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基层治理现代化背景下打造共建共治共享社会治理新格局的路径研究——基于对海宁市“众管微治”模式的调查 被引量:2
作者 庄晓丹 《中共合肥市委党校学报》 2023年第1期29-33,共5页
中央多次强调推动基层治理现代化的重要性和紧迫性,并提出要打造共建共治共享的社会治理新格局。以“共建”为基础,促进多元主体共同参与社会建设;以“共治”为核心,形成治理合力;以“共享”为目的,让社会成员共享社会治理成效。海宁市... 中央多次强调推动基层治理现代化的重要性和紧迫性,并提出要打造共建共治共享的社会治理新格局。以“共建”为基础,促进多元主体共同参与社会建设;以“共治”为核心,形成治理合力;以“共享”为目的,让社会成员共享社会治理成效。海宁市全力构建共建共治共享社会治理格局,形成“众管微治”新模式。这一模式以“微网格”为基层社会治理的基本单元,以基层党组织为引领,统筹运用基层自治力量,具体以道德治、众筹治等“十治一图”为脉络展开,取得较好的治理成效,为其他地方推进基层治理现代化提供多层次整合、可控的韧性治理、打造“平台驱动的全科网格”等方面启示。 展开更多
关键词 基层理现代化 共建共共享 管微”模式
论顾炎武的“众治”思想 被引量:4
作者 周可真 《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1999年第4期78-83,97,共7页
本文通过对顾炎武政治思想中“治人”与“治国”概念的辨析 ,揭示了顾氏关于政治主体与伦理主体分职合作的思想 ;进而剖析了其“众治”思想 ,认为其中内含着“分天子之权”和“宗子辅人君之治”两个方面 ,前者意指政治主体内部实行分工... 本文通过对顾炎武政治思想中“治人”与“治国”概念的辨析 ,揭示了顾氏关于政治主体与伦理主体分职合作的思想 ;进而剖析了其“众治”思想 ,认为其中内含着“分天子之权”和“宗子辅人君之治”两个方面 ,前者意指政治主体内部实行分工合作以共治其国 ,后者意指伦理主体通过其伦理活动来辅助政治主体治理好国家 ;最后通过对顾氏政治思想逻辑进程的考察 ,指出了他最终把现实政治问题的解决归结到宗法制度的重建上。 展开更多
关键词 宗法
富强甚或自由:严复“众治”思想中的硬核 被引量:1
作者 杨阳 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第5期59-62,共4页
严复的"众治"思想,即宪政民主思想。从议会民主思想、地方自治思想、宪法治理思想等宪政民主思想的三个组成部分来层层考问,揭示其间不但包含对富强"硬核"的关怀,也包括对自由"硬核"的关注,两者有层次差... 严复的"众治"思想,即宪政民主思想。从议会民主思想、地方自治思想、宪法治理思想等宪政民主思想的三个组成部分来层层考问,揭示其间不但包含对富强"硬核"的关怀,也包括对自由"硬核"的关注,两者有层次差异,分别独立,又交互作用、相互辅助、共同整合,互为手段与目的、原因与结果。两者都是严复内心深刻关注的,严复从未真正偏向过哪一方面。 展开更多
关键词 “硬核” 宪政民主 民权 富强
作者 韩雅雯 《苏州教育学院学报》 2019年第3期84-89,共6页
明清时期,社会动荡推动儒学转型,顾炎武是这个时期最具影响力的政治思想家之一,他提出了众多具有启示意义的政治观点。顾炎武认为国家权力集中于君主给社会带来了诸多弊端,主张在经济、政治方面将国家权力适度下放给地方,推动地方政治... 明清时期,社会动荡推动儒学转型,顾炎武是这个时期最具影响力的政治思想家之一,他提出了众多具有启示意义的政治观点。顾炎武认为国家权力集中于君主给社会带来了诸多弊端,主张在经济、政治方面将国家权力适度下放给地方,推动地方政治的运行与发展,即“寓封建之意于郡县之中”。这是顾炎武“分权众治”政治思想的核心,它的提出,在一定程度上推动了民主思想的萌发。 展开更多
关键词 顾炎武 分权 思想
作者 徐方治 《广西民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1999年第1期62-65,共4页
关键词 治众
作者 陈剑 《人口与经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 1990年第2期45-48,62,共5页
在计划生育工作中,从众是一种普遍现象,什么是从众,人们为什么要从众,如何认识从众的心理现象以及如何运用人们的从众心理去做计划生育工作,正确地认识这些问题,对于计划生育工作的开展具有积极意义。 心理学所说的从众,是指个人在群... 在计划生育工作中,从众是一种普遍现象,什么是从众,人们为什么要从众,如何认识从众的心理现象以及如何运用人们的从众心理去做计划生育工作,正确地认识这些问题,对于计划生育工作的开展具有积极意义。 心理学所说的从众,是指个人在群体中由于受到某种压力,而在判断和行为上表现出与群体中大多数人的意见一致。从众现象的产生,主要是实际存在或头脑中想象的社会或群体的压力,如舆论、群体气氛等。 展开更多
关键词 行为 现象 实行计划生育 群体压力 计划生育工作 生男生女 治众 标准线 生育行为 施加压力
区块链思维视角下基层新特征和治理新路径 被引量:8
作者 黄莉 《社会科学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第5期134-139,共6页
区块链不仅是一种技术,更代表一种理念,被称作“互联网思维升级版”的区块链,具有去中心化、共识、智能合约、众治共赢、可追溯性等思维方式,契合了当前基层的新特征,可以助推基层结构由单一行政化向多元扁平化转变,基层空间由物理中心... 区块链不仅是一种技术,更代表一种理念,被称作“互联网思维升级版”的区块链,具有去中心化、共识、智能合约、众治共赢、可追溯性等思维方式,契合了当前基层的新特征,可以助推基层结构由单一行政化向多元扁平化转变,基层空间由物理中心向虚拟现实双重中心转变,基层生活由静止封闭向流动开放转变。区块链思维可以助力创新基层治理新路径,去中心化思维促使基层从单一行政管理向多元协商治理转变,共识思维引导基层各主体达成治理共同体,智能合约思维提升基层政府公信力,众治共赢思维构建基层共建共治共享机制,可追溯思维再造基层治理监督体系。 展开更多
关键词 区块链思维 去中心化 共识 智能合约 共赢 可追溯 基层
作者 王义 李园园 《知与行》 2018年第4期5-9,共5页
顾炎武作为清初实学的三大家之一,在明末清初的时代大背景下,针对"王学"末流的弊端,提出经世致用的理念。社会的大动荡、大变革亟须社会的大治理、大调整。儒学的经世致用集中体现在如何实现明末清初社会秩序的规范和社会力... 顾炎武作为清初实学的三大家之一,在明末清初的时代大背景下,针对"王学"末流的弊端,提出经世致用的理念。社会的大动荡、大变革亟须社会的大治理、大调整。儒学的经世致用集中体现在如何实现明末清初社会秩序的规范和社会力量的整合,也就是实现有效的社会治理。历史上的儒学传统一直有"内圣""外王"两个维度。"外王"就是要倡导追求社会事业的进步,追求良好的社会秩序、社会规范。一般而言,传统儒学以"民本思想"为核心,以"礼法兼用"为手段,以"王道政治"为终极目标。在社会治理方面,顾炎武一方面继承了儒学的传统,提倡民本思想、王道政治、礼法兼用的社会治理方式。另一方面顾炎武对时代的问题也有所回应,当时资本主义经济开始萌芽,产生了以"机户"为代表的新型社会阶层,手工业与农业逐步分离,原本以农耕文明为主的儒家思想,已无法完全适应当时的社会状况。因此,顾炎武对传统的社会治理提出了自己的创新之处,如"分权众治"的社会治理理念、"才足而化行"的社会治理过程以及最终达到"天下治"的社会治理目标。这些继承和创新,对今天的改革仍然具有借鉴意义,比如党中央实施全面深化改革,在为人民谋福祉的问题上,可以借鉴顾炎武的"民本"思想;在中央与地方的关系问题,顾炎武所开出的模式也具有参考价值;在加强社会领导方面,顾炎武也做出了合理化建议,等等。 展开更多
关键词 顾炎武 礼法并用 分权
作者 王义 李园园 《合肥师范学院学报》 2018年第2期40-43,共4页
顾炎武作为清初实学的三大家之一,在明末清初的时代大背景下,针对"王学"末流的弊端,提出经世致用的理念。在社会治理方面,顾炎武一方面继承了儒学的传统,提倡民本思想、王道政治、礼法兼用的社会治理方式;另一方面,顾炎武面... 顾炎武作为清初实学的三大家之一,在明末清初的时代大背景下,针对"王学"末流的弊端,提出经世致用的理念。在社会治理方面,顾炎武一方面继承了儒学的传统,提倡民本思想、王道政治、礼法兼用的社会治理方式;另一方面,顾炎武面对时代的问题,对传统的社会治理提出自己的创新之处,如"分权众治"的社会治理理念、"才足而化行"的社会治理过程以及最终达到"天下治"的社会治理目标。这些继承和创新,对今天的改革仍然具有借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 顾炎武 礼法并用 分权
作者 庄晓丹 《沈阳干部学刊》 2023年第2期40-43,共4页
党中央多次强调构建基层治理现代化的重要性和紧迫性,并提出要打造共建共治共享的社会治理新格局。浙江省海宁市全力推动共建共治共享社会治理格局构建,形成“众管微治”新模式。这一模式以“微网格”为基层社会治理的基本单元,以基层... 党中央多次强调构建基层治理现代化的重要性和紧迫性,并提出要打造共建共治共享的社会治理新格局。浙江省海宁市全力推动共建共治共享社会治理格局构建,形成“众管微治”新模式。这一模式以“微网格”为基层社会治理的基本单元,以基层党组织为引领,统筹运用基层自治力量,具体以道德治、众筹治等“十治一图”为脉络展开,现已取得较好的治理成效,为其他地区推进基层治理现代化提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 基层理现代化 共建共共享 管微
作者 靳顺利 《化工管理》 1995年第8期40-40,共1页
古代兵书《吴子·论将第四》中要求将帅必须谨慎把握而遵行五项要领,即“一曰理,二曰备,三曰果,四曰戒,五曰约”。吴起虽然著此书于战国时期,但这五项要领对提高当今企业管理水平仍具有现实意义。 所谓“理”,即治众如治寡。
关键词 与企业 治众 兵书 吴起 吴子 将帅 战国时期 “理” 企业管理水平 处于顺境
作者 温海军 《党建与人才》 1999年第7期29-29,共1页
面对千头万绪、纷繁复杂的工作,领导者怎样才能很好地开篇布局呢?笔者以为,一个成功的领导,最重要的要做到“一定三会”。一定:是指定“计”。治国要有治国之策,治家要有治家之道,那么,治理一个单位或部门,当然也需要有“计”... 面对千头万绪、纷繁复杂的工作,领导者怎样才能很好地开篇布局呢?笔者以为,一个成功的领导,最重要的要做到“一定三会”。一定:是指定“计”。治国要有治国之策,治家要有治家之道,那么,治理一个单位或部门,当然也需要有“计”,这个“计”就是领导者的计谋、策略... 展开更多
关键词 领导者 三会 最佳态势 工作策略 思想政工作 发展思路 治众 工作方法 家之道 工作思路
An analysis on corporate governance
作者 CHEN Li-fan 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第5期61-63,共3页
Corporate governance has become one of the major international issues that have succeeded in attracting a good deal of public interest in recent years, especially since the recent spate of "world famous" scandalous ... Corporate governance has become one of the major international issues that have succeeded in attracting a good deal of public interest in recent years, especially since the recent spate of "world famous" scandalous corporate failures. Today, it is considered that corporate governance plays an important role in the economic health of corporations and society in general. Improving corporate governance is a systematic project, it is necessary to the internal governance and external governance of the ways multi-pronged. 展开更多
关键词 corporate governance corporate failure internal governance
Effective management for older people with heart failure: from acute to palliative care paradigms
作者 Doris SF Yu 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第5期391-392,共2页
Heart failure (HF) had emerged as an epidemic since two decades ago and is now a major threatening public health problem affecting 23 million population worldwide,
关键词 Heart failure Left ventricular assist device Palliative care SELF-CARE Symptom cluster
Conservative Immigration Reform and Illegal Immigrants
作者 Huiyun Tang 《Sociology Study》 2015年第12期911-919,共9页
In 1996, Congress enacted Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA). Actually, it was a conservative legislation. It not only tightened border control but also strictly limited the... In 1996, Congress enacted Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA). Actually, it was a conservative legislation. It not only tightened border control but also strictly limited the public benefits about illegal immigration. Why Congress enacted serious immigration legislation in the 1990s? Generally speaking, economic factor and politics played an important role in it. In derails, several reasons can account for its conservatism: (1) The first reason is that the increase number of illegal immigration led to the high cost of state governments, many state governments complained it; (2) The second reason is the influence of 187 Act which deported illegal immigration in primary and high school and it produced chain effect for other states; (3) The third reason is political election, including Congress election and president campaign. 187 Act greatly influenced GOP (Grand Old Party) and Congress, which was controlled by GOP, tended to take serious measures to contain illegal immigrants. Did IIRRA work? In fact, it did not control illegal immigration. After 1990s, more and more illegal immigration entered into America and U.S, has become the nation with the most illegal immigrants in the world. Therefore, Congress should consider comprehensive immigration reform. 展开更多
关键词 Conservative immigration reform illegal immigrants 187 Act
Mass line and Ideological Education Research
作者 Qingbin Liang Yanling Feng 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第11期50-52,共3页
Politics adhere to the mass line; we should earnestly implement the mass line of the scientific method to the ideological and political work and adhere to the mass line. Above all, we should use the Marxist dialectica... Politics adhere to the mass line; we should earnestly implement the mass line of the scientific method to the ideological and political work and adhere to the mass line. Above all, we should use the Marxist dialectical materialism to guide practical work. Political work must be combined with the new practice; it should adhere to and constantly enrich and develop the principle of scientific method. Ideological and political education refers to the social or social group forming a certain ideology, political views and ethics, imposing purposeful, planned, organized influence on its members, so that they form a certain class or social group who need moral social practice. Ideological and political education is the study of people' s thinking, moral formation, and development patterns on people' s ideological and political education of the laws of science. 展开更多
关键词 PUBLISHER DESIGNING Lowercase letters.
Hyper-Sullenness: The Public Mood, Wealth Defense, and Political Science as Kitsch
作者 Patrick McGovern 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2013年第3期203-213,共11页
We find ourselves at the end of a national election season, one cycling through a particularly depressed economic situation, but Americans, a generally hopeful, forward looking lot have become accustomed to growing in... We find ourselves at the end of a national election season, one cycling through a particularly depressed economic situation, but Americans, a generally hopeful, forward looking lot have become accustomed to growing incivility and resentment in their politics. This resentment stems from what Albert Borgmann defines as the character of our late modern age--we are both sullen and hyper in our daily lives. This situation comes at the intersection of long developing modern elements stemming from the control of nature via a universal scientific method at the behest of our own aggressive pursuit of individuality. The nature of our lives are in turn reinforced and reproduced by our frenetic militarized mobilization to recapture political and economic leadership at an international level. This goal, spurred on by an elite oligarchical vanguard, is reinforced by a "wealth defense industry," developed in the late 20th century, designed to protect the wealth of our own elite class. This industry has stripped traditional cultural and academic sites of their ability or interest in interrogating the present status quo, and has rendered them fiat, uninspiring, and indolent in the face of growing income inequities and injustice. American political science has essentially become, in the vein of Marita Sturken's work, kitschified--facile, glib, and easily reproduced so as to act as a balm to our bruised, sullen egos, longing for an age of innocence-a smooth and glassy yet opaque history that eases our consciences and forgives the growing antidemocratic practices of our civil oligarchy. 展开更多
关键词 modernity DEMOCRACY political science wealth defense KITSCH
Governance of Marine Protected Areas: An Approach Using Public Participation Geographic Information Systems--The MARGov Project
作者 Marco Painho Tiago H. Moreira de Oliveira Lia Vasconcelos 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2013年第1期25-35,共11页
The MARGov Project consisted in strengthening the interaction among the Professor Luiz Saldanha Marine Park stakeholders, and to collaboratively construct, with social and institutional actors, a governance model for ... The MARGov Project consisted in strengthening the interaction among the Professor Luiz Saldanha Marine Park stakeholders, and to collaboratively construct, with social and institutional actors, a governance model for the Marine Park, located in the municipality of Sesimbra (Portugal). To pursue this goal, a PPGIS (public participation geographic information system) was developed, allowing the interaction, discussion and public participation of the stakeholders and actors involved. This PPGIS emerged as a crowdsourcing tool, with the purpose of assisting the georeferenced contributes from the local users of the Marine Park, regarding several relevant subjects, such as pollution, economic activities, opportunities and threats to the Marine Park, providing visual, analytical, and demonstrative qualities. 展开更多
关键词 GIS (geographic information systems) PPGIS WebGIS (GIS Web applications) crowdsourcing marine protected areas.
Interest Coordination Mechanism of Green Open Space Development in International Metropolises:Experience from New York City
作者 LUO Yuxiang ZHANG Surong 《国际大都市发展研究(中英文)》 2024年第2期24-37,共14页
The development of green open spaces is the key component for cities built for the people and a major initiative to enhance the core competitiveness of Chinese cities.This paper summarizes the research on green open s... The development of green open spaces is the key component for cities built for the people and a major initiative to enhance the core competitiveness of Chinese cities.This paper summarizes the research on green open spaces in international metropolitan cities,focusing on public participation,funding mix,and governmental actions.It focuses on the alignment of interests between public,private,and community sectors in New York City's green open space development in a series of case studies.It draws lessons from New York's experience and applies them to Chinese cities and proposes that:private non-government organizations should be introduced to improve the mechanism of major development and governance;real estate development incentives should be optimized to guide the private capital to provide public welfare;and policy innovation in land and property development is imperative in fiscal health and sustainability. 展开更多
关键词 Green open space Coordination of interests Public participation Public-private partnership Governance
作者 姜国柱 《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》 1981年第2期29-33,共5页
林彪、“四人帮”是穷凶极恶的反革命集团,马克思主义最凶恶的敌人。他们的全部反动活动,完全以主观、任意的唯我主义为指导,以有用、有效的实用主义为准则,以害人、害党的利己主义为目的。他们摭拾地主阶级的糟粕,资产阶级的牙慧,修正... 林彪、“四人帮”是穷凶极恶的反革命集团,马克思主义最凶恶的敌人。他们的全部反动活动,完全以主观、任意的唯我主义为指导,以有用、有效的实用主义为准则,以害人、害党的利己主义为目的。他们摭拾地主阶级的糟粕,资产阶级的牙慧,修正主义的唾余,法西斯主义的伎俩,拼凑成为一套封、资、修大杂烩的反动思想。本文只就他们思想言论中的封建糟粕,追本溯源,谈几个主要问题。 展开更多
关键词 林彪 “四人帮” 主观唯心主义 思想渊源 “心” 独化 唯我论 宇宙万物 治众 陆九渊
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