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松花江干流河道演变与维持河道稳定的需水量研究 被引量:7
作者 史红玲 胡春宏 +1 位作者 王延贵 张燕菁 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期473-480,共8页
通过对松花江干流多年水沙过程、纵剖面及横断面形态、河道稳定性计算及河势变化分析,表明松花江干流河势总体相对稳定。针对松花江以推移质造床为主,输沙水量不是维持河道稳定的决定性因素的特点,提出了包含水量、流量和历时要求的维... 通过对松花江干流多年水沙过程、纵剖面及横断面形态、河道稳定性计算及河势变化分析,表明松花江干流河势总体相对稳定。针对松花江以推移质造床为主,输沙水量不是维持河道稳定的决定性因素的特点,提出了包含水量、流量和历时要求的维持河道稳定需水量的概念,以典型断面哈尔滨站为例,给出了维持松花江干流河道稳定的需水量为173×108m3,占全年总水量的40%;维持松花江干流河道稳定的平滩流量过程的重现期为1.3a,频率为9.6%。说明松花江干流水量充沛,平滩洪水重现和持续历时符合造床条件,基本能够满足维持河道稳定的需求。 展开更多
关键词 松花江干流 河势变化 维持河道稳定的需水量
结合流量测井的混合稳定流求参法预测井筒涌水量 被引量:1
作者 丁国辉 《煤炭技术》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第5期155-157,共3页
采用混合稳定流抽水试验,结合流量测井方法求取井筒基岩段各含水层的水文地质参数。根据地下水动力学原理,预测井筒施工时穿越各含水层的稳定涌水量和揭露含水层的瞬时最大涌水量。通过与实测井筒涌水量的对比结果表明,该方法预测井筒... 采用混合稳定流抽水试验,结合流量测井方法求取井筒基岩段各含水层的水文地质参数。根据地下水动力学原理,预测井筒施工时穿越各含水层的稳定涌水量和揭露含水层的瞬时最大涌水量。通过与实测井筒涌水量的对比结果表明,该方法预测井筒涌水量精度较高,能够为井筒施工选择防治水方案提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 流量测井 稳定水量 瞬时最大涌水量
作者 孟秋风 罗学刚 《中国农学通报》 2015年第7期196-200,共5页
本研究旨在利用生物质基材料制备风成沙改良剂并研究其对风成沙稳定凋萎含水量的影响,确定改良剂改良效果最佳时各材料最佳掺量。笔者采用4水平3因素正交试验研究了木质素、皮胶、再生低密度聚乙烯对风成沙稳定凋萎含水量的影响。研究... 本研究旨在利用生物质基材料制备风成沙改良剂并研究其对风成沙稳定凋萎含水量的影响,确定改良剂改良效果最佳时各材料最佳掺量。笔者采用4水平3因素正交试验研究了木质素、皮胶、再生低密度聚乙烯对风成沙稳定凋萎含水量的影响。研究结果表明:3种材料制备的改良剂的加入对稳定凋萎含水量的提高具有显著地促进作用,其中皮胶影响达到极显著水平,木质素和聚乙烯影响不显著;皮胶掺量与土壤稳定凋萎含水量之间具有线性相关性,采用逐步分析法得二者间回归方程相关系数0.962。聚乙烯再生料在风成沙中掺量低于15%(wt%)时对风成沙土壤稳定凋萎含水量具有一定促进作用,超过15%时则会使该指标略有下降。木质素、皮胶、聚乙烯再生料在风成沙中添加比例为10%:20%:15%时,风成沙土壤稳定凋萎含水量达到最大值23.72%,改良剂改良效果最佳。该试验结果可为利用生物质材料改善风成沙保水性的研究提供一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 复合改良剂 风成沙 土壤稳定凋萎含水量
巴基斯坦某水电站隧洞涌水量预测分析 被引量:1
作者 尹津航 贾桢 +1 位作者 刘向飞 张学东 《水利水电工程设计》 2019年第1期31-32,43,共3页
关键词 隧洞涌水 稳定水量 最大涌水量
低温多效海水淡化在不同季节稳定产水的研究 被引量:2
作者 李莲 马妍 +2 位作者 韩延民 李之瑞 赵洁莲 《上海节能》 2021年第11期1232-1238,共7页
海水淡化是解决当前水资源短缺的有效途径,低温多效海水淡化装置的进料海水温度因受季节的变化而影响其产水性能。以12500 t/d低温多效海水淡化装置为例,在确定各效室内运行参数的前提下,以冷凝系统为主要研究对象,针对冬夏季不同海水温... 海水淡化是解决当前水资源短缺的有效途径,低温多效海水淡化装置的进料海水温度因受季节的变化而影响其产水性能。以12500 t/d低温多效海水淡化装置为例,在确定各效室内运行参数的前提下,以冷凝系统为主要研究对象,针对冬夏季不同海水温度,通过调节进料海水的流量、冷凝器的冷却水排放量从而保证装置喷淋海水的稳定性,实现低温多效海水淡化装置的常年稳定性产水。建立了相应的热力学数学模型,为海水淡化装置性能仿真及其自动化控制提供了理论参考。该计算方法为低温多效海水淡化系统的工艺优化设计提供了理论方案,对实际工程具有预测指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 低温多效海水淡化 海水温度 稳定水量 热力学模型
黄土高原子午岭天然林与刺槐人工林地土壤干化状况对比 被引量:31
作者 王力 邵明安 +1 位作者 王全九 贾志宽 《西北植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第7期1279-1286,共8页
详细调查和对比分析了子午岭(富县)天然林地和人工林地土壤水分状况和植被状况,发现天然林地水分亏缺不严重,只在浅层形成了轻度亏缺,并在雨季后能得到及时的恢复;同时这种亏缺并没有影响到天然植被的发育与演替。人工林地土壤水分则亏... 详细调查和对比分析了子午岭(富县)天然林地和人工林地土壤水分状况和植被状况,发现天然林地水分亏缺不严重,只在浅层形成了轻度亏缺,并在雨季后能得到及时的恢复;同时这种亏缺并没有影响到天然植被的发育与演替。人工林地土壤水分则亏缺明显,深层亏缺尤为严重,土壤含水量最低平均达到5.90%,已接近凋萎湿度,且这种水分亏缺严重影响了人工林的生存和发展,部分林地已出现了明显的衰退迹象。在此基础上,说明了天然林地土壤水分状况明显优于人工林地的原因是天然林在林分结构上形成了典型的“乔-灌-草”复层稳定的空间层片结构,具有很强的自我调节能力,使天然林在物种的组成成分上逐渐向喜干物种方向发展,以适应气候旱化的总趋势;而人工林则因其结构简单,物种单一,自我调节能力差,在连续干旱的条件下因植被对土壤水分的过度消耗,形成了严重程度不一的土壤干化层。同时,从天然植被的自然水分状况入手,提出了“林地稳定土壤持水量”的概念,来界定土壤干化现象:依据土壤水分的亏缺现状初步将干化程度分为轻度干层(8%~10%)、中度干层(6%~8%)和严重干层(<6%)3个等级;依据土壤水分的补偿深度又将其划分为临时性干层和持续性干层。研究认为,当前人工林地的土壤水分出现严重亏缺而形成土壤干化层是人为不合理经营造成人工林群落林分结构不完善的结果,如果人为干预适当,能创造出类似于天然植被的生存条件,人工植被完全有可能得到正常的生存和发展。 展开更多
关键词 水分亏缺 土壤干层 天然林 刺槐人工林 林地稳定土壤持水量
土壤干层量化指标初探 被引量:125
作者 王力 邵明安 侯庆春 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2000年第4期87-90,共4页
土壤干层是黄土高原一种常见的土壤物理现象。近年来 ,以林草地地力衰退为特征的人工林草地土壤干化日益严重 ,其直接后果就是形成土壤干层 ,导致土地退化 ,植被生长速率减缓 ,群落衰败以至大片死亡 ,严重地威胁到我国北方地区特别是黄... 土壤干层是黄土高原一种常见的土壤物理现象。近年来 ,以林草地地力衰退为特征的人工林草地土壤干化日益严重 ,其直接后果就是形成土壤干层 ,导致土地退化 ,植被生长速率减缓 ,群落衰败以至大片死亡 ,严重地威胁到我国北方地区特别是黄土高原地区的生态环境建设 ,由此土壤干层及其危害才逐渐受到人们的重视。根据影响水分性质的质地因素及水分动态分布规律 ,初步探讨了土壤干层的量化指标和分级 。 展开更多
关键词 土壤干层 田间最大持水量 田间稳定水量 土地退化 量化指标 分级 黄土高原
放水试验在岱庄煤矿下组煤水害防治中的应用 被引量:6
作者 杨小刚 叶勇 田茂虎 《西部探矿工程》 CAS 2007年第11期92-95,共4页
以岱庄煤矿下组煤层为研究对象,通过分析煤矿地层的水文地质条件,建立了岱庄煤矿的水文地质概念模型。利用非稳定流放水试验,获取了第一手的试验观测资料。以天然条件下的岩溶水系统的水文地质条件进行参数识别,以放水孔关闭以后的水位... 以岱庄煤矿下组煤层为研究对象,通过分析煤矿地层的水文地质条件,建立了岱庄煤矿的水文地质概念模型。利用非稳定流放水试验,获取了第一手的试验观测资料。以天然条件下的岩溶水系统的水文地质条件进行参数识别,以放水孔关闭以后的水位恢复资料进行参数校正,建立了基于三角部分的有限元数学模型。通过数值模拟对岱庄煤矿下组煤含水层涌水量进行了预测。在综合分析了涌水量预测结果及煤层的水文地质条件等因素之后,认为在采取了必要的水害安全防治措施后,对下组煤的带压开采是安全、可靠的。并提出了相应的下组煤回采水害防范措施。 展开更多
关键词 煤矿 放水试验 稳定流涌水量预测 水害防治
作者 张国珩 《价值工程》 2020年第29期117-118,共2页
水是生物体最重要的组成部分,人类的活动离不开水,但被污染的水最可怕之处便是它不会立刻危害生命,只会慢慢耗损人体健康。[净水楼]一级供水工程直接在河岸边设计取水和净水一体化供水工程,取用的是河床下第二层含水层中百年清洁水源,... 水是生物体最重要的组成部分,人类的活动离不开水,但被污染的水最可怕之处便是它不会立刻危害生命,只会慢慢耗损人体健康。[净水楼]一级供水工程直接在河岸边设计取水和净水一体化供水工程,取用的是河床下第二层含水层中百年清洁水源,不但节约了大量的运行成本,更重要的是大多数水质指标优于“欧盟标准”,无需任何化学药剂的投加、混搅、拌凝、沉淀等人为净化工艺,出楼水可直接饮用。 展开更多
关键词 水质优良 成本低 水量稳定 使用安全
作者 郑长江 《科学种养》 2007年第6期25-26,共2页
一、场址选择与建设1.水质条件。①硬度适中,pH值在7 ̄7.5范围内;②无工业污染和不含有毒物质,肥度适中,不出现青苔、网藻、铁锈等;③水源水量稳定;④底质以黏土或黏壤土为好。池底铺10 ̄15厘米厚的泥砂。2.环境条件。
关键词 分级饲养 场址选择 工业污染 环境条件 水量稳定 有毒物质 水质条件 黏壤土 饲养管理技术 生石灰
作者 仲志刚 《中国西藏》 1998年第4期26-27,共2页
繁星落到了草原上仲志刚雪山下为什么闪闪亮,是繁星落到了草原上;峡谷为什么明珠辉煌,是因为电灯放出光芒。这是一首在中甸高原广为流传的民歌,这首歌不仅表达了中甸各族人民群众追求幸福,向往光明的心声,更体现了中甸电力建设事... 繁星落到了草原上仲志刚雪山下为什么闪闪亮,是繁星落到了草原上;峡谷为什么明珠辉煌,是因为电灯放出光芒。这是一首在中甸高原广为流传的民歌,这首歌不仅表达了中甸各族人民群众追求幸福,向往光明的心声,更体现了中甸电力建设事业多年来所取得的成就。40年来,中... 展开更多
关键词 输电线路 多年平均流量 装机容量 水能资源 硕多岗河 中甸县 水电站 水量稳定 螺丝湾电站 配电变压器
煤层过沟开采覆岩破坏特征及地表水入渗规律研究 被引量:6
作者 蔚波 王皓 尚宏波 《煤矿安全》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第6期161-168,共8页
为分析煤层过沟开采覆岩破坏特征及地表水入渗规律,选取过沟开采典型工作面为研究对象,基于工程地质条件及岩层物理力学性质,采用UDEC建立了覆岩破坏数值模型,研究了煤层过沟开采覆岩破坏特征;数值计算得到导水断裂带高度为230~250 m,... 为分析煤层过沟开采覆岩破坏特征及地表水入渗规律,选取过沟开采典型工作面为研究对象,基于工程地质条件及岩层物理力学性质,采用UDEC建立了覆岩破坏数值模型,研究了煤层过沟开采覆岩破坏特征;数值计算得到导水断裂带高度为230~250 m,实测导水断裂带高度为225~245 m,两者结果较吻合;通过提取覆岩采动裂隙并导入COMSOL,构建了煤层过沟开采地表水入渗数值计算模型,分析了地表水沿采动裂隙入渗至工作面的规律。结果显示:当工作面推采200、250、300 m时,导水断裂带沟通地表,地表水沿裂隙入渗至工作面,稳定后的水量分别为10.4、14.3、19.7 m^(3)/h;以工作面推采300 m为例,对比分析了数值计算与现场实测的工作面稳定水量,两者所得结果相差较小。 展开更多
关键词 过沟开采 覆岩破坏 数值模型 地表水入渗 稳定水量
Light Fraction Carbon and Water-Stable Aggregates in Black Soils 被引量:4
作者 SHI Yi CHEN Xin SHEN Shan-Min 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第1期97-100,共4页
The distribution of light fraction carbon (LF-C) in the various size classes of aggregates and its relationship to water- stable aggregates as well as the influence of cultivation on the organic components in virgin... The distribution of light fraction carbon (LF-C) in the various size classes of aggregates and its relationship to water- stable aggregates as well as the influence of cultivation on the organic components in virgin and cultivated black soils were studied by wet sieving and density separation methods. The total organic carbon (TOC) and LF-C were significantly higher (P≤ 0.05) in the virgin soils than in the cultivated soils. The LF-C in aggregates of different size classes varied from 0.9 to 2.5 g kg^-1 in the cultivated soils and from 2.5 to 7.1 g kg^-1 in the virgin soils, whereas the ratio of LF-C to TOC varied from 1.9% to 7.3% and from 5.0% to 12.2%, respectively. After being incubated under constant temperature and controlled humidity for three months, the contribution of LF-C to TOC sharply decreased to an amount (1.7%4.5%) close to the level in soils that had been cultivated for 20 to 25 years (1.3%-8.8%). As a result, the larger water-stable macro-aggregates (especially 〉 1 mm) decreased sharply, indicating that the LF-C pool in virgin soils declined quickly after cultivation, which reduced the water stability of soil aggregates. 展开更多
关键词 black soil light fraction carbon water-stable aggregates
Infiltration regulation and stability analysis of soil slope under sustained and small intensity rainfall 被引量:16
作者 刘子振 言志信 +1 位作者 段建 邱战洪 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第9期2519-2527,共9页
Rainfall infiltration depth and mode can severely influence slope stability.With the sustained rainfall,the influenced region of slope gradually expands.By using the Green-Ampt model to the soil slope,infiltration reg... Rainfall infiltration depth and mode can severely influence slope stability.With the sustained rainfall,the influenced region of slope gradually expands.By using the Green-Ampt model to the soil slope,infiltration regulation was discussed under sustained and small intensity rainfall.And the infiltration rate of unsaturated soil was proposed according to the saturated infiltration theory.Because of the changing of initial moisture content in depth of slope,the saturated or unsaturated infiltration rate and depth could also be changeable with the sustained rainfall infiltration.Based on the principle of strength reduction,the calculation model of slope safety factor was established under different initial moisture contents and infiltration modes.Then,the slope stability was quantitatively analyzed through software FLAC3D.The calculation results of soil slope engineering show that there is a shorter period for slope stability under different initial moisture contents and unsaturated infiltration ways at the slope wetting front.The stability period of slope is 33.3%according to different initial moisture contents of wetting front less than that of the same initial moisture content of wetting front.And the slope is easier to fail under the unsaturated infiltration.The results agree well with the actual situation under sustained and small intensity rainfall. 展开更多
关键词 small intensity rainfall soil slope infiltration depth safety factor
Instability characteristics of the cracked roof rock beam under shallow mining conditions 被引量:2
作者 Zhao Yanhai Wang Shuren +2 位作者 Zou Zhengsheng Ge Linlin Cui Fang 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 EI CSCD 2018年第3期437-444,共8页
To establish the movement relationship for the roof breaking under shallow mining conditions, the mechanical model of the roof rock beam was built, then the structure instability process of the roof rock beam was anal... To establish the movement relationship for the roof breaking under shallow mining conditions, the mechanical model of the roof rock beam was built, then the structure instability process of the roof rock beam was analyzed. The changing criterion of the vertical displacement was established and the relationship between the deflection and the rotary motion of roof block was determined. Regarding a mining face in Shangwan Mine, the responsing laws of the deflection and horizontal thrust of the roof rock beam were obtained through FLAC3D numerical analysis. The results show that the structure instability of the cracked roof rock beam depends on the interaction between the vertical load and the horizontal thrust.For the roof rock beam, when the vertical load keeps constant, the horizontal thrust fluctuating rises with increasing deflection. The horizontal thrust increases constantly with the deeper buried depth and the smaller span. 展开更多
关键词 Shallow mining Working face Roof rock beam Structure stability Horizontal thrust
Patterns and security technologies for co-extraction of coal and gas in deep mines without entry pillars 被引量:5
作者 Nong Zhang Fei Xue Nianchao Zhang Xiaowei Feng 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2015年第1期66-75,共10页
Retaining gob-side entryways and the stability of gas drainage boreholes are two essential techniques in the co-extraction of coal and gas without entry pillars (CECGWEP). However, retained entryways located in deep... Retaining gob-side entryways and the stability of gas drainage boreholes are two essential techniques in the co-extraction of coal and gas without entry pillars (CECGWEP). However, retained entryways located in deep coal mines are hard to maintain, especially for constructing boreholes in confined spaces, owing to major deformations. Consequently, it is difficult to drill boreholes and maintain their stability, which therefore cannot guarantee the effectiveness of gas drainage. This paper presents three measures for conducting CECGWEP in deep mines on the basis of effective space in retained entryways for gas drainage, They are combinations of retaining roadways and face-lagging inclined boreholes, retaining roadways and face-advancing inclined boreholes, and retaining roadways and high return airway inclined boreholes. Several essential techniques are suggested to improve the maintenance of retained entryways and the stabilization of boreholes. For the particular cases considered in this study, two field trials have verified the latter two measures from the results obtained from the faces 1111(1) and 11112(1) in the Zhuji Mine. The results indicate that these models can effectively solve the problems in deep mines. The maximum gas drainage flow for a single hole can reach 8.1 m^3/min and the effective drainage distance can be extended up to 150 m or more. 展开更多
关键词 Retaining gob-side entryways Stability of borehole Gas pressure relief Co-extraction of coal and gas without the entry pillar
Influence of the characteristics of fault gouge on the stability of a borehole wall
作者 WANG Sheng CHEN Li-yi +3 位作者 HUANG Run-qiu LI Zhi-jun WU Jin-sheng YUAN Chao-peng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第5期930-938,共9页
How to find more effective way to stabilize the borehole wall in the fault gouge section is the key technical challenge to control the stability of the borehole wall in the Wenchuan fault gouge section during the proc... How to find more effective way to stabilize the borehole wall in the fault gouge section is the key technical challenge to control the stability of the borehole wall in the Wenchuan fault gouge section during the process of core drilling. Here we try to describe the characters of deep fault gouge in fracture zones from the undisturbed fault gouge samples which are obtained during the core drilling. The X- Ray Diffraction (XRD), X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) provided the detailed information of the fault gouge's microscopic characteristics on the density, moisture content, expansibility, dispersity, permeability, tensile strength and other main physical-mechanical properties. Based on these systematic experimental studies above and analysis of the fault gouge instability mechanism, a new technical procedure to stabilize the borehole wall is proposed -- a low water and a low loss low permeability drilling fluid system that consists of 4% day + 0.5% CMC-HV + 2% S-1 + 3%sulfonated asphalt + 1% SMC + 0.5% X-1 + 0-5% T type lubricant + barite for core drilling in fault gouge sections. 展开更多
关键词 Fault gouge Microscopic characteristics Borehole wall stability Drilling fluid
Energy analysis of face stability of deep rock tunnels using nonlinear Hoek-Brown failure criterion 被引量:4
作者 张佳华 李永鑫 许敬叔 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期3079-3086,共8页
The nonlinear Hoek-Brown failure criterion was introduced to limit analysis by applying the tangent method. Based on the failure mechanism of double-logarithmic spiral curves on the face of deep rock tunnels, the anal... The nonlinear Hoek-Brown failure criterion was introduced to limit analysis by applying the tangent method. Based on the failure mechanism of double-logarithmic spiral curves on the face of deep rock tunnels, the analytical solutions of collapse pressure were derived through utilizing the virtual power principle in the case of pore water, and the optimal solutions of collapse pressure were obtained by using the optimization programs of mathematical model with regard of a maximum problem. In comparison with existing research with the same parameters, the consistency of change rule shows the validity of the proposed method. Moreover, parametric study indicates that nonlinear Hoek-Brown failure criterion and pore water pressure have great influence on collapse pressure and failure shape of tunnel faces in deep rock masses, particularly when the surrounding rock is too weak or under the condition of great disturbance and abundant ground water, and in this case, supporting measures should be intensified so as to prevent the occurrence of collapse. 展开更多
关键词 tunnel face limit analysis failure criterion pore water pressure collapse pressure
作者 李志坚 《山东煤炭科技》 2011年第3期199-200,共2页
关键词 向斜构造 断陷盆地 水量 水头压力 空区稳定补给水量
Strength characteristics of modified polypropylene fiber and cement-reinforced loess 被引量:11
作者 YANG Bo-han 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期560-568,共9页
The reinforcement and stabilization of loess soil are duscussed by using fibers as the reinforcement and cement as the stabilization materials.To study the strength characteristics of loess soil reinforced by modified... The reinforcement and stabilization of loess soil are duscussed by using fibers as the reinforcement and cement as the stabilization materials.To study the strength characteristics of loess soil reinforced by modified polypropylene(MPP) fiber and cement,samples were prepared with six different fiber contents,three different cement contents,three different curing periods and three kinds of fiber length.The samples were tested under submergence and non-submergence conditions for the unconfined compressive strength(UCS),the splitting tensile strength and the compressive resilient modulus.The results indicated that combined reinforcement by PP fiber and cement could significantly improve the early strength of loess to 3.65–5.99 MPa in three days.With an increase in cement content,the specimens exhibited brittle fracture.However,the addition of fibers gradually modified the mode of fracture from brittle to ductile to plastic.The optimal dosage of fiber to reinforce loess was in the range of 0.3%–0.45% and the optimum fiber length was 12 mm,for which the unconfined compressive strength and tensile strength reached their maxima.Based on the analysis of failure properties,cement-reinforced loess specimens were susceptible to brittle damage under pressure,and the effect of modified polypropylene fiber as the connecting "bridge" could help the specimens achieve a satisfactory level of ductility when under pressure. 展开更多
关键词 fiber-reinforced soil cement-stabilized soil LOESS mechanical properties fracture characteristics
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