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喜热噬油芽胞杆菌代谢产生表面活性剂的研究 被引量:1
作者 王凤兰 王晓东 《微生物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2007年第5期23-28,共6页
采用丙酮抽提、高压液相分离纯化等技术从嗜热菌Geobacillus therm oleovorans以正十六烷为碳源培养的发酵液中分离获得性能突出的表面活性物质。利用甲脂化、乙酰化衍生技术结合GC-MS,MS(ESI)等鉴定该表面活性剂为单脂肪酸甘油脂。实... 采用丙酮抽提、高压液相分离纯化等技术从嗜热菌Geobacillus therm oleovorans以正十六烷为碳源培养的发酵液中分离获得性能突出的表面活性物质。利用甲脂化、乙酰化衍生技术结合GC-MS,MS(ESI)等鉴定该表面活性剂为单脂肪酸甘油脂。实验条件下,该表面活性剂使水的表面张力降低到32.7 mN/m,测定其临界胶束浓度为41 mg/L。 展开更多
关键词 生物表面活性剂喜热噬油芽胞杆菌甘脂脂肪酸
喜热噬油芽胞杆菌产生的生物乳化剂的组成与性质 被引量:6
作者 薛峰 刘瑾 《微生物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2009年第1期50-54,共5页
由喜热噬油芽胞杆菌(Geobacillus thermo leovorans str5366T)以正十六烷为碳源55℃培养的发酵液中分离获得了一种生物乳化剂,经鉴定为糖-肽-脂复合物。该乳化剂中糖、肽、脂和烃的含量分别为29.4%、15.8%和35.8%。利用肽水解结合氨基... 由喜热噬油芽胞杆菌(Geobacillus thermo leovorans str5366T)以正十六烷为碳源55℃培养的发酵液中分离获得了一种生物乳化剂,经鉴定为糖-肽-脂复合物。该乳化剂中糖、肽、脂和烃的含量分别为29.4%、15.8%和35.8%。利用肽水解结合氨基酸分析、糖醇乙酰化结合GC-MS、脂肪酸甲脂化结合GC-MS等技术手段鉴定乳化剂中糖主要为D-甘露糖;主要氨基酸为谷氨酸、天冬氨酸、丙氨酸;构成脂的主要脂肪酸为十六烷酸、十八烯酸和十八烷酸。该菌及其代谢产生的乳化剂乳化性能良好,具有高温条件下应用的潜力。 展开更多
关键词 生物乳化剂 糖蛋白 喜热噬油芽胞杆菌
作者 何东平 宋光森 《现代商贸工业》 1995年第6期18-18,共1页
关键词 小麦胚 生产工艺 制取技术 脱脂麦胚 维生素E 浸出 加工工艺 抗氧化剂
作者 霍朝忠 胡瑞兰 贾永祥 《河北果树》 2002年第4期43-44,共2页
关键词 露地定植 丰产栽培技术
作者 林光 《经济林研究》 1997年第4期16-18,共3页
关键词 油芽产量 灰色模型 预测 福建
油菜根肿病发生原因及防治措施 被引量:2
作者 吕俊杰 《安徽农学通报》 2005年第2期53-53,共1页
关键词 油芽 根肿病 原因 防治措施
作者 杜梅 《上海调味品》 2000年第4期32-32,共1页
我们日常所吃的油,又称食用油脂,是甘油三酯的混合物。所有的食用油脂都是由同样的一些脂肪所构成,它们之间的差异,只是各种脂肪酸含量的比例不同而已。此外,它还包含了一些磷脂质、固醇类及脂溶性维生素等。它们除了可以为人们提供重... 我们日常所吃的油,又称食用油脂,是甘油三酯的混合物。所有的食用油脂都是由同样的一些脂肪所构成,它们之间的差异,只是各种脂肪酸含量的比例不同而已。此外,它还包含了一些磷脂质、固醇类及脂溶性维生素等。它们除了可以为人们提供重要的营养素——脂肪之外,由于所含脂肪酸比例不同等原因,它们还具有某些独特的包括保健、美容等方面的功能。有目的地选择某种或某几种食用油脂,间断或者不间断地作为烹调用油或者涂搽在肌肤上,可以取得多种预期的效果。下面介绍几种有健美功能的植物油脂。 展开更多
关键词 植物 橄榄 食用 红花籽 维生素E 小麦胚 健美 玉米胚
休眠期间油桃花芽碳水化合物代谢及其相关基因的表达变化 被引量:18
作者 王慧 李玲 +4 位作者 谭钺 李冬梅 谭秋平 陈修德 高东升 《植物生理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期595-600,共6页
以十年生大田和三年生盆栽‘曙光’油桃花芽为材料,分别测定了其休眠期碳水化合物含量、糖代谢相关基因的季节性表达及低温处理下相关基因的表达变化,旨在探讨碳水化合物及低温与休眠的关系。结果表明:休眠期间可溶性糖(主要是蔗糖)含... 以十年生大田和三年生盆栽‘曙光’油桃花芽为材料,分别测定了其休眠期碳水化合物含量、糖代谢相关基因的季节性表达及低温处理下相关基因的表达变化,旨在探讨碳水化合物及低温与休眠的关系。结果表明:休眠期间可溶性糖(主要是蔗糖)含量逐渐增加,淀粉含量则呈相反趋势。糖代谢相关基因表达明显不同:腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶基因(AGPase)无明显变化;组氨酸H3基因(HisH3)和己糖激酶1基因(HK1)在进入内休眠前有明显上升,蔗糖合酶基因(SuSy)则与之相反;尿苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(UGPase)表达总体上呈上调趋势,在进入内休眠后稍有下调。表明进入内休眠后,依赖HK1的糖信号转导途径起重要作用。在4℃处理后,与细胞分裂有关的基因HisH3含量急剧升高,而后下降,说明细胞分裂的减少并不是休眠期间抑制生长的原因;UGPase表现出与内休眠期一致的变化趋势,说明对低温有一定的适应性。 展开更多
关键词 休眠 碳水化合物 低温 基因表达 桃花
短日照对休眠诱导期油桃花芽两条电子传递途径的调控 被引量:5
作者 李冬梅 张海森 +3 位作者 谭秋平 李玲 于芹 高东升 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期2849-2854,共6页
以油桃品种"曙光"为试材,采用呼吸抑制剂法研究了短日照处理下花芽在休眠诱导期两条电子传递途径的发生和运行情况.结果表明:花芽总呼吸速率(Vt)和细胞色素电子传递途径呼吸速率(ρ’Vcyt)均呈双峰曲线变化,短日照可同步诱导... 以油桃品种"曙光"为试材,采用呼吸抑制剂法研究了短日照处理下花芽在休眠诱导期两条电子传递途径的发生和运行情况.结果表明:花芽总呼吸速率(Vt)和细胞色素电子传递途径呼吸速率(ρ’Vcyt)均呈双峰曲线变化,短日照可同步诱导两者的一次峰前移、二次峰后延,抑制ρ’Vcyt,但对Vt无显著影响.交替途径容量(Valt)和实际运行活性(ρValt)亦呈双峰曲线,两者基本同步变化,短日照可以显著诱导Valt和ρValt的前期高峰期提前,提高Valt和ρValt,对后期高峰期无明显作用.细胞色素电子传递途径呼吸速率下降和交替途径呼吸速率上升是油桃花芽休眠诱导期的重要特点.从两条电子传递途径的呼吸速率对总呼吸速率的贡献率来看,细胞色素电子传递途径仍是主要电子传递途径,交替途径起辅助与分流作用. 展开更多
关键词 短日照 桃花 休眠诱导 细胞色素电子传递途径 交替途径
油桃花芽休眠解除过程中MAPK家族基因表达分析 被引量:4
作者 杜培勇 王东岭 +8 位作者 谭秋平 刘利 付喜玲 陈修德 肖伟 李冬梅 朱翠英 李玲 高东升 《植物生理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期216-224,共9页
促分裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogen-activated protein kinases,MAPK)在脱落酸(abscisic acid,ABA)诱导活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)产生中起重要作用,然而MAPK家族相关基因在花芽休眠解除过程中的表达变化尚不清楚。本研究以六年... 促分裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogen-activated protein kinases,MAPK)在脱落酸(abscisic acid,ABA)诱导活性氧(reactive oxygen species,ROS)产生中起重要作用,然而MAPK家族相关基因在花芽休眠解除过程中的表达变化尚不清楚。本研究以六年生‘中油四号’油桃花芽为材料,利用NCBI找出桃树上的MAPK同源基因,测定了MAPK家族相关基因的组织表达特性及休眠解除过程中在花芽中的基因表达水平。结果表明:桃中有15个MAPKs,通过系统进化分析分为A、B、C、D四个组;15个MAPKs基因在花芽、根、枝、叶、花、果实、种子中均有表达,其中Pp MPK2在种子中表达量最高,其次是花芽,在其他组织中表达量较低,PpMPK11在花中表达量较高,在其他组织中均较低;MAPKs基因中6个MAPKs在花芽休眠解除过程中呈显著的表达下调,与休眠解除的进程一致。我们推测有MAPKs基因可能参与花芽休眠解除的调控。 展开更多
关键词 MAPK 桃花 休眠解除 组织表达 基因表达
Stability and changes in astaxanthin ester composition from Haematococcus pluvialis during storage 被引量:8
作者 苗凤萍 耿亚洪 +2 位作者 卢大炎 左进城 李夜光 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第6期1181-1189,共9页
In this paper,we investigated the effects of temperature,oxygen,antioxidants,and corn germ oil on the stability of astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis under different storage conditions,and changes in the composi... In this paper,we investigated the effects of temperature,oxygen,antioxidants,and corn germ oil on the stability of astaxanthin from Haematococcus pluvialis under different storage conditions,and changes in the composition of astaxanthin esters during storage using high performance liquid chromatography and spectrophotometry.Oxygen and high temperatures(22–25°C) significantly reduced the stability of astaxanthin esters.Corn germ oil and antioxidants(ascorbic acid and vitamin E)failed to protect astaxanthin from oxidation,and actually significantly increased the instability of astaxanthin.A change in the relative composition of astaxanthin esters was observed after 96 weeks of long-term storage.During storage,the relative amounts of free astaxanthin and astaxanthin monoesters declined,while the relative amount of astaxanthin diesters increased.Thus,the ratio of astaxanthin diester to monoester increased,and this ratio could be used to indicate if astaxanthin esters have been properly preserved.If the ratio is greater than 0.2,it suggests that the decrease in astaxanthin content could be higher than 20%.Our results show that storing algal powder from H.pluvialis or other natural astaxanthin products under vacuum and in the dark below 4°C is the most economical and applicable storage method for the large-scale production of astaxanthin from H.pluvialis.This storage method can produce an astaxanthin preservation rate of at least 80%after 96 weeks of storage. 展开更多
关键词 Haematococcus pluvialis astaxanthin ester storage stability storage life high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
Study on Isolation, Identification of A Petroleum Hydrocarbon Degrading Bacterium Bacillus fusiformis sp. and Influence of Environmental Factors on Degradation Efficiency 被引量:1
作者 Zhao Dongfeng Wu Weilin +3 位作者 Zhang Yunbo Liu Qiyou Yang Haibin Zhao Chaocheng 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2011年第4期74-82,共9页
A hydrocarbon degrading bacterium KL2-13 was isolated from ten sites of oil contaminated soil in the Karamay oilfield. It was identified as the Bacillusfusiformis sp. bacterium based on its morphological and physiolog... A hydrocarbon degrading bacterium KL2-13 was isolated from ten sites of oil contaminated soil in the Karamay oilfield. It was identified as the Bacillusfusiformis sp. bacterium based on its morphological and physiological characteristics and the 16S rDNA sequence analysis. The factors influencing the hydrocarbon degradation by the bacterium KL2-13 were determined. The test results have showed that the hydrocarbon degrading bacterium KL2-13 requires an optimum pH range of 6-8, and the optimum inoculation quantity is 3%. The low-concentration metal ions Fe^2+, Mg^2+ and Ca^2+can improve the degradation ability of the bacteria KL2-13. A too low concentration of Tween-80 does not show obvious promotion to the degrading bacterium KL2-13, and an excessively high concentration can decrease the degradation ability of the bacterium, the best dosage of which is 2%. The hydrocarbon degrading rate reached 59.07%4-0.37% under the optimum culture conditions. 展开更多
关键词 hydrocarbon degrading bacterium Bacillusfusiformis sp. environmental factor SURFACTANT hydrocarbon degradation rate
Study on Microwave Preparation of Conjugated Linoleic Acid from Corn Germ Oil
作者 WANG Zhen-qiang SHEN Sen FAN Xin 《Chinese Food Science》 2012年第1期7-9,共3页
[Objective] The optimal craft of preparing conjugated linoleic acid from corn germ oil by dint of microwave method was studied. [Meth- od] Microwave power, microwave mode of action, the amount of catalyst and solvent ... [Objective] The optimal craft of preparing conjugated linoleic acid from corn germ oil by dint of microwave method was studied. [Meth- od] Microwave power, microwave mode of action, the amount of catalyst and solvent were selected for single-factor-experiment. Then, based on the single-factor-experiment, the catalyst and solvent amount, and microwave function time were chosen for orthogonal experiment so as to deter- mine the optimal craft of preparing CLA from corn germ oil. UV absorption spectra and infrared absorption spectrum were used to analyse the struc- tural features of natural corn germ oil and CLA. [Resalt] The optimal preparation condition was as follow: the catalyst was 0.6 times heavier than oil, solvent was 3 times heavier than oil weight, microwave worked for ten minutes. Under the optimal condition, CLA was 56.3% and conversion rate was 99.47 %. The results indicated that non-conjugated double bonds of linoleic acid can be isomerized and changed into conjugated double bonds under the conditions of microwave irradiation,[ Conduslon] The study provided a new way for the preparation of CLA. 展开更多
关键词 MICROWAVE Corn germ oil PREPARATION Conjugated linoleic acid China
Germination Tolerance of Four Mutant Lines of Barley (Hordium vulgare L.), Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and Garden Cress (Lipidium sativum L.) to Crude Oil Contaminated Soil
作者 Sheta Omar SanaTrhuni Hnan Shushan Gada Fazani 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2013年第1期36-40,共5页
Phytoremediation shows promise as an alternative low-cost to most remediation methods. This study evaluated the germination of six crops, including four mutant lines of barley (Hordium vulgate L.) (1-9-3, 150-2-3, ... Phytoremediation shows promise as an alternative low-cost to most remediation methods. This study evaluated the germination of six crops, including four mutant lines of barley (Hordium vulgate L.) (1-9-3, 150-2-3, 1-1-200 and 150-1-5), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and garden cress (Lipidium sativum L.). This experiment was conducted in laboratory at room temperature. Oil extracted from crude oil contaminated soil was added to sand used in different concentrations (0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10%). 10 seeds of each crop were sown in ptri-dishes with different treatments separately. For Each treatment four replicates were used in completely randomized design, germination percent was calculated, after one week, shoot and root length were measured. Data were statistically analyzed using MINTAB version 12. The results show that barley mutant line (150-2-3) was significantly different from other entries in germination percent, shoot and root length except mutant line 150-1-5 in germination percent. Results demonstrated that the mutant line 150-2-3 was promising to remediate crude oil contaminated soil. 展开更多
关键词 PHYTOREMEDIATION mutant line crude oil contaminated soil remediation.
Isolation and Characterization of a Thermophilic Oil-Degrading Bacterial Consortium 被引量:3
作者 Gu Guizhou Li Zheng +1 位作者 Zhao Dongfeng Zhao Chaocheng 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2013年第2期82-90,共9页
In this study, a thermophilic oil-degrading bacterial consortium KO8-2 growing within the temperature range of 45--65℃ (with 55℃ being the optimum temperature) was isolated from oil-contaminated soil of Karamay in... In this study, a thermophilic oil-degrading bacterial consortium KO8-2 growing within the temperature range of 45--65℃ (with 55℃ being the optimum temperature) was isolated from oil-contaminated soil of Karamay in Xinjiang, China. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) showed that there were nine strains included in KO8-2, which originated from the genera of Bacillus, Geobacillus and Clostridium. They all belonged to thermophilic bacteria, and had been previously proved as degraders of at least one petroleum fraction. The crude oil degraded by KO8-2 was analyzed by infrared spectrophotometry, hydrocarbon group type analysis and gas chromatography. The results indicated that the bacterial consortium KO8-2 was able to utilize 64.33% of saturates, 27.06% of aromatics, 13.24% of resins and the oil removal efficiency reached up to 58.73% at 55 ~C when the oil concentration was 10 g/L. Detailed analysis showed that KO8-2 was able to utilize the hydrocarbon components before C19, and the n-alkanes ranging from C20--C33 were signifi- cantly degraded. The ratios of nC17/Pr and nC18/Ph were 3.12 and 3.87, respectively, before degradation, whereas after degradation the ratios reduced to 0.21 and 0.38, respectively. Compared with the control sample, the oil removal efficiency in KO8-2 composting reactor reached 50.12% after a degradation duration of 60 days. 展开更多
关键词 thermophilic bacteria bacterial consortium oil-contaminated soil BIODEGRADATION DGGE
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