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作者 朱戈 李华南 刘闯 《黄河水利职业技术学院学报》 2024年第1期45-50,共6页
为了提高可再生能源的利用率,减少弃风弃光量,提出了一种基于改进磷虾群算法的风-光-水-火联合系统优化调度方法。以综合成本最小为目标函数,综合考虑各种约束条件,建立了风-光-水-火联合系统优化调度模型。利用Logistic混沌映射、余弦... 为了提高可再生能源的利用率,减少弃风弃光量,提出了一种基于改进磷虾群算法的风-光-水-火联合系统优化调度方法。以综合成本最小为目标函数,综合考虑各种约束条件,建立了风-光-水-火联合系统优化调度模型。利用Logistic混沌映射、余弦控制因子和柯西变异等3种策略对磷虾群算法进行改进,提高了其全局搜索性能。采用改进磷虾群算法对风-光-水-火联合系统优化调度模型进行求解。通过算例证明,改进磷虾群算法的迭代次数、收敛时间和求解精度均优于磷虾群算法和PSO算法。 展开更多
关键词 --水-火联合系统 优化调度 改进磷虾群算法 综合成本 目标函数 约束条件
大规模水-火电力系统最优潮流的现代内点算法实现 被引量:34
作者 韦化 李滨 +3 位作者 杭乃善 刘东平 文杰 佐佐木博司 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第6期13-18,共6页
讨论了如何将现代内点非线性规划算法具体实现的问题。首先,定义了简约修正方程的变量和行的排列顺序,对简约修正方程进行行列变换,导出了一种由4T4T(T是调度周期)块状对角子矩阵组成的新的数据结构。此数据结构与节点导纳矩阵的结构相... 讨论了如何将现代内点非线性规划算法具体实现的问题。首先,定义了简约修正方程的变量和行的排列顺序,对简约修正方程进行行列变换,导出了一种由4T4T(T是调度周期)块状对角子矩阵组成的新的数据结构。此数据结构与节点导纳矩阵的结构相似,从而原问题的结构得到了充分利用,使得HTOPF问题易于编程与求解。为了清楚起见, 以一个4节点的简单电力系统为例展示了简约修正方程实现的过程。仿真结果表明: 所提算法具有良好的收敛特性和合理的计算时间,对于求解大规模系统问题具有广泛的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 水-火电力系统 最优潮流 现代内点算法 非线性规划算法 电力系统
大规模多目标水-火-风协调优化调度模型的建立及求解 被引量:25
作者 贺建波 胡志坚 刘宇凯 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期1-7,共7页
考虑水、火、风能源各自的自然特性和某省级电网工程实际要求,在风电全额上网的前提下,以上网电价费用最小和煤耗量排放最小为目标,同时考虑火电、水电机组出力平滑性约束和各水电厂调度日总出力定值等约束,建立动态多目标风-火-水协调... 考虑水、火、风能源各自的自然特性和某省级电网工程实际要求,在风电全额上网的前提下,以上网电价费用最小和煤耗量排放最小为目标,同时考虑火电、水电机组出力平滑性约束和各水电厂调度日总出力定值等约束,建立动态多目标风-火-水协调优化调度模型。由于所建立的模型是一个大规模、多维数,多时段、多约束非连续问题,直接求解较困难。为此,在求解阶段,结合分层求解思想,通过应用提出的改进多目标"教"与"学"优化算法(Modified Multi-Objective Teaching-Learning Algorithm,MMTLA)进行求解。以某省级电网某一典型调度日实际数据进行仿真验证,结果表明,所建立的模型的有效性以及所提出算法的优越性。 展开更多
关键词 上网电价 水-火-风协调调度 多目标调度 反向学习 MMTLA
面向光伏消纳的水-火-光联合优化调度技术 被引量:6
作者 田雨雨 畅建霞 +1 位作者 王学斌 王义民 《可再生能源》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第1期91-97,共7页
文章基于多电源的互补特性,考虑水火系统的调峰特性,提出水-火-光联调模式,建立光伏消纳量最大模型,以充分发挥水火系统调峰能力、保证光伏上网电量最大。将模型应用于青海电网,光伏上网电量在防凌期典型日、春灌期典型日、汛期典型日... 文章基于多电源的互补特性,考虑水火系统的调峰特性,提出水-火-光联调模式,建立光伏消纳量最大模型,以充分发挥水火系统调峰能力、保证光伏上网电量最大。将模型应用于青海电网,光伏上网电量在防凌期典型日、春灌期典型日、汛期典型日和秋浇期典型日,分别增加了9.8%,12.3%,5.6%和9.0%。研究结果表明,该模型可以很好地发挥水火系统的调峰特性,提高光伏的上网电量。 展开更多
关键词 水-火-光联调 光伏消纳 双种群算法
农林废弃物田间曝氧水-火联动制炭设备及技术研究 被引量:6
作者 校亮 袁国栋 +2 位作者 毕冬雪 韦婧 沈冠华 《农业工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期239-244,共6页
生物炭具备固碳减排、提升地力、修复污染土壤等功效,但其推广应用面临着成本过高的难题。为降低其生产(设备与场地的运维费用)和使用成本(原料与炭品的运输费用),该文研发田间制炭技术,将生物质就地转化为生物炭。通过水-火联动技术,... 生物炭具备固碳减排、提升地力、修复污染土壤等功效,但其推广应用面临着成本过高的难题。为降低其生产(设备与场地的运维费用)和使用成本(原料与炭品的运输费用),该文研发田间制炭技术,将生物质就地转化为生物炭。通过水-火联动技术,可在田间曝氧环境下制备得到生物炭。研究表明,原材料特性决定着成炭的操作工艺;其中,竹柳采用单向引燃、槽面喷水控温、通孔喷雾成炭的方式进行,棉秆采用单向引燃与控温、喷水横切炭体、喷雾成炭的方式进行,芦苇采用多位点引燃、槽面和通孔同时控温、逐层分区喷雾成炭的方式进行。采用该技术制备的生物炭表现出了较好的均质性,成炭率在30%左右;同时保存了较多的营养元素,如碳质量分数介于43.49%~60.30%、氮质量分数介于0.52%~0.86%;具有丰富的表面官能团,如羧基含量介于0.98~1.09mol/kg、酚羟基含量介于0.53~0.59mol/kg;具有较大的比表面积,介于16.0~262.2 m^2/g。竹柳、棉秆和芦苇在成炭过程中产生的烟气经尾气处理系统处理后(PM 2.5(56、66、68μg/m^3)、PM 10(100、114、128μg/m^3))均达到排放标准。该文提供的田间制炭技术操作简单、成本低且效率高。实践表明,农民在自家田里可制炭达1 t/(d·人),成本仅需162.5元/t。该文研究结果可为生物炭的推广应用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 生物质 废弃物 生物炭 水-火联动 曝氧炭化
作者 潘大辉 《冶金设备管理与维修》 2014年第3期49-50,53,共3页
关键词 托臂 弯曲变形 水-火矫正
基于深度强化学习与演化计算的风-水-火混合增强智能调度 被引量:4
作者 李远征 郝国凯 +3 位作者 杨东升 赵勇 周杰韩 曾志刚 《中国科学:技术科学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期1097-1113,共17页
火电、水电和风电是我国电力工业系统的三大能源主体,根据风-水-火发电互补特性,建立联合优化调度模型对于降低电力系统运行成本以及促进新能源消纳具有重要意义.然而梯级水电站间的时空耦合性、风电的不确定性以及风-水-火多能源相互... 火电、水电和风电是我国电力工业系统的三大能源主体,根据风-水-火发电互补特性,建立联合优化调度模型对于降低电力系统运行成本以及促进新能源消纳具有重要意义.然而梯级水电站间的时空耦合性、风电的不确定性以及风-水-火多能源相互关联的复杂约束使得联合调度模型求解较为困难.因此,本文提出了一种基于深度强化学习(deep reinforcement learning,DRL)与演化计算的混合增强智能优化框架.该框架首先利用深度强化学习与风-水-火联合调度模型进行交互,并根据交互数据对联合调度模型复杂规律进行持续学习,优化自身控制策略,提高智能体泛化能力.此后,在解决实际调度问题时,为进一步提升算法的个性化能力,利用演化计算算法(particle swarm optimization,PSO)在经过训练的DRL上进一步优化调度方案,实现风-水-火联合调度的快速决策.算例分析表明,所提出的混合增强智能优化框架求解速度快、寻优能力强,提升了DRL优化性能的鲁棒性,提高了风-水-火系统运行的经济性及风电消纳能力. 展开更多
关键词 混合增强智能 深度强化学习 演化计算 -水-火联合调度 滚动优化
基于可信性理论的水火电机组检修计划 被引量:25
作者 冯永青 吴文传 +2 位作者 张伯明 孙宏斌 王邵然 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第13期14-19,共6页
水电机组同时存在着水电电量模糊性和机组强迫停运的随机性这两类不同的不确定性,因此水火电机组检修计划本质上是一个具有随机模糊双重不确定性的混合整数优化问题。但是,因概率论与模糊论在基础数学领域内是相互独立的理论体系,传统... 水电机组同时存在着水电电量模糊性和机组强迫停运的随机性这两类不同的不确定性,因此水火电机组检修计划本质上是一个具有随机模糊双重不确定性的混合整数优化问题。但是,因概率论与模糊论在基础数学领域内是相互独立的理论体系,传统的机组检修计划只能对随机性或模糊性这两类不确定性中的一类进行建模,然后采用随机规划或模规划来求解。可信性理论是2004年基础数学领域完成的数学分支,它给出了基于测度论的模糊论公理化体系,并提糊供了随机性与模糊性综合评估的严格数学基础。文中基于可信性理论,建立了水、火电机组检修计划的混合整数随机模糊双重不确定性优化模型(原始模型),并在这一个模型中同时考虑随机性与模糊性2种不确定性。利用Benders分解法,将原始模型分解为多目标整数规划(主问题)和随机模糊规划(运行子问题)2大问题进行分散协调,利用改进Balas算法求解主问题,综合利用可信性理论与半不变量法求解运行子问题。对吉林电力系统中的95台机组安排了全年的检修计划,结果表明:该算法和软件在实际系统中应用是可行、有效的。 展开更多
关键词 水-火电力系统 机组检修计划 可信性理论 BENDERS分解法 半不变量法
作者 校亮 李文瀚 +6 位作者 吴静华 袁国栋 陈思洁 李悦诗 徐青 陈满洪 陈啟林 《西南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期125-134,共10页
生物质炭作为一种富碳多孔材料,具有固碳、培肥和减污等多重功效,目前面临着产量有限和成本昂贵的突出问题.将生物质就地炭化和应用可解决上述问题,而如何实现限氧是其核心.以玉米芯为原材料,通过饱和石灰水涂层包覆实现生物质“自限氧... 生物质炭作为一种富碳多孔材料,具有固碳、培肥和减污等多重功效,目前面临着产量有限和成本昂贵的突出问题.将生物质就地炭化和应用可解决上述问题,而如何实现限氧是其核心.以玉米芯为原材料,通过饱和石灰水涂层包覆实现生物质“自限氧”,以“水-火联动”方法成炭,探讨暴露时间和饱和石灰水涂层对玉米芯在炭化过程中碳固存能力的影响.结果表明:随暴露时间延长,玉米芯炭的碳含量、比表面积及官能团(—COOH和phenolic—OH)含量均逐渐降低,以0 min暴露时间炭的碳转化率最大(45.17%);饱和石灰水涂层下其碳转化率进一步提升至92.60%;涂层包覆壳通过物理阻隔产生的“自限氧”作用及其所含的Ca^(2+)以离子架桥、络合或π电子作用增强了碳截留量.“水-火联动”和饱和石灰水涂层技术的成炭过程为玉米芯在曝氧环境下的“包覆壳限氧-水淬灭”高温热裂解过程.期间,Ca^(2+)或可通过多种方式阻止C=O,O=C—O键断裂生成气体CO_(x)以提高碳截留量并优化碳骨架结构. 展开更多
关键词 碳截留 水-火联动 石灰 暴露时间 玉米芯
基于布谷鸟搜索算法的水电站消纳风电调峰运行策略研究 被引量:5
作者 潘华 梁作放 +2 位作者 陈文超 薛强中 肖雨涵 《水利水电技术》 北大核心 2019年第3期207-211,共5页
为了研究水电站在消纳风电中的应用,利用水电转换公式将水流量及水头高度转化为水电站出力,并把风电出力的不确定性表示为一个具有零均值、呈正态分布的预测误差。构建风-水-火电力系统联合调度模型,该模型以系统成本最小为目标函数,包... 为了研究水电站在消纳风电中的应用,利用水电转换公式将水流量及水头高度转化为水电站出力,并把风电出力的不确定性表示为一个具有零均值、呈正态分布的预测误差。构建风-水-火电力系统联合调度模型,该模型以系统成本最小为目标函数,包含了火电机组煤耗成本、水电站管理成本以及风电场管理成本和预测误差成本;模型以水力和火力发电约束、水流量约束、火电机组爬坡速率约束等为约束条件,采用布谷鸟搜索算法对其进行求解,得到了系统运行的经济最优策略。仿真结果表明,水电站能够在电力系统中发挥较好的调峰作用,弥补风电出力的随机波动,降低系统峰谷差率,减少火电机组出力的频繁变化,降低系统备用容量,增加电力系统的安全性、稳定性和供电可靠性。 展开更多
关键词 电转换 风电出力 -水-火电力系统 调峰运行 布谷鸟搜索算法
Study on the Relationship among Forest Fire,Temperature and Precipitation and Its Spatial-temporal Variability in China 被引量:9
作者 吕爱锋 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第9期1396-1400,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to discuss the relationship between forest fire and meterological elements (precipitation and temprature) in each region of China.[Method] Firstly,the average precipitation and temperature in... [Objective] The aim was to discuss the relationship between forest fire and meterological elements (precipitation and temprature) in each region of China.[Method] Firstly,the average precipitation and temperature in forest area of each province in fire season were obtained based on meterological data,forest distribution data,seasonal and monthly data of forest fire in China.Secondly,the relationship among forest fire area,precipitation and temperature was discussed through temporal and correlation analysis.[Result] The changes of precipitation and temperature with time could reflect the annual variation of fire area well.Forest fire area went up with the decrease of precipitation and increase of temprature,and visa versa.Meanwhile,there existed diffirences in the relationship in various regions over time.Correlation analyses revealed that there was positive correlation between forest fire area and temperature,especailly Northwest China (R=0.367,P〈0.01),Southwest China (R=0.327,P〈0.05),South China (R=0.33,P〈0.05),East China (R=0.516,P〈0.01) and Xinjiang (R=0.447,P〈0.05) with obviously positive correlation.At the same time,the correlation between forest fire area and precipitation was significantly positive in Northwest China (R=0.482,P〈0.01),while it was significantly negaive in South China (R=-0.323,P=0.03),but there was no significant correlation in other regions.[Conclusion] Relationships between forest fire and meteorological elements (precipitation and temprature) revealed in the study would be useful for fire provention and early warning in China. 展开更多
关键词 Forest fire PRECIPITATION TEMPERATURE Spatial-temporal variability
Determination of Iprobenfos Residue in Rice by GC-FTD using Two-dim Ensional Purification
作者 万宇 张晓波 +1 位作者 王军 蒋闳 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第7期1325-1328,1331,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to establish a determination method for iprobenfos residue in rice straw and husked rice. [Method] The rice straw and husked rice samples were extracted by acetone-ethyl acetate mixed solv... [Objective] This study aimed to establish a determination method for iprobenfos residue in rice straw and husked rice. [Method] The rice straw and husked rice samples were extracted by acetone-ethyl acetate mixed solvent. The extracts were purified using SPE C18 column and SPE NH2 column, and the iprobenfos residues were determined by GC-FTD. [Result] In the concentration range of 0.005-5.0 mg/kg, iprobenfos concentration showed a good linear relationship with peak area (r=0.999 8). When the iprobenfos concentrations were 0.01, 0.1 and 1.0 mg/kg respectively, the recoveries of added iprobenfos from rice straw ranged from 72.6% to 99.7% with relative standard deviation ranging from 5.65% to 8.48%; the recoveries of added iprobenfos from husked rice ranged from 81.6% to 97.6% with relative standard deviation ranging from 3.74% to 7.63%. The minimum detectable quantity of iprobenfos was 5×10^-12 g, and the minimum detectable concentrations of iprobenfos in rice straw and husked rice samples were 2.0 and 0.5 μg/kg, respec- tively. [Conclusion] The established determination method is characterized by low de- termination limit, high sensitivity, good reproducibility and high operability, which all meet the requirements by Guideline on Pesticide Residue Trials of the Ministry of Agriculture. 展开更多
关键词 Iprobenfos RICE Solid phase extraction Two-dimensional purification FTD
Computation of synthetic surface heat transfer coefficient of 7B50 ultra-high-strength aluminum alloy during spray quenching 被引量:6
作者 Lei KANG Gang ZHAO +1 位作者 Ni TIAN Hai-tao ZHANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第5期989-997,共9页
According to inverse heat transfer theory, the evolutions of synthetic surface heat transfer coefficient(SSHTC) of the quenching surface of 7B50 alloy during water-spray quenching were simulated by the Pro CAST soft... According to inverse heat transfer theory, the evolutions of synthetic surface heat transfer coefficient(SSHTC) of the quenching surface of 7B50 alloy during water-spray quenching were simulated by the Pro CAST software based on accurate cooling curves measured by the modified Jominy specimen and temperature-dependent thermo-physical properties of 7 B50 alloy calculated using the JMat Pro software. Results show that the average cooling rate at 6 mm from the quenching surface and 420-230 ℃(quench sensitive temperature range) is 45.78℃/s. The peak-value of the SSHTC is 69 kW/(m^2·K) obtained at spray quenching for 0.4 s and the corresponding temperature of the quenching surface is 160 ℃. In the initial stage of spray quenching, the phenomenon called "temperature plateau" appears on the cooling curve of the quenching surface. The temperature range of this plateau is 160-170℃ with the duration about 3 s. During the temperature plateau, heat transfer mechanism of the quenching surface transforms from nucleate boiling regime to single-phase convective regime. 展开更多
关键词 7B50 aluminum alloy water-spray quenching inverse heat transfer theory synthetic surface heat transfer coefficient cooling curve
Simulation on flow, heat transfer and stress characteristics of large-diameter thick-walled gas cylinders in quenching process under different water spray volumes 被引量:2
作者 GAO Jing-na GAO Ying +2 位作者 XU Qin-ran WANG Ge LI Qiang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第11期3188-3199,共12页
Cooling strength is one of the important factors affecting microstructure and properties of gas cylinders during quenching process,and reasonable water spray volume can effectively improve the quality of gas cylinders... Cooling strength is one of the important factors affecting microstructure and properties of gas cylinders during quenching process,and reasonable water spray volume can effectively improve the quality of gas cylinders and reduce production costs.To find the optimal water spray parameters,a fluid-solid coupling model with three-phase flow was established in consideration of water-vapor conversion.The inner and outer walls of gas cylinder with the dimensions of d914 mm×38 mm×12000 mm were quenched using multi-nozzle water spray system.The internal pressure,average heat transfer coefficient(have)and stress of the gas cylinder under different water spray volumes during quenching process were studied.Finally,the mathematical model was experimentally verified.The results show that both the internal pressure and have increase along with the increase of spray volume.The internal pressure increases slowly first and then rapidly,but have increases rapidly first and then slowly.To satisfy hardenability of gas cylinders,the minimum spray volume should not be less than 40 m^3/(h·m).The results of stress indicate that water spray quenching will not cause deformation of bottle body in the range of water volume from 40 to 290 m^3/(h·m). 展开更多
关键词 large-diameter thick-walled gas cylinders QUENCHING water spray volume heat transfer STRESS numerical simulation
Heat resistance and water protection effectiveness for large single-pane fireproof glass
作者 邵荃 李芳 +1 位作者 陈涛 孙占辉 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第6期2185-2191,共7页
The effects and heat transfer mode of water film and sprinkler system on the heat-resistant property associated with the insulation of a fireproof glass were investigated. In the experiments, fireproof glass with a si... The effects and heat transfer mode of water film and sprinkler system on the heat-resistant property associated with the insulation of a fireproof glass were investigated. In the experiments, fireproof glass with a size of 3 300 mm (height)×2 200 mm (width) ×12 mm (thickness) was exposed to an oil pool fire with a power of approximately 1.4 MW. The experimental results show that the application of the water film or sprinkler system on the glass can effectively resist the intensive heat from the fire in the test due to the absorption of latent heat. The permitted period of integrity and insulation with a water film and a sprinkler system could be extended to 60 min. It should be noted that the temperature of the glass surface Can be kept under 60℃in a 60 min test. The experimental results suggest that it is feasible to substitute fireproof glass with water film for a fireproof door as long as the water film or sprinkler system can work stably and water can cover the whole surface of the frreproof glass. 展开更多
关键词 water film sprinkler system HEAT-RESISTANCE fireproof glass fire test
作者 李汀 琚建华 甘薇薇 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2012年第1期32-44,共13页
The first two series(RMM1 and RMM2) of RMM Index(all-Season Real-time Multivariate MJO Index) are computed to obtain the interannual variation of the preceding winter(preceding December to current February) MJO streng... The first two series(RMM1 and RMM2) of RMM Index(all-Season Real-time Multivariate MJO Index) are computed to obtain the interannual variation of the preceding winter(preceding December to current February) MJO strength,according to which active(or inactive) years of preceding winter MJO are divided.By utilizing the data provided by NCEP/NCAR,CMAP and China's 160 stations from 1979 to 2008,we studied the preceding winter MJO strength and discovered that the summer precipitation in the basin are of significantly negative correlation,i.e.when the preceding winter MJO is relatively active,the summer precipitation in the basin decreases,and vise verse.We also analyzed the causes.When the preceding winter MJO is relatively active,its release of potential heat facilities Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone(ITCZ) to strengthen and locate northward in winter and propagate northeastward.This abnormal situation lasts from winter to summer.In mid-May,ITCZ jumps northward to the South China Sea,the western Pacific subtropical high withdraws eastward,and the South China Sea summer monsoon sets off and strengthens.In summer,ITCZ propagates to South China Sea-subtropical western Pacific,the zonal circulation of subtropical Pacific strengthens,and a local meridional circulation of the South China Sea to the basin area forms,giving rise to the East Asia Pacific teleconnection wave-train.An East Asian monsoon trough and the Meiyu front show opposite features from south to north,the East Asian summer monsoon strengthens and advances northward.As a result,the summer monsoon is weakened as the basin is controlled by the subtropical high continually,with less rain in summer.On the contrary,when the preceding winter MJO is inactive,ITCZ weakens and is located southward,the subtropical high is located southward in summer,and the basin is in a region of ascending airflow with prevailing southwest wind.The East Asian monsoon trough and EASM weaken so that summer monsoon is reduced in the basin where precipitation increases. 展开更多
关键词 winter MJO summer precipitation in the basin ITCZ East Asia wave train East Asian Summer Monsoon
Structure Design of Large-scale Sow House with Fermentation Bed
作者 Bo LIU Zhaolong LI +4 位作者 Jianglin LAN Qinlou HUANG Jianyang TANG Wenquan YU Huai SHI 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第10期1819-1825,共7页
ln this research, the whole contact-type large-scale sow house with fer-mentation bed was designed. The planning area of the entire piggery was 5 700 m2 with workplace and green belts. The sow house was 93 m long and ... ln this research, the whole contact-type large-scale sow house with fer-mentation bed was designed. The planning area of the entire piggery was 5 700 m2 with workplace and green belts. The sow house was 93 m long and 33 m wide, a total of 3 069 m2, including office area of 60 m2 and aisle area of 107 m2. The fer-mentation bed had an area of 2 902 m2 with length of 88.7 m and width of 27.7 m. lts area accounted for 95% of the total area of sow house. The fermentation mattress had a depth of 80 cm, and had a volume of 2 321 m3, equivalent to 733 t of coconut chaff and rice chaff. On a large fermentation bed, the areas for boars, replacement gilts, pregnant sows, obstetric tables, nursery pigs, etc. were designed. The large-scale sow house with fermentation bed was equipped with the automatic feeding system, automatic sprinkler system, automatic positioning column for preg-nant sows, sows' obstetric table system, fanning wet curtain cooling system, video monitoring system, environmental monitoring (light, temperature, water, humidity, CO2, NH3) and automatic control system. Every farming area was equipped with feeding trough and water trough. The water though was fixed with overflow pipe for removing the extra water. The house could hold 500-head sows. Each sow occu-pied 4.9 m2 of the fermentation bed in average. The designed sow house had a maximum annual output of 10 000 piglets. 展开更多
关键词 Fermentation bed Large-scale sow house Whole contact-type fermen-tation-bed obstetric table Automatic control Non-pollution No smelL
Key parameters for low temperature warm compaction of high density iron-based P/M materials
作者 曹顺华 林信平 +2 位作者 李炯义 谢湛 蔡志勇 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2005年第4期359-365,共7页
In order to reduce powder temperature to lower than 100℃ in warm compaction by changing polymer lubricant design, powder flowability, warm compacting behavior, lubricating mode as well as ultimate tensile strength af... In order to reduce powder temperature to lower than 100℃ in warm compaction by changing polymer lubricant design, powder flowability, warm compacting behavior, lubricating mode as well as ultimate tensile strength after sinter-hardening and tempering were investigated systematically. By means of low temperature warm pressing and sintered hardening technique, samples with the sintered densities of 7.407.45g/cm3 and the strengths of 950 1390MPa are achieved as the early compacting pressure is 686735MPa. 展开更多
关键词 iron-based P/M materials low temperature warm compaction lubricating mode
Air-entrained Concrete: Relationship between Thermal Conductivity and Pore Distribution Analyzed by X-Ray Tomography
作者 A.P.Peruzzi J.A.Rossignolo H.Kahn 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2018年第7期507-517,共11页
The thermal conductivity values of ordinary concrete can be adjusted to those prescribed in constructions by entraining air bubbles to reduce the density of concrete in order to achieve good thermal insulation. This p... The thermal conductivity values of ordinary concrete can be adjusted to those prescribed in constructions by entraining air bubbles to reduce the density of concrete in order to achieve good thermal insulation. This paper concerns the analysis of air bubble distribution in concrete obtained by micro X-ray μCT (computed tomography) and correlates it with its thermal conductivity (k). The samples were prepared of ordinary concrete varying the density by air-entraining additives, ranging between 2,277 kg/m3 and 1,779 kg/m3, aiming to correlate the mechanical properties and k with the characteristics of the bubble distribution. The results show that air-entrainment leads to viable use of this material as sealer to achieve good thermal insulation, and it can be adjusted, but there seems to be a limit to air entraining. By analysis of the μCT images, it was possible to correlate the more quantity of bubbles of smaller diameter with the minor k, in dry or wet state, and to prove that there is a limit in the entrapped air content, and if it is exceeded, the coalescence occurs. 展开更多
关键词 CONCRETE pore size distribution thermal analysis MICROSTRUCTURE image analysis.
Single-phase earth fault current distribution between optical fiber composite overhead ground wire and ordinary ground wire in transmission system
作者 许高雄 《Journal of Chongqing University》 CAS 2011年第2期78-83,共6页
It is important for the safety of transmission system to accurately calculate single-phase earth fault current distribution.Features of double sided elimination method were illustrated.Quantitative calculation of sing... It is important for the safety of transmission system to accurately calculate single-phase earth fault current distribution.Features of double sided elimination method were illustrated.Quantitative calculation of single-phase earth fault current distribution and case verification were accomplished by using the loop method.Influences of some factors,such as single-phase earth fault location and ground resistance of poles,on short-circuit current distribution were discussed.Results show that:1) results of the loop method conform to those of double sided elimination method;2) the fault location hardly influences macro-distribution of short-circuit current.However,current near fault location is evidently influenced;and 3) the short-circuit current distribution is not so sensitive to the ground resistance of poles. 展开更多
关键词 loop method single-phase earth fault short-circuit current distribution optical fiber composite overhead ground wire ordinary ground wire
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