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作者 刘昊 《平顶山学院学报》 2024年第1期55-60,共6页
成化(1465-1487)末年国家铨选制度趋于崩坏、人才每多困于壅滞,明孝宗即位后,下诏求举天下异才,并突破了以德行为先的传统用人观念。此外,为重振朝纲、防范党争,明孝宗在选任高级官员时,对其地域来源作出了一定的制约与调整。为防止权... 成化(1465-1487)末年国家铨选制度趋于崩坏、人才每多困于壅滞,明孝宗即位后,下诏求举天下异才,并突破了以德行为先的传统用人观念。此外,为重振朝纲、防范党争,明孝宗在选任高级官员时,对其地域来源作出了一定的制约与调整。为防止权势偏移于某一文官机构,明孝宗在其统治的前中后期,通过人事层面的调换,实施不同的阁部制衡之策。 展开更多
关键词 明孝宗 用人观 重才 求衡
作者 赵文研 陈荣 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 2007年第6期1222-1223,共2页
“求衡思维”法是中医临床辨证的核心思想,是《内经》“谨察阴阳所在而调之,以平为期”原则的具体体现。笔者运用①调整脏腑求衡法;②调理气血求衡法;③调治冲、任、督、带求衡法;④调养胞宫求衡法;⑤调控天癸—生殖轴求衡法,治疗多种... “求衡思维”法是中医临床辨证的核心思想,是《内经》“谨察阴阳所在而调之,以平为期”原则的具体体现。笔者运用①调整脏腑求衡法;②调理气血求衡法;③调治冲、任、督、带求衡法;④调养胞宫求衡法;⑤调控天癸—生殖轴求衡法,治疗多种妇科疑难杂证,取得满意疗效。 展开更多
关键词 脏腑求衡 气血求衡 冲、任、督、带求衡 胞宫求衡 天癸求衡
作者 刘月生 《河池学院学报》 2008年第A01期60-61,共2页
关键词 对称 求衡 人测原理 人择原理 全息原理
作者 骆仙芳 魏睦森 《中医药学刊》 2005年第2期306-306,337,共2页
中国传统医学理论要旨———求衡是与中国传统文化一脉相承的 ,也是与现代科学和现代医学的发展方向相一致的。用现代语言和科学术语探述“求衡”的精义 ,是中医现代化进程中的一个十分重要的课题 ,它与引入科学实验手段是同等重要的 ,... 中国传统医学理论要旨———求衡是与中国传统文化一脉相承的 ,也是与现代科学和现代医学的发展方向相一致的。用现代语言和科学术语探述“求衡”的精义 ,是中医现代化进程中的一个十分重要的课题 ,它与引入科学实验手段是同等重要的 ,应研究讨论机体在生理状态下是如何持衡 ,在病理状态下是如何失衡 ,在诊断时如何察衡 ,在治疗时如何复衡 ,在保健摄生时如何守衡等一系列问题。 展开更多
关键词 求衡 中国 传统医学
陈意“务虚求衡,执中致和”中医思维观探析 被引量:3
作者 叶菁 黄宣 张庆乾 《浙江中医杂志》 2021年第8期553-554,共2页
关键词 务虚求衡 执中致和 和法 名医经验 陈意
教学目标设计:一个“求衡”的过程 被引量:2
作者 邢新叶 《文教资料》 2009年第5期118-119,共2页
关键词 教学目标 设计 求衡”策略
突破心灵的壁垒——未成年人刑事案件诉讼心理求衡之路桥架构 被引量:1
作者 胡凤霞 《山东法官培训学院学报》 2012年第3期47-51,共5页
未成年被告人世界观、人生观、价值观尚未完全形成,心理偏差易于纠正,适时、适当的心理矫正可以促其突破心灵壁垒,以健康的心态重新回归社会。本文从探究未成年人犯罪的心理渊源入手,逐次解析庭审参与者的诉讼心理,找出心理趋同点和交互... 未成年被告人世界观、人生观、价值观尚未完全形成,心理偏差易于纠正,适时、适当的心理矫正可以促其突破心灵壁垒,以健康的心态重新回归社会。本文从探究未成年人犯罪的心理渊源入手,逐次解析庭审参与者的诉讼心理,找出心理趋同点和交互区,探讨法官在把握庭审参与者诉讼心理的基础上,如何利用审判技巧与方法选择实现各方诉讼心理平衡,从而作出有利于未成年人健康发展的裁判结果,并对未成年罪犯的再犯预防和未成年人去犯罪化提出开放性看法。 展开更多
关键词 未成年人 诉讼心理 求衡 心理矫正
作者 欧阳锜 《湖南中医杂志》 1990年第1期28-30,共3页
求衡是中医临床思维的核心,内容虽是中医常用的理论和经验,但这里是从思维方法的角度来讲的。现在有的种学家把思维科学与其他自然科学教在同等位置相提并论。我国中医教育,近年来也专门设置中医辩证法的课程,着重讲辩证思维,说明医学... 求衡是中医临床思维的核心,内容虽是中医常用的理论和经验,但这里是从思维方法的角度来讲的。现在有的种学家把思维科学与其他自然科学教在同等位置相提并论。我国中医教育,近年来也专门设置中医辩证法的课程,着重讲辩证思维,说明医学和科学工作者对研究思维方法已经高度重视。中医认识和处理疾病,不但运用形式逻辑,在理性认识过程中。 展开更多
关键词 求衡 中医临床思维
作者 刘海平 《当代医药论丛》 2024年第3期112-114,共3页
学习中医并临证多年,回想这一路走来有辛苦有迷茫,寻古中医思维及如何践行于临床是困惑我多年的问题。中医在几千年发展的漫漫长河中,形成了以理法方药一以贯之的辨证论治体系,这套完整的中医学术体系曾被老师们反复提及,但是,十多年前... 学习中医并临证多年,回想这一路走来有辛苦有迷茫,寻古中医思维及如何践行于临床是困惑我多年的问题。中医在几千年发展的漫漫长河中,形成了以理法方药一以贯之的辨证论治体系,这套完整的中医学术体系曾被老师们反复提及,但是,十多年前初涉杏林的我,却走了不少弯路,在临床实践中辨证论治,遣方用药时曾本末倒置。作为全国中医临床特色技术传承骨干人才培训项目的学员之一,我有幸跟诊齐鲁伤寒流派及湖湘欧阳氏杂病流派学习,经过不断的磨练与学习现已逐渐步入到“柳暗花明”的境界。 展开更多
关键词 齐鲁伤寒流派 欧阳氏杂病流派 求衡 辨证
作者 曾锦藩 《宁夏大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2005年第2期119-121,共3页
研究作曲除了要研究写作技法和作品比较等显性方法外,作曲心态及其认知等隐性因素也应包括在内。作曲心态始终存在于整个作曲过程,并且起着一种无形的实际催化作用,其中的“求衡心理”导致作用欲望的产生,并贯穿在作曲过程中,而折射在... 研究作曲除了要研究写作技法和作品比较等显性方法外,作曲心态及其认知等隐性因素也应包括在内。作曲心态始终存在于整个作曲过程,并且起着一种无形的实际催化作用,其中的“求衡心理”导致作用欲望的产生,并贯穿在作曲过程中,而折射在作曲意图中,则表现为内在因素的自发性、外力因素的强制性和内外因素的兼有性。 展开更多
关键词 作曲 心态 认知 求衡心理”
国医大师孙光荣论中医药学五大特色 被引量:5
作者 魏一苇 何清湖 +4 位作者 孙贵香 叶培汉 刘富林 杨玉芳 孙光荣 《湖南中医药大学学报》 CAS 2017年第9期928-930,共3页
国医大师孙光荣教授是我国著名的中医临床家和中医药文献学家。孙教授认为中医药学的特色体现在五大方面,即个性化的辨证论治、调治求衡的防治原则、人性化的治疗方法、多样化的干预手段以及天然化的用药取向。本文通过整理和阐发孙教... 国医大师孙光荣教授是我国著名的中医临床家和中医药文献学家。孙教授认为中医药学的特色体现在五大方面,即个性化的辨证论治、调治求衡的防治原则、人性化的治疗方法、多样化的干预手段以及天然化的用药取向。本文通过整理和阐发孙教授的理论观点,以期进一步把握中医学本质与内涵特色。 展开更多
关键词 中医药学特色 辨证论治 调治求衡 干预手段 孙光荣
作者 练至高 《福建基础教育研究》 2020年第4期20-22,共3页
关键词 高校附属学校 教育生态 动中求衡 以动制 协同进化
终端区进场流的路径选择研究 被引量:3
作者 高伟 叶志坚 陈晨 《交通信息与安全》 2016年第4期29-36,共8页
在实际运行中,通常依据管制员的经验对进场航班流的路径进行管理,缺乏科学性。针对终端区进场流的路径选择与进场排序的流量管理问题,以进场航班的总完成时间最短为目标,建立基于时间窗与位置约束的路径选择与排序的数学模型。采用先选... 在实际运行中,通常依据管制员的经验对进场航班流的路径进行管理,缺乏科学性。针对终端区进场流的路径选择与进场排序的流量管理问题,以进场航班的总完成时间最短为目标,建立基于时间窗与位置约束的路径选择与排序的数学模型。采用先选择路径再排序的循环寻优的方法进行求解,将禁忌搜索(TS)与排序算法相结合,设计了TS-FCFS与TS-DP两种算法,着重建立了基于关键路径的邻域结构,并加入有效的重置(RESTAR)策略,使算法快速有效的收敛至最优解。最后借助SIMMOD仿真平台验证算法的可行性。以北京首都机场21架航班为例,仿真结果显示,TS-FCFS与TS-DP两种方法较原计划的进场路径总完成时间分别节约了149s与175s。该路径选择算法降低了进场时间,提高了终端区进场效率。通过合理优化进场航班流的路径选择与进场排序,平衡了跑道负荷,减少了航空器间潜在的冲突,同时为管制员调配进场航班流提供了合理有效的路径选择建议。 展开更多
关键词 航空管理 进场航班 路径选择 进场排序 禁忌搜索 动态规划
Sensitivity analysis for stochastic user equilibrium with elastic demand assignment model
作者 王建 吴鼎新 邓卫 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2014年第3期363-367,共5页
This paper puts forward a rigorous approach for a sensitivity analysis of stochastic user equilibrium with the elastic demand (SUEED) model. First, proof is given for the existence of derivatives of output variables... This paper puts forward a rigorous approach for a sensitivity analysis of stochastic user equilibrium with the elastic demand (SUEED) model. First, proof is given for the existence of derivatives of output variables with respect to the perturbation parameters for the SUEED model. Then by taking advantage of the gradient-based method for sensitivity analysis of a general nonlinear program, detailed formulae are developed for calculating the derivatives of designed variables with respect to perturbation parameters at the equilibrium state of the SUEED model. This method is not only applicable for a sensitivity analysis of the logit-type SUEED problem, but also for the probit-type SUEED problem. The application of the proposed method in a numerical example shows that the proposed method can be used to approximate the equilibrium link flow solutions for both logit-type SUEED and probit-type SUEED problems when small perturbations are introduced in the input parameters. 展开更多
关键词 network modeling stochastic user equilibrium elastic demand sensitivity analysis first-order approximation
Optimal operation of cascaded hydroelectric power plants in the power market
作者 蔡兴国 马平 林士颖 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2004年第6期614-617,共4页
An improved network flow algorithm, which includes the minimum cost network flow and the same period network flow, is proposed to solve the optimization of cascaded hydroelectric power plants in a competitive electric... An improved network flow algorithm, which includes the minimum cost network flow and the same period network flow, is proposed to solve the optimization of cascaded hydroelectric power plants in a competitive electricity market. The typical network flow is used to find the feasible flow and add the discharge water to different cascaded hydroelectric power plants at the same step. The same period network flow is used to find the optimal flow and add the power output at a different step. This new algorithm retains the advantages of the typical network flow, such as simplicity and ease of realization. The result of the case analysis indicates that the new algorithm can achieve high calculation precision and can be used to calculate the optimal operation of cascaded hydroelectric power plants. 展开更多
关键词 cascaded hydroelectric power plants network flow market clearing price
The space time CE/SE method for solving one-dimensional batch crystallization model with fines dissolution 被引量:1
作者 Saima Noor Shamsul Qamar 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期337-341,共5页
This article is concerned with the numerical investigation of one-dimensional population balance models for batch crystallization process with fines dissolution.In batch crystallization,dissolution of smaller unwanted... This article is concerned with the numerical investigation of one-dimensional population balance models for batch crystallization process with fines dissolution.In batch crystallization,dissolution of smaller unwanted nuclei below some critical size is of vital importance as it improves the quality of product.The crystal growth rates for both size-independent and size-dependent cases are considered.A delay in recycle pipe is also included in the model.The space–time conservation element and solution element method,originally derived for non-reacting flows,is used to solve the model.This scheme has already been applied to a range of PDEs,mainly in the area of fluid mechanics.The numerical results are compared with those obtained from the Koren scheme,showing that the proposed scheme is more efficient. 展开更多
关键词 Population balances Batch process Crystallization Dissolution of fines Space–time conservation element and solution element method
Fractionally Spaced Equalization Algorithms in 60GHz Communication System 被引量:2
作者 YUE Guangrong DONG Aixian +2 位作者 HONG Hao GUO Jianmei WANG Lei 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第6期23-31,共9页
Several fractionally spaced equalizers(FSE) which could be used in 60 GHz systems are presented in this paper. For 60 GHz systems, low-power equalization algorithms are favorable. We focus on FSE in both time domain(T... Several fractionally spaced equalizers(FSE) which could be used in 60 GHz systems are presented in this paper. For 60 GHz systems, low-power equalization algorithms are favorable. We focus on FSE in both time domain(TD) and frequency domain(FD) in order to meet different complexity requirements of 60 GHz systems. Compared with symbol spaced equalizer(SSE), FSE can relax the requirement of sampling synchronization hardware significantly. Extensive simulation results show that our equalization algorithms not only eliminate ISI efficiently, but are also robust to timing synchronization errors. 展开更多
关键词 fractionally spaced equalizers 60GHz timing synchronization lowcomplexity
Optimization of assembly line balancing using genetic algorithm 被引量:6
作者 N.Barathwaj P.Raja S.Gokulraj 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期3957-3969,共13页
In a manufacturing industry, mixed model assembly line(MMAL) is preferred in order to meet the variety in product demand. MMAL balancing helps in assembling products with similar characteristics in a random fashion. T... In a manufacturing industry, mixed model assembly line(MMAL) is preferred in order to meet the variety in product demand. MMAL balancing helps in assembling products with similar characteristics in a random fashion. The objective of this work aims in reducing the number of workstations, work load index between stations and within each station. As manual contribution of workers in final assembly line is more, ergonomics is taken as an additional objective function. Ergonomic risk level of a workstation is evaluated using a parameter called accumulated risk posture(ARP), which is calculated using rapid upper limb assessment(RULA) check sheet. This work is based on the case study of an MMAL problem in Rane(Madras) Ltd.(India), in which a problem based genetic algorithm(GA) has been proposed to minimize the mentioned objectives. The working of the genetic operators such as selection, crossover and mutation has been modified with respect to the addressed MMAL problem. The results show that there is a significant impact over productivity and the process time of the final assembled product, i.e., the rate of production is increased by 39.5% and the assembly time for one particular model is reduced to 13 min from existing 18 min. Also, the space required using the proposed assembly line is only 200 m2 against existing 350 m2. Further, the algorithm helps in reducing workers fatigue(i.e., ergonomic friendly). 展开更多
关键词 OPTIMIZATION line balancing genetic algorithm product family assembly line
Performance Prediction of Structured Packing Column for Cryogenic Air Separation with Hybrid Model
作者 张小斌 朱佳凯 +3 位作者 吴钊 熊炜 张学军 邱利民 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第8期930-936,共7页
A detailed investigation of a thermodynamic process in a structured packing distillation column is of great impor- tance in prediction of process efficiency. In order to keep the simplicity of an equilibrium stage mod... A detailed investigation of a thermodynamic process in a structured packing distillation column is of great impor- tance in prediction of process efficiency. In order to keep the simplicity of an equilibrium stage model and the accu- racy of a non-equilibrium stage model, a hybrid model is developed to predict the structured packing column in cryogenic air separation. A general solution process for the equilibrium stage model is developed to solve the set of equations of the hybrid model, in which a separation efficiency function is introduced to obtain the resulting tri-diagonal matrix and its solution by the Thomas algorithm. As an example, the algorithm is applied to analyze an upper column of a cryogenic air separation plant with the capacity of 17000 m3·h-1. Rigorous simulations are conducted using Aspen RATEFRAC module to validate the approach. The temperature and composition distributions are in a good agreement with the two methods. The effects of inlet/outlet position and flow rate on the temperature and composition distributions in the column are analyzed. The results demonstrate that the hybrid model and the solution algorithms are effective in analvzin~ the distillation process for a a cryogenic structured packing column. 展开更多
关键词 DISTILLATION Cryogenic air separation Structured packings Hybrid model ASPEN
The Problem analysis of imbalance between supply and demand of pension agency human resources
作者 Shao Wei Hao Yong 《International English Education Research》 2015年第3期31-32,共2页
As the population ages and family miniaturization trend intensified, pension agency demand for service personnel increased significantly, while the supply of human resources is inadequate. This article is based on the... As the population ages and family miniaturization trend intensified, pension agency demand for service personnel increased significantly, while the supply of human resources is inadequate. This article is based on the present situation of the imbalance between supply and demand of human resources, analysis of causes of the contradiction between them. Then put forward some suggestions on this basis, such as increase government financial input, build a professional medical personnel training system, develop volunteers and improve employees' rights protection mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 Human resources Supply and demand Pension agency
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