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工厂污水处理系统电气控制自动化 被引量:1
作者 王敬辉 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2016年第11期20-20,共1页
关键词 工厂污水处理系统 电气控制 自动化研究
化工厂污水处理的环保问题研究 被引量:4
作者 曲顺利 《山东化工》 CAS 2020年第5期223-224,共2页
随着现代社会的逐渐发展与进步,社会对化工业的需求也逐渐增大,从而导致化工厂也越来越多。化工厂的涌现使生态环境受到极大冲击,大量的污水、废气排放到环境中,对环境造成严重破坏,最终危及到人们的生命健康[1]。因此在新时期就需要加... 随着现代社会的逐渐发展与进步,社会对化工业的需求也逐渐增大,从而导致化工厂也越来越多。化工厂的涌现使生态环境受到极大冲击,大量的污水、废气排放到环境中,对环境造成严重破坏,最终危及到人们的生命健康[1]。因此在新时期就需要加强对环境的保护,加强化工厂的环保工作,注重对化工厂的污水处理,提高水资源的重复利用率,构建环境友好型企业。 展开更多
关键词 工厂污水处理 环保问题 改进措施
工厂污水处理系统电气控制自动化研究 被引量:5
作者 胡文岳 《电子技术与软件工程》 2016年第14期154-154,共1页
随着工业的快速发展,城市污水越来越多,严重影响人们的正常生活,所以快速有效的污水处理技术是污水处理的关键之所在。电气控制自动化技术是一种先进的污水处理手段,将其正确的引用到污水处理中,是每一位污水处理人员研究的方向。本文... 随着工业的快速发展,城市污水越来越多,严重影响人们的正常生活,所以快速有效的污水处理技术是污水处理的关键之所在。电气控制自动化技术是一种先进的污水处理手段,将其正确的引用到污水处理中,是每一位污水处理人员研究的方向。本文通过对污水处理系统和电气控制自动化的表述,从电气控制自动化要求、自动化系统的组成及特点、参数测量与控制三方面对污水处理自动化系统进行阐述,为今后的污水处理提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 工厂污水处理系统 电气控制 自动化研究
工厂污水处理系统电气控制自动化研究 被引量:2
作者 高宏伟 盛昌健 石耀飞 《魅力中国》 2010年第16期26-26,共1页
工厂污水处理的数量与质量直接关系到生态水体的质量及环境污染程度,本论文结合污水处理厂的一般工艺,对污水处理系统的电气自动控制系统进行了设计研究,在总体完成污水处理电气自动控制系统的网络架构与电气总体设计方案的基础上,... 工厂污水处理的数量与质量直接关系到生态水体的质量及环境污染程度,本论文结合污水处理厂的一般工艺,对污水处理系统的电气自动控制系统进行了设计研究,在总体完成污水处理电气自动控制系统的网络架构与电气总体设计方案的基础上,重点对污水处理系统电气控制部分进行了设计,从供配电、自动控制和照明系统三个角度进行了自动化电气控制的探讨,对于进一步提高污水处理厂的污水处理自动化程度具有一定借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 工厂污水处理系统 自动化 电气控制
城市污水泵站及工厂企业污水处理站恶臭气体处理技术 被引量:2
作者 朱晨华 张双刀 +2 位作者 俞豪吉 王文彬 顾思琪 《机电设备》 2020年第3期41-45,77,共6页
文章介绍了目前国内处理城市污水泵站和工厂企业污水处理站内恶臭气体的几种主要处理技术,分析了相关技术的特性。在满足经济性的条件下达到排放标准,建议有针对性地采用几种技术相结合的综合处理方法。针对2个工程实例项目的不同特性,... 文章介绍了目前国内处理城市污水泵站和工厂企业污水处理站内恶臭气体的几种主要处理技术,分析了相关技术的特性。在满足经济性的条件下达到排放标准,建议有针对性地采用几种技术相结合的综合处理方法。针对2个工程实例项目的不同特性,分别采用了等离子技术和光催化技术相结合、生物洗涤处理技术和物理吸附相结合的处理方法,均取得了显著的效果。 展开更多
关键词 恶臭气体 综合处理技术 城市污水泵站 工厂企业污水处理
作者 杨晓东 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)工程技术》 2022年第9期136-138,共3页
自从改革开放以来,我国经济水平得到了极大的提升,现代社会对于工业的需求量越来越大,化工厂的数量在不断的增加,化工厂会对周围的生态环境带来一定的污染,污水、废气直接排放到环境中会影响人们的正常生活,威胁人们的生命健康。在新时... 自从改革开放以来,我国经济水平得到了极大的提升,现代社会对于工业的需求量越来越大,化工厂的数量在不断的增加,化工厂会对周围的生态环境带来一定的污染,污水、废气直接排放到环境中会影响人们的正常生活,威胁人们的生命健康。在新时期下,有关人员要从化工厂污水处理为切入点,利用新技术来做好污水处理工作,提高污水处理效率和利用率,建设环境友好型的污水处理厂。本文将重点分析化工厂污水处理的环保措施。 展开更多
关键词 工厂污水处理 环保问题 改进措施
作者 赵振云 《中华建设》 2020年第35期0122-0123,共2页
化工生产的各种产品辐射至社会生产生活的各个方面,对于提升人们的物质生活水平做出了巨大的贡献,随着现代人生活水平的不断提升,对于环境保护的意识越来越强烈,针对化工生产企业的污水排放和处置工艺提出了更高的要求,希望化工厂在完... 化工生产的各种产品辐射至社会生产生活的各个方面,对于提升人们的物质生活水平做出了巨大的贡献,随着现代人生活水平的不断提升,对于环境保护的意识越来越强烈,针对化工生产企业的污水排放和处置工艺提出了更高的要求,希望化工厂在完成生产任务的前提下,也能够确保环境不会受到严重破坏。本文将结合作者的工作经验对曾参与的化工厂污水处理工作进行介绍和分析。 展开更多
关键词 工厂污水处理 关键技术
污水处理自动化控制探讨 被引量:4
作者 李哲 闫艳 +1 位作者 董海涛 成芳 《科技传播》 2011年第5期112-113,共2页
随着我国经济水平的快速发展,人们开始对环境污染问题引起高度的重视,生态水的质量和环境污染程度的决定因素是污水处理的数量和污水处理质量。文章结合污水处理工艺针对自动化控制的系统设计、组织以及系统方案来进行阐述,以供相关工... 随着我国经济水平的快速发展,人们开始对环境污染问题引起高度的重视,生态水的质量和环境污染程度的决定因素是污水处理的数量和污水处理质量。文章结合污水处理工艺针对自动化控制的系统设计、组织以及系统方案来进行阐述,以供相关工作人员参考。 展开更多
关键词 工厂污水处理系统 自动化 电气控制
工厂污水处理系统电气控制自动化研究 被引量:1
作者 周密 刘湘东 樊元志 《山东工业技术》 2019年第1期157-157,共1页
现如今,随着我国经济发展速度的不断加快,国内工业生产企业也越来越多,而工业生产企业在运营过程中会排放出大量的污水,因此我国的污水量也在不断增多。如果这些污水得不到科学、有效的处理,那么就会给我国环境带来极大的影响,严重威胁... 现如今,随着我国经济发展速度的不断加快,国内工业生产企业也越来越多,而工业生产企业在运营过程中会排放出大量的污水,因此我国的污水量也在不断增多。如果这些污水得不到科学、有效的处理,那么就会给我国环境带来极大的影响,严重威胁国民生活质量及身体健康。因此,采用科学、合理的污水处理办法是至关重要的。 展开更多
关键词 工厂污水处理系统 电气控制 自动化
作者 冯彦崇 《装备维修技术》 2021年第1期364-364,共1页
在化工厂的生产过程中会出现大量污水,而在污水中会存在多种组织,其中包括了油脂、化学物质和残渣等,污水中还可能存在一定的有毒物质,污水排放到环境中,不可避免的会污染人们的日常生活用水,继而威胁人们的健康,影响人们的生活。因此... 在化工厂的生产过程中会出现大量污水,而在污水中会存在多种组织,其中包括了油脂、化学物质和残渣等,污水中还可能存在一定的有毒物质,污水排放到环境中,不可避免的会污染人们的日常生活用水,继而威胁人们的健康,影响人们的生活。因此就需要化工厂加强对污水排放的管理力度,提高污水处理工艺,逐渐寻找有效的方法进行污水处理,注重化工厂的环保工作,促进化工行业的长久发展。 展开更多
关键词 工厂污水处理 环保问题 改进措施
作者 黄昉 《市场调查信息(综合版)》 2022年第11期119-121,共3页
某工厂污水处理站设计采用石灰法为主的工艺来处理含磷废水。因原水中磷酸盐浓度及水量相较企业环评存在相当偏差,以及污水站除磷工艺的选择,使得实际运行中用石灰法除磷存在诸多问题。笔者在运行调试中采用投加聚合硫酸铁盐混凝沉淀的... 某工厂污水处理站设计采用石灰法为主的工艺来处理含磷废水。因原水中磷酸盐浓度及水量相较企业环评存在相当偏差,以及污水站除磷工艺的选择,使得实际运行中用石灰法除磷存在诸多问题。笔者在运行调试中采用投加聚合硫酸铁盐混凝沉淀的办法对原有除磷工艺进行优化,取得了不错的效果,以此解决了企业污水中磷酸盐排放超标的问题。 展开更多
关键词 工厂污水处理 含磷废水 工艺调试 聚合硫酸铁盐
作者 海瑟 李志中 《热带生物学报》 1997年第S1期75-77,共3页
关键词 城市公园 绿色空间 波特兰 西雅图 污水处理工厂 区域规划 资源保护 市中心 土地利用 开放空间系统
作者 浩之 《科技信息》 1998年第11期36-37,共2页
当前,全球性的环境污染已严重地威胁着地球上生物的生存,世界各地都有许多令人触目惊心的现象,显示着我们的衣食所依、生存所赖的地球被严重糟踏得不成样子,地球环境患上了许多严重的奇难杂症。看罢此文,你会为我们人类生存的地球而深... 当前,全球性的环境污染已严重地威胁着地球上生物的生存,世界各地都有许多令人触目惊心的现象,显示着我们的衣食所依、生存所赖的地球被严重糟踏得不成样子,地球环境患上了许多严重的奇难杂症。看罢此文,你会为我们人类生存的地球而深深痛心。墨西哥城:弥漫着杀人的空气 墨西哥城座落在一个海拔225米的干涸河床上,有300多万辆汽车挤在它的街道上行驶。由于空气稀薄。 展开更多
关键词 全球环境 干涸河床 地球环境 墨西哥城 克拉科夫 污水处理工厂 北冰洋 核武器 污染空气 气管疾病
Advances in Energy-Producing Anaerobic Biotechnologies for Municipal Wastewater Treatment 被引量:5
作者 Wen-Wei Li Han-Qing Yu 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第4期438-446,共9页
Municipal wastewater treatment has long been known as a high-cost and energy-intensive process that destroys most of the energy-containing molecules by spending energy and that leaves little energy and few nutrients a... Municipal wastewater treatment has long been known as a high-cost and energy-intensive process that destroys most of the energy-containing molecules by spending energy and that leaves little energy and few nutrients available for reuse, Over the past few years, some wastewater treatment plants have tried to revamp themselves as "resource factories," enabled by new technologies and the upgrading of old technologies. In particular, there is an renewed interest in anaerobic biotechnologies, which can convert organic matter into usable energy and preserve nutrients for potential reuse. However, considerable technological and economic limitations still exist. Here, we provide an overview of recent advances in several cutting-edge anaerobic biotechnologies for wastewater treatment, including enhanced side- stream anaerobic sludge digestion, anaerobic membrane bioreactors, and microbial electrochemical systems, and discuss future challenges and opportunities for their applications. This review is intended to provide useful information to guide the future design and optimization of municipal wastewater treatment processes. 展开更多
关键词 ANAEROBIC ENERGY Membrane bioreactor Microbial electrochemical system Municipal wastewater treatment
Comparison of heavy metal removal efficiencies in four activated sludge processes 被引量:3
作者 杨军 高定 +3 位作者 陈同斌 雷梅 郑国砥 周小勇 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期3788-3794,共7页
The removal efficiencies of heavy metals(As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) were investigated in the 17 operating municipal wastewater treatment plants(WWTPs) and compared with those in four main activated sludge processes. S... The removal efficiencies of heavy metals(As, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn) were investigated in the 17 operating municipal wastewater treatment plants(WWTPs) and compared with those in four main activated sludge processes. Significant differences of heavy metal removal efficiencies were observed among four activated sludge processes. The removal efficiency for As(75.5%) in the oxidation ditch(OD) process is significantly higher than that in the conventional activated sludge(CAS) process(38.6%) or sequencing batch reactor(SBR) process(51.4%). The mean removal efficiencies for Cu and Ni in the OD process are 90.5% and 46.7%, respectively, while low mean removal efficiencies are observed for Cu(69.9%) and Ni(16.5%), respectively, in the SBR process. The removal efficiencies for Cu and Ni in the OD process are significantly higher than those in the anaerobic-anoxic-oxic(A2-O) process. These results highlight the differences of removal efficiencies for heavy metals in different processes and should be considered when selecting a wastewater treatment process. 展开更多
关键词 WASTEWATER heavy metal removal efficiency treatment process activated sludge processes
CANON Process for Nitrogen Removal from Effluents of Municipal Sewage Treatment Plants
作者 彭新红 吴立波 +2 位作者 于宏兵 艾丽娜 付丽霞 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2013年第4期255-259,共5页
The feasibility and performance of nitrogen removal from municipal sewage were investigated through the completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite (CANON) process in a continuous reactor. CANON process was s... The feasibility and performance of nitrogen removal from municipal sewage were investigated through the completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite (CANON) process in a continuous reactor. CANON process was successfully started up with the transformation of nitrogen into gas by mass-balance analysis. For the synthetic waste-water (up to 480 mg NH4+-N/(L·d)), removal rates of the ammonia nitrogen and total nitrogen (TN) were about 80% and 55%, respectively, at 1.25 h hydraulic retention time (HRT). For the secondary effluent of municipal sewage, the effluent concentrations of NH4+-N and TN were below 5 mg/L and 9 mg/L, respectively. It is in accordance with the water quality standard for scenic environment with the reuse of urban recycling water (GB/T 18921-2002). 展开更多
关键词 BIODEGRADATION CANON optimisation municipal sewage
Discussion on nitrogen and phosphorus removal process characteristics of improved oxidation ditch
作者 SHEN Lian-feng JIN Yue +1 位作者 ZHANG Jian-xin LI You 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2008年第5期31-34,共4页
In order to enhance efficiency of the nitrogen and phosphorus removal of sewage treatment plant, Taking Wu Long kou sewage treatment plant project in Zhengzhou as an example, this article introduces the structure, the... In order to enhance efficiency of the nitrogen and phosphorus removal of sewage treatment plant, Taking Wu Long kou sewage treatment plant project in Zhengzhou as an example, this article introduces the structure, the working principle, the craft character, as well as the problems existed in the practical application of the improved oxidation ditch, and raises some corresponding processing countermeasures. Looked from the running situation of Wu Long kou sewage treatment plant, the improved oxidation ditch have certain advantages in city sewage treatment, such as high organic removing efficiency, good removing effect of nitrogen and phosphorus, low investing expenses and operating cost and so on. It is a craft that is worth promoting in urban sewage treatment. 展开更多
关键词 improved oxidation ditch urban sewage nitrogen and phosphorus removal
Integration between Engineering and Knowledge Systems: Evaluation of Performance of a Wastewater Treatment Plant in a Textile Company
作者 Mohammed A. Ahmed Al-Dujaili Haitham Remdhan Abed Ali Ahamed Noori Obeed 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2011年第3期235-244,共10页
The integration between engineering and knowledge systems (KS) in a manufacturing environment in a network of industrial enterprises was investigated. The drivers for this application of engineering design to infras... The integration between engineering and knowledge systems (KS) in a manufacturing environment in a network of industrial enterprises was investigated. The drivers for this application of engineering design to infrastructure in an industrial setting where cost and time to market are vital were to spread best practice, and to gain experience in dealing with the regulatory authorities according to ISO 14000. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the performance of the industrial wastewater treatment plant of the Hilla Textile Factories, to find an appropriate method of treating the industrial wastewater so as to render it fit for reuse or safe to be disposed of as stipulated by the Iraqi laws on effluent disposal. The removal efficiencies of the different parameters used to describe water quality was low. It was found that the removal efficiency of COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) was 20-21%, that of BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand) was 17-30% and that of TSS (Total Suspended Solids) was 27-31%. The quality of the effluent was not in line with those of either the Iraqi or American standards. 展开更多
关键词 Source of water knowledge systems water quality water pollution activated carbon adsorption granular activated carbon.
《小学生导刊(低年级版)》 2005年第4期22-22,共1页
关键词 污水处理工厂 太阳能 生活用水 净化空气 科学家 能源 转化为 吸尘 枝丫 微型
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the centralized wastewater treatment plant of a chemical industry zone:Removal,mass balance and source analysis 被引量:4
作者 YAO Min ZHANG XingWang LEI LeCheng 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期416-425,共10页
Increased attention has been given to the fate of pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) introduced to the wastewater treatment plants.Dissolved and adsorbed PAHs were detected in the centralized w... Increased attention has been given to the fate of pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) introduced to the wastewater treatment plants.Dissolved and adsorbed PAHs were detected in the centralized wastewater treatment plant of a chemical industry zone in Zhejiang Province,China.The most abundant PAHs were the low molecular weight PAHs (e.g.,Acy,Ace,Flu and Phe),accounting for more than 80% of the total 16 PAHs in each treatment stage.Phase partitioning suggested that the removal of PAHs in every treatment stage was influenced greater by the sorption of particles or microorganisms.The removal efficiencies of individual PAHs ranged between 4% and 87% in the primary sedimentation stage,between 1% and 42% in anaerobic hydrolysis stage,between <1% and 70% in aerobic bio-process stage,between 1.5% and 80% in high-density clarifier stage,and between 44% and 97% in the whole treatment process.Mass balance calculations in primary stage showed significant losses for low molecular weight PAHs and relatively good agreements for high molecular weight PAHs as well as in anaerobic hydrolysis,high-density clarifier stage and sludge stream for most PAHs.Great gains of 60%-150% were obtained for high molecular weight PAHs in aerobic bio-process stage due to biosorption and bioaccumulation.Our investigations found that PAHs entering the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) could be derived from the dyeing chemical processes as the byproducts,and the contribution supported by the largest dyeing chemical group was up to 48%. 展开更多
关键词 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons removal efficiency mass balance source analysis centralized wastewater treatment plant
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