduced ilmenite with carbon was more obvious with reduction degree increasing owing to the high porosity of prereduced ilmenite. 展开更多
关键词 molten iron prereduced ilmenite WETTING interfacial permeability contact angle carbon reduction
Wettability Pattern for Ultrafast Water Self‑Pumping on Cemented Carbide Surface 被引量:1
作者 SUN Pengcheng HAO Xiuqing +3 位作者 NIU Yusheng XU Wenhao LI Liang HE Ning 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI CSCD 2020年第3期416-423,共8页
A facile method to fabricate wettability pattern(two extreme wettabilities arranged in a pattern)to realize water self-pumping is proposed on cemented carbide while not necessarily depositing other materials on substr... A facile method to fabricate wettability pattern(two extreme wettabilities arranged in a pattern)to realize water self-pumping is proposed on cemented carbide while not necessarily depositing other materials on substrate surface.The water self-pumping is achieved by arranging wedge shaped superhydrophilic domain in superhydrophobic substrate using laser machining.Through single factor experiments,it is found that the key to the extreme wettabilities,micro⁃and nano⁃structures,is rendered by laser machining processes and is influenced by laser parameters.Meanwhile,the proper laser parameters that are used to fabricate required micro-and nano⁃structures are obtained.Finally,the water transport experiment is carried out,which shows that the velocity of water bulge could be up to 362 mm/s when the wedge angle is 3°.The mechanism of the water self-pumping is analyzed and it is found that the migration of water bulge is governed by Laplace pressure of the water bulge induced by the wedge micro-groove. 展开更多
关键词 wettability pattern cemented carbide water self-pumping micro-and nano⁃structures laser machining
Study of Wetting Properties of Carbon Nanofiber Coatings on Various Substrates
作者 Sonal Mazumder Aditya Sharma Akanksha 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2014年第8期493-500,共8页
The role of roughness and composition on the wetting characteristics of a series of carbon nanofiber based coatings were studied in order to evaluate its superhydrophobic properties. In this study, idealized surfaces ... The role of roughness and composition on the wetting characteristics of a series of carbon nanofiber based coatings were studied in order to evaluate its superhydrophobic properties. In this study, idealized surfaces were created from a smooth stainless steel and aluminium sheets and two other stainless steel sheets with different textured surfaces. All surfaces were coated with carbon nanofiber alcohol solutions in order to generate coatings of variable compositions using mixtures of isopropanol, water and a commercial carbon nanofibre. The optimum concentration of carbon nanofiber in coatings was obtained to produce superhydrophobic surfaces. A general trend of increasing hydrophobicity was observed for coated surfaces as compared to the bare substrate. Individual contact angles were dependent on the nature of the underlying substrate, relative surface pattern, and roughness. Overall wetting properties were dependent upon composition and micro scale roughness of the coatings. 展开更多
关键词 Contact angle WETTING COATINGS carbon nanofiber superhydrophobicity.
作者 那境远 《招生考试通讯(中考版)》 2024年第4期12-12,共1页
时值春季,花开正浓,宛若携着幽香的云烟缭绕着,一如母亲赋予我的爱一般,浓稠而隽永。小升初前夕,我心里分外烦闷,身体里像是筑了一道摇摇欲坠的大坝,哪怕是一个小小的蚁穴,也可以使它轰塌。夜色如盐,粗糙地漫溯过天边,心里的苦涩一阵阵... 时值春季,花开正浓,宛若携着幽香的云烟缭绕着,一如母亲赋予我的爱一般,浓稠而隽永。小升初前夕,我心里分外烦闷,身体里像是筑了一道摇摇欲坠的大坝,哪怕是一个小小的蚁穴,也可以使它轰塌。夜色如盐,粗糙地漫溯过天边,心里的苦涩一阵阵翻涌开来。回到家,看见母亲双手急促地蹭了蹭围裙,手上的水润湿了围裙上一朵羞涩欲放的月季花,竟让它绽放出别样的美丽。 展开更多
关键词 小升初 月季花 漫溯 围裙 水润湿
作者 王志蓉 《中国审计》 2022年第2期86-86,共1页
大雪初霁,天空瓦蓝。深藏多日的阳光,漫天盖地撒向人间,积雪覆盖的瓦楞在消融的雪水中崭露头角。雪水润湿瓦片,屋檐开始滴水,孩子们在屋檐下仰望,伸出小手接着水滴,稚嫩的笑脸上,一双双清澈的眼睛闪着光芒。老屋中,炉火正旺。女人甩着... 大雪初霁,天空瓦蓝。深藏多日的阳光,漫天盖地撒向人间,积雪覆盖的瓦楞在消融的雪水中崭露头角。雪水润湿瓦片,屋檐开始滴水,孩子们在屋檐下仰望,伸出小手接着水滴,稚嫩的笑脸上,一双双清澈的眼睛闪着光芒。老屋中,炉火正旺。女人甩着膀子搅着一锅馓饭,金黄的玉米面在滚水中缓缓地冒着泡泡,切好的洋芋疙瘩在馓饭中若隐若现。 展开更多
关键词 积雪覆盖 大雪 玉米面 水润湿
Water wettability in nanoconfined environment 被引量:2
作者 ZHOU YaHong GUO Wei JIANG Lei 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第5期836-843,共8页
Water confined in nanoscale space behaves quite differently from that in the bulk.For example,in biological aquaporins and in carbon nanotubes,the traversing water molecules form a single file configuration.Water woul... Water confined in nanoscale space behaves quite differently from that in the bulk.For example,in biological aquaporins and in carbon nanotubes,the traversing water molecules form a single file configuration.Water would stay in vapor state in extremely hydrophobic narrow nanopores owing to the physicochemical interactions between the water molecules and the surface of the nanopore.A spontaneous wet-dry transition has been identified in both biological and artificial nanopores.The nanopore is either fulfilled with liquid water or completely empty.Based on this mechanism,the wetting and dewetting processes inside nanopores have been further developed into highly efficient nanofluidic gates that can be switched by external stimuli,such as light irradiation,electric potential,temperature,and mechanical pressure.This review briefly covers the recent progress in the special wettability in nanoconfined environment,water transportation through biological or artificial nanochannels,as well as the smart nanofluidic gating system controlled by the water wettability. 展开更多
关键词 WETTABILITY NANOPORE hydrophobic interaction ion channels GATING
Effect of Wetting-Drying Cycles on Redistribution of Lead in Some Semi-Arid Zone Soils Spiked with a Lead Salt 被引量:2
Mobility and bioavailability of lead (Pb) could be affected considerably by soil physicochemical properties; however, less is known about the effect of Pb levels and aging time. This study was conducted to evaluate ... Mobility and bioavailability of lead (Pb) could be affected considerably by soil physicochemical properties; however, less is known about the effect of Pb levels and aging time. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of Pb levels and wetting-drying (WD) cycles on distribution and bioavailability of Pb in three semi-arid zone soils treated with different levels of Pb(NO3)2. Wetting-drying cycles simulated the actual field irrigation in the semi-arid soils. A soil with a long history of Pb contamination was also taken as a reference soil. The soils were spiked with various levels of Pb and incubated under WD cycles for 160 d. Sequential extractions and batch sorption experiments were performed to assess the fractionation of Pb in the spiked soils. Redistribution index (Uts) and reduced partitioning parameter (IR) were applied to semi-quantify the distribution of Pb in the spiked soils. A small amount of Pb sorbed was desorbed by the soils, indicating a strong and irreversible binding of Pb in the studied soils. Contribution of carbonate-bound (Car) and residual (Res) Pb fl'actions to the total Pb of the soils was more than 97%. The Car, soluble plus exchangeable (SE), and organic matter-bound (OMB) fractions of Pb were transferred to the Res fraction under the WD cycles. The IR and Uts values were influenced by Pb loading levels and WD; therefore, the Pb lability and/or redistribution pattern could semi-quantitatively be assessed via these parameters. At the end of the experiment, the Ia and Uts values for the Pb salt-spiked soils did not show the quasi- equilibrium state. The lability of Pb in the soils decreased with increasing incubation time and showed a strong dependence on Pb levels and soil chemical composition. WD cycles significantly affected the overall lability of Pb in soils through influencing the redistribution of Pb among solid-phase components. 展开更多
关键词 BIOAVAILABILITY heavy metals mobility redistribution index reduced partitioning parameter
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