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作者 赵蕊 《海外英语》 2012年第4X期170-171,178,共3页
冗赘英语是怎么产生的?中国学生的英语错误为什么都带有趋同性?它们跟学习者的汉字背景有没有关系?如果说德国哲学家茅特纳的"假如亚里斯多德说的是汉语或达可塔语,他的逻辑和范畴就会是另一个样子"的论断是正确的话,那么,汉... 冗赘英语是怎么产生的?中国学生的英语错误为什么都带有趋同性?它们跟学习者的汉字背景有没有关系?如果说德国哲学家茅特纳的"假如亚里斯多德说的是汉语或达可塔语,他的逻辑和范畴就会是另一个样子"的论断是正确的话,那么,汉字汉语背景对中国人英语认知的影响又有多大呢?作者谨就这些问题进行深入探讨。 展开更多
关键词 冗赘表达 汉-英翻译 字背景
主位推进作为英-汉翻译单位的可行性 被引量:2
作者 邓巨 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2007年第3期92-96,共5页
英语是“形合”特征明显的语言,而汉语是“意合”明显突出的语言。在英-汉翻译中,两种语言在信息结构上的差异,往往给翻译中的理解和转换造成了许多障碍,而以主位推进为英-汉翻译的单位,不仅从理论上为英-汉翻译单位的研究提供了一种新... 英语是“形合”特征明显的语言,而汉语是“意合”明显突出的语言。在英-汉翻译中,两种语言在信息结构上的差异,往往给翻译中的理解和转换造成了许多障碍,而以主位推进为英-汉翻译的单位,不仅从理论上为英-汉翻译单位的研究提供了一种新的视角,而且在实践上有益于译者,特别是以汉语为母语的译者,正确地解读和分析英语语篇,并有效地进行翻译转换,生成自然、流畅的汉语语篇。 展开更多
关键词 主位推进 -翻译 翻译单位 可行性
英汉商标翻译的平仄性 被引量:1
作者 胡小青 《新疆广播电视大学学报》 2012年第4期26-30,共5页
汉语是典型的声调语言,一个音节不但有声还有调,而英语不是,但在大多英汉商标翻译中,汉语这一独特的音韵特征却常常受到忽视。本文通过对国外知名商标的翻译和中国国内知名商标名称进行平仄性对比,结果显示商标译名与国内商标名称存在... 汉语是典型的声调语言,一个音节不但有声还有调,而英语不是,但在大多英汉商标翻译中,汉语这一独特的音韵特征却常常受到忽视。本文通过对国外知名商标的翻译和中国国内知名商标名称进行平仄性对比,结果显示商标译名与国内商标名称存在显著的音韵差异。文章建议在英-汉商标翻译中考虑汉语言的平仄性特点,以进一步提高译名的可接受性。 展开更多
关键词 -商标翻译 韵律 平仄
作者 郭璐璐 谌莉文 《现代语文(下旬.语言研究)》 2011年第5期107-109,共3页
汉语古诗中丰富的意象能让人产生难以言传的联想,具有一种无以比拟的模糊美。但同时诗中的语义模糊也给古诗译者带来困扰。现以杜牧《清明》一诗为例,探讨汉语古诗中的语义模糊及其翻译策略。通过对比《清明》的六个英译本,发现古诗英... 汉语古诗中丰富的意象能让人产生难以言传的联想,具有一种无以比拟的模糊美。但同时诗中的语义模糊也给古诗译者带来困扰。现以杜牧《清明》一诗为例,探讨汉语古诗中的语义模糊及其翻译策略。通过对比《清明》的六个英译本,发现古诗英译实无定法。为保持这一特殊文体的风格与意境,对于诗中的语义模糊最恰当的翻译方法是"以模糊译模糊"。这有别于译界传统的"重精确,轻模糊"的翻译策略。 展开更多
关键词 语古诗 语义模糊 汉-英翻译
作者 徐玮玮 《天津市经理学院学报》 2006年第5期59-60,共2页
在对不同程度的学生的教学实践中,笔者发现通过不同难度的汉-英、英-汉双翻译来讲解语法不但可以清晰明了地解释英语语法的规则及其应用,还可以提高学生双语翻译的能力。本文力图借助于汉-英和英-汉翻译练习使英语语法的讲解更容易被学... 在对不同程度的学生的教学实践中,笔者发现通过不同难度的汉-英、英-汉双翻译来讲解语法不但可以清晰明了地解释英语语法的规则及其应用,还可以提高学生双语翻译的能力。本文力图借助于汉-英和英-汉翻译练习使英语语法的讲解更容易被学生接受。 展开更多
关键词 -翻译 汉-英翻译 语法讲解
作者 要建姝 《湖北文理学院学报》 2014年第10期60-62,共3页
随着国家间的文化交流日渐频繁,优秀的海外电影被大量引入国内,但英文电影片名的翻译却难尽人意,误译、乱译的现象屡见不鲜。电影片名的翻译实质上是两种文化相互交流的过程,对文化预设缺乏了解、过度追求商业利润是造成误译、乱译的主... 随着国家间的文化交流日渐频繁,优秀的海外电影被大量引入国内,但英文电影片名的翻译却难尽人意,误译、乱译的现象屡见不鲜。电影片名的翻译实质上是两种文化相互交流的过程,对文化预设缺乏了解、过度追求商业利润是造成误译、乱译的主要原因。以文化预设的相关理论为指导,以东西方文化预设的共享程度为基础,提出译者应当坚持"忠实性"或"叛逆性"的翻译原则,从而采取相应的翻译策略,以促进国与国之间影视文化的交流与沟通。 展开更多
关键词 文化预设理论 电影片名 -翻译
翻译冗余成因探析 被引量:1
作者 赵蕊 《牡丹江大学学报》 2012年第4期119-121,共3页
英语冗余表达是如何产生的?中国学生的英语错误为什么都带有趋同性?它们跟学习者的汉字背景有没有关系?如果说德国哲学家茅特纳的"假如亚里士多德说的是汉语或达可塔语,他的逻辑和范畴就会是另一个样子"的论断是正确的话,那么... 英语冗余表达是如何产生的?中国学生的英语错误为什么都带有趋同性?它们跟学习者的汉字背景有没有关系?如果说德国哲学家茅特纳的"假如亚里士多德说的是汉语或达可塔语,他的逻辑和范畴就会是另一个样子"的论断是正确的话,那么,汉字汉语背景对中国人英语认知的影响又有多大呢?作者谨就这些问题进行深入探讨。 展开更多
关键词 冗赘表达 汉-英翻译 字背景
功能翻译理论视角下的汽车广告翻译案例分析 被引量:2
作者 殷小娟 苏淑杰 《信阳农业高等专科学校学报》 2011年第2期99-101,共3页
德国学者赖斯提出的功能翻译理论认为翻译是一种具有目的性的行为,"目的论"是该理论的首要法则。广告翻译的最终目的和功能是说服消费者采取行动购买宣传的产品或者服务。因此,广告翻译不仅仅是语言的翻译,还包含着文化上的... 德国学者赖斯提出的功能翻译理论认为翻译是一种具有目的性的行为,"目的论"是该理论的首要法则。广告翻译的最终目的和功能是说服消费者采取行动购买宣传的产品或者服务。因此,广告翻译不仅仅是语言的翻译,还包含着文化上的转换。本文根据功能翻译理论,分析了现实中几个成功的汽车广告的英-汉翻译所遵循的原则,证明了功能翻译理论在广告翻译中的适用性,并为广告翻译的研究提供一定的建议和启示。 展开更多
关键词 功能翻译理论 目的论 汽车广告 -翻译
Context Awareness and Word-rendering in the Teaching of Chinese-English Translation
作者 范勇 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第8期64-68,共5页
In the teaching of Chinese-English(C-E) translation, the cultivation of students' awareness of context is very important. As far as word-rendering in C-E translation is concerned, contextual analysis can help stude... In the teaching of Chinese-English(C-E) translation, the cultivation of students' awareness of context is very important. As far as word-rendering in C-E translation is concerned, contextual analysis can help student solve such problems as the precise comprehension of the SL(source language) words, the translation of vague words and polysemous words, the conveyance of implicature and non-correspondence of word meaning. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese-English translation context awareness word-rendering translation teaching
On the Problems and Strategies in Chinese-English Translation of Public Signs in Scenic Resorts
作者 相燕 《International English Education Research》 2015年第10期112-113,共2页
More and more foreigners come to China on business or for a tour, which makes the translation of public signs important and necessary. Focused on the public sign in scenic resorts, this article briefly gives a short p... More and more foreigners come to China on business or for a tour, which makes the translation of public signs important and necessary. Focused on the public sign in scenic resorts, this article briefly gives a short presentation for the present study status; and the errors in the translation of signs are set forth from the viewpoint of three rules of Skopostheorie. Some suggestions are proposed to make a further study of public signs with a wide scope of examples. 展开更多
关键词 Scenic Resorts Public Signs Skopostheorie
On the naturalization of lexical choices in Sino-English translator training
作者 李海燕 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第7期53-56,共4页
Through analyzing the difference between British lexis and Americanism and the translation teaching status quo related with lexical choices, the author elaborates on translator competence training in the lexical choic... Through analyzing the difference between British lexis and Americanism and the translation teaching status quo related with lexical choices, the author elaborates on translator competence training in the lexical choice of Sino-English translation, and who puts forwards several suggestions on how to facilitate the effective communication between the business persons through naturalizing the lexical choices in Sino-English translation. 展开更多
关键词 business vocabulary difference between British lexis and Americanism Sino-English business translation teaching NATURALIZATION
Cultural loss in Chinese-English translation 被引量:4
作者 WANG Xiao-hui 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第6期75-81,共7页
Different cultures have their own culture-specifics, which may pose great difficulties to the translators. In the process of cultural transfer there will be various kinds of losses, for it is hard to achieve complete ... Different cultures have their own culture-specifics, which may pose great difficulties to the translators. In the process of cultural transfer there will be various kinds of losses, for it is hard to achieve complete equivalent effect. The main purpose is to research into the issues of cultural loss in translating certain cultural elements, and how to compensate the loss in Chinese-English translation. 展开更多
关键词 cultural loss cultural element cultural compensation
Literal and Free Translation of Chinese-English Brand Names 被引量:2
作者 BAI Hong BAI Xia 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第2期78-81,共4页
The present paper is intended to describe the two normal methods—free and literal translation used in translating brand names; in the meantime, some common mistakes are discussed in the process of translation. As to ... The present paper is intended to describe the two normal methods—free and literal translation used in translating brand names; in the meantime, some common mistakes are discussed in the process of translation. As to the free and literal translation, the paper discusses some common approaches, or techniques used in the process, which affect the effects of the brand names a lot and have direct influence on the results of the target brand names. In view of the common mistakes, the paper points out some customs, habits, religious beliefs, living environment and cultural factors, which may lead to failures in translating brand names. 展开更多
关键词 brand names literal translation free translation
Hierarchical Semantic-Category-Tree Model for Chinese-English Machine Translation 被引量:1
作者 Zhu Xiaojian Jin Yaohong 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第12期80-92,共13页
We introduce a novel Sermntic-Category- Tree (SCT) model to present the sen-antic structure of a sentence for Chinese-English Machine Translation (MT). We use the SCT model to handle the reordering in a hierarchic... We introduce a novel Sermntic-Category- Tree (SCT) model to present the sen-antic structure of a sentence for Chinese-English Machine Translation (MT). We use the SCT model to handle the reordering in a hierarchical structure in which one reordering is dependent on the others. Different from other reordering approaches, we handle the reordering at three levels: sentence level, chunk level, and word level. The chunk-level reordering is dependent on the sentence-level reordering, and the word-level reordering is dependent on the chunk-level reordering. In this paper, we formally describe the SCT model and discuss the translation strategy based on the SCT model. Further, we present an algorithm for analyzing the source language in SCT and transforming the source SCT into the target SCT. We apply the SCT model to a role-based patent text MT to evaluate the ability of the SCT model. The experimental results show that SCT is efficient in handling the hierarehical reordering operation in MT. 展开更多
关键词 REORDERING SCT MT function word
On cross-cultural pragmatic failure in English advertisements translated from Chinese 被引量:1
作者 SUN Shu-nv 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第10期60-65,共6页
With the rapid development of globalization, more and more factories and companies in China are keen to put their products onto the international market. Advertising translation is the outcome of this economic trend. ... With the rapid development of globalization, more and more factories and companies in China are keen to put their products onto the international market. Advertising translation is the outcome of this economic trend. This paper tries to analyze cross-cultural pragmatic failure in English advertisements translated from Chinese at lexical and textual levels, and puts forward some suggestions on how to avoid cross-cultural pragmatic failure. 展开更多
关键词 pragmatic failure TRADEMARK ADVERTISEMENTS
An On-line Assessment System for English-Chinese Translation
作者 田艳 陆汝占 段建勇 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2007年第2期180-184,共5页
On-line assessment of English-Chinese translation is a challenging task as it involves natural language processing.YanFa,an on-line assessment system for English-Chinese translation,is a pilot research project into sc... On-line assessment of English-Chinese translation is a challenging task as it involves natural language processing.YanFa,an on-line assessment system for English-Chinese translation,is a pilot research project into scoring student's translation on-line.Based on the theory of translation equivalence,an algorithm called "conceptual similarity matching" was developed.YanFa can assess students' translation on-line timely,generate test papers automatically,offer standard versions of translation,and the scores of each sentence to students.The evaluation proves that YanFa is practical compared with the scores given by experts. 展开更多
关键词 on-line assessment English-Chinese translation natural language processing
Anchor-based English-Chinese Bilingual Chunk Alignment Model
作者 吴尉林 成长生 +1 位作者 徐良贤 陆汝占 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第2期35-39,共5页
Chunk alignment for the bilingual corpus is the base of Example-based Machine Translation. An anchor-based English-Chinese bilingual chunk alignment model and the corresponding algorithm of alignment are presented in ... Chunk alignment for the bilingual corpus is the base of Example-based Machine Translation. An anchor-based English-Chinese bilingual chunk alignment model and the corresponding algorithm of alignment are presented in this paper. It can effectively overcome the sparse data problem due to the limited size of the bilingual corpus. In this model, the chunk segmentation disarnbiguation is delayed to the alignment process, and hence the accuracy of chunk segmentation is improved. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and viability of this model. 展开更多
关键词 chunk alignment machine translation
A Study on ESP Chinese-English Translating Practice Based on the Translation Memetics
作者 DING Zi-hua 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2017年第3期141-148,共8页
"Memes" translation theory has been applied in translation practice, especially in the field of ESP (English for Specific Purposes) translation. In view of this, based on the relevant "memes" translation theory ... "Memes" translation theory has been applied in translation practice, especially in the field of ESP (English for Specific Purposes) translation. In view of this, based on the relevant "memes" translation theory and the professional module positioning expressed by ESP, this article analyzes ESP language memes analysis and illustrates some related translation strategies employed in ESP Chinese-English translating practice properly, such as direct translation and indirect translation, semantic translation and communicative translation, foreignizing translation and domesticating translation, etc. 展开更多
关键词 translation practice MEMES ESP
Research on Parallel Corpus Based Chinese-English Lexicon Builder
作者 刘晓月 Yang +4 位作者 Muyun Zhao Tiejun Yajuan 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2003年第4期61-66,共6页
Translation lexicons are fundamental to natural language processing tasks like machine translation and cross language information retrieval. This paper presents a lexicon builder that can auto extract (or assist lexic... Translation lexicons are fundamental to natural language processing tasks like machine translation and cross language information retrieval. This paper presents a lexicon builder that can auto extract (or assist lexicographer in compiling) the word translations from Chinese English parallel corpus. Key mechanisms in this builder system are further described, including co occurrence measure, indirection association resolution and multi word unit translation. Experiment results indicate the effectiveness of the authors’ method and the potentiality of the lexicon builder system. 展开更多
关键词 lexicon builder Chinese English parallel corpus co occurrence
Teaching Cultural Strategies for Undergraduate Chinese-English Translation in Chinese Context
作者 Chunying Li Shu-huai Wang 《Sociology Study》 2015年第1期1-7,共7页
Although in China, ordinary translation theories favor the foreignizing strategy in translating culture, and outside China, there are opposing strategies between the cultural studies school and deconstructionist schoo... Although in China, ordinary translation theories favor the foreignizing strategy in translating culture, and outside China, there are opposing strategies between the cultural studies school and deconstructionist school, translation teachers should be fully aware of their respective revelations and limitations to translation teaching. This paper holds that in undergraduate C-E (Chinese-English~ translation teaching, the linguistic strategy is assimilation rather than alienation, thus, idiomaticness and preciseness should be emphasized. In teaching cultural translation strategy, first, we should promote students' cultural competence, which includes culture perceptive competence, culture comparison competence, culture evaluation competence, and culture mediation competence. Second, we need differentiate cultural strategies to translate literary and practical materials. In translating practical materials, functionality determines adaptation or exoticization; in translating literary materials, when cultural factor is the topic of writing, exoticization is employed for the main except that part of politeness system in institutional culture, abstract concrete conversion and description affection model in spiritual culture are adapted. When cultural factor is the background of writing, it is the target text aestheticality and readership intertextuality that determine adaptation or exoticization. 展开更多
关键词 C-E (Chinese-English) translation teaching cultural strategies
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