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作者 牛嘉玉 侯创业 +2 位作者 王好平 杨元一 金军 《石油学报(石油加工)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期291-306,共16页
化石能源物理模型和煤岩油气(矿)藏的提出,为化石能源——石油和煤炭两大工业系统的资源开发与加工建立起相关的统一评价参数奠定了理论基础,也填补了H/C原子比为0.90~1.35的化石能源资源在自然界中存在方式和储集场所等方面的认识空... 化石能源物理模型和煤岩油气(矿)藏的提出,为化石能源——石油和煤炭两大工业系统的资源开发与加工建立起相关的统一评价参数奠定了理论基础,也填补了H/C原子比为0.90~1.35的化石能源资源在自然界中存在方式和储集场所等方面的认识空白。笔者从煤岩热成烃、与挥发分等参数的对应关系、煤岩组分构成特征、煤岩形成的地质环境和不同组分加工工艺评价参数等方面的分析入手,确定了煤岩油气(矿)藏的品质评价参数和划分方案,提出了我国不同品质煤岩油气(矿)藏的开发与加工技术思路。它区别于煤全岩直接加氢液化工艺,而是通过煤岩油气(矿)藏中油基质的开发,即富集和均质化类似于石油体系中的稠油-特超稠油组分,直接进入现有石油工业稠油加工体系,降低转化为石油制品的技术门槛,提高加工工艺的可控性,实现煤炭工业丰富的油基质资源和石油加工两大工业体系的对接,达到资源优势与加工优势互补的目的。并指出,中、西部地区可造就成为我国未来石油制成品的重要基地。 展开更多
关键词 化石能源工业 煤岩气(矿)藏品 油基质开发 油基质加工 气资源潜力
莪术残油软膏基质组成的优选 被引量:3
作者 边海疆 孙艳涛 +3 位作者 董晓茜 胡北 刘姝畅 张振秋 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 2010年第11期2447-2448,共2页
目的:确定莪术残油软膏基质的最佳配比。方法:以软膏剂的外观性状,离心分层时间,耐低温,耐热恒温实验结果为考察指标,以油相、水相、乳化剂为可变因素,选用U8(86)表进行均匀设计实验,并依据其结果运用L9(34)表进行正交实验优化基质处方... 目的:确定莪术残油软膏基质的最佳配比。方法:以软膏剂的外观性状,离心分层时间,耐低温,耐热恒温实验结果为考察指标,以油相、水相、乳化剂为可变因素,选用U8(86)表进行均匀设计实验,并依据其结果运用L9(34)表进行正交实验优化基质处方。结果:基质的最佳配比为:单硬脂酸甘油酯4.5g,硬脂酸10g,白凡士林5g,液体石蜡15mL,甘油10g,十二烷基硫酸钠0.22g,三乙醇胺0.22mL,尼泊金乙酯0.5g,蒸馏水50mL。结论:按此法制备的软膏符合药典规定。 展开更多
关键词 莪术残软膏 均匀设计 正交实验
陆相基质型页岩油甜点区成熟度界限探讨--以渤海湾盆地东营凹陷沙三下-沙四上亚段为例 被引量:14
作者 李志明 孙中良 +9 位作者 黎茂稳 曹婷婷 钱门辉 马晓潇 刘鹏 鲍云杰 蒋启贵 陶国亮 张隽 芮晓庆 《石油实验地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期767-775,共9页
陆相基质型页岩油有望成为我国页岩油增储上产的主力页岩油类型。鉴于成熟度是控制基质型页岩油甜点区分布的重要因素,在分析我国典型陆相不同有机质类型富有机质泥页岩实测镜质体反射率R_(o)值抑制程度基础上,以渤海湾盆地东营凹陷沙... 陆相基质型页岩油有望成为我国页岩油增储上产的主力页岩油类型。鉴于成熟度是控制基质型页岩油甜点区分布的重要因素,在分析我国典型陆相不同有机质类型富有机质泥页岩实测镜质体反射率R_(o)值抑制程度基础上,以渤海湾盆地东营凹陷沙三下—沙四上亚段为例,探讨了陆相基质型页岩油甜点区成熟度界限。陆相富有机质泥页岩的有机质类型越好,其实测镜质体反射率R_(o)值抑制程度越显著。东营凹陷的洼陷区沙三下亚段富有机质泥页岩现今真实成熟度(等效镜质体反射率EqVR_(o))主要介于0.69%~1.05%,沙四上亚段富有机质泥页岩EqVR_(o)值则主要介于0.74%~1.20%;综合地质与工程甜点条件的剖析,东营凹陷沙三下、沙四上亚段富有机质泥页岩基质型页岩油甜点区的现今真实成熟度EqVR_(o)值为0.74%~1.20%,4个洼陷的深洼区均具有良好的基质型页岩油商业开发前景。 展开更多
关键词 富有机页岩 体反射率 成熟度界限 型页岩 甜点区 沙三下—沙四上亚段 东营凹陷 渤海湾盆地
基质型页岩油储层高导流体积缝网压裂技术 被引量:6
作者 范明福 明鑫 +1 位作者 明柱平 邱伟 《断块油气田》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期721-727,共7页
针对松辽盆地北部青山口组基质型页岩油储层压裂改造的难点,结合基质型页岩油储层地质特征,文中采用前置液态CO_(2)增能技术降低破裂压力,增加裂缝的复杂程度,优选出低伤害压裂液体系,以减小对储层的伤害;在大排量、大规模体积压裂的同... 针对松辽盆地北部青山口组基质型页岩油储层压裂改造的难点,结合基质型页岩油储层地质特征,文中采用前置液态CO_(2)增能技术降低破裂压力,增加裂缝的复杂程度,优选出低伤害压裂液体系,以减小对储层的伤害;在大排量、大规模体积压裂的同时,采用多尺度多缝多粒径支撑剂组合加砂工艺、高砂比伴注纤维加砂工艺及混合压裂液变黏度多级交替注入工艺提高裂缝导流能力,形成了一套适用于松辽盆地的基质型页岩油储层高导流体积缝网压裂技术。研究表明,该技术增加了压裂后返排率,降低了储层伤害,形成了复杂缝网体系及高导流裂缝,提高了产量,在松辽盆地北部现场应用4口井,压裂后均获得工业油流。研究成果对基质型页岩油储层压裂改造提供了技术借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 型页岩 压裂 高导流 体积缝网 松辽盆地
巨厚变质岩潜山油藏注气开发驱油机理及方案优化 被引量:1
作者 陈妍 张玉 《油气地质与采收率》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期119-123,共5页
兴古潜山油藏为巨厚变质岩潜山油藏,由于储层非均质性强、裂缝发育、含油高度达2 300 m,天然能量开发造成产量递减快,而注水开发难以有效补充地层能量,因此合理开发方式优选难度大。针对该油藏双重介质特征,改进实验流程,建立双重介质... 兴古潜山油藏为巨厚变质岩潜山油藏,由于储层非均质性强、裂缝发育、含油高度达2 300 m,天然能量开发造成产量递减快,而注水开发难以有效补充地层能量,因此合理开发方式优选难度大。针对该油藏双重介质特征,改进实验流程,建立双重介质储层变压焖井实验方法,量化研究基质渗析驱油作用,结合数值模拟研究和现场试验分析,深化注气开发驱油机理认识。研究结果表明,巨厚变质岩潜山油藏注气开发能够发挥重力驱替、气体上浮驱油及基质渗析等作用,可大幅度提高波及体积,并以此为指导开展兴古潜山油藏立体注气开发方案设计,采用顶部注气为主、中下部注气为辅的立体注气方式,在形成重力驱的同时发挥气体上浮驱油的作用,较天然能量开发提高采收率15%。 展开更多
关键词 重力驱 渗析驱 岩潜山 双重介储层 气驱机理 立体注气
一种潜在的“石油”资源——“煤岩油气(矿)藏”的认识与开发利用 被引量:1
作者 金军 牛嘉玉 +2 位作者 王好平 侯创业 杨元一 《石油学报(石油加工)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第6期621-629,共9页
在分析化石能源盆地组成和特征的基础上,提出了化石能源物理结构模型。煤岩是由大分子碳基质和中、低分子油基质两相组成,其中碳基质包括骨干相和枝干相,是固定碳的转化基质,而广义的"石油"组分——油基质是热成烃的基础物质... 在分析化石能源盆地组成和特征的基础上,提出了化石能源物理结构模型。煤岩是由大分子碳基质和中、低分子油基质两相组成,其中碳基质包括骨干相和枝干相,是固定碳的转化基质,而广义的"石油"组分——油基质是热成烃的基础物质,储集在碳基质骨架中,构成"煤岩油气(矿)藏"。并依据这一认识,在归纳现已工业化的煤转化方法的基础上,提出了将来可能工业化的油煤浆连续焦化技术和煤岩油气(矿)藏分散、溶解、相分离技术和油基质加工的工艺路线,以期对煤岩油气(矿)藏进行综合开发和利用,使其成为商业化能源。通过资源和储量的初步分析,我国煤岩油气资源大约为常规油气资源的数倍,从而为保障我国石油能源安全开拓了一个新领域。 展开更多
关键词 化石能源盆地 化石能源物理模型 煤岩气(矿)藏 油基质 煤浆连续焦化 分散一溶 解一相分离技术 气资源潜力
香油掺假检验——Halphen试验方法的改进 被引量:7
作者 张文德 《中国油脂》 CAS 1988年第2期31-33,共3页
本文对原Halphen定性试验测定棉籽油的方法做了三点改进,使之成为定量方法:1.以香油为基质油和石油醚为溶剂,先制备棉籽油的标准液,解决了定量问题;2.用50毫升容量瓶代替原法中的试管,保证了反应的完全;3.将原法在饱和盐水浴中反应改为... 本文对原Halphen定性试验测定棉籽油的方法做了三点改进,使之成为定量方法:1.以香油为基质油和石油醚为溶剂,先制备棉籽油的标准液,解决了定量问题;2.用50毫升容量瓶代替原法中的试管,保证了反应的完全;3.将原法在饱和盐水浴中反应改为直接在沸水浴中反应.改进后的方法回收率为93~110%,变异系数为3.2~9.2%,最低可检出0.01克棉籽油. 展开更多
关键词 沸水浴 盐水浴 定性试验 Halphen 试验方法 变异系数 定量问题 原法
Fatty Acid Composition and Seed Quality Traits of the Transgenic Rapeseed W-4(Brassica napus L.) with Down-regulated Expression of fad2 Gene 被引量:2
作者 陈松 彭琦 +4 位作者 高建芹 周晓婴 张洁夫 浦惠明 戚存扣 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第8期1769-1774,共6页
To clarify the effect of down-regulated expression of fad2 gene on the seed nutritional quality of rapeseed, the fatty acid composition, amino acid composi- tion, oil content, protein content, crude fiber content and ... To clarify the effect of down-regulated expression of fad2 gene on the seed nutritional quality of rapeseed, the fatty acid composition, amino acid composi- tion, oil content, protein content, crude fiber content and glucosinolate content in the seeds of both transgenic line W-4 and its control Westar were compared. The re- sults showed that the oleic acid content in W-4 was 86.03%±0.20%, which was 29.36% higher than that in the control (P〈0.01); the linoleic acid content was 2.86%± 0.01%, which was reduced by 84.03% compared with that in the control (P〈0.01); the linolenic acid content in W-4 was 3.04%±0.04%, reduced by 57.60% (P〈0.01); the palmitic acid content in W-4 was 3.23%±0.07%, reduced by 18.63% (P〈0.01); the eicosenoic acid content in W-4 was increased by 18.46% compared with that in the control (P〈0.01); the erucic acid content in W-4 was increased by 13.15% (P〈 0.05); there was no significant difference in stearic acid content between the treat- ment and control groups (P〉0.05). The amino acid composition analysis showed that total 18 amino acids, including 8 essential amino acids, were detected in both W-4 and Westar; there were no significant differences in contents of the 18 amino acids between the treatment and control groups except that of tyrosine (P〉0.05); the contents of oil, proteins, glucosinolates and crude fiber in W-4 were 45.40%± 0.17% (P〉0.05), 18.18%±0.91% (P〉0.05), 18.20%±1.21% (P〉0.05) and 12.29%± 0.04% (P〉0.05), respectively. All the results above showed that the down-regulated expression of fad2 had great effects on fatty acid composition and accumulation in rapeseed seeds, but had no significant effects on other seed quality traits, such as oil content, protein content, crude fiber content and glucosinolate content. 展开更多
关键词 Transgenic rapeseed fad2 gene silencing Quality traits
Optimization of Cultivation Medium for Container Seedling Raising of Camellia oleifera
作者 汪洋 冷艳芝 +2 位作者 刘传清 阮国宇 胡先祥 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第5期703-706,715,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the optimal component of culti- vation medium for container seedling raising of Camellia oleifera. [Method] In the application of container nursery technology of Camellia ol... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the optimal component of culti- vation medium for container seedling raising of Camellia oleifera. [Method] In the application of container nursery technology of Camellia oleifera grafting in emergent stocks, yellow clay soil, surface soil of pine forest, decomposed edible fungus, peat soil, dung and dirt were mixed by different proportions into five formulae as nursery substrates, with garden soil as the control, in order to investigate the influences of various substrates on the growth of annual Camellia oleifera container seedlings by using randomized block design based on variance analysis and multiple comparisons, and to screen the optimal substrate formula for container nursery of Camellia oleifera. [Result] The influences of different substrates on the transplanting survival rate, seedling height, basal diameter, height-diameter ratio and lateral root length of Camellia oleifera container seedlings were significantly different. Various growth indi- cators of Camellia oleifera container seedlings cultivated in the substrate containing 40% of yellow clay soil + 15% of surface soil of pine forest + 20% of decomposed edible fungus + 20% of peat soil + 5% of dung and dirt exceeded that of the control and other substrate formulae, which could be used as the optimal substrate formula for the container nursery of Camellia oleifera. [Conclusion] This study screened the optimal substrate formula for the container nursery of Camellia oleifera, which provided technical reference for the cultivation of Camellia oleifera container seedlings. 展开更多
关键词 Camellia oleifera Container seedling raising Cultivation medium GROWTH COMPONENT
Measurement of Diffusion Coefficients of Air in Silicone Oil and in Hydraulic Oil 被引量:6
作者 丁川 范毓润 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第2期205-211,共7页
A piston-cylinder apparatus was established to measure the solubility and diffusivity of air in dimethyl silicone oils and in hydraulic oils based on the PVT state equation of air and the solution of unsteady one-dime... A piston-cylinder apparatus was established to measure the solubility and diffusivity of air in dimethyl silicone oils and in hydraulic oils based on the PVT state equation of air and the solution of unsteady one-dimensional diffusion equation.The measured diffusivity-temperature relation can be well fitted by the Arrhenius equation for engineering applications.The correlation between the solute diffusivity D and solvent viscosity μ is examined.In terms of Eyring's activation theory,the activation in the air-silicone-oil diffusion process is quite different from that in the momentum transport of the silicone oil:the activation entropy of the former is positive while that of latter is negative.However,the activation enthalpies of the two processes are in the same order of magnitude,which leads to the observation that Dμ/T is roughly constant. 展开更多
关键词 AIR silicone oil hydraulic oil diffusion coefficient VISCOSITY
作者 廖银根 邓广能 《中华临床医药杂志(北京)》 CAS 2004年第18期106-107,共2页
脲素乳膏是我院报经当地药监部门批准,临床使用多年的一种自配制剂。本品具有剥脱和促进角质水合作用,在临床上广泛用于治疗手足皲裂、寻常性鱼鳞病、先天性鱼鳞病、老年性干皮病和进行性指掌角皮炎等,且疗效确切。由于该制剂在贮藏... 脲素乳膏是我院报经当地药监部门批准,临床使用多年的一种自配制剂。本品具有剥脱和促进角质水合作用,在临床上广泛用于治疗手足皲裂、寻常性鱼鳞病、先天性鱼鳞病、老年性干皮病和进行性指掌角皮炎等,且疗效确切。由于该制剂在贮藏时很不稳定,易产生水油两相分层,脲素析出等现象,从而影响药品质量,故我们针对出现的上述问题,对原处方工艺做了某些改进;增加其稳定性,使其更有利于发挥作用。 展开更多
关键词 脲素乳膏 制作工艺 乳化剂 包水型 司盘-80
Research on Fatty Acid and Amino Acid Components of Desi Chickpea Seeds from Xinjiang 被引量:1
作者 海力前木.卡地尔 艾拜都拉.阿布都拉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第2期165-167,共3页
[Objective] The paper aimed to determine the fatty acid components and contents,and measure the fractional protein and the amino acid components of Desi chickpea seeds.[Method] The oil of Desi chickpea seeds was extra... [Objective] The paper aimed to determine the fatty acid components and contents,and measure the fractional protein and the amino acid components of Desi chickpea seeds.[Method] The oil of Desi chickpea seeds was extracted from their kernels collected from Xinjiang.The contents and components of fatty acids were tested by GC-MS.The fractional extraction was used to get the proteins of their kernels,and then the content of protein was tested.The amino acid compositions of the proteins were also analyzed.[Result] The fat content of chickpea seeds was as high as up to 18.2%,among which,the unsaturated fatty acids oleic acid and linoleic acid were the major component,accounting for 80% of the total fatty acids;the content of saturated fatty acid was low.The average content of protein was 23.71% in chickpea seeds.Globulin and albumin were the main protein in chickpea seeds,accounting for more than 80% of the total proteins,while glutelin and gliadin contents were low.All the proteins got from chickpea seeds belonged to complete protein,which contained 18 kinds of amino acids.The content of Glu was the highest(15.8%),and the content of Asp was 10.7%,followed by Arg(9.30%),Leu(7.56%),Lys(6.34%),Phe,Ala,Val and Ile.The contents of Trp,Met and Cys were the least.The chickpea seed was rich in essential amino acids.[Conclusion] The Desi chickpea was a legume crop containing high content of unsaturated fatty acids and rich in amino acids. 展开更多
关键词 Chickpea seeds Oil Fatty acid PROTEIN Amino acid
Macauba as Promising Substrate for Crude Oil and Biodiesel Production
作者 Roseli Aparecida Ferrari Joaquim Adelino de Azevedo Filho 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第10期1119-1126,共8页
The preparation of macauba fruits (Acrocomia aculeate (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Martius) both for oil extraction by continuous pressing and biodiesel production were investigated. The fruits and its pulp and kernel were ch... The preparation of macauba fruits (Acrocomia aculeate (Jacq.) Lodd. ex Martius) both for oil extraction by continuous pressing and biodiesel production were investigated. The fruits and its pulp and kernel were characterized for their resulting oils. Experimental design was carried out to study the transesterification of each oil to obtain the concentrations of ethanol and catalyst that would provide the best biodiesel yield. A higher amount of biodiesel was produced from the best conditions to evaluate some characteristics as specified by ANP (National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels). The results showed a variation in the fruits composition and different characteristics presented by the pulp and kernel oil. It was possible to define technological steps to obtain oil from the fruits of macauba and find the optimal conditions to biodiesel production, concentration of catalyst 4.42% and 5% and 13.3:1 and 9:1 ethanol:oil molar ratio to kernel oil and pulp oil, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Acrocomia aculeata oil extraction pulp and kernel oil.
Research on New Silica Sol Matrix Used in Fluid Catalytic Cracking Reaction 被引量:3
作者 Zhang Zhongdong Liu Zhaoyong +3 位作者 Yan Zifeng Wang Yi Zhang Haitao Wang Zhifeng 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2014年第2期29-33,共5页
A new silica sol binder was obtained by mixing the acid-modified aluminium sulfate and water glass. The effect of SiO2 concentration in sodium silicate, pH value and polymerization was investigated. The new silica sol... A new silica sol binder was obtained by mixing the acid-modified aluminium sulfate and water glass. The effect of SiO2 concentration in sodium silicate, pH value and polymerization was investigated. The new silica sol binder, which possessed abundant pore volume and suitable acid amount, was an ideal component for preparing cracking catalyst. As a result, the corresponding catalyst comprising the new binder showed excellent performance. Compared with the reference sample, the liquefied petroleum gas(LPG) and propylene yield obtained over this catalyst increased by 3.49 and 1.20 percentage points, respectively. The perfect pore structure and suitable Lewis acid amount of new silica sol were the possible reason leading to its outstanding performance. 展开更多
作者 郭福昌 孙轶梅 《河南大学学报(医学版)》 CAS 1994年第3期212-213,共2页
冻伤是一种寒冷季节的常见病和多发病。发病率与地理位置、天气变化、工作环境等因素密切相关。以往治疗冻伤多是用局部刺激、发赤疗法,借以达到改善局部血液循环的目的。我们自1992年起试制冻伤灵霜,对可随访的74例患者临床观察、疗效... 冻伤是一种寒冷季节的常见病和多发病。发病率与地理位置、天气变化、工作环境等因素密切相关。以往治疗冻伤多是用局部刺激、发赤疗法,借以达到改善局部血液循环的目的。我们自1992年起试制冻伤灵霜,对可随访的74例患者临床观察、疗效满意,对皮肤无刺激性,对人体也未见任何副作用,且无油腻感,使用方便。现介绍如下: 展开更多
关键词 局部血液循环 临床观察 腻感 工作环境 临床应用 白凡士林 处方量 石腊 氮酮
《中国农村小康科技》 2001年第11期59-60,共2页
食盐,与维持体液渗透压、组织代谢和生物体电位等密切相关.因而,利用食盐进行按摩来除去皮肤污垢,使肌肤强韧滑润、促进新陈代谢等美肤健身的方法,便应运而生.然而,将食盐直接用于按摩,不仅有强烈的粗糙感,而且按摩后也不舒服.因此,又... 食盐,与维持体液渗透压、组织代谢和生物体电位等密切相关.因而,利用食盐进行按摩来除去皮肤污垢,使肌肤强韧滑润、促进新陈代谢等美肤健身的方法,便应运而生.然而,将食盐直接用于按摩,不仅有强烈的粗糙感,而且按摩后也不舒服.因此,又有将食盐载持于用热水沾湿的高岭土上等进行按摩的方法.但该法必须使用比需要量多得多的食盐,存在大量浪费. 展开更多
关键词 健身按摩膏 配制 食盐 水包型乳化
作者 John.,MA 王大勇 《气雾剂通讯》 2000年第Z12期9-12,共4页
关键词 头发光亮气雾剂 配方 毛发用品 矿物
Research on Fatty Acid and Amino Acid Components of Agriophyllum squarrosum Seeds from Xinjiang
作者 库尔班江.巴拉提 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第6期789-791,共3页
[Objective] The aim was to investigate the fatty acid and amino acid components of Agriophyllum squarrosum seeds from Xinjiang.[Method] The oil sample was extracted from kernels of A.squarrosum seeds collected from Xi... [Objective] The aim was to investigate the fatty acid and amino acid components of Agriophyllum squarrosum seeds from Xinjiang.[Method] The oil sample was extracted from kernels of A.squarrosum seeds collected from Xinjiang for measuring the components and contents of fatty acids with GC-MS;semi-micro Kjeldahl method and fractional extraction were conducted to get the proteins from the kernels and determine amino acids of the proteins.[Result] The fat content of A.squarrosum seeds was as high as up to 13.7%,among which unsaturated fatty acid and linoleic acid were the major components,accounting for more than 80% of the total fatty acids,while saturated fatty acid content was lower.The content of crude proteins was 24.37% in A.squarrosum seeds,in which globulin and albumin were the main components,accounting for more than 80% of the total proteins,while glutenin,gliadin and residue proteinswere less.Protein got from A.squarrosum seeds belonged to complete protein,contained 18 kinds of amino acids.The content of glutamic acid was the highest(18.3%),followed by arginine(9.46%),aspartate(9.27%),leucine(6.67%),phenylalanine(5.04%),serine,methionine,lysine,valine,cystine,histidine and tryptophane.In addition,A.squarrosum seed was rich in essential amino acid.[Conclusion] The paper will provide reference for comprehensive development of A.squarrosum resources from Xinjiang. 展开更多
关键词 Agriophyllum squarrosum seeds FAT Fatty acid PROTEIN Amino acid
Variation of the Content of Ethyl Esters in Extra Virgin Olive Oils during Their Shelf Life
作者 Maria A. Grompone Nicolas Callejas +3 位作者 Natalia Martinez Camila Feller Miguel Amarillo Bruno A. Irigaray 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2016年第1期21-25,共5页
Fatty acids' ethyl and methyl esters are not natural components of edible vegetable oils and therefore should not be present in virgin olive oils. Among the quality requirements for extra virgin olive oils, the Inter... Fatty acids' ethyl and methyl esters are not natural components of edible vegetable oils and therefore should not be present in virgin olive oils. Among the quality requirements for extra virgin olive oils, the International Olive Council (IOC) Norm, 2015 review, set limits for the ethyl ester content at ≤ 435 ppm for the 2014/2015 and 2015/2016 harvests and at ≤ 30 ppm for the 2016/2017 harvest. The purpose of this paper is to: (a) determine the alkyl ester content in two extra virgin olive oils (of the Arbequina and Coratina varieties) as parameters of quality at the moment of their elaboration and to assess the length of their shelf life, over a 12 month period at room temperature; (b) determine extra virgin olive oils' free alcohols content as these may esterify due to the free fatty acids present during storage. After 6 months of storage, the Arbequina oil's ethyl ester content was 32 ppm, and the Coratina's was 46 ppm. As a result, the shelf life for both was only about half a year (labeling usually indicates it must be consumed "before 1 year"). However, parameters related to oxidation (peroxide index, K 232, K 270 and AK) remained within the limits set by the International Olive Council (IOC) throughout the year. In conclusion: ethyl ester content is a very fine parameter for assessing the quality of extra virgin in an olive oil and determining the length of its shelf life. 展开更多
关键词 Alkyl esters free alcohols olive oil shelf life
The Influence of Paraffinic Base Oil on Low-temperature Viscosity of Naphthenic Base Oil 被引量:2
作者 Liu Shuzhen Fu Hongrui 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2010年第1期34-37,共4页
Low-temperature viscosity of lube oils mixed with paraffinic base oil and naphthenic base oil at different mass ratios has been tested by experiments. The influence of paraffinic base oil on the performance of naphthe... Low-temperature viscosity of lube oils mixed with paraffinic base oil and naphthenic base oil at different mass ratios has been tested by experiments. The influence of paraffinic base oil on the performance of naphthenic base oil was investigated by studying the low-temperature viscosity of tested oils. The viscosity of lube oils increased with an increasing content of high-viscosity paraffinic base oil in the oil mixture. And the low-temperature viscosity was less influenced when the content of paraffinic base oil in the mixture was insignificant. In order to reduce the cost for formulating lubricating oil, a small fraction of paraffinic base oil can be added into naphthenic base oil as far as the property of lubricating oil can meet the specification. According to the study on low-temperature viscosity of the oil mixed with paraffinic base oil and naphthenic base oil, a basic rule was worked out for the preparation of qualified lubricating oils. 展开更多
关键词 paraffinic base oil naphthenic base oil low-temperature viscosity lubricating oil
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