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水霉病的流行病学和防治方法 被引量:2
作者 王兴仿 韩晓 王玉群 《科学养鱼》 2015年第3期88-88,共1页
水霉病作为一种真菌病,严重困扰水产养殖业的发展,且没有适合水霉病的水产用国标药物。 一、水霉病病原 水霉病病原有10多种,主要以水霉属、绵霉属、细囊霉属的种类最为常见。水霉病病原是真核生物,以菌丝或酵母形细胞方式生长,细胞... 水霉病作为一种真菌病,严重困扰水产养殖业的发展,且没有适合水霉病的水产用国标药物。 一、水霉病病原 水霉病病原有10多种,主要以水霉属、绵霉属、细囊霉属的种类最为常见。水霉病病原是真核生物,以菌丝或酵母形细胞方式生长,细胞壁较结实,大多由几丁质组成。水霉病病原的营养体通常为二倍体;病原的细胞壁主要成分是纤维素,并缺乏明显层次;细胞中线粒体脊排列不规则;细胞的核膜厚薄不均匀,核孔多;细胞的赖氨酸合成途径为二氨基庚二酸途径,与藻类和维管植物相同。 展开更多
关键词 二氨基庚二酸 维管植物 水霉属 核孔 防治方法 真核生物 合成途径 真菌病
鱼类水霉病的发生原因与预防措施 被引量:2
作者 孟思妤 孟长明 陈昌福 《渔业致富指南》 2016年第15期60-61,共2页
鱼类的水霉病,又被养殖业者称为水绵病、白毛病、肤霉病,常感染鱼类的受伤组织及未受精的鱼卵,形成灰白色如棉絮状的覆盖物。随着病情的发展,鱼类出现表皮溃烂、组织坏死、行为失常、食欲减退、身体消瘦等症状,最终死亡。随着集约化程... 鱼类的水霉病,又被养殖业者称为水绵病、白毛病、肤霉病,常感染鱼类的受伤组织及未受精的鱼卵,形成灰白色如棉絮状的覆盖物。随着病情的发展,鱼类出现表皮溃烂、组织坏死、行为失常、食欲减退、身体消瘦等症状,最终死亡。随着集约化程度的提高,水霉病的危害有加剧的趋势。成功地的预防和治疗鱼类的水霉病是比较困难的。因此,对该病的病原体、病因和症状深入了解,对于诊断和防控是有益的。 展开更多
关键词 养殖业者 食欲减退 行为失常 预防措施 棉絮状 受精卵孵化 水霉属 窒息死亡
疫霉属真菌的分类研究(综述) 被引量:3
作者 李晖 李国英 《石河子大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1998年第2期153-158,共6页
疫霉属(PhytophthoradeBary)是1876年由AntondeBary创建的。目前,世界公认的疫霉属有67个种和变种(其中包括10个海生种),我国报道的大约有26个种,其中仅报道于台湾的有9个种。人们对疫... 疫霉属(PhytophthoradeBary)是1876年由AntondeBary创建的。目前,世界公认的疫霉属有67个种和变种(其中包括10个海生种),我国报道的大约有26个种,其中仅报道于台湾的有9个种。人们对疫霉菌的认识及其分类地位的确定经历了一个十分复杂的过程,该菌的研究对植物病理学的发展起了十分重要的推动作用。本文从疫霉属的建立、其分类地位的确立过程,疫霉菌种的分类标准及其分种特征评价等方面,对疫霉菌的分类研究进行了综述。 展开更多
关键词 分类 真菌 水霉属
水霉病防治案例与分析 被引量:1
作者 胡华蓉 《渔业致富指南》 2021年第14期66-68,共3页
1.病原体病原体为水霉科(Saprolegniaceae)、水霉属(Saprolegnia)和绵霉属(Achlya)的一些种类。一般有内外两种丝状的菌丝组成,菌丝为管状,为没有横隔的多核体。内菌丝像根样附着在水产动物的损伤处,分枝多而纤细,有固着和吸收营养物质... 1.病原体病原体为水霉科(Saprolegniaceae)、水霉属(Saprolegnia)和绵霉属(Achlya)的一些种类。一般有内外两种丝状的菌丝组成,菌丝为管状,为没有横隔的多核体。内菌丝像根样附着在水产动物的损伤处,分枝多而纤细,有固着和吸收营养物质的作用;外菌丝较粗壮,分枝较少,伸出于鱼体组织之外,可长达3cm,形成肉眼能见的灰白色棉絮状物。 展开更多
关键词 产动物 营养物质 多核体 鱼体组织 病原体 菌丝 水霉属
作者 汪建国 《渔业致富指南》 2016年第4期67-69,共3页
(三)真菌性疾病1.水霉病【病原体】水霉属(Saprolegnia sp.)或绵霉属(Achlya sp.)的种类。【流行与危害】水霉在5~26℃均能繁殖,最适繁殖水温为13~18℃,流行于冬春两季,夏后水温在25℃以上较少发病。该病一般为慢性,不易引起批量... (三)真菌性疾病1.水霉病【病原体】水霉属(Saprolegnia sp.)或绵霉属(Achlya sp.)的种类。【流行与危害】水霉在5~26℃均能繁殖,最适繁殖水温为13~18℃,流行于冬春两季,夏后水温在25℃以上较少发病。该病一般为慢性,不易引起批量死亡,但被感染的鱼恢复慢,规格较小的鱼引起的死亡率高。【症状及病理变化】感染初期,肉眼难以看到症状,随着菌丝在伤口处繁殖, 展开更多
关键词 养殖鱼类 真菌性疾病 水霉属 戊二醛溶液 鳃丝 三氯异氰脲酸 日本鳗鲡 动孢子
Biosorption of Cd (Ⅱ) and Pb (Ⅱ) Ions by Aqueous Solutions of Novel Alkalophillic Streptomyces VITSVK5 spp. Biomass 被引量:6
作者 Kumar Saurav Krishnan Kannabiran 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2011年第1期61-66,共6页
Discharge of heavy metals from metal processing industries is known to have adverse effects on the environment.Bio-sorption of heavy metals by metabolically inactive biomass of microbial organisms is an innovative and... Discharge of heavy metals from metal processing industries is known to have adverse effects on the environment.Bio-sorption of heavy metals by metabolically inactive biomass of microbial organisms is an innovative and alternative technology for removal of these pollutants from aqueous solution.The search of marine actinobacteria with potential heavy metal biosorption ability resulted in the identification of a novel alkalophilic Streptomyces VITSVK5 species.The biosorption property of Streptomyces VITSVK5 spp.was investigated by absorbing heavy metals Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb).Physiochemical characteristics and trace metal concentration analysis of the backwater showed the concentrations of different metals were lead 13±2.1 μg L-1,cadmium 3.1±0.3μg L-1,zinc 8.4±2.6μg L-1 and copper 0.3±0.1μg L-1,whereas mercury was well below the detection limit.The effect of pH and biomass dosage on removal efficiency of heavy metal ions was also investigated.The optimum pH for maximal biosorption was 4.0 for Cd (II) and 5.0 for Pb (II) with 41% and 84% biosorption respectively.The biosorbent dosage was optimized as 3 g L-1 for both the trace metals.Fourier transform infrared absorption spectrum results indicated the chemical interactions of hydrogen atoms in carboxyl (–COOH),hydroxyl (–CHOH) and amine (–NH2) groups of biomass with the metal ions.This could be mainly involved in the biosorption of Cd (II) and Pb (II) onto Streptomyces VITSVK5 spp.The results of our study revealed Streptomyces metabolites could be used to develop a biosorbent for adsorbing metal ions from aqueous environments. 展开更多
关键词 heavy metals BIOSORPTION Streptomyces VITSVK5 spp pH biomass dosage
Copper and silver interactions at various exposure levels in a marine copepod, Acartia erythraea 被引量:1
作者 LONG Ai-min DANG Ai-cui +2 位作者 CHENG Yuan-yue CHEN Shao-yong LI Chun-di 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2009年第1期42-51,共10页
Marine copepods, Acartia erythraea, were exposed separately to aqueous Cu and Ag media and to a Cu+Ag mixture in a series of experiments during which the metal body burden and partitioning in the exoskeleton and pola... Marine copepods, Acartia erythraea, were exposed separately to aqueous Cu and Ag media and to a Cu+Ag mixture in a series of experiments during which the metal body burden and partitioning in the exoskeleton and polar and nonpolar parts of the animal cells were measured and the uptake and effiux rate constants for Cu and Ag were calculated. The metal uptake and effiux rate constants were 1.04×10^3±1.00×10^2 L·g^-1·d^-1 and 9.28× 102+ 1.43×10-2 d^-1 for Cu and 1.60× 104+1.78×10^3L·g^-1·d^-1and 9.23×10^2 -4- 9.1 1×10^3d^-1 for Ag, respectively. For both Cu and Ag, the uptake rate constants when the copepods were exposed to solutions of a single metal were generally higher than that when the copepods were exposed to metal mixtures. The results suggest an antagonistic interaction between waterborne Cu and Ag exists in marine copepods. The different distributions of Cu and Ag among the exoskeleton and polar and nonpolar parts of the copepods revealed that the metal bioavailability in copepods exposed to metal mixtures enhanced in some degree compared to copepods exposed to single metal solutions. 展开更多
关键词 COPEPODS COPPER effiux rate constant SILVER uptake rate constant
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