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大民屯凹陷油页岩层段储集性能研究 被引量:8
作者 马满兴 《岩性油气藏》 CSCD 2013年第5期37-43,共7页
利用岩石薄片、X射线衍射、氩离子抛光扫描电镜、压汞实验、比表面积测量、地化分析及高温干馏等方法,分析了大民屯凹陷油页岩层段的岩性特征、矿物组成、储集特征及含油特征等,并初步评价了其储集性能。研究结果表明:该区油页岩层段为... 利用岩石薄片、X射线衍射、氩离子抛光扫描电镜、压汞实验、比表面积测量、地化分析及高温干馏等方法,分析了大民屯凹陷油页岩层段的岩性特征、矿物组成、储集特征及含油特征等,并初步评价了其储集性能。研究结果表明:该区油页岩层段为典型的"三明治"结构,上下2套油页岩之间夹有泥岩、砂岩、泥灰岩和玄武岩等,油页岩具有泥质结构、纹层构造,层理缝发育;油页岩的石英和碳酸盐含量普遍较高,易于形成构造裂缝和溶孔;油页岩和泥岩孔径小、相对均质、渗透率低,且油页岩的比表面积、孔径和总孔隙体积大于泥岩;油页岩层段的砂岩夹层和泥灰岩油气显示普遍,上下2套油页岩气测异常明显;油页岩干馏含油率为中等级别,热解生烃潜量高,能够达到卢双舫等关于页岩油的富集资源判别标准。3口老井地层测试获得成功和S224井已经开采大量页岩油的事实,证实大民屯凹陷油页岩层段满足页岩油对储集性能的要求。 展开更多
关键词 油页岩层 微观孔缝 特征 含油特征 大民屯凹陷
作者 李刚 王雨寒 《建井技术》 2016年第5期1-3,24,共4页
依兰第三煤矿主立井深度708m,采用立井综合机械化配套作业线施工,钻爆法掘进。油页岩层处于490~614.8m深位置,厚度124.8m,可能赋存有毒、有害气体。采用先探后掘、短段掘砌的方式,安全快速地通过了该岩层,最高月成井101m,整... 依兰第三煤矿主立井深度708m,采用立井综合机械化配套作业线施工,钻爆法掘进。油页岩层处于490~614.8m深位置,厚度124.8m,可能赋存有毒、有害气体。采用先探后掘、短段掘砌的方式,安全快速地通过了该岩层,最高月成井101m,整个井筒施工工期比合同工期提前了32d。 展开更多
关键词 立井 油页岩层 快速施工 钻爆法 先探后掘
昌乐五图煤田油页岩地质特征及质量分析 被引量:3
作者 秦祥胜 《山东国土资源》 2015年第4期36-39,45,共5页
五图煤矿油页岩广泛分布于李家崖组的B段、C段和D段,以C段为主体,探明储量2.72亿t,是褐煤的伴生矿种。C段油页岩层密集,厚度大;D段上部含油页岩,但厚度小。油页岩焦油产率最高16.25%,最低5.43%,平均8.36%。基准发热量最高8.72MJ/kg,最低... 五图煤矿油页岩广泛分布于李家崖组的B段、C段和D段,以C段为主体,探明储量2.72亿t,是褐煤的伴生矿种。C段油页岩层密集,厚度大;D段上部含油页岩,但厚度小。油页岩焦油产率最高16.25%,最低5.43%,平均8.36%。基准发热量最高8.72MJ/kg,最低6.16MJ/kg,平均6.91MJ/kg。油页岩作为固态燃料,是汽油的替代能源,五图煤田油页岩资源的开发和利用前景广阔。 展开更多
关键词 油页岩层 地质特征 质量分析 昌乐五图
作者 陈兆凤 闫振斌 桂钊 《能源技术与管理》 2015年第5期125-128,共4页
中煤陕西公司禾草沟煤矿顺槽巷道顶板以泥岩与油页岩互层为主,底板为易风化粉砂质泥岩的复杂岩层。依据矿压分析预测进行巷道断面优化,通过选择最佳支护参数和配置合理的施工机械化作业线、多工序平行作业、提高机械化作业线设备检修维... 中煤陕西公司禾草沟煤矿顺槽巷道顶板以泥岩与油页岩互层为主,底板为易风化粉砂质泥岩的复杂岩层。依据矿压分析预测进行巷道断面优化,通过选择最佳支护参数和配置合理的施工机械化作业线、多工序平行作业、提高机械化作业线设备检修维护水平、严格施工组织管理等多项举措,提高了双软巷道的施工速度,实现了快速、安全、优质、高效施工,为类似围岩条件下的井巷施工积累了经验。 展开更多
关键词 油页岩 矿压分析预测 多工序平行作业 双软巷道 快速施工
近距离多层油页岩水体下重复开采覆岩破坏高度预计 被引量:1
作者 赵秋阳 谷海峰 +2 位作者 康永华 李磊 孙万明 《煤矿开采》 北大核心 2015年第1期78-81,共4页
以某矿为例,对油页岩上覆覆岩结构类型及岩性作出分析,在得出上覆岩层为软弱类型的前提下,分别运用经验公式法和数值模拟法对多层油页岩重复开采的覆岩破坏高度作出预计,得出了导水裂缝带最大波及高度为44.03m和38.40m的2种结果,对比2... 以某矿为例,对油页岩上覆覆岩结构类型及岩性作出分析,在得出上覆岩层为软弱类型的前提下,分别运用经验公式法和数值模拟法对多层油页岩重复开采的覆岩破坏高度作出预计,得出了导水裂缝带最大波及高度为44.03m和38.40m的2种结果,对比2种方法的预计结果,选取偏于安全的经验公式法预计结果作为4,5,6,7层油页岩开采的最终覆岩破坏高度。 展开更多
关键词 近距离多油页岩 重复开采 覆岩破坏高度
Permeability Estimation of Shale Oil Reservoir with Laboratory-derived Data: A Case Study of the Chang 7 Member in Ordos Basin
作者 Zhang Lin Gao Li +3 位作者 Ba Jing Zhang Meng-Bo José M.Carcione Liu Wei-Hua 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第3期440-455,616,共17页
The shale oil reservoir within the Yanchang Formations of Ordos Basin harbors substantial oil and gas resources and has recently emerged as the primary focus of unconventional oil and gas exploration and development.D... The shale oil reservoir within the Yanchang Formations of Ordos Basin harbors substantial oil and gas resources and has recently emerged as the primary focus of unconventional oil and gas exploration and development.Due to its complex pore and throat structure,pronounced heterogeneity,and tight reservoir characteristics,the techniques for conventional oil and gas exploration and production face challenges in comprehensive implementation,also indicating that as a vital parameter for evaluating the physical properties of a reservoir,permeability cannot be effectively estimated.This study selects 21 tight sandstone samples from the Q area within the shale oil formations of Ordos Basin.We systematically conduct the experiments to measure porosity,permeability,ultrasonic wave velocities,and resistivity at varying confining pressures.Results reveal that these measurements exhibit nonlinear changes in response to effective pressure.By using these experimental data and effective medium model,empirical relationships between P-and S-wave velocities,permeability and resistivity and effective pressure are established at logging and seismic scales.Furthermore,relationships between P-wave impedance and permeability,and resistivity and permeability are determined.A comparison between the predicted permeability and logging data demonstrates that the impedance–permeability relationship yields better results in contrast to those of resistivity–permeability relationship.These relationships are further applied to the seismic interpretation of shale oil reservoir in the target layer,enabling the permeability profile predictions based on inverse P-wave impedance.The predicted results are evaluated with actual production data,revealing a better agreement between predicted results and logging data and productivity. 展开更多
关键词 shale oil reservoir P-wave impedance RESISTIVITY PERMEABILITY rock physics experiment
《矿业译丛》 1992年第1期9-9,共1页
关键词 孢粉相 煤岩相 沉积环境 有机成熟度 盆地沉积史 油页岩层 沉积环境
Acoustic-electrical properties and rock physics models for shale-oil formations:prediction of reservoir properties of interbedded sandstone and shale layers
作者 Pang Meng-Qiang Ba Jing +2 位作者 Wu Chun-Fang Carcione José Maria Müller Tobias 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第4期485-502,603,共19页
In recent years,the Yanchang shale-oil formations of the Ordos Basin are rich in reserves with complex lithology and structure characteristics,low porosity and low permeability,and weak anomalies for oil and water dis... In recent years,the Yanchang shale-oil formations of the Ordos Basin are rich in reserves with complex lithology and structure characteristics,low porosity and low permeability,and weak anomalies for oil and water discriminations,have been the key targets of unconventional oil/gas resource exploration and development in the relevant areas.The joint acoustic-electrical(AE)properties can be used to interpret reservoir lithology,mineralogy,pore structure,and fluid saturation.To conduct tests of thin section analysis,X-ray diff raction,and ultrasonic and electrical experiments at diff erent pressures and saturation degrees,cores from the shale-oil formations in the Q area of the basin are collected.The variations in AE properties with respect to clay content,porosity,pressure(microfracture),and saturation are analyzed.The experimental results indicate that the rock physics behaviors of sandstones with diff erent clay contents vary significantly.The AE properties of clean sandstones are basically dependent on the microfractures(pressure),while for muddy sandstones,the clay content is an important factor affecting the responses.The target reservoir consists of interbedded sandstone and shale layers.The AE equivalent medium equations and the Gurevich theory are applied to establish the joint models for the diff erent lithologies and simulate the variations in AE properties with respect to fluid type,pore structure,and mineral components.The three-dimensional joint templates of clean and muddy sandstones,as well as shale,are developed based on the elastic and electrical attributes and then calibrated using the experimental and well-log data.The reservoir properties are estimated with the templates and validated by the log data.The results indicate that the joint templates based on lithology characteristics can eff ectively characterize the properties of interbedded sandstone and shale layers.Furthermore,the combined application of AE data provides more beneficial information for the assessment of rock properties,leading to precise estimates that conform with the actual formation conditions. 展开更多
关键词 shale-oil formations acoustic-electrical(AE)properties interbedded layers clay content pore structure rock physics model
Evaluation of hydrocarbon generation of the Xiamaling Formation shale in Zhangjiakou and its significance to the petroleum geology in North China 被引量:1
作者 XIE LiuJuan SUN YongGe +4 位作者 YANG ZhongWei CHEN JianPing JIANG AiZhu ZHANG YongDong DENG ChunPing 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第3期444-452,共9页
The semi-closed pyrolysis simulation system under constant pressure was conducted to explore the characteristics and mechanisms of hydrocarbon generation from Xiamaling Formation shale in Xiahuayuan,North China.The ex... The semi-closed pyrolysis simulation system under constant pressure was conducted to explore the characteristics and mechanisms of hydrocarbon generation from Xiamaling Formation shale in Xiahuayuan,North China.The experiment results indicate the oil generated by the Xiamaling Formation shale in oil window should be classified as "aromatic-intermediate" type,whereas the decreasing of dry coefficient can be ascribed to the cracking of residual bitumen in source rock in the stage of high to post maturity.The amount of hydrocarbon gas generated from residual bitumen can be up to 1-2 m3 per ton rock in high to post mature stage by calculating hydrogen contents in the kerogen,the expelled hydrocarbon,and the residual hydrocarbon.This reveals the importance of residual bitumen as a gas source during high to post mature stage of the kerogen evolution,and also as the broad exploration prospect of these gases.This research highlights the attention should be paid to oil/gas reservoirs sourced from residual bitumen of organic-rich source rock in high mature stage,even the primary oil/gas reservoirs considered as the main exploration targets in middle-upper Proterozoic sediments of North China. 展开更多
关键词 residual bitumen pyrolysis experiment Xiamaling Formation shale middle Proterozoic North China
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