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脂肪五行从水论 被引量:1
作者 赵春江 陆乐 +3 位作者 林彤彤 李木子 张玉萍 蔡辉 《河南中医》 2018年第10期1476-1479,共4页
脂肪是三大营养素之一,是人体必需的贮能物质,然而脂代谢异常又会带来肥胖、脂肪肝、高脂血症等多种病症,增加心脑血管事件及猝死的风险,肥人多湿,虽然脂肪和痰湿、膏脂不能完全划等号,但是参考古今医学的相关论述,笔者认为脂肪五行从... 脂肪是三大营养素之一,是人体必需的贮能物质,然而脂代谢异常又会带来肥胖、脂肪肝、高脂血症等多种病症,增加心脑血管事件及猝死的风险,肥人多湿,虽然脂肪和痰湿、膏脂不能完全划等号,但是参考古今医学的相关论述,笔者认为脂肪五行从水。从生理功能而言,脂肪、肾、水都具有储能的功能,并且还具有一定的保温作用;从病理致病而言,中西医学虽然以不同方式研究,但是这两种医学所论述的脂代谢异常所带来的相关风险和系统损害在很大程度上惊人的相似;从治疗原则而言,脂肪从肾水论符合痰湿当从脾土和肾阳治。痰湿为阴水之类,总体以"温燥"为主。温从肾火,燥从脾土,脾为火上之鼎,肾为鼎下之火,唯肾火不竭则脾气不虚,脾气不虚则运化得行,即张景岳云:"痰之化在脾,痰之本在肾"。 展开更多
关键词 脂肪 膏脂 五行 水论
老子“水论”哲学思想对当代体育经营管理的启迪 被引量:1
作者 阳云 韩晨 《南京体育学院学报(社会科学版)》 1999年第1期39-43,共5页
当前体育经济实体在发展过程中出现了追求经济效益同维护体育本质功能的矛盾与冲突。这个矛盾的产生与体育经营管理的方法论、方法的完善密切相关。在分析矛盾的基础上尝试引进老子“水论”哲学思想,试求为解决矛盾、完善体育经营管理... 当前体育经济实体在发展过程中出现了追求经济效益同维护体育本质功能的矛盾与冲突。这个矛盾的产生与体育经营管理的方法论、方法的完善密切相关。在分析矛盾的基础上尝试引进老子“水论”哲学思想,试求为解决矛盾、完善体育经营管理的方法探索一条出路。 展开更多
关键词 体育本质功能 经济效益 水论”哲学思想
中国传统画水论与造园理水实践比照研究 被引量:7
作者 李奕成 朱南燕 +1 位作者 李子杰 成玉宁 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第1期130-136,共7页
始于晋代的山水画、山水诗、山水园三位一体的发展特点,促使中国传统山水画论与造园理法间的相互渗透与彼此启发.水作为重要的造景元素在造园实践中与传统画水理论的章法、道法真水、善假于物等创作手法观照,重视布局以及源头、水口和... 始于晋代的山水画、山水诗、山水园三位一体的发展特点,促使中国传统山水画论与造园理法间的相互渗透与彼此启发.水作为重要的造景元素在造园实践中与传统画水理论的章法、道法真水、善假于物等创作手法观照,重视布局以及源头、水口和水尾等水境的端部的处理,注重不同水境的塑造,并协同地形、建筑和植物等各类景物构建旷奥兼具、虚实相合的园林空间.在亟需提高文化自觉的当代,于古代山水画论中寻求园林理法智慧不仅具备现实价值,而且对传统艺术理论的传承与创新具有重要意义. 展开更多
关键词 水论 造园 理水
《伤寒论》中“控水论”之下法探析 被引量:3
作者 郭强中 《吉林中医药》 2012年第1期10-13,共4页
《伤寒论》中包含的治法众多,但以汗法、下法和吐法论述最详,而这3法也恰好涵盖了人体水液调控的主要方面,成为控水理论的基础。"控水"实际上贯穿了汗、吐、下3法的始终。在《伤寒论》中所提到的下法并不仅仅就是攻下,固下也... 《伤寒论》中包含的治法众多,但以汗法、下法和吐法论述最详,而这3法也恰好涵盖了人体水液调控的主要方面,成为控水理论的基础。"控水"实际上贯穿了汗、吐、下3法的始终。在《伤寒论》中所提到的下法并不仅仅就是攻下,固下也是属于下法的范畴,是属于一种治法的2个方面,两者在调控人体内水液平衡方面发挥了极其重要的作用。论中有关下法的内容散乱且杂,经过梳理后可窥及清晰且富有逻辑的脉络。下法不仅要明确使用的时机,熟悉宜忌,分清缓急,还要掌握方剂主治与变通思路。从正反两方面掌握下法,能够实现对水液在胃肠道内有序流动及体内合理分布的有效控制。 展开更多
关键词 《伤寒论》 水论 下法 八法 固下 水论 利尿剂
《伤寒论》“控水论”之汗法探微 被引量:2
作者 郭强中 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 2012年第1期212-214,共3页
《伤寒论》中包含的治法众多,但以汗法和下法最为详细,间接论述吐法也较多,此三法是其他诸法的基础,加上止汗、止下和止吐三种对应治法,水液的调控便贯穿了汗、吐、下三法的始终。掌握了对人体水液的调控,也就掌握了汗、吐、下三法,也... 《伤寒论》中包含的治法众多,但以汗法和下法最为详细,间接论述吐法也较多,此三法是其他诸法的基础,加上止汗、止下和止吐三种对应治法,水液的调控便贯穿了汗、吐、下三法的始终。掌握了对人体水液的调控,也就掌握了汗、吐、下三法,也就掌握了伤寒病的基本处理方法和思路。 展开更多
关键词 伤寒论 水论 汗法
《伤寒论》“控水论”之吐法探微 被引量:2
作者 郭强中 《上海中医药杂志》 2011年第7期23-24,共2页
关键词 《伤寒论》 “控水论 吐法
“控水论”在鼻部炎症性疾病中的应用 被引量:1
作者 郭强中 《新中医》 CAS 2013年第7期7-9,共3页
鼻腔及鼻窦的炎症性疾病都是以水液代谢紊乱为主要特征的,而水液属于阴液范畴,要实现对水液的合理调控,就必需引导阳气在与鼻相关的脏腑、经络中合理流动,这其中最重要的运动方式就是升降和出入。因此,运用"控水论"来治疗鼻... 鼻腔及鼻窦的炎症性疾病都是以水液代谢紊乱为主要特征的,而水液属于阴液范畴,要实现对水液的合理调控,就必需引导阳气在与鼻相关的脏腑、经络中合理流动,这其中最重要的运动方式就是升降和出入。因此,运用"控水论"来治疗鼻部炎症性疾病,实际上就是在遵循五行规律的基础上充分调动阳气在脏腑和经络中升降与出入的过程。 展开更多
关键词 水论 水液调控 鼻炎 鼻窦炎 伤寒论 阳气 十二正经
佛籍经典水论解读 被引量:2
作者 刘冠美 《华北水利水电学院学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第6期21-24,44,共5页
关键词 佛教 佛教典籍 水论
作者 钱元南 《陕西水利》 2008年第3期80-80,共1页
泉自山出.雨依云生,汇之湖海,化于昊天。 人生父母,成长百途,善恶尊卑,终归一尘。 水一生同人一生,周而复始,天理循环。 泉水至纯,雨水至清,然流则避高趋低,寻凹而行。或与泥沙同下,或与污浊同奔,若放任其流必成灾祸;... 泉自山出.雨依云生,汇之湖海,化于昊天。 人生父母,成长百途,善恶尊卑,终归一尘。 水一生同人一生,周而复始,天理循环。 泉水至纯,雨水至清,然流则避高趋低,寻凹而行。或与泥沙同下,或与污浊同奔,若放任其流必成灾祸;人初至善,童心无邪。然世人皆懒惰,贪思享受。 展开更多
关键词 散文 《我的水论 钱元南 文学作品
作者 汤金华 《炎黄纵横》 2019年第4期22-23,共2页
2019年1月22日,何少川同志离我们而去。那天清晨,林思翔同志来电话相告,我先是不相信,继而深感悲痛……在我心目中,少川同志'为官'称职,做人成功。他信仰坚定、心胸宽广、智慧超群、业绩丰硕,令人由衷敬佩。对他的真正认识,是... 2019年1月22日,何少川同志离我们而去。那天清晨,林思翔同志来电话相告,我先是不相信,继而深感悲痛……在我心目中,少川同志'为官'称职,做人成功。他信仰坚定、心胸宽广、智慧超群、业绩丰硕,令人由衷敬佩。对他的真正认识,是我退休后参加省炎黄文化研究会(以下简称'研究会')的十多年。这些年,无论参加'研究会'的各种会议或各类活动,还是小范围交谈、商讨,他总能倾听众议,用心思考,精准点评. 展开更多
关键词 研究会 众议 少川 用心 水论 超群 同志 活动
作者 乔新 《江苏教育》 2024年第33期26-29,共4页
在中国传统文化中,水是意蕴丰富的隐喻载体。古代圣贤常以水为喻,借物阐理,托物寓兴。借鉴圣贤的水论,探寻教育家精神的深刻内涵:教育家应追求高远的境界和悲悯的情怀,展现出精进不休、虚怀若谷的态度,具备识变从宜、活循大道的智慧,以... 在中国传统文化中,水是意蕴丰富的隐喻载体。古代圣贤常以水为喻,借物阐理,托物寓兴。借鉴圣贤的水论,探寻教育家精神的深刻内涵:教育家应追求高远的境界和悲悯的情怀,展现出精进不休、虚怀若谷的态度,具备识变从宜、活循大道的智慧,以及大胆求索、革故鼎新的勇气,同时保持严格自律、自洁洁人的觉悟。这些特质共同构成了教育家精神的丰富维度,激励教育工作者以水为师,积极传承并实践这些宝贵的精神品质。 展开更多
关键词 水论 为师如水 教育家精神 时代内涵
Regulation of Bcl-2 Family in TIP30-Induced Apoptosis in Hepatoblastoma Cells 被引量:2
作者 石梅 王平 +3 位作者 张霞 张红卫 吴孟超 张柏和 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2005年第1期11-15,65,共6页
Objective: To investigate the role of TIP30 in the apoptotic signal pathwayin HepG2, and Hep3B and Hu-7 hepatoblastoma cell lines. Methods: In order to confirm whether TIP30conducted Bcl-2 family was involved in apopt... Objective: To investigate the role of TIP30 in the apoptotic signal pathwayin HepG2, and Hep3B and Hu-7 hepatoblastoma cell lines. Methods: In order to confirm whether TIP30conducted Bcl-2 family was involved in apoptosis signal pathway, MTT assay, in situ 3' end labellingof DNA assay and Western blot were carried out to detect the diverse apoptotic function of TIP30and the regulation of Bcl-2 family. Results: TIP30 induced apoptosis as evidenced by morphologicalchanges in hepatoblastoma cells, which was accompanied by up-regulating Bax and Bad proteins andstimulating them from cytoplasm to mitochondria, and down-regulating Bcl-xl, while it had no effecton the level of Bak protein. Conclusion: TIP30 induced apoptosis partly by modulating the proteinlevels of members of Bcl-2 family in hepatoblastoma cells. Elucidating the mechanism by which TIP30induces cell death might establish it as an anticancer factor. 展开更多
作者 桑志宽 《科技创新与应用》 2011年第21期52-53,共2页
越南西山电站位于越南共和国伽莱省省会PLEIKU市西北75公里处,因西山河流经此处而得名。电站装有我厂制造的2×54.4MV水轮发电机组。电站为总体地上厂房,发电机组采用立轴(三段)、半伞式、全封闭双路自循环空气冷却、三相凸极... 越南西山电站位于越南共和国伽莱省省会PLEIKU市西北75公里处,因西山河流经此处而得名。电站装有我厂制造的2×54.4MV水轮发电机组。电站为总体地上厂房,发电机组采用立轴(三段)、半伞式、全封闭双路自循环空气冷却、三相凸极同步发电机结构,水轮机为轴流转浆式结构。 展开更多
关键词 水论发电机 安装技术
Shear hydrophobic flocculation and flotation of ultrafine Anshan hematite using sodium oleate 被引量:21
作者 印万忠 杨小生 +2 位作者 周大鹏 李艳军 吕振福 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第3期652-664,共13页
Effects of stirring speed and time, pH and sodium oleate concentration on the shear hydrophobic flocculation of ultrafine Anshan hematite with sodium oleate as the surfactant were discussed. The results show that thes... Effects of stirring speed and time, pH and sodium oleate concentration on the shear hydrophobic flocculation of ultrafine Anshan hematite with sodium oleate as the surfactant were discussed. The results show that these parameters significantly affect the shear hydrophobic flocculation of ultrafine hematite. The optimum conditions for the flocculation are: stirring speed 1 400 r/min, flocculation time 20 min, pH 9 and sodium oleate concentration 3.94×10-4 mol/L; the flotation recovery of hematite flocs is remarkably high compared with non flocculated ultrafine hematite. According to the extended DLVO theory, the total interaction potential of Anshan ultrafine hematite was determined. The calculation results indicate that the hydrophobic flocculation state of the ultrafine hematite-sodium oleate system is mainly dominated by electric double layer repulsive interaction potential and hydrophobic interaction potential. A mechanical agitation is required to impart particles a kinetic energy to overcome potential barrier between them due to the existence of electric double layer repulsive interaction potential. Those particles further approach to form flocs due to the significant increase of the hydrophobic interaction potential. 展开更多
关键词 sodium oleate ultrafine hematite shear hydrophobic flocculation extended DLVO theory
Primary Research on WSeveral Theorems,Laws and Corollaries of Hydrology 被引量:2
作者 龚云 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第4期1-3,54,共4页
The conceptions of theorems, laws and corollaries of hydrology were put forward. Combining with hydrology practice, several theo- rems, laws as well as corollaries of hydrology were summarized. The study provided some... The conceptions of theorems, laws and corollaries of hydrology were put forward. Combining with hydrology practice, several theo- rems, laws as well as corollaries of hydrology were summarized. The study provided some references for accelerating the development of hydrology theory in these aspects and promoting the improvement of its production technology. 展开更多
Role of Tissue Factor Pathway Inhibitor-2 in Ovarian Tumor Migration and Invasion 被引量:2
作者 仲任 黄瑞滨 宋善俊 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2005年第1期53-55,68-69,共5页
Objective: To elucidate the relation between human tissue factor pathwayinhibitor-2 (TFPI-2) expression and ovarian tumor migration and invasion. Methods: Human TFPI-2expression vector pBos-Cite-neo/TFPI-2 was transfe... Objective: To elucidate the relation between human tissue factor pathwayinhibitor-2 (TFPI-2) expression and ovarian tumor migration and invasion. Methods: Human TFPI-2expression vector pBos-Cite-neo/TFPI-2 was transfected into ovarian tumor cells line A2780- Afterthe transfected cells were selected by G418, transfected and nontransfected cells were screened forTFPI-2 mRNA and protein by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and Western blotanalysis, respectively. The number of transfected or nontransfected cells passing through membraneof Boyden chamber was counted as the basis assessing tumor cells migratory and invasive behaviors.Results: Expression of mRNA and protein of TFPI-2 was detectable in transfected cells. In invasionassay, the number of TFPI-2-expressing cells to traverse a Matrigel-coated membrane was obviouslydecreased compared with that of nonexpressing cells (59.3±6.5 vs 109.7±5.5, P 【 0.01); While inmigration assay, no significant difference through a noncoated membrane was observed amongtransfected and nontransfected cells (114.7±8.6 vs 127.3±7.1, P 】 0.05). Conclusion: Expression ofTFPI-2 may strongly inhibit the invasive ability of ovarian tumor cells in vitro, but has no effecton the migratory ability which provides an experimental basis for genotherapy of human ovariantumor. 展开更多
关键词 tissue factor pathway inhibitor-2 ovarian tumor INVASION MIGRATION
Hydrolysis Mechanism of the NAMI-A-type Antitumor Complex (HL)[trans-RuCl4L(dmso-S)] (L=1-methyl-l,2,4-triazole)
作者 陈兰美 陈锦灿 +3 位作者 廖思燕 刘江琴 罗辉 郑康成 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第4期383-390,I0003,共9页
The hydrolysis process of Ru(III) complex (HL)[trans-RuC14L(dmso-S)] (L=l-methyl-l,2,4- triazole and dmso-S=S-dimethyl sulfoxide) (1), a potential antitumor complex similar to the well-known antitumor agent ... The hydrolysis process of Ru(III) complex (HL)[trans-RuC14L(dmso-S)] (L=l-methyl-l,2,4- triazole and dmso-S=S-dimethyl sulfoxide) (1), a potential antitumor complex similar to the well-known antitumor agent (Him)[trans-RuC14 (dmso-S)(im)] (NAMI-A, im=imidazole), was investigated using density functional theory combined with the conductor-like polarizable continuum model approach. Tile structural characteristics and the detailed energy profiles for the hydrolysis processes of this complex were obtained. For the first hydrolysis step, complex 1 has slightly higher barrier energies than the reported anticancer drug NAMI-A, and the result is in accordance with the experimental evidence indicating larger half-life for complex 1. For the second hydrolysis step, the formation of cis-diaqua species is thermodynamic preferred to that of trans isomers. In addition, on the basis of the analysis of electronic characteristics of species in the hydrolysis process, the trend in nucleophilic attack abilities of hydrolysis products by pertinent biomolecules is revealed and predicted. 展开更多
关键词 NAMI-A-type complex Anticancer activity HYDROLYSIS Density functional theory Conductor-like polarizable continuum model
Theory and Practice of Soil and Water Ecology 被引量:4
作者 SUN Fazheng 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2018年第2期71-74,共4页
Author of this paper introduced the formation and development, main viewpoints, and framework of the theory of soil and water ecology, as well as the role and value of realizing the sustainable utilization of soil and... Author of this paper introduced the formation and development, main viewpoints, and framework of the theory of soil and water ecology, as well as the role and value of realizing the sustainable utilization of soil and water ecological resources, the sustainable maintenance of ecological environment, and the sustainable development of economy and society. The paper argued that in the current era, it is imperative to maintain the integrity and continuity of soil and water ecology and culture, emphasize the planning and construction of soil and water ecological infrastructure, and ensure the service functions of urban ecosystem, so as to realize the sustainable utilization of soil and water ecological resources, and the sustainable maintenance of ecological environment, and the sustainable development of economy and society. 展开更多
关键词 Soil and water ecology THEORY PRACTICE Role Far-reaching significance
Computation of Ship Hydrodynamic Interaction Forces in Restricted Waters using Potential Theory 被引量:8
作者 Xueqian Zhou Serge Sutulo C. Guedes Soares 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2012年第3期265-275,共11页
A computer code based on the double-body potential flow model and the classic source panel method has been developed to study various problems of hydrodynamic interaction between ships and other objects with solid bou... A computer code based on the double-body potential flow model and the classic source panel method has been developed to study various problems of hydrodynamic interaction between ships and other objects with solid boundaries including the seabed. A peculiarity of the proposed implementation is the application of the so-called "moving-patch" method for simulating steady boundaries of large extensions. The method is based on an assumption that at any moment just the part of the boundary ("moving patch") which lies close to the interacting ship is significant for the near-field interaction. For a specific case of the fiat bottom, comparative computations were performed to determine optimal dimensions of the patch and of the constituting panels based on the trade-off between acceptable accuracy and reasonable efficiency. The method was applied to estimate the sway force on a ship hull moving obliquely across a dredged channel. The method was validated for a case of ship-to-ship interaction when tank data were available. This study also contains a description of a newly developed spline approximation algorithm necessary for creating consistent discretizations of ship hulls with various degrees of refinement. 展开更多
关键词 ship hydrodynamic interaction restricted waters moving panelled patch method potential theory
Key Technologies of the Hydraulic Structures of the Three Gorges Project 被引量:6
作者 马洪琪 迟福东 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第3期340-349,共10页
To date,the Three Gorges Project is the largest hydro junction in the world.It is the key project for the integrated water resource management and development of the Changjiang River.The technology of the project,with... To date,the Three Gorges Project is the largest hydro junction in the world.It is the key project for the integrated water resource management and development of the Changjiang River.The technology of the project,with its huge scale and comprehensive benefits,is extremely complicated,and the design difficulty is greater than that of any other hydro project in the world.A series of new design theories and methods have been proposed and applied in the design and research process.Many key technological problems regarding hydraulic structures have been overcome,such as a gravity dam with multi-layer large discharge orifices,a hydropower station of giant generating units,and a giant continual multi-step ship lock with a high water head. 展开更多
关键词 Three Gorges Project Large orifice gravity dam Penstock on dam downstream surface Tailrace tunnel with sloping ceiling Stable archFully lined ship lock
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