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淮安市汪木排河河道治理工程方案比选及河坡稳定分析 被引量:5
作者 朱潇潇 庄梦如 +2 位作者 王霄 陈敏 张宇蘅 《水科学与工程技术》 2022年第1期22-27,共6页
淮安市汪木排河河道治理工程是改善水生态、提升水环境、提高沿线居民生活水平的迫切需要。现对河道工程设计中疏浚方案和护坡方案进行对比分析,择取最优的施工方案,并运用瑞典圆弧法对各段河坡做了稳定性计算。结果表明:疏浚方案采用... 淮安市汪木排河河道治理工程是改善水生态、提升水环境、提高沿线居民生活水平的迫切需要。现对河道工程设计中疏浚方案和护坡方案进行对比分析,择取最优的施工方案,并运用瑞典圆弧法对各段河坡做了稳定性计算。结果表明:疏浚方案采用“局部河段向下扩挖,其余河段适当扩挖法”可有效减少施工矛盾;护砌方案采用“联锁式混凝土护坡方案”,并在常水位上下分别选用“实心式”和“植草式”混凝土护坡能实现利益最大化;稳定性计算结果显示在各工况下,断面河坡稳定性均满足规范要求。 展开更多
关键词 汪木排 方案比选 综合治理 河坡稳定性 瑞典圆弧法
作者 孔扣明 罗列 +1 位作者 孙继明 芮根华 《上海农业科技》 2002年第3期88-88,79,共2页
关键词 高沙土河坡 新型护 植被模式
河坡电厂410t/h锅炉降低飞灰可燃物的对策 被引量:1
作者 任月平 《山西电力》 2003年第4期55-57,共3页
以河坡发电有限责任公司 41 0 t/h锅炉为例 ,介绍降低飞灰可燃物的原因分析 。
关键词 河坡电厂 410T/H锅炉 飞灰可燃物 燃烧
作者 余小鹏 谢闯 +1 位作者 何军保 沈金荣 《江苏水利》 2014年第11期11-12,14,共3页
疏浚穿越城镇河道时,为了保证河道既有足够的过水断面又保证所穿越地面附作物不产生较大的拆迁,受地面条件的影响,通常在正常水位以下采用直立式挡土墙与坡面连接。接线土坡面所在平面位置尺寸不同,其与直立式挡土墙所形成的夹角(β)也... 疏浚穿越城镇河道时,为了保证河道既有足够的过水断面又保证所穿越地面附作物不产生较大的拆迁,受地面条件的影响,通常在正常水位以下采用直立式挡土墙与坡面连接。接线土坡面所在平面位置尺寸不同,其与直立式挡土墙所形成的夹角(β)也不一样。提出β角控制范围以确保坡面与挡土墙之间的安全,通过对挡土墙与河坡连接产生滑动的实例进行具体分析,计算出相关数据,为今后类似工程的实施提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 挡土墙 河坡 滑动 分析
作者 杨勇 苏崇峰 《治淮》 1999年第1期31-32,共2页
一、徐洪河工程概况 徐洪河工程于1976年经省计委批准实施,1978年列为部商项目,1981年停缓建,1990、1991两年又进行了徐洪河续建,共完成土方8700万m^3,总计投资4.4亿元,于1993年6月全部建成并发挥效益。该河起源于房亭河的荆山引河口,... 一、徐洪河工程概况 徐洪河工程于1976年经省计委批准实施,1978年列为部商项目,1981年停缓建,1990、1991两年又进行了徐洪河续建,共完成土方8700万m^3,总计投资4.4亿元,于1993年6月全部建成并发挥效益。该河起源于房亭河的荆山引河口,至洪泽湖全长187km,流域面积12400km^2,沿线兴建了沙集闸站、单集闸站、大庙站梯级工程。 展开更多
关键词 河坡稳定 防护措施 徐洪
作者 孙永明 杨俊兵 王艳秋 《江苏水利》 2015年第B12期60-61,共2页
泰州引江河第二期工程河道疏浚采用绞吸式挖泥船与水上挖掘机相结合的方法施工。运用传统的水下河坡整理方法施工时,由于不可视,随意性大,精度差,易漏挖,3D挖掘机引导系统的使用使水下河坡整理变为可视,大大提高了整坡精度,避免... 泰州引江河第二期工程河道疏浚采用绞吸式挖泥船与水上挖掘机相结合的方法施工。运用传统的水下河坡整理方法施工时,由于不可视,随意性大,精度差,易漏挖,3D挖掘机引导系统的使用使水下河坡整理变为可视,大大提高了整坡精度,避免了漏挖现象,提高了施工效率。 展开更多
关键词 挖掘机引导系统 河坡整理 应用
河道植被护坡技术 被引量:24
作者 孙宇 《水科学与工程技术》 2005年第1期34-36,共3页
植被在与近地面大气、水流、土壤和其它要素的相互作用中表现出特定的水文机械效应和生态效应,从而能够有效的控制侵蚀。植被护坡因其特殊的作用机理相对于传统的护坡工程有着很多优势。只要遵循科学的设计原则,合理的选择护坡技术,使... 植被在与近地面大气、水流、土壤和其它要素的相互作用中表现出特定的水文机械效应和生态效应,从而能够有效的控制侵蚀。植被护坡因其特殊的作用机理相对于传统的护坡工程有着很多优势。只要遵循科学的设计原则,合理的选择护坡技术,使植被与河坡等要素能尽快融合成一个生态的护坡系统,并能与周围的生态系统和谐共存,就能实现对河坡的生态保护。 展开更多
关键词 河坡 植被 设计原则 工程 生态效应
基于河长——坡降指数的滑坡堵江事件自动识别 被引量:3
作者 王珊珊 童立强 +1 位作者 郭兆成 贺鹏 《工程地质学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期511-519,共9页
由于本身特征的复杂差异性和背景环境信息干扰,目前地质灾害自动识别难度较大,尚无法满足应用需求。利用算法自动提取某类地质灾害普遍具备且明显区别于周围地物的特征,是实现地质灾害自动识别的有效途径。一定规模的滑坡堵江事件常通... 由于本身特征的复杂差异性和背景环境信息干扰,目前地质灾害自动识别难度较大,尚无法满足应用需求。利用算法自动提取某类地质灾害普遍具备且明显区别于周围地物的特征,是实现地质灾害自动识别的有效途径。一定规模的滑坡堵江事件常通过链式过程在山间河谷形成裂点等诸多微地貌特征,成为其遥感解译和现场调查的重要标志。本文从河流地貌演化角度出发,以河流裂点作为滑坡堵江的普遍地貌特征,提出了基于河长-坡降指数(Stream Length-gradient index,SL)的滑坡堵江事件自动识别方法,并通过GIS程序设计和编写提供了相应功能模块。以DEM、遥感影像和区域地质图为数据源,利用该方法在西藏亚东县康布麻曲上游流域开展应用分析,得到以下结论:针对1︰5万DEM数据,采样点计算间隔设定为300m比较合理,能够同时满足降低数据误差和突出地形差异的要求;研究区中不同因素按照对河流地貌的改造程度,排序为滑坡堵江>基岩变化>构造活动;经验证研究区滑坡堵江事件自动提取的正确率达85.71%,表明在高山峡谷地区,基于河长—坡降指数开展滑坡堵江事件自动识别具有可行性,效果理想。 展开更多
关键词 堵江 裂点 Hack剖面 长-降指数(SL) 数字高程模型(DEM)
作者 周权保 《沿海企业与科技》 2007年第7期126-127,130,共3页
关键词 堤岸 地质特征 成因
作者 屈婕 《上海环境科学》 2021年第5期221-223,共3页
调查了海南省琼中县内乘坡河流域的污染源及水文参数,基于水环境质量监测数据,结合水环境功能区划的水质目标和琼中县产业发展战略,运用水环境容量核算模型计算了琼中县乘坡河流域化学需氧量和氨氮的理想水环境容量和剩余水环境容量。... 调查了海南省琼中县内乘坡河流域的污染源及水文参数,基于水环境质量监测数据,结合水环境功能区划的水质目标和琼中县产业发展战略,运用水环境容量核算模型计算了琼中县乘坡河流域化学需氧量和氨氮的理想水环境容量和剩余水环境容量。调查及计算结果表明,农村生活和农业种植等活动是乘坡河流域主要水环境污染物来源,目前乘坡河流域理想环境容量较大,剩余水环境容量空间较大。建议将污水集中收集处理、农村非点源水环境污染物排放监管作为后续水污染防治工作重点。 展开更多
关键词 琼中县 水环境容量 水质测算模型
作者 楚力 《中国科技财富》 2010年第10期203-204,共2页
北京市玉渊潭公园西桥为一座跨河桥梁,其中1#、2#墩位于河道中,采用桩膜围堰施工措施,中间导流方式,既可以保证河道调水要求,还能减少对河流的污染;桩基承台基坑开挖、回填,需要考虑河底防渗处理及后期恢复,导流槽上部采用工字... 北京市玉渊潭公园西桥为一座跨河桥梁,其中1#、2#墩位于河道中,采用桩膜围堰施工措施,中间导流方式,既可以保证河道调水要求,还能减少对河流的污染;桩基承台基坑开挖、回填,需要考虑河底防渗处理及后期恢复,导流槽上部采用工字钢门架上跨方式进行施工。 展开更多
关键词 倒流槽 工字钢 湖边及地基处理 模板脚手架预压
作者 王冬 《今日科苑》 2008年第8期91-91,共1页
关键词 环城水系 清淤疏浚 河坡 整理 河坡护砌 人行便道
平原高沙土地区土壤侵蚀规律及主要防治措施 被引量:5
作者 肖海涛 沈波 +2 位作者 姜国华 黄俊 赵仁奇 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 2003年第2期131-134,共4页
研究了平原高沙土地区农田、内三沟及河坡土壤侵蚀的特点 ,农田土壤侵蚀后就近淤积 ,内三沟土壤侵蚀量与淤积量基本持平 ,河坡土壤侵蚀量小于河床淤积量。植被覆盖率与径流量、含沙量、冲刷量及淤积量存在密切相关关系 。
关键词 土壤侵蚀 内三沟 平原高沙土地区 河坡 农田 防治
作者 王俊 《长沙民政职业技术学院学报》 2019年第3期27-30,共4页
关键词 河坡 南阳市区 “方”与“圆” 地名规范化
Analysis on the Dynamical Process of Donghekou Rockslide-Debris Flow Triggered by 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake 被引量:8
作者 SUN Ping ZHANG Yongshuang +1 位作者 SHI Jusong CHEN Liwei 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期140-148,共9页
Among the geo-hazards caused by the great Wenchuan Earthquake, the rapid and long runout rockslide-debris flow is of primary concern due to the large volume of displaced material and the resultant catastrophic impacts... Among the geo-hazards caused by the great Wenchuan Earthquake, the rapid and long runout rockslide-debris flow is of primary concern due to the large volume of displaced material and the resultant catastrophic impacts to the landscape and socioeconomic structure. In order to analyze the dynamical process of this kind of geo-hazard, the Donghekou rockslide-debris flow is given as an example in this paper. This event, which killed 780 people, initiated at an elevation of 1300 m with a total long run-out distance of more than 2400 m. The slide mass is mainly composed of dolomite limestone and siliceous limestone of Sinian system, together with carbon slate and phyllite of Cambrian. During the processes from slide initiation to the final cessation of slide movement, five dynamic stages took place, here identified as the initiation stage, the acceleration of movement stage, the air-blast effect stage, the impact and redirection stage and the long runout slidematerial accumulation stage. Field investigations indicate that due to the effects of the earthquake, the dynamics of the Donghekou rockslide-debris flow are apparently controlled by geologic and tectonic conditions, the local geomorphological aspects of the terrain, and the microstructural and macroscopic mechanical properties of rocks which compose the slide mass. These three main factors which dictate the Donghekou rockslide-debris flow dynamics are discussed in detail in this paper, and significant results of field investigations and tests of materials are presented. The above dynamical processes are analyzed in this paper, and some useful conclusions have been gained. 展开更多
关键词 Dynamical process Donghekou Rockslide-debris flow Wenchuan earthquake
河那坡村:昔日女不嫁 今日文明村
作者 原富智 张爱平 安富军 《乡镇论坛》 2012年第14期7-8,共2页
关键词 农村 经济发展 文明村
Study on the Water Surge Height Line of Landslide Surge of Linear River course Reservoir Based on FLOW-3D
作者 Wen Chen Peng Hui +2 位作者 Jin Ke Wu Fan Yin Shaofei 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2016年第6期293-298,共6页
The occurrence and transmission attenuation of surge is always a problem that researchers pay much attention to. The influence of the first wave height of landslide surge and the following transmission attenuation of ... The occurrence and transmission attenuation of surge is always a problem that researchers pay much attention to. The influence of the first wave height of landslide surge and the following transmission attenuation of surge are involved with many factors, which are mainly: landslide water entry angle, river course depth, river course geometrical properties and landslide mass and material, etc.. This thesis is mainly a research on the properties and transmission attenuation rules of landslide surge which is caused by linear narrow river course. Numerical value simulation will be applied in this thesis to discuss about the features and rules of the occurrence and transmission of surge in different landslide water entry angles and under different influences. 展开更多
关键词 LANDSLIDE numerical simulation first wave SPREAD FLOW-3d.
The Observed Low CO_2 Concentration in the Rongbuk Valley on the Northern Slope of Mt. Everest
作者 ZHOU Li-Bo ZOU Han +3 位作者 MA Shu-Po LI Peng ZHU Jin-Huan HUO Cui-Ping 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 2010年第5期252-257,共6页
In the summers of 2006 and 2007, the atmospheric CO2 concentration and the wind speed in the Rongbuk Valley on the northern slope of Mr. Everest were measured by an ultrasonic anemometer with an Li-7500 CO2/H2O gas an... In the summers of 2006 and 2007, the atmospheric CO2 concentration and the wind speed in the Rongbuk Valley on the northern slope of Mr. Everest were measured by an ultrasonic anemometer with an Li-7500 CO2/H2O gas analyzer. The average CO2 concentration was 370.23±0.59 and 367.45±1.91 ppm in June of 2006 and 2007, respectively. The values are much lower than those at sites with similar latitudes and altitudes worldwide. The observed atmospheric CO2 concentration in Rongbuk Valley can be affected by the transportation of prevailing down-valley winds from the up-valley direction to the observation site. Our results suggest that the Mt. Everest region could be ideal for background atmospheric and environmental studies. 展开更多
关键词 atmospheric CO2 concentration Mt. Everest local wind system
Size and spatial distribution of landslides induced by the2015 Gorkha earthquake in the Bhote Koshi river watershed 被引量:6
作者 GUO Chen-wen HUANG Yi-dan +1 位作者 YAO Ling-kan ALRADI Helal 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第10期1938-1950,共13页
The Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal on April 25, 2015, produced thousands of landslides in the Himalayan mountain range. After the earthquake, two field investigations along Araniko Highway were conducted. Then, usi... The Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal on April 25, 2015, produced thousands of landslides in the Himalayan mountain range. After the earthquake, two field investigations along Araniko Highway were conducted. Then, using remote sensing technology and geographic information system(GIS)technology, 1481 landslides were identified along the Bhote Koshi river. Correlations between the spatial distribution of landslides with slope gradient and lithology were analyzed. The power-law relationship of the size distribution of earthquake-induced landslides was examined in both the Higher Himalaya and Lesser Himalaya. Possible reasons for the variability of the power exponent were explored by examining differences in the geological situations of these areas. Multi-threshold cellular automata were introduced to model the complexity of system components. Most of the landslides occurred at slope gradients of 30°–40°, and the landslide density was positively correlated with slope gradient. Landslides in hard rock areas were more common than in soft rock areas. The cumulative number-area distribution of landslides induced by the Gorkha earthquake exhibited a negative power-law relationship, but the power exponents were different: 1.13 in the Higher Himalaya, 1.36 and Lesser Himalaya. Furthermore,the geological conditions were more complex and varied in the Lesser Himalaya than in the Higher Himalaya, and the cellular automata simulation results indicated that, as the complexity of system components increased, the power exponent increased.Therefore, the variability of the power exponent of landslide size distribution should ascribe to the complexity of geological situations in the Bhote Koshi river watershed. 展开更多
关键词 Landslide distribution Gorkha earthquake Himalaya Cellular automata self-organized criticality
Stability analysis of wharf slope under large water level difference in inland fiver
作者 XU Jinling 《International English Education Research》 2016年第4期82-83,共2页
Abstract: Because of the complex topography in southwest region of China, the water level of the inland river has a large amplitude of variation which causes a frequent diversification of water content in the river s... Abstract: Because of the complex topography in southwest region of China, the water level of the inland river has a large amplitude of variation which causes a frequent diversification of water content in the river slope. The flow caused by the infiltration of the terminal slope stability will induce a great impact on the slope stability of wharf.. This paper uses an ideal elastic-plastic model and the Moore Coulomb yield criterion for numerical simulation. Through the b an k slop e stability of the overhead-type terminal s under the changes of water, we obtained the impact of all factors on the bank slope in the course of water lowering. It was found out that the impact from the cohesion of the geo-materials of the bank slope on the slope stability is greater than that from the internal friction angle. 展开更多
关键词 SLOPE Three-Gorges reservoir area strength reduction SEEPAGE
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