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作者 黄岭 《徐州工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期37-43,共7页
江标从小嗜书,他徜徉于苏州繁荣的书肆、书贾之间,又得苏州先辈藏书家黄丕烈、顾广圻的精神给养以及前辈叶昌炽等人的引导,由此产生传承苏州藏书家和藏书之学的志向。在游幕与仕宦期间,他朝夕研习版本目录书籍,并在与前辈藏家名士、同... 江标从小嗜书,他徜徉于苏州繁荣的书肆、书贾之间,又得苏州先辈藏书家黄丕烈、顾广圻的精神给养以及前辈叶昌炽等人的引导,由此产生传承苏州藏书家和藏书之学的志向。在游幕与仕宦期间,他朝夕研习版本目录书籍,并在与前辈藏家名士、同年同僚学友、各地书肆书贾的频繁往来中,进行了长足的实践。从江标的身上能清晰地看到,在晚清新学旧学交替之下,一个苏州的普通士子成长为著名版本目录家、藏书家的完整历程。这对研究清代的版本目录学、藏书史,以及探讨一个版本目录家的养成颇具意义。 展开更多
关键词 晚清 藏书家 藏书生涯
作者 齐晓莹 《收藏与投资》 2024年第9期131-133,共3页
晚清时期,中国历经“亘古未有之大变局”,呈现内忧外患的局面。时局动荡之中,清廷内府珍藏大肆流入市场,诸多纡朱怀金的士大夫雅好博古,致使私人收藏逆势而兴。光绪年间的文人江标,官至四品京堂,作为晚清中层京官的代表,亦以鉴藏相长,... 晚清时期,中国历经“亘古未有之大变局”,呈现内忧外患的局面。时局动荡之中,清廷内府珍藏大肆流入市场,诸多纡朱怀金的士大夫雅好博古,致使私人收藏逆势而兴。光绪年间的文人江标,官至四品京堂,作为晚清中层京官的代表,亦以鉴藏相长,尤好金石、书画,其鉴藏活动跨越南北。因此,本文主要从江标的仕宦生涯入手,反映其不同阶段的鉴藏面貌,旨在窥探晚清时期不同地区艺术市场的发展状况和江标个人的鉴藏风尚。 展开更多
关键词 晚清 鉴赏 收藏
作者 寻霖 《古籍保护研究》 2024年第1期264-271,共8页
《唐女郎鱼玄机诗》为宋代知名刻本。黄丕烈至为珍重,以为“千金不易”。后为上海徐渭仁所得。后又为上海知县长沙黄芳所获,并携回湘中。从此在湖南滞留五十余年,直至1916年归袁克文所有。由于袁氏将原书上湖南藏书者、题识者相关内容撤... 《唐女郎鱼玄机诗》为宋代知名刻本。黄丕烈至为珍重,以为“千金不易”。后为上海徐渭仁所得。后又为上海知县长沙黄芳所获,并携回湘中。从此在湖南滞留五十余年,直至1916年归袁克文所有。由于袁氏将原书上湖南藏书者、题识者相关内容撤去,所以目前介绍此书之文虽多,但于其在湖南经历皆语焉不详。 展开更多
关键词 《唐女郎鱼玄机诗》 黄芳 周海珊 叶德辉
湖南学政江标与校经书院藏书楼 被引量:3
作者 张雪梅 《图书馆》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期41-43,67,共4页
关键词 校经书院 校经书院藏书楼
作者 江丽萍 《黑龙江史志》 2009年第12X期87-88,共2页
1894年,江标就任湖南学政,上任伊始即以开化湖南风气为己任,锐意改革。在任湖南学政期间,他以实学课士、整理校经书院、创立《湘学报》。通过这些举措,他为湖南培养了一批维新人才,一改湖南守旧的风气,对于湖南近代学风的开化起了积极... 1894年,江标就任湖南学政,上任伊始即以开化湖南风气为己任,锐意改革。在任湖南学政期间,他以实学课士、整理校经书院、创立《湘学报》。通过这些举措,他为湖南培养了一批维新人才,一改湖南守旧的风气,对于湖南近代学风的开化起了积极的作用。 展开更多
关键词 湖南 近代学风
作者 黄岭 《徐州工程学院学报(社会科学版)》 2021年第4期44-52,共9页
晚清藏书家江标提出的“苏州派”之说,以藏书之学为标准,突破了前人“常熟派”一说的时间和地域范围,将江阴的缪荃孙、长沙叶德辉以及老书贾徐康、侯念椿等人纳入“苏州派”。表现了江标对乡邦藏书之学的继承和总结,也反映了他在新学冲... 晚清藏书家江标提出的“苏州派”之说,以藏书之学为标准,突破了前人“常熟派”一说的时间和地域范围,将江阴的缪荃孙、长沙叶德辉以及老书贾徐康、侯念椿等人纳入“苏州派”。表现了江标对乡邦藏书之学的继承和总结,也反映了他在新学冲击下对藏书之学的担忧。为使以“苏州派”为代表的藏书好古之学传承不绝,江标还进行了一系列的实践,比如辑录、刊刻与苏州藏书派有关的著述,搜访、记录黄丕烈、陈鳣等苏州藏书故老以及徐康、侯念椿等老书贾的藏书故实。 展开更多
关键词 苏州派 常熟派 藏书史 藏书家
作者 黄政 《求索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期110-119,共10页
《咸同以来中俄交涉记》是晚清学者江标的译作,其成书正值帕米尔勘界和纂修《会典》舆图期间,具有强烈的现实关怀。书中刻入会典馆舆图总纂沈曾植的批注,成书过程得到李文田、缪荃孙等史地学者的支持,是晚清京师西北史地学术共同体的重... 《咸同以来中俄交涉记》是晚清学者江标的译作,其成书正值帕米尔勘界和纂修《会典》舆图期间,具有强烈的现实关怀。书中刻入会典馆舆图总纂沈曾植的批注,成书过程得到李文田、缪荃孙等史地学者的支持,是晚清京师西北史地学术共同体的重要体现。翻译此书的经历对江标随后在湖南学政任上的文教施政有明显影响,包括出题试士、创立方言学会、舆地学会,以及在《湘学新报》书目推荐专栏中强调交涉门类和舆图专书等,同时也体现了京师学术风气对近代湖南学风的具体渐染。其翻译上的问题和未能得到现实利用的遗憾反映出晚清西北史地学进展的局限,而江标在湘所倡导之舆地学术发展的不尽如人意,则是清末体制尚待完善的结果。 展开更多
关键词 西北史地学 《咸同以来中俄交涉记》 文教施政
作者 齐晓莹 《东方收藏》 2024年第8期140-142,共3页
晚清时期,时局动荡,艺术品鉴藏与交易却极为兴盛,皇亲贵胄、文人官宦嗜古成风,纷纷投身于艺术品鉴藏活动。其中,光绪年间的文人江标官至四品京堂,曾历任翰林院编修、湖南学政等职,亦以书画鉴藏相长,且在当时具有一定的影响力。因此,文... 晚清时期,时局动荡,艺术品鉴藏与交易却极为兴盛,皇亲贵胄、文人官宦嗜古成风,纷纷投身于艺术品鉴藏活动。其中,光绪年间的文人江标官至四品京堂,曾历任翰林院编修、湖南学政等职,亦以书画鉴藏相长,且在当时具有一定的影响力。因此,文章通过论述江标的生平,梳理其鉴藏品类,分析其鉴藏取向,以期勾勒出江标书画鉴藏的概貌,并据此窥探光绪年间艺术市场的兴盛以及文人士大夫的鉴藏风尚。 展开更多
关键词 晚清 书画 鉴赏 收藏
DNA Extraction and ISSR Primer Screening of Camellia chekiangoleosa 被引量:8
作者 谢云 李纪元 +2 位作者 范正琪 朱高浦 周兴文 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第6期825-828,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to screen out simple methods of DNA extraction and effective ISSR primers suitable to all germplasm materials of Camellia chekiangoleosa.[Method] The modified CTAB method was used in the extrac... [Objective] The aim was to screen out simple methods of DNA extraction and effective ISSR primers suitable to all germplasm materials of Camellia chekiangoleosa.[Method] The modified CTAB method was used in the extraction of the genomic DNA,50 ISSR primers from other Camellia plants were used in the ISSR-PCR amplification for 20 germplasm materials from 10 populations in Fujian,Zhejiang,Jiangxi and Anhui Province.[Result] Pure DNA could be obtained rapidly by using the improved CTAB method,and the 20 selected effective primers had rich polymorphism,clear bands and good repeatability.337 DNA bands were obtained,of which 281 bands were polymorphic,accounting for 83.4% of the total amplified bands.And 16.85 bands could be amplified with a primer,averagely.[Conclusion] The selected 20 primers could be effectively applied to ISSR analysis of the germplasm resources of C.chekiangoleosa in Zhejiang. 展开更多
关键词 Camellia chekiangoleosa ISSR marker Primer screening
Investigation and Risk Assessment of Alien Invasive Plants in Riparian Zone of Dongjiang River 被引量:2
作者 付岚 赵鸣飞 +1 位作者 龚玲 刘全儒 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第12期1897-1904,共8页
[Objective] The aim was to conduct investigation and risk assessment of the alien invasive plants in riparian zone of Dongjiang River.[Method] The field survey was carried out by the combination methods of sampling pl... [Objective] The aim was to conduct investigation and risk assessment of the alien invasive plants in riparian zone of Dongjiang River.[Method] The field survey was carried out by the combination methods of sampling plots investigation and route survey,and the whole Dongjiang River was covered.52 sampling points were set in the main streams,and 87 sampling points in tributaries streams,624 quadrats were set in total;multi-index comprehensive evaluation method was adopted for the risk assessment with 6 first-level indexes and 25 second-level indexes.[Result] Through the investigation on the riparian zone of Dongjiang River for 2 years,51 species of alien invasive plants were found,belonging to 17 families and 38 genera.The risk level assessment results of these 51 species showed that 18 species,such as Ageratum conyzoides,belonged to high-level risk with over 60 points;26 species,such as Chenopodium ambrosioides,were between 30 and 60 points which belonged to middle-level risk;7 species,such as Paspalum dilatatum,with less than 30 points belonged to low-level risk.[Conclusion] Basic data on the protection,water environmental management and functional zoning of riparian zone of Dongjiang River were provided. 展开更多
关键词 Alien invasive plants Dongjiang River Risk assessment Multi-index comprehensive evaluation
Evolution of Main Characteristics of the Registered Cotton Cultivars in National Cotton Regional Trials in Yangtze River Valley 被引量:1
作者 许乃银 李健 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第6期964-969,共6页
[Objective] The aim of this study was to characterize the national regis- tered varieties selected from cotton regional trials in Yangtze River Valley (YaRV) in recent years. [Method] Cotton cultivar classification ... [Objective] The aim of this study was to characterize the national regis- tered varieties selected from cotton regional trials in Yangtze River Valley (YaRV) in recent years. [Method] Cotton cultivar classification and comprehensive evaluation index were set up based on national cotton registration standard. GGE biplot method was adopted to analyze the correlation of major breeding target characters of 53 national registered cotton varieties in cotton regional trials in YaRV during 1981-2012. According to the shift of check cultivars in cotton regional trials in the past, the cotton regional trial practice since 1981 was divided into five periods. The dynamic of cultivar type's proportion and the evaluation index scores was analyzed across the five periods. [Result] There existed intricate interrelationship among cotton breeding target traits, which constrained it necessary to construct indices for com- prehensive evaluation of cotton varieties. The dynamic of cultivar types in the five periods indicated that type II varieties emerged since Simian 3 period and then its proportion decreased gradually; type Ⅲ varieties maintained a certain proportion in each period and kept on the rise overall; type Ⅳvarieties occupied the majority pro- portion of registered cultivars before 1993, but a minor proportion since Simian 3 period. On the other side, the change trend of the evaluation index demonstrated that the varieties registered before 2003 did not pass the qualified line at present. The peak scores appeared in the varieties registered during 2004-2008. The scores of the varieties registered after 2009 were only slightly over the qualified line. [Conclusion] More attention should be paid to the improvement and evaluation of micronaire, so as to guide the simultaneous development of high yielding and fiber quality in cotton breeding and registration procedure in YaRV. 展开更多
关键词 Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) GGE biplot Variety type classification The Yangtze River Valley (YaRV)
作者 ZHANGShi-yu XIAOHan-liang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2003年第3期259-261,共3页
The Changjiang River (Yangtze) is one of the fastest growth areas of container transportation in China. Rail, road and water transportation have competed against each other for container transportation in the Chang-ji... The Changjiang River (Yangtze) is one of the fastest growth areas of container transportation in China. Rail, road and water transportation have competed against each other for container transportation in the Chang-jiang River main line and its delta area. It is of significance to assess these different transportation modes scientifically in order to organize container transportation efficiently in this area and make decision for integral plan and construction of transportation system in this area. This paper outlines application of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation to appraise different modes of typical direction of containers. Twelve assessment indexes were decided. Membership functions were formulated. Evaluation results indicated that road transportation was optimal mode in the Changjiang River delta area, however water transportation was the primary way in the Changjiang River main line. 展开更多
关键词 container transportation mode fuzzy comprehensive evaluation assessmentindex the changjiang river main line and its delta area
作者 黄嬿婉 《历史文献》 CSSCI 2014年第1期144-147,共4页
陳寳箴(1831—1900),字右銘,江西義寧(今修水)人。清末維新派。咸豐元年(1851)舉人。歷任浙江、湖北按察使。光緒二十年(1894)任直隸布政使。1895—1898年,在湖南巡撫任内與按察使黄遵憲、學政江標等倡辦新政,開辦時務學堂,設礦務、6船... 陳寳箴(1831—1900),字右銘,江西義寧(今修水)人。清末維新派。咸豐元年(1851)舉人。歷任浙江、湖北按察使。光緒二十年(1894)任直隸布政使。1895—1898年,在湖南巡撫任内與按察使黄遵憲、學政江標等倡辦新政,開辦時務學堂,設礦務、6船、電報及製造公司,刊《湘學報》。並奏薦楊鋭、劉光第、譚嗣同、林旭佐新政。受到守舊派王先謙、葉德輝的攻訐。 展开更多
关键词 書札 江標 學政 修水 譚嗣同 十年 盛康 盛宣懷 薦函 廬州府
Spatial distribution and environmental characterization of sediment-associated metals from middle-downstream of Xiangjiang River,southern China 被引量:8
作者 郭朝晖 宋杰 +3 位作者 肖细元 明辉 苗旭锋 王凤永 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第1期68-78,共11页
The contamination and environmental risk assessment of the toxic elements in sediments from the middle-downstream (Zhuzhou-Changsha section) of the Xiangjiang River in Hunan Province of China were studied. The results... The contamination and environmental risk assessment of the toxic elements in sediments from the middle-downstream (Zhuzhou-Changsha section) of the Xiangjiang River in Hunan Province of China were studied. The results show that As, Cd, Pb and Zn are major contaminants in sediments, and average concentrations of these elements significantly exceed both the Control Standards for Pollutants in Sludge of China (GB4284-84) for agricultural use in acidic soils and the effect range median (ERM) values. The average concentrations of As, Cd and Pb in the river water slightly exceed the limit of Surface Water Environment Quality Standard (GB3838-2002). The concentrations of As and Cr in depth profiles extensively change, but slight changes are observed in Pb and Zn. Cd and Zn in most sediment samples can easily enter the food-chain and bring possible ecotoxicological risk to organisms living in sediments according to the risk assessment code. 展开更多
关键词 SEDIMENT toxic elements spatial distribution environmental risk Xiangjiang River
Standardized Cultivation of Cold Region Rice in Heilongjiang Reclamation Area 被引量:1
作者 马德全 霍立君 李玉成 《China Standardization》 2014年第1期61-65,共5页
The paper analyzes the characteristics of rice production in Heilongjiang Reclamation Area(HRA)and the achievements made through innovative research and practice,evaluates the standardized mode of rice cultivation and... The paper analyzes the characteristics of rice production in Heilongjiang Reclamation Area(HRA)and the achievements made through innovative research and practice,evaluates the standardized mode of rice cultivation and technical standards for rice production,which play a key role in guaranteeing the growth of grain total output in Heilongjiang reclamation area and make great contributions to the national grain safety. 展开更多
关键词 rice in cold region MODE standardized production
Exploration on Industrial Clusters Standardization in Jiangsu
《China Standardization》 2013年第1期64-69,共6页
This paper analyzed the current situation of industrial clusters and industrial cluster standardization in and summarized relevant practice in five aspects including the experiences of government planning, standards c... This paper analyzed the current situation of industrial clusters and industrial cluster standardization in and summarized relevant practice in five aspects including the experiences of government planning, standards construction, implementation of techn standards strategy, clusters pilot construction and increasing the supply of industrial cluster in Jiangsu. The problems and challenges during Jiangsu Jiangsu, alliance of public industry standardization construction were put forword to promote the development of jiangsu industrial clusters. 展开更多
关键词 Jiangsu Industrial Cluster STANDARDIZATION
Practice and Innovation of "Teacher Education" Training Mode: Take Zhanjiang Normal University for Example
作者 Chen Qiongying Zeng Bo 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第4期293-300,共8页
This article adopts the method of case study, thorough analysis of Zhanjiang Normal University in teacher education training model innovation practice, explore its talent training innovation goals: to cultivate beaut... This article adopts the method of case study, thorough analysis of Zhanjiang Normal University in teacher education training model innovation practice, explore its talent training innovation goals: to cultivate beauty, intelligence and physique full scale development "responsible, strong ability, good innovation". Came to the conclusion that the university talents training mode of innovative practice is specific to subjects and to students. 展开更多
关键词 Teacher education Talent training mode INNOVATION Zhanjiang Normal University
Recent Study of the Changjiang Fault Zone
作者 Hou Kangming Zong Kaihong +4 位作者 Guo Jiangning Xiong Zhen Li Limei Zhou Caixia Jiang Bo 《Earthquake Research in China》 2009年第1期78-86,共9页
The Changjiang fault zone,also known as the Mufushan-Jiaoshan fault,is a famous fault located at the southern bank of the Changjiang River,near the Nanjing downtown area.Based on multidisciplinary data from shallow ar... The Changjiang fault zone,also known as the Mufushan-Jiaoshan fault,is a famous fault located at the southern bank of the Changjiang River,near the Nanjing downtown area.Based on multidisciplinary data from shallow artificial seismic explorations in the target detecting area(Nanjing city and the nearby areas),trenching and drilling explorations,classification of Quaternary strata and chronology dating data,this paper provides the most up-to-date results regarding activities of the Changjiang fault zone,including the most recent active time,activity nature,related active parameters,and their relation to seismic activity. 展开更多
关键词 Changjiang fault zone Fault activity Quaternary stratigraphic division Shallow artificial seismic profile Geological profile
Heavy Metal Transfer from Soil to Vegetable in Southern Jiangsu Province, China 被引量:47
作者 HAO Xiu-Zhen ZHOU Dong-Mei +3 位作者 HUANG De-Qian CANG Long ZHANG Hai-Lin WANG Hui 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期305-311,共7页
Vegetable fields in peri-urban areas receive large amounts of extraneous heavy metals because of rapid urbanization and industrialization in China. The concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Pb in 30 soil samples and 32 vegeta... Vegetable fields in peri-urban areas receive large amounts of extraneous heavy metals because of rapid urbanization and industrialization in China. The concentrations of Cu, Zn, and Pb in 30 soil samples and 32 vegetable samples, collected from 30 different sites in southern Jiangsu Province of China, were measured and their transfer from soil to vegetable was determined. The results showed that the soil samples had wide ranges of pH (4.25-7.85) and electrical conductivity (EC) (0.24-3.42 dS m^-1). Among the soil samples, there were four soil samples containing higher Cu and two soil samples containing higher Zn concentrations than those specified in the Chinese Soil Environmental Quality Standard II. However, no vegetable sample was found to contain a high level of Cu or Zn. In contrast, one vegetable sample contained 0.243 mg Pb kg^-1 FW, which was above the Chinese Food Hygiene Standard, whereas the corresponding soil Pb concentration was lower than the Chinese Soil Environmental Quality Standard II. The transfer coefficients of Cu of all vegetable samples exceeded the suggested coefficient range, implying that extraneous Cu had high mobility and bioavallability to vegetables. There was no significant correlation between extractable soil heavy metal concentrations with four kinds of extractants and soil pH, EC, heavy metal concentrations in vegetables and soils, except that soil pH correlated well with the extractable soil Cu, Zn, and Pb concentrations with 1.0 mol L-1 NH4NO3. Moreover, diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) extraction method was a more efficient method of extracting heavy metals from the soils independent of soil pH and EC than other three methods used. 展开更多
关键词 heavy metal SOIL transfer coefficients VEGETABLE
Study on the Exploitation of Bohai Sea Ice as Freshwater Resources
作者 Y.B. Lin Y.J.Xu +3 位作者 W.Gu S.Yuan D.Y.Bu J.Tao 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2011年第7期805-811,共7页
Water shortage is a major issue in northern China. With the transfer of China's economic center from south to north, Circum-Bohai Economic Circle has gradually formed and developed as the third pole of China's econo... Water shortage is a major issue in northern China. With the transfer of China's economic center from south to north, Circum-Bohai Economic Circle has gradually formed and developed as the third pole of China's economy after Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta, the problem of water has inevitably become more and more serious. South-to-North Water Diversion and Sea Water Desalination are helpful to solve this dilemma, but some difficulties appeared during the course of the two projects. By contrast, sea ice desalination can be considered as a third way to alleviate freshwater crisis in Bohai Rim. Firstly, the amount of sea ice in Bohai Sea is as much as 1.27 billion m3 even in normal years. Then the salinity of sea ice is only 1/4 to 1/7 as that of sea water. And furthermore, desalinized water of sea ice can meet national water quality standard for drinking. Purposely use the abundant sea ice resources as water source for industry, agriculture and living is very likely to open a new path for the solution of freshwater shortage, which can promote rapid and healthy development of Circum-Bohai Economic Circle. 展开更多
关键词 Bohai Rim south-to-north water diversion sea ice resources desalination.
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