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逐级加荷条件下公路路基沉降变形监测仿真 被引量:6
作者 沈世鑫 张有明 《计算机仿真》 北大核心 2021年第6期88-92,共5页
传统方法未能考虑计算土体固结度与沉降应力,导致公路路基沉降变形监测精准度低、监测效果差,影响公路建设的施工进度。提出逐级条件下公路路基沉降变形监测的方法。首先引入屈服准则构建理想弹塑性本构模型,分析逐级加荷下增量应力的途... 传统方法未能考虑计算土体固结度与沉降应力,导致公路路基沉降变形监测精准度低、监测效果差,影响公路建设的施工进度。提出逐级条件下公路路基沉降变形监测的方法。首先引入屈服准则构建理想弹塑性本构模型,分析逐级加荷下增量应力的途径,使监测更加稳定;采用自动网格划分法对公路路基进行有限单元网格划分,建立有限元分析模型,再通过上述模型得到公路的有限元参数、计算其固结度与沉降应力,再对沉降应力进行变换得到最终沉降量,实现公路路基沉降变形监测。实验对比结果表明,所提方法在实践中有着优秀的实时性、稳定性和准确性,并且拥有良好的监测效果。 展开更多
关键词 有限元分析模型 固结度与沉降应力 屈服准则 弹塑性本构模型 应力应变关系
老填埋场竖向加高扩容工程的沉降计算与分析 被引量:8
作者 王艳明 张乾飞 《环境工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期59-62,共4页
针对老填埋场竖向加高扩容时垃圾堆体沉降机理的特殊性,将老垃圾堆体的沉降分为3部分:主固结沉降、次应力沉降、降解沉降,并研究各部分沉降的计算方法。结合工程实例,对沉降计算公式中有关参数取值进行探讨,并对扩容垃圾荷载作用下原垃... 针对老填埋场竖向加高扩容时垃圾堆体沉降机理的特殊性,将老垃圾堆体的沉降分为3部分:主固结沉降、次应力沉降、降解沉降,并研究各部分沉降的计算方法。结合工程实例,对沉降计算公式中有关参数取值进行探讨,并对扩容垃圾荷载作用下原垃圾堆体的沉降发展趋势进行分析,为扩容工程设计采取相应的沉降控制措施提供了依据。 展开更多
关键词 固体废弃物 老填埋场 竖向加高扩容 沉降计算 应力沉降 降解沉降
新疆黄土地基上建筑物沉降计算的几个问题 被引量:1
作者 马天胜 唐忠义 +2 位作者 王育军 胡友安 张福云 《西部探矿工程》 CAS 2003年第9期35-36,共2页
关键词 建筑物沉降 变形 沉降自重应力 前期固结压力 附加应力 最终沉降
岩土地基自重应力相关问题的探讨 被引量:1
作者 吕天启 陆会清 +1 位作者 杨建华 刘光廷 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第z1期4306-4310,共5页
通过对容重、天然孔隙比和固结沉降量等岩土物理、力学性质指标随深度或自重应力变化而变化的规律的分析,探讨了岩土内部自重应力场的分布规律。结合工程现场荷载试验,并应用Hoek-Brown强度准则,讨论了砂砾软岩极限承载能力及自重应力... 通过对容重、天然孔隙比和固结沉降量等岩土物理、力学性质指标随深度或自重应力变化而变化的规律的分析,探讨了岩土内部自重应力场的分布规律。结合工程现场荷载试验,并应用Hoek-Brown强度准则,讨论了砂砾软岩极限承载能力及自重应力对其极限承载能力的有利影响。结果表明,地壳浅层的岩土自重应力场分布复杂,并存在构造应力场。 展开更多
关键词 岩土力学 容重 孔隙比 固结沉降 自重应力 构造应力
地震活动与煤矿灾害事故关系的思考 被引量:4
作者 陈波 郑文涛 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 2003年第2期366-366,共1页
关键词 地震活动 煤矿灾害事故 相关性 大地构造沉降应力集中带 瓦斯突出 煤突出 构造应力 瓦斯事故 突水事故 顶板事故
PHC刚性管桩基础上的闸首底板内力计算方法 被引量:3
作者 孙保虎 何良德 +2 位作者 何英发 周俊波 谢红 《水道港口》 2014年第1期73-80,共8页
为了合理解决复合桩基上的闸首底板内力简化计算问题,分析复合桩基沉降机理,基于应力与沉降分解法给出桩与桩、桩与土、土与桩和土与土的沉陷系数计算式,结合并列铰接地基梁法建立考虑桩-土-结构共同作用的计算模型。依托高石碑船闸工... 为了合理解决复合桩基上的闸首底板内力简化计算问题,分析复合桩基沉降机理,基于应力与沉降分解法给出桩与桩、桩与土、土与桩和土与土的沉陷系数计算式,结合并列铰接地基梁法建立考虑桩-土-结构共同作用的计算模型。依托高石碑船闸工程实例,通过与查表法的对比验证计算程序的可靠性,研究在不同工况时底板单宽弯矩、沉降、地基反力的变化规律。结果表明,该模型计算的桩土分担比与有限元分析结果接近,计算精度可以满足结构简化分析的需要,能合理反映基桩的根数、以及间距与桩长不规则等因素对底板沉降和内力的影响。运营期相对于完建期而言,地基均处于回弹状态、底板弯矩增量有正负值,可优化调整底板宽缝封闭前边墩浇筑高程、回填土高程,使得运营期出现的正负弯矩接近相等。 展开更多
关键词 船闸 复合桩基 分层地基模型 应力沉降分解法 并列铰接地基梁法
哈大客专四线钢筋混凝土连续刚构设计 被引量:4
作者 项育德 《铁道建筑》 北大核心 2011年第6期21-24,共4页
铁路钢筋混凝土结构的刚构—连续梁因其上部结构高度较低,可以有效地节省桥下空间,适用于线路坡度受一定限制时跨越道路而设。而在铁路枢纽内,股道较多,跨越道路频繁,采用此种桥梁形式较为合理。本文着重介绍了四线并行刚构—连续梁下... 铁路钢筋混凝土结构的刚构—连续梁因其上部结构高度较低,可以有效地节省桥下空间,适用于线路坡度受一定限制时跨越道路而设。而在铁路枢纽内,股道较多,跨越道路频繁,采用此种桥梁形式较为合理。本文着重介绍了四线并行刚构—连续梁下部桩基础计算整体刚度、上部结构外荷载的取值方法,结构内力的计算,各截面的验算和配筋,该设计对于铁路枢纽多线并行跨越道路时的设计孔跨具有一定参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 四线并行 刚构—连续梁 支座沉降附加应力 温度应力 水化热
Response mechanism for widened pavement structure subjected to ground differential settlement 被引量:1
作者 翁效林 崔志方 +1 位作者 宋文佳 马豪豪 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2013年第1期73-78,共6页
By the use of a large-scale ground differential settlement simulator, a full-size model test is performed to study the strain response and the deformation behavior of both the wearing course of asphalt cement and the ... By the use of a large-scale ground differential settlement simulator, a full-size model test is performed to study the strain response and the deformation behavior of both the wearing course of asphalt cement and the base course of cement-stabilized gravel. Moreover, with the differential settlement at the bottom of the pavement structure as the constraint condition, a plane finite element model is established, which is used to study the stress variation of different pavement layers in response to the differential settlement of varying magnitudes. It shows that, under the effects of the ground differential settlement, the wearing course is subjected to the tensile stress while the base course to the compressive stress and the maximum additional tensile stress and compressive stress occur in the area of 1 m from the splicing joint between the new and the old subgrade. Plastic deformation develops in both layers when the ground differential settlement reaches 14 cm. When the differential settlement at the bottom of the pavement goes up to 1 cm, the maximum additional stress in the surface of the base course will reach 0. 28 MPa, which surpasses 0.276 MPa that is specified in the current specifications as the maximum splitting tensile strength for cement-stabilized base material. 展开更多
关键词 widened road full-size model finite element analysis additional stress critical differential settlement
泡沫轻质土在桥台背回填中的应用分析 被引量:1
作者 赵慧清 《低温建筑技术》 2023年第5期49-52,共4页
为解决桥头“跳车”的问题,文中以某桥台背回填为背景,采用数值模拟方法分析了桥台背回填泡沫轻质土后的路面沉降及应力变化规律。分析结果表明采用泡沫轻质土回填桥台背有效地减小了台背回填段的路面沉降和差异沉降,使得最大沉降差的... 为解决桥头“跳车”的问题,文中以某桥台背回填为背景,采用数值模拟方法分析了桥台背回填泡沫轻质土后的路面沉降及应力变化规律。分析结果表明采用泡沫轻质土回填桥台背有效地减小了台背回填段的路面沉降和差异沉降,使得最大沉降差的路面位置向填方路基范围内移动,位移变形能量释放大对应的路面位置其最大剪应力相对较小,加强路基填土、泡沫轻质土及桥台之间的过渡设计有利于进一步协调优化各区段的受力和变形情况。 展开更多
关键词 泡沫轻质土 台背回填 沉降应力 塑性区
采空区上方建筑物的结构设计 被引量:2
作者 刘聪颖 王山 《建筑设计管理》 2010年第5期47-48,共2页
关键词 采空区 冒落带 裂隙带 弯曲 带附加应力沉降
Influence and Control Strategy for Local Settlement for High-Speed Railway Infrastructure 被引量:5
作者 Gaoliang Kang 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第3期374-379,共6页
This paper discusses the main impact factors of the local settlement and differential settlement of high- speed railway lines. The analysis results show that groundwater exploitation is the direct cause of differ- ent... This paper discusses the main impact factors of the local settlement and differential settlement of high- speed railway lines. The analysis results show that groundwater exploitation is the direct cause of differ- ential settlement. Based on the study of ballastless track additional load and of vehicle, track, and bridge dynamic responses under different differential settlements, a control standard of differential settlement during operation is proposed preliminarily. 展开更多
关键词 Local settlement Differential settlement Additional load of ballastless track Vehicle and track dynamics
Geotechnical behavior of uranium mill tailings from Saskatchewan,Canada 被引量:2
作者 Bhuiyan Imteaz Azam Shahid +1 位作者 Khaled Shifullah Landine Patrick 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第3期369-375,共7页
This paper investigates the geotechnical behavior of uranium mill tailings from Saskatchewan, Canada.The 4% tailings were well-graded with 29% fines whereas the 5% and 6% tailings were gap-graded with 49% fines. All s... This paper investigates the geotechnical behavior of uranium mill tailings from Saskatchewan, Canada.The 4% tailings were well-graded with 29% fines whereas the 5% and 6% tailings were gap-graded with 49% fines. All samples exhibited a negligible strength(0.4 k Pa) up to 60% solids, followed by a rapid increase. The 4% tailings exhibited a lower rate and amount of settlement than 5% and 6% tailings. The kidecreased from 10^(-2)to 10^(-4)m/s with a decrease in eifrom 16 to 4 and a decrease in ef from 8 to 4 such that 4% tailings showed one order of magnitude lower values than the 5% and 6%tailings. The settling potential decreased ten times(50%–5%) for 4% tailings and four times(60%–15%)for 5% and 6% tailings. The effective stress increased from 80 to 260 Pa in the settling tests. The 4%tailings were less prone to segregation when compared with 5% and 6% tailings. The average solids content after settling was 35% for 4% tailings, 40% for 5% tailings and 39% for 6% tailings with a solids content deviation of ±3%, ±8%, ±6%, respectively. All materials were essentially non-segregating at 40%initial solids. 展开更多
关键词 Uranium mill tailings Rheology Settling Segregation
新型可调节式支撑在输气场站中的应用研究 被引量:1
作者 王文燕 《化工管理》 2019年第29期16-17,共2页
文章在对天然气输送场站目前常用的管线、设备支撑进行梳理分析的基础上,提出了基于正反螺旋副和四连杆原理的新型可调节式支撑,并通过现场实践或应力分析手段对其可行性进行了论证。新型可调节式支撑的应用将有效缓解设备、管线应力沉... 文章在对天然气输送场站目前常用的管线、设备支撑进行梳理分析的基础上,提出了基于正反螺旋副和四连杆原理的新型可调节式支撑,并通过现场实践或应力分析手段对其可行性进行了论证。新型可调节式支撑的应用将有效缓解设备、管线应力沉降或变形问题。 展开更多
关键词 新型可调节 管线设备支撑 正反螺旋副 四连杆 应力分析 应力沉降 变形
作者 李东超 《科技资讯》 2014年第13期67-67,共1页
关键词 顶板 走向高抽巷 UDEC 应力沉降 层位 选择
Numerical analysis and field monitoring tests on shallow tunnels under weak surrounding rock 被引量:2
作者 刘建华 刘晓明 +1 位作者 张永杰 肖庭 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第10期4056-4063,共8页
The Jianpudong No. 4 tunnel is a shallow tunnel, which belongs to Shaoshan County scenic highway in Hunan province, China and whose surrounding rock is weak. According to its characteristics, the field monitoring test... The Jianpudong No. 4 tunnel is a shallow tunnel, which belongs to Shaoshan County scenic highway in Hunan province, China and whose surrounding rock is weak. According to its characteristics, the field monitoring tests and numerical analysis were done. The mechanical characteristics of shallow tunnels under weak surrounding rock and the stress-strain rule of surrounding rock and support were analyzed. The numerical analysis results show that the settlement caused by upper bench excavating accounts for 44% of the total settlement, and the settlement caused by tunnel upper bench supporting accounts for 56% of the total settlement. The maximum axial force of shotcrete lining is 177.2 k N, which locates in hance under the secondary lining. The maximum moment of shotcrete lining is 5.08 k N·m, which locates in the arch foot. The stress curve of steel arch has three obvious stages during the tunnel construction. The maximum axial force of steel arch is 297.4 k N, which locates in tunnel vault. The axial forces of steel arch are respectively 23.5 k N and-21.8 k N, which is influenced by eccentric compression of shallow tunnel and locates in hance. The results show that there is larger earth pressure in tunnel vault which is most unfavorable position of steel arch. Therefore, the advance support should be strengthened in tunnel vault during construction process. 展开更多
关键词 tunnel engineering shallow tunnel weak surrounding rock numerical analysis field monitoring tests
作者 姜兆元 《内蒙古石油化工》 CAS 2022年第5期36-41,共6页
在对长输天然气管网设备更换维修常见问题进行分析的基础上,提出了基于液压升降以及四连杆原理的可移动多角度支撑平台,通过结构比选、模型设计、有限元分析等方式对其可行性进行了分析,并通过加工制作实物、现场实践应用等方式对其实... 在对长输天然气管网设备更换维修常见问题进行分析的基础上,提出了基于液压升降以及四连杆原理的可移动多角度支撑平台,通过结构比选、模型设计、有限元分析等方式对其可行性进行了分析,并通过加工制作实物、现场实践应用等方式对其实用性进行了验证。可移动多角度支撑平台能够有效缩短设备更换维修时长、降低安全风险,同时能够大大缓解设备、管线应力沉降或变形问题。 展开更多
关键词 可移动多角度支撑平台 液压升降 四连杆原理 设备更换维修 应力沉降变形
作者 王峰 《山西建筑》 2004年第24期24-26,共3页
介绍了近年来砖混结构建筑物裂缝的几种表现形式 ,并结合大量的实例分析 ,着重就不均匀沉降及温度变化引起的裂缝成因作了分析 。
关键词 不均匀沉降 温度应力 建筑物 裂缝
Numerical Modeling of Ground Response during Diaphragm Wall Construction 被引量:20
作者 丁勇春 王建华 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2008年第4期385-390,共6页
Construction of diaphragm wall panels may cause considerable stress changes in heavily overconsol- idated soil deposits and can induce substantial ground movement. The 3D Lagrangian method was adopted to model the mec... Construction of diaphragm wall panels may cause considerable stress changes in heavily overconsol- idated soil deposits and can induce substantial ground movement. The 3D Lagrangian method was adopted to model the mechanical response of ground, including horizontal normal stress and shear stress, lateral ground displacement and vertical ground surface settlement, during the slurry trenching and concreting of diaphragm wall panels. Numerical results show that slurry trenching leads to horizontal stress relief of ground, reducing the horizontal stress of the ground from initial K0 pressure to hydrostatic betonite pressure. Wet concrete pressure lies between the hydrostatic bentonite pressure and the initial K0 pressure, so it can compensate partially the horizontal stress loss of the ground adjacent to the trench and thus reduce the lateral movement of the trench face as well as the vertical settlement of the ground surface. 展开更多
关键词 diaphragm wall slurry trenching stress relief ground surface settlement
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