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《青海政报》 2009年第11期25-44,共20页
关键词 污染物排放 污水处理厂 重点监控企业 化学需氧量 污染治理 污水处理费 治理资金 排污单位 污染物总
发光细菌法评价排污口污水中总有机污染物毒性 被引量:20
作者 那广水 张月梅 +5 位作者 陈彤 张琳 刘春阳 顾佳 林忠胜 姚子伟 《中国环境监测》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期61-64,共4页
利用发光细菌发光原理,建立以明亮发光杆菌(photobacterium phosphoreum)T3变种作为毒性测试物种检测环境中总有机污染物毒性的方法,并用该方法评价环渤海排污口总有机物毒性分布状况。测试结果显示,建立的相关方程及相关性显著性检验P&... 利用发光细菌发光原理,建立以明亮发光杆菌(photobacterium phosphoreum)T3变种作为毒性测试物种检测环境中总有机污染物毒性的方法,并用该方法评价环渤海排污口总有机物毒性分布状况。测试结果显示,建立的相关方程及相关性显著性检验P<0.01,HgCl2 EC50值基本在0.10±0.02 mg/L范围内波动,指标符合方法规定要求,即发光菌监测排污口中总有机污染物毒性测试结果是准确可信的。用发光细菌法评价环渤海20个排污口,其中剧毒占10%,高毒占25%,重毒占5%,中毒占10%,低毒占50%。发光细菌法能客观、快速、准确地反映废水中总有机污染物毒性状况,该方法在水质监测总有机物毒性中有着广泛的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 发光细菌 有机污染物 毒性 评价
室内空气中总有机污染物浓度探讨 被引量:9
作者 陈贵孚 邱世聪 章建生 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 1993年第6期60-62,共3页
随机选择安徽南方城、乡82户家庭居室,以监测空气耗氧量(AOD)做为一项综合指标反映室内总有机污染状况。研究结果,室内总有机污染物浓度水平,农村居室4.87—5.05mg/m^3。城市居室3.69—4.17mg/m^3,浓度随着空气污染的程度不同而变化。... 随机选择安徽南方城、乡82户家庭居室,以监测空气耗氧量(AOD)做为一项综合指标反映室内总有机污染状况。研究结果,室内总有机污染物浓度水平,农村居室4.87—5.05mg/m^3。城市居室3.69—4.17mg/m^3,浓度随着空气污染的程度不同而变化。结果揭示人群活动频繁、吸烟、居室人均容积<25m^3、室温>5.0℃、风速<0.07m/s、ACH<1.0等因素均可使室内总有机污染物浓度增高,加强居室通风及增加新风量,是降低室内总有机污染物的一个有效措施,并可减少对人体的直接危害。 展开更多
关键词 室内空气污染 有机污染物 浓度
柴油中总污染物含量测定的探析 被引量:2
作者 白亚昊 邹惠玲 滕江波 《山东化工》 CAS 2017年第18期91-92,共2页
本实验探讨了车用柴油中总污染物含量的测定方法和快速判别方法,结果表明:在真空管上安装一个阀门可有效的避免损坏滤膜;利用检测柴油颗粒度的方法可快速识别总污染物含量是否能符合国六柴油,当NAS等级不大于8级时,可认为总污染物满足... 本实验探讨了车用柴油中总污染物含量的测定方法和快速判别方法,结果表明:在真空管上安装一个阀门可有效的避免损坏滤膜;利用检测柴油颗粒度的方法可快速识别总污染物含量是否能符合国六柴油,当NAS等级不大于8级时,可认为总污染物满足国六的标准要求。 展开更多
关键词 车用柴油 污染物含量 颗粒度
车用柴油总污染物含量测定不确定度评价 被引量:1
作者 田华 毛佳伟 +1 位作者 李铭 吴宇 《四川化工》 CAS 2019年第4期41-43,共3页
采用国Ⅵ车用柴油作为试样,依据GB/T 33400-2016《中间馏分油、柴油及脂肪酸甲酯中总污染物含量测定法》测试其总污染物含量,分析其不确定度来源,建立了数学模型,分析了标准不确定度、相对不确定度,为车用柴油总污染物含量的精确测量提... 采用国Ⅵ车用柴油作为试样,依据GB/T 33400-2016《中间馏分油、柴油及脂肪酸甲酯中总污染物含量测定法》测试其总污染物含量,分析其不确定度来源,建立了数学模型,分析了标准不确定度、相对不确定度,为车用柴油总污染物含量的精确测量提供重要的理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 车用柴油 污染物含量 不确定度评价 油品检测
作者 黄利晖 《兰州石化职业技术学院学报》 2019年第4期1-4,共4页
关键词 车用柴油 污染物 影响因素 测定
作者 徐旭东 《石油库与加油站》 2019年第5期28-30,M0004,共4页
依据《中间馏分油、柴油及脂肪酸甲酯总污染物含量测定法(GB/T33400-2016)》,对车用柴油中总污染物进行了测定,以《测量不确定度评定与表示(JJF1059-2012)》和《石油石化领域理化检测测量不确定度的评估指南及实例》要求,采用《测量不... 依据《中间馏分油、柴油及脂肪酸甲酯总污染物含量测定法(GB/T33400-2016)》,对车用柴油中总污染物进行了测定,以《测量不确定度评定与表示(JJF1059-2012)》和《石油石化领域理化检测测量不确定度的评估指南及实例》要求,采用《测量不确定度表示指南》(GUM)评定方法对柴油中总污染物测量结果的不确定度来源进行了分析和计算,得到测定方法重复性引入的不确定度是影响测试结果的主要因素,其次是数值修约,滤膜和试样称量的影响可以忽略不计。 展开更多
关键词 柴油 污染物 不确定度 评定
作者 李传学 陶绪元 +1 位作者 杨炳连 王东沛 《环境与健康杂志》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 1990年第3期116-118,共3页
本文应用SOS-显色法和Ames试验对医院污水中总有机提取物进行了致突变性研究。结果表明:(1)医院污水中存在着有机致突变物质,而且致突变作用因氯化消毒而加强。(2)SOS-显色法是一种快速、敏感的遗传毒理学检测方法,用于环境致癌物的筛选... 本文应用SOS-显色法和Ames试验对医院污水中总有机提取物进行了致突变性研究。结果表明:(1)医院污水中存在着有机致突变物质,而且致突变作用因氯化消毒而加强。(2)SOS-显色法是一种快速、敏感的遗传毒理学检测方法,用于环境致癌物的筛选,值得推广、应用。 展开更多
关键词 医院污水 有机污染物 致突变性
缓变型地球化学灾害:特征、模型和应用 被引量:24
作者 陈明 冯流 +4 位作者 周国华 谢文明 Jacques Yvon 曹晓娟 陈红军 《地质通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第10期916-921,共6页
“缓变型地球化学灾害”是通过长期积累而存在于土壤或沉积物中的包括重金属和有机污染物在内的环境污染物,因环境物理化学条件(例如温度、pH值、湿度、有机质含量等)的改变减小了环境容量,某种或某些形态的污染物大量地被重新活化和突... “缓变型地球化学灾害”是通过长期积累而存在于土壤或沉积物中的包括重金属和有机污染物在内的环境污染物,因环境物理化学条件(例如温度、pH值、湿度、有机质含量等)的改变减小了环境容量,某种或某些形态的污染物大量地被重新活化和突然释放出来并造成严重生态和环境损害的灾害现象。这种灾害具有明显的特征,其定量数学模型可较完整地概括出环境系统从“干净”到“污染”再到“灾害”的整个过程,可以用于灾害的风险概率评估、预测、灾害爆发轨迹等方面的研究,为土壤污染防治和灾害预警提供了定量研究工具和可供实际采用的基本手段,对当前国土资源调查中的“生态环境地球化学评价”具有重要的借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 缓变型地球化学灾害 生态环境地球化学 评价 污染物的可释放 活动性污染物浓度
土壤中铬对油菜生物有效性的研究 被引量:5
作者 郑明霞 黄斌 +1 位作者 陈明 冯流 《有色金属》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期95-99,共5页
通过在铬严重超标的污染土壤中盆栽油菜试验,研究种植油菜前后土壤中铬的各种赋存形态的变化,考察了油菜生长对铬赋存形态的影响,探讨典型重金属铬的生物有效性与其总量及各种存在形态之间的关系。结果表明,土壤中铬以铁锰氧化物结合态... 通过在铬严重超标的污染土壤中盆栽油菜试验,研究种植油菜前后土壤中铬的各种赋存形态的变化,考察了油菜生长对铬赋存形态的影响,探讨典型重金属铬的生物有效性与其总量及各种存在形态之间的关系。结果表明,土壤中铬以铁锰氧化物结合态、碳酸盐结合态和残渣态为主要的存在形态,在油菜生长过程或其他环境因素的影响下,铬交换态、碳酸盐结合态、铁锰氧化物结合态和有机结合态均有可能被释放出来成为有效态,存在被油菜吸收的可能性,这些形态在土壤中的浓度构成了活动性污染物的总浓度,而残渣态不能被释放出来,不能成为活动态。提出了采用活动性污染物的总浓度(TCAS)作为重金属在环境中行为和作用的评价指标。 展开更多
关键词 环境工程 生物有效性 活动性污染物浓度(TCAS) 重金属 油菜
磷胺废水处理工艺的设计初探 被引量:1
作者 曾经 彭青林 郭湘洪 《工业水处理》 CAS CSCD 2004年第2期64-67,共4页
某磷胺废水呈酸性(pH2~3),含氟化物60mg/L,总磷40mg/L,氨氮约40mg/L,SS约130mg/L,综合处理后的出水要求为氟化物<10mg/L,总磷<0.5mg/L.设计针对该废水特性,先采用石灰水解酸化,去除NH3-N和P,接着采用絮凝与气浮去除悬浮物和部分的COD... 某磷胺废水呈酸性(pH2~3),含氟化物60mg/L,总磷40mg/L,氨氮约40mg/L,SS约130mg/L,综合处理后的出水要求为氟化物<10mg/L,总磷<0.5mg/L.设计针对该废水特性,先采用石灰水解酸化,去除NH3-N和P,接着采用絮凝与气浮去除悬浮物和部分的COD,最后采用活性Al2O3吸附水中残留物,出水可望达标.技术经济分析,投资总费用为483.1万元,按流量150m3/h,处理成本为0.67元/m3,设计工艺可靠且经济合理. 展开更多
关键词 磷胺废水 氟化物 废水处理 化肥厂 污染物 NH3-N 有机氮 无机氨盐 SS COD
《中国农药》 2015年第1期38-40,共3页
在第十四届全国农药交流会暨农化产品展览会上,中国农药工业协会邀请了环保部环境规划院的专家为参会代表们详细解读了新环保法。目前,新环保法已经开始实施,《中国农药》将此次报告的主要内容加以整理,供业内人士参阅,希望农药企业在... 在第十四届全国农药交流会暨农化产品展览会上,中国农药工业协会邀请了环保部环境规划院的专家为参会代表们详细解读了新环保法。目前,新环保法已经开始实施,《中国农药》将此次报告的主要内容加以整理,供业内人士参阅,希望农药企业在今后的发展道路上时刻以新环保法为准绳,努力提高企业环保设施水平和环保意识,在行业的兼并升级中脱颖而出! 展开更多
关键词 中国农药 农化产品 设施水平 企业生态 环境税 排污单位 生态保护 污染行为 生态环境保护 污染物总
作者 王平 《西宁政报》 2007年第3期47-50,共4页
同志们:这次会议是我市深入贯彻落实全省环境保护工作会议,市委第十二次党代会和市“两会”精神的一次重要会议。刚才,发青局长代表市环保局党组总结了2006年全市环境保护工作,安排部署了2007年的工作任务,我都同意。下面,我就进一步做... 同志们:这次会议是我市深入贯彻落实全省环境保护工作会议,市委第十二次党代会和市“两会”精神的一次重要会议。刚才,发青局长代表市环保局党组总结了2006年全市环境保护工作,安排部署了2007年的工作任务,我都同意。下面,我就进一步做好全市环境保护和“创模”工作,讲几点意见: 展开更多
关键词 全省环境保护 污染物排放 三同时 污染防治设施 油烟污染 水环境综合整治 十二次 污染问题 污染物总
Theory and Practice of Water Pollution Prevention and Control for Inflowing Rivers in Taihu Valley 被引量:1
作者 L.M. Zhang W.H. Sun +2 位作者 W. Cheng W.J. Liu C. Wang 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第8期13-25,共13页
The pollutants from the 15 rivers inflowing into Lake Taihu accounted for about 80% of the total amount of the pollutants inflowing into Lake Taihu. Therefore, overall treatment of the inflowing rivers of Taihu Lake i... The pollutants from the 15 rivers inflowing into Lake Taihu accounted for about 80% of the total amount of the pollutants inflowing into Lake Taihu. Therefore, overall treatment of the inflowing rivers of Taihu Lake is of great importance to the improvement of water environment in the valley and the eutrophication status in th lake. Firstly, the basic ideas, key taches and main methods for water pollution control of inflow rivers of Taihu Lake was put forward in this article, Basic on these theories, the pollutant source status in the comprehensive treatment zone of the 15 major inflow rivers was analysized, the countermeasures of pollution control and main regulation projects were introduced, and the total abatement of pollutants was predicted. With the implement of regulation projects, the number of rivers with water quality worse than Grade V among the 15 major inflow rivers had come from 9 to 3, and the eutrophication status of Taihu Lake had changed from medium level to light level. The overall treatment of the major inflow rivers of the Taihu Lake had achieved initial success. 展开更多
关键词 Taihu inflowing rivers control of water environment THEORY practice.
Research on optimal design of wastewater reclamation and reuse for a university
作者 LIU Jin-song CHEN Gen-rong LIU Xin-yao ZHANG Mei-li YANG Xiu-fang 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2009年第3期7-11,共5页
An optimal design of wastewater reuse for a University is concerned in this paper. The raw water and the capacity of wastewater reuse were determined according to the wastewater characteristic of a university; the tre... An optimal design of wastewater reuse for a University is concerned in this paper. The raw water and the capacity of wastewater reuse were determined according to the wastewater characteristic of a university; the treatment process was chosen by building a cost-benefit model; and the modeling test was performed about the operation effect of the proposed project and the recommended water quality of reclaimed water. It is estimated that 3.4×10^5 m^3/a tap water and 6.1×10^5 Yuan/a will be saved if the project was put into operation and the proposed project will reduce the total quantity of pollutant efficiently and bring lots of social and economic benefits. 展开更多
关键词 treatment process reclaimed water reuse design cost-benefit system tech-economic analysis
Gross Pollutants Study in Urban Areas under Tropical Climates
作者 Lariyah Mohd Sidek Hidayah Basri +3 位作者 Mohamed Roseli Zainal Abidin Lira Chow Hock Md Nasir Md Nor Nor Azazi Zakaria 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第1期107-114,共8页
Gross pollutants are the primary targeted pollutants in urban catchment management for urban water quality improvement as well as mitigation of flood. Apart from aesthetically unattractive because of its visibility, g... Gross pollutants are the primary targeted pollutants in urban catchment management for urban water quality improvement as well as mitigation of flood. Apart from aesthetically unattractive because of its visibility, gross pollutants also contributes to degradation of river water quality and loss of aquatic habitat as it carries harmful pollutants such as oxygen demanding material, hydrocarbons and heavy metals. This study analyzed trend of gross pollutant generated from two urban residential areas located in Selangor, Malaysia. The median value of gross pollutant load obtained fi'om the Amanah Apartment and Bandar Botanic are 347.41 kg/ha/year and 32.46 kg/ha/year, respectively. Relationship between gross pollutant wet load with rainfall depths was derived using regression equation. A significant trend of increasing gross pollutant wet load into drainage system with increasing rainfall depth was observed. The behavior of pollutant load is related to the one observed in Australia. 展开更多
关键词 Gross pollutant load urban stormwater quality urban stormwater management.
Low-carbon scenario and technologies in modern city——Case study of Shenyang
作者 Liu Zhu Geng Yong +1 位作者 Xue Bing Dong Huijuan 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2011年第4期78-82,共5页
From a multi-dimensional perspective of economic development,carbon dioxide and industrial pollutant emission and resource consumption in the case study of Shenyang,this paper analyzes the resource consumption and env... From a multi-dimensional perspective of economic development,carbon dioxide and industrial pollutant emission and resource consumption in the case study of Shenyang,this paper analyzes the resource consumption and environmental impact in the process of urban economic development and low-carbon transition and evaluates the emission reduction potential and scenario of various technologies. The results show that city plays a key role in global low-carbon economic construction,and it is pointed out that emission reduction technology in urban scale can reduce total amount of carbon emission to substantial extent. From the aspect of future development,the input of technology and economic growth pattern should be strengthened so as to realize economic development as well as the total amount reduction of pollutant emission. 展开更多
关键词 modern city low-carbon emission reduction technology
Relationships Between River Water Quality and Landscape Factors in Haihe River Basin, China: Implications for Environmental Management 被引量:4
作者 XU Huashan ZHENG Hua +2 位作者 CHEN Xiaoshu REN Yufen OUYANG Zhiyun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期197-207,共11页
River water plays a key role in human health, and in social and economic development, and is often affected by both natural factors and human activities. An in-depth understanding of the role of these factors can help... River water plays a key role in human health, and in social and economic development, and is often affected by both natural factors and human activities. An in-depth understanding of the role of these factors can help in developing an effective catchment management strategy to protect precious water resources. This study analyzed river water quality, patterns of terrestrial and riparian ecosystems, intensity of agricultural activities, industrial structure, and spatial distribution of pollutant emissions in the Haihe River Basin in China for the year of 2010, identifying the variables that have the greatest impact on river water quality. The area percentage of farmland in study area, the percentage of natural vegetation cover in the 1000-m riparian zone, rural population density, industrial Gross Domestic Product(GDP)/km^2, and industrial amino nitrogen emissions were all significantly correlated with river water quality(P < 0.05). Farming had the largest impact on river water quality, explaining 43.0% of the water quality variance, followed by the coverage of natural vegetation in the 1000-m riparian zone, which explained 36.2% of the water quality variance. Industrial amino nitrogen emissions intensity and rural population density explained 31.6% and 31.4% of the water quality variance, respectively, while industrial GDP/km^2 explained 26.6%. Together, these five indicators explained 67.3% of the total variance in water quality. Consequently, water environmental management of the Haihe River Basin should focus on adjusting agricultural activities, conserving riparian vegetation, and reducing industrial pollutant emissions by optimizing industrial structure. The results demonstrate how human activities drive the spatial pattern changes of river water quality, and they can provide reference for developing land use guidelines and for prioritizing management practices to maintain stream water quality in a large river basin. 展开更多
关键词 land use watershed management river water quality gradient analysis
Isolation of Mucor circinelloides Z4 and Mucor racemosus Z8 from heavy metal-contaminated soil and their potential in promoting phytoextraction with Guizhou oilseed rap 被引量:1
作者 朱生翠 汤建新 +3 位作者 曾晓希 魏本杰 杨少迪 黄斌 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期88-94,共7页
Fungi Z4 and Z8, isolated from the heavy metal polluted soil, have strong resistance to Cd and Pb. The strains were identified on the base of their morphology and internal transcribed spacers(ITS) region. Pot experime... Fungi Z4 and Z8, isolated from the heavy metal polluted soil, have strong resistance to Cd and Pb. The strains were identified on the base of their morphology and internal transcribed spacers(ITS) region. Pot experiments were conducted to study the effect of two strains(Z4 and Z8) on the growth and accumulation of Cd and Pb of Guizhou oilseed rape. The results show that strains Z4 and Z8 belong to Mucor circinelloides and Mucor racemosus, respectively. The heights of Guizhou oilseed rape inoculated with strain Z8 increase by 47.90% than the control. The highest fresh mass is found in the plant with Z4/Z8, which is enhanced by160.81%. Pot experiments show that Z4/Z8 inoculums can accelerate accumulation of heavy metals in the plant. The contents of Cd and Pb are increased by 117.60% and 63.48%, respectively. Meanwhile, the heavy metal concentrations in potting soil with the two strains are found to be lower than those of the control, and the concentrations of Cd and Pb are decreased by 60.57% and 27.12%,respectively. 展开更多
关键词 phytoextraction fungus cadmium lead oilseed rape
Measurement factors of pollutants inside vehicle 被引量:1
作者 DENG Da-yue CHEN Shuang-ji 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2008年第1期41-45,共5页
The air quality inside vehicle is concerned widely in the world. The pollution inside vehicle is special serious in China. State Environmental Protection Administration of China is formulating the standard of air qual... The air quality inside vehicle is concerned widely in the world. The pollution inside vehicle is special serious in China. State Environmental Protection Administration of China is formulating the standard of air quality inside vehicle. However the measurement relates to many factors. Because of the small space, temperature easy changed, various ventilation modes, being close to pollution source of engine exhaust, there are differences between in-vehicle and indoor measurement. The influence of measuring factors was investigated. Those factors include temperature, preconditioning time, ventilation modes, engine state, and sampling fashion. The measuring mode and relating factors were discussed. The suggestion was offered. 展开更多
关键词 air quality inside vehicle measurement method
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