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《贵州喀斯特地区水资源保护与高效利用技术开发与示范》项目研究工作阶段性总结 被引量:5
作者 贵州省农业科学院水资源课题组 《贵州农业科学》 CAS 2004年第1期30-32,共3页
贵州地质复杂 ,水资源赋存条件差 ;河流为源流 ,水资源流失量大 ;生态环境恶劣 ,土壤系统抗御干旱能力低 ;水域构成与地理配置不合理 ,水利工程量少 ;坡耕地面积大 ,水土流失严重 ;降水资源时空分配不均 ,区域性与季节性干旱特征突出 ,... 贵州地质复杂 ,水资源赋存条件差 ;河流为源流 ,水资源流失量大 ;生态环境恶劣 ,土壤系统抗御干旱能力低 ;水域构成与地理配置不合理 ,水利工程量少 ;坡耕地面积大 ,水土流失严重 ;降水资源时空分配不均 ,区域性与季节性干旱特征突出 ,严重影响了贵州省农业可持续发展。面对 2 1世纪西部大开发和加入世贸组织的挑战 ,针对贵州农业资源特点 ,集成、开发农业水资源保护与利用技术 ,是发展贵州省地方特色农业生产、优化农业产业结构调整迫切需要解决的基础性问题。 2 0 0 0年在国家科技部和贵州省科技厅的大力支持下 ,设立了《贵州喀斯特地区水资源保护与高效利用技术开发与示范》专题 ,对贵州水资源保护与高效利用技术进行技术集成与示范开发。3年来 ,贵州省农业科学院联合有关技术单位 ,在修文县建立核心示范区 ,派遣 10余名科技人员蹲点开展课题研究与技术示范。课题研究围绕保护性农业水资源开发中心主题 ,合理、科学、高效地对水、土资源进行技术性开发 ,进行了区域性降水资源特征、降水资源开发利用、农田灌溉、保墒抗旱等技术的集成与组装 ,开展了坡耕地土壤水分、径流特征、水分耗竭等应用基础性研究 ;开展了旱地集雨、设施灌溉等农田基础设施建设与种植业结构调整示范。通过课题的研究与实施 ,示? 展开更多
关键词 《贵州喀斯特地区水资源保护与高效用技术开发与示范》 项目 研究工作 阶段性总结
《海南省人民政府公报》 2013年第2期15-19,共5页
国办发[2013]2号各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:《实行最严格水资源管理制度考核办法》已经国务院同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。2013年1月2日实行最严格水资源管理制度考核办法第一条为推进实行最严格... 国办发[2013]2号各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:《实行最严格水资源管理制度考核办法》已经国务院同意,现印发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。2013年1月2日实行最严格水资源管理制度考核办法第一条为推进实行最严格水资源管理制度,确保实现水资源开发利用和节约保护的主要目标,根据《中华人民共和国水法》、《中共中央国务院关于加快水利改革发展的决定》(中发[2011]1号)。 展开更多
关键词 水资源管理制度 用水总量控制 考核办法 用水效率 水功能区 直辖市人民政府 区域水资源 水资源开发利
关于吕梁市黄河流域生态保护与高质量发展的探讨 被引量:1
作者 高晓静 《山西水利》 2019年第11期50-52,共3页
文章紧紧围绕习总书记关于黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展座谈会上讲话精神,分析了吕梁市黄河流域生态保护现状,探讨了生态环境保护、防洪工程体系建设、水资源开发利用保护等几方面的内容,多点多面构建吕梁市经济高质量发展的新思路、... 文章紧紧围绕习总书记关于黄河流域生态保护和高质量发展座谈会上讲话精神,分析了吕梁市黄河流域生态保护现状,探讨了生态环境保护、防洪工程体系建设、水资源开发利用保护等几方面的内容,多点多面构建吕梁市经济高质量发展的新思路、新举措。 展开更多
关键词 黄河 生态保护 防洪 水资源开发节约 高质量发展 吕梁市
Study on the Exploitation of Bohai Sea Ice as Freshwater Resources
作者 Y.B. Lin Y.J.Xu +3 位作者 W.Gu S.Yuan D.Y.Bu J.Tao 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第7期805-811,共7页
Water shortage is a major issue in northern China. With the transfer of China's economic center from south to north, Circum-Bohai Economic Circle has gradually formed and developed as the third pole of China's econo... Water shortage is a major issue in northern China. With the transfer of China's economic center from south to north, Circum-Bohai Economic Circle has gradually formed and developed as the third pole of China's economy after Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta, the problem of water has inevitably become more and more serious. South-to-North Water Diversion and Sea Water Desalination are helpful to solve this dilemma, but some difficulties appeared during the course of the two projects. By contrast, sea ice desalination can be considered as a third way to alleviate freshwater crisis in Bohai Rim. Firstly, the amount of sea ice in Bohai Sea is as much as 1.27 billion m3 even in normal years. Then the salinity of sea ice is only 1/4 to 1/7 as that of sea water. And furthermore, desalinized water of sea ice can meet national water quality standard for drinking. Purposely use the abundant sea ice resources as water source for industry, agriculture and living is very likely to open a new path for the solution of freshwater shortage, which can promote rapid and healthy development of Circum-Bohai Economic Circle. 展开更多
关键词 Bohai Rim south-to-north water diversion sea ice resources desalination.
Water Resources Development and Water Utilization in the Gavkhuni River Basin, Iran
作者 H. R. Salemi M. S. M. Amin 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology》 2010年第3期60-64,共5页
Analysis of water supplies and demand over the past 50 years in the Gavkhuni River Basin(GRB) indicate that despite large investments in water resources development the basin remains just as vulnerable to drought as... Analysis of water supplies and demand over the past 50 years in the Gavkhuni River Basin(GRB) indicate that despite large investments in water resources development the basin remains just as vulnerable to drought as it always has been. During the period of analysis two transbasin diversions and a storage reservoir have been constructed which have more or less doubled the annual supply to water to the basin. But with each water resource development extractive capacity for irrigation, urban and industrial use has increased by the same amount, so that all new water is allocated as soon as it is available. The most recent developments, since 1980, have actually increased vulnerability to drought because extractive capacity is greater than average flow into the basin. Whenever demand exceeds supply all water is extracted from the basin and the tail end dries up. During the past 50 years flows into the salt pan at the downstream end of the basin have been negligible for more than half the time. Prospects for the future are bleak because once the current phase of water resources development is completed no further water supplies are likely, but demand continues to rise at a steady rate. Ultimately agriculture will have to concede water to urban, industrial and environmental demands. 展开更多
关键词 Water supplies water demand water resources development and utilization Gavkhuni River Basin
项目简介 曹妃甸工业区防洪、排涝、水系、竖向综合规划
作者 任希岩 朱思诚 吕金燕 《城市规划通讯》 2010年第3期15-15,14,16,共3页
1.项目概况《曹妃甸工业区防洪、排涝、水系、竖向综合规划》是结合控制性详细规划开展的一项专项规划,是在曹妃甸工业区在大范围前期建设中急需解决防潮排涝安全问题的背景下进行的。规划开展地域是人工填海造就的滩涂,陆域面积209平... 1.项目概况《曹妃甸工业区防洪、排涝、水系、竖向综合规划》是结合控制性详细规划开展的一项专项规划,是在曹妃甸工业区在大范围前期建设中急需解决防潮排涝安全问题的背景下进行的。规划开展地域是人工填海造就的滩涂,陆域面积209平方公里,地势平缓。 展开更多
关键词 综合规划 控制性详细规划 陆域面积 地势平缓 雨水集蓄 再生水资源 水资源 填海 水资源开发利
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