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江谷水库护坡加固工程研究 被引量:1
作者 杜逢启 《广西水利水电》 2009年第4期63-65,共3页
关键词 护坡 加固工程 江谷水库
琳得科:LC-220印刷机首秀 备受关注——访琳得科(天津)实业有限公司董事长/总经理 近江谷 伸芳
《标签技术》 2016年第6期61-61,共1页
琳得科(天津)实业有限公司是世界著名不干胶生产商日本琳得科高档不干胶印刷机的生产基地。日本制造企业对于产品品质的重视正契合了当下中国标签市场对高品质的需求趋势。另外,现在以及未来,标签加工将逐步转变为小批量、多品种的生... 琳得科(天津)实业有限公司是世界著名不干胶生产商日本琳得科高档不干胶印刷机的生产基地。日本制造企业对于产品品质的重视正契合了当下中国标签市场对高品质的需求趋势。另外,现在以及未来,标签加工将逐步转变为小批量、多品种的生产方式,在这样的形势之下,除了数码印刷的发展空间逐步提升, 展开更多
关键词 中国标签 江谷 不干胶印刷 LC-220 生产基地 需求趋势 印刷解决方案 印刷加工 研发力度 准备时间
作者 赵根树 《源流》 2023年第8期49-49,共1页
走进肇庆四会市江谷水库旁的广东绿樱庄园,各类品种的三角梅鲜艳夺目,令游人流涟忘返。该庄园占地200亩,是目前广东最大的三角梅种植园,主要有白花、黄花、水红、玫瑰红等20多个品种共20多万棵,产品远销全国各地和中东地区,现年产值达1... 走进肇庆四会市江谷水库旁的广东绿樱庄园,各类品种的三角梅鲜艳夺目,令游人流涟忘返。该庄园占地200亩,是目前广东最大的三角梅种植园,主要有白花、黄花、水红、玫瑰红等20多个品种共20多万棵,产品远销全国各地和中东地区,现年产值达1500万元。该庄园已成功申报广东省“一乡一品”“一镇一业”项目,并依托江谷镇温和气候、优质水土。 展开更多
关键词 三角梅 温和气候 种植园 中东地区 江谷 四会市 玫瑰红 庄园
作者 雷秀英 《源流》 2022年第4期34-34,共1页
为进一步启动产业振兴引擎,带动广大老区村民共同致富,3月3日上午,四会市江谷镇江林千亩山茶树示范基地开种仪式,在该镇冼田村委会芋合塘村小组举行。江谷镇江林是四会市著名革命老区,在革命战争年代,粤桂湘边纵队在这里进行过许多可歌... 为进一步启动产业振兴引擎,带动广大老区村民共同致富,3月3日上午,四会市江谷镇江林千亩山茶树示范基地开种仪式,在该镇冼田村委会芋合塘村小组举行。江谷镇江林是四会市著名革命老区,在革命战争年代,粤桂湘边纵队在这里进行过许多可歌可泣的革命斗争。为了扶持边远老区的乡村振兴工作,佛山市驻肇庆市帮扶指挥部组长彭荣华,禅城区驻四会市帮扶工作组科长蔡献辉,华南农业大学黄永芳教授团队代表官学杰,镇村干部、驻镇工作队全体队员及部分村民代表参加了本次活动。 展开更多
关键词 乡村振兴 产业振兴 四会市 示范基地 江谷 革命斗争 华南农业大学 村民代表
秦岭森林的历史变迁及其反思 被引量:2
作者 周云庵 《古今农业》 1993年第1期29-36,共8页
“何年涌出石屏风,内卫陈仓外汉中.遮住西南天半面,白云深处碧玲珑”.邑人徐冲霄的诗句道出了秦岭石质构造、高耸入云、屏障南北、幽林密布的地理形胜.地处渭河与汉江谷地之间的秦岭,东西长400多公里,南北宽120-180公里不等.主分水脊海... “何年涌出石屏风,内卫陈仓外汉中.遮住西南天半面,白云深处碧玲珑”.邑人徐冲霄的诗句道出了秦岭石质构造、高耸入云、屏障南北、幽林密布的地理形胜.地处渭河与汉江谷地之间的秦岭,东西长400多公里,南北宽120-180公里不等.主分水脊海拔多在2000-3000米,东连淮阳山脉,西接昆仑山系,是一条巨大而型典的东西走向山系.从终南山峰腰处向西,有三条支脉由北而南,与主脉纵横交措,碧石青林,幽邃如画.山间盆地夹杂其中,地形复杂,山高坡陡,石多土薄,婉蜒曲折,素有“危径几万转,数里且三休.回环见徒侣,隐映隔林邱”的描写.秦岭的平均海拔多在1000米以上,主峰太白山海拔3767米,是大陆东部最高的山峰.秦岭山体高大,是南北气流的天然屏障,被《山海经》称为“天下之阻也”.它的南麓属北亚热带气候,北坡属暖温带气候,南北气候差异显著,具有明显的垂直分布带谱. 展开更多
关键词 碧玲珑 终南 碧石青 北亚热带气候 江谷 南北气候差异 暖温带气候 天然屏障 山间盆地 蜀道
作者 周茂成 赵修仁 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 1987年第2期98-102,共5页
随着宁波的对外开放,经济地理条件已起变化,我们有必要在地史分析的基础上来研究宁波盆地的新兴矿产资源。宁波市所在的平原,其西北和东南分别为北东走向的四明山和太白山所夹恃。两山向西南会合于奉化县城南。向东北,太白山主脉在柴桥... 随着宁波的对外开放,经济地理条件已起变化,我们有必要在地史分析的基础上来研究宁波盆地的新兴矿产资源。宁波市所在的平原,其西北和东南分别为北东走向的四明山和太白山所夹恃。两山向西南会合于奉化县城南。向东北,太白山主脉在柴桥半岛延入东海,而在育王寺以北向北北东方向另伸出两列小山,延至海边自西而东依次围成了小港经济开发区和北仑深水港;四明山向东北延至姚江谷地,谷地以北为东西走向的翠屏山,东延于澥浦镇没入东海。因此。 展开更多
关键词 宁波地区 矿产资源 奉化县 四明山 经济地理条件 北仑 两山 澥浦 江谷 育王
作者 卞鹰 刘兴柱 《中国社会医学杂志》 1992年第4期182-184,共3页
由世界卫生组织和日本琦玉地区卫生局共同组织的高层次公共卫生国际会议于1991年9月17~20日在日本近江谷市召开。这次会议的主题是“经济发展与人类健康”。人们广泛注意到:①人类健康是社会经济发展的基础,而人类对健康的需求也将消... 由世界卫生组织和日本琦玉地区卫生局共同组织的高层次公共卫生国际会议于1991年9月17~20日在日本近江谷市召开。这次会议的主题是“经济发展与人类健康”。人们广泛注意到:①人类健康是社会经济发展的基础,而人类对健康的需求也将消耗大量的资源;②尽管经济发展和健康水平是相辅相成的,但卫生部门有时却不能以令人信服的证据说服那些控制资源分配的经济学家和行政领导,使其认识到健康投资的社会效益;③由于可供分配的资源是有限的,故世界各国的决策者都试图寻求一种公平。 展开更多
关键词 公共卫生 卫生部门 社会经济发展 江谷 埼玉 卫生人力 卫生资源 卫生保健 适宜技术 卫生服务
作者 王学慧 《玉溪师范学院学报》 1993年第1期75-80,共6页
在元江县民族中学教学工作期间,我对全县的英语教学现状作了一番调查,兹将调查所得整理如下:一、英语教学的社会历史背景元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县地处玉溪地区南部;全县总面积为二千八百五十八平方公里。其中,高寒山区和半山区占全县... 在元江县民族中学教学工作期间,我对全县的英语教学现状作了一番调查,兹将调查所得整理如下:一、英语教学的社会历史背景元江哈尼族彝族傣族自治县地处玉溪地区南部;全县总面积为二千八百五十八平方公里。其中,高寒山区和半山区占全县总面积的98%,元江两岸的江谷盆地仅占全县总面积的2%。元江县是多民族聚居县,县内生息着哈尼族、彝族、傣族、汉族、白族、拉祜族、苗族和回族及少数山苏族等九个民族。全县总人口为169877人,其中。 展开更多
关键词 教学效果 少数民族聚居区 元江县 母语思维 高寒山区 江谷 民族聚居 苏族 语音室 社会化教育
《陕西省人民政府公报》 1992年第19期49-49,共1页
【位置】汉阴县位于安康地区西部。县城距安康地区行署公路里程67公里。【面积】土地总面积1,347平方公里。其中耕地面积34.4万亩,有林地面积29万亩,荒山面积115.2万亩,水域面积3.7万亩。【地势】县境南跨巴山,北依秦岭,中部有凤凰山脉... 【位置】汉阴县位于安康地区西部。县城距安康地区行署公路里程67公里。【面积】土地总面积1,347平方公里。其中耕地面积34.4万亩,有林地面积29万亩,荒山面积115.2万亩,水域面积3.7万亩。【地势】县境南跨巴山,北依秦岭,中部有凤凰山脉东西横亘,南部和中部为汉江谷地与月河川道,形成"三山夹两川"的地势轮廓。除月河川道外,大部分地区为低山丘陵。境内最高处凤凰山主峰海拔2,128米,最低处双乳乡海拔292米。县城位于月河川道中部,海拔360米。【河流】境内主要河流有汉江、月河、观音河、洞河等,均属长江流域汉江水系。汉江境内流长21公里,年径流量4.58亿立方米。 展开更多
关键词 汉阴县 林地面积 土地总面积 公路里程 江谷 汉江水 年径流量 石泉县 南岳 渭溪
Regionalization for Rice Yield Estimation by Remote Sensing in Zhejiang Province 被引量:9
作者 XU HONGWEI and WANG KE Institute of Agricultural Remote Sensing and Information System, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310029 (china) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第2期175-184,共10页
In order to provide a scientific basis for rice yield estimation and improve the accuracy of yield estimation in Zhejiang Province, regionalization indices for rice yield estimation by remote sensing (RS) in the provi... In order to provide a scientific basis for rice yield estimation and improve the accuracy of yield estimation in Zhejiang Province, regionalization indices for rice yield estimation by remote sensing (RS) in the province were determined by considering the special features of yield estimation by RS, and based on analysis of the natural conditions of Zhejiang Province. The indices determined included rice cropping system, agroclimate, landform, surface feature structure and rice yield level, where rice planting system was considered as the main one. Then regionalization for rice yield estimation by RS was completed by spatial neighboring analysis with the Geographical information System (GIS) technology combined with using of tree algorithm. The province was divided into two regions, i. e., the single-cropping rice region which was subdivided into 3 regions including those in mountains of northwest Zhejiang, water network area of north Zhejiang and mountains of south Zhejiang, and double-cropping rice region which was subdivided into 5 regions including those on plain of north Zhejiang, coastal plains and hills of southeast Zhejiang, Jin-Qu Basin of middle Zhejiang, hills of east Zhejiang, and hills and mountains of northwest Zhejiang. This regionalization took the county borders as the region boundaries, kept the regions connective and made the administrative regions integrity and, then, could meet the requirements of rice yield estimation by RS, showing that the results were quite satisfying. 展开更多
关键词 Geographical information System (GIS) REGIONALIZATION remote sensing (RS) yield estimation
Preliminary Study on Biological Characteristics of Degraded Soil Ecosystems in Dry Hot Valley of the Jinsha River 被引量:21
Distribution characteristics of soil animals, microorganisms and enzymatic activity were studied in the dry red soil and Vertisol ecosystems with different degradation degrees in the Yuanmou dry hot valley of the Jins... Distribution characteristics of soil animals, microorganisms and enzymatic activity were studied in the dry red soil and Vertisol ecosystems with different degradation degrees in the Yuanmou dry hot valley of the Jinsha River, China. Results showed that Hymenoptera, Araneae and Collembola were the dominant groups of soil animals in the plots studied. The numbers of groups and individuals and density of soil animals in the dry red soil series were higher than those in the Vertisol series, and the numbers of individuals and density of soil animals decreased with the degree of soil degradation. Bacteria dominated microbiocoenosis not only in the dry red soils but also in the Vertisols. Microbial numbers of the dry red soil series were higher than those of Vertisol series, and decreased with the degree of soil degradation. The activities of catalase, invertase, urease and alkaline phosphatase declined with the degradation degree and showed a significant decline with depth in the profiles of both the dry red soils and the Vertisols, but activities of polyphenol oxidase and acid and neutral phosphatase showed the same tendencies only in the Vertisols. It was concluded that the characteristics of soil animals, microorganisms and enzymatic activity could be used as the bio-indicators to show the degradation degree of the dry red soils and Vertisols. Correlation among these soil bio-indicators was highly significant. 展开更多
关键词 degraded soil ecosystem soil enzyme soil fauna soil microbes
Nitrogen Mineralization of Prunings of Six N_2-Fixing Hedgerow Species in a Dry Valley of the Jinsha River 被引量:7
作者 SUN HUI, TANG YA and ZHAO QIGUO Institute of Soil Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing, 210008 (China) Chengdu Institute of Biology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chengdu 610041 (China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第1期25-31,共7页
A litterbag experiment of 12 weeks was conducted to study nitrogenmineralization process of prunings of six nitrogen-fixing hedgerowspecies in a dry valley of the Jinsha River. Prunigns wereincorporated into soil or u... A litterbag experiment of 12 weeks was conducted to study nitrogenmineralization process of prunings of six nitrogen-fixing hedgerowspecies in a dry valley of the Jinsha River. Prunigns wereincorporated into soil or used as mulch. The results indicated thatpruning N of the six hedgerow species was mineralized fast in thefirst week and then decreased slowly in the rest of the study period.When prunings were incorporated into soil, the amount of nitrogenmineralized by the end of the first week accounted for 69.9/100,58.2/100, 54.5/100, 43.0/100, 29.6/100 and 20.6/100 of the total N inprungins of Desmodium rensonii, Tephrosia candida, Leucaenaleucoephala, Albizia yunnanensis, Acacia dealbata, and Acaciamearnsii, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 contour hedgerow system MINERALIZATION N prunings
作者 XIONGDong-hong ZHOUHong-yi +1 位作者 YANGZhong ZHANGXin-bao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第2期186-192,共7页
The dry-hot valley of the Jinsha River is one of the typical eco-fragile areas in Southwest China, as well as a focus of revegetation study in the upper and middle reaches of the Changjiang River. Due to its extremely... The dry-hot valley of the Jinsha River is one of the typical eco-fragile areas in Southwest China, as well as a focus of revegetation study in the upper and middle reaches of the Changjiang River. Due to its extremely dry and hot climate, severely degraded vegetation and the intense soil and water loss, there are extreme difficulties in vegetation restoration in this area and no great breakthrough has ever been achieved on studies of revegetation over the last several decades. Through over ten years’ research conducted in the typical areas-the Yuanmou dry-hot valley, the authors found that the lithologic property is one of the crucial factors determining soil moisture conditions and vegetation types in the dry-hot valley, and the rainfall infiltration capability is also one of the key factors affecting the tree growth. Then the revegetation zoning based on different slopes was conducted and revegetation patterns for different zones were proposed. 展开更多
关键词 REVEGETATION lithologic property soil moisture plant growth dry-hotvalley Jinsha River
作者 LIUXin-wei CHENBai-ming ZHANGDing-xiang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第3期209-214,共6页
Efficiency and sustainability of grain production are now important in China. In this study, the grain production systems of Jiangsu and Shaanxi Provinces were compared, to analyze their efficiency and sustainability ... Efficiency and sustainability of grain production are now important in China. In this study, the grain production systems of Jiangsu and Shaanxi Provinces were compared, to analyze their efficiency and sustainability in terms of utilization of natural resources, inputs of purchased energy and materials, and outputs. Flows of energy and materials between environment and human society were identified, and the natural and human work involved in generating inputs as materials or energy were valued in terms of equivalent amount of solar energy required for their production using emergy method. The results showed environmental resources were continually playing a less important role in the systems, when inorganic subsidiary emergy inputs increased drastically while organic ones decreased or increased little. Deterioration of input emergy structure affected the systems′ efficiency and sustainability,resulting in emergy investment ratios and environmental loading ratios increasing while yield ratios and sustainability indices decreasing. In general, efficiency and sustainability of grain production in Jiangsu are worse than those in Shaanxi. This analysis also suggested that inorganic subsidiary emergy should be introduced properly, and peasants in Jiangsu should utilize natural conditions wisely while those in Shaanxi pay enough attention to soil and surface water conservation. 展开更多
关键词 emergy analysis grain production system Jiangsu Province Shaanxi Province
Impacts of reforestation on woody species composition,species diversity and community structure in dry-hot valley of the Jinsha River,southwestern China
作者 GONG Zhi-lian TANG Ya 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第12期2182-2191,共10页
To understand the impacts of reforestation on woody species composition,species diversity and community structure,seven plantation forests in dryhot valley of the Jinsha River in Southwest China were investigated,with... To understand the impacts of reforestation on woody species composition,species diversity and community structure,seven plantation forests in dryhot valley of the Jinsha River in Southwest China were investigated,with adjacent wastelands,natural shrub grassland and a natural forest as references.Species importance value,species richness,species heterogeneity and Sorenson similarity index between plantations and the natural forest were analyzed.Results indicated that compared to wastelands and natural shrub grassland,reforestation improved species diversity and community structure,and more forest woody species found suitable habitats in plantations.Species diversity in understory of plantations and Sorenson similarity index were significantly negatively correlated with stem density in mature plantations(26-31 years old).Higher species diversity and Sorenson similarity index existed in mature sparse plantations due to lower stem density and more tree species planted initially.In contrast,reference natural forest,with species heterogeneity of 2.28 for shrub layer,showed the highest species diversity.It would take a long time for species composition and diversity to recover through reforestation in a dry-hot valley.Therefore,it was essential to protect remnant natural forests strictly and reforest with suitable management such as lower stem density and increasing genetic diversity of trees planted. 展开更多
关键词 Biodiversity Plantations Dry hot valley Genetic resources Natural forest Reforestation
Effect of Benzo[a]pyrene on Detoxification and the Activity of Antioxidant Enzymes of Marine Microalgae 被引量:4
作者 SHEN Chen MIAO Jingjing +1 位作者 LI Yun PAN Luqing 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2016年第2期303-310,共8页
The objective of this study was to examine the effect ofbenzo[a]pyrene (BaP) on the detoxification and antioxidant systems of two microalgae, Isochrysis zhanjiangensis and Platymonas subcordiformis. In our study, th... The objective of this study was to examine the effect ofbenzo[a]pyrene (BaP) on the detoxification and antioxidant systems of two microalgae, Isochrysis zhanjiangensis and Platymonas subcordiformis. In our study, these two algae were exposed to BaP for 4 days at three different concentrations including 0.5 μg L-1 (low), 3 μg L-1 (mid) and 18 μg L-1 (high). The activity of detoxi- fication enzymes, ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase (EROD) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) increased in P subcordiformis in all BaP-treated groups. In 1. zhanjiangensis, the activity of these two enzymes increased at the beginning of exposure, and then de- creased in the groups treated with mid- and high BaP. The activity of antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) increased in/. zhanjiangensis in all BaP-treated groups, and then decreased in high BaP-treated group, while no significant change was observed in P subcordiformis. The activity of antioxidant enzyme catalase (CAT) increased in I. zhanjiangensis and P subcordiformis in all BaP- treated groups. The content of malondialdehyde (MDA) in Isochrysis zhanjiangensis increased first, and then decreased in high BaP-treated group, while no change occurred in P. subcordiformis. These results demonstrated that BaP significantly influenced the activity of detoxifying and antioxidant enzymes in microalgae. The metabolic related enzymes (EROD, GST and CAT) may serve as sensitive biomarkers of measuring the contamination level of BaP in marine water. 展开更多
关键词 BENZO[A]PYRENE marine microalga detoxifying enzyme antioxidant enzyme lipid peroxidation
Hydrodynamic characteristics of Wujiangdu Reservoir during the dry season-a case study of a canyon reservoir 被引量:1
作者 Haitao Zhang Baoli Wang +3 位作者 Qiong Han Jie Shi Xiaolong Qiu Tiejun Wang 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期506-510,共5页
With the development of hydropower in the karst area of Southwest China, a series of cascade canyon reservoirs have been formed through the construction of dams. Given that hydrodynamic conditions in canyon reservoirs... With the development of hydropower in the karst area of Southwest China, a series of cascade canyon reservoirs have been formed through the construction of dams. Given that hydrodynamic conditions in canyon reservoirs play a pivotal role in controlling the spatiotemporal distribution of physical and chemical properties of the stored water, hydrodynamic characteristics are of great importance in understanding biogeochemical cycles in those reservoirs. To further this understanding, a field campaign was conducted in the Wujiangdu Reservoir of Guizhou Province. It was found that from the reservoir inlet to the front of the dam, velocity(v) was negativelycorrelated and had a logarithmic relationship with distance along the ship track(s) under dry-season flow conditions[v =-0.104 ln(s) + 0.4756]. Analysis showed that dryseason flow velocity had no significant correlation with water temperature, p H, or dissolved oxygen(DO). However, when velocity decreased to 0.061 m/s, water depth increased abruptly. In addition, DO displayed a sudden drop and the trend in p H changed from increasing to decreasing, while water temperature showed an opposite trend, indicating the existence of a transition zone from the river to the reservoir. 展开更多
关键词 Canyon reservoir Hydrodynamic characteristics A transition zone Wujiang River
作者 陈杰 孙志能 《创造》 1959年第6期22-24,共3页
天行有常呢?无常呢?人们能不能探索和掌握自然界运行变化的规律,运用它来为农业生产服务呢?这是关系农业生产的重大问题.过去,人们认为'天变无常'.'天赏庆收'.丽江区地处横断山脈脊粱,高山深箐,雪峰江谷,冈峦起伏,河流... 天行有常呢?无常呢?人们能不能探索和掌握自然界运行变化的规律,运用它来为农业生产服务呢?这是关系农业生产的重大问题.过去,人们认为'天变无常'.'天赏庆收'.丽江区地处横断山脈脊粱,高山深箐,雪峰江谷,冈峦起伏,河流纵横,自然界变化莫测,农作物的收成更是不稳定了.'庄稼你莫夸,在看收到家'.蔚蓝的天空,金黄的麦穗,一阵雪弹子,颗粒无收;正吐穗扬花的禾苗,一夜雪风,谷穗就不会低头;由于水落地的早迟.多少,农作物有的大丰收。 展开更多
关键词 农业生产 夜雪 稻谷产量 江谷 天行有常 颗粒无收 水田面积 种植面积 播种面积 生产服务
作者 李作明 《婚姻与家庭(婚姻情感版)》 2006年第7期4-6,共3页
关键词 肇事司机 江谷 长跪 肇事车 江中 叫喊声 往前走 杨超 台江县 江星
作者 农世英 《广西烟草》 2009年第3期45-47,共3页
百色位于广西西北部右江谷区,土地资源丰富,能源充足,土壤矿质营养含量高,日照充足,气温和无霜期都能满足烟草生长发育的需要,为广西烟草种植的最适宜区之一。近年来,烤烟生产得到了较快地发展,已成为广西最大的烟区。然而,由于生产种... 百色位于广西西北部右江谷区,土地资源丰富,能源充足,土壤矿质营养含量高,日照充足,气温和无霜期都能满足烟草生长发育的需要,为广西烟草种植的最适宜区之一。近年来,烤烟生产得到了较快地发展,已成为广西最大的烟区。然而,由于生产种植品种较单一及布局结构不合理,使得烟叶生产抗风险能力较低,流行病害呈逐年扩大趋势,烟叶生产基础稳定性较差,易受自然气候条件的影响,且波动较大,明显影响到烟叶产量和品质的提高。 展开更多
关键词 烤烟品种 烟叶产量 土地资源丰富 广西西北部 江谷 布局结构 品种布局 生产基础 矿质营养 烟叶质量
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