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不同水肥用量对日光温室草莓产量和果实品质的影响 被引量:14
作者 马欣 宗静 刘宝文 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第5期39-42,共4页
以草莓"红颜"为试材,研究了不同水肥用量对日光温室草莓植株物候期、生长、产量及品质的影响,以探索京郊日光温室草莓适宜的水肥用量。结果表明:所有处理的草莓物候期表现较一致。T2(单次灌水量90m3/hm2,施肥45kg/hm2)草莓长... 以草莓"红颜"为试材,研究了不同水肥用量对日光温室草莓植株物候期、生长、产量及品质的影响,以探索京郊日光温室草莓适宜的水肥用量。结果表明:所有处理的草莓物候期表现较一致。T2(单次灌水量90m3/hm2,施肥45kg/hm2)草莓长势较好,产量最高为24 825kg/hm2,水分和肥料生产效率较T1(单次灌水量120 m3/hm2,施肥60kg/hm2)分别提高63.8%和71.4%。其次是T3(单次灌水量60m3/hm2,施肥30kg/hm2),较T1增产22.3%,水分生产效率和肥料生产效率分别提高115.5%和144.4%。在该试验条件下,综合植株生长、产量和品质等指标,单次灌水量90m3/hm2,施肥45kg/hm2(T2)是京郊日光温室草莓栽培适宜的水肥用量。 展开更多
关键词 水肥用量 草莓 产量 品质
水肥对主干结果型灰枣叶片养分含量的影响 被引量:1
作者 张旭东 安世杰 +3 位作者 杨莉莉 支金虎 汤智辉 郑强卿 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第14期36-42,共7页
以六年生主干结果型灰枣为试材,采用单因素随机区组试验设计,研究了在不同水肥用量的前提下主干结果型灰枣在不同生育期内叶片全氮和全磷含量的变化,以期得到适合主干结果型灰枣生长的水肥用量。结果表明:施肥和水分处理的枣树多年生二... 以六年生主干结果型灰枣为试材,采用单因素随机区组试验设计,研究了在不同水肥用量的前提下主干结果型灰枣在不同生育期内叶片全氮和全磷含量的变化,以期得到适合主干结果型灰枣生长的水肥用量。结果表明:施肥和水分处理的枣树多年生二次枝枣吊叶片与一年生二次枝枣吊叶片中全氮、全磷含量均在花期最高,在完熟期时含量下降至最低,其中N3(495.0 kg·hm^(-2))、P3(435.0 kg·hm^(-2))、W4(787.5 m^(3)·hm^(-2))处理与其它处理间存在显著差异,其中N3处理全氮含量较其它氮肥处理最高可增加30%,P3全磷含量较其它磷肥处理可增加96%,W4处理全氮含量较其它滴灌处理最高可增加37%,全磷含量较其它滴灌处理最高可增加80%。 展开更多
关键词 灰枣 全氮 全磷 水肥用量
番茄水肥一体化种植与传统种植对比试验 被引量:2
作者 张明伟 《现代农业科技》 2019年第8期50-50,52,共2页
为了研究水肥一体化栽培模式的应用效果,加速其推广应用,本文以日光温室越冬茬番茄为试验对象,以传统种植模式作对照,研究番茄生长期用水、用肥、用工和番茄产量情况。结果表明,与传统栽培模式相比,水肥一体化技术节水省肥、省工省力、... 为了研究水肥一体化栽培模式的应用效果,加速其推广应用,本文以日光温室越冬茬番茄为试验对象,以传统种植模式作对照,研究番茄生长期用水、用肥、用工和番茄产量情况。结果表明,与传统栽培模式相比,水肥一体化技术节水省肥、省工省力、降低湿度、减轻病害、增产高效,节水率为32.5%,节省化肥23.9%,节约用药16.7%,节省用工240个/hm2。 展开更多
关键词 番茄 水肥一体化 水肥用量 产量
日光温室冬春茬番茄优化滴灌肥水管理参数研究 被引量:5
作者 李若楠 黄绍文 +5 位作者 史建硕 王丽英 唐继伟 袁硕 任燕利 郭丽 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1010-1021,共12页
[目的]合理的滴灌肥水管理是提高番茄生产效益的重要技术。本文研究了番茄不同生育阶段适宜的滴灌参数,为优化关键期肥水施用,确定简便量化滴灌方案,实现设施番茄肥水精量化管理提供科学依据。[方法]供试作物为日光温室冬春茬番茄,品种... [目的]合理的滴灌肥水管理是提高番茄生产效益的重要技术。本文研究了番茄不同生育阶段适宜的滴灌参数,为优化关键期肥水施用,确定简便量化滴灌方案,实现设施番茄肥水精量化管理提供科学依据。[方法]供试作物为日光温室冬春茬番茄,品种为荷兰瑞克斯旺1404。灌水方式为滴灌,除基肥外,追肥随水滴施。试验设低量、中量、高量3个灌水量(分别以W1、W2、W3表示)和低量、中量、高量3个施肥量(分别以F1、F2、F3表示),共9个水肥组合处理。W2水量和F2肥量为滴灌番茄相对适宜水肥用量。在F2下,W1、W2、W3处理安装土壤水盐原位监测设备,实时监测0-100 cm土体水分变化。[结果]1)随着滴灌水量的增加,番茄产量、养分吸收量、土壤含水量显著增加,但品质显著降低,土壤养分呈现向深层迁移趋势。与W1处理相比,W2和W3处理总产量增加6.8%~12.0%,单果增重6.8%~8.6%,全株N、P2O5、K2O吸收量分别增加5.9%~11.7%、8.9%~20.3%、8.0%~8.3%,主根区0-40 cm土体开花至拉秧期间平均体积含水量增加3.5~5.9个百分点,但果实Vc含量降低4.6%~17.0%,可溶性固形物含量降低5.4%~9.7%,0 40 cm土体硝态氮残留量降低17.4%~37.6%,0-20 cm土层有效磷含量降低16.5%~26.2%,而20 40 cm土层有效磷、速效钾含量分别增加5.0%~32.0%、4.3%~8.8%。2)随着滴灌施肥量的增加,冬春茬番茄产量略有提升,养分吸收量和表层土壤养分残留量显著增加,而果实硝酸盐、可滴定酸、Vc、可溶性固形物含量没有显著变化。与F1处理相比,F2和F3处理总产量仅增加2.0%~3.1%,全株N、P2O5、K2O吸收量分别增加6.0%~14.7%、7.5%~15.7%、11.9%~19.7%,0-40 cm土体硝态氮、有效磷、速效钾残留量分别增加71.7%~218.9%、28.9%~57.6%、0.9%~11.3%。3)综合水肥效应,供试条件下W2F1处理能保证较高产量和较优品质,同时降低土壤养分残留,为较合理的肥水组合处理;若仅考虑产量效应,以W3F3处理最优。[结论]冬春茬番茄主根区0 40 cm土体相对含水量“适宜值”/“控制下限”在第1、2、3、4、5穗果座果时,分别为69%/62%、78%/67%、78%/67%、87%/77%、87%/77%;在第5穗果膨大至直径3~4 cm、6~7 cm及采收前三个时期,分别为87%/77%、69%/62%、56%/50%。第4穗果实形成期间(5月份),1~5穗果实同时膨大,此时滴灌肥水管理对产量的形成较为关键。在与供试条件相近的温室,推荐冬春茬番茄(保留5穗果实)在基施商品有机肥22.5t/hm^2基础上,开花期和果实形成期分别选择N-P2O5-K2O配比接近22 12 16和19 6 25的全水溶滴灌专用肥,从第1穗果开花至坐果开始滴灌肥水,10~12天滴灌1次,水量依次控制在90、195、195、270、270、270、195、120 m^3/hm^2,施肥量依次控制在37.5、75、75、75~150、75~150、75~150、75、75 kg/hm^2,定苗缓苗水按常规管理进行,能保证较高产量水平140~150 t/hm^2。 展开更多
关键词 番茄 滴灌 水肥用量 土壤含水量阈值 产量 品质
环绕滴灌施肥制度对苹果产量、水分利用和品质的影响 被引量:6
作者 王志平 周继华 +2 位作者 刘宝文 安顺伟 杨海霞 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第5期27-29,共3页
针对北京市果树生产水肥用量大、用工多以及环绕滴灌施肥技术参数不明的现状,采用裂区设计方法,研究了环绕滴灌施肥条件下不同灌溉施肥制度对果树生长、产量、水分利用及品质的影响。结果表明:采用环绕滴灌施肥技术,张力计读数为-25kP... 针对北京市果树生产水肥用量大、用工多以及环绕滴灌施肥技术参数不明的现状,采用裂区设计方法,研究了环绕滴灌施肥条件下不同灌溉施肥制度对果树生长、产量、水分利用及品质的影响。结果表明:采用环绕滴灌施肥技术,张力计读数为-25kPa时开始灌溉,每次灌水22.5~52.5mm,随水滴施水溶肥60~120kg/hm2的处理较好,与常规对照相比,节水29%、纯养分节约49%~67%,产量增加4.4%~8.5%,水分利用效率提高9.3~11.7kg/mm,可溶性固形物含量提高1.8~2.1个百分点。 展开更多
关键词 环绕滴灌施肥 张力计控制 水肥用量 产量 水分利用效率 品质
Effect of Reducing Chemical Fertilizer on Rice Yield,Output Value,Content of Soil Carbon and Nitrogen after Utilizing the Milk Vetch 被引量:6
作者 周兴 李再明 +5 位作者 谢坚 廖育林 杨曾平 鲁艳红 聂军 曹卫东 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第2期266-271,共6页
A located field experiment was carried out to study the effects of different amount of chemical fertilizer usage on rice yield,economic benefits of rice,soil carbon(C) and total nitrogen(TN) under ploughing back o... A located field experiment was carried out to study the effects of different amount of chemical fertilizer usage on rice yield,economic benefits of rice,soil carbon(C) and total nitrogen(TN) under ploughing back of Chinese milk vetch for 5consecutive years.Six treatments were included in the experiment,they are CK(unfertilized),CF(100% chemical fertilizer with the amount of N,P2O5,K2 O being150,75,120 kg/hm^2respectively),A1(22 500 kg/hm^2 Chinese milk vetch and 100%chemical fertilizer),A2(Chinese milk vetch and 80% nitrogen and potassium fertilizer and 100% phosphate fertilizer),A3(Chinese milk vetch and 60% nitrogen and potassium fertilizer and 100% phosphate fertilizer),A4(Chinese milk vetch and 40% nitrogen and potassium fertilizer and 100% phosphate fertilizer).The results were as follows:application of fertilizer could increase the yield of rice,while Chinese milk vetch combined with fertilizer application had a much more increase effect in rice yield.Under the condition of milk vetch application with 22 500 kg/hm^2,the early rice yield of the treatment A1 was significantly increased by 7.7% compared with that of CF.And the yield of treatment A3 was basically identical to or slight increase in comparison with that of CF.Decreasing amount of fertilizers cloud improve output value of rice in the case of the utilization of Chinese milk vetch.The treatment A1 increased output value of rice by 5.92% in comparison of CF,and treatment A2 was by 4.08% in the next.Treatment A4 showed much better effect in increasing soil organic carbon and total nitrogen in the paddy soil than those of treatments applying mineral fertilizer only.There was a significant reduction on soil organic carbon and TN in treatment A2 in comparison with that of CF.In general,amount of application of milk vetch with 22 500 kg/hm^2 could replace chemical fertilizer partially,it also could improve rice yield,decrease the production cost,and raise the utilization efficiency of nutrients. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese milk vetch Chemical fertilizer amounts RICE YIELD Economic benefits Content of soil C and total N
Advances in Research on Water and Fertilizer Coupling and Its Effects on Rice Growth and Utilization Rate of Nitrogen 被引量:1
作者 徐优 邓久英 王学华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第4期737-744,共8页
At present, the shortage of agricuItural water resources is worsening. In order to reduce the rice irrigation water and improve the utiIization of fertiIizers so as to achieve the high and stabIe yielding of rice, thi... At present, the shortage of agricuItural water resources is worsening. In order to reduce the rice irrigation water and improve the utiIization of fertiIizers so as to achieve the high and stabIe yielding of rice, this report reviewed the research advances in water and fertiIizer coupIing, the conception of water and fertiIizer cou-pIing and its three kinds of effects (synergy, antagonism, superposition), mechanism of water and fertiIizer coupIing, effects of water and fertiIizer coupIing on growth, deveIopment, yield and quality of rice and effects of water and fertiIizer coupIing on utiIization rate of nitrogen in rice. In addition, the deveIopment prospects of water and fertiIizer coupIing in China were described. It was proposed that the water and fertiIizer coupIing mode is an effective measure to achieve the high yield and quality of rice. According to actual demand, referring to the ideas of promoting fertiIizer with water and reguIating water with fertiIizer, reasonabIe water and fertiIizer cou-pIing mode can be estabIished, thereby improving the utiIization efficiencies of water and fertiIizer. In the premise of saving irrigation water and no increasing fertiIization amount, both high yielding and Iess poI ution can be achieved, providing theoretical and technical basis for water-saving agricuIture and cuItivation and management of rice in future. 展开更多
关键词 Water and fertliizer coupling Rice yleId Utliizatlon rate of nitrogen
作者 张绪勋 《花卉》 2003年第8期24-24,共1页
关键词 令箭荷花 开花异常 原因分析 放置地点 水肥用量 叶状变态枝
Effects of urea-N fertilizer dosage supplemented with Ipil-Ipil tree litter on yield of rice and insect prevalence 被引量:2
作者 M. R. Abdullah K. L. Hossain 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4期335-338,共4页
The present study was undertaken to determine the effects of different levels of urea-N fertilizer in addition to ipil-ipil tree litter on yield of rice and insect prevalence. The field study was conducted at the Agro... The present study was undertaken to determine the effects of different levels of urea-N fertilizer in addition to ipil-ipil tree litter on yield of rice and insect prevalence. The field study was conducted at the Agroforestry Field Laboratory, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh during July-December 2004. The treatments included 0, 90, 180, and 270 kg urea per hectare. All four treatments received five tons ipil-ipil tree litter per hectare. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. The results showed that the different treatments significantly influenced the yield and yield component viz. total tillers/hill, effective tillers/hill, filled grains and unfilled grains/panicle. The highest yield of 4.62 t·h^m-2 with an increase of 21.57% over the control was recorded in treatment 180 kg urea·h^m-2, which was statistically similar to treatment 90 kg urea·h^m-2. The prevalence of insects viz. green leafhopper, brown plant hopper, rice bugs, leaf folder and stem borers were mostly correlated with N-levels. The prevalence of insects in general gradu- ally increased with the increase of N. Therefore, this study suggests that the combined application of organic materials (tree litter of ipil-ipil) and N-fertilizer of 90 kg·h^m-2 may oroduce good yield while minimizine insect arevalence in the rice field. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen fertilizer dosage Insect prevalence RICE Ipil-ipil Leucaena leucocephala
Effects of Nitrogen Dosage on the Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency of Machine Transplanted Rice Using Dry Soil Preparation in Rice Paddy Field
作者 张彦兵 唐小洁 +2 位作者 陈守用 李东升 杜洪艳 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第11期2123-2126,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to analyze the effects of nitrogen dosage on the yield and nitrogen use efficiency of machine transplanted rice using the technology of dry soil preparation in rice paddy field. [Method] With c... [Objective] The aim was to analyze the effects of nitrogen dosage on the yield and nitrogen use efficiency of machine transplanted rice using the technology of dry soil preparation in rice paddy field. [Method] With conventional Japonica rice cultivar Shengdao 18 as the study material, the effect of nitrogen dosage on stem and tillers dynamics, yield components and nitrogen use efficiency were investigated using the technology of dry soil preparation in rice paddy field. [Result] The highest yield was 10 957.20 kg/hm^2 as the nitrogen application was 315.00 kg/hm^2. Meanwhile, the roughness ratio, grain-straw ratio and nitrogen use efficiency remained at a higher level. Low nitrogen application could not obtain high yield. In contrast, high nitrogen application quantity led to a significant decline in nitrogen use efficiency. [Conclusion] The study could provide a scientific basis for the further promotion of the technology of dry soil preparation in rice paddy field. 展开更多
关键词 RICE Dry soil preparation in rice paddy field Nitrogen dosage YIELD
Application of Secondary Nutrient Fertilizer Produced by Leili Group in Rice in Lichuan City
作者 冉崇辉 李翠兰 +1 位作者 蒲东明 周富忠 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第6期1212-1215,共4页
On basis of tests in regions with different elevations, rice sprayed with secondary nutrient fertilizers (×1 000) produced by Beijing Leili Group would signifi-cantly increase yield and incomes, which can be wi... On basis of tests in regions with different elevations, rice sprayed with secondary nutrient fertilizers (×1 000) produced by Beijing Leili Group would signifi-cantly increase yield and incomes, which can be widely applied in Lichuan City or similar areas. With the fertilizer applied, rice yield can be improved by 292.5-505.5 kg/hm2, with increase of 6.63%-10.92%; farmer’s incomes can be enhanced by 877.5-1 516.5 yuan/hm2, with net income growth of 783-1 422 yuan; output-to-input rate kept in 8.29-15.05. The increased rice yield is mainly contributed by the in-creases of setting percentage and thousand-seed weight, of which the former's role is more significant. Hence, the fertilizer can be widely applied in Lichuan and similar regions. 展开更多
关键词 Beijing Leili Secondary nutrient fertilizer RICE Application effects
Genotypic variations in nitrogen use efficiency of rice cultivars at various levels of nitrogen under subtropical environment
作者 G. Mahajan N. K. Sekhon 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2009年第12期1-8,共8页
Insufficient N supply is an important constraint to productivity of lowland rice. Studies on N nutrition of rice cultivars with different durations representing the north western part of Indo-Gangetic Plains are scant... Insufficient N supply is an important constraint to productivity of lowland rice. Studies on N nutrition of rice cultivars with different durations representing the north western part of Indo-Gangetic Plains are scanty. A field experiment was conducted during kharif seasons of 2006 and 2007 at PAU, Ludhiana to assess the differences in grain yield and N utilization of three popular rice cultivars at varying N doses. Significant differences among genotypes were observed in grain yield, N uptake, N use efficiency and N utilization efficiency. The cultivar PAU-201 was found to be superior among all the tested genotypes. Total N uptake and grain N uptake was highest in cultivar PAU-201 followed by cultivars PR-115 and PR-113. On an average, the response to applied N for grain yield was observed upto 90 kg N ha1. Grain yield increased significantly up to 90 kg N hal in cultivars PR-115 and PAU-201 and up to 120 kg N ha1 in PR-113. Apparent recovery efficiency (ARE) and Partial factor productivity (PFPN) of N was significantly reduced at higher level of N (150 kg N hal). It was concluded that N uptake is predominant factor in grain yield formation and cultivars differ in NUE suggesting that it may be possible to develop cultivars that are efficient at low nutrient level or are capable of using N more efficiently when applied as fertilizer. 展开更多
关键词 harvest index N rates nitrogen yield N useefficiency partial factor productivity of N rice genotypes
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