The changes in land use in the last 30 years in the territory of agro-forest watershed of Lake Buyo resulted in significant sediment into the lake. Sediments are a preferred means of transportation for certain polluta...The changes in land use in the last 30 years in the territory of agro-forest watershed of Lake Buyo resulted in significant sediment into the lake. Sediments are a preferred means of transportation for certain pollutants, like phosphorus in excess. By mapping the source areas of erosion, the authors can determine the risk areas and help to prioritize interventions in the territory. This mapping is done using the SWAT (soil and water assessment tool) model. Several types of data, including topography, land use, soil and climate data are needed to run the model. In this paper, all different steps are presented, from the designing of HRU (hydrological response units), basic units to run the SWAT model until the simulations. The establishment of HRU has three main stages: space discretization, land use and soil data integration and HRU distribution: (1) space discretization which consist in extracting the limits and the water network of the watershed from the DEM (digital elevation model) and in subdividing them into sub-basins; (2) land use and soil data integration: it consists in digitizing the physical maps of land use and of soils under Mapinfo 7.5 and in keeping them in "shape" format; (3) HRU distribution: it leads to subdivide the sub-watersheds in small units that combine a single soil type and one type of land use. It appears from this study to obtain 23 sub-watersheds and 71 HRU. Once the HRU designed, it is necessary to integrate climate data, data on physico-chemical characteristics of soils and agricultural practices, before starting the simulations. This will allow the model to assess the risk of sedimentation and eutrophication of the lake using the MUSLE (modified universal soil loss equation) and phosphorus cycle.展开更多
The ability of a wet swale,constructed in an area of poor soil permeability,to manage runoff from a roadway was monitored through 27 storm events over a period of 8 months.During the monitoring period,the wet swale re...The ability of a wet swale,constructed in an area of poor soil permeability,to manage runoff from a roadway was monitored through 27 storm events over a period of 8 months.During the monitoring period,the wet swale reduced the total runoff volume by 50.4%through exfiltration and evapotranspiration.The wet swale significantly decreased the influent pollutant concentrations,and the effluent mean concentrations of total suspended solids,total phosphorus,chemical oxygen demand,ammonium,oxidized nitrogen,and total nitrogen in the effluent were 31 mg/L,0.10 mg/L,29 mg/L,0.52 mg/L,0.35 mg/L and1.28 mg/L,respectively.Pollutant loads were also substantially reduced from 70%to 85%.Plant uptake played an important role in nutrient removal in the wet swale.Approximately half of the nitrogen(53.8%)and phosphorus(51.5%)that entered the wet swale was incorporated in above-ground plants.It is shown that wet swales are useful for managing runoff from roads in areas of poor soil permeability.展开更多
The contamination and environmental risk assessment of the toxic elements in sediments from the middle-downstream (Zhuzhou-Changsha section) of the Xiangjiang River in Hunan Province of China were studied. The results...The contamination and environmental risk assessment of the toxic elements in sediments from the middle-downstream (Zhuzhou-Changsha section) of the Xiangjiang River in Hunan Province of China were studied. The results show that As, Cd, Pb and Zn are major contaminants in sediments, and average concentrations of these elements significantly exceed both the Control Standards for Pollutants in Sludge of China (GB4284-84) for agricultural use in acidic soils and the effect range median (ERM) values. The average concentrations of As, Cd and Pb in the river water slightly exceed the limit of Surface Water Environment Quality Standard (GB3838-2002). The concentrations of As and Cr in depth profiles extensively change, but slight changes are observed in Pb and Zn. Cd and Zn in most sediment samples can easily enter the food-chain and bring possible ecotoxicological risk to organisms living in sediments according to the risk assessment code.展开更多
The authors investigated the leaching rate of antifouling agents from marine paint using an instrument that allows direct measurement from the flat bottom of ship hulls shortly after dry dock. A similar procedure was ...The authors investigated the leaching rate of antifouling agents from marine paint using an instrument that allows direct measurement from the flat bottom of ship hulls shortly after dry dock. A similar procedure was also used for painted flat panels that were immersed in the ocean. The relationship between leaching rate and fouling condition was considered by quantifying the amount of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) on the surface of immersed flat panel using fluorescence spectroscopy. The leaching rate results from ship hulls showed good agreement with the value by reporting of leaching rate of antifouling agents. The fluorescence spectroscopy results showed that the amount of ATP on the surface of the panel increased over time as the leaching rate fell, which implies an inverse relationship between leaching rate and fouling index. Fluorescence spectroscopy was also seen to be a simple method for evaluating the relationship between biofouling indexes and leaching rate.展开更多
Abstract: Excess of organic matter and nutrients in water promotes eutrophication process observed in the Ardila River. It was classified as much polluted being critical for Alqueva-Pedrogāo System. The aim of this ...Abstract: Excess of organic matter and nutrients in water promotes eutrophication process observed in the Ardila River. It was classified as much polluted being critical for Alqueva-Pedrogāo System. The aim of this study was to estimate the transported nutrients loads in a transboundary watershed using the SWAT (soil and water assessment tool) model and to determine the contribution of nutrients load in the entire watershed. Ardila watershed is about 3,711 km^2 extended from Spain (78%) to the eastern part of Portugal (22%). It was discretized into 32 sub-basins using automated delineation routine, and 174 hydrologic response units. Monthly average meteorological data (from 1947 to 1998) were used to generate daily values through the weather generator Model incorporated in SWAT. Real daily precipitation (from 1931 to 2003) was introduced. The model was calibrated and verified for flow (from 1950 to 2000) and nutrients (from 1981 to 1999). Model performance was evaluated using statistical parameters, such as NSE (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency) and root mean square error (R2). Calibration and verification flow results showed a satisfactory agreement between simulated and measured monthly date from 1962 to 1972 (NSE = 0.8; R^2 = 0.9). The results showed that the most important diffuse pollution comes from the two the main tributary (Spain). The estimated nitrogen and phosphorous loads contribution per year was respectively 72% and 59% in Spain and 28% and 41% in Portugal. The SWAT model was revealed to be a useful tool for an integrated water management approach that might be improved taking into count the WFD (water framework directive).展开更多
Luanda bay has been acting as a sink for the untreated municipal and industrial effluents from a part of the city. Sediment samples were analyzed for their total organic carbon contents and pseudo-total concentrations...Luanda bay has been acting as a sink for the untreated municipal and industrial effluents from a part of the city. Sediment samples were analyzed for their total organic carbon contents and pseudo-total concentrations ofFe, Mn, Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni and Cr The highest concentrations of organic carbon and Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn were found near the sewerage discharge outlets, exceeding in these points the lowest Sediment Quality Guidelines for the occurrence of adverse biological effects. A further study, based on the latest version of the BCR sequential extraction procedure, was undertaken in order to assess the physical/chemical binding and bioavailability ofFe, Mn, Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn in these sediments. The toxic metals Cd, Zn, Pb and Cu pose a potential environmental risk, because they were extracted from the sediment labile fractions in concentrations that exceeded the corresponding ERL (Effects Range Low) values, entering the range within which adverse biological effects occur. The non-residual fractions of metals ranged from 91 to 100% for Cd, 89 to 94% for Zn, 67 to 100% for Pb, 71 to 82% for Cu, 30 to 77% for Mn and 39 to 48% for Fe. Measures to be taken for the disposal of the polluted dredged sediments are shown in this work.展开更多
VOCs play an increasingly important role in affecting air quality and threatening human health in China in recent years,where industry activities show a significant contribution to VOCs emission.In this article we rep...VOCs play an increasingly important role in affecting air quality and threatening human health in China in recent years,where industry activities show a significant contribution to VOCs emission.In this article we report our long term study of industrial VOCs emissions of six major industries (vehicle manufacturing,printing,equipment coating,electronic manufacturing,furniture manufacturing and bio-pharming) on the aspects of emission characteristics,environmental impact and health risk assessment,and control challenge analysis with the purpose to obtain in-depth understanding of industry VOCs emissions and offer some original basements for national control and management of industry VOCs emissions.This study shows that all these industries give middle or low emission with total VOCs concentration less than 1000 mg/m3 at each exhaust pipe.Benzenes,esters,alcohols,ketones,alkanes,chloroalkanes and alkenes were detected as the major emission components and the most frequently monitored VOCs were benzenes,which varied obviously with different processes and industries.The environmental impact assessments indicate that vehicle manufacturing and benzenes should be prior controlled with the purpose to reduce air pollution.While,health risk assessments suggest that furniture manufacturing and chloroalkanes should be firstly controlled.Control analysis indicates that developing technologies with low cost and high efficiency and establishing and completing specific industry emission standards/regulations are the two key issues in VOCs emission management at present stage.展开更多
The behavior of schools of zebrafish (Danio rerio) was studied in acute toxicity environments. Behavioral features were extracted and a method for water quality assessment using support vector machine (SVM) was de...The behavior of schools of zebrafish (Danio rerio) was studied in acute toxicity environments. Behavioral features were extracted and a method for water quality assessment using support vector machine (SVM) was de- veloped. The behavioral parameters of fish were recorded and analyzed during one hour in an environment of a 24-h half-lethal concentration (LC50) of a pollutant. The data were used to develop a method to evaluate water quality, so as 6+ 2+ to give an early indication of toxicity. Four kinds of metal ions (Cu2~, Hg2~, Cr , and Cd ) were used for toxicity testing. To enhance the efficiency and accuracy of assessment, a method combining SVM and a genetic algorithm (GA) was used. The results showed that the average prediction accuracy of the method was over 80% and the time cost was acceptable. The method gave satisfactory results for a variety of metal pollutants, demonstrating that this is an effective approach to the classification of water quality.展开更多
Rapid industrialization and economic development have led to serious pollution in the form of fine particulate matter(PM2.5,particulate matter with a diameter of less than 2.5 μm). In China, PM2.5 has been one of the...Rapid industrialization and economic development have led to serious pollution in the form of fine particulate matter(PM2.5,particulate matter with a diameter of less than 2.5 μm). In China, PM2.5 has been one of the most debated topics in councils of government and issues of public concern. Terahertz(THz) radiation was employed to measure the PM2.5 in the atmosphere from September 2014 to April 2015 in Beijing. Comparison of the PM2.5 level from the website with THz absorbance revealed a significant phenomenon: THz radiation can be used to monitor PM2.5 in the atmosphere. During Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) 2014, "APEC Blue" was also recorded in a THz system. The relationship between absorbance and PM2.5 demonstrates that THz radiation is an effective selection for air pollution grading. Based on the absorbance spectra, the elemental compositions were studied by two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy(2 DCOS) in conjunction with X-ray fluorescence.Several single absorption peaks were revealed and caused by sulphate from coal combustion, vehicle exhaust emissions and secondary reactions. Furthermore, mathematical algorithms, such as the BPANN and SVM, can process the THz absorbance data and greatly improve the precision of the estimation of PM2.5 mass. Our results suggest that THz spectroscopy can not only reveal the component information for pollution source determination, but quantitatively monitor the PM2.5 content for pollution level evaluation. Therefore, the use of THz radiation is a new method for future air pollution monitoring and grading systems.展开更多
The current economic crisis has left numerous residential developments in the southeastern United States in various stages of construction. Many of them are currently graded and essentially abandoned, creating a major...The current economic crisis has left numerous residential developments in the southeastern United States in various stages of construction. Many of them are currently graded and essentially abandoned, creating a major source of sediment runoff to waterways. Residential development locations with significant bare soil areas were identified through classification of Landsat 5 TM satellite imagery and subsequently verified from high-resolution county aerial photographs. The revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) was used in a geographic information system (GIS) as a tool for prioritizing identified locations on the basis of potential soil loss assuming the worst case scenario of a completely unmaintained site. Initial GIS identification indicated 301 sites with a total bare soil area of 2 378 ha over three counties in Upstate South Carolina. A random sample of 153 sites was visited over 17 days and assessed using a mobile GIS, global positioning system (GPS), and digital camera for field validation. Results indicated that 78% (119) of the sites were classified correctly (residential construction sites in varying stages of completion); 88% of identified areas were less than 25% built compared to the previous year; 48% were categorized as moderate to severe problems. Abandoned and unfinished developments in Upstate South Carolina may represent a major source of sediment pollution to streams. Well-maintained erosion control devices may be useful in preventing offsite sedimentation.展开更多
文摘The changes in land use in the last 30 years in the territory of agro-forest watershed of Lake Buyo resulted in significant sediment into the lake. Sediments are a preferred means of transportation for certain pollutants, like phosphorus in excess. By mapping the source areas of erosion, the authors can determine the risk areas and help to prioritize interventions in the territory. This mapping is done using the SWAT (soil and water assessment tool) model. Several types of data, including topography, land use, soil and climate data are needed to run the model. In this paper, all different steps are presented, from the designing of HRU (hydrological response units), basic units to run the SWAT model until the simulations. The establishment of HRU has three main stages: space discretization, land use and soil data integration and HRU distribution: (1) space discretization which consist in extracting the limits and the water network of the watershed from the DEM (digital elevation model) and in subdividing them into sub-basins; (2) land use and soil data integration: it consists in digitizing the physical maps of land use and of soils under Mapinfo 7.5 and in keeping them in "shape" format; (3) HRU distribution: it leads to subdivide the sub-watersheds in small units that combine a single soil type and one type of land use. It appears from this study to obtain 23 sub-watersheds and 71 HRU. Once the HRU designed, it is necessary to integrate climate data, data on physico-chemical characteristics of soils and agricultural practices, before starting the simulations. This will allow the model to assess the risk of sedimentation and eutrophication of the lake using the MUSLE (modified universal soil loss equation) and phosphorus cycle.
基金Project(2011ZX07303-002) supported by National Water Pollution Control and Management Technology Major Projects,China
文摘The ability of a wet swale,constructed in an area of poor soil permeability,to manage runoff from a roadway was monitored through 27 storm events over a period of 8 months.During the monitoring period,the wet swale reduced the total runoff volume by 50.4%through exfiltration and evapotranspiration.The wet swale significantly decreased the influent pollutant concentrations,and the effluent mean concentrations of total suspended solids,total phosphorus,chemical oxygen demand,ammonium,oxidized nitrogen,and total nitrogen in the effluent were 31 mg/L,0.10 mg/L,29 mg/L,0.52 mg/L,0.35 mg/L and1.28 mg/L,respectively.Pollutant loads were also substantially reduced from 70%to 85%.Plant uptake played an important role in nutrient removal in the wet swale.Approximately half of the nitrogen(53.8%)and phosphorus(51.5%)that entered the wet swale was incorporated in above-ground plants.It is shown that wet swales are useful for managing runoff from roads in areas of poor soil permeability.
基金Project (20507022) supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaProject (EREH050303) supported by the Foundation of Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Environmental Remediation and Ecosystem Health
文摘The contamination and environmental risk assessment of the toxic elements in sediments from the middle-downstream (Zhuzhou-Changsha section) of the Xiangjiang River in Hunan Province of China were studied. The results show that As, Cd, Pb and Zn are major contaminants in sediments, and average concentrations of these elements significantly exceed both the Control Standards for Pollutants in Sludge of China (GB4284-84) for agricultural use in acidic soils and the effect range median (ERM) values. The average concentrations of As, Cd and Pb in the river water slightly exceed the limit of Surface Water Environment Quality Standard (GB3838-2002). The concentrations of As and Cr in depth profiles extensively change, but slight changes are observed in Pb and Zn. Cd and Zn in most sediment samples can easily enter the food-chain and bring possible ecotoxicological risk to organisms living in sediments according to the risk assessment code.
文摘The authors investigated the leaching rate of antifouling agents from marine paint using an instrument that allows direct measurement from the flat bottom of ship hulls shortly after dry dock. A similar procedure was also used for painted flat panels that were immersed in the ocean. The relationship between leaching rate and fouling condition was considered by quantifying the amount of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) on the surface of immersed flat panel using fluorescence spectroscopy. The leaching rate results from ship hulls showed good agreement with the value by reporting of leaching rate of antifouling agents. The fluorescence spectroscopy results showed that the amount of ATP on the surface of the panel increased over time as the leaching rate fell, which implies an inverse relationship between leaching rate and fouling index. Fluorescence spectroscopy was also seen to be a simple method for evaluating the relationship between biofouling indexes and leaching rate.
文摘Abstract: Excess of organic matter and nutrients in water promotes eutrophication process observed in the Ardila River. It was classified as much polluted being critical for Alqueva-Pedrogāo System. The aim of this study was to estimate the transported nutrients loads in a transboundary watershed using the SWAT (soil and water assessment tool) model and to determine the contribution of nutrients load in the entire watershed. Ardila watershed is about 3,711 km^2 extended from Spain (78%) to the eastern part of Portugal (22%). It was discretized into 32 sub-basins using automated delineation routine, and 174 hydrologic response units. Monthly average meteorological data (from 1947 to 1998) were used to generate daily values through the weather generator Model incorporated in SWAT. Real daily precipitation (from 1931 to 2003) was introduced. The model was calibrated and verified for flow (from 1950 to 2000) and nutrients (from 1981 to 1999). Model performance was evaluated using statistical parameters, such as NSE (Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency) and root mean square error (R2). Calibration and verification flow results showed a satisfactory agreement between simulated and measured monthly date from 1962 to 1972 (NSE = 0.8; R^2 = 0.9). The results showed that the most important diffuse pollution comes from the two the main tributary (Spain). The estimated nitrogen and phosphorous loads contribution per year was respectively 72% and 59% in Spain and 28% and 41% in Portugal. The SWAT model was revealed to be a useful tool for an integrated water management approach that might be improved taking into count the WFD (water framework directive).
文摘Luanda bay has been acting as a sink for the untreated municipal and industrial effluents from a part of the city. Sediment samples were analyzed for their total organic carbon contents and pseudo-total concentrations ofFe, Mn, Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni and Cr The highest concentrations of organic carbon and Hg, Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn were found near the sewerage discharge outlets, exceeding in these points the lowest Sediment Quality Guidelines for the occurrence of adverse biological effects. A further study, based on the latest version of the BCR sequential extraction procedure, was undertaken in order to assess the physical/chemical binding and bioavailability ofFe, Mn, Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn in these sediments. The toxic metals Cd, Zn, Pb and Cu pose a potential environmental risk, because they were extracted from the sediment labile fractions in concentrations that exceeded the corresponding ERL (Effects Range Low) values, entering the range within which adverse biological effects occur. The non-residual fractions of metals ranged from 91 to 100% for Cd, 89 to 94% for Zn, 67 to 100% for Pb, 71 to 82% for Cu, 30 to 77% for Mn and 39 to 48% for Fe. Measures to be taken for the disposal of the polluted dredged sediments are shown in this work.
基金supported by the Team Interaction and Cooperation of the Science and Technology Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciencesthe Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(KZCX2-YW-JS402)+4 种基金the National Basic Research Program of China(2010CB732300)the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Science(XDB05050200)the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(2012AA063101)the Program of Chinese Academy for Environmental Planning(2012A014)Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation(8112015)
文摘VOCs play an increasingly important role in affecting air quality and threatening human health in China in recent years,where industry activities show a significant contribution to VOCs emission.In this article we report our long term study of industrial VOCs emissions of six major industries (vehicle manufacturing,printing,equipment coating,electronic manufacturing,furniture manufacturing and bio-pharming) on the aspects of emission characteristics,environmental impact and health risk assessment,and control challenge analysis with the purpose to obtain in-depth understanding of industry VOCs emissions and offer some original basements for national control and management of industry VOCs emissions.This study shows that all these industries give middle or low emission with total VOCs concentration less than 1000 mg/m3 at each exhaust pipe.Benzenes,esters,alcohols,ketones,alkanes,chloroalkanes and alkenes were detected as the major emission components and the most frequently monitored VOCs were benzenes,which varied obviously with different processes and industries.The environmental impact assessments indicate that vehicle manufacturing and benzenes should be prior controlled with the purpose to reduce air pollution.While,health risk assessments suggest that furniture manufacturing and chloroalkanes should be firstly controlled.Control analysis indicates that developing technologies with low cost and high efficiency and establishing and completing specific industry emission standards/regulations are the two key issues in VOCs emission management at present stage.
基金Project supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Ningbo City (No.2010A610005)the Key Science and Technology Program of Zhejiang Province (No.2011C11049),China
文摘The behavior of schools of zebrafish (Danio rerio) was studied in acute toxicity environments. Behavioral features were extracted and a method for water quality assessment using support vector machine (SVM) was de- veloped. The behavioral parameters of fish were recorded and analyzed during one hour in an environment of a 24-h half-lethal concentration (LC50) of a pollutant. The data were used to develop a method to evaluate water quality, so as 6+ 2+ to give an early indication of toxicity. Four kinds of metal ions (Cu2~, Hg2~, Cr , and Cd ) were used for toxicity testing. To enhance the efficiency and accuracy of assessment, a method combining SVM and a genetic algorithm (GA) was used. The results showed that the average prediction accuracy of the method was over 80% and the time cost was acceptable. The method gave satisfactory results for a variety of metal pollutants, demonstrating that this is an effective approach to the classification of water quality.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.11574401)the Science Foundation of China University of Petroleum,Beijing(Grant Nos.2462017YJRC029,and yjs2017019)the Beijing Natural Science Foundation(Grant No.1184016)
文摘Rapid industrialization and economic development have led to serious pollution in the form of fine particulate matter(PM2.5,particulate matter with a diameter of less than 2.5 μm). In China, PM2.5 has been one of the most debated topics in councils of government and issues of public concern. Terahertz(THz) radiation was employed to measure the PM2.5 in the atmosphere from September 2014 to April 2015 in Beijing. Comparison of the PM2.5 level from the website with THz absorbance revealed a significant phenomenon: THz radiation can be used to monitor PM2.5 in the atmosphere. During Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(APEC) 2014, "APEC Blue" was also recorded in a THz system. The relationship between absorbance and PM2.5 demonstrates that THz radiation is an effective selection for air pollution grading. Based on the absorbance spectra, the elemental compositions were studied by two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy(2 DCOS) in conjunction with X-ray fluorescence.Several single absorption peaks were revealed and caused by sulphate from coal combustion, vehicle exhaust emissions and secondary reactions. Furthermore, mathematical algorithms, such as the BPANN and SVM, can process the THz absorbance data and greatly improve the precision of the estimation of PM2.5 mass. Our results suggest that THz spectroscopy can not only reveal the component information for pollution source determination, but quantitatively monitor the PM2.5 content for pollution level evaluation. Therefore, the use of THz radiation is a new method for future air pollution monitoring and grading systems.
基金Supported by the South Carolina Water Resources Centerthe Clemson University Public Service and Agriculture Next Generation Graduate Fellowship (PSA-NGGF), USATechnical Contribution No. 5903 of the Clemson University Experiment Station, USA
文摘The current economic crisis has left numerous residential developments in the southeastern United States in various stages of construction. Many of them are currently graded and essentially abandoned, creating a major source of sediment runoff to waterways. Residential development locations with significant bare soil areas were identified through classification of Landsat 5 TM satellite imagery and subsequently verified from high-resolution county aerial photographs. The revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) was used in a geographic information system (GIS) as a tool for prioritizing identified locations on the basis of potential soil loss assuming the worst case scenario of a completely unmaintained site. Initial GIS identification indicated 301 sites with a total bare soil area of 2 378 ha over three counties in Upstate South Carolina. A random sample of 153 sites was visited over 17 days and assessed using a mobile GIS, global positioning system (GPS), and digital camera for field validation. Results indicated that 78% (119) of the sites were classified correctly (residential construction sites in varying stages of completion); 88% of identified areas were less than 25% built compared to the previous year; 48% were categorized as moderate to severe problems. Abandoned and unfinished developments in Upstate South Carolina may represent a major source of sediment pollution to streams. Well-maintained erosion control devices may be useful in preventing offsite sedimentation.