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高分辨湖泊沉积和孢粉记录对气候、水文变化的响应 被引量:7
作者 于革 《沉积学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期118-124,共7页
通过对长江中游网湖钻孔高精度分层样品(1.5年/样品)的沉积学和孢粉学研究,试图揭示过去百年网湖在由开放到封闭体系变化中,沉积孢粉与气候、水文动力变化的过程及其相互关系。相关分析和低频滤波分析,反映出沉积物和孢粉的变化对流域... 通过对长江中游网湖钻孔高精度分层样品(1.5年/样品)的沉积学和孢粉学研究,试图揭示过去百年网湖在由开放到封闭体系变化中,沉积孢粉与气候、水文动力变化的过程及其相互关系。相关分析和低频滤波分析,反映出沉积物和孢粉的变化对流域降水和长江流量的敏感响应。在过去130年中的多雨洪水年份,湖泊受长江倒灌影响,沉积物以黏土细颗粒为主,并接受长江上中游孢粉的沉积;而在少雨枯水年份中,以源于流域的粉砂粗颗粒沉积为主,湖泊水域和周边湿地的水生孢粉大量沉积。时间序列的频谱分析显示了沉积物中值粒径、乔灌木和水生花粉、降水和流量都具有3~4年和9~11年周期变化。网湖的沉积孢粉与水动力关系为利用湖泊孢粉沉积记录重建过去湖泊环境、认识湖泊水系通江与封闭的水动力变化提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 沉积孢粉 通江湖泊 降水变化 长江历史洪水 百年过程 气候响应
3.0~2.0 MaBP南海南部深海沉积物孢粉记录及其对全球气候变化的响应 被引量:19
作者 袁金红 罗运利 +1 位作者 徐兆良 孙湘君 《海洋地质与第四纪地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期75-81,共7页
为了探索和揭示2.5 MaBP前后东亚季风演变历史及植被演替对气候演化的响应,对南海南部大洋钻探ODP1143站(9°22'N、113°17'E)深海柱状样的上部135~95 m(3.0~2.0 MaBP)共146个孢粉样品进行了分析研究,时间分辨率为7 ... 为了探索和揭示2.5 MaBP前后东亚季风演变历史及植被演替对气候演化的响应,对南海南部大洋钻探ODP1143站(9°22'N、113°17'E)深海柱状样的上部135~95 m(3.0~2.0 MaBP)共146个孢粉样品进行了分析研究,时间分辨率为7 ka/样,孢粉谱显示沉积率变化显著,以2.6 MaBP为界可明显分为两个阶段,与前一阶段3.0~2.6 MaBP相比,2.6~2.0 MaBP时段各类型花粉及孢子沉积率均有显著提高.该结果表明2.6 MaBP南海海平面有显著下降,可与北半球冰盖形成、东亚季风增强相对应.2.6 MaBP以后,各类型孢粉沉积率高低变化揭示南海海平面有多次上升和下降,代表了多次冰期-间冰期旋回.该结果与深海氧同位素分期相对应.频谱分析表明3.0~2.0 MaBP存在0.1 Ma(偏心率)和46.9 ka(斜率)的周期. 展开更多
关键词 孢粉沉积 3.0~2.0 MaBP ODP1143站 南海南部
作者 郝成元 陈志超 吴绍洪 《亚热带植物科学》 2009年第2期1-5,共5页
哀牢山作为滇东高原与横断山系南段滇西南山地的分界线,其高大山脉造就了山体两侧气候、植被差异显著。本研究以沉积物孢粉为媒介,对山脉主峰两侧的植物物种区系成分进行对比分析。结果显示,哀牢山西坡样地受印度夏季风影响程度高于东... 哀牢山作为滇东高原与横断山系南段滇西南山地的分界线,其高大山脉造就了山体两侧气候、植被差异显著。本研究以沉积物孢粉为媒介,对山脉主峰两侧的植物物种区系成分进行对比分析。结果显示,哀牢山西坡样地受印度夏季风影响程度高于东坡样地,沉积物孢粉中热带成分大于东坡,分别为6.8%和4.7%;哀牢山东坡样地则受北来东亚冬季风影响显著,造成东坡样地孢粉中北温带成分远大于西坡样地,分别为26.4%和13.4%。哀牢山成为印度夏季风与东亚冬季风的重要分界之一。 展开更多
关键词 哀牢山 沉积孢粉 植物区系 印度夏季风 东亚冬季风
孢粉沉积作用与PLl9—3地区晚第三纪沉积环境的关系 被引量:28
作者 龚胜利 毕力刚 《中国海上油气(地质)》 2001年第6期388-392,共5页
随着PL19—3等上第三系大油田的发现,渤海海域晚第三纪沉积环境的研究已势在必行。文中分析了孢粉沉积作用对孢粉化石组合面貌的影响.并根据孢粉沉积作用反演了PLl9—3地区晚第三纪沉积环境。结果表明,馆陶组沉积时期为湖泊三角洲环... 随着PL19—3等上第三系大油田的发现,渤海海域晚第三纪沉积环境的研究已势在必行。文中分析了孢粉沉积作用对孢粉化石组合面貌的影响.并根据孢粉沉积作用反演了PLl9—3地区晚第三纪沉积环境。结果表明,馆陶组沉积时期为湖泊三角洲环境,明化镇组下段沉积时期属三角洲一滨浅湖环境,明化镇组上段沉积时期为河流一沼泽环境。 展开更多
关键词 孢粉沉积作用 PLl9—3地区 晚第三纪 沉积环境 渤海海域
Deep-sea Pollen Record during 3.0-2.0 Ma B.P. from ODP Site 1143 and Its Response to Global Climate Changes 被引量:1
作者 袁金红 罗运利 +1 位作者 徐兆良 孙湘君 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2006年第1期1-10,共10页
In order to study vegetation evolution and environmental changes around 2.5 Ma B.P., a total of 146 pollen samples with an average time resolution of 7 000 years were analyzed in the deep-sea record at the depth of 13... In order to study vegetation evolution and environmental changes around 2.5 Ma B.P., a total of 146 pollen samples with an average time resolution of 7 000 years were analyzed in the deep-sea record at the depth of 135 - 95 m (in composition depth) from ODP Site 1143 (9° 22' N, 113° 17' E) in the southern South China Sea. The results show that the pollen influx has a distinct change. During 2.6 - 2.0 Ma B.P., the average value of pollen influx increased evidently compared with that of 3.0 - 2.6 Ma B.P. It shows that the sea level of SCS dropped dramatically around 2.6 Ma B.P., corresponding to the formation of the Northern Hemisphere ice-sheets and the enhancement of the East Asian Monsoon. The pollen influx variations reflect the glacial-interglacial cycles corresponding with the deep-sea oxygen isotope curve and indicate that the sea level of SCS rose and dropped many times after 2.6 Ma B.P. The spectrum analysis results of pollen influx show that there are cycles at 0.1Ma (eccentricity) and 46.9 ka (obliquity) during 3.0 - 2.0 Ma B.P. 展开更多
关键词 pollen influx 3.0 - 2.0 Ma B.P. ODP Site 1143 the South China Sea
Tracking temporal palynofloral changes close to Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary in Deccan volcanic associated sediments of eastern part of central Deccan volcanic province 被引量:1
作者 Bandana Samant D.M.Mohabey 《Global Geology》 2016年第4期205-215,共11页
Deccan volcanic sequences (DYS) in the central Deccan volcanic province (CDYP) are designated as Sahyadri Group having -500 m thick lava pile associated with multiple sedimentary beds at different strati-graphic l... Deccan volcanic sequences (DYS) in the central Deccan volcanic province (CDYP) are designated as Sahyadri Group having -500 m thick lava pile associated with multiple sedimentary beds at different strati-graphic levels. In the eastern part of CDYP between the latitude 19°55-20°25 ′N and the longitudes 78°15-78° 30′E, palynological investigation of the intertrappean sedimentary beds at five stratigraphic levels was carried out. The study was basically aimed for tracking the floral and environmental changes across the Deccan transi-tion. The resulting finds indicate that the intertrappean sediments at the lowest stratigraphic level between the earliest lava flows are characterized by presence of marker Maastrichtian palynomorphs - Gabonisporis vigour- ouxii, Aquilapollenites bengalensis, Azolla cretacea and Farabeipollis associated with triporate and tricolpate pol-len grains, phytoliths of Oryzeae of Poaceae family and peridinoid dinoflagellate cysts. The increasing volcanism deteriorated the existing flora as evident by absence of pollen-spores and presence of only structured biodegraded organic matter, fungal spores, acritarchs and algal (Botryococcus) remains in the sediments of higher-up in the sequence. For chronostratigraphic constraints on the lava flows magnetic polarity of the flows bracketing the in-tertrappean beds was investigated. The results indicated presence of N-R-N-R magnetic polarity in the basal la-va pile that are interpreted as representing the magnetochron C30N to C28R ( Maastrichtian-Paleogene). The floral change begins with the onset of volcanism in the chron C30N and floral deterioration is observed in C29N with increasing volcanism and it is only in the chron C28 R ( Danian) that some evidence of recovery of flora is recorded. The current study shows that in eastern part of CDYP the post Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary erup-tions represent the main phase of eruptions that triggered deterioration of the flora. 展开更多
关键词 Palynofloral changes Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary DECCAN volcanic associated sediments India
南海北部ODP1144站更新世(1.05-0.36Ma)孢粉记录 被引量:1
作者 黄翡 孙湘君 《中国科学(D辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第11期914-920,共7页
根据对南海ODP1144站下段孢粉分析,将其自下而上分为两个孢粉组合带和11个组合亚带.根据松粉、蕨类孢子及草本植物花粉含量的相互消长关系,将PB带进一步划分为11个孢粉组合亚带(PB21-11),分别与深海氧同位素分期相一致(对应MISs2l-11期)... 根据对南海ODP1144站下段孢粉分析,将其自下而上分为两个孢粉组合带和11个组合亚带.根据松粉、蕨类孢子及草本植物花粉含量的相互消长关系,将PB带进一步划分为11个孢粉组合亚带(PB21-11),分别与深海氧同位素分期相一致(对应MISs2l-11期).间冰期孢粉组合以松粉和蕨类孢子含量增加、草本植物花粉含量降低为特征:冰期则相反.间冰期孢粉组合面貌反映其气候与现代相似.各冰期出露的大陆架上生长了以禾本科、莎草科及蒿属为主的草本植物.组合亚带PB12(对应MIS12期)中ArtemisiA花粉含量的增加及高的松粉沉积率值表明此次冰期气候相对干冷,冬季风较强. 展开更多
关键词 孢粉记录 更新世 ODP1144站 南海北部 孢粉组合 孢粉沉积速率
Ultrastructure analysis reveals sporopollenin deposition and nexine formation at early stage of pollen wall development in Arabidopsis 被引量:2
作者 周鹊 朱骏 +1 位作者 崔永兰 杨仲南 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期273-276,I0003,共5页
In angiosperm, pollen wall formation is a critical step for male gametophyte development. Pollen wall constitutes of the outer layer exine and the inner layer intine. Exine is further divided into sexine and nexine. I... In angiosperm, pollen wall formation is a critical step for male gametophyte development. Pollen wall constitutes of the outer layer exine and the inner layer intine. Exine is further divided into sexine and nexine. In Arabidopsis, the general process of pollen wall formation has been reported. However, the nexine formation has not been revealed. Here, we observed the process of pollen wall formation in Arabidopsis thaliana using transmission electron microscope. After callose wall is formed, the primexine is present between plasma membrane and the callose layer in the tetrad. With plasma membrane undulation, sporopollenin precursors accumulated on the peak of undulated membrane which is further developed into probacula. The primexine determines plasma membrane undulation and sporopollenin accumulation based on previous analysis of an undulation-deficient mutant. Some materials obviously different from sporopollenin are filled between the primexine and plasma membrane. These materials cover all the surface of plasma membrane and gradually develop into nexine. After microspore is released from tetrad, the nexine layer is formed and the probacula is further developed into sexine with continued accumulation of sporopollenin. Based on these observations, we proposed a developmental model of early pollen wall formation. 展开更多
关键词 Arabidopsis thaliana Pollen wall formation Exine patterning Primexine Male gametophyte
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