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从《骖鸾录》看江西中部的旅游资源 被引量:1
作者 黄厚生 《商场现代化》 北大核心 2008年第5期217-218,共2页
南宋时期,江西中部已形成一条东西向的水陆通道,这一通道两旁有灵山、龟峰、琵琶洲、滕王阁、临江园林、仰山等风景名胜,南宋诗人范成大因前往广南西路途经江西中部时,用其生动的笔记述下了沿线所涉足的琵琶洲、滕王阁、临江园林、仰山... 南宋时期,江西中部已形成一条东西向的水陆通道,这一通道两旁有灵山、龟峰、琵琶洲、滕王阁、临江园林、仰山等风景名胜,南宋诗人范成大因前往广南西路途经江西中部时,用其生动的笔记述下了沿线所涉足的琵琶洲、滕王阁、临江园林、仰山的人文和自然旅游资源,为我们留下了一笔宝贵的文化遗产,也为今天开发这些旅游资源提供了依据。 展开更多
关键词 《骖鸾录》 江西中部地区 旅游资源 范成大 开发利用
Elemental geochemistry and Nd isotopic characteristics of the metasedimentary rocks from the metamorphic belt in central Jiangxi: Provenance and tectonically environmental constraints 被引量:3
作者 胡恭任 刘丛强 +2 位作者 章邦桐 唐红峰 于瑞莲 《Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry》 EI CAS 2005年第1期37-50,共14页
The metamorphic belt in central Jiangxi, located in the compound terrain within the Cathaysia, Yangtze Block and Caledonian fold zone of South China, is composed dominantly of meta-argillo-arenaceous rocks, with minor... The metamorphic belt in central Jiangxi, located in the compound terrain within the Cathaysia, Yangtze Block and Caledonian fold zone of South China, is composed dominantly of meta-argillo-arenaceous rocks, with minor amphibolite. These rocks underwent amphibolite-facies metamorphism. The meta-argillo-arenaceous rocks show large variations in major element composition, but have similar REE patterns and trace element composition, incompatible element and LIE enrichments [high Th/Sc ({0.57}-{3.59}), La/Sc ({1.46}-{12.4}), La/Yb ({5.84}-{19.0})] and variable Th/U ratios, with ΣREE=129-296μg/g, δEu={0.51}-{0.86}, and (La/Yb)-N={3.95}-{12.9}. The Nd isotopic model ages t-{DM} of these rocks vary from 1597 to 2124 Ma. Their {}+{143}Nd/+{144}Nd values are low [ε-{Nd}(0)={-11.4} to {-15.8}]. Some conclusions have been drawn as follows: (1) The metamorphic rocks in central Jiangxi Province are likely formed in a tectonic environment at the passive continental margin of the Cathaysia massif. (2) The metamorphosed argillo-arenaceous rocks are composed dominantly of upper crustal-source rocks (Al- and K|rich granitic or/and sedimentary rocks of Early Proterozoic), which experienced good sorting, slow deposition and more intense chemical weathering. (3) According to the whole-rock Sm-Nd isochron ages (1113±49 to 1199±26 Ma) of plagioclase-amphibole (schist) and Nd isotopic model age t-{DM} (1597-2124 Ma) of meta-argillo-arenaceous rocks, the metamorphic belt in central Jiangxi Province was formed during the Middle Proterozoic (1100-1600 Ma). 展开更多
关键词 元素地球化学 江西中部地区 变质作用带 碳化-精氨酸酶-沙质岩 板块构造
峡江县借林改惠农政策 做大杨梅产业
作者 王会平 谢林果 傅汉保 《中国供销商情(村官)》 2006年第5期27-28,共2页
关键词 峡江县 杨梅产业 政策 江西中部地区 人均占有量 森林覆盖率 国土面积 林业用地 山区林业 庄园
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