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作者 董金录 李顺庭 +3 位作者 刘增仁 宗兆建 王宁 王浩 《矿产勘查》 2019年第7期1743-1750,共8页
西南天山南麓地区,即新疆克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州乌恰县至阿克苏库车县一带近1000Km的范围内,普遍发育由复杂地质作用过程引发的切割地貌。其主要表现为高山、峡谷、深沟等特殊景观,以地形起伏大、切割强烈,多出现悬崖峭壁等为主要特点... 西南天山南麓地区,即新疆克孜勒苏柯尔克孜自治州乌恰县至阿克苏库车县一带近1000Km的范围内,普遍发育由复杂地质作用过程引发的切割地貌。其主要表现为高山、峡谷、深沟等特殊景观,以地形起伏大、切割强烈,多出现悬崖峭壁等为主要特点。西南天山南麓的上述特征性地貌,一方面可以作为旅游景点加以开发,促进地区经济发展;另一方面要密切关注与之相关的泥石流、山洪等地质灾害。这些深大切割地貌景观的形成经历了漫长而复杂的地质作用过程,是地球内生作用和外生作用相结合的产物。西南天山南麓地区,大地构造背景上处于南天山地块与塔里木地块所夹持的过渡带,其中除柯坪地区因中生代隆起未遭受沉积以外,从晚元古代至新生代经历了漫长的海相-河湖相沉积。同时,受新生代以来的印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞作用的远程效应影响,塔里木地块和南天山发生陆内俯冲碰撞,西南天山南麓再次发生阶段性快速隆升,并引发了后期漫长的河流剥蚀,最终塑造了现今西南天山南麓的深大切割地貌景观。 展开更多
关键词 西南天山南麓 切割地貌景观 逆冲推覆运动 河流剥蚀
作者 赵浩山 《西部探矿工程》 CAS 2015年第11期119-122,共4页
由于煤层受成煤环境、河流冲刷剥蚀、褶皱、断裂及岩浆岩侵入等因素的影响,引起了煤层的加厚或变薄;煤层厚度变化会给矿井的生产、巷道的开拓造成了一定的难度。通过资料分析找出了煤层厚度变化因素和分布规律;因此查明和掌握可采煤层... 由于煤层受成煤环境、河流冲刷剥蚀、褶皱、断裂及岩浆岩侵入等因素的影响,引起了煤层的加厚或变薄;煤层厚度变化会给矿井的生产、巷道的开拓造成了一定的难度。通过资料分析找出了煤层厚度变化因素和分布规律;因此查明和掌握可采煤层厚度变化分布的特征,摸清煤层厚度变化的规律,对海孜矿井生产、开采具有一定的借鉴和指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 成煤环境 煤层厚度变化 河流冲刷剥蚀变薄 断裂构造 岩浆岩侵入
Role of debris flow on the change of^10Be concentration in rapidly eroding watersheds:a case study on the Seti River,central Nepal 被引量:1
作者 KIM Dong Eun SEONG Yeong Bae +1 位作者 CHOI Kwang Hee YU Byung Yong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期716-730,共15页
The concentration of cosmogenic loBe in riverine sediments has been widely used as a proxy for catchment-wide denudation rate (CWDR). One of the key assumptions of this approach is that sediments originating from su... The concentration of cosmogenic loBe in riverine sediments has been widely used as a proxy for catchment-wide denudation rate (CWDR). One of the key assumptions of this approach is that sediments originating from sub-basins with different erosional histories are well mixed. A tragic debris flow occurred in the Seti River watershed, central Nepal, on May 5, 2012. This catastrophic debris flow was triggered by slope failure on the peak of Annapurna IV and resulted in many casualties in the lower Seti Khola. However, it provided an opportunity to test the assumption of equal mixing of sediments in an understudied rapidly eroding watershed. This study documents the CWDR of ^10Be to evaluate the extent of the influence of episodic erosional processes such as debris flow on the spatio-temporal redistribution of loBe concentrations. Our data show that the debris flow caused little change in CWDR across the debris flow event. In addition to isotopic measurement, we calculated denudation rates by using the modeled concentrations in pre- and post-landslide sediments based on the local ^10Be production rate. The modeled result showed little change across the event, indicating that the debris flow in May 2012 played a minor role in sediment evacuation, despite the rapid erosion in the catchment. Our study concludes that although the 2012 event caused many casualties and severe damage, it was a low-magnitude, high frequency event. 展开更多
关键词 Seti River Beryllium-10 (^10Be) Catchment-wide denudation rate (CWDR) Debrisflow Episodic erosional processes
Principal Denudation Processes and Their Contribution to Fluvial Suspended Sediment Yields in the Upper Yangtze River Basin and Volga River Basin 被引量:1
作者 VALENTIN Golosov ZHANG Xin-bao +2 位作者 HE Xiu-bin TANG Qiang ZHOU Ping 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期101-122,共22页
This paper synthesized the principal land denudation processes and their role in determining riverine suspended sediment yields(SSY) in two typical geographical environments of the Upper Yangtze River Basin in China a... This paper synthesized the principal land denudation processes and their role in determining riverine suspended sediment yields(SSY) in two typical geographical environments of the Upper Yangtze River Basin in China and the Volga River Basin in Eastern Europe. In the Upper Yangtze River Basin, natural factors including topography, climate,lithology and tectonic activity are responsible for the spatial variation in the magnitude of denudation rates.Human disturbances have contributed to the temporal changes of soil erosion and fluvial SSY during the past decades. On one hand, land use change caused by deforestation and land reclamation has played an important role in the acceleration of sediment production from the central hilly area and lower Jinsha catchment; On the other hand, diverse soil conservation practices(e.g., reforestation,terracing) have contributed to a reduction of soil erosion and sediment production since the late 1980 s.It was difficult to explicitly decouple the effect of mitigation measures in the Lower Jinsha River Basindue to the complexity associated with sediment redistribution within river channels(active channel migration and significant sedimentation). The whole basin can be subdivided into seven sub-regions according to the different proportional inputs of principal denudation processes to riverine SSY. In the Volga River Basin, anthropogenic sheet, rill and gully erosion are the predominant denudation processes in the southern region, while channel bank and bed erosion constitutes the main source of riverine suspended sediment flux in the northern part of the basin. Distribution of cultivated lands significantly determined the intensity of denudation processes.Local relief characteristics also considerably influence soil erosion rates and SSY in the southern Volga River Basin. Lithology, soil cover and climate conditions determined the spatial distribution of sheet, rill and gully erosion intensity, but they play a secondary role in SSY spatial variation. 展开更多
关键词 Land denudation Anthropogenicdisturbance Suspended sediment yield UpperYangtze River Volga River
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