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《可再生能源法》与水能资源管理 被引量:1
作者 程回洲 《中国水利》 2006年第2期18-21,共4页
《可再生能源法》确定了水能的独立能源和可再生能源的法律地位。当前水能资源管理严重滞后的现状,要求切实加强管理工作,一方面满足我国能源开发和能源供应的战略需要,一方面维护河流健康生命和永续利用。水能实现着水量的天然配置,是... 《可再生能源法》确定了水能的独立能源和可再生能源的法律地位。当前水能资源管理严重滞后的现状,要求切实加强管理工作,一方面满足我国能源开发和能源供应的战略需要,一方面维护河流健康生命和永续利用。水能实现着水量的天然配置,是河流生命的动力,长期的管理缺位影响了水能资源的科学管理和有序利用。《可再生能源法》明确了水能资源的管理体制与部门职责分工,是今后加强水能资源管理的又一部重要的涉水法律。 展开更多
关键词 可再生能源法 水能资源管理 河流健康
行使水能资源开发管理职责 做好农村水电安全监管工作 被引量:3
作者 徐锦才 章文裕 《小水电》 2009年第4期24-27,共4页
农村水电的安全生产和管理历来都很薄弱,很多问题有待理顺。水利部门需从水能资源开发利用的持续监督管理入手,通过制定《水能资源开发利用管理办法》、对水电站发放《水能资源开发使用证》和开展安全年检,对水电站人员全面培训和发放... 农村水电的安全生产和管理历来都很薄弱,很多问题有待理顺。水利部门需从水能资源开发利用的持续监督管理入手,通过制定《水能资源开发利用管理办法》、对水电站发放《水能资源开发使用证》和开展安全年检,对水电站人员全面培训和发放《农村水电人员从业资格证》;同时解决好农村水电上网电价过低的问题,保证资金正常投入,提高水电站设施的现代化水平和完好率,才能搞好农村水电的安全生产监管和行业管理。 展开更多
关键词 农村水电 水能资源管理 安全生产监管
我国水能资源开发利用权制度研究 被引量:7
作者 王明远 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期102-105,共4页
我国水能资源开发利用正从计划经济条件下形成的基于行政命令的无偿划拨模式转向市场经济条件下基于法律的有偿使用的市场化模式,而市场化的水能资源开发利用模式的关键和起点在于依法确立和保护水能资源开发利用权。我国现有国家级立... 我国水能资源开发利用正从计划经济条件下形成的基于行政命令的无偿划拨模式转向市场经济条件下基于法律的有偿使用的市场化模式,而市场化的水能资源开发利用模式的关键和起点在于依法确立和保护水能资源开发利用权。我国现有国家级立法缺失和地方性立法有限发展的格局无法满足水能资源的有效、有序、合理、公平之开发利用的需要,制定《水能资源管理条例》,构建以水能开发利用权为核心的水能资源管理制度体系和机制,对于促进我国水能资源的良性开发利用,维护能源安全,促进低碳型经济发展和社会进步具有重要而迫切的意义。 展开更多
关键词 水能资源开发利用权 水能资源管理制度 法律依据
《中国水能及电气化》 2011年第12期10-10,共1页
《中国水能及电气化》杂志自创刊以来,在广大作者和读者的密切关注和大力支持下办刊质量不断提升,读者群不断扩大。为了进一步提高杂志的出版质量,提升杂志在水能资源管理、水电农村电气化领域的知名度,本刊于2011年第11期(总第82... 《中国水能及电气化》杂志自创刊以来,在广大作者和读者的密切关注和大力支持下办刊质量不断提升,读者群不断扩大。为了进一步提高杂志的出版质量,提升杂志在水能资源管理、水电农村电气化领域的知名度,本刊于2011年第11期(总第82期)进行了全面改版, 展开更多
关键词 水能资源管理 农村电气化 改版 中国 办刊质量 出版质量 读者群 杂志
《中国水能及电气化》 2019年第3期F0004-F0004,共1页
《中国水能及电气化》是由部水电局和中国水利工程协会等单位主办、面向国内外公开发行的科技类学术期刊(月刊),国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 1673-8241,国内统一连续出版物号:CN 11-5543/TK。主要栏目包括:农村水电、绿色小水电、施工技... 《中国水能及电气化》是由部水电局和中国水利工程协会等单位主办、面向国内外公开发行的科技类学术期刊(月刊),国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 1673-8241,国内统一连续出版物号:CN 11-5543/TK。主要栏目包括:农村水电、绿色小水电、施工技术、建设管理、运行管理、水电站技术、科学研究及工程设计等。为了更好地服务于水能资源管理和水电农村电气化领域,宣传党和国家的相关方针政策,传播科学管理理念,围绕行业改革与发展,报道行业内的新科研成果,交流行业内的建设与管理经验,传递行业信息,推广行业典型,倡导节能减排,促进我国水能资源管理及水电农村电气化事业蓬勃发展。 展开更多
关键词 水能资源管理 农村电气化 中国 连续出版物 征稿 农村水电 建设管理 科学研究
《中国水能及电气化》 2021年第7期F0004-F0004,共1页
《中国水能及电气化》是由部水电局和中国水利工程协会等单位主办、面向国内外公开发行的科技类学术期刊(月刊),国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN1673-8241,国内统一连续出版物号:CN11-5543/TK。主要栏目包括:农村水电、绿色小水电、施工技术... 《中国水能及电气化》是由部水电局和中国水利工程协会等单位主办、面向国内外公开发行的科技类学术期刊(月刊),国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN1673-8241,国内统一连续出版物号:CN11-5543/TK。主要栏目包括:农村水电、绿色小水电、施工技术、建设管理、运行管理、水电站技术、科学研究及工程设计等。为了更好地服务于水能资源管理和水电农村电气化领域,宣传党和国家的相关方针政策,传播科学管理理念,围绕行业改革与发展,报道行业内的新科研成果,交流行业内的建设与管理经验,传递行业信息,推广行业典型,倡导节能减排,促进我国水能资源管理及水电农村电气化事业蓬勃发展. 展开更多
关键词 科学管理理念 科研成果 农村水电 电气化 绿色小水电 方针政策 水能资源管理 节能减排
《中国水能及电气化》 2015年第5期2-2,共1页
《中国水能及电气化》杂志是由部水电局、中国水利工程协会等单位主办公开发行的科技期刊,国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN1673-8241,国内统一连续出版物号:CN 11-5543/TK。本杂志为月刊,是中文科技期刊数据库收录期刊,中国期刊全文数据库收... 《中国水能及电气化》杂志是由部水电局、中国水利工程协会等单位主办公开发行的科技期刊,国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN1673-8241,国内统一连续出版物号:CN 11-5543/TK。本杂志为月刊,是中文科技期刊数据库收录期刊,中国期刊全文数据库收录期刊,万方数据-数字化期刊群上网期刊。《中国水能及电气化》杂志服务于水能资源管理和水电农村电气化领域,旨在宣传党和国家的相关方针政策,传播科学管理理念,围绕行业改革与发展,报道行业内的新科研成果。 展开更多
关键词 水能开发 上网期刊 数字化期刊 水能资源管理 水电农村电气化 中国水利 工程协会 科技期刊 行业改革 科研成果
“跑马圈水”的经济动因及其对策 被引量:1
作者 张范 《中国水利》 2005年第18期34-36,共3页
“跑马圈水”既有企业追逐利润的经济动因,也有电力体制改革及国家资源占用制度产生的影响。通过对经济动因分析,指出其可能造成的无序开发的危害,进而提出清除不利影响的制度措施,以防止和避免因水电开发的过度竞争和无序管理对西部环... “跑马圈水”既有企业追逐利润的经济动因,也有电力体制改革及国家资源占用制度产生的影响。通过对经济动因分析,指出其可能造成的无序开发的危害,进而提出清除不利影响的制度措施,以防止和避免因水电开发的过度竞争和无序管理对西部环境和生态造成不利影响,维护水能资源利用和生态与环境保护的可持续性。 展开更多
关键词 “跑马圈水” 西电东送 电力体制改革 水电租金 水能资源管理 水电开发 经济 不利影响 国家资源 西部环境
Driving Smartization Through Intelligent Transport 被引量:1
作者 Francesco Bifulco Cristina C. Amitrano Marco Tregua 《Chinese Business Review》 2014年第4期243-258,共16页
Smart cities initiatives are developing all over the world, due to their support in favouring a better provision of services, in connection with the aim of achieving efficiency in cities management. More and more big ... Smart cities initiatives are developing all over the world, due to their support in favouring a better provision of services, in connection with the aim of achieving efficiency in cities management. More and more big corporations are interested in this topic to develop their businesses, as several issues are linked to these projects, like environment, water management, energy policies, education, culture, and so on. In literature these issues, known as drivers, were also related to sustainability aims which could be reached through the accomplishment of better performances within environment, economy, and society. This study synthesizes all the different drivers identified by scholars and industry players in a model, in order to use it as a framework to depict the linkages among the various smart cities projects. Since transport resulted as one of the most considered drivers in the analyzed contributions, the research questions were delineated to describe its role in the different phases of smart initiatives, and to understand if it could encourage and enable the other drivers' development. The multiple case study was chosen as the fittest methodological approach and it was conducted with the selection of three smart cities, one for each of the most cited platform models developed by industry players, which had started transport initiatives at least three years ago: Singapore (IBM), Amsterdam (Accenture), and San Francisco (Microsoft). The analysis of the official documents set up by city departments and by the industry players showed transport as a driving force in smart cities projects which conveys a smart approach to different domains, especially energy savings, environment, and safety. The results also showed smart mobility as a pivot in stimulating investments and citizens' participation on different city drivers, especially as it concerns environment and services to both citizens and businesses. Smart transport initiatives, hardware and software infrastructures, technological devices, and people participation to smartization were closely interrelated in smart cities projects and they could be successfully used to achieve sustainability aims for different stakeholders. 展开更多
关键词 smart cities management platform models transport driver sustainable mobility ICTS
Analysis of Irrigation Systems Employing Comparative Performance Indicators: A Benchmark Study for National Irrigation and Communal Irrigation Systems in Cagayan River Basin
作者 Jeoffrey Lloyd Reyes Bareng Orlando Florendo Balderama Lanie Alejandro Alejo 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2015年第5期325-335,共11页
Comparative performance analysis of four irrigation schemes within Cagayan River Basin was assessed using comparative performance indicators between the years 2008 and 2012. The objectives were to establish benchmarks... Comparative performance analysis of four irrigation schemes within Cagayan River Basin was assessed using comparative performance indicators between the years 2008 and 2012. The objectives were to establish benchmarks for both productivity and performance of irrigation schemes along the valley and to inquire whether small schemes function better than large schemes. The performance evaluation study of the systems composed of three general performance indicators, based on three domains-(1) system operation performance; (2) agricultural productivity and economics; (3) financial performance. Each indicator was assessed based on the prescribed descriptors used by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Analysis showed an overall system performance efficiency of 59%, 55%, 47% and 36% for Magat River Integrated Irrigation System (MARI1S), Lucban, Garab and Divisoria Communal Irrigation Systems (CIS), respectively. In terms of annual productivity performance, Lucban CIS dominates the three other systems with 0.35 kg/m3, which was classified as moderately performing system, while the rest were classified with low productivity index. Financial sustainability of the systems were extremely poor with cost recovery ratio of 0, 0.33, 0.41 and 0.49 for Divisoria, Garab, Lucban and MARIIS, respectively, which were exceptionally below the standard value of at least one. Also, analysis of the indicators revealed that on average, large schemes performed similarly to small-scale schemes, but small schemes were more variable, particularly in input-use efficiency. The benchmarking study will provide strategic information to policy makers of agricultural and irrigation agencies on the existing weaknesses of irrigation systems in the country and determine in a more quantifiable terms levels of potential improvement and intervention targets. 展开更多
关键词 Communal and national irrigation systems performance benchmarking small and large reservoir schemes.
The White Volta Basin, Climate Change and Food Security: Perspectives of Riparian Communities in Northern Ghana
作者 Asaah Sumaila Mohammed Emmanuel Kanchebe Derbile Musah Ibrahim Mordzeh-Ekpampo 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第6期350-356,共7页
This paper has examined how the resources of the White Volta River are enhancing food availability for riparian communities in northern Ghana despite climate change and its associated effects on food security. Using p... This paper has examined how the resources of the White Volta River are enhancing food availability for riparian communities in northern Ghana despite climate change and its associated effects on food security. Using participatory methods such as focus group discussions and interviews, data was collected from households and institutions in three riparian communities. The result of the study indicates that, all things been equal, cultivation of food crops along the river bank in the rainy season gives significantly high yields as compared to yields from farms farthest from the river under rain fed agriculture. Higher organic content and moisture retention capacity of river bank soils explains the yield differential and adaptability to climate change. In addition, farmers now irrigate cereal crops which were hitherto, reserved for only rainy season production. However, inappropriate irrigation practices are accelerating erosion and sedimentation of the river and thus, threaten the sustainability of agriculture and food security in the White Volta Basin. The paper therefore, recommends the adoption of IWRM (integrated water resources management) and the participation of local communities, Government and Civil Society organisations for sustaining the productive capacity of the White Volta Basin for enabling adaptation of agriculture to climate change in the riparian communities of the basin. 展开更多
关键词 Food security northern Ghana riparian communities White Volta.
Integrated Water Resources Management for Pond in Bistrica E Pejes
作者 Sali I Fazliu 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第10期1173-1180,共8页
In this century of crisis in water and energy the problem of water resources development is very crucial, especially in countries like Kosova with relatively scarce water resources. In this context the use of water fo... In this century of crisis in water and energy the problem of water resources development is very crucial, especially in countries like Kosova with relatively scarce water resources. In this context the use of water for the production of hydro-energy is essential. Actually the energetic system of Kosova is based on thermo-energy, so the use of water resources for the production of hydro energy will increase further the energy production of the country. On the other hand, a master plan of multiple use of water resources, based on the principle of integrated and sustainable management, will insure better services for other users of the country. There are four basins in Kosovo: basin of the Drini i Bardhe River, basin of Ibar River, basin of Morava e Bing^s and Lepenci Rivers. The watershed of Bistrica e Pejes belongs to the basin of Drini i Bardhe, which belongs to the Adriatic Sea catchment. It has an admirable capacity therefore should be treated as a complex capacity, in which important economic components of water can be introduced such as: drinking water supply, water for irrigation in both sides of valley, fish economy and recreation, hydro-energy etc.. 展开更多
关键词 WATER hydro energy ENVIRONMENT integrated and sustainable management
Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Issue of Protection against Negative Impact of Floods
作者 Karel Drbal 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第5期620-631,共12页
The paper follows possible specification of a control algorithm of a WS (water management system) during floods using the procedures of AI (artificial intelligence). The issue of minimizing negative impacts of flo... The paper follows possible specification of a control algorithm of a WS (water management system) during floods using the procedures of AI (artificial intelligence). The issue of minimizing negative impacts of floods represents influencing and controlling a dynamic process of the system where the main regulation elements are water reservoirs. Control of water outflow from reservoirs is implicitly based on the used model (titled BW) based on FR (fuzzy regulation). Specification of a control algorithm means dealing with the issue of preparing a knowledge base for the process of tuning fuzzy regulators based on an I/O (input/output) matrix obtained by optimization of the target behaviour of WS. Partial results can be compared with the regulation outputs when specialized tuning was used for the fuzzy regulator of the control algorithm. Basic approaches follow from the narrow relation on BW model use to simulate floods, without any connection to real water management system. A generally introduced model allows description of an outflow dynamic system with stochastic inputs using submodels of robust regression in the outflow module. The submodels are constructed on data of historical FS (flood situations). 展开更多
关键词 Flood protection artificial intelligence reservoirs control fuzzy regulation.
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