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作者 周燕萍 单广福 张兴礼 《河南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1992年第4期115-118,共4页
1 材料与方法1.1 菌株来源从兰州市五泉山动物园和兰州市郊区采集新鲜的马粪、羚牛粪、骡粪、奶牛粪,在室内培养、分离。
关键词 水玉霉科 培养基
作者 Brian 《中国服装(北京)》 2007年第11X期99-99,共1页
一度断市的VISVIM CHRISTO,早前不断与其他大牌联名合作,大行其道地掀起CHRISTO拖鞋热潮,现在终于轮到由FIL独家发售了!虽然不比之前几代有号召力,但仍然大受欢迎,很多潮人早就已经虎视眈眈了。不过本次的拖鞋相比前作略有不同.... 一度断市的VISVIM CHRISTO,早前不断与其他大牌联名合作,大行其道地掀起CHRISTO拖鞋热潮,现在终于轮到由FIL独家发售了!虽然不比之前几代有号召力,但仍然大受欢迎,很多潮人早就已经虎视眈眈了。不过本次的拖鞋相比前作略有不同.采用了近两年来持续火热的水玉DOT DOT波点元素,而且采用了在CHRISTO中很少出现的红色和蓝色,另外还有经典的黑色可供选择.必定会受到众多VISVIM和波点迷们的强烈追捧。 展开更多
关键词 VISVIM CHRISTO 拖鞋 FIL 水玉DOT DOT波点元素 红色 蓝色 黑色
作者 刘福升 刘衍彬 《六盘水科技》 2000年第1期28-30,共3页
关键词 高寒山区 杂交玉米 水玉101” 选育
作者 王跟党 《大美术》 2008年第Z1期138-141,共4页
画者,安顿灵魂也。以无益之事,渡有涯之身,其为身生益莫大焉。处世平和,与人相善,呼吸山林,协一宇宙。心志如镜,周流似水。友清风朗月,似春兰秋菊。促霜雪似龙飞三山,神游天地。调朱墨将凤于五岳,装点九州。其画也,非复故山河。乃寄思... 画者,安顿灵魂也。以无益之事,渡有涯之身,其为身生益莫大焉。处世平和,与人相善,呼吸山林,协一宇宙。心志如镜,周流似水。友清风朗月,似春兰秋菊。促霜雪似龙飞三山,神游天地。调朱墨将凤于五岳,装点九州。其画也,非复故山河。乃寄思、畅惰、尽性再造之自然也,所谓造化在手。清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰。易云,白贲。 展开更多
关键词 白贲 清风朗月 水玉 清水出芙蓉 龙飞 典术 王希孟 范宽 形式要素 民族文化精神
人如秋水玉为神 红丝石上走云烟
作者 田乃俊 《天工》 2015年第5期98-100,共3页
北方的初秋,云是最好的风景。一次再寻常不过的下班回家,我坐双层巴士在这个城市重复着并不新鲜的路线。我喜欢靠窗户的位置,因为有风景可以看。风景总是与季节同步,一点一点地变幻,这是奇妙的。经过公园,经过医院,经过河流,经过学校,... 北方的初秋,云是最好的风景。一次再寻常不过的下班回家,我坐双层巴士在这个城市重复着并不新鲜的路线。我喜欢靠窗户的位置,因为有风景可以看。风景总是与季节同步,一点一点地变幻,这是奇妙的。经过公园,经过医院,经过河流,经过学校,经过车站,经过商业街,经过城市的地标建筑,车水马龙,人来人往,尽是流光溢彩的繁华。 展开更多
关键词 红丝石 水玉 地标建筑 双层巴士 红丝砚 工艺美术大师 鲁砚 砚谱 刘克唐 青州府
涵养正气 直抵人心——读《水玉小集》
作者 刘丽群 《铁军》 2016年第9期49-50,共2页
"天地有正气,杂然赋流形。下则为河岳,上则为日星。"正如文天祥的《正气歌》,军事谊文出版社副总编辑王毅用心涵养正气,书写兵心军魂,读她的《水玉小集》,别有一番味道。军人有铁骨,也有柔肠。王毅的作品中军人的硬气与女人的秀气合... "天地有正气,杂然赋流形。下则为河岳,上则为日星。"正如文天祥的《正气歌》,军事谊文出版社副总编辑王毅用心涵养正气,书写兵心军魂,读她的《水玉小集》,别有一番味道。军人有铁骨,也有柔肠。王毅的作品中军人的硬气与女人的秀气合而为一。硬气来自军人的血性忠勇,秀气缘于女人的细腻温婉。 展开更多
关键词 水玉 小集 日星 科学前沿 国家安全观 军魂 国防大学 金一南 铁骨 仰望星空
精华荟萃水玉领衔 被引量:1
作者 张士中 《宝藏》 2012年第12期66-67,共2页
红水河,起自南盘江,从云贵高原奔流而下,到大湾,转石龙,汇进黔江。这条神奇的河流,孕育出龙滩彩玉石、天峨石、大化彩玉石、大化摩尔石、大化梨皮石、都安石、忻城石、合山彩陶葫芦石、鸳鸯石、绿玉石、包卷纹石、来宾纹石、黑珍珠、石... 红水河,起自南盘江,从云贵高原奔流而下,到大湾,转石龙,汇进黔江。这条神奇的河流,孕育出龙滩彩玉石、天峨石、大化彩玉石、大化摩尔石、大化梨皮石、都安石、忻城石、合山彩陶葫芦石、鸳鸯石、绿玉石、包卷纹石、来宾纹石、黑珍珠、石胆石、大湾石等近20种名扬海内外的石种,这得益于红水河流域独特的地质条件和地理环境,这里成为令世人瞩目和向往的观赏石神圣之所。 展开更多
关键词 水玉 红水河流域 和田玉 透闪石 石英质玉 观赏石 青白玉 梨皮石 赏石文化 致密块状
《宝藏》 2012年第9期115-115,共1页
关键词 人员名单 水玉 来宾市 子鸣 黄祖 陆远 西丁 友良 梁斌 张建成
斑斓水玉现来宾 丰富中华玉文化
《宝藏》 2012年第9期114-114,共1页
关键词 水玉 观赏石 玉文化 人大主任 行政中心 来宾市 宾水 张秀 艺术精品 隆指
梅花香在骨 秋水玉为神——梁文源先生书法作品欣赏
作者 夏明放 《新疆画报》 2008年第3期56-59,共4页
梁文源是当代实力派书法家,近年来,他多次参加全国、全军比赛和展览,拿了许多奖牌,成绩斐然。很早就闻知梁文源的名子,但真正相识却是在两年前,偶然的相逢,便成了朋友。闲暇时间,我们谈论最多的就是书法。他滔滔不绝,激情满怀,会心之处... 梁文源是当代实力派书法家,近年来,他多次参加全国、全军比赛和展览,拿了许多奖牌,成绩斐然。很早就闻知梁文源的名子,但真正相识却是在两年前,偶然的相逢,便成了朋友。闲暇时间,我们谈论最多的就是书法。他滔滔不绝,激情满怀,会心之处,笑声爽朗。有了这次接触,我就特别留意他这个人,他的性格,他的经历,他的书法。 展开更多
关键词 书法作品 文源 水玉 启功 闲暇时间 结字 《兰亭序》 临习 九成宫 书艺
温润凝脂 美奂绝伦——广西来宾水玉简介
《宝藏》 2012年第9期116-116,共1页
广西红水河流经来宾市辖区的忻城县、合山市、兴宾区、武宣县,其中兴宾区的桥巩乡、城厢乡、大湾乡河段盛产彩釉卵石和水玉,两者个体多为掌拳大小,其形千变万化,其质缜密坚硬,其色五彩斑斓,其纹飘逸流畅,其韵深邃隽永。由于大湾水玉不... 广西红水河流经来宾市辖区的忻城县、合山市、兴宾区、武宣县,其中兴宾区的桥巩乡、城厢乡、大湾乡河段盛产彩釉卵石和水玉,两者个体多为掌拳大小,其形千变万化,其质缜密坚硬,其色五彩斑斓,其纹飘逸流畅,其韵深邃隽永。由于大湾水玉不仅产自兴宾区河段,忻城县。 展开更多
关键词 水玉 兴宾区 城厢乡 武宣县 五彩斑斓 忻城县 来宾市 桥巩 合山市 和田玉
作者 刘宏伟 《保健医苑》 2015年第6期22-23,共2页
天然水晶是一种名贵宝石,人们多作为首饰使用。有人认为佩戴天然水晶眼镜可养眼,这有可能吗?水晶的化学成分是二氧化硅。天然水晶是一种透明呈六角柱状的结晶,但没有杂质的天然水晶几乎没有,大都含有杂质或气泡。人造水晶是将石英砂经... 天然水晶是一种名贵宝石,人们多作为首饰使用。有人认为佩戴天然水晶眼镜可养眼,这有可能吗?水晶的化学成分是二氧化硅。天然水晶是一种透明呈六角柱状的结晶,但没有杂质的天然水晶几乎没有,大都含有杂质或气泡。人造水晶是将石英砂经过纯化,用高温电炉熔融,冷却后所得,晶体纯净透明,弥补了天然水晶的不足。人工水晶是模仿水晶生长的理想环境,在合适的温度和压力下,促使水晶快速成长的培养过程,也称为"养晶"。 展开更多
关键词 高温电炉 养晶 角柱 化学成分 水精 石英比色杯 水玉 颇黎 对眼睛 白石英
Effects of Controlled Release Fertilizer on Loss of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Farmland 被引量:6
作者 李堃 司马小峰 +1 位作者 丁仕奇 陈卓 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第8期1727-1732,共6页
[Objective] The aim was to study on effects of controlled release fertilizer on loss of nitrogen and phosphorus from farmland. [Method] Experiment was conducted in fields planted with rice and corn around Chao Lake an... [Objective] The aim was to study on effects of controlled release fertilizer on loss of nitrogen and phosphorus from farmland. [Method] Experiment was conducted in fields planted with rice and corn around Chao Lake and effects of compound fertilizer, controlled release fertilizer and controlled release fertilizer (reduced by 20%) on loss of nitrogen and phosphorus through runoff and leaching were analyzed. [Result] Loss of nitrogen and phosphorus mainly occurred in early stage of fertilizing; loss caused by runoff accounted for over 98% and caused by leaching was lower than 2%, indicating that nutrients of rice and corn mainly lost through runoff. As for controlled release fertilizers with 20% reduced, total loss of N and P decreased by 60% and 63% in rice field and reduced by 27.8% and 34% in corn field, respectively, indicating that controlled release fertilizer would maintain nutrients in soils high in later period of plant growth, improve use efficiency of N and P, reduce N and P loss in rice and corn fields in rainy season, and decrease non-point pollution. [Conclusion] The research suggested that controlled release fertilizer would slow down the loss of nutrients in farmlands, providing scientific references and technological support for extension of controlled release fertilizer and reduction of agricultural non-point pollution. 展开更多
关键词 Controlled release fertilizer RICE CORN Loss of nitrogen and phosphorus Chao Lake RUNOFF LEACHING
Dry Matter Accumulation,Moisture Content in Maize Kernel and Their Influences on Mechanical Harvesting 被引量:17
作者 阮龙 王俊 +4 位作者 陈义红 王世济 张玮 左晓龙 陈洪俭 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第12期1857-1860,共4页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to investigate the dry matter accumulation,moisture content in maize kernel and their influences on mechanical harvesting.[Methods] Using Zhengdan 958,Xianyu 335,Hongda 8 and Liyu... [Objective] The aim of this study was to investigate the dry matter accumulation,moisture content in maize kernel and their influences on mechanical harvesting.[Methods] Using Zhengdan 958,Xianyu 335,Hongda 8 and Liyu 16 as experimental materials,we preliminarily measured the dynamic changes of dry matter accumulation and moisture content with the days after pollination lasted,and investigated the effect of moisture content in kernels on mechanical harvesting of Zhengdan 958 and Liyu 16.[Results] During summer growing season,Zhengdan 958 and Liyu 16 became physiologically mature and suitable for harvesting at about 51 days after pollination,Xianyu 335 and Hongda 8 required 58 days to become physiologically mature and suitable for harvesting after pollination.At physiologically mature stage,the moisture contents in kernels of Zhengdan 958,Xianyu 335,Hongda 8 and Liyu 16 were respectively 33.74%,28.86%,32.05% and 35.24%,respectively.Adopting mechanical harvesting at physiologically mature stage,the kernel loss rate of Zhengdan 958 and Liyu 16 was consistent with the range of mechanical operation index(kernel loss rate of 0.84%≤2%),while the percentage of broken kernels did not accord with the range of mechanical operation index(kernel crashing rate of 10.12%≧1%).The results indicate that Zhengdan 958 and Liyu 16 are not suitable for mechanical harvesting using full feeding combine havester.[Conclusion] This study provided theoretical basis for improving the maize harvest index under delayed harvesting. 展开更多
关键词 Maize(Zea mays) Kernel weight Moisture content Physiological mature stage
The Degradation of FB1 in Aqueous Acetonitrile and Corn Following γ-ray Irradiation
作者 冯敏 朱佳廷 +3 位作者 李澧 杨萍 王德宁 顾贵强 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第5期713-715,755,共4页
To investigate the degradation of FB1 in aqueous acetonitrile and corn af-ter γ-ray irradiation, the radiolytic products of FB1 was detected preliminarily. The results showed that γ-ray irradiation could degrade FB1... To investigate the degradation of FB1 in aqueous acetonitrile and corn af-ter γ-ray irradiation, the radiolytic products of FB1 was detected preliminarily. The results showed that γ-ray irradiation could degrade FB1 in aqueous acetonitrile;When the radiation dose was below 9 kGy, the degradation of FB1 in corn was not significant. The degradation rates of FB1 with concentrations of 0.8 mg/ml, 10.0 μg/ml, 1.0 μg/ml and 50 ng/ml after irradiation at 9 kGy were 22.5%, 51.0%, 59.0% and 64.8% respectively; when irradiation dose was increased to 100 kGy, the degrada-tion rate of FB1 with concentration of 0.8 mg/ml was up to 90%, and it was nearly 100% when irradiation dose was increased to 200 kGy. No representative products of FB1 were detected by LC/MS/MS analysis. 展开更多
关键词 FB1 Acetonitrile/water CORN IRRADIATION Degradation rate Radiolytic products
Effects of Super Absorbent Polymers on Yield and Water-saving and Drought-escaping Mechanism in Spring Maize 被引量:11
作者 唐海明 汤文光 +1 位作者 肖小平 杨光立 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第4期112-116,共5页
The effects of super absorbent polymers (SAP) on yield as well as water-saving and drought-escaping mechanism in spring maize in the seasonal drought region were studied. As shown by the results, during the seasonal... The effects of super absorbent polymers (SAP) on yield as well as water-saving and drought-escaping mechanism in spring maize in the seasonal drought region were studied. As shown by the results, during the seasonal drought in southern China, SAP treatment promoted the soil moisture, improved the capability of absorption and transportation of roots, promoted physiological and biochemical functions, increased the chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate and intercellular CO2 concentration, and reduced the stomatal conductance and transplre.tion rate. As a result, the economic characters of spring maize were improved, and the yield was increased. 展开更多
关键词 Super absorbent polymer Spring maize Water-saving and drought-escaping mechanism
Isolation and Structural Analysis of DRE-Binding Transcription Factor from Maize (Zea mays L.) 被引量:11
作者 秦峰 李洁 +3 位作者 张贵友 赵军 陈受宜 刘强 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第3期331-339,共9页
Dehydration-responsive element-binding (DREB) proteins specifically binding with dehydration-responsive element (DRE) have been identified as a kind of important transcription activator of plants under drought, high s... Dehydration-responsive element-binding (DREB) proteins specifically binding with dehydration-responsive element (DRE) have been identified as a kind of important transcription activator of plants under drought, high salt and cold stress. The conserved amino, acid residues of Val (14th residue) and Glu (19th residue) in AP2/EREBP domain of DREB1A have been identified to be two key points in determining the binding ability of DREB gene with DRE element. Using the yeast one-hybrid system, we isolated one maize DREB gene named maDREB1 by screening cDNA library. Trans-activation experiment in yeast reporter strain demonstrated that maDREB1 protein could function as a DREB transcription factor activating target gene expression by specifically binding to the DRE cis-element. To assess the functional significance of these two residues in maDREB1, the V14 and E19 were substituted individually or doubly by Ala and Asp. Point mutation analysis showed that V14 substitution made significant loss of binding ability with DRE element, while point mutation of E19 had less effect. If the substitution happened simultaneously to these two residues, it would lead to great loss of the ability of binding with DRE element. It suggested that V14 and E19 were both important in protein-DNA interacting in maDREB1, though 14V was more essential. The copy number and expression pattern of maDREB1 was discussed. 展开更多
关键词 maDREB1 transcription factor dehydration-responsive element (DRE)
Effects of Dilute Acid-intensified Hydrolysis on Fermentative Biohydrogen Production Capacity of Maize Stalk 被引量:2
作者 孙学习 李俊峰 +3 位作者 李涛 曾召刚 任保增 樊耀亭 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第8期1-3,共3页
[Objective] This study was to explore the effects of dilute acid hydrolysis on fermentative biohydrogen production capacity of maize stalk. [Method] Using maize stalks subjected to mechanical disintegration,steam expl... [Objective] This study was to explore the effects of dilute acid hydrolysis on fermentative biohydrogen production capacity of maize stalk. [Method] Using maize stalks subjected to mechanical disintegration,steam explosion and dilute acid hydrolysis as experimental materials,we measured and analyzed the effects of different treatments and particle size of maize stalk were analyzed. [Result] The optimal fermentative biohydrogen production was found under following parameters:pretreatment of 0.8% dilute H2SO4 following steam explosion,particle size of maize stalk of 0.425-0.850 mm,liquid-solid ratio [0.8% H2SO4 (M):stalk (W)] of 10:1. [Conclusion] Post steam explosion,dilute 0.8% dilute H2SO4 intensified hydrolysis on maize stalk could produce fermentative biohydrogen production capacity. 展开更多
关键词 Maize stalk Dilute acid-intensified hydrolysis Fermentative biohydrogen production
Effect of Fertilizing Level and Planting Densities on Yield and Nitrogen Utilization in Maize 被引量:1
作者 谭华 邹成林 +7 位作者 郑德波 黄爱花 莫润秀 韦新兴 吴永升 蒋维萍 韦慧 黄开健 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第3期504-509,共6页
Elite maize hybrid Guidan0810 was selected as material, and the effects of fertilizing level and planting densities on yield and nitrogen utilization were dis- cussed in the study. In field experiments as per double-c... Elite maize hybrid Guidan0810 was selected as material, and the effects of fertilizing level and planting densities on yield and nitrogen utilization were dis- cussed in the study. In field experiments as per double-cropping system, 4 main plots (fertilization levels) and 6 subplots (planting densities) were set in a split plot design. The results suggested that yield had close relationship with fertilization levels and planting densities. Different fertilization levels and planting densities significantly affected yield. With the increase of nitrogen fertilization, nitrogen use efficiency, nitrogen agronomic efficiency and nitrogen physiological efficiency declined. Under the same fertilization level, nitrogen use efficiency, nitrogen agronomic efficiency and nitrogen physiological efficiency grew a little with the increase of planting density, so nitrogen efficiency could be improved by regulating planting density. The results also showed that A2 (including N 225.0 kg/hm2, P205 75.0 kg/hm^2, K20 187.5 kg/hm^2) matching to B3 (52 500 plants/hm^2) or B4(60 000 plants/hm^2) was a better design, which could obtain a higher yield in the range of 7 913.2-8 207.8 kg/hm2, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Maize hybrid Fertilizing level Planting density Effects
作者 水玉 《四川戏剧》 北大核心 2004年第6期60-62,共3页
关键词 《回家》 川剧小品 水玉 戏剧剧本
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