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源岩、超压和断裂空间匹配对三肇凹陷扶杨油层油成藏的控制作用 被引量:44
作者 王雅春 王胜男 《吉林大学学报(地球科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期656-661,共6页
在综合研究三肇凹陷青一段源岩发育及排烃特征、超压及分布特征和T2源断裂及分布特征源岩、超压和断裂空间匹配关系对油成藏与分布控制作用的基础上:认为青一段源岩和其内超压空间匹配控制着三肇凹陷扶杨油层油成藏分布范围,超压和T2源... 在综合研究三肇凹陷青一段源岩发育及排烃特征、超压及分布特征和T2源断裂及分布特征源岩、超压和断裂空间匹配关系对油成藏与分布控制作用的基础上:认为青一段源岩和其内超压空间匹配控制着三肇凹陷扶杨油层油成藏分布范围,超压和T2源断裂配置控制着扶杨油层油聚集深度和层位,超压和T2源断裂平面配置控制着扶杨油层油聚集的部位。具体表现为:①青一段源岩生成油'倒灌'运移区内T2源断裂发育的区块使扶杨油层油富集;②青一段源岩生成油'倒灌'运移区内,距T2源断裂越近,断距越小,越有利于扶杨油层油富集;③青一段源岩生成油'倒灌'运移区内,油主要富集在T2源断裂的下盘。 展开更多
关键词 三肇凹陷 扶杨 青一段源岩 超压 T2源断裂 空间配置 油成藏控制作用
贝尔凹陷源圈空间配置的输导通道与油成藏特征 被引量:5
作者 赵荣 于瑶函 姜文亚 《大庆石油学院学报》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第2期34-37,116-117,共4页
研究贝尔凹陷储层圈闭与南屯组源岩之间空间配置的输导通道与油成藏关系.结果表明:贝尔凹陷主要有源下圈侧上方、源内圈、源外圈侧方和源下圈正上方4类源圈空间配置关系.不同类型源圈空间配置的输导通道类型不同,油成藏分布特征也不同.... 研究贝尔凹陷储层圈闭与南屯组源岩之间空间配置的输导通道与油成藏关系.结果表明:贝尔凹陷主要有源下圈侧上方、源内圈、源外圈侧方和源下圈正上方4类源圈空间配置关系.不同类型源圈空间配置的输导通道类型不同,油成藏分布特征也不同.源下圈侧上方空间匹配的输导通道为T5至T1断裂,油成藏主要形成在苏德尔特潜山构造带和霍多莫尔断鼻带的基岩布达特群储层中.源内圈空间配置的输导通道是砂体,油成藏主要形成在贝中次凹的南屯组储层中.源外圈侧方空间配置的输导通道为被断裂沟通的砂体,油成藏主要形成在贝西斜坡区南屯组储层中.源下圈正上方空间配置的输导通道为过T23至T1断裂,油成藏主要形成在霍多莫尔断鼻带及周边地区的大磨拐河组二段储层中. 展开更多
关键词 贝尔凹陷 源岩 圈闭 空间配置 输导通道 油成藏
源外鼻状构造区成藏要素空间匹配关系与油成藏 被引量:2
作者 付志新 《大庆石油地质与开发》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期19-24,共6页
通过对松辽盆地尚家地区3个主要油成藏要素——青一段源岩、不同层位的断层圈闭、断裂及砂体输导通道2者之间的空间匹配关系研究得到,尚家地区断层圈闭与三肇凹陷油区青一段源岩之间空间存在2种匹配关系,一种是尚家地区扶杨油层和泉... 通过对松辽盆地尚家地区3个主要油成藏要素——青一段源岩、不同层位的断层圈闭、断裂及砂体输导通道2者之间的空间匹配关系研究得到,尚家地区断层圈闭与三肇凹陷油区青一段源岩之间空间存在2种匹配关系,一种是尚家地区扶杨油层和泉二段油层断层圈闭位于三肇凹陷青一段源岩的侧下方,可由油源断裂和过T2-T06氏的沟通砂体输导通道相连接;另一种是尚家地区葡萄花油层断层圈闭位于三肇凹陷油区青一段源岩的侧上方,可由油源断裂、过T2-T06的沟通砂体输导通道和过T22-T06的断裂连接。通过油藏分布与3个主要成藏要素关系研究得到,尚家地区扶杨油层和泉二段油层断层圈闭只有位于扶杨油层过T2-T06断裂沟通的砂体输导通道上或附近才能形成油藏,葡萄花油层断层圈闭只有位于过T22-T06断裂输导通道沟通扶杨油层油区之上才能形成油藏。 展开更多
关键词 松辽盆地 尚家地区 三肇凹陷 成藏要素 空间匹配关系 油成藏
贝尔凹陷南二段油成藏的地质条件 被引量:8
作者 赵刚 张群 +1 位作者 王兴亚 黄鹤 《大庆石油学院学报》 CAS 北大核心 2009年第4期9-12,共4页
为了研究贝尔凹陷南二段油成藏的有利条件,利用油藏与成藏主控因素叠合分析方法,对控制其油成藏与分布的主要因素进行了研究.结果表明:南屯组源岩生烃能力强,可为南二段储层中油聚集提供充足的油源;T23至T1断裂为南屯组源岩生成油向南... 为了研究贝尔凹陷南二段油成藏的有利条件,利用油藏与成藏主控因素叠合分析方法,对控制其油成藏与分布的主要因素进行了研究.结果表明:南屯组源岩生烃能力强,可为南二段储层中油聚集提供充足的油源;T23至T1断裂为南屯组源岩生成油向南二段储层中运移提供了良好的输导通道;大一段泥岩盖层为南二段储层中油聚集与保存提供了有利的盖层条件;边界断裂控制形成的断层圈闭为南二段储层中油的聚集成藏提供了有效圈闭. 展开更多
关键词 贝尔凹陷 南二段 油成藏 地质条件 南屯组源岩 断裂 大一段盖层
油成藏模式及对油分布的控制作用——以海塔盆地中部主要断陷带为例 被引量:2
作者 孙雅林 《科学技术与工程》 2011年第19期4427-4432,共6页
通过钻井和油藏解剖得到,海塔盆地中部主要断陷带油藏类型除少量基岩潜山油藏外,主要为断层油藏,纵向上以南一段自生自储式生储盖组合油最富集,平面上呈11个富集区分布,以塔南中次凹和贝中-南贝尔东次凹北洼槽油更富集。油成藏可分为自... 通过钻井和油藏解剖得到,海塔盆地中部主要断陷带油藏类型除少量基岩潜山油藏外,主要为断层油藏,纵向上以南一段自生自储式生储盖组合油最富集,平面上呈11个富集区分布,以塔南中次凹和贝中-南贝尔东次凹北洼槽油更富集。油成藏可分为自生自储式、下生上储式和上生下储式3大类成藏模式,自生自储式又可分为洼中隆、缓坡断阶带和陡坡断阶带或断鼻3种成藏模式,油成藏模式对油分布的控制作用表现在3个方面:①缓坡断阶带油成藏模式是油富集的最主要成藏模式;②成藏模式越发育的的层位,油就越富集;③成藏模式越发育的地区,油也就越富集。 展开更多
关键词 海塔盆地 中部主要断陷带 油成藏模式 分布 自生自储 下生上储 上生下储
松辽盆地三肇凹陷葡萄花油层成藏规律 被引量:3
作者 席国兴 《大庆石油地质与开发》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期11-14,共4页
通过对三肇凹陷油的分布规律、成藏的主控因素和模式的研究认为,葡萄花油层成藏主要为断块和断层一岩性油藏2种类型。平面上,既可以分布在断裂密集带两侧,又可以分布在断裂密集带内部;剖面上,主要分布在构造高部位。油成藏与分布... 通过对三肇凹陷油的分布规律、成藏的主控因素和模式的研究认为,葡萄花油层成藏主要为断块和断层一岩性油藏2种类型。平面上,既可以分布在断裂密集带两侧,又可以分布在断裂密集带内部;剖面上,主要分布在构造高部位。油成藏与分布的控制因素主要有:①油源断裂控制着油的成藏与分布;②断裂密集带附近的正向构造是油聚集的有利区域;③地垒构造和断裂密集带交叉处是断裂密集带两侧和内部油富集的有利部位;④分流河道砂体为油提供了有利储集条件。油成藏的模式为青一段源岩生成的油在超压和浮力作用下沿油源断裂向上运移至葡萄花油层,在断裂密集带附近的正向构造内聚集成藏。 展开更多
关键词 下生上储 油成藏 主控因素 葡萄花 三肇凹陷 松辽盆地
陆相断陷盆地岩性油气藏形成与分布的“多元控油—主元成藏”特征 被引量:75
作者 刘震 赵阳 +5 位作者 杜金虎 肖伟 金博 许晓明 梁全胜 郝琦 《地质科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期612-635,共24页
陆相断陷盆地岩性油气藏的形成和分布受到多种因素的控制(包括多项宏观地质因素和微观地质因素),很难用一个统一的模式来解释,表现出显著的“差异性”特征。岩性油气藏形成并分布在沉积盆地中,它必然首先要受盆地中宏观石油地质条件的影... 陆相断陷盆地岩性油气藏的形成和分布受到多种因素的控制(包括多项宏观地质因素和微观地质因素),很难用一个统一的模式来解释,表现出显著的“差异性”特征。岩性油气藏形成并分布在沉积盆地中,它必然首先要受盆地中宏观石油地质条件的影响,如:1)构造带类型的影响,2)沉积体系域类型的控制,3)储集相类型的控制,4)烃源岩的控制以及5)盆地温—压系统的控制等。根据岩性油气藏形成的基本条件和岩性圈闭成藏控制因素的分析,认为岩性圈闭能否成藏主要受4大主控因素制约:1)油气运移通道因素,2)流体动力因素,3)储层临界物性因素,和4)砂体封闭因素。本文力图用“多元控油—主元成藏”规律来概括这一特征,以期在石油地质理论和岩性油气藏勘探方面起到促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 岩性气藏“多元控-主元成藏 形成与分布特征 陆相断陷盆地
陆相断陷盆地“多元控油—主元成藏”概念及其意义 被引量:4
作者 刘震 赵贤正 +5 位作者 赵阳 郝琦 刘俊榜 许晓明 梁全胜 肖伟 《中国石油勘探》 CAS 2006年第5期13-20,34,共9页
从油气藏形成分布控制因素角度出发,提出用“多元控油—主元成藏”这一概念来概括陆相断陷盆地岩性油气藏形成特征和分布规律,以期对岩性油气藏勘探起到指导作用。陆相断陷盆地岩性油气藏的形成和分布受多种地质条件的影响,宏观控制因素... 从油气藏形成分布控制因素角度出发,提出用“多元控油—主元成藏”这一概念来概括陆相断陷盆地岩性油气藏形成特征和分布规律,以期对岩性油气藏勘探起到指导作用。陆相断陷盆地岩性油气藏的形成和分布受多种地质条件的影响,宏观控制因素(多元)主要有:盆地类型、构造带类型、沉积体系域类型、储集体类型、烃源岩质量以及盆地温—压系统等。在不同盆地,上述条件表现出显著的“差异性”特征。但通过对岩性油气藏形成的自身特点和成藏条件的分析,认为岩性圈闭能否成藏主要受4个主控因素(多元)制约:油气运移通道、流体动力、储层临界物性和砂体封闭条件。对于具体某一个凹陷或构造带,成藏的主要控制因素将更加具体化。 展开更多
关键词 岩性气藏 成藏条件 控制因素 "多元控-主元成藏"
陆相断陷盆地油气藏形成控制因素及分布规律概述 被引量:36
作者 刘震 陈艳鹏 +3 位作者 赵阳 郝奇 许晓明 常迈 《岩性油气藏》 CSCD 2007年第2期121-127,133,共8页
我国东部陆相断陷盆地经过多年的勘探实践,已经逐步形成了以"陆相生油"、"源控论"为代表的陆相石油地质理论。从最初的背斜油气藏勘探到现今的隐蔽油气藏勘探,中国陆相断陷盆地油气形成和分布规律经历了以下历程:... 我国东部陆相断陷盆地经过多年的勘探实践,已经逐步形成了以"陆相生油"、"源控论"为代表的陆相石油地质理论。从最初的背斜油气藏勘探到现今的隐蔽油气藏勘探,中国陆相断陷盆地油气形成和分布规律经历了以下历程:在大庆油田发现的基础上总结出来"源控论"(20世纪60~70年代);在以渤海湾盆地为代表的陆相断陷盆地勘探成果的基础上提出的"复式油气聚集带理论"(20世纪80年代);胜利油田地质工作者在东营凹陷的勘探过程中总结的"环洼聚油"理论(20世纪90年代);在对二连盆地的隐蔽油气藏形成及分布特征研究时提出的"互补性"特征(2003年)、"优势论"特征(2005年)以及"多元控油—主元成藏"新观点(2006年)。这一系列认识和新观点不仅在指导我国陆相断陷盆地的油气勘探中起到了重要作用,也大大丰富了我国以陆相生油为主线的石油地质理论。 展开更多
关键词 陆相断陷盆地 气分布规律 源控论 复式气聚集带 “互补性”特征 “优势性”特征 多元控-主元成藏
Physical simulation of hydrodynamic conditions in high rank coalbed methane reservoir formation 被引量:5
作者 WANG Bo JIANG Bo +5 位作者 LIU Lei ZHENG Gui-qiang QIN Yong WANG Hong-yan LIU Hong-lin LI Gui-zhong 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第4期435-440,共6页
In order to select highly productive and enriched areas of high rank coalbed methane reservoirs, based on hydrologic geology as one of the main factors controlling coalbed methane (CBM) reservoir formations, the eff... In order to select highly productive and enriched areas of high rank coalbed methane reservoirs, based on hydrologic geology as one of the main factors controlling coalbed methane (CBM) reservoir formations, the effect of hydrodynamic forces controlling CBM reservoir formations was studied by a physical simulation experiment in which we used CBM reservoir simulation facilities. The hydrodynamic conditions of high coal rank reservoirs in the Qinshui basin were analyzed. Our experiment shows the following results: under strong hydrodynamic alternating action, 6C~ of coalbed methane reservoir changed from the start at -2.95% ~ -3.66%, and the lightening process occurred in phases; the CI-I4 volume reduced from 96.35% to 12.42%; the CO2 vo- lume decreased from 0.75% in sample 1 to 0.68% in sample 2, then rose to 1.13% in sample 3; the N2 volume changed from 2.9% in sample 1 to 86.45% in sample 3. On one hand, these changes show the complexity of CBM reservoir formation; on the other hand, they indicate that strong hydrodynamic actions have an unfavorable impact on CBM reservoir formation. It was found that the gas volume and hydrodynamic intensity were negatively correlated and low hydrodynamic flow conditions might result in highly productive and enriched areas of high rank CBM. 展开更多
关键词 high coal rank coalbed methane reservoir hydrodynamic condition physical simulation Qinshui basin
Sequence boundaries and regularities in the oil-gas distribution of the low swelling slope belt in the continental rift basin 被引量:3
作者 Xie Zongkui 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第3期419-425,共7页
Where are the zones more enriched in sand deposits in the down slope and deep depression of the low swelling slope belt? Are there any screening conditions for oil and gas there? These are the chief geological problem... Where are the zones more enriched in sand deposits in the down slope and deep depression of the low swelling slope belt? Are there any screening conditions for oil and gas there? These are the chief geological problems to be solved during exploration of a region. Taking the Paleogene system developed along the east slope belt of Chengdao as an example the concepts of sequence stratigraphy and sedimentary sequenc are applied. A new research method likened to a way ''to get a melon by following the vine'' is proposed to determine the direction for exploring within un-drilled or less-drilled areas. This is the process: ''the characteristics of the sequence boundary ? the forming mechanism of the stratigraphic sequence ? the conditions of oil and gas accumulation ? the distribution zones of oil and gas''. The relationship between the dynamic mechanism of stratigraphic sequence and the forming conditions for oil and gas accumulation establishes that the tectonic disturbance of the slope belt has significant responses as denudation and deposition. Above the stratigraphic sequence boundary there are large scale sand bodies of the low stand system tract (LST) that have developed in the low swelling slope belt and its deep depression. Below the sequence boundary there are the remaining sand bodies of the high stand system tract (HST). On the slope there is a convergence of mudstone layers of the extended system tract (EST) with the mudstone of the underlying strata, which constitutes the screening conditions for the reservoir of the down slope and deep depression. The distribution regularities in preferred sand bodies on the surface of the sequence boundary, and in the system tract, indicate the ordering of oil-gas deposits. From the higher stand down to the depth of the slope there are, in order, areas where exploration was unfavorable, major areas of stratigraphic overlap of oil-gas reservoirs, unconformity screened oil-gas reservoirs, and, finally, sandstone lens oil-gas reservoirs. The low swelling slope belt of Chengdao was tectonically active, which is typical for a continental rift basin. The methodology and results of the present paper are significant for the theory and practice of predicting subtle reservoir and selecting strategic areas for exploration. 展开更多
关键词 Continental rift basinLow swelling ChengdaoSequence boundary Subtle reservoirThe distribution regularity of oil and gas
Geological factors associated with unsuccessful exploration wells in the northern margin of the Qaidam basin 被引量:1
作者 ZENG Chun-lin JIANG Bo +2 位作者 ZHANG Min YIN Cheng-ming MA Li-xie 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第2期241-244,共4页
We investigated the geological factors associated with unsuccessful exploration wells in the northern margin of the Qaidam basin to better understand their cause.The structural situation,the hydrocarbon accumulation m... We investigated the geological factors associated with unsuccessful exploration wells in the northern margin of the Qaidam basin to better understand their cause.The structural situation,the hydrocarbon accumulation mechanism and unsuccessful well data collected from 1996 to 2005 were studied.The results show that the main geological factors associated with unsuccessful exploration wells are a lack of effective source rocks and a lack of effective traps,as well as the migration-accumulation conditions that exist in this area.The basin was reformed by Meso-Cenozoic tectonic evolution.Multi-stage tectonic activities have both positive and negative effects on hydrocarbon accumulation.Source rocks distribution,effective migration channels,effective traps and the tectonic evolution effects on hydrocarbons should be the key objects for further studies. 展开更多
关键词 northern margin of the Qaidam basin oil and gas exploration exploration wells unsuccessful reasons geologicalfactors TECTONICS
Reservoir characteristics of Donghe well No.1 in Tarim Basin 被引量:1
作者 Liao Taiping Hu Jingjing +1 位作者 Lai Fuqiang Duan Yonggang 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第5期719-724,共6页
Based on the techniques of X-ray diffraction analysis, identification of the thin sections of core cast, phys- ical analysis and scanning electron microscopy analysis, this paper studied the reservoir characteristics ... Based on the techniques of X-ray diffraction analysis, identification of the thin sections of core cast, phys- ical analysis and scanning electron microscopy analysis, this paper studied the reservoir characteristics of the Carboniferous strata in Donghe well No.1 of Tarim region. The results show that the reservoir lithology is mainly the fine-grained quartz sandstone with ferrocalcite and pyrite, mud cement-based, the permeability concentrated in 5-40 × 10-3 μm2, a small part of the high permeability up to 150-327 ×10-3 μm2 and porosity ranged from 10% to 20%. The most part of the reservoirs is low perme- ability with a small part of the layer in moderate-high permeability. The types of reservoir space include intergranular pores, intra particle-molding pores, micro-pores and cracks, which mainly are intergranular pores with the pore diameter of 15-200 μm, 95.5μm on average. And the types of the throats are comolex with the main tvne of constricted l:hroats in this area and large contribution to the permeability. 展开更多
关键词 Tarim Basin Carboniferous system Sandstone reservoir Physical characteristics Features of pore throats
Evaluation of effective carrier system and function on hydrocarbon accumulation in Gaoyou Sag,Subei Basin,China
作者 李浩 高先志 +2 位作者 孟晓燕 赵赟龙 张明 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第6期1679-1692,共14页
Effective carrier system comprises carrier beds which transport hydrocarbons. The spatial and temporal effectiveness of carrier system is identified according to the relevance of hydrocarbon show, hydrocarbon inclusio... Effective carrier system comprises carrier beds which transport hydrocarbons. The spatial and temporal effectiveness of carrier system is identified according to the relevance of hydrocarbon show, hydrocarbon inclusion and sealing ability of fault to hydrocarbons distribution, together with matching relation of activity history of fault and hydrocarbon generation history of source rock. On the basis of the above considerations, transporting ability of effective carrier system can be evaluated using parameters such as fluid potential, porosity and permeability, spatial coefficient of effective pathway as well as activity rate of fault. Additionally, a new concept of"transporting threshold porosity" was proposed. Five styles of effective carrier systems were established in Gaoyou Sag, displaying either layered or zonal distribution characteristics, and transporting time ranges from the sedimentary time of Ezdz to early stage of sanduo uplift. Effective carrier systems can be described to be lowly-efficient and highly-efficient. Major faults (convex or steep fault plane) with activity rate greater than 20 m/Ma and structure ridges of sand layers with spatial coefficient of effective pathway greater than 25% are defined to be highly-efficient carrier beds. Hydrocarbons are concentrated around high-efficient carrier beds and E1 f traps of northern shanian area are predicted to have great potential. 展开更多
关键词 effective carrier system transporting threshold porosity of carrier beds fluid potential hydrocarbon migration GaoyouSag
Sequence of densification and hydrocarbon charging of Xu2 reservoir in Anyue–Hechuan area,Sichuan Basin,China 被引量:2
作者 陈聪 徐国盛 +2 位作者 徐昉昊 袁海锋 陈飞 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期1439-1448,共10页
The sequence of the densification and hydrocarbon charging of the Xu2 reservoir in the Anyue–Hechuan area of Central Sichuan Basin is discussed.The diagenetic sequence is considered a time line to determine the histo... The sequence of the densification and hydrocarbon charging of the Xu2 reservoir in the Anyue–Hechuan area of Central Sichuan Basin is discussed.The diagenetic sequence is considered a time line to determine the historical relationship between the densification process and the hydrocarbon charging of the Xu2 reservoir in the study area:Early diagenetic stage B(the first stage of hydrocarbon charging,which was about 200–160 Ma ago,with a porosity of about 20%,consolidated and not tight)→middle diagenetic stage A(the second stage of hydrocarbon charging,which was about 140–120 Ma ago,with a porosity of 10%–20%and relatively tight)→middle diagenetic stage B(the third stage of hydrocarbon charging,which was about 20–5 Ma ago,with a porosity of 6%–10%and tight;However,fractures have developed).The study results prove that large-scale hydrocarbon charging and accumulation completed before the densification of the Xu2 reservoir,showing that the Upper Triassic Xujiahe Fm unconventional tight reservoir in the Sichuan Basin is prospective for exploration. 展开更多
关键词 Anyue-Hechuan area Xu2 member diagenetic sequence reservoir densification hydrocarbon charging INCLUSION
Structure and Hydrocarbons in Junggar Basin 被引量:2
作者 张庆春 田在艺 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2002年第1期38-42,共5页
Having undergone four basin forming tectonic cycles--Hercynian, Indosinian, Yanshanian, and Himalayan, the Junggar basin becomes a multi cyclic superposed basin of old and hard mediun block pattern. Its multi cyclic t... Having undergone four basin forming tectonic cycles--Hercynian, Indosinian, Yanshanian, and Himalayan, the Junggar basin becomes a multi cyclic superposed basin of old and hard mediun block pattern. Its multi cyclic tectonic and sedimentary evolution results in five series of hydrocarbon source rock formations--Carboniferous, Permian, Upper Triassic, Middle lower Jurassic, and Lower Tertiary, correspondingly forming five petroleum generation systems, of which the Permian and Middle lower Jurassic petroleum generation systems are the most important with the highest exploration degree. Hydrocarbons are controlled by basin structure as follows: 1) Hydrocarbon accumulations are controlled by the structural styles of paleo uplifts, paleo overthrust belts and contorted anticline belts formed in multi cyclic tectonic movements; 2) Important pathways for long distance lateral and vertical migration are provided respectively by unconformities and faults; 3) The pool forming characteristics of the Permian petroleum system are controlled by paleo structure; 4) The pool forming characteristics of Jurassic and Tertiary petroleum system are controlled by recent structures. 展开更多
关键词 BASIN evolution STRUCTURE petroleum generation system hydrocarbon accumulation
Quantitative research method for tectonization intensity:a case study in Tahe-Lunnan oilfield of Xinjiang
作者 BIAN Ruikang SONG Xiaowei +4 位作者 ZHU Hua JING Tieya WANG Long ZHANG Qin YANG Yiting 《Global Geology》 2013年第2期82-87,共6页
The research on tectonization intensity plays an important role in the analyses of basin evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation. At present, methods in this field are almost qualitative, and the quantitative one is st... The research on tectonization intensity plays an important role in the analyses of basin evolution and hydrocarbon accumulation. At present, methods in this field are almost qualitative, and the quantitative one is still rarely reported. In this study, a quantitative research method for tectonization intensity is proposed. The research result on Tahe-Lunnan oilfield shows that this method can not only quantitatively express the tectonization intensity, but also qualitatively reflect the macroscopic deform property and the evolution history of strata. Therefore, it is an effective method for analyzing the characteristics of tectonization. In addition, the realization of the method also can provide qualitative information for studying the influence and control of tectonization on hydrocarbon accumulation. 展开更多
关键词 tectonization INTENSITY quantitative method Tahe-Lunnan oilfield
Prediction of Structure-H Gas Hydrate Formation Conditions for Reservoir Fluids 被引量:1
作者 MA Qinglan(马庆兰) CHEN Guangjin(陈光进) +4 位作者 GUO Tianmin(郭天民) ZHANG Kun(张坤) Julian Y. Zuo Dan Zhang Heng-Joo Ng 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第4期484-490,共7页
In this work, a thermodynamic model is developed for prediction of structure H hydrate formation. The model combines the Peng-Robinson equation of state for the vapor, liquid and aqueous phases with the extended Ng-Ro... In this work, a thermodynamic model is developed for prediction of structure H hydrate formation. The model combines the Peng-Robinson equation of state for the vapor, liquid and aqueous phases with the extended Ng-Robinson hydrate model for gas hydrate formation of all three structures. The parameters of 14 structure- H hydrate formers are determined based on the experimental data of structure-H hydrates in the literature. The expression of fugacity of water in the empty hydrate phase is correlated for calculating structure-H hydrate formation conditions in the absence of free water. The model is tested by predicting hydrate formation conditions of a number of structure-H hydrate forming systems which are in good agreement with the experimental data. The proposed model is also applied to the prediction of hydrate formation conditions for various reservoir fluids such as natural gas and gas condensate. 展开更多
关键词 structure-H hydrate MODEL formation conditions reservoir fluids
Accumulation conditions of outside source heavy oil in NepaBotuoba Sub-basin,Russia and prediction of distribution
作者 XU Jianhua SHAN Xuanlong +2 位作者 DU Shang HE Wentong LIANG Ye 《Global Geology》 2016年第3期125-132,共8页
In terms of tectonic evolution and petroleum geological conditions of the Nepa-Botuoba Sub-basin and its adjacent su4b-basins,the accumulation conditions of the heavy oil were analyzed. The studied area had plenty of ... In terms of tectonic evolution and petroleum geological conditions of the Nepa-Botuoba Sub-basin and its adjacent su4b-basins,the accumulation conditions of the heavy oil were analyzed. The studied area had plenty of oil and gas accumulation,but there were no developed source rocks. It is a typical outside source accumulation,whose origins from thick high-quality source rock deposited in the adjacent sub-basins. The shallow layer has favorable heavy oil reservoir conditions and poor sealing conditions,which benefits the thickening of hydrocarbon. The multi-periods of structural compression not only uplifted the studied area drastically,but also created a series of fault zones and large-scale slope belt. The structural compression also provided channel and sufficient power for migration of hydrocarbon to shallow layers. Based on these conditions,the favorable accumulation zone of heavy oil was predicted,which provided direction for heavy oil exploration in Nepa-Botuoba Subbasin. 展开更多
关键词 hydrocarbon favorable reservoir shallow migration rock tectonic uplift petroleum thick
Tectonic evolution of the Changling fault basin and its relationship to oil and gas accumulation 被引量:2
作者 Wang Jianqiang Yang Guang +3 位作者 Xue Linfu Zhang Jianwei Bai Ye Li Wenbo 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第3期427-432,共6页
The Changling fault depression passed through three stages of evolution: a period of faulting, a period of subsidence, and an inversion period. The fault lifted the whole area and the formation was eroded during the l... The Changling fault depression passed through three stages of evolution: a period of faulting, a period of subsidence, and an inversion period. The fault lifted the whole area and the formation was eroded during the late Yingcheng formation, the late Nenjiang formation, and the late Mingshui formation. The denudation quantity of eight wells located in the study area is estimated by the interval transit time method and by the formation trend extension method using seismic and drilling data. Inversion back stripping technology with de-compaction correction was used to restore the original sedimentary thickness step by step and to recover the burial history at a single well. Two profiles were selected for the recovery and study of the tectonic evolution. The study confirmed that the primary major gas bearing structure formed due to thermal shrinkage lifting during the late Yingcheng formation. Successive development in a pattern during the late Mingshui formation led to the formation of the primary gas pool. Vertical differential uplift during the late Nenjiang formation formed the Fulongquan structure during the late Paleogene. At this same time a secondary gas pool formed. A large scale reverse developed late in the Mingshui formation that provided the impetus for formation of a secondary gas pool. It is thought that the migration and accumulation of oil and gas was controlled by lithologic character, fracture, and structure. The local uplift in the vicinity of the hydrocarbon recession is most conducive to the collection of hydrocarbon gas. 展开更多
关键词 Changling fault depressionDenudation quantityTectonic evolutionOil and gas accumulation
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