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中国地质大学(北京)综合游泳馆池区通风空调设计 被引量:5
作者 王微微 《暖通空调》 北大核心 2009年第8期12-16,74,共6页
关键词 游泳馆 池区 通风空调 高温高湿 热回收
露天温泉泡池区景观设计研究——以重庆柏联温泉为例 被引量:3
作者 张小艳 李先源 刘磊 《西南师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第5期60-66,共7页
露天温泉泡池区是整个温泉旅游项目的重要组成部分,其景观的重要作用也越来越突出.从露天温泉泡池区景观设计的角度出发,通过对重庆柏联温泉的走访调查,总结泡池区景观设计的基本原则,并分别对其概念、功能、设计的基本原则加以阐述,并... 露天温泉泡池区是整个温泉旅游项目的重要组成部分,其景观的重要作用也越来越突出.从露天温泉泡池区景观设计的角度出发,通过对重庆柏联温泉的走访调查,总结泡池区景观设计的基本原则,并分别对其概念、功能、设计的基本原则加以阐述,并进行现状分析研究,针对温泉泡池区的景观设计提出设计策略与建议. 展开更多
关键词 温泉 池区 景观设计
作者 胡文海 《国土开发与整治》 2000年第4期59-62,共4页
关键词 州地 生态经济示池区 生态农业 农业建设
姬塬油田池46井区长8_2油层组含油性影响因素研究 被引量:4
作者 任江丽 朱玉双 +1 位作者 王振川 陈大友 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期479-486,共8页
通过钻井、录井、测井、岩芯分析化验数据以及试油、试采等生产数据综合分析,结合构造特征,总结姬塬油田池46井区长8_2油层组含油性影响因素。研究发现池46井区长8_2油层组含油状况受构造影响较小;沉积微相和砂体的展布与含油性有着较... 通过钻井、录井、测井、岩芯分析化验数据以及试油、试采等生产数据综合分析,结合构造特征,总结姬塬油田池46井区长8_2油层组含油性影响因素。研究发现池46井区长8_2油层组含油状况受构造影响较小;沉积微相和砂体的展布与含油性有着较好的相关性,沉积微相和砂体的发育状况、平面连续性均受沉积因素控制,因此沉积因素是控制含油性的主要因素;储层物性、成岩作用对油气分布也有很大程度的影响;隔层和夹层在宏观和微观上均对油气起着封堵作用,既是油气成藏过程中的重要盖层,又对油气侧向运移起着阻碍作用,对储层含油性也有一定程度的影响。研究区长8_2油层组含油性主要影响因素是沉积作用和层间、层内非均质性,构造和成岩作用在局部范围内对含油性有影响。研究区储层含油性影响因素的系统研究,对于油藏评价、预测油气富集区带及下一步的滚动扩边和制定合理的开发方案有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 含油性影响 构造 沉积作用 物性 遮挡层 46井 姬塬油田
鞍区蛛网膜下池的显微解剖及其临床意义 被引量:1
作者 王守森 王如密 《中国微侵袭神经外科杂志》 CAS 2004年第2期90-93,共4页
关键词 蛛网膜下 显微解剖 临床意义 神经外科 交通性脑积水
池27井区治水效果分析及川东石炭系气藏治水建议 被引量:4
作者 杨江海 邵勇 +1 位作者 罗远平 雷治安 《钻采工艺》 CAS 2003年第B06期60-65,共6页
池39井是大池干气田吊钟坝高点的一口高产气井,由于受到边水侵入的影响,严重制约了气藏的开发。从1997年开始实施“池27井区排水采气工程”,工程利用池39井和池27井相互连通,从边水区的水井池27井主动排水泻压,抑制水侵规模,降低水侵程... 池39井是大池干气田吊钟坝高点的一口高产气井,由于受到边水侵入的影响,严重制约了气藏的开发。从1997年开始实施“池27井区排水采气工程”,工程利用池39井和池27井相互连通,从边水区的水井池27井主动排水泻压,抑制水侵规模,降低水侵程度,从而恢复池39井的产能。工程在实施初期取得了一些有利的变化趋势,但因机抽排水力度不够而未达到预期目的,因此建议改机抽排水为电潜泵排水,加大排水力度,恢复池39井产能。川东石炭系气藏多数存在边水,其侵入方式分2种:一种是沿高渗区突进;一种是沿中低渗区渐进。对于沿高渗区突进的水侵治水初步意见为排水采气;中低渗区渐进水侵治水采用控水采气。 展开更多
关键词 27井 治水效果 川东石炭系气藏 边水侵入
铜川矿区韩古庄-演池勘探区煤质特征及沉积环境分析 被引量:3
作者 张永强 侯丁根 +1 位作者 薛海军 常宇飞 《中国煤炭》 2018年第8期47-52,67,共7页
在对韩古庄-演池勘探区煤层煤质参数特征分析、评价的基础上,探讨了煤中硫分和灰分与成煤环境间的关系。研究表明:研究区煤具有低灰分、低挥发分、中高-高硫分等特征。煤中硫分具有"下高上低、东高西低"的空间分布特点,灰分... 在对韩古庄-演池勘探区煤层煤质参数特征分析、评价的基础上,探讨了煤中硫分和灰分与成煤环境间的关系。研究表明:研究区煤具有低灰分、低挥发分、中高-高硫分等特征。煤中硫分具有"下高上低、东高西低"的空间分布特点,灰分变化趋势与其相反,表明研究区成煤环境自上而下、自西向东受海水影响逐渐增强,与灰成分指数评价结果一致。综合分析确定,10#煤层形成于受海水影响较大的瀉湖、潮坪相强还原型环境,5#煤层形成于受海水影响较小的潮坪、障壁岛相弱还原型环境,10#煤顶部的泥质灰岩为二者沉积环境的过渡层。 展开更多
关键词 煤质特征 成煤环境 韩古庄-演勘探
作者 林义忠 《煤炭技术》 CAS 2000年第3期53-54,共2页
矿井煤泥水是采区生产过程中形成的 ,应在采区水仓及沉淀池就地处理 ,经中央水仓再次沉淀 ,排放地面水煤泥水的固体量相应减少 。
关键词 水仓沉淀 煤泥水 设计 上下山开采
黄石港阳新港区富池作业区综合码头工程建设探讨 被引量:1
作者 柯亨松 《中国水运(下半月)》 2020年第6期143-144,共2页
关键词 作业 综合码头 感悟与建议
ZT池在珠海吉大水质净化厂中的应用 被引量:1
作者 刘章富 熊杨 +3 位作者 陈桂红 孟凡良 吴平胜 黄晓丹 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期29-32,共4页
珠海市吉大水质净化厂二期工程采用三区廊道交替池(ZT池)为主体工艺,工程建成投产一年半来,运行稳定,出水水质达到设计标准。介绍了吉大ZT池的设计参数、工艺特点、工程运行效果以及在设计中的几点体会,同时对三区廊道交替池的发展方向... 珠海市吉大水质净化厂二期工程采用三区廊道交替池(ZT池)为主体工艺,工程建成投产一年半来,运行稳定,出水水质达到设计标准。介绍了吉大ZT池的设计参数、工艺特点、工程运行效果以及在设计中的几点体会,同时对三区廊道交替池的发展方向提出建议和展望。 展开更多
关键词 廊道交替(ZT) 连通井 周期 时段
西安市汉唐昆明池遗址区西周遗存的重要考古发现 被引量:8
作者 刘瑞 李毓芳 +1 位作者 王自力 柴怡 《考古》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第11期3-6,共4页
昆明池是汉上林苑中最重要的池沼。2012年秋至2013年春,中国社会科学院考古研究所与西安市文物保护考古研究院联合组成的阿房宫与上林苑考古队,对位于昆明池文化生态景区约200万平方米的范围开展考古勘探。在汉唐昆明池遗址的淤积层... 昆明池是汉上林苑中最重要的池沼。2012年秋至2013年春,中国社会科学院考古研究所与西安市文物保护考古研究院联合组成的阿房宫与上林苑考古队,对位于昆明池文化生态景区约200万平方米的范围开展考古勘探。在汉唐昆明池遗址的淤积层下发现了大量的古代遗存,集中分布于一条大型壕沟(G1)西侧。为确定G1及周边遗存的时代及性质,2012年秋至2013年4月,我们对G1选点进行了解剖,并清理了其西侧的一处车马坑遗存,取得了重要的学术成果。现将有关情况简要介绍如下。 展开更多
关键词 西安市 昆明遗址 西周遗存 镐京
双区沉淀池用于连续流好氧颗粒污泥工艺的可行性 被引量:5
作者 吴越 赵传峰 +2 位作者 孙法文 刘文龙 李军 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第19期9-15,共7页
选取一座已初步形成好氧颗粒污泥的工业污水处理厂的辐流式沉淀池为研究对象,结合实际运行情况建立固液二相流模型,分析沉淀池内活性污泥的沉降性能和分布规律。从沉淀池底径向距离中心1、6和12 m处取得3个污泥样本S1、S2和S3,其中S1的... 选取一座已初步形成好氧颗粒污泥的工业污水处理厂的辐流式沉淀池为研究对象,结合实际运行情况建立固液二相流模型,分析沉淀池内活性污泥的沉降性能和分布规律。从沉淀池底径向距离中心1、6和12 m处取得3个污泥样本S1、S2和S3,其中S1的平均粒径(294.6μm)远高于S2(142.8μm)和S3(55.2μm),对应的污泥指数(SVI)分别为56.2、63.4和81.3 mL/g。综合试验结果和计算流体力学(CFD)模拟结果可以发现,沉淀池内颗粒污泥主要集中在半径为1~6 m的圆环区域内。因此,可以通过选择性回流中心区域内的颗粒污泥来制造选择压,从而实现连续流工艺的污泥颗粒化。 展开更多
关键词 好氧颗粒污泥 连续流 沉淀 辐流式沉淀 选择压
Variation of Air-Sea Heat Fluxes over the Western Pacific Warm Pool Area and Its Relationship with the South China Sea Summer Monsoon Onset 被引量:1
作者 ZUO Tao CHEN Jin-Nian WANG Hong-Na 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2012年第3期201-205,共5页
Based on oceanic and atmospheric parameters retrieved by satellite remote sensing using a neural network method, air-sea heat fluxes over the western Pacific warm pool area were calculated with the advanced the advanc... Based on oceanic and atmospheric parameters retrieved by satellite remote sensing using a neural network method, air-sea heat fluxes over the western Pacific warm pool area were calculated with the advanced the advanced Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment 3.0 (COARE3.0) bulk algorithm method. Then, the average annual and interannual characteristics of these fluxes were analyzed. The rela- tionship between the fluxes and the South China Sea (SCS) summer monsoon onset is highlighted. The results indicate that these fluxes have clear temporal and spatial characteristics. The sensible heat flux is at its maximum in the Kuroshio area, while the latent heat flux is at its maximum in the North Equatorial Current and Kuroshio area. The distribution of average annual air-sea heat fluxes shows that both sensible and latent heat fluxes are maximized in winter and minimized in summer. The air-sea heat fluxes have obvious interannual variations. Correlation analysis indicates a close lag-correlation between air-sea heat fluxes in the western Pacific warm pool area and at the SCS summer monsoon onset. The lagcorrelation can therefore predict the SCS summer monsoon onset, providing a reference for the study of precipitation related to the monsoon. 展开更多
关键词 western Pacific warm pool area air-sea heat fluxes South China Sea summer monsoon onset
Source-sink landscape spatial characteristics and effect on non-point source pollution in a small catchment of the Three Gorge Reservoir Region 被引量:9
作者 WANG Jin-liang NI Jiu-pai +4 位作者 CHEN Cheng-long XIE De-ti SHAO Jing-an CHEN Fang-xin LEI Ping 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第2期327-339,共13页
The source and sink landscape patterns refer to landscape types or units that can either promote positive evolvement of non-point source(NPS) pollution process, or can prevent/defer the ecological process, respectivel... The source and sink landscape patterns refer to landscape types or units that can either promote positive evolvement of non-point source(NPS) pollution process, or can prevent/defer the ecological process, respectively. Therefore, the role of a catchment landscape pattern in nutrient losses can be identified based on the spatial arrangement of source and sink landscapes. To reveal the relations between landscape spatial characteristics and NPS pollution in small catchment, a case study was carried out in a Wangjiagou small catchment of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region(TGRR), China. Google earth imagery for 2015 were processed and used to differentiate source and sink landscape types, and six subcatchments were selected as sample regions for monitoring nitrogen and phosphorus nutrients.Relative elevation, slope gradient and relative flow length was used to construct the Lorenz curves of different source and sink landscape types in the catchment, in order to assess the source and sink landscape spatial characteristics. By calculating the location-weighted landscape indices of each subcatchment and total catchment, the landscape spatial load characteristics affecting the NPS pollution was identified, with a further Pearson correlation analysis for location-weighted landscape indices and nitrogen-phosphorus monitoring indicators. The analysis of Lorenz curve has revealed that the obtained distribution trend of Lorenz curve and curve area quantified well the spatial characteristics of source and sink landscape pattern related to the relative elevation, slope gradient and relative flow length in small catchment. Results of Pearson correction analysis indicated that location-weighted landscape index(LWLI) combining of terrain and landscape type factor did better in reflecting the status of nitrogen and phosphorus loss than the indices related to relative elevation, slope gradient and relative flow length. 展开更多
关键词 Source-sink landscape Non-point sourcepollution Nutrient loss Lorenz curve Landscapeindex Small catchment
作者 李旭亮 张志勇 刘志中 《矿业工程》 CAS 2023年第5期11-13,共3页
对大型充填矿山井下泥砂来源及泥砂量进行分析计算,系统分析现有排泥系统,通过优化采区沉淀池的位置,提出采区沉淀池出矿水平布置方式,增加一级沉淀效果,降低进入主水仓淤泥量。通过优化采区沉淀池结构形式,将采区沉淀池由主排水巷单侧... 对大型充填矿山井下泥砂来源及泥砂量进行分析计算,系统分析现有排泥系统,通过优化采区沉淀池的位置,提出采区沉淀池出矿水平布置方式,增加一级沉淀效果,降低进入主水仓淤泥量。通过优化采区沉淀池结构形式,将采区沉淀池由主排水巷单侧布置优化为主排水巷双侧布置,达到降低投资,提高沉淀池沉淀效率,减少水仓清淤频次的目的。 展开更多
关键词 排泥系统 沉淀 淤泥清理
Holographic Zone Plate and Its Combination Used for Conversion of Solar Energy
作者 ZHANG Shuliang LI Qiuzhen(Tianjin Normal University, Tianjin, 300074, CHN) 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 1996年第3期223-226,共4页
An on-axis holographic zone plate or an off-axis holographic zone plate used for the silicon solar cell will have a solar energy conversion factor of 2. 5. And the combination of the two plates will have its conversio... An on-axis holographic zone plate or an off-axis holographic zone plate used for the silicon solar cell will have a solar energy conversion factor of 2. 5. And the combination of the two plates will have its conversion factor of 5. Especially for the use of silver halide photographic emulsion, the cost can be cut down dramatically. 展开更多
关键词 Solar Energy Solar Cells Photoelement
Movements of the Western Pacific Warm Pool Centroid and Their Relationship to Sea Surface Temperature Changes in Nino Regions 被引量:2
作者 FANGMingqiang 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2005年第2期189-192,共4页
By using monthly historical sea surface temperature (SST) data for the yearsfrom 1950 to 2000, the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) climatology and anomalies are studied inthis paper. The analysis of WPWP centroid (WP... By using monthly historical sea surface temperature (SST) data for the yearsfrom 1950 to 2000, the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) climatology and anomalies are studied inthis paper. The analysis of WPWP centroid (WPWPC) movement anomalies and the Nino-3 region SSTanomalies(SSTA) seems to reveal a close, linear relation between the zonal WPWPC and Nino-3 regionSSTA, which suggests that a 9° anomaly of the zonal displacement from the climatological positionof the WPWPC corresponds to about a 1℃ anomaly in the Nino-3 region area-mean SST. This studyconnects the WPWPC zonal displacement with the Nino-3 SSTA, and it may be helpful in betterunderstanding the fact that the WPWP eastward extension is conducive to the Nino-3 region SSTincrease during an El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event. 展开更多
关键词 Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP) WPWP centroid El Nino Nino regions seasurface temperature (SST)
作者 张启龙 翁学传 程明华 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第4期312-318,共7页
The main features of SST interannual and long term variations in the Western Pacific Warm Pool area were studied by using regression analysis, running t test and spectral analysis methods based on monthly mean SST dat... The main features of SST interannual and long term variations in the Western Pacific Warm Pool area were studied by using regression analysis, running t test and spectral analysis methods based on monthly mean SST data in the Pacific during 1950-1998. The results showed that the SST inter annual and long term variations in the Western Pacific Warm Pool area had evident regional features. There were significant differences in variation range, phase, period, occurrence time of abrupt variation between SST in the eastern area (east of 160°E) and SST in the western area (west of 160°E). 展开更多
关键词 Western Pacific Warm Pool regional feature
Structural behaviors of steel roof truss exposed to pool fire 被引量:1
作者 陈长坤 张威 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第7期2054-2060,共7页
Experimental research was conducted to study the structural behaviors of a steel roof truss model without fire-proof coating under pool fire conditions. The data of temperature distribution and displacements of typica... Experimental research was conducted to study the structural behaviors of a steel roof truss model without fire-proof coating under pool fire conditions. The data of temperature distribution and displacements of typical members were obtained. It is found that the temperature distribution of environment inside the structure, which is found to be in accordance with the multi-zone model with height, has a decisive effect on the tempera^tre evolution of steel members. Besides, it can also be observed that due to the restriction and coordination among the truss members in the localized fire, the maximum relative deflection, which occurs at the mid-span of the top chord, is relatively slight and has not exceeded 1 mm under experimental conditions. On the other hand, the column experiences a notable thermal expansion during the test. Then, a finite element model is presented and validated by the test results. 展开更多
关键词 steel roof truss fire test multi-zone model finite element analysis
Some Charophyta (Charales) from Coastal Temporary Ponds in Velipoja Area (North Albania)
作者 Vilza Zeneli Lefter Kashta 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2016年第2期69-77,共9页
Charophytes or stoneworts constitute a group of macrophytes that occur mostly in fresh-water environments but can also be found in brackish waters. Knowledge about stoneworts in Albania is still scarce and incomplete.... Charophytes or stoneworts constitute a group of macrophytes that occur mostly in fresh-water environments but can also be found in brackish waters. Knowledge about stoneworts in Albania is still scarce and incomplete. According to published data on charoflora of Albania, there are 24 species and four genera known from different freshwater habitats. The present work is based on plant material sampled from 5 slightly brackish-water temporary ponds in the coastal area of Velipoja (north Albania). During spring and summer of 2013-2015, field surveys were carried out with the main purpose of filling knowledge gaps concerning brackish water charophytes. Altogether seven species were identified: four typical of brackish water habitat (Chara baltica, Chara canescens, Chara galioides and Chara connivens) and three of broader tolerance ( Chara aspera, Chara vulgaris and Tolypella glomerata). The first three species, which considered as the rarest and most threatened on the Balkans were found for the first time in Albania. 展开更多
关键词 CHAROPHYTA brackish water Albania Velipoja area temporary ponds
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