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西南河流源区径流量变化规律及其未来演变趋势 被引量:17
作者 徐宗学 周祖昊 +4 位作者 姜瑶 桑燕芳 季鹏 侯居峙 陈峰 《水科学进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期360-374,共15页
采用统计学方法及集合经验模态分解、小波分析、水文模型等多种方法,在对气象水文、湖泊岩芯、树木年轮、气候模式数据进行深入分析的基础上,研究了西南河流源区径流变化规律与历史丰枯规律及其驱动机制,分析了未来气候变化影响下的径... 采用统计学方法及集合经验模态分解、小波分析、水文模型等多种方法,在对气象水文、湖泊岩芯、树木年轮、气候模式数据进行深入分析的基础上,研究了西南河流源区径流变化规律与历史丰枯规律及其驱动机制,分析了未来气候变化影响下的径流演变趋势。结果表明:三江源地区的径流近50 a整体表现为上升趋势,雅鲁藏布江流域除尼洋河外的其他区域年径流量整体呈不显著下降趋势,气候变化是导致三江源、雅鲁藏布江和怒江流域径流变化的主要原因,其中降水是引起径流变化最关键的因子;主要河流径流不同时间尺度的丰枯演变规律为,雅鲁藏布江中游全新世洪水事件呈现出早晚全新世频繁、中全新世相对较少的特征,近500 a怒江流域重建径流序列存在10个丰水期和10个枯水期,丰枯序列变化主要受季风环流和厄尔尼诺-南方涛动(ENSO)活动的影响;在未来15~60 a,全球持续增温将使西南河流源区平均年径流深相比近30 a增加6%~14%,而极端径流呈现出“干更干、湿更湿”的变化特征,同时生态因子对径流变化的影响不可忽视。 展开更多
关键词 径流 变化规律 演变趋势 西南河流源区
“西南河流源区径流变化和适应性利用”重大研究计划进展综述 被引量:15
作者 胡春宏 郑春苗 +9 位作者 王光谦 张建云 王超 姚檀栋 王焰新 赖明勇 倪广恒 王雨春 张弛 田富强 《水科学进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期337-359,共23页
西南河流源区是中国的水资源战略储备区,但其未来水资源演变趋势不明,为厘清气候变化下的径流变化规律以开展适应性利用,国家自然科学基金委于2015年启动了“西南河流源区径流变化和适应性利用”重大研究计划,本文对重大研究计划的总体... 西南河流源区是中国的水资源战略储备区,但其未来水资源演变趋势不明,为厘清气候变化下的径流变化规律以开展适应性利用,国家自然科学基金委于2015年启动了“西南河流源区径流变化和适应性利用”重大研究计划,本文对重大研究计划的总体情况和主要进展进行综述。重大研究计划实施以来取得了一系列研究成果:构建了西南河流源区天空地一体化监测体系,有效提升了西南河流源区的监测能力;创新了高原寒区径流水源组成的多元综合解析方法,揭示了高原寒区典型径流水源的形成机理及气候驱动下流域下垫面与水文系统的协同变化机理;创建了综合冰雪冻土寒区水文过程和示踪过程的分布式同位素水文模型,揭示了雅鲁藏布江径流变化的历史规律和未来趋势;提出了河流全物质通量概念,开展了大量取样检测,揭示了高原河流生源物质循环及生物响应规律,量化了澜沧江梯级水库运行的环境累积效应;发展了多目标互馈系统理论,从水量、水能、水质3个方面创新了梯级水库适应性利用技术,为西南水电消纳、澜沧江-湄公河水资源合作等国家重大需求提供了支撑。 展开更多
关键词 径流变化 适应性利用 物质循环 西南河流源区
作者 吴巍 王高旭 +2 位作者 吴永祥 许怡 张轩 《水利信息化》 2021年第5期32-36,共5页
西南河流源区是我国水资源和水能资源的重要储备,国家自然科学基金委员会设立的"西南河流源区径流变化和适应性利用重大研究计划"改善该地区基础数据资料匮乏状况。为发挥该重大研究计划延续性作用,亟需研发西南河流源区数据... 西南河流源区是我国水资源和水能资源的重要储备,国家自然科学基金委员会设立的"西南河流源区径流变化和适应性利用重大研究计划"改善该地区基础数据资料匮乏状况。为发挥该重大研究计划延续性作用,亟需研发西南河流源区数据管理与共享平台。从数据管理与共享角度出发,梳理出多源异构数据集成、数据质量保障、数据全流程管理、数据共享、专题数据展示等功能需求,提出"数据存储-应用支撑-业务逻辑-应用视图"平台框架,实现西南河流源区多源异构数据的一致性存储、"数据上传-评审-下载-评价"全流程管理及专题数据二三维一体化可视化展示。以数据质量为主线,提出"规范元数据体系+数据评审"双重质量控制流程。结合繁杂的数据类型和日益增加的数据量对数据管理提出更高要求,探究未来数据平台改进方向与思路。该研究将为研发适用于西南河流源区数据管理与共享的平台奠定坚实基础。 展开更多
关键词 西南河流源区 重大研究计划 数据管理 数据共享
西南河流源区归一化植被指数时空动态变化及其与气候因子的关系 被引量:4
作者 丁瑞 王兆礼 陈晓宏 《水电能源科学》 北大核心 2018年第2期15-19,共5页
为揭示气候变化对西南河流源区植被生态系统的影响,基于1982~2012年GIMMS NDVI(归一化植被指数)第三代数据及降雨、温度、潜在蒸散发等气象数据,运用趋势分析法和相关分析法,探讨归一化植被指数时空动态变化及其与气候因子的关系。结果... 为揭示气候变化对西南河流源区植被生态系统的影响,基于1982~2012年GIMMS NDVI(归一化植被指数)第三代数据及降雨、温度、潜在蒸散发等气象数据,运用趋势分析法和相关分析法,探讨归一化植被指数时空动态变化及其与气候因子的关系。结果表明,1982~2012年间,西南河流源区归一化植被指数总体呈不显著增加趋势,但存在显著的空间差异性,归一化植被指数增加的区域占研究区总面积的66.72%,归一化植被指数减少的区域占33.28%;研究区植被覆盖动态变化在流域尺度上呈显著的空间差异性;温度是影响西南河流源区归一化植被指数变化的最主要因素,降雨次之,潜在蒸散发和日照时数的影响较小。 展开更多
关键词 西南河流源区 GIMMS NDVI 时空动态变化 气候因子 相关分析
基于多源产品的西南河流源区地表蒸散发时空特征 被引量:12
作者 温馨 周纪 +3 位作者 刘绍民 马燕飞 徐自为 马晋 《水资源保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第3期32-42,共11页
基于5个地面通量站点观测数据,对ET-EB、MOD16、GLEAM、Zhang-ET和GLDAS共5种地表温度蒸散发产品开展了验证工作,继而选取精度较好的产品,采用经验正交分解方法研究了西南河流源区2001—2013年地表蒸散发的时空变化特征。结果表明:5种... 基于5个地面通量站点观测数据,对ET-EB、MOD16、GLEAM、Zhang-ET和GLDAS共5种地表温度蒸散发产品开展了验证工作,继而选取精度较好的产品,采用经验正交分解方法研究了西南河流源区2001—2013年地表蒸散发的时空变化特征。结果表明:5种产品中,GLEAM的精度较好,均方根误差为23.4 mm/月;西南河流源区的地表蒸散发夏季最高,冬季最低;从东南向西北,西南河流源区的地表蒸散发逐渐降低;2001—2013年,长江上游和黄河上游地表蒸散发均呈增加趋势,黄河上游上升幅度最大;整体上看,比湿与源区地表蒸散发的相关性最强,但不同流域地表蒸散发与气温、比湿和降水的相关性不同:怒江流域、澜沧江流域、长江上游和黄河上游春秋两季的地表蒸散发与比湿相关性较强,雅鲁藏布江流域、藏南诸河、青海湖水系春秋两季的地表蒸散发与气温的相关性较强;源区地表蒸散发随着高程的增加而降低,随着坡度的增加而增加,在坡向为东南和西北时,地表蒸散发较高。 展开更多
关键词 地表蒸散发 遥感产品 经验正交分解 时空分布特征 西南河流源区
作者 龙笛 李雪莹 +4 位作者 吴业楠 崔艳红 田富强 段兴武 徐祥德 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第25期3821-3830,共10页
西南河流源区位于对气候变化极其敏感的青藏高原东南部,是中国及东南亚多个国家重要的水源地.本研究基于实测径流、再分析资料、遥感反演等多源数据,分析了过去40年(1981~2020年)西南河流源区径流变化的南北空间差异,并从大气环流和水... 西南河流源区位于对气候变化极其敏感的青藏高原东南部,是中国及东南亚多个国家重要的水源地.本研究基于实测径流、再分析资料、遥感反演等多源数据,分析了过去40年(1981~2020年)西南河流源区径流变化的南北空间差异,并从大气环流和水汽含量变化两方面阐明其驱动机制.结果表明:(1)过去40年南部雅鲁藏布江和怒江源的径流突变发生于1997年,北部三江源(澜沧江、长江和黄河源)的径流突变发生于21世纪初期(2004~2007年);(2)降水是引起径流变化的主要气候因子,各流域的径流与降水的突变时间基本一致,且降水-径流相关性均高于0.8;(3)西风-季风环流改变引起青藏高原水汽输送和降水的空间变化,进一步导致源区径流的趋势在2000年左右发生反转,南部流域的径流先增后减,北部流域径流先减后增,空间上呈现南北对称变化的特征.大气环流影响下水汽含量的空间差异及降水变化,是过去40年间西南河流源区径流呈现南北分异的主要原因. 展开更多
关键词 西南河流源区 径流变化 西风-季风环流 大气水汽 降水
黄河流域源区生态产品价值实现机制研究 被引量:2
作者 张丛林 刘千禧 +1 位作者 张树静 郝亮 《生态经济》 北大核心 2024年第2期212-217,共6页
黄河流域源区是国家重点生态功能区,也是生态环境敏感区、脆弱区,还是我国重要的生态屏障,生态系统服务功能强劲,但黄河流域源区生态产品价值实现程度仍处于低位,与生态保护和高质量发展的目标要求相比仍存在较大差距。为完善黄河流域... 黄河流域源区是国家重点生态功能区,也是生态环境敏感区、脆弱区,还是我国重要的生态屏障,生态系统服务功能强劲,但黄河流域源区生态产品价值实现程度仍处于低位,与生态保护和高质量发展的目标要求相比仍存在较大差距。为完善黄河流域源区生态产品价值实现机制,论文结合理论研究和实践进展,梳理黄河流域源区生态产品价值实现的市场交易、税费途径、生态保护补偿三条主要途径,从补偿机制、特色产业、资源收益等方面明确其面临的主要问题。同时,针对这些问题提出有针对性的解决方案,包括建立生态保护补偿长效机制、加快推动特色产业发展、推进生态资源权益交易等,同步推进黄河流域源区生态环境保护与生态产品价值实现。 展开更多
关键词 河流 生态产品价值实现 市场交易 税费 生态保护补偿
作者 郑春阳 陈孝兵 +2 位作者 袁越 熊玉龙 方向元 《水资源与水工程学报》 CSCD 2020年第6期47-53,共7页
针对源区河流氮素时空分布规律,选择位于安徽省休宁县境内上溪口地区新安江源头段作为试验研究对象,通过野外采样、水质监测和统计分析方法,研究试验区域洪水前后各项监测指标的时空分布特征及其影响因素,揭示洪水对新安江源区河流氮素... 针对源区河流氮素时空分布规律,选择位于安徽省休宁县境内上溪口地区新安江源头段作为试验研究对象,通过野外采样、水质监测和统计分析方法,研究试验区域洪水前后各项监测指标的时空分布特征及其影响因素,揭示洪水对新安江源区河流氮素的影响。结果表明:流域水体总氮浓度沿水流路径逐渐增加;洪水后总氮、氨氮和硝氮浓度比洪水前均有所增大,洪水期雨水对流域的氮素进行了"冲刷";相关性分析表明洪水前硝氮和总氮受植被影响较大,洪水后硝氮与汇水面积相关,总氮浓度受高程、坡度和地质等因素影响;所构建的预测模型能够较好地预测洪水前硝氮和总氮以及洪水后氨氮和硝氮的分布。 展开更多
关键词 洪水 河流 氮素 时空分布 新安江
三江源1982-2012年草地植被覆盖度动态及其对气候变化的响应 被引量:39
作者 张颖 章超斌 +2 位作者 王钊齐 杨悦 李建龙 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第10期1977-1990,共14页
采用1982-2012年的多源遥感数据,结合像元二分模型,分析了三江源保护区不同时期代表性河流源区不同类型草地的植被覆盖度及其动态,并研究了草地植被覆盖度对气候因子的响应。结果表明,三江源草地覆盖度整体上呈现出西北低东南高的特征,... 采用1982-2012年的多源遥感数据,结合像元二分模型,分析了三江源保护区不同时期代表性河流源区不同类型草地的植被覆盖度及其动态,并研究了草地植被覆盖度对气候因子的响应。结果表明,三江源草地覆盖度整体上呈现出西北低东南高的特征,全区草地平均植被覆盖度为48.73%,黄河源草地覆盖度最高(65.45%),长江源最低(4.25%),草甸、高山亚高山草甸、平原草原、高山亚高山草原和荒漠草原的平均植被覆盖度分别为59.86%、57.39%、39.50%、33.70%和14.13%;31年间全区草地覆盖度整体上呈现上升趋势,增长速度为每年0.23%,黄河源区的增长速度最快(每年0.27%);整体而言,低温比干旱对三江源草地覆盖度增长的限制作用更强,草甸、高山亚高山草甸和平原草原受气温影响较大,高山亚高山草原和荒漠草原受降水影响较大,在月尺度上草地覆盖度对气温表现出明显的滞后效应,而对降水不存在明显的滞后效应;三江源保护区成立(2001年)后,草地覆盖度的增长速度和增长面积都有所提升,全区草地覆盖度对气温的敏感度有所升高,黄河源草地覆盖度对降水的敏感度有明显下降。生态工程和草地保护措施整体上已经取得了一定的成效,但局部草地覆盖度下降趋势有所加剧,以荒漠草原最为突出,应在今后的保护工作中加以重视。 展开更多
关键词 草地覆盖度 气候变化 河流源区 草地类型 时滞效应 三江
Impacts of Climatic Factors on Runoff Coefficients in Source Regions of the Huanghe River 被引量:12
作者 CHEN Liqun LIU Changming +1 位作者 LI Yanping WANG Guoqiang 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2007年第1期47-55,共9页
Runoff coefficients of the source regions of the Huanghe River in 1956-2000 were analyzed in this paper. In the 1990s runoff of Tangnaihai Hydrologic Station of the Huanghe River experienced a serious decrease, which ... Runoff coefficients of the source regions of the Huanghe River in 1956-2000 were analyzed in this paper. In the 1990s runoff of Tangnaihai Hydrologic Station of the Huanghe River experienced a serious decrease, which had attracted considerable attention. Climate changes have important impact on the water resources availability. From the view of water cycling, runoff coefficients are important indexes of water resources in a particular catchment. Kalinin baseflow separation technique was improved based on the characteristics of precipitation and streamflow. After the separation of runoff coefficient (R/P), baseflow coefficient (Br/P) and direct runoff coefficient (Dr/P) were estimated. Statistic analyses were applied to assessing the impact of precipitation and temperature on runoff coefficients (including Dr/P, Br/P and R/P). The results show that in the source regions of the Huanghe River, mean annual baseflow coefficient was higher than mean annual direct runoff coefficient. Annual runoff coefficients were in direct proportion to annual precipitation and in inverse proportion to annual mean temperature. The decrease of runoff coefficients in the 1990s was closely related to the decrease in precipitation and increase in temperature in the same period. Over different sub-basins of the source regions of the Huanghe River, runoff coefficients responded differently to precipitation and temperature. In the area above Jimai Hydrologic Station where annual mean temperature is -3.9℃, temperature is the main factor influencing the runoff coefficients. Runoff coefficients were in inverse relation to temperature, and precipitation had nearly no impact on runoff coefficients. In subbasin between Jimai and Maqu Hydrologic Station Dr/P was mainly affected by precipitation while R/P and Br/P were both significantly influenced by precipitation and temperature. In the area between Maqu and Tangnaihai hydrologic stations all the three runoff coefficients increased with the rising of annual precipitation, while direct runoff coefficient was inversely proportional to temperature. In the source regions of the Huanghe River with the increase of average annual temperature, the impacts of temperature on runoff coefficients become insignificant. 展开更多
关键词 source regions of the Huanghe River runoff coefficient PRECIPITATION TEMPERATURE
Characteristics and Effects of Inorganic Nitrogen in East Water-source and Inflow Rivers of Chaohu Lake
作者 张习 曹静 +2 位作者 李琪 王宁 李玉成 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第4期877-882,共6页
[Objective] To study the characteristics and effects of inorganic nitrogen in east water-source and inflow rivers of Chaohu Lake. [Method] The speciation and distribution characteristics of dissolvable inorganic nitro... [Objective] To study the characteristics and effects of inorganic nitrogen in east water-source and inflow rivers of Chaohu Lake. [Method] The speciation and distribution characteristics of dissolvable inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in east water-source and inflow rivers of Chaohu Lake were investigated, and their effects on water qual- ity were examined. [Result] The concentrations of NH3-N and NO2--N were the high in flood season, and low in non-flood season, while the concentration of NO3--N pre- sented the opposite trend; the concentration of NO3--N was the highest in Shuangqiao estuary, where the pollution was the worst. DIN in Zhegao estuary and Xiaozhegao estuary was mainly caused by domestic sewage and industrial wastewaters; surface runoff and pollution from ships contribute the most to the DIN content in Shuangqiao estuary. [Conclusion] This study provided basic data and theoretical basis for the control and management of eutrophication in Chaohu Lake. 展开更多
关键词 Chaohu Lake Water source area Inflow rivers Inorganic nitrogen SPECIATION
Impacts of Global Warming Perturbation on Water Resources in Arid Zone: Case Study of Kaidu River Basin in Northwest China 被引量:7
作者 MUPENZI Jean de la Paix 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第5期704-710,共7页
The main goal of this study was to assess the long-term impacts of global warming perturbation on water resources of the Kaidu River Basin in Northwest China. Temperature, precipitation and hydrology data during the p... The main goal of this study was to assess the long-term impacts of global warming perturbation on water resources of the Kaidu River Basin in Northwest China. Temperature, precipitation and hydrology data during the past 29 years from 1979 to 2007 were collected and analyzed using parametric and non-parametric methods, the connection between temperature and precipitation by the combination of grey correlation analysis method and the hypothesis testing for trend of climate change. The results show a high increase in temperature in the study area as well as an extreme and highly variable hydrological regime in this region, where flash floods can exceed the total runoff from a sequence of years. These variations may be due to the geographical location of the Kaidu River Basin in arid zone. It also reveals that precipitation has a much greater impact on stream flow than that of temperature. The development of new approaches was proposed as responses to climate change in this arid region. 展开更多
关键词 Global warming Kaidu River TEMPERATURE Precipitations Stream flow
Research on Water Resources Conservation of Mountain River Based on the Concept of Region Partition 被引量:4
作者 LIU Yubang TAO Qingyu +1 位作者 LIANG Chuan WU Yong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第4期582-591,共10页
Presently concepts and methods related to water resources conservation of mountain rivers are seriously insufficient,and its level is far from being adaptable to the development of a harmonious society.As mountain eco... Presently concepts and methods related to water resources conservation of mountain rivers are seriously insufficient,and its level is far from being adaptable to the development of a harmonious society.As mountain ecosystems play a key role in water resources conservation of mountain rivers,and the characteristics of mountain ecosystems and hydrologic features of mountain river follow strong temporal and spatial distribution,partition theory can be applied to the water resources conservation of mountain river.This theory observes the following partition principles:regional relativity,spatial continuity,integralcounty,meeting management needs,hierarchical principle,and comparability principle.And it lays equal emphasis on both water resources conservation and environmental protection,on both water quality conservation and water quantity protection,on the combination of water features,water cycle and water pollution.In the partition methods,index method and map superposition method will be applied in region partition.The example of region partition of water resources conservation in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River shows that the partition theory is practicable in water resources conservation of mountain rivers,and it provides a platform for future study in water resources conservation. 展开更多
关键词 Water resources conservation Mountain river Region partition Mountain ecosystems
Sources of dissolved inorganic carbon in rivers from the Changbaishan area, an active volcanic zone in North Eastern China 被引量:2
作者 Xue Bai Benjamin Chetelat Yilong Song 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期410-415,共6页
Major elements and carbon isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC)have been measured in the waters of Changbaishan mountain,a volcanic area in northeastern China,between June and September 2016 to decipher the orig... Major elements and carbon isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC)have been measured in the waters of Changbaishan mountain,a volcanic area in northeastern China,between June and September 2016 to decipher the origin of the CO_2 involved in chemical weathering reactions.Spatial variations of major elements ratios measured in water samples can be explained by a change of the chemical composition of the volcanic rocks between the volcanic cone(trachytes)and the basaltic shield as evidenced by the variations in the composition of these rocks.Hence,DIC results from the neutralization of CO_2 by silicate rocks.DIC concentrations vary from 0.3 to 2.5 mmol/L and carbon isotopic compositions of DIC measured in rivers vary from-14.2‰to 3.5‰.At a first order,the DIC transported by rivers is derived from the chemical weathering’s consumption of CO_2 with a magmatic origin,enriched in^(13)C(-5%)and biogenic soil CO_2 with lower isotopic compositions.The highest δ^(13)C values likely result from C isotopes fractionation during CO_2 degassing in rivers.A mass balance based on carbon isotopes suggest that the contribution of magmatic CO_2 varied from less than 20%to more than 70%.Uncertainties in this calculation associated with CO_2 degassing in rivers are difficult to quantify,and the consequence of CO_2 degassing would be an overestimation of the contribution of DIC derived from the neutralization of magmatic CO_2 by silicate rocks. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon isotopes Dissolved inorganic carbon RIVERS Chemical weathering CHANGBAISHAN Active volcanic zone
The White Volta Basin, Climate Change and Food Security: Perspectives of Riparian Communities in Northern Ghana
作者 Asaah Sumaila Mohammed Emmanuel Kanchebe Derbile Musah Ibrahim Mordzeh-Ekpampo 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第6期350-356,共7页
This paper has examined how the resources of the White Volta River are enhancing food availability for riparian communities in northern Ghana despite climate change and its associated effects on food security. Using p... This paper has examined how the resources of the White Volta River are enhancing food availability for riparian communities in northern Ghana despite climate change and its associated effects on food security. Using participatory methods such as focus group discussions and interviews, data was collected from households and institutions in three riparian communities. The result of the study indicates that, all things been equal, cultivation of food crops along the river bank in the rainy season gives significantly high yields as compared to yields from farms farthest from the river under rain fed agriculture. Higher organic content and moisture retention capacity of river bank soils explains the yield differential and adaptability to climate change. In addition, farmers now irrigate cereal crops which were hitherto, reserved for only rainy season production. However, inappropriate irrigation practices are accelerating erosion and sedimentation of the river and thus, threaten the sustainability of agriculture and food security in the White Volta Basin. The paper therefore, recommends the adoption of IWRM (integrated water resources management) and the participation of local communities, Government and Civil Society organisations for sustaining the productive capacity of the White Volta Basin for enabling adaptation of agriculture to climate change in the riparian communities of the basin. 展开更多
关键词 Food security northern Ghana riparian communities White Volta.
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