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作者 梁祖星 黄燕 《软件》 2024年第4期129-131,共3页
关键词 污染源管控 智能监 生态环境保护
基于水质目标的流域排放管控模式与案例研究 被引量:3
作者 刘天石 董欣 +4 位作者 刘雅玲 佘佳 贾滨洋 郑菁 刘毅 《中国环境管理》 CSSCI 2019年第5期82-87,60,共7页
改善流域水质是目前我国生态环境治理的重要议题,然而我国目前的流域水污染排放管控体系和手段还存在诸多不足,在流域尺度还未形成一套系统性的水污染管控体系。本研究提出了一种基于水环境质量目标的流域排放管控体系,构建了三种具有... 改善流域水质是目前我国生态环境治理的重要议题,然而我国目前的流域水污染排放管控体系和手段还存在诸多不足,在流域尺度还未形成一套系统性的水污染管控体系。本研究提出了一种基于水环境质量目标的流域排放管控体系,构建了三种具有一定普适性的排放管控模式,并以成都江安河流域为案例开展实证研究,对比了三种模式在固定源排放管控方面的差异性和适用性。结果表明,本研究提出的管控模式能很好地实现水质达标目的,并能够不同程度地提高不同时段水环境容量的利用率。在相同的边界条件下,流域标准管控模式的方案和流域精细管控模式的方案对于固定源的逐月允许排放量分别为流域简化管控模式的1.3~1.6倍和1.5~2.0倍。 展开更多
关键词 流域水质目标 污染源排放管控 固定源 江安河
作者 赵明雷 张灵贵 +2 位作者 刘冬雨 赵磊 王璟 《水上安全》 2024年第6期103-105,共3页
本文旨在深入探讨水生态系统修复技术在河道生态修复中的应用,文本通过理论分析法和案例分析法,对河道生态现状与问题进行分析,并结合了各个国家的河道生态修复案例进行分析,揭示了水生态系统修复技术的原理及其在实际应用中的效果。通... 本文旨在深入探讨水生态系统修复技术在河道生态修复中的应用,文本通过理论分析法和案例分析法,对河道生态现状与问题进行分析,并结合了各个国家的河道生态修复案例进行分析,揭示了水生态系统修复技术的原理及其在实际应用中的效果。通过对污染源管控、底栖生物栖息环境改善、水生植被修复以及群落结构优化等方面的研究,为河道生态环境的可持续发展提供理论支持。 展开更多
关键词 水生态系统修复技术 河道生态修复 污染源管控 生态系统重建 群落结构优化
基于环境质量改善的排污许可制改革实践与思考 被引量:2
作者 刘建 黄艳 侯兴 《节能与环保》 2021年第12期63-64,共2页
本文在总结我国排污许可制改革取得主要成效的基础上,分析了该项制度实施过程中在制度衔接、证后监管和信息化应用等方面存在的问题,并提出了改进建议。旨在使该制度成为固定污染源环境管理的核心制度,全面落实排污者主体责任,有效控制... 本文在总结我国排污许可制改革取得主要成效的基础上,分析了该项制度实施过程中在制度衔接、证后监管和信息化应用等方面存在的问题,并提出了改进建议。旨在使该制度成为固定污染源环境管理的核心制度,全面落实排污者主体责任,有效控制污染物排放,持续提升环境治理能力和水平,为加快改善生态环境质量提供有效的智力支持和参考。 展开更多
关键词 环境质量改善 排污许可制 固定污染源管控 对策建议
《环境保护》 CAS CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第18期63-64,共2页
重庆市璧山区结合环保"五大行动"与"四清四治"专项行动,积极开展生态村(社区)、生态镇街的创建工作。在机制建设方面,璧山区制定下发地区生态创建《实施方案》,各部门、各镇街制定了本单位、本辖区的创建《考核办... 重庆市璧山区结合环保"五大行动"与"四清四治"专项行动,积极开展生态村(社区)、生态镇街的创建工作。在机制建设方面,璧山区制定下发地区生态创建《实施方案》,各部门、各镇街制定了本单位、本辖区的创建《考核办法》。积极推进场镇、乡村的清扫保洁工作,实现污染源规范化、网格化、数字化管理全覆盖。通过城镇生活污水处理工程建设,解决城镇生活污水污染问题,为创建国家级生态区奠定良好的基础。 展开更多
关键词 生态创建 五大行动 四清四治 污染源管控 数字环保
Study on Management and Control of Nonpoint Source Pollution from Urban Surface Runoff 被引量:2
作者 Chen Keliang Zhu Xiaodong Wang Xianghua Ma Yan 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 北大核心 2007年第1期39-44,共6页
Urbanization is the dominant form of land-use change in terms of impacts on water quality, hydrology, physical proper- ties of watersheds and their nonpoint source (NPS) pollution po- tential at present. Urbanization ... Urbanization is the dominant form of land-use change in terms of impacts on water quality, hydrology, physical proper- ties of watersheds and their nonpoint source (NPS) pollution po- tential at present. Urbanization has changed the source, process and sink of urban NPS pollution, especially raised the pollution load of urban runoff NPS in receiving water. Urban runoff pollu- tion is a hot spot of research on NPS. This paper analyzed type, source and harm of the NPS pollutants of urban runoff and its influence on the receiving water. Through estimating NPS pollu- tion load of urban runoff and summarizing the law and character- istics of urban runoff NPS systemically, study on management and control of urban runoff NPS pollution was focused on the applica- tion of BMPs (best management practices). It is a fresh method- ology that management and control on NPS pollution from urban surface runoff was analyzed by methods of landscape ecology, environmental economics and environmental management. The paper provided a scientific reference for mitigating urban water environment pressure and an effective method for management and control of NPS pollution from urban surface runoff.. 展开更多
关键词 urban surface runoff nonpoint source pollution MANAGEMENT CONTROL
Control of Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution by Natural Wetland Management 被引量:1
作者 F.D. Shields Jr C.W. Pearce 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第4期62-70,共9页
Reduction ofnonpoint source pollutants, principally sediment and nutrients moving from cultivated fields to surface waters, is a major challenge. Remnants of once-extensive natural wetlands occur across the agricultur... Reduction ofnonpoint source pollutants, principally sediment and nutrients moving from cultivated fields to surface waters, is a major challenge. Remnants of once-extensive natural wetlands occur across the agricultural landscape, and it has been suggested that these areas might be managed to yield improved wetland function in terms of trapping and retention of nonpoint source pollutants. An existing wetland in a severed meander bend cut off in the 1940s from the Coldwater River in Tunica County, MS, USA was modified by the construction of weirs equipped with water control structures. The wetland was a segment o fold river channel about 500 m long and 20 m wide. Inputs to the wetland cell included sporadic flows due to runoff events from about 350 ha of cultivated fields and less frequent but larger flood events from the river. This type of flood event occurred only once during the study. Concentrations of sediment and nutrients in water were generally lower at the downstream end of the wetland cell than in the major inflow, an ephemeral slough. Mean values of turbidity, suspended sediment concentration, and concentrations of filterable and total phosphorus were 25% to 40% lower at the wetland cell discharge weir than in the slough. Mean concentrations of ammonia were 38% lower, but mean nitrate and nitrite concentrations were essentially unchanged by the wetland cell. Comparison of estimated input and output loads during periods when the wetland cell was not flooded by the river indicated that the wetland cell retained about 18% of input suspended sediment, 24% of phosphorus, and 29% of nitrogen input from cultivated fields. Wetland cell sediment and nutrient retention efficiency was treater for drier months, and declined durin~ wetter periods with frequent runoff events. 展开更多
Model of Pollution Management Control in Badung River: Enhancing Role of Traditional Law on Common Resource
《Sociology Study》 2012年第2期120-128,共9页
Badung River in the Denpasar city of Bali Province, Indonesia, faces many challenging issues recently. As a common pool resource, the river has been under pressure from many activities including household activities w... Badung River in the Denpasar city of Bali Province, Indonesia, faces many challenging issues recently. As a common pool resource, the river has been under pressure from many activities including household activities which dump household wastes, and pollution externalities arising from dyeing and screen-printing of fabric industries. Conventional approach to control the pollution might not be effective since it will end up in zero sum game. This paper attempts to explore the role of traditional institituion in managing common pool resource such as controlling river pollution. This research is aimed to know the effectiveness of traditional law on managing pollution of printing and dyeing industries on this big river. Survey method was used for collecting primary data and then the data was analyzed by ordinal regression to determine the effect of internal and external factors which influence the intensity of pollution. The result indicates that even though traditional might help to influence household and industry's decision making, it might not sufficient enough to reduce the pollution of the river. Other factors are influencing the waste management, such as level of waste management knowledge of the entrepreneur, the attitude of the entrepreneur toward public program especially on waste and pollution management, the financial support, and the education level of government supervision. Furthermore, Government of Denpasar City need to arrange policy that giving incentive to businessman who handling waste properly and also giving reward to traditional organization who implementing local wisdom and norm to control river pollution strictly. 展开更多
关键词 Pollution management dyeing and screen-printing industries pollution externalities traditional law common pool resource
“五水共治”措施对义乌江流域水污染负荷削减的定量分析 被引量:3
作者 王聪 杨凡 +6 位作者 黄振华 郑效旭 张洪刚 王东升 白志辉 徐圣君 庄绪亮 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期1157-1166,共10页
通过分析2014—2018年义乌江流域地表水水质变化,评估了"五水共治"措施对义乌江流域水污染负荷削减的影响,核算了义乌市污水处理厂提标改造工程和退耕还林还草工程对点源和面源污染负荷的削减作用,对下阶段点源和面源污染负... 通过分析2014—2018年义乌江流域地表水水质变化,评估了"五水共治"措施对义乌江流域水污染负荷削减的影响,核算了义乌市污水处理厂提标改造工程和退耕还林还草工程对点源和面源污染负荷的削减作用,对下阶段点源和面源污染负荷削减给出了建议。结果表明:义乌市"五水共治"措施干预下2014—2018年义乌江干流水质明显好转,COD、总磷的月均值均可稳定达到地表水Ⅲ类要求,氨氮的年均值也低于地表水Ⅲ类标准限值。与2014年相比,2018年义乌江流域的点源COD、氨氮、总磷和总氮污染负荷分别削减了1601.0、95.1、26.3和272.5 t·a^(-1),削减率分别为33.6%、59.9%、41.5%和14.3%;面源COD、氨氮、总磷和总氮的污染负荷分别削减了1998.5、148.0、367.1和33.7 t·a^(-1),削减率为12.23%。COD、氨氮和总磷的削减主要由点源污染控制措施贡献,总氮的削减主要由点源污染控制措施贡献。为推动义乌市水环境污染治理工作,建议审慎制定适宜当地情况的污水处理厂的出水水质要求,选择替代性低成本的生态处理模式;同时建议加强流域生态恢复工作,充分利用塘、潭、库、溪、河、湖等多种天然水体,构建以健康水生态为主线的流域蓝绿空间。 展开更多
关键词 五水共治 污染负荷削减 污水处理厂提标改造 污染源管控 面源污染
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