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改性硅藻土处理城市污水技术研究 被引量:1
作者 蒋小红 周恭明 《给水排水》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第1期116-116,共1页
关键词 硅藻土改性城市污水处理 澄清池 悬浮生物膜法
作者 刘雨文 贾鹏 《石油石化绿色低碳》 2018年第2期61-66,共6页
含油污泥是油气田开发过程中产生的固体废弃物之一,随着油田的深入开发,污水产生的污泥量不断增加。目前,国内对于含油污泥主要采用固化处理、生物处理、化学热洗等方法,但这些方法在应用过程中存在着处理成本高、资源转化率低、残渣含... 含油污泥是油气田开发过程中产生的固体废弃物之一,随着油田的深入开发,污水产生的污泥量不断增加。目前,国内对于含油污泥主要采用固化处理、生物处理、化学热洗等方法,但这些方法在应用过程中存在着处理成本高、资源转化率低、残渣含油量高等技术局限性。文章以滨南油田的酸性污水为例,通过气液平衡、气液传质等特性,研究开发了改性污水低污泥处理技术。通过增大气液接触面积,有效地减少了污泥的产生,提高了污水的处理能力。 展开更多
关键词 污泥量 酸性污水 接触面积 改性污水低污泥处理技术
油田采出水的改性回注处理工艺研究 被引量:12
作者 黄战卫 毕凯 +3 位作者 包军 董晓丽 秦芳玲 侯军刚 《西安石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第6期38-41,共4页
针对安塞油田采出水偏酸性、浊度高、含油量高的特征,采用"中和—H2O2氧化—絮凝—过滤"处理工艺进行回注处理,探讨了采出水的pH值、H2O2和絮凝剂投加量等因素对采出水水质改性处理效果的影响.结果表明:以NaOH作为pH调节剂将... 针对安塞油田采出水偏酸性、浊度高、含油量高的特征,采用"中和—H2O2氧化—絮凝—过滤"处理工艺进行回注处理,探讨了采出水的pH值、H2O2和絮凝剂投加量等因素对采出水水质改性处理效果的影响.结果表明:以NaOH作为pH调节剂将采出废水pH值调至7.5,H2O2投加体积分数为0.6%,投加XN-90、PAM的质量浓度分别为80mg/L和2.5 mg/L时,处理后采出水的悬浮物、含油量、总铁含量、静态平均腐蚀速率、SRB及TGB含量由处理前的110~145 mg/L,96.6~124.3mg/L,24.8~35.5mg/L,0.310 3mm/a,105~106个/mL和102~103个/mL分别降至处理后的1.1~6.0mg/L,2.5~6.0mg/L,0.05~0.23mg/L,0.0108mm/a和101~102个/mL,处理后采出水的各项指标达到了安塞油田注水水质标准. 展开更多
关键词 油田采出水 污水改性处理 污水回注
Development of a novel modified EGSB reactor for municipal sewage treatment at ambient temperatures 被引量:1
作者 周雪飞 张亚雷 +2 位作者 张选军 强志民 赵建夫 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第4期554-560,共7页
A novel modified expanded granular sludge bed(EGSBm) reactor was developed for anaerobic treatment of municipal sewage with mixed liquid recirculation instead of effluent recirculation commonly adopted by a convention... A novel modified expanded granular sludge bed(EGSBm) reactor was developed for anaerobic treatment of municipal sewage with mixed liquid recirculation instead of effluent recirculation commonly adopted by a conventional EGSB(EGSBc) reactor.Performances of these two reactors were compared in treating municipal sewage at ambient temperatures ranging from 8 to 26 ℃.At an upflow liquid velocity(Vup) of 10.3 m/h,the mean concentrations of filtrated COD(CODfilt) and COD of the EGSBm effluent were determined to be 59.4 and 95.9 mg/L,respectively,which were significantly lower than those of the EGSBc effluent operated under identical experimental conditions.When the organic loading rate was suddenly increased from 1.2 to 7.2 kg COD/(m3·d),the EGSBm regained the removal efficiency of previous operation phase in 10 d.Hydrodynamic characteristics of the reactors were compared using the residence time distribution(RTD) model.It was found that the treatment efficiency of EGSBm kept increasing as the Vup increased.The polymerase Chain Reaction-Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis(PCR-DGGE) technique was used to analyze the microbial diversity in EGSBm.Fingerprinting pattern indicated that some species in the inoculating sludge were still reserved in the granular sludge of EGSBm,moreover,several new species occurred. 展开更多
关键词 modified expanded granular sludge bed reactor municipal sewage anaerobic treatment hydrodynamic characteristic PCR-DGGE
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