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井式消能在弥沙河二级水电站溢流冲沙道中的应用 被引量:2
作者 邱勇 张红光 《中国农村水利水电》 北大核心 2001年第5期47-48,共2页
通过弥沙河二级水电站溢流冲沙道的消能设计 ,说明了在限于工程所处地形、地质条件而无法采用常规消能形式的水利水电工程中 ,井式消能也是一种可行的。
关键词 井式消能 溢流冲沙道 水电站
读中悟情韵 赏中品意境——辛弃疾《西江月 夜行黄沙道中》教学设计 被引量:1
作者 卑长峰 《文理导航》 2015年第7期9-9,共1页
《西江月夜行黄沙道中》是辛弃疾中年时代退闲上饶农村时所作。笔者在教授这一首词时,引导学生带着感情读,在朗读中赏析,最后感悟这首词的情感和意境。一、背词,回顾作者概况同学们,还记得《清平乐村居》吗?"茅檐低小,溪上青青草……... 《西江月夜行黄沙道中》是辛弃疾中年时代退闲上饶农村时所作。笔者在教授这一首词时,引导学生带着感情读,在朗读中赏析,最后感悟这首词的情感和意境。一、背词,回顾作者概况同学们,还记得《清平乐村居》吗?"茅檐低小,溪上青青草……"师生齐背。这首描绘农村生活的词作者是谁还记得吗?(辛弃疾)对于辛弃疾你了解多少?学生各抒己见。 展开更多
关键词 西江月 首词 沙道 词作者 清平乐 青青草 鸣蝉 乌鹊 豪放词 稼轩
作者 熊西林 《云南电力技术》 2010年第6期92-94,共3页
关键词 电站 大坝 沙道 裂缝处理
作者 蔡申 《宁夏师范学院学报》 1984年第1期74-75,共2页
《西江月》(夜行黄沙道中)是辛弃疾十多首农村词中写得十分出色的一首。“明月别枝惊鹊,清风半夜鸣蝉。稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片。七八个星天外,两三点雨山前。旧时茆店社林边。路转溪桥忽见。”作者用简洁的白描手法,仅仅八句、五... 《西江月》(夜行黄沙道中)是辛弃疾十多首农村词中写得十分出色的一首。“明月别枝惊鹊,清风半夜鸣蝉。稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片。七八个星天外,两三点雨山前。旧时茆店社林边。路转溪桥忽见。”作者用简洁的白描手法,仅仅八句、五十个字、就把我们带进了一个令人神往的境界:明彻的月光使得枝头的鹊儿惊栖不定,半夜清风引来了阵阵蝉鸣。字面上是“惊”、是“鸣”,给我们的感觉却是:夜,多么幽静,多么安谧啊. 展开更多
关键词 西江月 沙道 鸣蝉 七八 林边 白描手法 行黄 稻花香 雨山 辛词
作者 孙培烈 《四川水利》 1989年第1期28-31,共4页
关键词 水电站 沙道 抗磨保护
大港油田储集层河道砂体内部构型研究 被引量:18
作者 窦松江 孙超囡 +1 位作者 张艳君 孔令江 《新疆石油地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期284-286,共3页
以黄骅坳陷港西开发区明化镇曲流河储集层为例,探讨了河道砂体内部构型分析方法。研究了曲流河道砂体内点坝分布模式及规模、废弃河道及点坝的识别标志,以及点坝内部构型定量分布模式。进一步研究了侧积层倾向、倾角及侧积体宽度,并在... 以黄骅坳陷港西开发区明化镇曲流河储集层为例,探讨了河道砂体内部构型分析方法。研究了曲流河道砂体内点坝分布模式及规模、废弃河道及点坝的识别标志,以及点坝内部构型定量分布模式。进一步研究了侧积层倾向、倾角及侧积体宽度,并在单井泥质侧积层解释的基础上,以点坝内部构型为指导,结合动态分析,对泥质侧积层的井间分布进行了预测。 展开更多
关键词 黄骅坳陷 河流相 储集层 沙道沉积 砂岩体
作者 《中国航天》 1981年第8期23-32,共10页
世界上最先发射巡航导弹的是苏联海军,研制该导弹的主要目的是为了对付美国海军的两栖作战部队。事情要从斯大林时代谈起,斯大林最怕两栖作战部队。这支部队赶走了北非的沙漠之狐鲁迈勒。从南意大利登陆,一举击败了法西斯的鼻祖——墨... 世界上最先发射巡航导弹的是苏联海军,研制该导弹的主要目的是为了对付美国海军的两栖作战部队。事情要从斯大林时代谈起,斯大林最怕两栖作战部队。这支部队赶走了北非的沙漠之狐鲁迈勒。从南意大利登陆,一举击败了法西斯的鼻祖——墨索里尼。在诺曼底海岸雪了敦刻尔克之耻。斯大林担心这支部队有朝一日会出现在波罗的海和黑海。因而提出了对抗两栖作战部队的计划。 展开更多
关键词 反舰导弹 导弹系统 两栖作战 核战斗部 沙漠之狐 墨索里尼 反潜导弹 命中精度 远程导弹 沙道
Comparative Study of PCR Kits with Cell Culture and LCR in the Detection of Chlamydia Trachomatis Infections
作者 王宝玺 朱学骏 +7 位作者 倪安平 叶顺章 乐嘉豫 郑和义 刘全忠 王千秋 汤全贵 秦俭 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2004年第1期15-19,63,共6页
Objective: To determine the diagnostic performancesof six Chinese PCR kits for detection of Chlamydiatrachomatis in patients with sexually transmitteddiseases using cell culture and LCR as references.Methods: Endocerv... Objective: To determine the diagnostic performancesof six Chinese PCR kits for detection of Chlamydiatrachomatis in patients with sexually transmitteddiseases using cell culture and LCR as references.Methods: Endocervical or urethral swab specimenswere collected from 673 patients attending STDclinics in Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing and Tianjin. C.trachomatis culture and PCR were performed onspecimens from all patients while LCR detection wasperformed only on specimens with discordant cultureand PCR results.Results: Of the 616 patients, 6.3% (39) wereculture-positive while 23.5% to 28.7% were positiveby PCR testing. Compared to cell culture, the sensi-tivity of all six PCR methods was 90% or higher. In200 cases with discrepant reports, LCR and PCRshowed excellent consistency (YI index: 0.523-0.881 ), the sensitivity and specificity of PCR methodswere 83.9%- 98.6% and 66.7%- 94.7% respectively,while PCR2 showed the highest YI index (0.881). Withthe reference standard defined as culture positive orLCR positive plus at least one PCR positive fordiscrepant results, we found that the specificity andsensitivity of all six Chinese PCR kits were higherthan 95% and 85%, respectively.Conclusions: Domestically-produced PCR kits forChlamydia trachomatis detection are highly sensi-tive and specific, however, quality control remainsimportant in their clinical application. 展开更多
关键词 chlamydia trachomatis PCR DIAGNOSIS
作者 钟辛 《今日中国》 1989年第11期50-50,共1页
广東普寧縣城流沙是一座服裝城,方圓三公里的城區內,不管是老街道,還是新建成的街道,都有經營服裝的商場、店舖。一些主要街道上的服装店,更是一户挨一戶,令人目不暇接。據統計,全城現有經營服装的商場、門店、攤檔一千五百多家,從業人... 广東普寧縣城流沙是一座服裝城,方圓三公里的城區內,不管是老街道,還是新建成的街道,都有經營服裝的商場、店舖。一些主要街道上的服装店,更是一户挨一戶,令人目不暇接。據統計,全城現有經營服装的商場、門店、攤檔一千五百多家,從業人員近四千。坐落在縣城新河西的服裝市場,主要是由僑眷、僑屬集資興建的,擁有八百多個攤檔,面積三萬多平方米。这里,按季節分,有夏装、秋装、冬装:按價格分,有高、中、低档:按式样分,有西装、套裝、便裝、童装……還兼營布料及頭巾、襪子、鈕扣、胸针等服裝配套商品數千种。據悉,这里的服装大都以批量銷售为主, 展开更多
关键词 服装市场 按季 胸针 服装城 服装加工 五百 令人 商阪 三云 沙道
作者 陈洪杰 《江苏教育(小学教学)》 2016年第5期1-1,共1页
在进行"全课程"实验的北京亦庄实验小学,笔者见过两堂"最糟糕"的课。二年级"美术课"(如果这还能叫美术课的话),只有一个环节:孩子们每人领到一块白色画布,然后选一种颜色将它涂满。,美术老师只是提醒有... 在进行"全课程"实验的北京亦庄实验小学,笔者见过两堂"最糟糕"的课。二年级"美术课"(如果这还能叫美术课的话),只有一个环节:孩子们每人领到一块白色画布,然后选一种颜色将它涂满。,美术老师只是提醒有的孩子画布边上还有些空白。另一堂"体育课"也让人大跌眼镜:35分钟,孩子们只是在沙道里自由玩耍。老师呢?和孩子们一起玩儿!即便我们一再降低对美术、体育的教学要求,但没有创设情境,没有导入,没有多媒体,甚至没有教学环节的课,那还不糟糕吗? 展开更多
关键词 美术课 美术老师 沙道 教学环节 北京亦庄 项目学习 动物词汇 儿童漫画 分科教学 金子美铃
作者 朱纯宣 苏晓云 傅瑞满 《畜牧市场》 1993年第3期190-192,共3页
在改革开放的大潮中,鄂西州于1992年起,先后创办了10个农业综合开发试验区。1年多来,各试验区在改革开放、搞活经济方面。做了大量卓有成效的工作,取得了显著成绩,经济获得超常规发展。据统计,农村经济总收入人平达到903.9元,比上年增长... 在改革开放的大潮中,鄂西州于1992年起,先后创办了10个农业综合开发试验区。1年多来,各试验区在改革开放、搞活经济方面。做了大量卓有成效的工作,取得了显著成绩,经济获得超常规发展。据统计,农村经济总收入人平达到903.9元,比上年增长26.1%,比全州平均增长速度高18.4个百分点,增长最快的达到77.2%;人平纯收入355.8元,比上年净增116.2元,比全州平均数高75.8元,其中沙道区人平增收达256.53元,板桥区达220.22元; 展开更多
关键词 农业综合开发 常规发展 人平纯收入 农村经济 沙道 州于 平均增长速度 经济作物面积 山区开发 经济开发
作者 黄银洲 刘央 +1 位作者 孙治 王乃昂 《中国历史地理论丛》 北大核心 2024年第1期91-98,共8页
区域交通线路是理解区域开发及空间联系的关键。唐代沙州和瓜州两地间的交通线路长期以来部分驿址定位不够精确。通过地理环境分析及各驿址位置的历史记载,可确定沟北古城为唐代瓜沙间的阶亭驿址,西沙窝三号古城为甘草驿址。在两处驿址... 区域交通线路是理解区域开发及空间联系的关键。唐代沙州和瓜州两地间的交通线路长期以来部分驿址定位不够精确。通过地理环境分析及各驿址位置的历史记载,可确定沟北古城为唐代瓜沙间的阶亭驿址,西沙窝三号古城为甘草驿址。在两处驿址之间,新发现古城遗址一处,进一步证实了交通线路的存在,而巴州二号古城极有可能作为新井驿使用。这几处驿址的定位,为理解该区的历史环境变化提供了新视角,有助于深化对汉唐时期瓜沙间交通地理问题的认识。 展开更多
关键词 沙道 阶亭驿 新井驿 敦煌 沙州 瓜州
Numerical simulation of bed degradation in alluvial channels
作者 Khalil I.Othman 汪德罐 陈界仁 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第4期392-397,共6页
A numerical model to simulate the bed degradation process in a straight alluvial channel with respect to time and distance is introduced. The simulation takes into account the effect of non uniformity of the bed ma... A numerical model to simulate the bed degradation process in a straight alluvial channel with respect to time and distance is introduced. The simulation takes into account the effect of non uniformity of the bed material, and variations in the dimension of bed forms. The model predicts the changes in the grain size distribution with the time and space during degradation process. The numerical model proposes that the armoring process in degrading channels does not depend only on hydraulic characteristics of the flow but also on variation in the grain size distribution of sediments on the bed. The model was applied and compared with the results obtained from experiments conducted in 24 m recirculating flume for two sizes of sand; a good agreement was found between observed and calculated values. 展开更多
关键词 DEGRADATION armoring numerical model
Comparative analysis of intestinal microbial community diversity between healthy and orally infected ducklings with Salmonella enteritidis by ERIC-PCR 被引量:8
作者 Sheng-Yan Cao Ming-Shu Wang +9 位作者 An-Chun Cheng Xue-Feng Qi Xiao-Yan Yang Shu-Xuan Deng Nian-Chun Yin Zhen-Hua Zhang Deng-Chun Zhou De-Kang Zhu Qi-Hui Luo Xiao-Yue Chen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第7期1120-1125,共6页
AIM: To analyze the difference of intestinal microbial community diversity between healthy and (S. enteritidis) orally infected ducklings.METHODS: Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus (ERIC)-PCR was applied... AIM: To analyze the difference of intestinal microbial community diversity between healthy and (S. enteritidis) orally infected ducklings.METHODS: Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus (ERIC)-PCR was applied to analyze the intestinal microbial community diversity and dynamic change including duodenum, jejunum, ileum, cecum and rectum from healthy ducklings and 7-day-old ducklings after oral infection with S. enteritidis at different time points.RESULTS: The intestinal microbial community of the control healthy ducklings was steady and the ERIC-PCR band numbers of the control healthy ducklings were the least with rectum and were the most with caecum. ERIC-PCR bands of orally inoculated ducklings did not obviously change until 24 h after inoculation (p.i.). The numbers of the ERIC-PCR bands gradually decreased from 24 h to 72 h p.i., and then, with the development of disease, the band numbers gradually increased until 6 d p.i. The prominent bacteria changed because of S. enteritidis infection and the DNAstar of staple of ERIC-PCR showed that aerobe and facultative aerobe (Escherichia coli, Shigella, Salmonella) became preponderant bacilli in the intestine of orally infected ducklings with SE.CONCLUSION: This study has provided significant data to clarify the intestinal microbial community diversity and dynamic change of healthy and S. enteritidis orally infected ducklings, and valuable insight into the pathogenesis of S. enteritidis infection in both human and animals. 展开更多
关键词 ERIC-PCR Salmonella enteritidis Salmonella enteritidis infected ducklings Intestinal microbial communities
The analysis on reservoir sediment deposition and downstream river channel scouring after impoundment and operation of TGP 被引量:1
作者 Lu Jinyou Huang Yue Wang Jun 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2011年第3期113-120,共8页
According to the measured data after impoundment and operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir,the reservoir sediment deposition and downstream river channel scouring are described briefly and compared with the research... According to the measured data after impoundment and operation of the Three Gorges Reservoir,the reservoir sediment deposition and downstream river channel scouring are described briefly and compared with the research results achieved in the demonstration stage.It is indicated through analysis that the reservoir sediment deposition and downstream river channel scouring during 8-year impoundment and operation are still within the original forecast,so the original forecasting results are feasible.The further observation and comparison should be conducted because the comparison between the observed data and the original forecast is not so sufficient in time and the prototype observation and related research work should be strengthened in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Three Gorges Project (TGP) trial impoundment reservoir sediment deposition downstream river channel scouring
Characteristics of modern sedimentation in Qingdao bays
作者 陈正新 Paul Huang +3 位作者 黄海燕 董贺平 李少泉 李春 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期683-696,共14页
With available survey data and 237surface sediment samples,the modern sedimentation in Qingdao bays is studied.The research result shows that the east area is shallower(16.4 m) than that in the west(45.8 m).The geogra... With available survey data and 237surface sediment samples,the modern sedimentation in Qingdao bays is studied.The research result shows that the east area is shallower(16.4 m) than that in the west(45.8 m).The geography was formed by a symmetric wave in a sequence of bank-offshore depression-platform-tidal channel-platform-offshore depression-foreshore from south to north.Flood sedimentary systems were formed from inlet of the Jiaozhou Bay in the west to the barrier bar in the east.Lateral sedimentation includes mainly tidal current ridges in two tidal channels.Gravel sandy sediments formed by wave lie in midland of from seashore to wave base.Dynamic functions are mainly tide and wave.Tidal current moves sediment in vertical and horizontal directions,sorting sediments and providing materials for coastwise beaches.The sources of sediment are mainly from eroded headland rocks.In general,grain sizes in this area from the inlet of the Jiaozhou Bay in the west(120°17') to the barrier bar outside in the east(120°35') are coarse-fine-coarse,forming gravel-gravelly sand(G-S),sand(S),gravel clay silt(G-YT),clay silt(YT),gravelly silty sand(G-TS),silty sand(TS),gravelly sandy silt(G-ST),and sandy silt(ST) in turn. 展开更多
关键词 Qingdao bays surface sediments tidal current ridges sedimentary dynamics
Long-Term Impact of Extra Sediment on Notches and Incised Meanders in the Hoshe River, Taiwan
作者 Su-Chin CHEN Chun-Hung WU +1 位作者 Yi-Chiung CHAO Pei-Yu SHIH 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第5期716-723,共8页
The extra sediment load induced by typhoons and rainstorms in the Heshe River, Taiwan, are the principal reason for severe sediment-related disasters. The total sediment load during Typhoon Morakot in 9009 was 31 x lo... The extra sediment load induced by typhoons and rainstorms in the Heshe River, Taiwan, are the principal reason for severe sediment-related disasters. The total sediment load during Typhoon Morakot in 9009 was 31 x lo6 m3, accounting for 95% of the annual sediment discharge. Large amounts of sediment load entered the Hoshe River, causing the braiding index (BI) to increase. Subsequently, the BI became positively correlated with the channel width in the Hoshe River. The specific typhoon and rainstorm events decreased after Typhoon Morakot, the sediment input decreased, inducing the fluvial morphology of the braided river to develop into a meandering river. The extra sediment load induced the deposition depth to increase and produce a headward deposition in the main channel and its tributaries. In addition, the river bend and the topographical notch restrained the sediment from moving downstream and being stored locally, indirectly increasing the erosion density of the river banks from 2.5 to lo.5 times. 展开更多
关键词 Extra sediment load River morphology Braiding index
Drying of Fish Sardines in Oman Using Solar Tunnel Dryers
作者 M. A. Basunia H. H. AI-Handali M. I. AI-Balushi M. S. Rahman O. Mahgoub 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第1期108-114,共7页
This paper deals with the design, construction and performance evaluation procedure of a solar tunnel dryer in drying fish. A 12 meter long and 2 meter width half-circled tunnel was designed and constructed to dry abo... This paper deals with the design, construction and performance evaluation procedure of a solar tunnel dryer in drying fish. A 12 meter long and 2 meter width half-circled tunnel was designed and constructed to dry about 50-100 kg of freshly harvested fishes per batch. The half of the tunnel base was used as the flat plate air heating solar collector and the remaining half as a dryer. The drying air was forced from the collector region (north side) to the drying region (south side) of the half circled tunnel where the product is to be dried. The drying temperature could be easily raised by some 5-30 ℃ above the ambient temperature inside the tunnel at an air velocity of approximately 0.2 m/sec. The test was conducted with 51.5 kg freshly harvested sardines (hall-load) with initial moisture content of 66.5% (wet-basis) to analyze the performance of the dryer. The fishes were dried to a final average moisture content of 15.5% (wet-basis) within three days (30 hours). It was possible to reach the moisture content level for safe storage within less than three days (30 hrs) with solar tunnel dryer and 7 days in open air natural sun drying. The improvement in the quality of fishes in terms of color, brightness, flavor, and taste and food value was distinctly recognized. 展开更多
关键词 DRYING fish sardines solar tunnel dryer moisture content.
manClinical Study on Infection of Chlamydia Trachomatis in Patients with Inflammation of Urogenital Tract
作者 钟安 王玉霞 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2002年第2期55-56,共2页
Object: To investigate the relationship between chlamydiatrachomatis (CT) and urogenital infection. Method Positive rate of CT in patients with inflammationof urogenital tract was significantly higher than those witho... Object: To investigate the relationship between chlamydiatrachomatis (CT) and urogenital infection. Method Positive rate of CT in patients with inflammationof urogenital tract was significantly higher than those withoutinflammation(P<0.05). Result: There was statistical difference in the males nomatter they were patients with inflammation of urogenitaltract or not (P>H0.05), while there was no statistical differencein females (P>0.05). The incidence of the infection was highamong those aging from 21-50 years old. Conclusion: The clinical manifestations of CT infectionwere obscure, so we should examine CT in patients who haveno symptoms, especially in females and those of high-riskpopulation. 展开更多
关键词 Chlamydia trachomatis(CT) Urogenital tract IMMUNOASSAY
Inhibition of Urogenital Chlamydia Trachomatis in Vitro by 12 Diuretic Traditional Chinese Medicines
作者 李建军 涂裕英 +1 位作者 佟菊贞 汪培士 《Chinese Journal of Sexually Transmitted Infections》 2002年第1期38-40,共3页
Objective: To detect the inhibition of urogenitalchlamydia trachomatis (CT) by 12 traditional Chinesemedicines in vitro.Methods: The inhibition of CT isolates by these medicineswas detected by micro-culture technique ... Objective: To detect the inhibition of urogenitalchlamydia trachomatis (CT) by 12 traditional Chinesemedicines in vitro.Methods: The inhibition of CT isolates by these medicineswas detected by micro-culture technique with McCoy cellsin vitro. Results: All the diuretic traditional Chinese medicinesinhibited urogenital CT The minimum inhibitoryconcentrations (MICs) ranged from 0.122 mg ml^(-1) to 62.5mg ml^(-1). Diathus superbus L., Poria cocos (Shew.) Woft,Polyporus umbellatus (Pers.) Fries, and Artemisia capillariesThunb showed stronger inhibition than the other eighttraditional Chinese medicines. The numbers and sizes ofinclusions bodies reduced gradually and disappeared finallywith the increase of the concentrations. Conclusion: All the 12 diuretic traditional Chinesemedicines inhibited urogenital CT. 展开更多
关键词 Diuretic traditional Chinese medicines chlamydia trachomatis nongonococcal urethritis drug sensitivity assay
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