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加快水运结构调整步伐 提升水路交通科学发展水平——在全国水运工作座谈会上的讲话(节选) 被引量:2
作者 徐祖远 《西部交通科技》 2012年第2期1-7,27,共8页
关键词 水运结构调整 成绩 总体思路 主要任务 保障措施
推进水运结构调整 建设低碳交通运输体系 被引量:2
作者 周龙 《中国水运(下半月)》 2013年第9期35-36,共2页
关键词 水运结构 调整 低碳交通运输体系
重庆市水运现状与结构调整策略研究 被引量:1
作者 张志聪 杜辉 《珠江水运》 2019年第21期106-107,共2页
近年来,随着我国经济的发展,全国范围内的水运产业都得到快速发展的机会,尤其是重庆市的水运环境,其依托于三峡水库建成后的便利航道条件,在水运方面获得良好的经济效益,发展势头强劲,是我国最重要的内陆港口水运城市之一。文本主要对... 近年来,随着我国经济的发展,全国范围内的水运产业都得到快速发展的机会,尤其是重庆市的水运环境,其依托于三峡水库建成后的便利航道条件,在水运方面获得良好的经济效益,发展势头强劲,是我国最重要的内陆港口水运城市之一。文本主要对重庆市近年来的水运现状进行简要概述,分析现阶段水运结构发展中所面临的问题,并提出几点有效的水运结构调整策略,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 重庆市 水运结构 现状 问题 结构调整
完善航道结构调整 大力发展安徽水运
作者 杨克俭 《中国水运》 2008年第7期28-29,共2页
关键词 安徽 航道结构 结构调整 水运结构
重庆市水运现状与结构调整策略研究 被引量:1
作者 陈永忠 刘建国 《中国水运(下半月)》 2013年第11期69-71,74,共4页
文中通过对重庆市水运现状进行深入的总结分析,指出了水运生产、航运服务体系、水运市场、安全保障体系、节能环保方案和航运人才等水运要素存在的主要问题,随后通过分析计算得到了这些因素与重庆市经济发展的关系,并结合重庆实际提出... 文中通过对重庆市水运现状进行深入的总结分析,指出了水运生产、航运服务体系、水运市场、安全保障体系、节能环保方案和航运人才等水运要素存在的主要问题,随后通过分析计算得到了这些因素与重庆市经济发展的关系,并结合重庆实际提出了水运结构调整的政策措施建议。 展开更多
关键词 水运结构 调整 水运要素
关于水运结构的剖析 一
作者 史子然 《综合运输》 1993年第9期25-27,共3页
关键词 水路运输 水运结构 分析
作者 孙晨辉 《华东科技(综合)》 2020年第2期145-145,共1页
在我国交通行业的发展过程中,对于水运来说,其是交通运输中一种较为先进的方式,对我国经济发展有着非常大的影响。而对于水运工程而言,其对服务水运则有着很大意义。在水运工程中,由于受到水环境因素的干扰,使得钢筋混凝土结构经常会受... 在我国交通行业的发展过程中,对于水运来说,其是交通运输中一种较为先进的方式,对我国经济发展有着非常大的影响。而对于水运工程而言,其对服务水运则有着很大意义。在水运工程中,由于受到水环境因素的干扰,使得钢筋混凝土结构经常会受到化学以及物理因素的影响,致使钢筋出现腐蚀的情况,严重影响了工程的整体质量。所以,为了能够有效的促进工程开展,在今后的施工作业期间,一定要强化对钢筋混凝土结构实体保护层的应用,有效的采取检测方法,合理的进行设置,以便可以最大限度的规避腐蚀问题。基于此,本文即对水运工程混凝土结构实体保护层厚度检测方法进行了分析。 展开更多
关键词 水运工程混凝土结构 实体保护层厚度 检测方法
作者 刘伯宁 《交通企业管理》 2003年第8期38-39,共2页
中国加入WTO,从计划经济向社会主义市场经济过渡,稳定的政治局面和持续、高速发展的经济,为水运企业带来了良好的发展机遇和严峻的挑战。市场的竞争更多的是人才的竞争,为了在这一新时期内使水运企业在竞争中取得主动,各水运企业应从水... 中国加入WTO,从计划经济向社会主义市场经济过渡,稳定的政治局面和持续、高速发展的经济,为水运企业带来了良好的发展机遇和严峻的挑战。市场的竞争更多的是人才的竞争,为了在这一新时期内使水运企业在竞争中取得主动,各水运企业应从水运发展的现状和发展趋势着手,结合本企业的特点,制定适合本企业特点的人才发展战略,并切实实施,从而占领人才乃至企业竞争的制高点。 展开更多
关键词 中国 水运企业 人才开发 水运市场 水路运输 水运结构 入世
中俄规范混凝土结构钢筋预应力损失计算的对比分析 被引量:2
作者 魏志民 张露露 文鹏 《水运工程》 北大核心 2022年第7期45-48,54,共5页
从混凝土材料、预应力钢筋材料、张拉控制应力限值系数和预应力损失计算等方面对比分析中、俄规范。以后张法空心板作为算例,得出如下结论:1)中俄规范在混凝土和钢筋材料的分类体系、预应力损失影响因素的考虑和部分预应力损失值计算上... 从混凝土材料、预应力钢筋材料、张拉控制应力限值系数和预应力损失计算等方面对比分析中、俄规范。以后张法空心板作为算例,得出如下结论:1)中俄规范在混凝土和钢筋材料的分类体系、预应力损失影响因素的考虑和部分预应力损失值计算上基本一致,但两者在细分规则、材料范围、分级数量考虑不同。2)在个别预应力损失计算中二者存在差别,总体来说中国规范计算结果更大。 展开更多
关键词 水运混凝土结构 预应力损失 俄国规范 结构分析
作者 胡小强 《珠江水运》 2024年第19期8-10,共3页
本文深入探讨了水运工程结构的耐久性问题,分析了影响其耐久性的关键因素,并提出了相应的提升策略与技术措施。通过对水运工程结构的定义、分类和耐久性理论基础的阐述,建立了一个全面的耐久性评估框架。文章详细分析了材料选择、结构... 本文深入探讨了水运工程结构的耐久性问题,分析了影响其耐久性的关键因素,并提出了相应的提升策略与技术措施。通过对水运工程结构的定义、分类和耐久性理论基础的阐述,建立了一个全面的耐久性评估框架。文章详细分析了材料选择、结构设计、施工技术和环境因素对耐久性的影响。在此基础上,提出了材料创新、设计改进、施工质量控制、环境适应性设计以及维护与修复技术等提升耐久性的策略。最后,文章还对风险评估和管理对策进行了探讨,旨在为水运工程结构的长期稳定运行提供理论和实践指导。 展开更多
关键词 水运工程结构 耐久性 材料特性 结构设计 风险评估
航海教育新视点——访上海海运学院高德毅副院长 被引量:1
作者 吕航 《中国船检》 2003年第3期26-31,共6页
随着航海技术的现代化、水运结构的调整和教育体制的改革,我国航运的整体水平正向规模化、专业化和集约化的高层次发展。海上安全与海洋保护,不仅对高科技的船型提出新要求,也对海员的素质提出更高的要求。作为我国航海人才培养的重要... 随着航海技术的现代化、水运结构的调整和教育体制的改革,我国航运的整体水平正向规模化、专业化和集约化的高层次发展。海上安全与海洋保护,不仅对高科技的船型提出新要求,也对海员的素质提出更高的要求。作为我国航海人才培养的重要基地之一,上海海运学院对航海教育曾作了多方面的探索,高德毅副院长对航海人才的培养具有很多独到见解。 展开更多
关键词 航海教育 上海海运学院 副院长 高德毅 水运结构调整 教育体制改革 立法管理
Molecular dynamics simulation of water transport through graphene-based nanopores: Flow behavior and structure characteristics 被引量:4
作者 杨雪平 杨晓宁 刘淑延 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期1587-1592,共6页
The flow behavior of pressure-driven water infiltration through graphene-based slit nanopores has been studied by molecular simulation.The simulated flow rate is close to the experimental values,which demonstrates the... The flow behavior of pressure-driven water infiltration through graphene-based slit nanopores has been studied by molecular simulation.The simulated flow rate is close to the experimental values,which demonstrates the reasonability of simulation results.Water molecules can spontaneously infiltrate into the nanopores,but an external driving force is generally required to pass through the whole pores.The exit of nanopore has a large obstruction on the water effusion.The flow velocity within the graphene nanochannels does not display monotonous dependence upon the pore width,indicating that the flow is related to the microscopic structures of water confined in the nanopores.Extensive structures of confined water are characterized in order to understand the flow behavior.This simulation improves the understanding of graphene-based nanofluidics,which helps in developing a new type of membrane separation technique. 展开更多
关键词 GRAPHENE NANOPORES Flow behavior MEMBRANE Molecular simulation
Observed water current and transport through Qiongzhou Strait during August 2010
作者 王庆业 王湘文 +2 位作者 谢玲玲 尚庆通 吕艳 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期703-708,共6页
The velocity structure of the residual current across an entire section of the Qiongzhou Strait(QS) in summer is presented for the fi rst time. Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profi le measurements, from the mid-re... The velocity structure of the residual current across an entire section of the Qiongzhou Strait(QS) in summer is presented for the fi rst time. Shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profi le measurements, from the mid-region of the QS(110.18°E), were collected on 1–4 August 2010. The diurnal tidal currents had their maximum amplitudes between 4.24 and 20.24 m. Their amplitude along the major axis ranged from approximately 0.55 m/s in the middle part of the strait(20.15°N) to 0.84 m/s in the north part of the strait(20.20°N). Both anticlockwise and clockwise tidal current rotations exist in the QS. During the observation period(neap tide), a signifi cant westward residual current occupied almost the entire study section. Two velocity cores of westward current were observed at the northern part and near the deepest trough, although an eastward current appeared in the middle part of the transect. The deepest core was located near 62 m at 20.13°N, with a maximum velocity of-0.34 m/s. The shallower core was located at approximately 16 m at 20.20°N, with a maximum velocity of-0.33 m/s. The estimated total volume of water transported through the QS was-0.16 Sv. This value is an important boundary condition, applicable to numerical models studying coastal ocean circulation in the northwestern South China Sea. 展开更多
关键词 tidal current residual current transport volume Qiongzhou Strait (QS)
Crustal Stress Measurement for Significant Project Construction and Its Application in Design
作者 Guo Qiliang 《Earthquake Research in China》 2007年第3期345-354,共10页
The hydrofracturing technique has developed into a reliable and practical method for determining the original three-dimensional crustal stress state of underground caverns,the load-bearing capacity of a high pressure ... The hydrofracturing technique has developed into a reliable and practical method for determining the original three-dimensional crustal stress state of underground caverns,the load-bearing capacity of a high pressure cavern itself,and the high pressure hydraulic permeability of rock masses,and has also been extensively used in disposal of nuclear waste,long and deeply-buried traffic channels and high-pressure cavern engineering for hydraulic power plants.The practice shows that the comprehensive measurement of the physical parameters of the rock mass and taking full use of the wall rock load-bearing capacity to optimize the engineering design hold are very useful in ensuring the engineering safety and improving the design level. 展开更多
关键词 Measurement of crustal stress Hydraulic fracturing Deeply-buried underground cavern Load-bearing capacity of rock mass
Research on variable block size motion estimation algorithm for airborne image
作者 王科 Huang Dongshan +1 位作者 Ma Li Zhang Yudong 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2014年第3期321-327,共7页
A fast motion estimation algorithm for variable block-size using the "line scan and block merge procedure" is proposed for airborne image compression modules.Full hardware implementation via FPGA is discussed in det... A fast motion estimation algorithm for variable block-size using the "line scan and block merge procedure" is proposed for airborne image compression modules.Full hardware implementation via FPGA is discussed in detail.The proposed pipelined architecture based on the line scan algorithm is capable of calculating the required 41 motion vectors of various size blocks supported by H.264 within a 16 × 16 block in parallel.An adaptive rate distortion cost function is used for various size block decision.The motion vectors of adjacent small blocks are merged to predict the motion vectors of larger blocks for reducing computation.Experimental results show that our proposed method has lower computational complexity than full search algorithm with slight quality decrease and little bit rate increase.Due to the high real-time processing speed it can be easily realized in hardware. 展开更多
关键词 H.264 motion estimation line scan algorithm rate distortion optimization (RDO) FPGA block merge method
Modeling of Water Vapor Condensation by Using Computer Methodology
作者 Jan Skramlik Miloslav Novotny Karel Suhajda 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第6期704-711,共8页
The excessive moisture has an adverse effect on the building materials structure. Most standard construction materials are characterized by porous structure, resulting in the ability to absorb water in liquid and gase... The excessive moisture has an adverse effect on the building materials structure. Most standard construction materials are characterized by porous structure, resulting in the ability to absorb water in liquid and gaseous phases in the inner pores. Under certain conditions, water fills the pores within the structure of building material and then moves back to its surrounding. Many technical studies have shown that monitoring the moisture transport is mainly based on experimental methods. This work is based on models of transport of moisture in building physics, i.e., the description of the moisture behaviour of building materials based on physical laws models (KRISCHER, KIESSL). The aim of this work is to obtain the parameters of distribution of moisture for calculation capillary conductivity coefficient for practical using by means of non-destructive method. The authors have now developed all the software required to perform a boundary element analysis of problems in potential flow. The examples which the authors can analyse will, however, be restricted to homogenous domains. 展开更多
关键词 Capillary conductivity coefficient moisture transfer EMWR (electromagnetic microwave radiation) diffusion.
Extreme precipitation events in East China and associated moisture transport pathways 被引量:11
作者 ZHAO Yang XU XiangDe +4 位作者 ZHAO TianLiang XU HongXiong MAO Fei SUN Han WANG YuHong 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第9期1854-1872,共19页
Interannual variation of summer precipitation in East China, and frequency of rainstorms during the monsoon season from 1961 to 2010, are analyzed in this study. It is found that the two variables show opposite trends... Interannual variation of summer precipitation in East China, and frequency of rainstorms during the monsoon season from 1961 to 2010, are analyzed in this study. It is found that the two variables show opposite trends on a decadal time scale: frequency of rainstorms increases significantly after the 1990 s, while summer precipitation in East China decreases during the same period. Analysis of the spatial distribution of summer rainstorm frequency from 1961 to 2010 indicates that it decreases from the southeast to the northwest at the east edge of the large-scale topography associated with the plateaus. Spatial distribution of rainstorms with daily rainfall greater than 50 mm is characterized by a "high in the southeast and low in the northwest" pattern, similar to the staircase distribution of the topography. However, the spatial distribution of variation in both summer precipitation and frequency of extreme rainstorms under global warming differs significantly from the three-step staircase topography. It is shown that moisture characteristics of summer precipitation and extreme rainstorms during the monsoon season in East China, including moisture transport pathways, moist flow pattern, and spatial structure of the merging area of moist flows, differ significantly. Areas of frequent rainstorms include the Yangtze River Valley and South China. Column-integrated moisture transport and its spatial structure could be summarized as a "merging" of three branches of intense moist flows from low and middle latitude oceans, and "convergence" of column-integrated moisture fluxes. The merging area for moist flow associated with rainstorms in the high frequency region is located slightly to the south of the monsoonal precipitation or non-rainstorm precipitation, with significantly strong moisture convergence. In addition, the summer moist flow pattern in East China has a great influence on the frequency of extreme rainstorms. Moisture flux vectors in the region of frequent rainstorms correspond to vortical flow pattern. A comparison of moisture flux vectors associated with non-rainstorms and rainstorms indicates that the moist vortex associated with rainstorms is smaller in size and located to the south of the precipitation maximum, while the moist vortex associated with non-rainstorms is larger and located to the north. It is shown that column-integrated moist transport vortices and the structure of moist flux convergence have significant impacts on the north-south oscillation of frequent rainstorm areas in East China, which is synchronized with the maximum vorticity of moisture transport and the minimum of convergence on the decadal time scale. Synthesis of moisture transport pathways and related circulation impacts leads to a conceptual model of moisture flow associated with rainstorms. 展开更多
关键词 Frequency of rainstorms Moisture transport Synoptic circulation Extreme rainstorms Synchronized variations Vortex structure
Directional transport of centimeter-scale object on anisotropic microcilia surface under water 被引量:1
作者 Yuefeng Wang Xiaodong Chen +6 位作者 Kang Sun Ke Li Feilong Zhang Bing Dai Jun Shen Guoqing Hu Shutao Wang 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2019年第2期236-244,共9页
Natural organisms such as cactus spines or trachea cilia have unique directional transport ability, owing to their anisotropic surface structures or asymmetric motion.However, most artificial interfacial materials are... Natural organisms such as cactus spines or trachea cilia have unique directional transport ability, owing to their anisotropic surface structures or asymmetric motion.However, most artificial interfacial materials are incapable of transporting macroscale object underwater. Herein, we report that anisotropic microcilia arrays, composed of cobalt fine powder and PDMS, can successfully transport the centimeterscale hydrogel underwater by periodically asymmetric stroke under alternative magnetic field. Reciprocal collective stroke of anisotropic microcilia can generate directional flow, propelling the centimeter-scale hydrogel slice forward. Accompanying computational simulation results are consistent with the directional transport behaviors observed in our experiments. This study provides a clue to design artificial anisotropic interfacial materials with capability of transporting macroscale object at low Reynolds number. 展开更多
关键词 macro-object transport anisotropic surface artificial micro-cilia arrays
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