水稻覆膜旱作(GCRPS)因具有显著的节水、增产效应而备受关注,但有关覆膜旱作稻田的水均衡关系及蒸腾耗水规律仍然还难以被准确刻画。为此,在湖北省十堰市开展了为期2年的田间试验,并在水稻6个主要生育阶段内对3个灌溉水平(TPRPS,传...水稻覆膜旱作(GCRPS)因具有显著的节水、增产效应而备受关注,但有关覆膜旱作稻田的水均衡关系及蒸腾耗水规律仍然还难以被准确刻画。为此,在湖北省十堰市开展了为期2年的田间试验,并在水稻6个主要生育阶段内对3个灌溉水平(TPRPS,传统淹水种植;GCRPSsat,薄膜覆盖并保持根区土壤接近饱和;GCRPS80%,薄膜覆盖并保持根区平均土壤含水量介于田持的80%-100%)、3个施氮水平(N0,不施氮;N1,150 kg N/hm2尿素;N2,75 kg N/hm2尿素+75 kg N/hm2鸡粪)共9个处理进行了水量平衡和蒸腾耗水分析。试验研究结果表明:(1)在不减产甚至增产的情况下,覆膜旱作不仅可以抑制深层渗漏与蒸发等非生理耗水,同时还能减少蒸腾耗水,节水效应非常显著,尤其是GCRPS80%;(2)水稻全生育期内的蒸腾耗水变化规律不受水分与氮素处理的影响,总体均表现为生育前期较低,盛期较高,至扬花期达到峰值,之后逐渐衰减;(3)最大分蘖期之前,覆膜增温效应显著促进蒸腾耗水,之后水分胁迫导致情形逆转;(4)扬花期之前,与不施氮相比,施氮可显著促进蒸腾耗水,但两个施氮处理之间的蒸腾耗水差异不大。展开更多
Effects of film-mulched and dry-farming on lodging resistance of medium hybrid rice 88S/1128 at late growth stage was studied in this study. The result suggested that the increasing of lodging resistance of rice showe...Effects of film-mulched and dry-farming on lodging resistance of medium hybrid rice 88S/1128 at late growth stage was studied in this study. The result suggested that the increasing of lodging resistance of rice showed a trend of no film-mulched and water-farmingfilm-mulched and water-farmingno film-mulched and dry-farmingfilm-mulched and dry-faming. The lodging index of water-farming treatment decreased by 9.47%-24.10% compared to that of dry-farming treatment,while the lodging index of no film-mulched decreased by 14.68%-17.09% compared to that of film-mulched treatment; lodging index was significant or extremely significant negative related to resistant press per plant,transpiration rate,intercellular CO2 concentration and photosynthetic rate but extremely significant positive related to biomass per plant; the largest contributed factor in lodging was the plant biomass,while the factors had greatest contribution to lodging resistance showed an order of resistant press per planttranspiration rateintercellular CO2 concentrationphotosynthetic ratestomatal conductance.展开更多
文摘水稻覆膜旱作(GCRPS)因具有显著的节水、增产效应而备受关注,但有关覆膜旱作稻田的水均衡关系及蒸腾耗水规律仍然还难以被准确刻画。为此,在湖北省十堰市开展了为期2年的田间试验,并在水稻6个主要生育阶段内对3个灌溉水平(TPRPS,传统淹水种植;GCRPSsat,薄膜覆盖并保持根区土壤接近饱和;GCRPS80%,薄膜覆盖并保持根区平均土壤含水量介于田持的80%-100%)、3个施氮水平(N0,不施氮;N1,150 kg N/hm2尿素;N2,75 kg N/hm2尿素+75 kg N/hm2鸡粪)共9个处理进行了水量平衡和蒸腾耗水分析。试验研究结果表明:(1)在不减产甚至增产的情况下,覆膜旱作不仅可以抑制深层渗漏与蒸发等非生理耗水,同时还能减少蒸腾耗水,节水效应非常显著,尤其是GCRPS80%;(2)水稻全生育期内的蒸腾耗水变化规律不受水分与氮素处理的影响,总体均表现为生育前期较低,盛期较高,至扬花期达到峰值,之后逐渐衰减;(3)最大分蘖期之前,覆膜增温效应显著促进蒸腾耗水,之后水分胁迫导致情形逆转;(4)扬花期之前,与不施氮相比,施氮可显著促进蒸腾耗水,但两个施氮处理之间的蒸腾耗水差异不大。
基金Supported by Project of Science&Technology of Grian Yield of China(2004BA520A01)~~
文摘Effects of film-mulched and dry-farming on lodging resistance of medium hybrid rice 88S/1128 at late growth stage was studied in this study. The result suggested that the increasing of lodging resistance of rice showed a trend of no film-mulched and water-farmingfilm-mulched and water-farmingno film-mulched and dry-farmingfilm-mulched and dry-faming. The lodging index of water-farming treatment decreased by 9.47%-24.10% compared to that of dry-farming treatment,while the lodging index of no film-mulched decreased by 14.68%-17.09% compared to that of film-mulched treatment; lodging index was significant or extremely significant negative related to resistant press per plant,transpiration rate,intercellular CO2 concentration and photosynthetic rate but extremely significant positive related to biomass per plant; the largest contributed factor in lodging was the plant biomass,while the factors had greatest contribution to lodging resistance showed an order of resistant press per planttranspiration rateintercellular CO2 concentrationphotosynthetic ratestomatal conductance.