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天山木扎尔特河流域的冰川地貌与冰期 被引量:6
作者 赵井东 王杰 刘时银 《地理学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期553-562,共10页
木扎尔特河流域位于天山最大现代冰川作用中心托木尔峰的东南坡,在第四纪冰期与间冰期气候旋回中,河谷与山麓带留下了4套形态清晰的冰川沉积。冰碛地形包含着丰富的古环境变化信息,对它们进行研究有助于认识该流域的冰川演化与重建该地... 木扎尔特河流域位于天山最大现代冰川作用中心托木尔峰的东南坡,在第四纪冰期与间冰期气候旋回中,河谷与山麓带留下了4套形态清晰的冰川沉积。冰碛地形包含着丰富的古环境变化信息,对它们进行研究有助于认识该流域的冰川演化与重建该地区的古环境。应用ESR测年技术,选用石英颗粒中对光照与研磨较敏感的Ge心作为测年信号,对该流域的第三套破城子多列终碛垅及其冰水沉积,第四套克孜布拉克冰碛剥蚀平原上覆河流相砾石沉积以及一出露完整的沉积剖面进行测年。结合地貌地层学原理以及其他古环境研究资料进行综合分析可得出:河谷中第一套3~4列终碛垅形成于小冰期;第二套高大的吐盖别里齐终碛垅为新冰期冰进产物;破城子终碛垅沉积于MIS2~4;克孜布拉克冰碛形成于MIS6。破城子终碛垅地形及测年结果表明末次冰期冰川作用过程中该处至少存在3次大的冰进,可分别对应于MIS4、MIS3b与MIS2。MIS2与MIS3b时冰川为复合山谷冰川,MIS4与MIS6时为山麓冰川。末次冰期冰川作用过程中,古木扎尔特冰川长约92~99km,克孜布拉克冰期最盛时的古木扎尔特冰川长约120km。 展开更多
关键词 冰川地貌 ESR测年 海洋氧同位素阶段(MIS) 木扎尔流域 天山
作者 陈亚云 《南方农业》 2017年第26期60-61,64,共3页
随着农产品价格不断下降,农业生产成本逐渐提升,特泥河农牧业产品结构调整势在必行。基于此,从家庭生态牧场的概念出发,论述了建设家庭生态牧场发展目标和重要意义,对特泥河产业基础、资源基础和市场基础进行分析,探讨特泥河家庭生态牧... 随着农产品价格不断下降,农业生产成本逐渐提升,特泥河农牧业产品结构调整势在必行。基于此,从家庭生态牧场的概念出发,论述了建设家庭生态牧场发展目标和重要意义,对特泥河产业基础、资源基础和市场基础进行分析,探讨特泥河家庭生态牧场旅游的发展对策。 展开更多
关键词 家庭生态牧场 草原家庭承包
改革引路 管理致富 科技兴场 实现三增——特泥河农牧场兴场经验谈
作者 夏振全 李树林 《中国农垦经济》 北大核心 1998年第11期37-39,共3页
内蒙古自治区特泥河农牧场在上级的正确领导下,以“五化”(即农业牧业产业化、管理体制集团化、经济运行良性化、对外开放具体化、党建工作创新化)方针统揽工作全局。围绕增产、增收、增效,加大“一体两翼”实施力度,即以改革为主... 内蒙古自治区特泥河农牧场在上级的正确领导下,以“五化”(即农业牧业产业化、管理体制集团化、经济运行良性化、对外开放具体化、党建工作创新化)方针统揽工作全局。围绕增产、增收、增效,加大“一体两翼”实施力度,即以改革为主体,以管理和科技为两翼,实行“两个... 展开更多
关键词 内蒙古 农牧场 体制改革 经营改革 发展
作者 齐豪杰 《新疆有色金属》 2008年第6期69-70,共2页
关键词 柯鲁木选厂 棒磨工段 压矿 给矿不稳定 技术改造
世界最早的沉管隧道底特津河(The Dtroit River)沉管隧道
作者 邓富甲 《交通工程科技》 2002年第3期15-15,27,共2页
关键词 沉管隧道 铁路隧道 水底隧道
“秸”尽所能 变废为宝——呼伦贝尔农垦特泥河农牧场有限公司秸秆“变身”记
作者 陈晓娟 《中国农垦》 2021年第11期35-36,共2页
过去,农作物收割后,秸秆何去何从是摆在特泥河农牧场有限公司面前的一道难题,但随着对国家政策的深入理解和把握,以及"互联网+"的推广使用,公司不仅破解了这个难题,还从中找到了商机——通过竞标,实现大小麦秸秆和农机服务的... 过去,农作物收割后,秸秆何去何从是摆在特泥河农牧场有限公司面前的一道难题,但随着对国家政策的深入理解和把握,以及"互联网+"的推广使用,公司不仅破解了这个难题,还从中找到了商机——通过竞标,实现大小麦秸秆和农机服务的网络销售,助力职工增收。 展开更多
关键词 职工增收 农牧场 网络销售 农机服务 互联网 变废为宝 小麦秸秆
作者 陈明 《中国农垦》 2021年第7期34-35,共2页
沿着宽阔平坦的田间道路,伴着轰鸣的机械声,走进呼伦贝尔农垦特泥河农牧场有限公司,一片忙碌景象映入眼帘。近几年,特泥河农牧场有限公司以绿色发展为导向,以改革创新为动力,不断加快科技兴农步伐,改善科技工作环境,增强科技服务能力,... 沿着宽阔平坦的田间道路,伴着轰鸣的机械声,走进呼伦贝尔农垦特泥河农牧场有限公司,一片忙碌景象映入眼帘。近几年,特泥河农牧场有限公司以绿色发展为导向,以改革创新为动力,不断加快科技兴农步伐,改善科技工作环境,增强科技服务能力,引导农业经济增长从资源依赖型向创新驱动型转变,逐步实现传统农业向现代农业迈进。 展开更多
关键词 农业经济增长 科技兴农 资源依赖型 创新驱动型 农牧场 科技服务能力 现代农业
以改革为主体 以管理和科技为两翼 特泥河农牧场“九五”期间成绩斐然
作者 朱凤昱 《中国农垦》 2001年第6期46-46,共1页
关键词 农场 “九五”期间 内蒙古 企业改革 管理体系 经营机制 制度化 标准化 程序化 目标化
作者 朱虹霖 孙宏虎 +6 位作者 周浩 张熳迪 李俊霞 朱文斌 晋佳琳 张倩 蔡炯 《实验室检测》 2024年第1期52-57,共6页
目的分离和鉴定引起真空包装粽子酸败的微生物,帮助企业提高产品质量,为食品安全做好把关。方法使用溴甲酚紫葡萄糖肉汤、庖肉培养基对酸败粽子进行培养;使用孟加拉红琼脂、营养琼脂,以划线纯化法进行分离、纯化。根据菌落形态观察、细... 目的分离和鉴定引起真空包装粽子酸败的微生物,帮助企业提高产品质量,为食品安全做好把关。方法使用溴甲酚紫葡萄糖肉汤、庖肉培养基对酸败粽子进行培养;使用孟加拉红琼脂、营养琼脂,以划线纯化法进行分离、纯化。根据菌落形态观察、细胞形态观察、16S rRNA序列分析,基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱对分离的菌株进行鉴定,将分离菌株分别接种到符合商业无菌的粽子中,验证菌株是否使产品酸败。结果共分离出2株菌,分别为河生莱略特氏菌(Lelliottia amnigena)和异常威克汉姆酵母(Wickerhamomyces anomalus),经反证试验确认可导致粽子酸败。结论河生莱略特氏菌、异常威克汉姆酵母可导致真空包装粽子产生酸败。 展开更多
关键词 真空包装粽子 分离 鉴定 生莱略氏菌 异常威克汉姆酵母菌
作者 曹建宾 《陕西水利》 2014年第F06期34-35,共2页
种牛场土地资源十分丰富,由于水量不足导致产量无法达到最高水平,而锡伯特河水资源丰富,可利用水资源潜力较大,为充分有效地利用现有水资源,进行合理有效地开发利用闲置水资源已是势在必行。文中以种牛场锡伯特引水渠工程为分析对象,合... 种牛场土地资源十分丰富,由于水量不足导致产量无法达到最高水平,而锡伯特河水资源丰富,可利用水资源潜力较大,为充分有效地利用现有水资源,进行合理有效地开发利用闲置水资源已是势在必行。文中以种牛场锡伯特引水渠工程为分析对象,合理调节水资源在空间上分布不均的现象,缓解其水土不平衡的矛盾和生态环境的日趋恶化,有效地改善了农业灌溉条件,提高了农业生产水平。 展开更多
关键词 引水渠工程 锡伯 水资源调节
《中国农垦》 2023年第10期I0003-I0003,I0005,F0004,共3页
进入夏季以来,呼伦贝尔农垦特泥河农牧场公司农业技术人员深入田间地头,对小麦、油菜等农作物进行田间调查,及时掌握水分、气温、光照等自然因素对农作物成长产生的影响,在提高作物单产上狠下功夫。图为2023年7月21日农业技术人员在小... 进入夏季以来,呼伦贝尔农垦特泥河农牧场公司农业技术人员深入田间地头,对小麦、油菜等农作物进行田间调查,及时掌握水分、气温、光照等自然因素对农作物成长产生的影响,在提高作物单产上狠下功夫。图为2023年7月21日农业技术人员在小麦试验田内开展田间调查。 展开更多
关键词 田间调查 农牧场 农业技术人员 作物单产 农垦 农作物 呼伦贝尔
作者 别道军 《道路交通管理》 2019年第4期14-15,共2页
“要是没有护栏,车就冲进河了,后果不堪设想……”私家车驾驶人张先生心有余悸地说。2019年2月10日,张先生驾驶自家的越野车行至湖北省荆州市荆松一级公路松虎河特大桥附近时,因路面结冰,车辆失控冲向15米深的河道,幸好被此处安装的隔... “要是没有护栏,车就冲进河了,后果不堪设想……”私家车驾驶人张先生心有余悸地说。2019年2月10日,张先生驾驶自家的越野车行至湖北省荆州市荆松一级公路松虎河特大桥附近时,因路面结冰,车辆失控冲向15米深的河道,幸好被此处安装的隔离防护栏挡住,张先生和同车的妻子均未受伤。荆州有2.13万公里农村公路,由于种种原因,全市农村道路曾经漏管失控严重,道路交通安全基础设施落后,交通事故频发、多发。 展开更多
关键词 先生 公路 荆州市 道路 防护栏 河特 失控 农村
Effect of Using Magnetic Brackish Water on Irrigated Bell Pepper Crop (Capsicum annuum L.) Characteristics in Lower Jordan Valley/West Bank 被引量:5
作者 Amer Marei Dia Rdaydeh +1 位作者 Dia Karajeh Nawaf Abu-Khalaf 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第10期830-838,共9页
Increasing salinity of the groundwater is one of major challenges faced by agricultural sector in West Bank/Palestine. This study was carried out in the Lower Jordan Valley (LJV) under greenhouse field condition, wh... Increasing salinity of the groundwater is one of major challenges faced by agricultural sector in West Bank/Palestine. This study was carried out in the Lower Jordan Valley (LJV) under greenhouse field condition, where an area of 0.12 ha was irrigated with 3.5 dS/m magnetic treated water during the growing season 2012/2013. The results of this pilot project show that there are significant increases in the yield of red and yellow bell pepper of about 20% and 18% on fresh weight basis, respectively. Water use efficiency increased by 15% and an increase in shelf time of 7 d were also recorded. The chlorophyll content raised significantly in the leaves of treated plants compared to the controlled one by 2.5 mg/g. Bell pepper irrigated with magnetic water produces 37% more four champers than that of the controlled one. On the other hand, there were no clear significant effects on the height of the plant, number of fruits, distance between nods, size of fruits, number and thickness of walls and sugar contents. Applying visible/near infrared (VIS/N|R) spectroscopy test shows that it is possible to distinguish between treated and controlled bell pepper fruits. Multivariate data analysis (MVDA) method was used to test the classification of chemical elements in the fruit and it was found that treated and controlled fruit samples are divided into two groups according to their water treatment. An increase in all nutrient concentrations was found in fruits irrigated with magnetic treated water compared with the controlled one. Further testing is needed especially by involving other variables such as decreasing the volume of irrigated water and fertilizers. 展开更多
关键词 Magnetic water brackish groundwater bell pepper yield-quality shelf time Palestine.
Study on the sex-related AFLP marker of the Yangtze finless porpoise 被引量:3
作者 Xia Junhong(夏军红) Zheng Jingsong Wang Ding 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2005年第3期325-328,共4页
The sex-related molecular marker of the Yangtze finless porpoise was screened using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) technique combined with the bulked segregant analysis. Totally 36 AFLP primer combinati... The sex-related molecular marker of the Yangtze finless porpoise was screened using Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) technique combined with the bulked segregant analysis. Totally 36 AFLP primer combinations were used to detect the genome DNA bulks of the female and male porpoises, and one sex-related AFLP marker was finally obtained. The marker can be applied to sex identification, and provides a base for further cloning of sex-related genes and analyzing of Y chromosome haplotypes of the Yangtze finless porpoise. 展开更多
关键词 the Yangtze finless porpoise AFLP sex identification
Numerical simulation of bed degradation in alluvial channels
作者 Khalil I.Othman 汪德罐 陈界仁 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第4期392-397,共6页
A numerical model to simulate the bed degradation process in a straight alluvial channel with respect to time and distance is introduced. The simulation takes into account the effect of non uniformity of the bed ma... A numerical model to simulate the bed degradation process in a straight alluvial channel with respect to time and distance is introduced. The simulation takes into account the effect of non uniformity of the bed material, and variations in the dimension of bed forms. The model predicts the changes in the grain size distribution with the time and space during degradation process. The numerical model proposes that the armoring process in degrading channels does not depend only on hydraulic characteristics of the flow but also on variation in the grain size distribution of sediments on the bed. The model was applied and compared with the results obtained from experiments conducted in 24 m recirculating flume for two sizes of sand; a good agreement was found between observed and calculated values. 展开更多
关键词 DEGRADATION armoring numerical model
Water quality characteristics of rivers and ponds in Japan 被引量:1
作者 高橋幸彦 杜茂安 中村玄正 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2004年第5期501-505,共5页
In Japan, various countermeasures have been taken to improve the water quality of public waters such as rivers and lakes. Though water quality has improved, it is still insufficient. In summer, eutrophication is seen ... In Japan, various countermeasures have been taken to improve the water quality of public waters such as rivers and lakes. Though water quality has improved, it is still insufficient. In summer, eutrophication is seen in lakes and inner bays, as well as rivers. As a countermeasure to prevent eutrophication, the removal treatment of nutrient salts such as nitrogen and phosphorus is done, in addition to organic substance elimination in the domestic sewerage system. This report will show the water quality characteristics of rivers and ponds in Japan. It is considered that these investigative results are effective when the water quality improvement of the stabilization ponds where eutrophication occurs are examined in China. 展开更多
关键词 water quality characteristics EUTROPHICATION nitrogen and phosphorus stabilization ponds
内蒙古海拉尔农垦集团特泥河农牧场兔产业发展调研报告 被引量:1
作者 程延彬 刘杰 +1 位作者 李金霞 刘文芝 《中国养兔》 2018年第2期21-22,共2页
本文针对内蒙古呼伦贝尔地区海拉尔农垦集团特泥河农牧场近几年来兔产业发展概况,分析得出在技术等方面存在的一些主要问题,以及"十三五"期间该场在兔产业方面还需要加强做好的几项工作情况,为海拉尔农垦集团其他基层农牧场... 本文针对内蒙古呼伦贝尔地区海拉尔农垦集团特泥河农牧场近几年来兔产业发展概况,分析得出在技术等方面存在的一些主要问题,以及"十三五"期间该场在兔产业方面还需要加强做好的几项工作情况,为海拉尔农垦集团其他基层农牧场开展兔产业提供技术及理论支撑。 展开更多
关键词 农牧场 兔产业发展 调研报告
Effect of Downward Seepage on Turbulent Flow Characteristics and Bed Morphology around Bridge Piers 被引量:3
作者 Rutuja Chavan Anurag Sharma Bimlesh Kumar 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2017年第1期60-72,共13页
In this work, experimental investigations have been pursued to analyse the influence of downward seepage on the turbulent characteristics of flow and corresponding changes in vortex structure around circular bridge pi... In this work, experimental investigations have been pursued to analyse the influence of downward seepage on the turbulent characteristics of flow and corresponding changes in vortex structure around circular bridge pier in alluvial channel. Experiments were conducted in sand bed channel with circular piers of different sizes for no seepage, 10% seepage and 20% seepage cases. The measurement of turbulent flow statistics such as velocity and Reynolds stresses is found to be negative within the scour hole at upstream of the pier whereas application of downward seepage retards the reversal of the flow causing a decrement in the velocity and Reynolds stresses. Higher Reynolds shear stress prevails at the downstream side because of the production of wake vortices. Contribution of all bursting events to the total Reynolds shear stress production has been observed to increase with downward seepage. The analysis of integral scale suggest that size of eddies increases with seepage, which is responsible for increase in particle mobility. Initially rate of scouring is more which abatements gradually with expanding time as well as with the increased of downward seepage. Presence of downward seepage reduces the depth and length of vortex and shifts towards downstream side of the pier. 展开更多
关键词 bridge pier downward seepage quadrant analysis Reynolds stress SCOUR velocity turbulent flow
作者 梁建文 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 1995年第1期92+90-92,共4页
This paper describes the dynamic characteristics of pipelines laid through alluvial valleys. We assume that the alluvial valley has a semi-cylindrical cross-section. The ground motion of alluvial valley under harmonic... This paper describes the dynamic characteristics of pipelines laid through alluvial valleys. We assume that the alluvial valley has a semi-cylindrical cross-section. The ground motion of alluvial valley under harmonic seismic SH waves is carried out, and the pipeline-soil dynamic interaction is taken into account. Though simple, the model may qualitatively explain the earthquake damages of pipelines laid through an alluvial river valley. 展开更多
关键词 PIPELINE alluvial valley dynamic analysis pipeline-soil interaction ground motion
作者 金荣花 矫梅燕 +1 位作者 徐晶 秦华锋 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2006年第1期97-98,共2页
1 INTRODUCTION In summer, different assembly of the intensity, location and vertical structure of the subtropical high and the earlier/later time of its seasonal northwards jump bring about different precipitation pat... 1 INTRODUCTION In summer, different assembly of the intensity, location and vertical structure of the subtropical high and the earlier/later time of its seasonal northwards jump bring about different precipitation patterns over China. Therefore, subtropical high activity and its cause during the occurrence of extreme climatic event over China and the cause of China drought/flood are studied to improve weather forecasting. 展开更多
关键词 the Huaihe River floods Western Pacific subtropical high abnormal characteristics cause analysis
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