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作者 郜奎山 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2016年第2期282-282,共1页
在现代炼油企业中循环水系统是一项十分重要的系统,所以为了确保其得以安全高效的运行,就必须对其压力进行不断的优化和完善,并在实际生产中强化对其的应用,才能更好地确保炼油企业安全高效的生产。因而本文正是基于这一背景,首先对优... 在现代炼油企业中循环水系统是一项十分重要的系统,所以为了确保其得以安全高效的运行,就必须对其压力进行不断的优化和完善,并在实际生产中强化对其的应用,才能更好地确保炼油企业安全高效的生产。因而本文正是基于这一背景,首先对优化炼油企业循环水系统压力的必要性进行了探讨;其次就如何优化炼油企业循环水系统压力的技术进行了分析;再次就如何在实践中加强对其的应用进行了分析;最后对全文进行了简单的总结,旨在与同行强化业务之间的交流,在优化炼油企业循环水系统压力的同时促进企业生产效率的提升。 展开更多
关键词 炼油企业 循环水系统压力 优化技术 应用
装有进排气阀的长距离压力输水系统水锤计算研究 被引量:22
作者 杨晓东 朱满林 李郁侠 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 1998年第S1期61-65,共5页
本文根据长距离压力输水系统和多点布置进排气阀的特点,结合当量管道法和调整波速法,建立了水锤计算中的自动分段方法,同时将其用于进排气阀的水锤过程计算中.通过建立的进排气阀计算模型在实例中的应用和计算分析,不仅确立了计算... 本文根据长距离压力输水系统和多点布置进排气阀的特点,结合当量管道法和调整波速法,建立了水锤计算中的自动分段方法,同时将其用于进排气阀的水锤过程计算中.通过建立的进排气阀计算模型在实例中的应用和计算分析,不仅确立了计算方法的合理性和易用性,而且提出了进排气阀在工程应用中有着实际意义的结论. 展开更多
关键词 压力系统 进排气阀
压力流输水系统中缓闭式液控蝶阀关闭规律研究 被引量:6
作者 刘奕朗 高学平 蒋琳琳 《水资源与水工程学报》 2012年第6期107-110,共4页
对于长距离、高扬程压力流输水系统,一旦发生停泵水锤,将对输水系统产生严重危害。在泵出口设置缓闭式液控蝶阀并以适当的方式关阀是一种简单有效的水锤防护措施。本文结合实际工程,通过特征线法求解水锤基本方程,比较不同关阀方式下管... 对于长距离、高扬程压力流输水系统,一旦发生停泵水锤,将对输水系统产生严重危害。在泵出口设置缓闭式液控蝶阀并以适当的方式关阀是一种简单有效的水锤防护措施。本文结合实际工程,通过特征线法求解水锤基本方程,比较不同关阀方式下管路沿程压力变化、泵站出口断面压力变化及水泵转速变化,提出合适的关阀方式。研究成果可为停泵水锤防护措施的设置提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 压力流输系统 缓闭式液控蝶阀 关闭规律 数值模拟
广安地区有水气藏压力系统划分与控制原因分析 被引量:2
作者 田冷 刘倩 +1 位作者 佘治成 何顺利 《油气井测试》 2013年第5期10-13,共4页
广安地区须家河组有水气藏开发早期气水关系复杂,气井普遍产水。根据低渗有水气藏生产动态及渗流特征,分析利用储层地质方法、压力与埋深关系和区块内部地层压力场分布变化关系确定其压力系统情况;根据低孔低渗储层气水分异原理,通过储... 广安地区须家河组有水气藏开发早期气水关系复杂,气井普遍产水。根据低渗有水气藏生产动态及渗流特征,分析利用储层地质方法、压力与埋深关系和区块内部地层压力场分布变化关系确定其压力系统情况;根据低孔低渗储层气水分异原理,通过储层物性对所需最小圈闭高度的控制分析认为,随着孔喉半径减小,毛细管力增大,对应区域含水饱和度高,气水过渡带高度增大,当气藏的闭合高度小于气水过渡带高度时,则形成气水同层气藏;储层的非均质性导致不同区域气水过渡带高度存在差异,是地层水控制压力系统划分的主要原因。分析结论为有水气藏的压力系统划分及其控制原因分析提供依据,对有水气藏的开发具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 气藏压力系统地层控制原因 分异
作者 王胜 罗富春 谢殿波 《农机化研究》 北大核心 2004年第5期129-131,共3页
关键词 8SJ-4系列 刀运行式 旱田苗期注 压力系统
船舶设计选用压力水喷雾灭火系统探讨 被引量:5
作者 沈正恺 张建云 李宝林 《船舶》 北大核心 2003年第4期22-25,共4页
本文介绍依据SOLAS公约新规定,凡2002年7月1日及其之后开工(敷龙骨)建造阶段的2000总吨及以上的新造船舶,应满足SOLAS公约强制性规定,即船舶规范规定的A类机器处必须安置固定式水雾灭火系统。笔者就此船用新系统作了设计配套了解,现从SO... 本文介绍依据SOLAS公约新规定,凡2002年7月1日及其之后开工(敷龙骨)建造阶段的2000总吨及以上的新造船舶,应满足SOLAS公约强制性规定,即船舶规范规定的A类机器处必须安置固定式水雾灭火系统。笔者就此船用新系统作了设计配套了解,现从SOLAS要求对各类型系统的性能、计算、选用比较等方面进行论述。 展开更多
关键词 船舶 设计 压力喷雾灭火系统 消防系统 SOLAS公约
超高层建筑空调水系统设计探索──如何解决水系统超压问题 被引量:1
作者 林其昌 《福建建设科技》 1995年第1期33-35,共3页
关键词 超高层建筑 空调 水系统压力 承压能力
散热器试验台水系统设计与改进 被引量:1
作者 温彩霞 《发电与空调》 2014年第5期87-89,共3页
关键词 散热器性能试验台 水系统压力分布 定压点
洗扫车高压水系统清洗能力的评价与计算 被引量:3
作者 肖庆麟 覃先云 《建设机械技术与管理》 2018年第1期54-57,共4页
针对洗扫车行车作业的特点创新性地提出了利用喷嘴打击力、喷杆单位面积打击能量和喷杆单位面积清洗水量这三个参数综合评价洗扫车高压水系统的清洗能力。以某典型洗扫车为例,详细介绍了如何获得以上三个评价参数的计算方法。对清洗喷... 针对洗扫车行车作业的特点创新性地提出了利用喷嘴打击力、喷杆单位面积打击能量和喷杆单位面积清洗水量这三个参数综合评价洗扫车高压水系统的清洗能力。以某典型洗扫车为例,详细介绍了如何获得以上三个评价参数的计算方法。对清洗喷杆的四种喷嘴布置方案的清洗能力进行对比分析表明,侧喷杆能力明显大于中喷杆,其能力是中喷杆的1.8~2.4倍;将侧喷杆的喷嘴型号由原来的A型更改为B型,使喷杆之间清洗能力差值明显降低,有利于提高路面整体清洗效果。试验测试结果进一步验证了本文方法的正确性。 展开更多
关键词 洗扫车 高压系统 清洗能力 评价与计算
作者 高靖哲 《建筑节能》 CAS 2010年第11期15-17,共3页
从设计、施工、运行方面分析水力失调的原因,陈述水力失调引发的能源损耗。结合供热系统中水力平衡调试的实践,阐述压力循环水系统共同的能耗原因和特点。讲解了水力平衡调试方法和节能诊断理念。结合水泵工作原理、特性,通过水力平衡调... 从设计、施工、运行方面分析水力失调的原因,陈述水力失调引发的能源损耗。结合供热系统中水力平衡调试的实践,阐述压力循环水系统共同的能耗原因和特点。讲解了水力平衡调试方法和节能诊断理念。结合水泵工作原理、特性,通过水力平衡调试,在循环水系统中达到按照负荷需要合理分配水量,满足用户需要的作用,从而说明其在建筑节能方面的意义。 展开更多
关键词 力失调 力平衡调试 采暖空调系统 节能 压力循环系统
采暖系统竖向分区和高层直连采暖技术 被引量:1
作者 邬守春 《供热制冷》 2013年第6期64-67,共4页
关键词 采暖水系统压力 竖向分区 高层直连采暖技术
作者 梁扬 叶俊明 黄开宏 《建筑热能通风空调》 2014年第5期88-91,共4页
关键词 超高层建筑 空调系统 水系统压力分区 冷冻大温差
作者 任晓东 杨毅 《暖通空调》 北大核心 2013年第2期83-86,共4页
关键词 转轮全热回收 节能 超高层建筑 水系统压力分布 冷凝
作者 吴秀云 王豪杰 +3 位作者 杨丽明 罗宏锋 王念慎 郑大琼 《北京工业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期418-422,共5页
压力水系统中设置气压式调压室是防护水锤事故的、新的、经济有效的措施.对水泵扬水的长距离压力输水系统中设置新型气压式调压室,建立了实验模型和相应的数学模型;进行了理论分析研究、数值模拟和实验研究;通过实验,验证了数值模拟的... 压力水系统中设置气压式调压室是防护水锤事故的、新的、经济有效的措施.对水泵扬水的长距离压力输水系统中设置新型气压式调压室,建立了实验模型和相应的数学模型;进行了理论分析研究、数值模拟和实验研究;通过实验,验证了数值模拟的数学模型和计算程序,为电站和泵站的优化设计提供了应用气压式调压室的理论依据和计算水泵断电后气压式调压室中水位波动的计算软件. 展开更多
关键词 气压式调压室 力瞬变 泵断电 压力系统 数学模型 实验研究 位波动
The Effect of Hydrostatic Pressure Fields on the Dispersion Characteristics of Fluid-shell Coupled System 被引量:5
作者 刘志忠 李天匀 +1 位作者 朱翔 张俊杰 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2010年第2期129-136,共8页
The effect of hydrostatic pressure on the vibration dispersion characteristics of fluid-shell coupled structures was studied.Both fluid-loaded cylindrical shells and fluid-filled cylindrical shells were considered.Num... The effect of hydrostatic pressure on the vibration dispersion characteristics of fluid-shell coupled structures was studied.Both fluid-loaded cylindrical shells and fluid-filled cylindrical shells were considered.Numerical analysis was applied to solve the dispersion equations for shells filled with or loaded with fluid at various hydrostatic pressures.The results for external pressure showed that non-dimensional axial wave numbers are nearly independent when the pressure is below the critical level.The influence of internal pressure on wave numbers was found significant for the real branch s=1 and the complex branches of dispersion curves.The presence of internal pressure increased the cut on frequencies for the branch s=1 for high order wave modes. 展开更多
关键词 hydrostatic pressure DISPERSION fluid-shell coupled system wave propagation
Dynamic simulation and optimal control strategy for a parallel hybrid hydraulic excavator 被引量:23
作者 Xiao LIN Shuang-xia PAN Dong-yun WAN 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第5期624-632,共9页
The primary focus of this study is to investigate the control strategies of a hybrid system used in hydraulic excavators. First, the structure and evaluation target of hybrid hydraulic excavators are analyzed. Then th... The primary focus of this study is to investigate the control strategies of a hybrid system used in hydraulic excavators. First, the structure and evaluation target of hybrid hydraulic excavators are analyzed. Then the dynamic system model including batteries, motor and engine is built as the simulation environment to obtain control results. A so-called multi-work-point dynamic control strategy, which has both closed-loop speed PI (proportion integral) control and direct torque control, is proposed and studied in the simulation model. Simulation results indicate that the hybrid system with this strategy can meet the power demand and achieve better system stability and higher fuel efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 Hybrid system Hydraulic excavator Multi-work-point dynamic control Direct torque control
Performance of water-based foams affected by chemical inhibitors to retard spontaneous combustion of coal 被引量:3
作者 Chen Peng Huang Fujun Fu Yue 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第3期443-448,共6页
The micelle generating process of the sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS) solution with the addition of chemical inhibitors was elucidated using phase separation model, and the descending order of the capacity for the selecte... The micelle generating process of the sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS) solution with the addition of chemical inhibitors was elucidated using phase separation model, and the descending order of the capacity for the selected chemical inhibitors to reduce the critical micelle concentrations of the solution are Mg Cl_2, Ca Cl_2,NH_4HCO_3 and NH_4Cl. The data to quantitatively describe the foam decay process, including foaming ratio,foam life and decay behaviors, was obtained by pressure measuring system. The results indicate that chemical inhibitors can improve the solution foamability. The capacity of the inhibitors to enhance the solution foamability is sorted as NH_4 Cl, NH_4HCO_3, Mg Cl2 and Ca Cl_2 which can distinctly improve the foam stability as well. The capacity of the inhibitors to enhance the SDS foam stability can be arranged as Mg Cl_2, NH_4 Cl, NH_4HCO_3 and Ca Cl_2. It is observed that the gravity drainage plays a leading role in the increase of proportion of diffusion drainage. The oxidation dynamic parameters of the coal samples treated by inhibition foams were investigated using thermal analysis technique, and their synergistic effects on inhibiting coal oxidation were explored. 展开更多
关键词 Coal spontaneous combustion Chemical inhibitors Micelle thermal power Foam performance Activation energy
Adsorption Refrigeration Performance of Shaped MIL-101-Water Working Pair 被引量:1
作者 芮征球 李全国 +3 位作者 崔群 王海燕 陈海军 姚虎卿 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第5期570-575,共6页
A new metal-organic framework of MIL-101 was synthesized by hydrothermal method and the powder prepared was pressed into a desired shape. The effects of molding on specific surface area and pore structure were investi... A new metal-organic framework of MIL-101 was synthesized by hydrothermal method and the powder prepared was pressed into a desired shape. The effects of molding on specific surface area and pore structure were investigated using a nitrogen adsorption method. The water adsorption isotherms were obtained by high vacuum gravimetric method, the desorption temperature of water on shaped MIL-101 was measured by thermo gravimetric analyzer, and the adsorption refrigeration performance of shaped MIL-101-water working pair was studied on the simulation device of adsorption refrigeration cycle system. The results indicate that an apparent hysteresis loop ap-pears in the nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherms when the forming pressure is 10 MPa. The equilibrium ad-sorption capacity of water is up to 0.95 kg·kg^-1 at the forming pressure of 3 MPa (MIL-101-3). The desorption peak temperature of water on MIL-101-3 is 82℃, which is 7 ℃ lower than that of silica gel, and the desorption temperature is no more than 100 ℃. At the evaporation temperature of 10 ℃, the refrigeration capacity of MIL-101-3-water is 1059 kJ·kg^-1, which is 2.24 times higher than that of silica gel-water working pair. Thus MIL-101-water working pair presents an excellent adsorption refrigeration performance. 展开更多
关键词 adsorption refrigeration MIL-101 FORMING adsorption capacity refrigeration capacity
Vapor Pressure Measurement of Water+1,3-Dimethylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate System
作者 武向红 李静 +2 位作者 范丽华 郑丹星 董丽 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第3期473-477,共5页
In absorption cycles,ionic liquid(IL)1,3-dimethylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate([Dmim]BF4)may be a promising absorbent of working pair using water as refrigerant.The vapor pressures of[Dmim]BF4 aqueous solution were me... In absorption cycles,ionic liquid(IL)1,3-dimethylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate([Dmim]BF4)may be a promising absorbent of working pair using water as refrigerant.The vapor pressures of[Dmim]BF4 aqueous solution were measured with the boiling-point method in the temperature range from 312.25 to 403.60 K and in the mass concentration range of 65%to 90%of[Dmim]BF4.The experimental data were correlated with an Antoine-type equation and the Non-Random Two-Liquid(NRTL)model,and the average absolute deviations between the experimental and calculated values were 1.06%and 1.15%,respectively.For the[Dmim]BF4 aqueous solution,the experimental vapor pressures show negative deviations from the calculated data with Raoult's law.For higher mass concentration of the IL,the deviation is more negative.In addition,the vapor pressures,the hydrophilicity and the solubility of[Dmim]BF4 aqueous solutions were compared with those of[Dmim]Cl aqueous solutions and [Bmim]BF4 aqueous solutions at IL-mole fraction of 0.20. 展开更多
关键词 ionic liquid 1 3-dimethylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate vapor pressure absorption cycle working pair
Impact Factors on Fracturing Results of Coal Seams and Appropriate Countermeasures
作者 X. Wang Y.H. Ding Y. Xu Y.Y. Duan 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2010年第6期16-26,共11页
Hydraulic fracturing is one of the efficient means for the abundant low-permeability CBM (coal-bed methane) reserves in China, however, due to the unique features of coal seams (i.e., low temperature, strong adsorp... Hydraulic fracturing is one of the efficient means for the abundant low-permeability CBM (coal-bed methane) reserves in China, however, due to the unique features of coal seams (i.e., low temperature, strong adsorption and abnormal development of natural fracture systems) as compared with the conventional reservoirs, the fractures propagate is difficult and the risk of damage to coal seam itself and the hydraulic fractures would be extremely high in the course of fracturing. As a result, losses would be suffered on the post-frac production of CBM wells.With the mean of numerical simulation, in this paper, the main factors have impact on the post-frac results as well as the extent to which the impact is brought were researched, and the technical solutions for the improvement of the fracturing performance was put forwards. 展开更多
关键词 Coal-seam fracturing hazard factors yield loss rate technical solutions.
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