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作者 徐兆祥 韩成浚 《科技情报(长沙)》 1989年第1期14-15,共2页
黄河兰州段贯穿于兰州市区西固和城关两个相联的河谷盆地内.东西间河道长36公里。在这段河道内有许多小岛似的河心沙洲——河滩绿洲.黄河是我国的第二大河,为什么在这波涛汹涌的巨流之间会有这样多的一块块小岛似的河心沙洲呢?现从... 黄河兰州段贯穿于兰州市区西固和城关两个相联的河谷盆地内.东西间河道长36公里。在这段河道内有许多小岛似的河心沙洲——河滩绿洲.黄河是我国的第二大河,为什么在这波涛汹涌的巨流之间会有这样多的一块块小岛似的河心沙洲呢?现从地质地貌条件和河流的水文特征等方面作一叙述。 展开更多
关键词 河谷滩地 黄河
不同海拔河滩地种植方向的初步研究——以云南小江河谷为例 被引量:9
作者 王海帆 程尊兰 《安徽农学通报》 2014年第7期89-92,共4页
云南东川小江河谷滩地具有光照充足、热量丰富和灌溉便利的自然条件,是解决山区耕地资源有限局面的重要潜在土地资源,如何科学有效、持续地开发和保护河滩地,将对当地发展特色农业和安置贫困山区移民具有十分重要的意义。该研究将小... 云南东川小江河谷滩地具有光照充足、热量丰富和灌溉便利的自然条件,是解决山区耕地资源有限局面的重要潜在土地资源,如何科学有效、持续地开发和保护河滩地,将对当地发展特色农业和安置贫困山区移民具有十分重要的意义。该研究将小江河谷滩地按照不同海拔高度分为上(1600~1300m)、中(1300~1000m)、下(1000~700m)三段,通过实地考察、现场测量、取样分析,并利用“3S”技术,较为系统地测试分析了各海拔河滩地的面积和土壤养分特性,并结合河谷滩地不同海拔气候特征,分析研究了小江河谷不同海拔河滩地的种植条件,探讨了河滩地合理有效的开发种植方向,以期为山区河滩地开发种植提供有益的参考。 展开更多
关键词 云南东川 河谷滩地 不同海拔高度 种植方向 特色农业
Preliminary Study on Planting Direction of Flood Land at Different Altitudes——a Case Study in Xiaojiang Valley, Yunnan
作者 王海帆 王军 +2 位作者 温钦舒 郑云坤 伊炜 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第5期862-865,872,共5页
Flood land, with abundant light, heat, and water resource, is an important potential land resource to resolve the situation of the limited arable land in mountain areas in Xiaojiang Valley, Dongchuan, Yunnan. It will ... Flood land, with abundant light, heat, and water resource, is an important potential land resource to resolve the situation of the limited arable land in mountain areas in Xiaojiang Valley, Dongchuan, Yunnan. It will have a great significance on the development of local characteristic agriculture and the settlement of poor moun- tain immigrants that how to develop and protect the flood land in a scientific, effec- tive and sustainable way. In this paper, flood land of Xiaojiang Valley is divided into three zones (higher zone is 1 600-1 300 m, medium zone is 1 300-1 000 m, low- er zone is 1 000-700 m) according to different elevations. Through field survey, in situ measurement, sampling analysis and "3S" technology, the area and soil nutri- ent characteristics of flood land at different altitudes are tested and analyzed sys- tematically. And also according to the climatic characteristics in different elevations of flood land, the research analyzed and investigated the growing conditions of flood land in different elevations in Xiaojiang Valley, and then discussed how to develop and cultivate reasonably and effectively in flood land. All the work is intended to provide beneficial reference for the development and cultivation of flood land in mountain areas. 展开更多
关键词 Yunnan Dongchuan Flood land Different altitudes Planting direction Specialty agriculture
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