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以色列水牛生产简介 被引量:1
作者 林树斌 《广东奶业》 2004年第2期36-36,共1页
关键词 以色列 水牛生产 饲养管理 饲料 挤奶设备 繁殖
作者 刘晓辉 林明基 +1 位作者 欧茶海 李大林 《中国牧业通讯》 2001年第4期22-23,共2页
2000年9月17日-10月1日,中国水牛专家一行五人对意大利、巴基斯坦水牛奶业的发展进行了为期15天的考察学习。耳闻目睹了两国在水牛奶业生产及发展情况、水牛奶业产业化的成功经验和运作模式。在意大利,考察活动主要集中在意大利的南... 2000年9月17日-10月1日,中国水牛专家一行五人对意大利、巴基斯坦水牛奶业的发展进行了为期15天的考察学习。耳闻目睹了两国在水牛奶业生产及发展情况、水牛奶业产业化的成功经验和运作模式。在意大利,考察活动主要集中在意大利的南部。分别考察了意大利畜牧研究所、那不勒斯省的那不勒斯大学畜牧兽医学系、6个意大利最大的水牛生产农场和1个水牛育种场、1个隔离场及1个水牛奶酪加工厂,并进行了水牛奶及水牛奶酪的市场调查。 一、意大利水牛的发展现状 意大利的水牛生产,主要是以大的农场为主体进行水牛饲养,一般水牛农场饲养规模在300-500头,其中产奶母牛占200-300头,有土地80-100公顷,有的可达120公顷。这些水牛农场有几十年甚至上百年饲养水牛的历史,其中国家登记注册的水牛农场(户)为283个。 据意大利全国育种协会提供的统计数据表明,1999年意大利水牛存栏量达17万头,比1950年增长了17倍,其中国家登记注册的水牛为31133头。1999年全国奶类总产量达900万吨,其中水牛鲜奶18.5万吨,占全国奶类总产量的2.06%。 二、意大利水牛的生产性能 意大利水牛属地中海河流型水牛,成牛母牛体重为600公斤。1999年,经国家进行泌乳性能测定,意大利水牛平均产奶量为2092公斤(产奶时间为270天),乳脂率为8.37%,蛋白质含量为4.80%。 三、水牛奶制品市场 意大利生产的水牛奶制品主要是奶酪,如鲜奶酪、发酵奶酪、混和奶酪和发霉奶酪。据介绍,意大利的水牛奶全部用于加工水牛奶酪。 水牛奶酪的包装是按水牛奶酪的形状、规格及含水量的不同,产品有25克、50克、125克、250克、500克的球形状奶酪,有含水量较少的波纹扭状长方条形或切割成立体长三角形状的奶酪等。包装水牛奶酪的包装袋印有水牛标志。 意大利牛奶的收购价为:水牛奶每公升1美元,黑白花牛奶每公升0.3美元,水牛奶价格比黑白花牛奶高出2倍多。100公斤水牛奶可产奶酪25公斤,而100公斤黑白花牛奶只产奶酪12.5公斤。每公斤水牛奶酪出厂价10美元,水牛奶加工为水牛奶酪后升值250%。 意大利水牛奶酪市场潜力较大,产品远销英国、法国、美国等国家和地区。目前,意大利国内对水牛奶酪的市场需求更是供不应求,水牛奶酪的价格远远高于荷斯坦奶牛,一般都在3-4倍以上,水牛奶酪市场销售价格在每公斤9—11美元以上。在意大利普通商场中很难见到水牛奶酪,据接待单位和厂家介绍,水牛奶酪比黑白花牛奶干奶酪售价高近一倍,只能满足部分中上阶层的人士消费。 四、水牛良种繁育及推广体系 意大利水牛良种繁育及推广体系组织机构比较健全,全国设有国家水牛育种协会和国家水牛精液质量监测中心。在意大利南部地区还建有良种水牛冷冻精液制作中心和良种水牛纯繁场。 意大利水牛饲养主要由农户饲养所用的种公牛及人工授精的精液必须是经过全国水牛育种协会登记注册的。这些精液由冷冻精液制作中心生产后,由水牛冻精技术服务公司或销售商直接向农户推广和销售,其价格根据公牛测定的等级而分为不同档次。 为了选择优秀的公牛,意大利水牛育种协会将农户组织起来,加强对优秀育成公牛的选种,一般育成公牛在12—15月龄左右,其母亲产奶量在4000公斤以上、体型外貌符合品种标准、生长发育良好的优秀个体,集中在意大利水牛育种协会的隔离场进行疫病检测,测定的时间为5个月,经过隔离检测,达到标准的优秀育成公牛,才能送到良种水牛冷冻精液制作中心进行采精生产。一般良种水牛纯繁场只有1%的公牛才有可能被评为优秀公牛。 五、意大利水牛业的特点 1.品种好,重选育 意大利水牛泌乳量高,特别适宜作为乳牛饲养。同时,又由于意大利人民长期选育,使泌乳性能强的个体,得到进一步的扩大。意大利通过育种协会多年来不懈的努力,积累了一套行之有效的选育方法。主要是通过水牛后裔测定,把产奶性能好的个体保留下来,还通过赛牛会等多种形式,扩大优秀个体的知名度,从而使其价值得以提高。在意大利每年举办一次赛牛会,据介绍,去年参加赛牛会的种公牛场有307个,参加的水牛有150多头,赛牛盛况颇为壮观。 2.市场拉动,促进发展 意大利人爱吃奶酪,而用水牛奶制作成的奶酪,更是其它奶类无法比拟的,其需求量越来越大,供不应求。在意大利的城市及高速公路两边随处可以看到销售奶酪的广告。还有一些较大的水牛养殖场不定期的举办一些水牛奶酪的展示及品尝会。现在水牛奶及奶酪市供不应求,是水牛业得以迅猛发展的重要原因。 3.政府给予积极的支持 意大利政府鼓励水牛发展,虽然政府的资金不直接补贴给农民,因为欧盟认为直接补贴给农民将导致不公平竞争。但是他们对水牛育种协会及水牛研究所提供经费(通常这种经费占总支出30%份额),实际上是对水牛业生产的一种巨大的支持和鼓励。另外欧盟的优惠政策也促进了水牛业的发展。在整个欧盟国家中对荷斯坦牛实行奶产量限制,而水牛奶则无任何限制。此外,欧盟鼓励农民饲养水牛的优惠政策还有:如果有人愿意饲养水牛,他可得到由欧盟提供的50万欧币的资助,其中25万元为补助,另外的25万元则作为贷款。 4.公司加农户的形式保障了水牛业的稳步发展 意大利的水牛奶业之所以能很快地发展,还有一个重要的原因是通过奶酪生产公司将水牛奶加工成奶酪销售出去,据介绍全国有500多家水牛奶酪加工厂,这些加工厂,依托各个农户,形成联合体。每个加工厂日加工奶酪量10吨。水牛奶的来源主要是方圆20~25公里范围内的农户,每个农户一般拥有200~300头水牛。 5.机械化程度较高 意大利水牛生产的机械化程度比较高。一般的400-500头水牛的农户有管理人员和工人为10人左右。做青贮饲料时请l—2名季节工。拥有100头左右的水牛的农场,一般都为夫妻农场,不再另外雇佣其他的人。水牛场的饲料加工、饲料的饲喂、清粪、挤奶等各个主要环节,都使用机械。 6.技术含量高 意大利水牛饲养中注重科研和生产相结合,在农场和研究单位,都广泛使用妊娠诊断仪,通过先进仪器的使用,可尽早得知母牛是否妊娠,给牛群管理带来了许多便利。此外牛场中犊牛的血缘关系确定也是采用DNA测定分析。 展开更多
关键词 意大利 水牛生产 发展现状 生产性能 奶制品市场 良种繁育 良种推广
Production of Afyon Kaymak with Traditional and Technological Methods
作者 Goekhan Akarca Oktay Tomar Abdullah Caglar 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2014年第3期115-119,共5页
Afyon kaymak (milk cream) is traditional dairy product of Afyon city which is a junction of Middle Anatolia and West regions and famous with its thermal tourism and food. However, challenging production process led ... Afyon kaymak (milk cream) is traditional dairy product of Afyon city which is a junction of Middle Anatolia and West regions and famous with its thermal tourism and food. However, challenging production process led Afyon kaymak to lose its importance. Although buffalo milk is the raw material of traditional Afyon kaymak, cow milk can be used in the process. In traditional process, milk is filtered with double cheesecloth and gotten into the aluminum or tinned copper milk cream pans where the capacity is around 2.5-3.0 L. Half-filled pan is warm up to 90-95 ℃. Pans are carried to cool area and left until cooling. Milk cream on the cooled pans is lined by a pin. New milked milk is added to the lined cream in pans and heated for 1 h. It is covered and held on for 6-8 h. While holding period is until afternoon on summer time, it is until mid-afternoon in winter. Covers of the pans are opened and hold in a cool place until morning and, thus, cream is chilled. Cream layer on pans are lined and gotten out of pans. Cream as circle is divided into four pieces and left to the cream package after turning down. In this review, we aimed to give some information about Afyon kaymak and its production methods. 展开更多
关键词 Milk cream kaymak BUFFALO Afyon COW quality.
Study on Feeding Effect of Different Levels of Protein and Energy on Production Performance of Pregnant Mother and Neo-Natal Calves
作者 Nathu Ram Sarker Muhammad Khaiml Bashar Sheik Mohammad Jahangir Hossain Mohammed Khorshed Alam and Khan Shahidul Huque 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2015年第2期81-89,共9页
The present study was undertaken to assess feeding effect on productive and reproductive performances of pre-natal and post-natal Red Chittagong Cattle (RCC) cows under on-station condition. A total of 16 pregnant R... The present study was undertaken to assess feeding effect on productive and reproductive performances of pre-natal and post-natal Red Chittagong Cattle (RCC) cows under on-station condition. A total of 16 pregnant RCC cows having pregnancy 6-7 months and between 1-3 parities was selected for the study and was allocated randomly into four dietary treatment groups. There are four type diets, i.e., To (standard diet according to National Research Council (NRC), 1995), T1 (5% below standard diet), T2 (5% above standard diet), T3 (10% above standard diet) and a control treatment T4 (maintained as farm practice). The energy and protein requirements of experimental cows were determined as per standard developed by NRC. The results revealed that crude protein (CP) and metabolizable energy (ME, MJ/day) requirements among cows of different dietary groups were not significantly different, although CP requirements between T1 and T3 differed significantly. Total dry mater (DM) and ME intake differed significantly (P 〈 0.001) among cows of different dietary groups, but DM intake was significantly lower for cows in farm practice group Z4 compared to the cows of other dietary groups. The total CP intake had no significant variation (P 〉 0.05) among cows of all dietary groups, but CP intake from roughage varied significantly (P 〈 0.001). Final live weight and total live weight gain had no significant variation for cows of all groups, but there were significant (P 〈 0.05) variation for daily weight gain. Daily weight gain of cows for first four dietary groups were significantly (P 〈 0.05) higher than cows of farm practice groups T4. Weight of calf from birth to 90 days and daily weight gain calves under different dietary groups showed that there were no significant (P 〉 0.05) variation of calf birth weights for all dietary groups, although lower birth weight was found in farm practice groups T4. Gestation length and postpartum heat period of cows of different dietary treatment groups revealed that there was no significant (P 〉 0.05) variation for those traits among cows of different dietary treatment groups, although there seems to be shorter postpartum heat for cows in dietary group T2 and longer period in farm practice group T4. Total and daily milk yield up to 30 days and 90 days of cows had no significant (P 〉 0.05) effect for different dietary treatment groups, although there seems to be slightly better milk production performance for dietary T2 and To, respectively for 30 days and 90 days total and daily milk yield. There were no significant (P 〉 0.05) changes of total and daily weight gain of cows for all dietary groups, however cows of standard dietary group To performed slightly better than those of cows of other dietary groups. Milk composition of cows of different dietary treatment groups showed that there was no significant (P 〉 0.05) variation on milk composition for cows of different dietary groups. Post-natal body condition score (BCS) for the 1st, 3rd and 4th months differed significantly (P 〈 0.05) among different dietary groups, while not found significant difference on the 2nd month. Therefore, it may be concluded that pre-natal feeding has significant effect on body weight gain, birth weight of calves and milk production of dairy cows. Hence, it is suggested that better nutrition may be provided during pre-natal period to harvest good quality of calves and higher milk yield from post-natal period. 展开更多
关键词 Pre-natal POST-NATAL postpartum heat period gestation length milk yield.
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