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作者 毕云天 胡日军 +6 位作者 陈娟娟 李毅 伊兆晗 陈晓磁 朱龙海 尹砚军 刘波 《海洋地质与第四纪地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期15-29,共15页
基于闽北福宁湾及附近海域冬、夏两季水文泥沙实测数据,分析了不同时间尺度下悬沙的粒度特征,探讨了影响悬沙粒度季节差异的主要因素以及悬沙粒度与浓度的关系。结果表明:正常天气下,研究区悬沙中值粒径普遍大于6.5Φ。悬沙粒度具有“... 基于闽北福宁湾及附近海域冬、夏两季水文泥沙实测数据,分析了不同时间尺度下悬沙的粒度特征,探讨了影响悬沙粒度季节差异的主要因素以及悬沙粒度与浓度的关系。结果表明:正常天气下,研究区悬沙中值粒径普遍大于6.5Φ。悬沙粒度具有“冬细夏粗”的季节分布特征;受潮动力影响,悬沙粒度大小潮变化明显;潮周期内悬沙粒径变化规律不明显。悬沙粒级-标准偏差曲线显示两种主要的敏感粒级分布范围为2.8~3.4μm和21.1~25.1μm。悬沙粒度“冬细夏粗”的季节差异主要受底质再悬浮和泥沙来源的影响。冬季悬沙粒径与浓度的相关性不明显,夏季两者存在显著的线性关系,悬沙粒径随悬沙浓度的增加而减小,这种季节差异可能与悬沙来源和混合作用有关。夏季悬沙粒径的粗化可能与细颗粒发生絮凝沉降有关。 展开更多
关键词 沙粒度 时空变化 季节差异 影响因素 福宁湾
长江口最大浑浊带悬沙粒度对流域减沙的响应研究 被引量:3
作者 于上 何青 +1 位作者 陈语 邓智瑞 《泥沙研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期60-67,共8页
通过对比分析1996-2013年的实测水沙资料,研究了长江口最大浑浊带悬沙粒度对流域减沙的响应。流域减沙后浑浊带悬沙粒度细化,全潮垂线平均中值粒径洪季下降20%,其中小潮下降10%~30%,大潮下降10%左右;枯季基本持平,其中小潮下降20%~50%,... 通过对比分析1996-2013年的实测水沙资料,研究了长江口最大浑浊带悬沙粒度对流域减沙的响应。流域减沙后浑浊带悬沙粒度细化,全潮垂线平均中值粒径洪季下降20%,其中小潮下降10%~30%,大潮下降10%左右;枯季基本持平,其中小潮下降20%~50%,但大潮增加20%~90%。悬沙粒度垂向差异增加,表底层粒径差洪季由1.01μm增加至2.30μm;枯季由-0.60μm增加至5.62μm。潮动力对悬沙粒度的影响更显著,减沙前洪枯季大小潮粒径差均小于1μm,减沙后分别增加至1.97μm与7.08μm。减沙后最大浑浊带与南港的悬沙粒径差异变大,由14.4%增加至29.0%;但与口外海域之间差异维持在9%左右。流域减沙后,浑浊带悬沙粒度更接近口外,海域来沙对最大浑浊带悬沙粒度的影响增加,最大浑浊带泥沙来源发生变化,口外供沙特性初现。 展开更多
关键词 长江口 最大浑浊带 沙粒度
杭州湾海域水体悬沙粒度统计分析 被引量:1
作者 茹荣忠 《东海海洋》 2002年第4期13-18,共6页
利用2000年9月在杭州湾进行的原型水文泥沙测验所获取的648个悬沙粒度样品,进行了样品粒度统计分析,结果表明:在杭州湾测验区域,粒径为4.00~20.20μm的悬沙出现频率最高;悬沙的中值粒径值自东向西迅速增大;北岸海域悬沙的中值粒径值大... 利用2000年9月在杭州湾进行的原型水文泥沙测验所获取的648个悬沙粒度样品,进行了样品粒度统计分析,结果表明:在杭州湾测验区域,粒径为4.00~20.20μm的悬沙出现频率最高;悬沙的中值粒径值自东向西迅速增大;北岸海域悬沙的中值粒径值大于南岸海域悬沙的中值粒径值。 展开更多
关键词 沙粒度 中值粒径 时空分布 杭州湾
塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地纵向沙垅表面沙物质粒度特征 被引量:46
作者 李振山 陈广庭 +1 位作者 冯起 董治宝 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSCD 1998年第1期21-28,共8页
本文对塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地纵向沙垅表面沙粒、丘间地沙粒进行了粒度分析。结果表明,沙垅以极细沙为主,平均粒径3.06Φ,沙粒从沙垅迎风侧到背风侧逐渐变细。沙丘沙比丘间地沙分选好,沙垅背风侧比迎风侧分选好。沙粒属极负偏,偏... 本文对塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地纵向沙垅表面沙粒、丘间地沙粒进行了粒度分析。结果表明,沙垅以极细沙为主,平均粒径3.06Φ,沙粒从沙垅迎风侧到背风侧逐渐变细。沙丘沙比丘间地沙分选好,沙垅背风侧比迎风侧分选好。沙粒属极负偏,偏度-0.22,丘间地沙比沙丘沙更趋向负偏。峰度1.38,属尖峰态。粒径与偏度和峰度成正相关,分选和偏度成良好负相关。沙丘沙以单峰态为主,累积频率曲线为2~3段式,丘间地以双峰态为主,累积频率曲线为3~4段。大尺度地形对沙粒段式没有影响,对各段组分含量相对大小有影响。 展开更多
关键词 纵向 粒度参数 累积频率曲线 沙粒度
沙丘形态及表沙粒度特征对风况和地表植被变化的响应 被引量:5
作者 姜吴彬 张德国 杨小平 《中国沙漠》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期120-129,共10页
以毛乌素沙地3种沙丘(新月形沙丘、抛物线形沙丘和反向沙丘)为研究对象,对其形态、表沙粒度特征和区域风况进行了量化分析,探讨了沙丘表沙物理运动过程及其形态对外界条件(风况和地表植被)变化的反馈,揭示了沙丘表沙粒度特征对不同沙丘... 以毛乌素沙地3种沙丘(新月形沙丘、抛物线形沙丘和反向沙丘)为研究对象,对其形态、表沙粒度特征和区域风况进行了量化分析,探讨了沙丘表沙物理运动过程及其形态对外界条件(风况和地表植被)变化的反馈,揭示了沙丘表沙粒度特征对不同沙丘形态的响应机制。结果表明:新月形沙丘表沙平均粒径由迎风坡底部向顶部逐渐变小,分选呈现逐渐变好趋势,但粒径较小和分选较差的表沙样出现在沙丘迎风坡中部。随着地表植被覆盖度的增加,新月形沙丘逐渐向抛物线形沙丘转变,近地表输沙能力和沙丘上风向沙源的供应同样受到限制,致使抛物线形沙丘由迎风坡底部向顶部呈现表沙平均粒径变大,而分选逐渐变好的趋势。毛乌素沙地内季节性风况(春季盛行强劲西北风,夏季盛行较弱东南风)的变化不仅促进了反向沙丘的发育,并且重组了西北盛行风影响下的表沙粒度特征。在夏季反向风风蚀的作用下,沙丘落沙坡顶部出现反向堆积和脊线反向移动的现象,同时其顶部呈现平均粒径由小变大、分选逐渐变好的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 丘形态 沙粒度特征 季节性风况 地表植被覆盖 风力减弱
两种不同配置灌木林防风固沙效益 被引量:8
作者 刘虎俊 袁宏波 +7 位作者 王多泽 刘淑娟 郭春秀 马瑞 李学敏 刘开琳 万翔 李菁菁 《水土保持通报》 CSCD 2017年第3期63-66,74,共5页
[目的]探讨退化梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)林和仿真灌木+梭梭灌木林对风沙流的风速、输沙通量及其沙粒的分布影响,为干旱区退化的防风固沙林功能恢复和建立提供参考。[方法]同时测定不同高度下裸沙地、仿真灌木+梭梭林和梭梭林的风速... [目的]探讨退化梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)林和仿真灌木+梭梭灌木林对风沙流的风速、输沙通量及其沙粒的分布影响,为干旱区退化的防风固沙林功能恢复和建立提供参考。[方法]同时测定不同高度下裸沙地、仿真灌木+梭梭林和梭梭林的风速、输沙通量及其沙粒径,比较分析其风速消减率、输沙通量变化及沙粒度随高度分布。[结果]在风速3.0~8.9m/s范围,仿真灌木+梭梭林内的20cm高度的风速平均削减率达到61.35%。梭梭林的输沙通量是仿真灌木+梭梭林的1.5倍,裸沙地平均输沙通量是仿真灌木+梭梭林输沙通量的4.13倍。梭梭林与仿真灌木+梭梭林的输沙通量随高度变化都呈指数递减,其风沙流含沙量及沙粒度的空间变化在10cm以下较大。[结论]仿真灌木+梭梭林降低了林地风沙流中黏粉粒(≤0.02mm)向空气中输送量,改变了风沙流的沙粒度空间结构,迫使风沙流的输沙集中在较低层。 展开更多
关键词 防风固灌木林结构 流结构 通量 沙粒度
Grain-size Characteristics of Sediment in Daniugou Peatland in Changbai Mountains,Northeast China:Implications for Atmospheric Dust Deposition 被引量:5
作者 BAO Kunshan JIA Lin +1 位作者 LU Xianguo WANG Guoping 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第6期498-505,共8页
The grain-size distribution characteristics and grain-size parameters of sediment in two vertical sections of Daniugou peatland in the Changbai Mountains were systematically investigated.A comparative analysis of the ... The grain-size distribution characteristics and grain-size parameters of sediment in two vertical sections of Daniugou peatland in the Changbai Mountains were systematically investigated.A comparative analysis of the sediment granularity using a discriminative function with Hongyuan peat,red clay,loess-paleosol,fluvial deposit as well as lacustrine deposit was also conducted.It turns out that the vertical section of Daniugou peat ash is primarily constituted by clay and silt particles,and the content of sand is relatively small.Grain-size frequency curves generally show a single-peak modality while a bimodal pattern is detected in the upper layer.The grain-size component and peak pattern of grain-size frequency curves also illustrate that peat ash materials were transported to the peatland by long-range aeolian dust during the deposition process,while there existed short-distance dust influence in peat deposition of the upper layer.Comparisons of grain-size parameters and the discriminative Y-value of Daniugou peat ash with those of typical aeolian sediments show close similarities,suggesting the possibility that atmospheric dust transport processes were involved in the accumulation of peat again.Moreover,the variations of grain-size distribution suggest the local environmental deterioration which is just the driving force of local dust elevation.Grain-size analysis of peatland sediment is demonstrated to be one effective method to extract information about regional and global environmental evolution,and more attention should be paid to current local ecological environment and to seeking a balance between economic development and environmental protection in Northeast China. 展开更多
关键词 GRAIN-SIZE PEATLAND aeolian sediment atmospheric dust deposition Changbai Mountains
Nematode Community Structure and Diversity Pattern in Sandy Beaches of Qingdao,China 被引量:2
作者 HUA Er MU Fanghong +3 位作者 ZHANG Zhinan YANG Shichao ZHANG Ting LI Jia 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2016年第1期33-40,共8页
We investigated the diversity and structure of free-living marine nematode communities at three sandy beaches representing typical intertidal environments of a temperate zone in Qingdao,Shandong Province,China.Average... We investigated the diversity and structure of free-living marine nematode communities at three sandy beaches representing typical intertidal environments of a temperate zone in Qingdao,Shandong Province,China.Average nematode abundance ranged from 1006 to 2170 ind.10 cm-2,and a total of 34 nematode genera were recorded,of which only 8 were common in all the studied beaches.Pielou's evenness and Shannon-Wiener diversity index were the lowest at the second beach where nematode abundance was the highest.The highest species diversity index coincided with the lowest nematode abundance at Shilaoren beach.Sediment median grain size,sorting coefficient,and chlorophyll-a content were essential for differentiation in nematode abundance and species diversity,whereas taxonomic diversity of nematode was homogeneous across the three beaches.In 0–20 cm sediment profile,nematode abundance declined abruptly with depth,whereas nematode diversity changed gently with obvious difference in 16–20 cm layer.Sediment granulometry and chlorophyll-a content were the two foremost factors which influenced the vertical distribution pattern of nematode generic diversity.Non-selective deposit feeders constituted the most dominant trophic group,followed by epistratum feeders.Bathylaimus(family:Tripyloididae) dominated at the second and Yangkou beach,while Theristus(family:Xyalidae) prevailed at Shilaoren beach.Omnivores and predators became important at Shilaoren beach because of the high proportion of Enoplolaimus.Even though,nematode community of the studied beaches did not differ significantly from each other. 展开更多
关键词 vertical distribution BIODIVERSITY taxonomic diversity index trophic structure
Experimental Study of Sediment Incipience Under Complex Flows 被引量:1
作者 LIU Chunrong DENG Liying +1 位作者 HUANG Zhenhua HUHE Aode 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2008年第4期300-306,共7页
Sediment incipience under flows passing a backward-facing step was studied. A series of experiments were conducted to measure scouring depth, probability of sediment incipience, and instantaneous flow velocity field d... Sediment incipience under flows passing a backward-facing step was studied. A series of experiments were conducted to measure scouring depth, probability of sediment incipience, and instantaneous flow velocity field downstream of a backward-facing step. Instantaneous flow velocity fields were measured by using Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), and an image processing method for determining probability of sediment incipience was employed to analyze the experimental data. The experimental results showed that the probability of sediment incipience was the highest near the reattachment point, even though the near-wall instantaneous flow velocity and the Reynolds stress were both much higher further downstream of the backward-facing step. The possible me- chanisms are discussed for the sediment incipience near the reattachment point. 展开更多
关键词 sediment transport local scour complex flows particle image velocimetry sediment incipience
Assessment of total suspended sediment concentrations in Poyang Lake using HJ-1A/1B CCD imagery 被引量:8
作者 于之锋 陈晓玲 +3 位作者 周斌 田礼乔 袁小红 冯炼 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期295-304,共10页
We explored the potential of the environment and disaster monitoring and forecasting small satellite constellations (HJ-1A/1B satellites) charge-coupled device (CCD) imagery (spatial resolution of 30 m, revisit time o... We explored the potential of the environment and disaster monitoring and forecasting small satellite constellations (HJ-1A/1B satellites) charge-coupled device (CCD) imagery (spatial resolution of 30 m, revisit time of 2 days) in the monitoring of total suspended sediment (TSS) concentrations in dynamic water bodies using Poyang Lake, the largest freshwater lake in China, as an example. Field surveys conducted during October 17-26, 2009 showed a wide range of TSS concentration (3-524 mg/L). Atmospheric correction was implemented using the Fast Line-of-sight Atmospheric Analysis of Spectral Hypercubes (FLAASH) module in ENVI with the aid of aerosol information retrieved from concurrent Terra/Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) surveys, which worked well at the CCD bands with relatively high reflectance. A practical exponential retrieval algorithm was created between satellite remote sensing reflectance and in-situ measured TSS concentration. The retrieved results for the whole water area matched the in-situ data well at most stations. The retrieval errors may be related to the problem of scale matching and mixed pixel. In three selected subregions of Poyang Lake, the distribution trend of retrieved TSS was consistent with that of the field investigation. It was shown that HJ-1A/1B CCD imagery can be used to estimate TSS concentrations in Poyang Lake over synoptic scales after applying an appropriate atmospheric correction method and retrieval algorithm. 展开更多
关键词 total suspended sediment HJ-1A/1B CCD atmospheric correction retrieval algorithm Poyang Lake
A quantitative analysis on the sources of dune sand in the Hulun Buir Sandy Land:application of stepwise discriminant analysis (SDA) to the granulometric data 被引量:1
作者 HANGuang ZHANGGuifang YANGWenbin 《Journal of Geographical Sciences》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第2期177-186,共10页
Quantitatively determining the sources of dune sand is one of the problems necessarily and urgently to be solved in aeolian landforms and desertification research. Based on the granulometric data of sand materials fro... Quantitatively determining the sources of dune sand is one of the problems necessarily and urgently to be solved in aeolian landforms and desertification research. Based on the granulometric data of sand materials from the Hulun Buir Sandy Land, the paper employs the stepwise discriminant analysis technique (SDA) for two groups to select the principal factors determining the differences between surface loose sediments. The extent of similarity between two statistical populations can be described quantitatively by three factors such as the number of principal variables, Mahalanobis distance D 2 and confidence level 琢for F-test. Results reveal that: 1) Aeolian dune sand in the region mainly derives from Hailar Formation (Q 3 ), while fluvial sand and palaeosol also supply partially source sand for dunes; and 2) in the vicinity of Cuogang Town and west of the broad valley of the lower reaches of Hailar River, fluvial sand can naturally become principal supplier for dune sand. 展开更多
关键词 Hulun Buir Sandy Land granulometric analysis stepwise discriminant analysis dune sand Hailar Formation fluvial sandy sediments
Features of Sand-dust Deposits in Harbin City,China 被引量:5
作者 XIE Yuanyun ZHANG yan +2 位作者 HE Kui ZHOU Jia KANG Chunguo 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第4期327-333,共7页
From the sedimentologic view, this paper analyses the grain-size distribution and the chemical composition of the deposits from sand-dust storm, occurring in Harbin on March 20, 2002. The result indicates that there e... From the sedimentologic view, this paper analyses the grain-size distribution and the chemical composition of the deposits from sand-dust storm, occurring in Harbin on March 20, 2002. The result indicates that there exist plentiful coarse matters in the sand-dust deposits in Harbin, and the sand-dust composition presents obvious three peak distribution characteristics, indicating that the sand-dust in Harbin is composed of multi-origin components. The grain-size composition consists of silt (4-8Φ), accounting for 71.18% of the total, sand (〉4Φ), 21.70%, and clay (〈8Φ), only 7.13%. The average grain size (Mz) is 5.14Φ. The chemical elements of the deposits are mainly SiO2 and A1203 and Fe203, totally occupying 77.8%. The enrichment factors (EF) of Mg, K, Si, Fe, Mn, P, Ti, Co, Ni and V elements are all about 1, which mainly come fi'om lithosphere source, while parts of Cu, Pb, Zn, Cr and Se elements are from pollution sources out of lithosphere source, and As, Cd and Sb elements are mainly from pollution sources. Based on the comprehensive analysis of grain-size, chemical composition, enrichment factor (EF), discriminant function (DF) and matter source index (PI), this paper points out that the grain-size distribution and element composition of the sand-dust deposits in Harbin are evidently different from the loess and sand-dust in Lanzhou, and that matter source of the sand-dust in Harbin is different from the loess in Northwest China and the sand-dust in Lanzhon. The sand-dust deposits in Harbin are an admixture of coarse grains transmitted in short distance and fine grains transported in long distance. The plentiful coarse grains of the sand-dust deposits in Harbin origin from sand of local spot, and are the near-souroe deposits transported by low altitude airflow. 展开更多
关键词 sand-dust storm grain-size composition chemical composition HARBIN
Laboratory Application of Laser Grain-Size Analyzer in Determining Suspended Sediment Concentration
作者 LIU Xiao FENG Xiuli +1 位作者 LIU Jie LIN Lin 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2014年第3期375-380,共6页
Suspended sediment concentration(SSC) is an important parameter in marine sedimentology. With the development of technology, many acoustic and optical devices, such as the Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry,... Suspended sediment concentration(SSC) is an important parameter in marine sedimentology. With the development of technology, many acoustic and optical devices, such as the Laser In-Situ Scattering and Transmissometry, have been designed to measure in situ SSC and grain size distribution. But due to fund or other restrictions, many experiments were only conducted in laboratory, using an indoor laser grain-size analyzer and gravimetric method to measure grain size distribution and concentration, respectively. In this study the laboratory experiment is simplified by omitting the tiring step of gravimetric method. The connections between SSC and other parameters(obscuration, D50 and sorting index) were investigated based on 124 surface sediment samples collected from different offshore areas. A new method is developed for determining SSC in laboratory using a laser grain-size analyzer. 展开更多
关键词 suspended sediment concentration laser grain-size analyzer grain size parameters OBSCURATION
Characteristics of Suspended Particulate Matter and the Coastal Turbidity Maximum Areas of the Mekong River 被引量:1
作者 Vu Duy Vinh Tran Anh Tu +1 位作者 Tran Dinh Lan Nguyen Ngoc Tien 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2015年第2期67-78,共12页
This paper presents the results of application of a 3D (three-dimensional) numerical model to study on MTZ (maximum turbidity zone) in the coastal zone of Mekong River Delta. In this study, a 3D system model with ... This paper presents the results of application of a 3D (three-dimensional) numerical model to study on MTZ (maximum turbidity zone) in the coastal zone of Mekong River Delta. In this study, a 3D system model with combination of hydrodynamics--wave and suspended sediment transport was set up and validated with measured data in the study area. Based on calculated scenarios for the flood and the dry season, the results have shown appearance of MTZs in the coastal zone of Mekong River with suspended sediment concentration prevalent of 0.04-0.07 kg·m^3 (the dry season) and 0.05-0.1kg·m^3 (the flood season). The position and MTZs scale change with the interaction between fresh water and tidal oscillations. The MTZ occur more in the dry seasons compared to the wet season. The MTZs are prevalent located far away from estuaries about in 12-22 km (in the dry season), and 5-15 km in the flood season. 展开更多
关键词 MODELLING maximum turbidity zone suspended sediment transport Me Kong river coastal area.
近期长江口南支河道洪季含沙量时间变化及床沙再悬浮研究 被引量:6
作者 高敏 李九发 +2 位作者 李占海 姚弘毅 王飞 《长江流域资源与环境》 CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期30-38,共9页
基于2011年洪季在南支河道从小潮至大潮连续8天现场定点观测所获得水沙观测数据(包括潮流、悬沙浓度、悬沙粒度和表层沉积物样品),通过对悬沙浓度、悬沙粒度和沉积物在不同时刻的组成分析,以及流速、悬沙和底床切应力的相互影响分析,对... 基于2011年洪季在南支河道从小潮至大潮连续8天现场定点观测所获得水沙观测数据(包括潮流、悬沙浓度、悬沙粒度和表层沉积物样品),通过对悬沙浓度、悬沙粒度和沉积物在不同时刻的组成分析,以及流速、悬沙和底床切应力的相互影响分析,对长江河口南支河道悬沙随时间变化特性和河床沙再悬浮作用进行了研究。结果表明:观测期间南支主槽下段落潮水动力强于涨潮;落潮悬沙浓度高于涨潮,并由小潮至大潮逐渐增加;落潮悬沙粒径粗于涨潮,并随小潮至大潮不断粗化;河床沉积物颗粒较粗,细砂类组成达到90%以上;流速、悬沙及底床切应力之间存在显著相关性;河床泥沙再悬浮强度较强,其量值有限。而近期研究区域悬沙浓度和水沙关系发生变化,与流域来沙出现锐减有关。 展开更多
关键词 长江河口 浓度 沙粒度 底床切应力 潮流速
科尔沁沙地过去近5000年高分辨率气候演变 被引量:7
作者 赵爽 夏敦胜 +4 位作者 靳鹤龄 温仰磊 柳加波 刘冰 李冠华 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期283-292,共10页
摘要选择位于科尔沁沙地东北缘的六户屯剖面为研究对象,利用7个常规^14C年龄建立了风沙沉积的时间序列,通过对风沙沉积物粒度、CaCO3含量、有机质含量和环境磁学指标的系统分析,重建了科尔沁地区4300~1000cal.aB.P.的气候演化历... 摘要选择位于科尔沁沙地东北缘的六户屯剖面为研究对象,利用7个常规^14C年龄建立了风沙沉积的时间序列,通过对风沙沉积物粒度、CaCO3含量、有机质含量和环境磁学指标的系统分析,重建了科尔沁地区4300~1000cal.aB.P.的气候演化历史。结果显示,4300-3800cal.aB.P.为全新世大暖期末期,是研究区气候最暖湿的时期,且暖湿程度有不断降低的趋势;3800—1700cal.aB.P.为冷干气候期,其中3000cal.aB.P.为气候演变的节点,前期气候由暖湿逐步向冷干过渡,后期冬季风持续强盛,夏季风则逐渐恢复;1700—1000cal.aB.P.为亚暖湿气候期,气候条件相对暖湿,但不及大暖期时期。此外,环境磁学研究发现,磁粒度参数)CARM/X1和ZARm/SIRM可以作为气候代用指标,而常用的磁化率参数在本研究中指示意义不明确。由于原生碎屑磁性矿物已经达到稳定单畴(SSD)粒级,XARM/XH和HARM/SIRM与成壤作用表现为反相关。 展开更多
关键词 气候变化 晚全新世科尔沁地磁粒度
Investigation on very large scale motions(VLSMs) and their influence in a dust storm 被引量:9
作者 ZHENG XiaoJing ZHANG JingHong +2 位作者 WANG GuoHua LIU HongYou ZHU Wei 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第2期306-314,共9页
Based on the real-time synchronous measurements of the wind velocity,temperature,the PM10 concentration at 16 m and 47 m during a dust storm event,in which Reynolds number Re exceeds 6×106,this study reveals the ... Based on the real-time synchronous measurements of the wind velocity,temperature,the PM10 concentration at 16 m and 47 m during a dust storm event,in which Reynolds number Re exceeds 6×106,this study reveals the existence of the very large scale motions(VLSMs) during the stable stage both in the stream velocity and the temperature field at the two heights,whose streamwise scales reach up to 10 times the thickness of the boundary layer.The streamwise velocity and the PM10 concentration display a similar frequency corresponding to the peaks of their energy spectra,which implies that the VLSMs of streamwise flow have a significant role in dust transportation.In contrast,the salient deviations of the PM10 concentration at 47 m from the Gaussian distribution are revealed,which means that 47 m is not in the dust transportation layer,but is a region where the dust transportation layer and the outer flow intersect each other.Analysis demonstrates that the energy spectra of the PM10 concentrations at 16 m and 47 m display the "-1" scaling law feature,which has the same frequency range(0.001-0.1 Hz) as that of the wind velocity.This provides a new paradigm for the existence of the self-similarity scaling region in turbulent flow. 展开更多
关键词 high-Reynolds turbulence dust storm very large scale motions power spectrum field observation
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