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基于物联网的水生态环境智慧监测及管理系统 被引量:1
作者 刘寒冰 王小涵 《物联网技术》 2024年第2期33-36,39,共5页
针对传统水质监测手段效率低下和实时性差的问题,研究利用现代通信技术和物联网技术,对影响水资源的指标进行实时采集,动态监测,实现水环境的智慧监测和监控管理。首先,运用传感器、传输网络、智能联动等技术,构建基于物联网的水生态环... 针对传统水质监测手段效率低下和实时性差的问题,研究利用现代通信技术和物联网技术,对影响水资源的指标进行实时采集,动态监测,实现水环境的智慧监测和监控管理。首先,运用传感器、传输网络、智能联动等技术,构建基于物联网的水生态环境监测系统,实现对流域水生态水环境质量的实时、全面采集,提高水生态水环境保护管理决策的信息化水平。之后,着重研究、分析感知技术和传输技术,并对各类感知技术和设备的适用数据传输模式进行归纳,对在实际应用中可能实现的典型功能进行了系统研究。 展开更多
关键词 生态环境 物联网 5G 智慧监测 RFID射频 实时监测
作者 李松敏 周青云 +1 位作者 韩娜娜 郭凤清 《中国科技期刊数据库 科研》 2023年第11期128-130,共3页
为适应工程教育专业认证要求的培养学生对生态环境相关思考的能力,水环境类课程在水利类专业课程设置中必不可少,《水环境与水生态》课程作为水利水电工程专业限选课程,是构建学生专业结构的重要板块。然而目前该课程的学习存在着学生... 为适应工程教育专业认证要求的培养学生对生态环境相关思考的能力,水环境类课程在水利类专业课程设置中必不可少,《水环境与水生态》课程作为水利水电工程专业限选课程,是构建学生专业结构的重要板块。然而目前该课程的学习存在着学生学习积极性不高,学习效果差、考核形式单一等问题。为此,在工程教育专业认证背景下,通过修订课程教学大纲、提高课堂教学手段的多样性、科学设置课程考核体系等,提高学生学习的积极性、主动性和创新性,提高学生毕业要求达成情况。 展开更多
关键词 环境生态 问题现状 教学改革与实践
作者 谢直卉 刘宏伟 陈力鸿 《中国水能及电气化》 2024年第8期54-60,共7页
在流域开展综合治理工程规划建设前,为保护水生态和水环境,需要研究综合治理工程对河道水文情势的影响。本研究利用二维水动力学模型MIKE21,以福建金溪建宁河段为研究案例,模拟研究综合治理工程对该河段水文情势的影响,结果发现河段水... 在流域开展综合治理工程规划建设前,为保护水生态和水环境,需要研究综合治理工程对河道水文情势的影响。本研究利用二维水动力学模型MIKE21,以福建金溪建宁河段为研究案例,模拟研究综合治理工程对该河段水文情势的影响,结果发现河段水位增长幅度在0.1~0.3m之间,流速降低幅度在0.4~0.8m/s之间。该研究可为小流域综合治理工程水生态、水环境影响分析评估提供技术思路与方法,支撑流域和区域经济社会高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 流域综合治理 河道水环境水生态 动力学模型 文情势影响
长江科学院流域水环境与水生态研究进展及展望 被引量:3
作者 李青云 汤显强 林莉 《长江科学院院报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期48-53,59,共7页
简要介绍了长江科学院流域水环境研究所创建十年来的发展历程,系统总结了10 a来的主要进展和创新成果。①建立了功能齐全的水环境及水生态实验室,通过国家计量认证体系的指标有130余项,覆盖了《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)规定... 简要介绍了长江科学院流域水环境研究所创建十年来的发展历程,系统总结了10 a来的主要进展和创新成果。①建立了功能齐全的水环境及水生态实验室,通过国家计量认证体系的指标有130余项,覆盖了《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838—2002)规定的109项指标,建成了先进的流域水环境数值模拟平台,建成了河湖生态修复技术中试试验场;②特色研究成果包括:基于水沙过程的多面源营养物质输移机理与生态防治、水沙调控下大型水库磷输送特征、长江流域典型水域特殊污染物赋存特征及生态风险、长江源区主要鱼类栖息地形成机制、高原河湖水环境变化特征、饮用水水源地水质监测分析和保护管理、农村水电生态环境影响评价与对策、河湖水系连通的生态水文过程模拟和风险评价等;③主要的技术成果包括:湖库富营养化水体移动式水质净化系统、微电流电解抑藻技术、镉污染土壤生态水利修复技术、农村分散式供水的微电流电解灭菌技术、选铜尾砂改性及资源化利用技术等。最后,分析了水环境研究所发展中存在的不足,针对新时期面临的形势,对下一步研究重点进行了分析和展望。 展开更多
关键词 流域环境生态 体富营养化 农村 饮用源地 域特殊污染物 系连通 高原河湖
环巢湖湿地生态修复研究——以芦溪湿地为例 被引量:1
作者 周欣 《治淮》 2024年第1期40-42,共3页
以芦溪湿地为例,通过实地考察和文献调查,分析芦溪湿地的生态环境状况以及存在的问题,并提出针对芦溪湖滨湿地的滩、堤、水等三个方面的生态修复方案。结果表明,通过生态修复手段可以有效改善湿地生态环境,减缓湖内湖咀湿地的消失,提升... 以芦溪湿地为例,通过实地考察和文献调查,分析芦溪湿地的生态环境状况以及存在的问题,并提出针对芦溪湖滨湿地的滩、堤、水等三个方面的生态修复方案。结果表明,通过生态修复手段可以有效改善湿地生态环境,减缓湖内湖咀湿地的消失,提升其抗风浪冲刷能力,提高生物多样性。同时该方案研究为环巢湖湖滨湿地及其他类似区域湿地的生态修复提供借鉴参考。 展开更多
关键词 巢湖 芦溪湿地 生态修复 生态环境
基于FEFLOW的高尔夫球场地下水污染风险预测研究与效果评估 被引量:15
作者 高月香 沈欢 +3 位作者 张毅敏 汪龙眠 彭福全 许雪婷 《水利水电技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期144-150,共7页
针对日益严重的高尔夫球场地下水污染问题,以高尔夫球场的地下水污染防渗和保障城市供水安全为目标,为了预测高尔夫球场的地下水污染风险和探究其防渗方法,以北方某高尔夫球场为例,通过分析研究区概况,基于FEFLOW建立了地下水流和溶质... 针对日益严重的高尔夫球场地下水污染问题,以高尔夫球场的地下水污染防渗和保障城市供水安全为目标,为了预测高尔夫球场的地下水污染风险和探究其防渗方法,以北方某高尔夫球场为例,通过分析研究区概况,基于FEFLOW建立了地下水流和溶质运移模型,采用数值分析方法,预测球场污水处理设施失效时的地下水污染风险,并评估防渗效果。结果表明:在污水处理设施失效100 d时,锰扩散最远距离为112. 45 m,六六六扩散最远距离为48. 50 m,短期内扩散较快,对下游居民区产生威胁;防渗措施应用后100 d时,污染物扩散最远距离约为50. 2 m;应用1 000 d时,污染物扩散最远距离约为54. 8 m,扩散范围变化不大且控制在球场范围内,防渗效果良好。该数值分析方法很好的预测了污染物在有无防渗两种工况下的迁移情况,通过设置防渗层和防渗帷幕有效阻滞了污染物迁移,研究成果对高尔夫球场的地下水污染控制具有一定的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 高尔夫球场 地下污染防渗 FEFLOW 风险预测 效果评估 地下资源保护 环境生态保护 面源污染治理
作者 成洁 陈明涛 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2015年第1期104-107,共4页
水利现代化是实现城市现代化的排头兵,按照国际先进城市的标准和理念发展水利建设,不断完善水利服务功能,提高城市防洪、供水、河道治理和水生态环境建设要求,对保障特大城市现代化建设具有重要意义。深圳作为珠三角地区经济发达地区,... 水利现代化是实现城市现代化的排头兵,按照国际先进城市的标准和理念发展水利建设,不断完善水利服务功能,提高城市防洪、供水、河道治理和水生态环境建设要求,对保障特大城市现代化建设具有重要意义。深圳作为珠三角地区经济发达地区,开展实现水利现代化的策略研究,明确发展目标与任务,对于在全省范围内率先实现水利现代化具有重要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 利现代化 防灾减灾安全体系 环境治理与生态修复体系 利投入
作者 张哲 《山东水利》 2020年第3期73-74,共2页
关键词 莒县 汪塘治理 美丽乡村 生态环境
作者 游振州 果利娟 +1 位作者 王刚 邓人超 《城市道桥与防洪》 2023年第10期122-124,128,M0012,共5页
以南京市黄木桥河为研究对象,从河道防洪安全、水资源供给能力、水环境、水生态及空间管控等角度切入,明确河道功能定位,制定科学高效的河道保护方案,构建与经济社会发展相适应的河道保护和管理体系,形成新的河道保护格局,提升河道防洪... 以南京市黄木桥河为研究对象,从河道防洪安全、水资源供给能力、水环境、水生态及空间管控等角度切入,明确河道功能定位,制定科学高效的河道保护方案,构建与经济社会发展相适应的河道保护和管理体系,形成新的河道保护格局,提升河道防洪、供水、生态等公益性功能,发挥河道综合效益,促进河道资源可持续利用,从传统河湖保护规划中探讨更多的河道建设发展新思路,同时为其他河道保护规划分析提供参考借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 黄木桥河 河道防洪 资源 水环境水生态 空间管控
黄河流域重要河道采砂影响分析 被引量:6
作者 周丽艳 许明一 鲁俊 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第7期34-36,共3页
在河道管理范围内的主槽或滩地采砂,会对河势、防洪、通航、涉河工程、水生态及水环境等造成一定的影响。根据黄河流域重要河道的采砂情况,研究了采砂对河势稳定、防洪安全、通航、水生态和水环境及涉水工程的影响,并提出了相应的对策... 在河道管理范围内的主槽或滩地采砂,会对河势、防洪、通航、涉河工程、水生态及水环境等造成一定的影响。根据黄河流域重要河道的采砂情况,研究了采砂对河势稳定、防洪安全、通航、水生态和水环境及涉水工程的影响,并提出了相应的对策及措施。在黄河流域河道采砂规划确定可采区的范围时,考虑采砂对河势、防洪、通航、涉河工程、水生态及水环境等产生的影响,并将影响程度降到了最低,只要按照规划的可采区范围、年度开采量及控制高程开采,就不会对涉水工程的正常运行造成影响。 展开更多
关键词 河道采砂 河势稳定 防洪安全 通航安全 涉河工程 生态环境 黄河
Analysis on Countermeasures of Water and Soil Conservation and Eco-environment Construction in China 被引量:4
作者 冯兴平 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第2期373-379,共7页
With economy development,human destruction of eco-environment is deteriorating,which has become a key treatment nationwide.What's more,eco-environment construction is proceeding and multi-eco-environment projects are... With economy development,human destruction of eco-environment is deteriorating,which has become a key treatment nationwide.What's more,eco-environment construction is proceeding and multi-eco-environment projects are developing.Water and soil conservation and eco-environment construction should be a strategic task long-term insisted on,which is a part of agricultural construction.The research analyzed the relationship between water and soil conservation with eco-environment,concluded the process of ecological civilization construction in promoting water and soil conservation,and proposed countermeasures,laying foundation for water and soil conservation and ecological construction. 展开更多
关键词 Water and soil erosion Water and soil conservation Construction of ecoenvironment Economic sustainable development Strategic tasks
基于BP神经网络的海河干流叶绿素浓度短时预测研究 被引量:6
作者 赵文喜 周滨 +3 位作者 刘红磊 李慧 蒋定国 季民 《水利水电技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期134-140,共7页
为实时预测海河干流水体藻华的暴发时段及影响程度,提高环境管理部门决策能力,以海河干流段典型断面的水质在线监测及气象站高频、实时数据为基础,基于BP神经网络,以实时叶绿素浓度、气温、光照强度和气压四项指标为输入变量,建立了叶... 为实时预测海河干流水体藻华的暴发时段及影响程度,提高环境管理部门决策能力,以海河干流段典型断面的水质在线监测及气象站高频、实时数据为基础,基于BP神经网络,以实时叶绿素浓度、气温、光照强度和气压四项指标为输入变量,建立了叶绿素浓度日变化量的预测模型,对海河干流大光明桥处水域叶绿素浓度随时间的变化进行预测。结果表明:对海河干流叶绿素浓度短时预测影响较大的因素依次为溶解氧(叶绿素)、气温、光照强度、气压、降雨、电导率、相对湿度;预测时长越短,预测精度越高。当预测时长分别为24 h、12 h、6 h时,Nash效率系数分别为0.77、0.85、0.93,预报误差的标准误差分别为5.7μg/L、4.6μg/L、3.1μg/L;12 h内的预测精度可满足海河河道藻华预警的实际需求,为其短期预警提供了数据支撑。 展开更多
关键词 海河干流 叶绿素浓度 BP神经网络 预测 富营养化 环境生态 质预报模型
Determination of a Reasonable Percentage for Ecological Water-Use in the Haihe River Basin, China 被引量:6
作者 XIA Jun FENG Hua-Li +1 位作者 ZHAN Che-Sheng NIU Cun-Wen 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第1期33-42,共10页
An investigation was conducted to study problems of determining a reasonable percentage for ecological water-use in the Haihe River Basin of China. Three key aspects for the ecological water requirement (EWR) were a... An investigation was conducted to study problems of determining a reasonable percentage for ecological water-use in the Haihe River Basin of China. Three key aspects for the ecological water requirement (EWR) were analyzed, involving i) the EWR for river system, ii) the EWR for wetlands and lakes, and iii) the EWR for discharge into the sea to maintain the estuary ecological balance of the Haihe River. The Montana method and related water level-flow relationships, and the statistic approach based on hydrological records were applied to estimate different components of EWR. The results showed that the total ecological water demand in the region, was about 3.47-14.56 billion m^3. Considering flow regime change and uncertainty, the ecological water demand could be estimated by the hydrological frequency approach. Preliminary analysis showed that for different annual runoff under the frequencies of 20%, 50%, 75% and 95%, the ecological water demand approached 12%-50%, 18%-74%, 24%-103%, 35%-148% and 16%-66%, respectively. By further analysis to balance ecological water-use and socioeconomic water-use, the rational percentage of ecological water-use was estimated as 35%-74%, that provides useful information to judge whether the allocation of water resources is reasonable, and was proved to be satisfactory by comparing with the practical condition. 展开更多
关键词 ecological water requirement ecological water-use Haihe River Basin
Assessment of Man-made and Natural Hazards in the Surroundings of Hydropower Projects under Construction in the Beas Valley of Northwestern Himalaya 被引量:2
作者 Sanjeev Sharma Jagdish C. Kuniyal J. C. Sharma 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第3期221-236,共16页
Mountain ecosystem, on the earth, has plenty of natural resources. In Himachal Pradesh all the rivers are snowfed and therefore rich in water resources. These resources have been supporting enough for the generation o... Mountain ecosystem, on the earth, has plenty of natural resources. In Himachal Pradesh all the rivers are snowfed and therefore rich in water resources. These resources have been supporting enough for the generation of electricity through introducing hydropower projects since the last decade However, every developmental activity has its own negative impacts on the surrounding environment. Due to the fragile nature of topography and delicacy of ecology of the Himalaya, it results in lot of disturbances because of high degree of human interferences like construction of major hydropower projects. The increased extent of geological hazards, such as landslides, rock fall and soil erosion, have mainly due to alike developmental interventions in the natural ecosystem. So understanding and analysing such impacts of the hydropower projects have mainly been on the environment in various forms but natural hazards have been frequent ones. The present study, therefore, focuses mainly on the Parbati Stage II (800 MW) and the Parbati Stage III (520 MW) hydropower projects; both of which fall within the Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh. Based on the perception survey of the local communities, the existing land use pattern, status of total acquired land of the residents by hydropower projects, frequent natural hazards and resultant loss to the local communities due to upcoming construction of hydropower projects surrounding to the Parbati Stage II and III have been analysed in the paper. Also, the preventive measures to mitigate these adverse impacts have been suggested to strengthen these projects in eco-friendly manner in the mountain context. 展开更多
关键词 Hydropower project under construction local community HAZARD preventive measure environment northwestern Indian Himalaya
Input characteristics and risk analysis of ballast water from offshore entry ships in China 被引量:2
作者 DU Huan ZHANG Xiao-fang +2 位作者 ZHANG Zhi-tao LIU Kai-ying LI Ri-hong 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2017年第2期20-37,共18页
Large quantities of ballast water discharge from ocean going ships in sea ports of China is one of the important factorswhich cause the spread of aquatic nonindigenous harmful species isolated geographically by waters... Large quantities of ballast water discharge from ocean going ships in sea ports of China is one of the important factorswhich cause the spread of aquatic nonindigenous harmful species isolated geographically by waters,the deteriorating environment of the near-shore water area and the frequent outbreaks of red tides.In this paper,the total amount of the ballast water input estimation model for entry ships in Chinese ports was established.The information of foreign trade shipping and the import and export goods released publicly by the State Department of Transportation and the State General Administration of Customs were investigated.And then,the input features and its ecological environment risk of ballast water in China's offshore entry ships from2007to2012were analyzed based on the established total input amounts of ballast water from entry ships to Chinese sea ports together with the ballast water input ratio of the five major port-groups in China.The results show that:the total ballast water input amounts from entry ships of the five major port-groups in China are extremely imbalanced.The most developed Yangtze River Delta in economy has the biggest total ballast water input amounts,103.61million tons in2012.The second is the Circum-Bohai Sea Region(73.66million tons)and the third is the Pearl River Delta(67.24million tons).The total ballast water input amounts of the northwest and the southwest coastal areas are less,only16.57and5.71million tons respectively.The large quantity of entry ships’ballast water discharge has been an enormous threat to ecological environment of our country's sea areas,especially to economically developed regions. 展开更多
关键词 ballast water input of ballast water marine environment and ecology risk analysis
Study on the Definition and Allocation of the Rights to Water Utilization in the Ecological Environment 被引量:1
作者 Xie Yonggang Li Yunling 《Ecological Economy》 2005年第3期25-30,共6页
With the rapid development of population and economy, the conflict between the supply and demand of water resources is becoming outstanding increasingly, In China, many people concern about the problems of ecological ... With the rapid development of population and economy, the conflict between the supply and demand of water resources is becoming outstanding increasingly, In China, many people concern about the problems of ecological environment water expenditure.However, owning to the shortage of water resources and indefinite water rights, “the hustle effect” of per capita water resource is appeared, Moreover. it caused a series of environment problems. This article differentiates and analyzes the relevant concepts about the ecological enviromnent, and puts forward the defined concept of the rights to the ecological environment water utilization. In addition, it points out the characteristic of those rights, and does elementary study on the allocation principle, methods, and steps on the rights. 展开更多
关键词 ecological environment rights ro water utilization definition allocation
Sustainable development of Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration:a scenario analysis based on water shortage and water environment changes 被引量:1
作者 Wu Peilin Chen Xiahua 《Ecological Economy》 2008年第2期189-197,共9页
China has experienced a rapid urbanization since late 1970s. The great increase of urban population has resulted in various environmental changes, of which urban water shortage and water environment problems have occu... China has experienced a rapid urbanization since late 1970s. The great increase of urban population has resulted in various environmental changes, of which urban water shortage and water environment problems have occurred in most cities, especially in the rapidly developing urban agglomerations in the eastern coastal region. This research, taking Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomeration (SPUA) as a case study area analyzes the urbanization expansion in the last decades, discusses the water shortage and water environment changes following the rapid economic development and urbanization sueh as groundwater sinking in the urban and plain area, sea water and saltwater intrusion in the coastal cities, water pollution overspreading and water ecosystem degradation, and puts forwards some strategies for sustainabilitv in populous regions with severe water shortage. Some countermeasures for sustainable development of SPUA are put forward, such as constructing modern water resources inter-city networks to regulate water resouree between cities, adjnsting urbanization policy and urban scale planning to promote the development of small towns and medium sized cities, optimizing urban industry structure by restricting high water consumption enterprises and stimulating the growth of tertiary industry. improving water use efficiency to rednce fresh water consumption and wastewater discharge, introducing economic means to water pricing and water management system, and restoring ecological conditions to strengthen the natural water-making capacity. 展开更多
关键词 Water shortage Water environment changes Sustainable development Shandong Peninsula Urban Agglomeration (SPUA)
Spatiotemporal pattern of bacterioplankton in Donghu Lake 被引量:4
作者 张翔 颜庆云 +1 位作者 余育和 代梨梨 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期554-564,共11页
Bacterioplankton play key roles in the biogeochemical cycle and in organic contaminant degradation. The species richness and abundance of bacterial subgroups are generally distinct from each other, and this is attribu... Bacterioplankton play key roles in the biogeochemical cycle and in organic contaminant degradation. The species richness and abundance of bacterial subgroups are generally distinct from each other, and this is attributed to their different functions in aquatic ecosystems. The spatiotemporal variations of eight phylogenetic subgroups (Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Cyanobacteria, Firmicutes, Planctomycetes, alpha-, beta-, and gamma-Proteobacteria) derived from Donghu Lake were investigated using PCR-DGGE fingerprinting, to explore their responses to environmental factors. Results indicate that Actinobacteria and beta-Proteobacteria were the two largest bacterial subgroups detected. These two groups and Bacteroidetes showed clear seasonal patterns in composition of the operational taxonomic unit. Results also suggest that the bacterioplankton subgroups in Donghu Lake were significantly correlated with different environmental factors. In brief, the total nitrogen was one of the major factors regulating all the bacterioplankton except for Actinobacteria. However, total phosphorus, another important eutrophication factor, contributed to the two largest bacterial groups (Actinobacteria and beta-Proteobacteria), as well as to the Cyanobacteria and Firmicutes. Therefore, the responses of bacterioplankton subgroups to environmental factors were different, and this should be attributed to the differences in the fimctions of different groups. 展开更多
关键词 BACTERIOPLANKTON PCR-DGGE group-specific primers multivariate analysis
Uncertainty Quantification for Multivariate Eco-Hydrological Risk in the Xiangxi River within the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in China 被引量:1
作者 Yurui Fan Guohe Huang +1 位作者 Yin Zhang Yongping Li 《Engineering》 2018年第5期617-626,共10页
This study develops a multivariate eco-hydrological risk-assessment framework based on the multivari-ate copula method in order to evaluate the occurrence of extreme eco-hydrological events for the Xiangxi River withi... This study develops a multivariate eco-hydrological risk-assessment framework based on the multivari-ate copula method in order to evaluate the occurrence of extreme eco-hydrological events for the Xiangxi River within the Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) area in China. Parameter uncertainties in marginal distri-butions and dependence structure are quantified by a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. Uncertainties in the joint return periods are evaluated based on the posterior distributions. The proba- bilistic features of bivariate and multivariate hydrological risk are also characterized. The results show that the obtained predictive intervals bracketed the observations well, especially for flood duration. The uncertainty for the joint return period in "AND" case increases with an increase in the return period for univariate flood variables. Furthermore, a low design discharge and high service time may lead to high bivariate hydrological risk with great uncertainty. 展开更多
关键词 Flood risk CopulaMultivariate flood frequency analysis Distribution Markov chain Monte Carlo
Legal study on water environmental protection of Three Gorges Reservoir Area
作者 邓禾 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2007年第1期22-29,共8页
Water environment security of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area has become a more extensive concern since the impoundment of the reservoir. This paper describes the existing water environmental hazards and defects in cu... Water environment security of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area has become a more extensive concern since the impoundment of the reservoir. This paper describes the existing water environmental hazards and defects in current legal system for water environmental protection in this area, and also discusses their possible causes and potential problems in the future based on first hand materials and other literature. According to the theories of integrated river basin management and environmental equity principle, legal proposals are put forward, which include building an unitary legal system dedicated to the Reservoir Area, setting up a basin authority of the Yangtze River to preside over the resources protection and development, using interests' compensation system to solve interest conflicts among different reaches, and making concrete regulations to direct public participation in water environmental security protection of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area. 展开更多
关键词 Three Gorges Reservoir area water environmental security legal measure
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