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水知识宣传途径与方法探讨 被引量:2
作者 罗增良 左其亭 马军霞 《水利发展研究》 2014年第4期82-87,共6页
现代社会工农业的迅速发展虽然带来了可观的经济效益,但随之而来的水问题却在不断加剧。如何提高人们对水知识的掌握程度,增强对我国当前水资源短缺状况的忧患意识,是解决水问题的关键举措和重要基础。为了提高水知识宣传效率,本文提出... 现代社会工农业的迅速发展虽然带来了可观的经济效益,但随之而来的水问题却在不断加剧。如何提高人们对水知识的掌握程度,增强对我国当前水资源短缺状况的忧患意识,是解决水问题的关键举措和重要基础。为了提高水知识宣传效率,本文提出覆盖城乡的水知识梯级宣传网络,并分析这种宣传网络在实际运用中的优势。提出把趣味性元素融入高校水知识讲座,培养大学生对水知识讲座的兴趣。此外,从法律的角度出发,提出把水法律与水知识宣传结合起来,实现提高水知识宣传效率的目的。研究成果对扩大水知识宣传面、提高人们对水知识的掌握程度具有一定的促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 水知识 梯级宣传网络 水知识讲座 法律
民族地区的地方性水知识与水资源可持续发展研究--以云南石林彝族自治县撒尼人为例 被引量:4
作者 王友富 王清清 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期63-66,共4页
云南石林彝族自治县的撒尼人,居住的地方属于典型的喀斯特地貌,解决生活与灌溉用水,一直是撒尼人与大自然不断抗争与磨合的主题。2009至2010年中国西南地区干旱,使这一矛盾更加突出和明显。笔者对此研究的内容将包括三个方面:挖掘整理... 云南石林彝族自治县的撒尼人,居住的地方属于典型的喀斯特地貌,解决生活与灌溉用水,一直是撒尼人与大自然不断抗争与磨合的主题。2009至2010年中国西南地区干旱,使这一矛盾更加突出和明显。笔者对此研究的内容将包括三个方面:挖掘整理撒尼人祖辈积累的地方性水知识;分析当前撒尼人面临的与水资源保护利用相关的问题;力图在传统地方性水知识与现代技术之间找到一条水资源可持续发展的道路,最终促进社会经济的可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 石林 撒尼人 地方性水知识 资源 可持续发展
水资源、水政治与水知识:当代国外人类学江河流域研究的三个面向 被引量:10
作者 李菲 《思想战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期20-30,共11页
当前全球范围内的江河流域资源竞争与协作,不仅是区域权力博弈的政治议题,也是一种在更大背景下与江河文明的悠久历史、区域生态的人地关系,同时还与特定共同体关于水的地方性知识和社会实践有着密切关联。对国外相关研究个案进行人类... 当前全球范围内的江河流域资源竞争与协作,不仅是区域权力博弈的政治议题,也是一种在更大背景下与江河文明的悠久历史、区域生态的人地关系,同时还与特定共同体关于水的地方性知识和社会实践有着密切关联。对国外相关研究个案进行人类学视域梳理,可勾勒出由"江河"到"流域"的理论范式转换,以及"水资源""水政治"与"水知识"的三大研究面向;厘清"人类中心主义"与"去人类中心主义"的立场分野,亦有助于反思人类涉水行为背后的文化语境、社会情感与历史动因,以应对流域资源冲突的全球性挑战。 展开更多
关键词 流域 江河文明 资源 政治 水知识
作者 于淼 安俊波 祝司军 《现代园艺》 2020年第23期169-170,共2页
世界水资源的污染和匮乏问题日益严重,然而很多人对于水资源的保护与节约意识仍然十分淡薄,污染水、浪费水的案例比比皆是。以农业水主题场馆为例,将水知识以多种美观、新奇、有趣的方式进行科普展示,让人们在游玩的同时意识到水资源的... 世界水资源的污染和匮乏问题日益严重,然而很多人对于水资源的保护与节约意识仍然十分淡薄,污染水、浪费水的案例比比皆是。以农业水主题场馆为例,将水知识以多种美观、新奇、有趣的方式进行科普展示,让人们在游玩的同时意识到水资源的重要性,从而节约水保护水。 展开更多
关键词 水知识科普 主题场馆 展示设计
作者 陈育德 《教学月刊(中学版)(教学参考)》 2005年第10期29-31,共3页
关键词 元素化合物 化学复习教学 教学方法 以点带面 网络化 系统化 中学 水知识
西双版纳傣族的水信仰、水崇拜、水知识及相关用水习俗研究 被引量:7
作者 郭家骥 《贵州民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期53-62,共10页
在深入田野调查和文献资料分析的基础上,本文从神话传说中的水、对水的重要性的认识、宗教信仰中的水崇拜和节庆活动中的用水习俗、人生礼仪中的用水习俗等四个方面,对西双版纳傣族的水信仰、水崇拜、水知识及其相关的用水习俗进行了深... 在深入田野调查和文献资料分析的基础上,本文从神话传说中的水、对水的重要性的认识、宗教信仰中的水崇拜和节庆活动中的用水习俗、人生礼仪中的用水习俗等四个方面,对西双版纳傣族的水信仰、水崇拜、水知识及其相关的用水习俗进行了深入的研究与探索。文章认为,傣族的水信仰、水崇拜和水知识,是傣族水文化的核心,在傣族的宇宙观、世界观和价值观中占有重要地位并发挥着重要作用。在这一核心的文化理念指导下,西双版纳傣族形成了一系列与水密切相关的宗教礼仪和用水习俗,形成了一整套可持续利用和管理水资源的技术和制度,有力地保障了西双版纳数千年来人与自然的和谐发展,使西双版纳成为地球北回归线上仅存的最后一块绿洲。深入发掘、系统总结傣族传统水文化中所蕴涵的理性与智慧用以指导今天可持续发展的实践,具有重要的学术理论价值和实践应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 西双版纳 傣族 信仰 崇拜 水知识 习俗
我国水科学知识教育的法律规制研究 被引量:3
作者 胡德胜 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第5期129-133,共5页
在我国工业化和城镇化深入发展、全球气候变化影响不断加大的背景下,在人多水少、水资源时空分布不均的基本国情水情下,面对水资源短缺、水污染严重、水生态环境恶化、洪涝灾害频繁、农田水利建设滞后、水利设施薄弱等水事问题,我国目... 在我国工业化和城镇化深入发展、全球气候变化影响不断加大的背景下,在人多水少、水资源时空分布不均的基本国情水情下,面对水资源短缺、水污染严重、水生态环境恶化、洪涝灾害频繁、农田水利建设滞后、水利设施薄弱等水事问题,我国目前的水科学知识教育存在6个方面的主要问题。根据国际政策法律文件的要求,学习国外政策法律的有益规定及有效做法,借鉴我国已有3部环境教育地方性法规的规定,根据中共中央和国务院政策性和法律性文件的要求,适应最严格水资源管理制度的需要和要求,需要把制定法律、建立组织体制机制、强化学校非专业化教育、加强非学校机构非专业化教育、加强保障监督措施和机制这5个方面作为重点,对我国水科学知识教育进行法律规制。 展开更多
关键词 科学知识教育 资源管理 法律规制
作者 杨曙东 李壮云 《机电国际市场》 2002年第9期25-28,共4页
为少走弯路和减少研究工作的盲目性,作者结合多年的研究经验和体会,浅析了水液压技术应用基础知识平台的基本架构,包括基本原理、基础技术元件及系统、人力资源等,以期与众多的同行携手在充分借鉴国际先进的研发经验和研究成果的基础上... 为少走弯路和减少研究工作的盲目性,作者结合多年的研究经验和体会,浅析了水液压技术应用基础知识平台的基本架构,包括基本原理、基础技术元件及系统、人力资源等,以期与众多的同行携手在充分借鉴国际先进的研发经验和研究成果的基础上,结合我国相关学科的发展实际,逐步建立和完善我国具有自主知识产权的应用基础知识平台,为我国水液压技术的发展和广泛工程应用奠定坚实的技术基础。 展开更多
关键词 液压技术应用基础知识平台 液压传动 材料 设计 制造
作者 蒋海霞 《科技风》 2019年第1期190-190,共1页
测水量水工作是合理调度灌溉水资源,正确执行用水计划,加强经济管理的必要措施,它是各用水单位根据水量合理负担水费的依据,同时也是衡量灌溉管理水平和灌溉水利用率高低的重要技术指标之一。也是实现科学配水、合理用水、公平计费的重... 测水量水工作是合理调度灌溉水资源,正确执行用水计划,加强经济管理的必要措施,它是各用水单位根据水量合理负担水费的依据,同时也是衡量灌溉管理水平和灌溉水利用率高低的重要技术指标之一。也是实现科学配水、合理用水、公平计费的重要手段和前提条件。 展开更多
关键词 科学配 水知识
Shared Ideas,Divergent Approaches:The Hydromethods of the Great West(Taixi shuifa泰西水法)and the Question on Tides
作者 Sabine Kink 《Chinese Annals of History of Science and Technology》 2020年第1期63-101,共39页
One of the questions about natural phenomena asked in the Hydromethods of the Great West(Taixi shuifa泰西水法;1612)(hereafter TXSF),composed by the Italian Jesuit Sabatino de Ursis with the support of the Chinese offi... One of the questions about natural phenomena asked in the Hydromethods of the Great West(Taixi shuifa泰西水法;1612)(hereafter TXSF),composed by the Italian Jesuit Sabatino de Ursis with the support of the Chinese official Xu Guangqi徐光啟,concerns the causes of sea tides.The idiosyncratic answer given in the TXSF serves as an example for the Jesuit missionaries,strategically motivated approach to the transfer of knowledge through the translation of Western scientific thought into Chinese.From a chronological overview of the attempts made both in the East and in the West to theoretically conceptualize the causes of the cyclical occurrence of ebb and flow,the comparison reveals that despite being based on totally different cosmologies,the related insights were virtually on a par.The aim to nevertheless convince the audience of the TXSF of the superiority of Western sciences resulted in a particular rhetoric and a division of tasks in the composition of the tides paragraph.In order to verify the success of this joint effort of de Ursis and Xu Guangqi,a change of perspective from the transmitter to the receiver side is necessary.Thus,the paper also explores the work's reception in later Chinese works dealing with this topic. 展开更多
关键词 Jesuts TIDES Hydromethods of the Great West Sabatino de Ursis Xu Guangqi knowledge transfer late Ming
基于情境和知识集成的水资源调度流程的知识管理框架研究 被引量:7
作者 张长征 黄德春 +1 位作者 Upmanu Lall 华坚 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第10期1935-1943,共9页
水资源调度流程与其知识管理集成,能实现在正确的时间点、以正确的形式、把正确的知识传递给正确的水资源调度管理者,从而有效提高水资源调度管理水平。本文首先对水资源调度过程中信息采集、制定调度方案、组织调度、实施调度的知识管... 水资源调度流程与其知识管理集成,能实现在正确的时间点、以正确的形式、把正确的知识传递给正确的水资源调度管理者,从而有效提高水资源调度管理水平。本文首先对水资源调度过程中信息采集、制定调度方案、组织调度、实施调度的知识管理需求进行分析,结合知识情境和知识管理的关系,提出用情境和知识集成的管理水资源调度流程,以此来实现水资源调度流程与知识管理的集成;其次并对知识建模技术、知识识别获取技术和知识检索技术等水资源调度流程和知识管理集成的关键技术进行探讨;然后在南水北调东线一期工程运营体制分析的基础上,基于情境和知识集成构建了南水北调东线一期工程调度的知识管理框架,该框架由两个信息系统和四个管理层面构成。 展开更多
关键词 资源调度 知识管理 调度知识情境 调度知识建模
Colorectal cancer screening behavior and willingness:An outpatient survey in China 被引量:10
作者 Shang-Xin Deng Jie Gao +4 位作者 Wei An Jie Yin Quan-Cai Cai Hua Yang Zhao-Shen Li 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第26期3133-3139,共7页
AIM: To identity the factors influencing colorectal cancer (CRC) screening behavior and willingness among Chinese outpatients.METHODS: An outpatient-based face-to-face survey was conducted from August 18 to Septem... AIM: To identity the factors influencing colorectal cancer (CRC) screening behavior and willingness among Chinese outpatients.METHODS: An outpatient-based face-to-face survey was conducted from August 18 to September 7, 2010 in Changhai Hospital. A total of 1200 consecutive patients aged ≥ 18 years were recruited for interview. The patient's knowledge about CRC and screening was pre-measured as a predictor variable, and other pre- dictors included age, gender, educational level, month- ly household income and health insurance status. The relationship between these predictors and screening behavior, screening willingness and screening approach were examined using Pearson's 2 test and logistic regression analyses.RESULTS: Of these outpatients, 22.5% had undergone CRC screening prior to this study. Patients who had participated in the screening were more likely to have good knowledge about CRC and screening (OR: 5.299, 95% CI: 3.415-8.223), have health insurance (OR: 1.996, 95% CI: 1.426-2.794) and older in age. Higher income, however, was found to be a barrier to the screening (OR: 0.633, 95% CI: 0.467-0.858). An analysis of screening willingness showed that 37.5% of the patients would voluntarily participated in a screen at the recommended age, but 41.3% would do so under doctor's advice. Screening willingness was positively correlated with the patient's knowledge sta- tus. Patients with higher knowledge levels would like to participate in the screening (OR: 4.352, 95% CI: 3.008-6.298), and they would select colonoscopy as a screening approach (OR: 3.513, 95% CI: 2.290-5.389). However, higher income level was, again, a bar- rier to colonoscopic screening (OR: 0.667, 95% CI: 0.505-0.908). CONCLUSION: Patient's level of knowledge and in-ome should be taken into consideration when conducting a feasible CRC screening. 展开更多
关键词 Colorectal cancer SCREENING BEHAVIOR Will-ingness Survey
Indomethacin for post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography pancreatitis prophylaxis:Is it the magic bullet? 被引量:3
作者 Dennis Yang Peter V Draganov 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第31期4082-4085,共4页
Acute pancreatitis is a common complication of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP).Pancreatic duct stent insertion after ERCP has been widely accepted as the standard of care for the prevention of thi... Acute pancreatitis is a common complication of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP).Pancreatic duct stent insertion after ERCP has been widely accepted as the standard of care for the prevention of this complication in high-risk patients.Unfortunately,the placement of pancreatic stents requires higher level of endoscopic expertise and is not always feasible due to anatomic considerations.Therefore,effective non-invasive pharmacologic prophylaxis remains appealing,particularly if it is inexpensive,easily administered,has a low risk side effect profile and is widely available.There have been multiple studies evaluating potential pharmacologic candidates for post-ERCP pancreatitis(PEP) prophylaxis,most of them yielding disappointing results.A recently published large,multicenter,randomized controlled trial reported that in high risk patients a single dose of rectal indomethacin administered immediately after the ERCP significantly decreased the incidence of PEP compare to placebo. 展开更多
关键词 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs In-domethacin Post-endoscopic retrograde cholangiopan-creatography pancreatitis Acute pancreatitis
Methane seepages in the northern South China Sea: evidence from in situ measurements 被引量:1
作者 QIU Zhongyan HAN Xiqiu WANG Yejian 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1556-1561,共6页
Continental margins in world oceans contain large amounts of marine gas hydrates. Changes in the temperature and pressure of sediment may destabilize the methane hydrate, leading to its release and seepage into the se... Continental margins in world oceans contain large amounts of marine gas hydrates. Changes in the temperature and pressure of sediment may destabilize the methane hydrate, leading to its release and seepage into the sea. This process would increase the dissolved methane in the ambient seawater. In this study, a methane sensor was used to detect methane anomalies in the water column in southwestern Dongsha and Shenhu, northern slope of the South China Sea. Methane plumes were detected at stations SCS001 and T001 in the southwestern Dongsha area, and station SCS002 in the Shenhu area, respectively. The maximum methane concentrations were 8.8 nmol/L in southwestern Dongsha and 10.1 nmol/L in Shenhu, which are about 4–5 times higher than the background methane concentration. This indicates that there are active methane seepages present in both the southwestern Dongsha and Shenhu areas, which are likely related to a methane hydrate reservoir beneath the seafloor. A methane sensor with a low detection limit is a practical instrument with which to detect methane plumes in oceanic environments and to monitor methane leakage from the seafloor. 展开更多
关键词 northern slope of the South China Sea methane leakage in situ measurement methane sensor
Updating of the hierarchical rock mass rating(HRMR) system and a new subsystem developed for weathered granite formations 被引量:1
作者 Miranda Tiago e Sousa L.Ribeiro Tinoco Joaquim 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第6期769-775,共7页
The RMR system is still very much applied in rock mechanics engineering context. It is based on the evaluation of six weights to obtain a final rating. To obtain the final rating a considerable amount of information i... The RMR system is still very much applied in rock mechanics engineering context. It is based on the evaluation of six weights to obtain a final rating. To obtain the final rating a considerable amount of information is needed concerning the rock mass which can be difficult to obtain in some projects or project stages at least with accuracy. In 2007 an alternative classification scheme based on the RMR, the Hierarchical Rock Mass Rating(HRMR) was presented. The main feature of this system was the adaptation to the level of knowledge existent about the rock mass to obtain the classification of the rock mass since it followed a decision tree approach. However, the HRMR was only valid for hard rock granites with low fracturing degrees. In this work, the database was enlarged with approximately 40% more cases considering other types of granite rock masses including weathered granites and based on this increased database the system was updated. Granite formations existent in the north of Portugal including Porto city are predominantly granites. Some years ago a light rail infrastructure was built in the city of Porto and surrounding municipalities which involved considerable challenges due to the high heterogeneity levels of the granite formations and the difficulties involved in their geomechanical characterization. In this work it is intended to provide also a contribution to improve the characterization of these formations with special emphasis to the weathered horizons. A specific subsystem applicable to the weathered formations was developed. The results of the validation of these systems are presented and show acceptable performances in identifying the correct class using less information than with the RMR system. 展开更多
关键词 Rock mass classification system Decision tree Weathered granite formations
An Assessment of the Level of Knowledge of HIV-Infected Patients about Highly Active Antireteroviral Therapy and Waiting Times and Their Influence on Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence at a Primary Healthcare Centre of South Africa 被引量:1
作者 N L Katende-Kyenda 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2017年第7期467-477,共11页
Objectives: The study assessed if the level of knowledge of HIV-infected about HAART and waiting-times in the PHC (primary healthcare) clinic have an influence on antiretroviral adherence. Methods: A descriptive-c... Objectives: The study assessed if the level of knowledge of HIV-infected about HAART and waiting-times in the PHC (primary healthcare) clinic have an influence on antiretroviral adherence. Methods: A descriptive-cross-sectional study was conducted in South Africa. Data collected uses a standardized-questionnaire and face-to-face-exit interviews. Pill-count technique was performed and a value of≥ 95% acceptable. Data were analysed using SPSS. Univariate-factors associated with poor-adherence to knowledge about HAART and waiting times were assessed using ANOVA and p ≤ 0.05 considered statistically significant. Key findings: Of 86 enrolled, 63(73.3%) were females and 23(26.7%) males, with mean-age (± SD) of 35.6(±9.6) years and on HAART for 35.5(± 31.8) months ranging from 1-137. Of these, 27(31.40%) and 25(29.07%) were on WHO stages 2 and 3 respectively. Adherence-rates computed from 32 patients, 23(71.9%) revealed poor adherence-rates. The level of knowledge about HAART in terms of names of tablets, correct-dose, frequency, adverse-effects had no influence on ARV-adherence (p _〉 0.05). Of 23 non-compliant, 10 (40%) gave the reason of drugs-unavailability, 7(30%) adverse-effects, 5(20%) drugs' complexity, and 1(10%) too busy to take them. Waiting areas associated with poor ARV-adherence were reception (p = 0.028), doctors (p = 0.027), while nurse's station (p = 0.29) and pharmacy (p = 0.43) revealed acceptable ARV-adherence. 展开更多
关键词 HIV-infected patients highly active antiretroviral drugs ADHERENCE primary health care.
Degradation of lipids in seasonal hypoxic seawater under different oxygen saturation
作者 HE Yunhong SUN Chengjun +2 位作者 LI Wenjuan YANG Gui-Peng DING Haibing 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1570-1585,共16页
The hypoxic phenomena of seawater have been found in the Changjiang esturay and its adjacent area for several decades. To study organic matter degradation in seasonal hypoxic seawater, series of stimulated incubation ... The hypoxic phenomena of seawater have been found in the Changjiang esturay and its adjacent area for several decades. To study organic matter degradation in seasonal hypoxic seawater, series of stimulated incubation experiments with S keletonema costatum in seawater under different oxygen saturations were conducted. By tracking variations of lipids originated from the alga, time-dependent concentrations of neutral lipids(hexadecanol, otctadecanol, cholesterol, brassicasterol and phytol) and fatty acids(12:0, 14:0, 16:0, 16:1, 18:0, 18:1(9), 20:5 and 22:6) were obtained during three month of incubation. The results indicate that residence time, oxygen saturation, bacterial community and the structure of lipids were key factors controlling preservation and degradation of lipids in seawater. The degradation rate constants calculated from multi-G model showed that under same oxygen saturation, algal fatty acid degraded faster than neutral lipids, and unsaturated fatty acids degraded faster than saturated fatty acids. Our new discovery showed that degradation rate constant had linear positive correlation with oxygen saturation of seawater, indicating the critical role of oxygen on degradation of algal lipids in hypoxic seawater. The results of this study will be helpful to understand organic carbon cycling in seawater and marine environment more deeply. Future field experiments and investigation should be conducted tracking control factors, especially the role of oxygen saturation on organic matter degradation in natural environment. 展开更多
关键词 organic matter degradation seasonal hypoxia LIPIDS fatty acids the Changjiang River estuary
《职业教育研究》 2004年第11期45-45,共1页
关键词 论文答辩 南京市 小学课堂 教育方式 环境知识
Problems and Solutions Related to the Titles of Academic Papers
作者 WANG Feng-nian 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第1期72-75,共4页
There are some problems related to the titles of academic papers, such as, titles incorresponding to the contents, and titles being too general or colloquial. It is imperative to increase the title quality of an acade... There are some problems related to the titles of academic papers, such as, titles incorresponding to the contents, and titles being too general or colloquial. It is imperative to increase the title quality of an academic paper through peer-review, or by checking grammar mistakes with computer tools. The editors should also aim to improve their academic level of knowledge. 展开更多
关键词 problems of academic paper titles principles for academic paper titles solutions of improving academic paper titles
Is Fengshui Science or Superstition? A New Criterion for Judging the Value of Knowledge Systems
作者 ZHANG Yong-feng DAI Wei 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2013年第1期61-69,共9页
Fengshui, which can be translated as Wind-Water literally in English, is an ancient Chinese system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of Qi, and whose favorable or... Fengshui, which can be translated as Wind-Water literally in English, is an ancient Chinese system of laws considered to govern spatial arrangement and orientation in relation to the flow of Qi, and whose favorable or unfavorable effects are taken into account when sitting and designing buildings. Similar systems exist in many other cultures such as Vastu Shastra in India, which consists of precepts born out of a traditional and archaic view on how the laws of nature affect human dwellings. Although prospered in ancient society, modem reactions to Fengshui are mixed. The Skeptic Encyclopedia of Pseudoscience states that principles of Fengshui are quite rational, but folk remedies and superstitions have been incorporated into its eclectic mix. In this paper, we do not distinguish Fengshui and other similar systems between science and superstition, but try to propose a criterion for judging whether a knowledge system is valuable, and if so, to whom it is valuable. We will end up arguing that, a knowledge system satisfying the criterion of relatively true property is valuable at least to its community of believers, and the problem of whether a knowledge system has greater value is essentially a problem of whether it is relatable to other knowledge systems, so as to expand its community of believers 展开更多
关键词 philosophy of science SUPERSTITION FENGSHUI relatively true property
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