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作者 王泓杰 《实验教学与仪器》 2024年第5期51-52,共2页
指导学生利用5 L塑料桶(模拟水坝)、水流闸阀、电机、叶片、数字电流计等器材,设计并制作一款自制教具——水能发电机模型。进一步优化改进该自制教具,既可服务于现实生活,又能实现对生活用水甚至雨水的再次利用。教学实践表明,学生直... 指导学生利用5 L塑料桶(模拟水坝)、水流闸阀、电机、叶片、数字电流计等器材,设计并制作一款自制教具——水能发电机模型。进一步优化改进该自制教具,既可服务于现实生活,又能实现对生活用水甚至雨水的再次利用。教学实践表明,学生直接参与到实践、探究和制作活动中,能够激发其动手动脑能力,提升其科学素养、创新意识。 展开更多
关键词 自制教具 水能发电 模型 改进
梯级电站联合发电模型(上)——水能发电量计算方法探讨 被引量:2
作者 吴杰康 辛保江 李杰科 《水利水电科技进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第3期1-4,共4页
根据水库的特性将水体按高程划分为3层水体,建立二次曲线型三层水体模型。考虑水体质量和水体重心,分析水库水体压力和分层水体微元在压力管道轴线方向的重力分量,对引水管入口处水体进行力学分析。最后通过计算3层水体的重力对水体微... 根据水库的特性将水体按高程划分为3层水体,建立二次曲线型三层水体模型。考虑水体质量和水体重心,分析水库水体压力和分层水体微元在压力管道轴线方向的重力分量,对引水管入口处水体进行力学分析。最后通过计算3层水体的重力对水体微元在管道轴线方向的压力做功、压力管道进水管和出水管处的水体微元压力做功、重力做功及其动能和势能构建水电能源形成模型。结果表明,采用微元法对水库水体分层建模,能够比较准确地描述水电能源的形成过程。 展开更多
关键词 梯级水电站 水能发电 水库分层水体 力学分析
水能发电技术发展专利趋势 被引量:2
作者 张瑜 胡春妍 《中国科技信息》 2023年第18期19-21,共3页
在“碳中和”趋势的推动下,绿色低碳产业需求活跃,为降低化石能源的占比,由于水电具有的零排放和用电调峰优势,利用这一优势发展水电是中国能源结构调整的重要一环。目前,我国水电装机容量(含抽水蓄能)超过3.7亿千瓦,占全部装机容量的16... 在“碳中和”趋势的推动下,绿色低碳产业需求活跃,为降低化石能源的占比,由于水电具有的零排放和用电调峰优势,利用这一优势发展水电是中国能源结构调整的重要一环。目前,我国水电装机容量(含抽水蓄能)超过3.7亿千瓦,占全部装机容量的16.82%。 展开更多
关键词 水电装机容量 能源结构调整 产业需求 抽水蓄能 水能发电 碳中和 零排放 化石能源
风能与水能互补发电系统的研究 被引量:1
作者 陈小梅 《能源与节能》 2014年第6期69-71,共3页
论述了水能与风能两种自然资源特性及互补的必要性和经济性,在此基础上提出风能与水能互补发电系统,构建了风能与水能互补发电系统的结构图、探讨了互补发电系统的运行策略及仿真运行与设计。风能与水能的互补开发、综合利用可提高发电... 论述了水能与风能两种自然资源特性及互补的必要性和经济性,在此基础上提出风能与水能互补发电系统,构建了风能与水能互补发电系统的结构图、探讨了互补发电系统的运行策略及仿真运行与设计。风能与水能的互补开发、综合利用可提高发电系统的可靠性与稳定性,是一种行之有效可再生能源的利用方式。 展开更多
关键词 风能发电 水能发电 互补
大藤峡水利枢纽发电调峰反调节分析 被引量:2
作者 甘富万 陈立华 李传科 《广西大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期671-676,共6页
为减小大藤峡水利枢纽发电调峰过程中下泄流量变幅过大造成对下游河段航运的影响,考虑在其下游兴建羊栏滩反调节水库,根据河段处在三江汇合口及地形限制等问题制定了反调节调度方式,对反调节过程进行了模拟计算,比较了不同调节库容、正... 为减小大藤峡水利枢纽发电调峰过程中下泄流量变幅过大造成对下游河段航运的影响,考虑在其下游兴建羊栏滩反调节水库,根据河段处在三江汇合口及地形限制等问题制定了反调节调度方式,对反调节过程进行了模拟计算,比较了不同调节库容、正常蓄水位方案下羊栏滩反调节水库的反调节效果、发电效益等。结果表明,羊栏滩水库1.1×107m3调节库容的反调节效果最优,基本可以将大藤峡发电调峰过程中引起的下游航道水位变幅调节至航运的要求;同时羊栏滩水库采用28 m正常蓄水位,可使梯级开发发电量增加1.8893×108kW.h,回水淹没造成的大藤峡水利枢纽发电损失仅为0.91%。 展开更多
关键词 水能发电 航道条件 大藤峡水利枢纽 反调节
作者 关志华 《科学对社会的影响》 2000年第3期30-33,共4页
关键词 中国 西部地区 水能资源 开发利用 水能发电 水电建设
宝珠寺水电站水能资源综合利用分析 被引量:1
作者 许小东 张丹威 《四川水力发电》 2014年第5期125-128,共4页
自宝珠寺水电站建厂以来与设计发电量相比,发电量严重不足,造成实际发电量与设计发电量差距较大的原因有很多,其中最主要的原因就是入库流量偏少;其次宝珠寺水电站运行以来基本都是按设计的水库调度图运行。宝珠寺水电站结合实际情况,... 自宝珠寺水电站建厂以来与设计发电量相比,发电量严重不足,造成实际发电量与设计发电量差距较大的原因有很多,其中最主要的原因就是入库流量偏少;其次宝珠寺水电站运行以来基本都是按设计的水库调度图运行。宝珠寺水电站结合实际情况,休正原水库调度图,积极开展水库优化调度工作,同时改变以往发电量最大的目标,积极寻求发电量与经济效益的结合,即考虑丰平枯及不同时段的电价,结合电网的需求,寻找经济效益最大的电站运行方式,确保了最近几年宝珠寺电厂发电量逐年提升的佳绩。 展开更多
关键词 宝珠寺水电站 综合利用 水能发电 防洪效益
大型水轮发电机定子磁化试验 被引量:4
作者 李楠 《水电与新能源》 2011年第4期66-68,共3页
关键词 水能发电 定子磁化试验 电压等级试验
一种循环水冷却塔系统余压余能利用的方法 被引量:10
作者 杨学军 赖喜德 《华电技术》 CAS 2009年第12期69-69,76,共2页
在工业领域存在着许多万吨级大流量的循环水系统,系统中不仅有许多富余能量和压力,而且通过对其中不合理、不科学部分的改造,可挖掘出更多的可回收能量。循环水能发电系统是将回水能量转化为机械能以后,再进一步将其转化为电能。电能小... 在工业领域存在着许多万吨级大流量的循环水系统,系统中不仅有许多富余能量和压力,而且通过对其中不合理、不科学部分的改造,可挖掘出更多的可回收能量。循环水能发电系统是将回水能量转化为机械能以后,再进一步将其转化为电能。电能小的可以回馈到系统本身或提供给其他低耗能设备;像火电企业等这种大流量的循环水系统完全可以建立一个独立的循环水能发电站并将所发的电能直接供给电网。该系统对于节能减排具有现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 循环水冷却塔 余压余能利用 循环水能发电系统
水电站机电设备常见故障及运维优化分析——评《水电站机电设备故障分析与处理技术(机械分册)》 被引量:6
作者 王东 《人民黄河》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第7期I0007-I0007,共1页
水电站是水能发电的主要设施,对于保障国家能源安全、促进经济发展具有重要作用。水电站机电设备复杂,如发电机组、水泵、调节阀门等,其涉及多个领域的知识,包括机械、电气、电子、水力学等。水电站机电设备的故障会影响发电效率和安全... 水电站是水能发电的主要设施,对于保障国家能源安全、促进经济发展具有重要作用。水电站机电设备复杂,如发电机组、水泵、调节阀门等,其涉及多个领域的知识,包括机械、电气、电子、水力学等。水电站机电设备的故障会影响发电效率和安全性,甚至可能引起事故。《水电站机电设备故障分析与处理技术(机械分册)》对水电站的水轮机、发电机、调速系统和辅助系统等机电设备的故障原因及处理进行分析,其中水轮机故障分析包含转动部分、导水机构、水导轴承、丰轴密封以及金属埋件等,发电机故障分析包含定子与转子、机架与轴承以及辅助设备等,调速系统故障分析包含机械液压系统和油压装置,辅助系统故障分析包括供水和空气系统。本文参阅该书内容,对水电站机电设备常见故障及运维优化进行探讨。 展开更多
关键词 机械液压系统 油压装置 机电设备 水能发电 水力学 辅助设备 导水机构 辅助系统
大型水电站实时仿真建模方法研究 被引量:2
作者 李咸善 胡翔勇 +1 位作者 邓长虹 袁兆强 《武汉水利电力大学(宜昌)学报》 1997年第4期101-104,共4页
关键词 实时仿真 水能发电机组 水电站 数学模型
Rural Biomass Energy Utilization and Sustainable Developmental Strategies in Tibet 被引量:1
作者 吴珊珊 姚治君 沈镭 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第2期279-282,300,共5页
[Objective] This study was to provide theoretical basis for getting sustainable development of rural energy in Tibet into reality.[Method] By reviewing the rural energy resources in Tibet,we analyzed the characteristi... [Objective] This study was to provide theoretical basis for getting sustainable development of rural energy in Tibet into reality.[Method] By reviewing the rural energy resources in Tibet,we analyzed the characteristics and potential of rural biomass utilization in Tibet,and further put forward the sustainable countermeasures on the firewood substitution in Tibet.[Results] Renewable energies including hydraulic,geothermal,solar and wind resources are abundant in Tibet,while there is just a few of fossil energy resources such as oil and coal,with uneven distribution and poor exploration conditions.Traditional consumption of biomass energy resource accounts for a large proportion of the total energy consumption in Tibetan rural districts,which causes potential damage to the fragile ecological environment on the Tibetan Plateau.The excessive use of biomass energy destroyed the vegetation and evoked the environment deterioration such as the intensification of the water and soil loss and the declining of the soil fertility.[Conclusion] It is essential for Tibet to change its rural energy consumption structure,implement the Tibetan firewood alternative energy strategy and try to make full use of renewable energy such as solar energy,wind energy,hydro-energy instead of native vegetation and animal's droppings in order to reduce the adverse impacts of the irrational energy consumption on the ecological environment in Tibet. 展开更多
关键词 Biomass energy Sustainable development Small hydro power TIBET
The Third Largest Hydronower Station Formed
《China's Foreign Trade》 2006年第23期37-37,共1页
As the Xiangjiaba hydropower station work started, the third largest hydropower station in China with the total investment of USS 43.4 billion, the "Kingdom of Hydro-power" in Southwest China began to show i... As the Xiangjiaba hydropower station work started, the third largest hydropower station in China with the total investment of USS 43.4 billion, the "Kingdom of Hydro-power" in Southwest China began to show its powerful momentum. The 6-million kW facility is the second on this section of the Yangtze after earthworks began on the Xiluodu project last year. The section of the Yangtze 展开更多
关键词 水电站 中国 西南地区 长江 水能发电
《上海塑料》 2020年第1期40-40,共1页
通过风能和水能发电,生产可循环利用的环保无卤阻燃剂全新Exolit OP Terra阻燃剂基于可再生乙烯,是Knapsack基地可生产的产品之一科莱恩将继续100%使用可再生电力,为其位于德国Knapsack的添加剂业务单元生产基地提供动力,一年前该基地... 通过风能和水能发电,生产可循环利用的环保无卤阻燃剂全新Exolit OP Terra阻燃剂基于可再生乙烯,是Knapsack基地可生产的产品之一科莱恩将继续100%使用可再生电力,为其位于德国Knapsack的添加剂业务单元生产基地提供动力,一年前该基地成功进行了试转换。这突显了科莱恩在电力需求方面转向使用可再生能源的持续努力,从而降低了对气候变化的影响。 展开更多
关键词 业务单元 可再生能源 电力需求 可循环利用 无卤阻燃剂 科莱恩 水能发电 绿色用电
A Technical Review of Hydro-Project Development in China 被引量:35
作者 Rafael Duarte António Pinheiro Anton J. Schleiss 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第3期302-312,共11页
This paper summarizes the development of hydro-projects in China,blended with an international perspective.It expounds major technical progress toward ensuring the safe construction of high dams and river harnessing,a... This paper summarizes the development of hydro-projects in China,blended with an international perspective.It expounds major technical progress toward ensuring the safe construction of high dams and river harnessing,and covers the theorization of uneven non-equilibrium sediment transport,inter-basin water diversion,giant hydro-generator units,pumped storage power stations,underground caverns,ecological protection,and so on. 展开更多
关键词 DamRiver harnessingWater diversionPumped storage power stationUnderground cavernEcological protection
Drillhole high-pressure packer permeability test for underground powerhouse in Pushihe pumped storage hydro-plant 被引量:1
作者 TIAN Zuoyin CHEN Li +1 位作者 REN Xiangyu LI Zhanjun 《Global Geology》 2010年第2期85-89,共5页
Usually the water head of the pumped storage hydro-plant is high, generally up to 400-500 m, therefore the rock mass under the high-pressure bifurcation pipe have to bear as high as millions Pascal water pressure, in ... Usually the water head of the pumped storage hydro-plant is high, generally up to 400-500 m, therefore the rock mass under the high-pressure bifurcation pipe have to bear as high as millions Pascal water pressure, in according with the requirements of high water head pumped storage hydro-plant should be 1.2 times of the water head special high-pressure packer permeability test compared with normal to test the permeability of rock and rock cleavage pressure value. The test results on the choice of design options often play a decisive role. Based on the engineering practice, the authors studied the drillhole high-pressure packer permeability test in the pumped storage hydro-plant's underground powerhouse, by the analysis of test results, this article offers a demonstration of the deformation of rock fracture witch under building in the condition of high-pressure water head, it provides a more detailed engineering geological background. 展开更多
关键词 pumped storage high-pressure packer permeability test rock mass deformation PERMEABILITY rock cleavage
Evaluation of tidal stream energy and its impacts on surrounding dynamics in the Eastern Region of Pingtan Island, China 被引量:3
作者 武贺 王鑫 +2 位作者 王兵振 白杨 王培涛 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第6期1319-1328,共10页
Using an improved FVCOM numerical model, combined with the momentum-sinking scheme based on the structural characteristics of specific turbines, this study analyzed the temporal and spatial distributions of tidal ener... Using an improved FVCOM numerical model, combined with the momentum-sinking scheme based on the structural characteristics of specific turbines, this study analyzed the temporal and spatial distributions of tidal energy resources before and after the deployment of tidal turbines near Pingtan Island, China. Considering factors such as the distribution of tidal stream energy, bathymetry, topography, and the design parameters of the turbines, an appropriate location for a demonstration tidal turbine was selected and the corresponding energy resource was evaluated. Several sites with strong tidal streams were considered: south of the northern cape, east of the southem cape, and the southern end of Haitan Bay. The former was thought most suitable for the deployment of a tidal energy turbine, with projected power generation for approximately 470 h per month. The average power of this demonstration was about 2.4 kW, and the annual electricity output was approximately 17.47 MWh. The intervention of the turbine device had little influence on the near-field tidal stream or water level. The tidal stream was reduced slightly in the area south of the northern cape, although the effect weakened further from the turbine. Conversely, the velocity increased slightly on both sides of the demonstration site. The difference in current speed with and without the turbine was greater at slack tide than still tide. The influence of turbine operation on water level was minor. The method adopted in this study can be considered a reference for the selection of sites for the demonstration of tidal stream energy. However, the method is unable describe the dynamic characteristics of the turbulent flow surrounding the deployed turbines, which has an important role regarding the optimal designs of the turbine blade and pile foundations. Therefore, we will continue to work to improve this model in future research. 展开更多
关键词 tidal stream energy Pingtan Island numerical simulation dynamic impacts
Private Sector Participation in Electricity Generation and Distribution
作者 Ramesh C Arya 《Small Hydro Power News》 2005年第82期14-21,共8页
In terms of hydropower resources in the country, Nepal ranks second in the world. But it has not acted seriously in terms of utilization. The effort began from the Rana days when they ruled the country for more than c... In terms of hydropower resources in the country, Nepal ranks second in the world. But it has not acted seriously in terms of utilization. The effort began from the Rana days when they ruled the country for more than century. For energy, unfortunately, the country has at times sought thermal source rather than hydropower.For energy needs, it first depended upon foreign aid in the earlier dates. As late as in the '60s, it depended upon such assistance rather than developing its own. So much so, that it imported electrical power from neighbouring country. Later, it was developed both under foreign aid as well the multilateral assistance and loan. The electricity generation gradually became more and more costly. Only later, genuine private sectors have joined the energy market. But the terms and conditions have not always been in the national interest. There is a wide variation in cost of energy under different conditions of power development in the country, from the cheapest to the costliest. Both for generation and distribution, Nepal Electric Corporation should no longer continue its monopoly.Private sector should be promoted given more role to play for economy and operation.The paper discusses the different options available and practised in Nepal. 展开更多
关键词 水电站 电力需求 水能 河流 水力发电 尼泊尔
Electricity Generation in Turkey by Geothermal Energy Resources
作者 Oyku Bilgin 《Journal of Physical Science and Application》 2013年第4期256-261,共6页
Electricity generation generally is made in thermal, hydro, geothermal power plants and windfarms/windparks. Because of some advantages such as renewability, low-cost, clean, safe and naturality geothermal and wind en... Electricity generation generally is made in thermal, hydro, geothermal power plants and windfarms/windparks. Because of some advantages such as renewability, low-cost, clean, safe and naturality geothermal and wind energy will have been electricity generation source in the near future. Turkey has hot water springs suitable for electricity generation between 130-242 ~C with natural vapor and hydrothermal alterations in connection with grabens limited to active faults and diffuse young volcanism in Western Anatolia Region. Other renewable energy and electricity generation resource is wind energy. In Turkey electricity generation is made by windfarms/windparks. These parks/farms are generated 1,414.55 MW electricity. The year 2010 electricity general total installed capacity in Turkey is about 49,524.1 MW. According to the total installed capacity, thermal power plants have 65.18%, hydro power plants have 31.97%, geothermal power plants and wind farms have 2.85%. Electricity generation generally was obtained from 15 thermal power plants. In this study high temperature geothermal fields and windparks/windfarms in Turkey which are suitable for electricity generation potential were investigated. 展开更多
关键词 Geothermal energy electricity production alternative energy
Performance Analysis of the Aeration Valves and Its Protections at the Generating Units in ITAIPU Hydroelectric Power Plant
作者 Joao Maria Marra Lucas Rafael Hara Motta Liliana Madalena Gramani 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第7期601-609,共9页
With the growing energetic need present in the world, it is increasingly necessary for the researches and facilities to seek a better use of renewable natural resources. This paper is applied in the study of the perfo... With the growing energetic need present in the world, it is increasingly necessary for the researches and facilities to seek a better use of renewable natural resources. This paper is applied in the study of the performance of the aeration system of the Francis turbines present in Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant. When a Francis turbine operates off its optimal conditions, a vortex is formed inside the draft tube that, besides produces cavitation and pressure fluctuations, can pulse at frequencies with risk of resonance with hydraulic system, producing efforts and vibrations that may cause structural failures in the turbines, generators and civil parts of the power house. These damaging effects can be reduced using atmospheric aeration of the turbines. Because of this, the availability and effectively of the aeration system is fundamental to smooth the behavior of the turbines, helping preserve the health of the power plant. An analysis of the performance of the aeration system will be done using maintenance records and disturbances analysis reports (RAP), allowing verification of the operating conditions of the turbine and fatality of water inlet in air pipes. Through the improvements detected, it is possible to reduce machine stoppages by tripping, thus increasing the availability of the turbines. 展开更多
关键词 TURBINE AERATION performance.
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