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作者 程嫩生 《北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 2005年第2期58-61,共4页
就戴震治《诗》对以信古与求是作为标准划分学派这一问题作一爬梳。戴震在治《诗》时不仅求是,而且求古;不仅信古,而且泥古。其求古为了求是,舍古无以为是。而吴皖之分不妥的原因就在于其抹杀了是与古的联系,掩盖了学术发展的历史轨迹,... 就戴震治《诗》对以信古与求是作为标准划分学派这一问题作一爬梳。戴震在治《诗》时不仅求是,而且求古;不仅信古,而且泥古。其求古为了求是,舍古无以为是。而吴皖之分不妥的原因就在于其抹杀了是与古的联系,掩盖了学术发展的历史轨迹,做出了名不副实的学术分野。 展开更多
关键词 求古 吴皖之分
作者 韩李茁 《广播电视大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2013年第3期77-81,共5页
吴曾祺提出的"求古从今"说贯穿《涵芬楼文谈》全书,探讨此理论对前代理论的继承与创新,以及提出的缘由,并从全书系统地提炼归纳实践"求古从今"说的具体方法,旨在探求吴氏"求古从今"说的精髓及其所具有的... 吴曾祺提出的"求古从今"说贯穿《涵芬楼文谈》全书,探讨此理论对前代理论的继承与创新,以及提出的缘由,并从全书系统地提炼归纳实践"求古从今"说的具体方法,旨在探求吴氏"求古从今"说的精髓及其所具有的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 吴曾祺 《涵芬楼文谈》 求古从今”说
作者 叶磊 孟蓬生 《励耘语言学刊》 2021年第1期94-111,共18页
陈新雄先生所填《声经韵纬求古音表》以图表形式直观展示了《广韵》音系,其备注栏对《广韵》《切韵考》的考证不乏精辟之处,有助于我们更为深入地了解黄季刚先生的古音学思想。但是由于反切本身的复杂性,加之填写时间短、工作量大,存在... 陈新雄先生所填《声经韵纬求古音表》以图表形式直观展示了《广韵》音系,其备注栏对《广韵》《切韵考》的考证不乏精辟之处,有助于我们更为深入地了解黄季刚先生的古音学思想。但是由于反切本身的复杂性,加之填写时间短、工作量大,存在疏漏也在所难免。本文以作者自填之表与陈表互观,校出陈表共5大类计210处纰漏。 展开更多
关键词 陈新雄 《声经韵纬求古音表》 学术价值 分韵勘误
作者 谷继明 《哲学门》 CSSCI 2018年第2期175-186,共12页
惠栋虽然以“古训是式”为宗旨,但并非如徐复观先生所理解的那样为考据学或训诂学张目。恰恰相反,惠栋此语是要扩大、丰富训诂学的意涵。惠栋一再申说的“诂训”“故训”等等,强调的重点在于“古”,而非语言学意义上的“训”。他把“古... 惠栋虽然以“古训是式”为宗旨,但并非如徐复观先生所理解的那样为考据学或训诂学张目。恰恰相反,惠栋此语是要扩大、丰富训诂学的意涵。惠栋一再申说的“诂训”“故训”等等,强调的重点在于“古”,而非语言学意义上的“训”。他把“古训”与“雅言”并提,相对于雅的是俗,相对于古的是今。由此宣告了他的学术是要追求古雅,遮拨今俗。“古”固然可以指研究的对象,更是一种经学方法。惠栋对于汉代易学的继承,不是奉汉儒的任何一句话为圭臬,而是深入到他们的家法和义理之中,在不违背其家法、义理的前提下,对于具体的注释有选择、有辨析、有修正。这绝非是戴震所谓的“信古而愚”或者王引之指责的“不论是非”。 展开更多
关键词 求古 清代思想 经学 惠栋
作者 金钟哲 《中国劳动关系学院学报》 2018年第A01期128-132,共5页
进入21世纪以来,围绕劳模的争议声一直不断。新中国从计划向市场的经济转变,从一元到多元的文化嬗变,从封闭到开放的社会转型,改革开放前后不同的时代特征使得框架性的系统诠释劳模显得尤为困难。目前或可考虑将研究重心转向具体的劳模... 进入21世纪以来,围绕劳模的争议声一直不断。新中国从计划向市场的经济转变,从一元到多元的文化嬗变,从封闭到开放的社会转型,改革开放前后不同的时代特征使得框架性的系统诠释劳模显得尤为困难。目前或可考虑将研究重心转向具体的劳模群体、人物和事迹等史料的收集和整理,即傅斯年所谓“求其古”,或可避免理论的“信口雌黄”。然则史之优势在于求古而非求是,史家常常在“求其古”的基础上,去做本属理论家分内的“求其是”,结果可能“求之是”未必成立。史家从史料学的角度搜集、整理、编纂劳模史料,“求其古”;理论家从马克思主义理论视角解读劳模,“求其是”;在此基础上,史家与理论家兼顾劳模人物与事迹前后左右的文化语境甚至更宽广的经济文化社会结构,“求古求是”,或许可获得更接近原状也更全面的劳模形象。 展开更多
关键词 劳模人物 史料 与马克思主义理论 求古
作者 陈尚敏 《档案》 2023年第2期22-29,共8页
光绪九年(1883年),陕甘总督谭钟麟、甘肃学政陆廷黻在省会兰州创立求古书院,以“专课经解、诗赋”。两年后,在甘州府附郭张掖县置分院,亦即河西讲舍。求古书院为甘肃省省级书院,其招生面向全省。“河西五郡”距离省城较远,影响了上述地... 光绪九年(1883年),陕甘总督谭钟麟、甘肃学政陆廷黻在省会兰州创立求古书院,以“专课经解、诗赋”。两年后,在甘州府附郭张掖县置分院,亦即河西讲舍。求古书院为甘肃省省级书院,其招生面向全省。“河西五郡”距离省城较远,影响了上述地区士子到求古书院肄业,因而在其适中之地张掖创建河西讲舍。“河西五郡”是指凉州、甘州、西宁三府和肃州、安西两直隶州。求古书院的创建本就在晚清急剧变革的时期,光绪三十一年(1905年),求古书院就被改制了。作为传统教育机构,求古书院存在的时间并不长,但作为省级书院,它在甘肃教育史上留下了浓墨重彩的一页。自然其历史需要追溯、史实亦需重建。文章就求古书院创建缘起、置立分院以及招生、考课、日常教学与山长选聘诸问题予以考述。 展开更多
关键词 求古书院 河西讲舍 招生 考课 山长
Impact of Electric Vehicles on Travel and Electricity Demand in Metropolitan Area: A Case Study in Nagoya
作者 Ryo Kanamori Takayuki Morikawa +2 位作者 Masaya Okumiya Toshiyuki Yamamoto Takayuki Ito 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第3期341-349,共9页
In this study, we examine the impacts that EVs (electric vehicles) have on vehicle usage patterns and environmental improvements, using our integrated travel demand forecasting model, which can simulate an individua... In this study, we examine the impacts that EVs (electric vehicles) have on vehicle usage patterns and environmental improvements, using our integrated travel demand forecasting model, which can simulate an individual activity-travel behavior in each time period, as well as consider an induced demand by decreasing travel cost. In order to examine the effects that charging/discharging have on the demand in electricity, we analyze scenarios based on the simulation results of the EVs' parking location, parking duration and the battery state of charge. From the simulation, result under the ownership rate of EVs in the Nagoya metropolitan area in 2020 is about 6%, which turns out that the total CO2 emissions have decreased by 4% although the situation of urban transport is not changed. After calculating the electricity demand in each zone using architectural area and basic units of hourly power consumption, we evaluate the effect to decrease the peak load by V2G (vehicle-to-grid). According to the results, if EV drivers charge at home during the night and discharge at work during the day, the electricity demand in Nagoya city increases by approximately 1%, although changes in each individual zone range from -7% to +8%, depending on its characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 Electric vehicle integrated travel demand forecasting model electricity demand V2G.
J. M. Keynes' paradox: The saving glut
作者 Jose Guillermo Pelaez Gramajo 《Chinese Business Review》 2010年第11期10-20,共11页
The present paper offers an opportunity to explore Keynes' contribution to our understanding of crisis by returning to him seminal contribution in the theory of the effective demand. The analysis contrasts this appro... The present paper offers an opportunity to explore Keynes' contribution to our understanding of crisis by returning to him seminal contribution in the theory of the effective demand. The analysis contrasts this approach with the neoclassical orthodoxy regarding the theory of the interest rate and the relation between saving and investment. The author poses the fundamental question: Can a policy of stimulating saving promote investment? By using the "Saving Paradox" presented in chapter sixteen, as a framework for interpreting Bernanke's description of the saving glut and the current account deficit of the U.S. economy, the author offers an answer that is useful for understanding the current situation. The author also shows how moral hazard plays a significant role in the current crisis. 展开更多
关键词 KEYNES saving glut paradox current account deficit moral hazard CRISIS
Study on a Heritage Town in the Northern Badia of JordanmAI Aqeb
作者 Mohannad Tarrad 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第2期221-230,共10页
This field study in AI aqeb town and its surroundings is a result of joint research between two scientific fields: anthropology and architecture, where the researchers interested in the local community in terms of so... This field study in AI aqeb town and its surroundings is a result of joint research between two scientific fields: anthropology and architecture, where the researchers interested in the local community in terms of social, stability method, patterns of production and its transformations, as well as in physical culture for population in traditional, heritage and modern housing, and the reason to choose AI aqeb is to test the stability of the nature of pastoral groups in A1 aqeb basin and valley which are available on pastures and water sources and the remains of ancient centers of human settlement which provides building materials to create traditional dwellings made up of basalt stones and mud where the researcher use the field surveys methodology in the target area through field trips and description of heritage sites and architectural field studies methodology in terms of description, analysis and measuring and drawing. And study populations and pastoral aspects, features of the surface and material evidence. The Bedouin human interacts with its environment depending on its own style in simple techniques to meet his basic needs of physical, cultural and the need for shelter and housing. 展开更多
关键词 Housing pastoral Badia of Jordan local Jordanian community racialist history.
作者 张学芬 《中国诗歌研究》 2024年第1期201-212,共12页
《杜诗选》是明人杨慎的重要杜诗评本,目前学界主要对其批语进行评述与辨析,而对批语所传达出的杨慎诗学观及《杜诗选》价值关注不多。《杜诗选》选诗底本为明代广为流传的《集千家注杜工部诗集》,所选之作是古、近体杜诗中的脍炙人口... 《杜诗选》是明人杨慎的重要杜诗评本,目前学界主要对其批语进行评述与辨析,而对批语所传达出的杨慎诗学观及《杜诗选》价值关注不多。《杜诗选》选诗底本为明代广为流传的《集千家注杜工部诗集》,所选之作是古、近体杜诗中的脍炙人口者。部分评语重在批刘辰翁评语之浅、斥旧注今本之谬误、补旧注未明之故实,整体上呈现出杨慎求实的诗学观。另外,批语针对杜诗对六朝文学的吸收、杜律的奇丽风格和古法使用、吏牍字入诗及杜诗句法等进行评骘,反映出杨慎求古倾向的诗学思想。《杜诗选》在杜甫古体诗之彰显、杨慎之抑宋思想研究、开考据式杜诗评点之风气方面具有重要价值。 展开更多
关键词 《杜诗选》 求古 诗学观
惠栋构筑汉学之渊源、立意及反响 被引量:3
作者 於梅舫 《中国哲学史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期92-101,共10页
惠栋在乾隆年间首次打出汉学旗号,是原始要终地认识汉宋问题从无到有发生、演化的关键。晚近学人多以汉宋之争的眼光来认识惠栋学术,与其原意颇有距离。惠栋构筑汉学,主要落实于《易》学,实渊源于宋儒而自成一说。他在钩沉两汉专门之学... 惠栋在乾隆年间首次打出汉学旗号,是原始要终地认识汉宋问题从无到有发生、演化的关键。晚近学人多以汉宋之争的眼光来认识惠栋学术,与其原意颇有距离。惠栋构筑汉学,主要落实于《易》学,实渊源于宋儒而自成一说。他在钩沉两汉专门之学后,阐发《易》理,以此统贯诸经,借汉儒古义发明微言大义,以与学术高峰程、朱之学竞争,实是暗用宋儒道统之说而又修正道统论。惠栋汉学成为一时显学,引起学人主动辨析汉学名义,区分治经的求古与求是,恰恰显现清代几乎没有多少纯宗汉学的学人。 展开更多
关键词 汉学 惠栋 《周易述》 求古
惠栋学术形象的变迁及其内涵 被引量:2
作者 王豪 《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第2期118-130,共13页
“凡汉皆好,凡古必真”是近代学者为惠栋所塑造的学术形象,这一形象虽然在今天被普遍接受,然而并不能反映惠栋学术的全貌。“凡汉皆好,凡古必真”只是惠栋易学研究中的一个特点,只有在特定的语境下才能成立。在清人眼中,惠栋的学术形象... “凡汉皆好,凡古必真”是近代学者为惠栋所塑造的学术形象,这一形象虽然在今天被普遍接受,然而并不能反映惠栋学术的全貌。“凡汉皆好,凡古必真”只是惠栋易学研究中的一个特点,只有在特定的语境下才能成立。在清人眼中,惠栋的学术形象以“信古通经,复兴汉学”为表征。到了近代,这一形象才逐渐由“博学尊闻,罕下己见”转变为“凡汉皆好,凡古必真”。科学主义与科学话语的流行是惠栋学术形象转变,并逐渐被边缘化的直接原因。但深究起来,惠栋“求古”与所谓科学的“求是”之间并不必然矛盾。在某些情况下,“求古”可能比“求是”更能合乎科学的精神,以此作为轻视惠学的依据,理由并不充分。与“求新”的取向相违背,这才是近代学人“误解”他的根本原因。 展开更多
关键词 惠栋 求古 科学精神 学术形象
作者 厉运伟 《古代文学理论研究》 2021年第2期516-536,共21页
惠栋治学以"求古"为特色,"以汉为古"的诉求背后体现出强烈的时间距离意识,及其所带来的焦虑感。对于惠栋来说,时间距离是横亘于诠释者和经典文本之间的一道鸿沟,造成了前见的遮蔽、理解语境的差异及古今文字的衍变... 惠栋治学以"求古"为特色,"以汉为古"的诉求背后体现出强烈的时间距离意识,及其所带来的焦虑感。对于惠栋来说,时间距离是横亘于诠释者和经典文本之间的一道鸿沟,造成了前见的遮蔽、理解语境的差异及古今文字的衍变等问题,从而导致诠释的困境。因此,通经信古而特尊汉学,成为跨越时间距离、摆脱诠释困境的有效方式。惠栋的《诗》学研究,通过开创辑述汉儒古训、师说的诠释形式,建立《诗经》诠释的汉学典范,以克服时间距离所造成的理解偏差与诠释困境,达成对经典原义的把握与认知。作为一种新的诠释类型,惠栋的古义研究带动了清代经典诠释从义理思辨到历史实证的范式转换,其意义不容忽视。 展开更多
关键词 惠栋 求古 时间距离 《诗》学诠释
Chilling rather than photoperiod controls budburst for gymnosperm species in subtropical China 被引量:2
作者 Yuan-Qi Pan Xiu Zeng +4 位作者 Wen-De Chen Xin-Ran Tang Kui Dai Yan-Jun Du Xi-Qiang Song 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第1期100-110,共11页
The mechanisms regulating spring phenology have been extensively studied in angiosperm species.However,given that gymnosperms and angiosperms diverged 300 million years ago,phenology may be triggered by different cues... The mechanisms regulating spring phenology have been extensively studied in angiosperm species.However,given that gymnosperms and angiosperms diverged 300 million years ago,phenology may be triggered by different cues in gymnosperm species.The regulatory mechanisms of phenology in subtropical regions remain largely unknown.In combination,it remains untested whether subtropical gymnosperm species have chilling requirements and are photosensitive.We conducted a climate chamber experiment with three chilling and three photoperiod treatments to investigate budburst during an 8-week forcing period.We tested whether budburst of eight gymnosperms species(Cryptomeria japonica,Cunninghamia lanceolata,Cupressus funebris,Ginkgo biloba,Metasequoia glyptostroboides,Pinus massoniana,Pseudolarix amabilis and Podocarpus macrophyllus)was photoperiod sensitive or has strong chilling requirements and whether photoperiod or chilling was more important for advancing budburst.Chilling advanced budburst and increased the percentage of budburst for gymnosperm species.Gymnosperm species required moderate chilling days to advance budburst.Interestingly,the forcing requirement for gymnosperm species was higher than that for angiosperms in the same forest,suggesting that gymnosperms may need more cumulative forcing to initiate budburst than do angiosperms.Compared with temperate gymnosperm species in Germany(194-600℃days),the subtropical species studied here had a much higher forcing requirement(814-1150℃days).The effects of photoperiod were minor,suggesting that chilling outweighs photoperiod in advancing budburst of gymnosperm species in this subtropical region.These results reveal that increased winter temperatures with continued global warming may impact not only angiosperms but also gymnosperms,leading to their delayed spring budburst. 展开更多
关键词 chilling requirement climate change forcing requirement Gutianshan spring phenology twig cutting experiment
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