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降低催化裂化汽油硫含量的重油裂化催化剂DOS的工业应用试验 被引量:3
作者 侯典国 朱玉霞 +1 位作者 黄磊 童三和 《石油炼制与化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第10期33-36,共4页
在中国石化九江分公司Ⅰ套催化裂化装置上进行降低催化裂化汽油硫含量和烯烃含量的重油裂化催化剂DOS的工业应用试验。结果表明,与降烯烃催化剂GRV-C相比,采用DOS催化剂后液化气、汽油和总液体收率有所增加,干气、焦炭的产率有所下降;... 在中国石化九江分公司Ⅰ套催化裂化装置上进行降低催化裂化汽油硫含量和烯烃含量的重油裂化催化剂DOS的工业应用试验。结果表明,与降烯烃催化剂GRV-C相比,采用DOS催化剂后液化气、汽油和总液体收率有所增加,干气、焦炭的产率有所下降;汽油烯烃体积分数降低7.8个百分点,汽油硫分布下降19.4%,汽油硫含量与原料油硫含量的比值下降20.3%。说明催化剂DOS裂化能力强、焦炭选择性好,并具有较好的降低汽油硫含量和烯烃含量的能力。 展开更多
关键词 裂化催化剂 汽油含量烯烃 工业规模
作者 周恩萍 《石油石化物资采购》 2021年第15期53-54,共2页
采用紫外荧光法测定汽油中硫含量的原理和流程,探索了仪器的最优测量参数。通过对检测条件(裂解温度、气体流量、进样速度及进样量等)等因素的影响及改善峰形的最显著办法,实现了对汽油中硫含量的测定。为了满足生产需要,提高汽油中硫... 采用紫外荧光法测定汽油中硫含量的原理和流程,探索了仪器的最优测量参数。通过对检测条件(裂解温度、气体流量、进样速度及进样量等)等因素的影响及改善峰形的最显著办法,实现了对汽油中硫含量的测定。为了满足生产需要,提高汽油中硫的分析准确度,对操作条件进行了大量的试验,得出最适合汽油中硫含量的分析方法,该方法操作简单、分析速度快、方法精确度高。 展开更多
关键词 紫外荧光法 汽油硫含量 实验结果
紫外荧光法和微库仑法测定汽油中硫含量的比较 被引量:7
作者 李玉萍 盛玉敏 《分析仪器》 CAS 2013年第2期27-31,共5页
关键词 紫外荧光 微库仑 汽油硫含量
作者 王晓璐 《辽宁化工》 CAS 2008年第11期779-781,共3页
关键词 加氢脱 生产运行 汽油硫含量 新标准
催化裂化汽油作为重整装置原料的应用 被引量:1
作者 刘文辉 齐雪冰 +1 位作者 徐洪坤 刘建龙 《化工管理》 2019年第7期124-126,共3页
直馏石脑油是重整装置的主要原料,但通常存在着上游供料不足的问题。在加氢裂化石脑油和焦化石脑油不足时,可以考虑用催化裂化石脑油作补充。工业实践表明,当催化裂化石脑油掺入比小于20%的情况下,催化裂化石脑油可以直接进重整预加氢装... 直馏石脑油是重整装置的主要原料,但通常存在着上游供料不足的问题。在加氢裂化石脑油和焦化石脑油不足时,可以考虑用催化裂化石脑油作补充。工业实践表明,当催化裂化石脑油掺入比小于20%的情况下,催化裂化石脑油可以直接进重整预加氢装置,生产出满足重整工艺要求的原料。这可以在一定程度上缓解重整装置低负荷运行及全厂氢气供应紧张的难题,同时可以缓解出厂汽油烯烃和硫含量高的问题。 展开更多
关键词 重整原料 催化石脑油 掺入比 汽油硫含量
S Zorb装置加工C5抽余油总结
作者 戴汉飞 《炼油技术与工程》 CAS 2023年第12期17-20,共4页
为将C5抽余油作为汽油调合组分,在某公司1.5 Mt/a的催化裂化汽油脱硫装置上新增了C5抽余油加氢反应系统。投入运行后,该系统出现了精制汽油硫质量分数超20μg/g、新增固定床加氢反应器入口温度波动大和精制汽油蒸气压超标的问题。分析... 为将C5抽余油作为汽油调合组分,在某公司1.5 Mt/a的催化裂化汽油脱硫装置上新增了C5抽余油加氢反应系统。投入运行后,该系统出现了精制汽油硫质量分数超20μg/g、新增固定床加氢反应器入口温度波动大和精制汽油蒸气压超标的问题。分析原因后,采取了调整C_(5)^(+)抽余油加氢系统投用方案,调整吸附进料换热器E101壳程跨线、原料汽油温度和原料汽油蒸气压、稳定塔塔底温度等措施,有效地将精制汽油硫质量分数控制在12μg/g以内,蒸气压控制在72 kPa以下,新增的C5抽余油系统运行平稳。 展开更多
关键词 S Zorb装置 C5抽余油 加氢反应器 精制汽油硫含量 反应器入口温度 精制汽油蒸气压
不同氧化数的钒氧化物及FCC催化剂上沉积钒的程序升温还原表征 被引量:6
作者 刘宇键 龙军 +2 位作者 朱玉霞 达志坚 周涵 《石油学报(石油加工)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第5期28-35,共8页
选用能对沉积钒和沉积镍的氧化数进行定量表征的程序升温还原(TPR)测试方法,考察了催化裂化催化剂上沉积金属氧化数对降低汽油硫含量的影响.结果表明,V2O3、VO2、V2O5的最终还原产物是VO,催化剂上沉积钒与纯的钒氧化物出现TPR特征峰的... 选用能对沉积钒和沉积镍的氧化数进行定量表征的程序升温还原(TPR)测试方法,考察了催化裂化催化剂上沉积金属氧化数对降低汽油硫含量的影响.结果表明,V2O3、VO2、V2O5的最终还原产物是VO,催化剂上沉积钒与纯的钒氧化物出现TPR特征峰的温度范围相似;纯NiO易于被还原,而催化剂上沉积镍的TPR特征峰温度明显升高.择效活化处理导致催化剂上的沉积钒氧化数降低.在623~923 K范围内,沉积钒的氧化数随着择效活化温度的增加而降低;923 K时氧化数接近2,基本达到热力学平衡.沉积钒氧化数的降低改变了沉积钒的化学配位效应,有利于形成选择性降低汽油硫含量的活性中心,因而使得催化裂化汽油硫含量下降.当沉积钒的表观氧化数低于3时,催化剂的降硫效果大大提高. 展开更多
关键词 沉积金属 氧化数 择效活化 程序升温还原 催化裂化 汽油硫含量
S Zorb装置运行情况调研与分析 被引量:7
作者 于磊 《炼油技术与工程》 CAS 2021年第12期23-28,共6页
整理了29套S Zorb装置运行情况及吸附剂样品,对吸附剂进行了X射线衍射(XRD),X射线荧光光谱分析(XRF),碳、硫等物相和元素分析以及不同S Zorb装置原料及产品汽油组成的变化分析。29套S Zorb装置的实际加工量为31.15 Mt/a,平均负荷率为83.... 整理了29套S Zorb装置运行情况及吸附剂样品,对吸附剂进行了X射线衍射(XRD),X射线荧光光谱分析(XRF),碳、硫等物相和元素分析以及不同S Zorb装置原料及产品汽油组成的变化分析。29套S Zorb装置的实际加工量为31.15 Mt/a,平均负荷率为83.75%,平均脱硫率为99%,平均辛烷值损失为0.56单位,运行情况良好。总结出影响S Zorb装置长周期运行的主要因素是换热器结焦、吸附剂脱硫能力下降、再生结块和闭锁料斗故障等。对换热器结焦原因进行了分析和探讨,提出了硅酸锌生成抑制策略和汽油辛烷值损失等优化建议。 展开更多
关键词 S Zorb装置 硅酸锌含量 汽油硫含量 吸附剂 换热器结焦 辛烷值损失
MIP-CGP技术在重油催化裂化装置上的工业应用 被引量:2
作者 李子国 《广州化工》 CAS 2021年第7期124-127,共4页
清江石化采用MIP-CGP技术对重油催化裂化装置进行改造。改造后的标定结果表明:在不使用专用剂的情况下,100%负荷时MIP-CGP技术将催化裂化稳定汽油烯烃体积分数(荧光法)降至30%以下,下降了8%;汽油辛烷值RON和MON分别增加了1.52、0.70个单... 清江石化采用MIP-CGP技术对重油催化裂化装置进行改造。改造后的标定结果表明:在不使用专用剂的情况下,100%负荷时MIP-CGP技术将催化裂化稳定汽油烯烃体积分数(荧光法)降至30%以下,下降了8%;汽油辛烷值RON和MON分别增加了1.52、0.70个单位,从而提高了汽油的抗爆指数;降低了汽油硫含量,汽油硫质量分数占原料硫质量分数的百分比至少下降了37.10%。在改善精制汽油性质的同时,还显著提高产品的总液体产品质量产率,明显减少干气质量产率与油浆质量产率。 展开更多
关键词 MIP-CGP 汽油烯烃 辛烷值 汽油硫含量
A Survey of Novel Processes to Produce Ultra Low Sulfur Gasoline 被引量:11
作者 XuYun LongJun ShaoXinjun 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2003年第2期19-23,共5页
The restriction on sulfur level in gasoline has been increasingly tightened. The U.S.Tier 22222 regulation requires a reduction from average 340ppm to 30ppm from 2004 to 2008. Recently significant progress has been ma... The restriction on sulfur level in gasoline has been increasingly tightened. The U.S.Tier 22222 regulation requires a reduction from average 340ppm to 30ppm from 2004 to 2008. Recently significant progress has been made in effective high sulfur removal, such as post treatment of FCC gasoline by selective hydrotreating, S Zorb sulfur removal technology, OATS process etc. The sulfur content of FCC gasoline can be deceased to less than 10ppm. With regard to gasoline pool composition in China, it is very important to look for effective desulfurization processes that are simple, straightforward, with less hydrogen consumption. Post-treatment of FCC gasoline is a preferred option. From the point of view of comprehensive utilization, alkylation, polymerization, isomerisation etc. can be added to desulfurization process to meet the requirement of ultra low sulfur, premium. 展开更多
MIP Technology for Pruduction of Euro Ⅳ Clean Gasoline Ⅱ. Correlation Model of Sulfur Content of MIP Naphtha and Its Application 被引量:3
作者 Tang Jinlian Xu Youhao +1 位作者 Gong Jianhong Wang Xieqing (Research Institute of Petroleum Processing,SINOPEC,Beijing 100083) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2010年第1期49-53,共5页
On the basis of the reaction rules and its influencing factors of sulfur compounds in MIP naphtha, a correlation model for describing the correlation between mass fraction of sulfur in MIP naphtha, mass fraction of su... On the basis of the reaction rules and its influencing factors of sulfur compounds in MIP naphtha, a correlation model for describing the correlation between mass fraction of sulfur in MIP naphtha, mass fraction of sulfur in feedstock and volume fraction of olefin in naphtha was developed and the model's parameters were estimated. The residual error distribution and statistical study showed that the developed model was reasonable and reliable and able to predict the mass fraction of sulfur compounds in naphtha. The correlation model can provide theoretical guidance and operation base for adjusting process parameters to produce EURO IV gasoline by the MIP units. The model was validated by its application on the MIP unit of Qingdao Refining & Chemical Company. On this unit, the tail oil with low sulfur content obtained via hydrotreating gas oil was used as the feedstock and the olefin content of naphtha was reduced by promoting hydrogen transfer reaction through adjustment of process parameters. Thus, EURO IV clean gasoline was manufactured by this MIP unit. 展开更多
关键词 MIP process feedstock sulfur olefins in naphtha naphtha sulfur correlation model EURO IVemission standard
Development and Commercial Application of RFCC Catalyst for Reducing Sulfur Content in Gasoline 被引量:2
作者 Xu Mingde Zhu Yuxia +1 位作者 Huang Lei Hou Dianguo 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2007年第4期33-41,共9页
The sulfur-reducing functional component the Lewis acid-base pair compound and associated active zeolite component were developed to prepare the RFCC catalyst DOS for reducing sulfur content in gasoline. The results o... The sulfur-reducing functional component the Lewis acid-base pair compound and associated active zeolite component were developed to prepare the RFCC catalyst DOS for reducing sulfur content in gasoline. The results of catalyst evaluation have revealed that the Lewis acid-base pair compound developed hereby could enhance the conversion of macromolecular sulfur compounds by the catalyst to promote the proceeding of desulfurization reactions, and the synergetic action of the selected zeolite and the Lewis acid-base pair compound could definitely reduce the olefins and sulfur contents in gasoline. The heavy oil conversion capability of the catalyst DOS thus developed was higher coupled with an enhanced resistance to heavy metals contamination to reduce the sulfur content in gasoline by over 20%. The commercial application of this catalyst at the SINOPEC Jiujiang Branch Company has revealed that compared to the GRV-C catalyst the oil slurry yield obtained by the catalyst DOS was reduced along with an improved coke selectivity, an increased total liquid yield, and a decreased olefin content in gasoline. The ratio of sulfur in gasoline/sulfur in feed oil could be reduced by 20.3 m%. 展开更多
关键词 FCC gasoline sulfur content CATALYST resid catalytic cracking
Separation of Sulfur/Gasoline Mixture with Polydimethylsiloxane/ Polyetherimide Composite Membranes by Pervaporatlon 被引量:5
作者 赵长伟 李继定 +2 位作者 陈剑 亓荣彬 栾兆坤 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第4期707-710,共4页
Worldwide environment has resulted in a limit on the sulfur content of gasoline.It is urgent to investigate the desulfurization of gasoline.The polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS)/polyetherimide(PEI)composite membranes were pr... Worldwide environment has resulted in a limit on the sulfur content of gasoline.It is urgent to investigate the desulfurization of gasoline.The polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS)/polyetherimide(PEI)composite membranes were prepared by casting a PDMS solution onto porous PEI substrates and characterized by scanning electron microscope(SEM).The membranes were used for sulfur removal from gasoline by pervaporation.The effects of feed temperature,sulfur content in the feed and PDMS layer thickness on membrane performance were investigated,and an activation energy of permeation was obtained.Experimental results indicated that higher feed temperature yielded higher total flux and lower sulfur enrichment factor.The total flux varied little with the increase of sulfur content in the feed,but the sulfur enrichment factor first increased with the amount of thiophene added into the gasoline,and then the variation was little.The increase of PDMS layer thickness resulted in a smaller flux but a larger sulfur enrichment factor.The result indicates that the PDMS/PEI composite membranes are promising for desulfurization by pervaporation. 展开更多
关键词 polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)/polyetherimide (PEI) composite membranes sulfur removal GASOLINE PERVAPORATION
Development and Application of the CGP-2 Catalyst in the MIP-CGP Process
作者 Qiu Zhonghong Long Jun Tian Huiping Wang Peng 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2007年第4期25-32,共8页
The research and development of the CGP-2 catalyst, which was used in the MIP-CGP process for reducing the olefin and sulfur contents of FCC naphtha and enhancing the propylene yield, were introduced. A specific type ... The research and development of the CGP-2 catalyst, which was used in the MIP-CGP process for reducing the olefin and sulfur contents of FCC naphtha and enhancing the propylene yield, were introduced. A specific type of metal compound was added into the matrix to provide active centers for reactions including catalytic conversion and selective adsorption of sulfur containing compounds. The CGP-2 catalyst possessed excellent hydrothermal stability to meet the requirements of the 2rid reaction zone of the MIP-CGP process. The commercial test of the said catalyst at the SINOPEC Cangzhou refinery showed that in comparison with the base case (using the CGP-1Z catalyst) the CGP-2 catalyst could reduce the sulfur content of FCC naphtha by 30.32% and increase the propylene yield along with good coke selectivity. Thus, the naphtha produced by the MIP-CGP process at the Cangzhou refinery can meet the new gasoline standard enforced in July 2005. 展开更多
关键词 CATALYST GASOLINE hydrogen transfer OLEFIN sulfur content
Study on Reduction of Sulfur Content in FCC Gasoline
作者 Hou Dianguo(Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, Beijing 100083) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2003年第2期51-56,共6页
Reduction of sulfur content in FCC gasoline was studied in a fixed fluid bed (FFB) unit by using metal-modified LV-23 FCC catalyst. The results showed that the sulfur content in FCC gasoline could be reduced with LV-2... Reduction of sulfur content in FCC gasoline was studied in a fixed fluid bed (FFB) unit by using metal-modified LV-23 FCC catalyst. The results showed that the sulfur content in FCC gasoline could be reduced with LV-23 catalyst modified with zinc, palladium, zinc-palladium, zinc-cobalt, and zinc-nickel. Among these metals or metal combinations, palladium-containing catalyst was the most effective. Desulfurization of the heavy fraction of FCC gasoline was more effective than full-range gasoline under the same conditions with palladium-containing catalysts. A high reaction temperature was favorable to desulfurization, but it would reduce the yield of liquid product. After desulfurization reaction, the olefin content of product gasoline decreased while the aromatic and iso-alkane contents increased. Removal of thiophene and benzothiophene is higher. 展开更多
关键词 FCC gasoline CATALYST METAL MODIFICATION sulfur removal
Study on Influence of Gasoline Sulfur Content on Performance of Vehicle Exhaust Catalytic Converter
作者 Guo Xin Zheng Shujia 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2012年第2期25-30,共6页
This paper has investigated the influence of gasoline sulfur content on durability of catalytic converter for vehicle exhaust gas. Two gasoline samples with different sulfur contents (equating to 150 μg/g and 50 μg/... This paper has investigated the influence of gasoline sulfur content on durability of catalytic converter for vehicle exhaust gas. Two gasoline samples with different sulfur contents (equating to 150 μg/g and 50 μg/g of sulfur, respectively) were used to examine the durability and performance of catalytic converter on the bench test. The test results have revealed that in comparison to the influence of sulfur on ageing of catalytic converter the thermal ageing had a more remarkable impact on the performance of catalytic converter, and the performance of catalytic converter could be restored by high-temperature desulfurization process after ageing by the high-sulfur gasoline sample (containing 150 μg/g of sulfur) . 展开更多
关键词 SULFUR ageing catalytic converter vehicle exhaust gas
Probing the sulfur content in gasoline quantitatively with terahertz time-domain spectroscopy 被引量:8
作者 QIN FangLi LI Qian +3 位作者 ZHAN HongLei JIN WuJun LIU HongLan ZHAO Kun 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第7期1404-1406,共3页
Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy(THz-TDS)was used for the quantitative detection of sulfur content in gasoline.Models of chemo metrics methods and partial least squares(PLS)were built to measure THz-TDS and the sulf... Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy(THz-TDS)was used for the quantitative detection of sulfur content in gasoline.Models of chemo metrics methods and partial least squares(PLS)were built to measure THz-TDS and the sulfur content.All of the samples were divided into two parts.One part was used for calibration and the other one for validation.In order to evaluate the quality of the models,the correlation coefficient(R)and root-mean-square errors(RMSE)of calibration and validation models were calculated.The value of R and RMSE were close to 1 and 0 within acceptable levels,respectively,indicating that the combination of THz-TDS and PLS is a potential method for further quantitative detection. 展开更多
关键词 sulfur content GASOLINE terahertz spectroscopy
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