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水柱法场扩大提高CE-UV检测核酸灵敏度 被引量:1
作者 连冬生 赵树进 《生物技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期57-61,共5页
目的:采用水柱法场扩大堆积技术,提高毛细管电泳紫外分析核酸灵敏度。方法:已知浓度的DNA Marker为标准样品,TE缓冲液递度稀释,压力进样前加一段去离子水柱(0.5psi,20s),观察不同浓度下压力进样紫外检测图谱。结果:在对分离度无明显影响... 目的:采用水柱法场扩大堆积技术,提高毛细管电泳紫外分析核酸灵敏度。方法:已知浓度的DNA Marker为标准样品,TE缓冲液递度稀释,压力进样前加一段去离子水柱(0.5psi,20s),观察不同浓度下压力进样紫外检测图谱。结果:在对分离度无明显影响下,将压力进样时间延长至0.5psi,990s,与常规的压力进样(0.5psi,10s)相比,灵敏度提高了94.4倍。与时间延长后的压力进样(0.5psi,90s)相比,灵敏度提高8.2倍,最低检测总浓度为1ng/μl,DNA的检测限降至80ng/ml(S/N=3),比前人报道的7ng/μl检测限提高了87.5倍。结论:验证了水柱法场扩大堆积注射可以有效提高毛细管电泳紫外检测核酸灵敏度。 展开更多
关键词 DNA 毛细管电泳 紫外检测 水柱法场扩大堆积注射 压力 灵敏度
作者 刘永飞 温丙存 +1 位作者 徐孝昶 许佳君 《中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第6期92-96,共5页
水利水电工程的建设引发了大量的水库非自愿移民,由于大量的土地、房屋等实物被淹占,只能进行搬迁安置。然而,在搬迁安置过程中,移民社会管理工作面临着经济、政治、社会、文化等方面的问题,急需把"法治保障"纳入到水库移民... 水利水电工程的建设引发了大量的水库非自愿移民,由于大量的土地、房屋等实物被淹占,只能进行搬迁安置。然而,在搬迁安置过程中,移民社会管理工作面临着经济、政治、社会、文化等方面的问题,急需把"法治保障"纳入到水库移民社会管理场域中,对这一法场域的研究对维护水库移民权益、构建和谐水利事业社会秩序以及实现水利事业的科学发展等都具有重要理论意义和实践价值。当前水库移民社会管理中的法场域主要包括水库移民政法制度建设、水库移民利益补偿与扶持、水库移民纠纷与诉讼等内容。 展开更多
关键词 水库移民 法治保障 法场 社会管理
法场旧事——叶名琛“杀人魔王”称谓存疑 被引量:1
作者 黄清娟 《文教资料》 2011年第28期88-90,共3页
1855年夏,广州旧巷"法场地"被杀洪兵义军犯人七万五千人,留美归来的容闳博士在回忆录中把当时的惨状加以叙述,叶名琛因而落得"杀人魔王"的骂名。作者以容闳的描述为切入口,借助史料记载理性分析,希望藉以印证历史上较为真实的叶名琛... 1855年夏,广州旧巷"法场地"被杀洪兵义军犯人七万五千人,留美归来的容闳博士在回忆录中把当时的惨状加以叙述,叶名琛因而落得"杀人魔王"的骂名。作者以容闳的描述为切入口,借助史料记载理性分析,希望藉以印证历史上较为真实的叶名琛,对容闳和柯克的观点提出不同的看法,并对国人对待历史及评价历史人物的态度进行个人的反思。 展开更多
关键词 法场 叶名琛 “杀人魔王”
作者 戚颖 赵连城 《大连教育学院学报》 2015年第1期79-80,共2页
《水浒传》与《侠盗罗宾汉》中都安排了"劫法场"这一情境。受刑人物的气质差异反映出中西方对于死亡的理解不同。从救人好汉的描写看,虽然两位作者都以限知视角突出了个人,但《水浒传》在群像描写上略胜一筹。两位作家对小人... 《水浒传》与《侠盗罗宾汉》中都安排了"劫法场"这一情境。受刑人物的气质差异反映出中西方对于死亡的理解不同。从救人好汉的描写看,虽然两位作者都以限知视角突出了个人,但《水浒传》在群像描写上略胜一筹。两位作家对小人物的简单着墨,使作品中的人物类型丰富有过渡性。而在奸险小人的不同处置上,显示出中国封建社会仍是以暴制暴,而英国较为注重法治程序。 展开更多
关键词 水浒传 侠盗罗宾汉 法场
作者 刘仲武 石萍 《大舞台》 1997年第3期41-41,共1页
曾以京剧艺术片《李慧娘》享有盛誉的著名演员胡芝风,应邀来石看了袁淑梅三个折子戏之后,坦率地指出:演员条件很好,戏也很精彩,但做为参评梅花奖这样高标准的演出剧目,尚需进一步潜心雕琢和完善。并针对演员精力及时间等因素,建议重点... 曾以京剧艺术片《李慧娘》享有盛誉的著名演员胡芝风,应邀来石看了袁淑梅三个折子戏之后,坦率地指出:演员条件很好,戏也很精彩,但做为参评梅花奖这样高标准的演出剧目,尚需进一步潜心雕琢和完善。并针对演员精力及时间等因素,建议重点解决《半把剪刀·法场》一折。市文化局和评剧院一团经过慎重研究和筹划之后,火速派人进京,扣响了胡芝风的家门。做为中国艺术研究院的研究员,胡芝风当然知道承诺后意味着什么。 展开更多
关键词 法场 演员 唱腔 剧本 观众 梅花奖 评剧院 念白 点解 折子戏
作者 罗永常 《党史博采(上)》 1994年第9期22-23,共2页
1932年秋。 这天,天刚刚亮,周老嘴便喧哗起来。湘鄂西中央分局和红三军军部都临时设在这个乡村小镇里。 晨雾中,一位拄着拐杖的年轻红军干部施着伤腿,一步一拐地朝周老嘴走来,鲜血和泥水把他浸了个透,仿佛从血水里捞起来一般。
关键词 改组派 国民党 法场 肃反 贺龙 反革命 军长 参谋长 红军干部 张德
作者 向端 《戏文》 2000年第2期15-16,共2页
关键词 越剧 <窦娥冤.法场> 导演创作 胡芝风 评论
《税收与社会》 1999年第1期21-21,共1页
我这里说的不是电影《老少爷们赶法场》中的那个意思。那是一群孤苦无助的善良人被生活所逼、被官府所诱、所骗为了几两银子而最终悲壮掉头的故事。我说的是自1994年税制改革以来围绕着增值税专用发票而发生的不绝于耳的枪声。前一... 我这里说的不是电影《老少爷们赶法场》中的那个意思。那是一群孤苦无助的善良人被生活所逼、被官府所诱、所骗为了几两银子而最终悲壮掉头的故事。我说的是自1994年税制改革以来围绕着增值税专用发票而发生的不绝于耳的枪声。前一个故事的影响还仅仅停留于那有限的几... 展开更多
关键词 增值税专用发票犯罪 增值税发票 法场 新《刑法》 虚开增值税专用发票案件 税案 纳税人 犯罪分子 有期徒刑 没收财产
作者 常立胜 《中国京剧》 北大核心 2004年第4期35-35,共1页
关键词 余派艺术 法场换子》 京剧 承传关系 剧情 艺术价值 余叔岩 表演艺术 人物塑造
作者 姜雨 杨英宝 周航 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2010年第4期361-366,共6页
To solve aircraft arrival sequencing and scheduling problems,and improve the typical predatory search algorithm(PSA),an innovative PSA is developed.The new PSA uses variable constraints of local search and global se... To solve aircraft arrival sequencing and scheduling problems,and improve the typical predatory search algorithm(PSA),an innovative PSA is developed.The new PSA uses variable constraints of local search and global search to avoid falling into local optimal solutions and the degeneration of solutions.To test the performance of new PSA,a case study with ten arriving flights and two runways is performed.Test results show that the new PSA performs much better than typical PSA and genetic algorithm(GA)in the aspects of the rate of gaining optimal solutions and the computational time. 展开更多
关键词 air traffic control evolutionary algorithms airports intelligent computing
Phase-field simulations of forced flow effect on dendritic growth perpendicular to flow 被引量:4
作者 王智平 王军伟 +2 位作者 朱昌盛 冯力 肖荣振 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第3期612-617,共6页
The effect of supercooled melt forced laminar flow at low Reynolds Number on dendritic growth perpendicular to melt flow direction was investigated with the phase-field method by incorporating melt convection and ther... The effect of supercooled melt forced laminar flow at low Reynolds Number on dendritic growth perpendicular to melt flow direction was investigated with the phase-field method by incorporating melt convection and thermal noise under non-isothermal condition. By taking the dendritic growth of high pure succinonitrile (SCN) supercooled melt as an example, side-branching shape difference of melts with flow and without flow was analyzed. Relationships among supercooled melt inflow velocity, deflexion angle of dendritic arm and dendritic tip growth velocity were studied. Results show that the melt inflow velocity has few effects on the dendritic tip growth velocity. A formula of relationship between the velocity of the melt in front of primary dendritic tip and the dendritic growth time was deduced, and the calculated result was in quantitative agreement with the simulation result. 展开更多
关键词 phase-field method laminar flow dendritic growth computer simulation SOLIDIFICATION flow velocity
Ageing process of pre-precipitation phase in Ni_(0.75)Al_(0.05)Fe_(0.2) alloy based on phase field method 被引量:4
作者 董卫平 王永欣 +1 位作者 陈铮 杨坤 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第5期1105-1111,共7页
By utilizing phase field method combined with analysis on free energy and interatomic potentials, pre-precipitation phase formation and transformation process of Ni0.75Al0.05Fe0.2 alloy in early precipitation stage du... By utilizing phase field method combined with analysis on free energy and interatomic potentials, pre-precipitation phase formation and transformation process of Ni0.75Al0.05Fe0.2 alloy in early precipitation stage during the ageing process under 1 000 K were studied. And free energy, microstructures, compositions and volume fractions of pre-precipitation phase and equilibrium phase were analyzed. The simulation results indicate that nonstoichiometric Llo pre-precipitation phase formed first, and then would gradually transform into L12 equilibrium phase. It is discovered that the phase transformation process was closely related to free energy and interatomic potentials. Additionally, it is revealed that free energy of Llo pre-precipitation phase was higher and interatomic potential was smaller than that of L12 equilibrium phase. Therefore, it is concluded that Llo phase was unstable, and phase transformation would occur to L12 which was more stable. 展开更多
关键词 pre-precipitation phase equilibrium phase interatomic potentials free energy phase field method
Comparative analysis of isothermal and non-isothermal solidification of binary alloys using phase-field model 被引量:2
作者 肖荣振 安国升 +2 位作者 朱昶胜 王智平 杨世银 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第11期3639-3644,共6页
Based on the entropy function, a two-dimensional phase field model of binary alloys was established. Meanwhile, an explicit difference method with uniform grid was adopted to solve the phase field and solute field con... Based on the entropy function, a two-dimensional phase field model of binary alloys was established. Meanwhile, an explicit difference method with uniform grid was adopted to solve the phase field and solute field controlled equations. And the alternating direction implicit(ADI) algorithm for solving temperature field controlled equation was also employed to avoid the restriction of time step. Some characteristics of the Ni-Cu alloy were captured in the process of non-isothermal solidification, and the comparative analysis of the isothermal and the non-isothermal solidification was investigated. The simulation results indicate that the non-isothermal model is favorable to simulate the real solidification process of binary alloys, and when the thermal diffusivity decreases, the non-isothermal phase-field model is gradually consistent with the isothermal phase-field model. 展开更多
关键词 phase-field model binary alloys isothermal solidification non-isothermal solidification
Wavefield simulation in porous media saturated with two immiscible fluids 被引量:2
作者 田迎春 马坚伟 杨慧珠 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第1期57-65,99,100,共11页
Wavefields in porous media saturated by two immiscible fluids are simulated in this paper.Based on the sealed system theory,the medium model considers both the relative motion between the fluids and the solid skeleton... Wavefields in porous media saturated by two immiscible fluids are simulated in this paper.Based on the sealed system theory,the medium model considers both the relative motion between the fluids and the solid skeleton and the relaxation mechanisms of porosity and saturation(capillary pressure).So it accurately simulates the numerical attenuation property of the wavefields and is much closer to actual earth media in exploration than the equivalent liquid model and the unsaturated porous medium model on the basis of open system theory.The velocity and attenuation for different wave modes in this medium have been discussed in previous literature but studies of the complete wave-field have not been reported.In our work,wave equations with the relaxation mechanisms of capillary pressure and the porosity are derived.Furthermore,the wavefield and its characteristics are studied using the numerical finite element method.The results show that the slow P3-wave in the non-wetting phase can be observed clearly in the seismic band.The relaxation of capillary pressure and the porosity greatly affect the displacement of the non-wetting phase.More specifically,the displacement decreases with increasing relaxation coefficient. 展开更多
关键词 porous medium immiscible fluids capillary pressure finite element method wavefield simulation
Cone-shaped source characteristics and inductance effect of transient electromagnetic method 被引量:10
作者 杨海燕 李锋平 +3 位作者 岳建华 郭福生 刘旭华 张华 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第1期165-174,192,共11页
Small multi-turn coil devices are used with the transient electromagnetic method (TEM) in areas with limited space, particularly in underground environments such as coal mines roadways and engineering tunnels, and f... Small multi-turn coil devices are used with the transient electromagnetic method (TEM) in areas with limited space, particularly in underground environments such as coal mines roadways and engineering tunnels, and for detecting shallow geological targets in environmental and engineering fields. However, the equipment involved has strong mutual inductance coupling, which causes a lengthy turn-off time and a deep “blind zone”. This study proposes a new transmitter device with a conical-shape source and derives the radius formula of each coil and the mutual inductance coefficient of the cone. According to primary field characteristics, results of the two fields created, calculation of the conical-shaped source in a uniform medium using theoretical analysis, and a comparison of the inductance of the new device with that of the multi-turn coil, show that inductance of the multi-turn coil is nine times greater than that of the conical source with the same equivalent magnetic moment of 926.1 A·m2. This indicates that the new source leads to a much shallower “blind zone.” Furthermore, increasing the bottom radius and turn of the cone creates a larger mutual inductance but increasing the cone height results in a lower mutual inductance. Using the superposition principle, the primary and secondary magnetic fields for a conical source in a homogeneous medium are calculated; results indicate that the magnetic behavior of the cone is the same as that of the multi-turn coils, but the transient responses of the secondary field and the total field are more stronger than those of the multi-turn coils. To study the transient response characteristics using a cone-shaped source in a layered earth, a numerical filtering algorithm is then developed using the fast Hankel transform and the improved cosine transform, again using the superposition principle. During development, an average apparent resistivity inverted from the induced electromotive force using each coil is defined to represent the comprehensive resistivity of the conical source. To verify the forward calculation method, the transient responses of H type models and KH type models are calculated, and data are inverted using a “smoke ring” inversion. The results of inversion have good agreement with original models and show that the forward calculation method is effective. The results of this study provide an option for solving the problem of a deep “blind zone” and also provide a theoretical indicator for further research. 展开更多
关键词 Transient electromagnetic method Cone-shaped source Apparent resistivity Mutual inductance “Smoke ring” inversion
Effect of forced lamina flow on microsegregation simulated by phase field method quantitatively 被引量:4
作者 王军伟 王智平 +3 位作者 路阳 朱昌盛 冯力 肖荣振 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第2期391-397,共7页
The influence of supercooled melt forced lamina flow on microsegregation was investigated. The concentration distribution at solid-liquid boundary of binary alloy Ni-Cu was simulated using phase field model coupled wi... The influence of supercooled melt forced lamina flow on microsegregation was investigated. The concentration distribution at solid-liquid boundary of binary alloy Ni-Cu was simulated using phase field model coupled with flow field. The microsegregation, concentration maximum value, boundary thickness of concentration near upstream dendrite and normal to flow dendrite, and downstream dendrite were studied quantitatively in the case of forced lamia flow. The simulation results show that solute field and flow field interact complexly. Compared with melt without flow, in front of upstream dendrite tip, the concentration boundary thickness is the lowest and the concentration maximum value is the smallest for melt with flow. However, in front of downstream dendrite tip, the results are just the opposite. The zone of poor Cu in upstream dendrite where is the most severely microsegregation and shrinkage cavity is wider and the concentration is lower for melt with flow than that without flow. 展开更多
关键词 computer simulation phase field method solidification forced lamina flow MICROSEGREGATION solute redistribution shrinkage cavity
《窦娥冤》札记 被引量:2
作者 叶元章 《青海社会科学》 1985年第3期61-62,共2页
关汉卿戏剧创作最活跃的时期是在入元以后,他至少写了六十多个剧本。其中被钟嗣成的《录鬼簿》著录了五十种,被近人王国维《曲录》著录了六十三种,现存十八种。《窦娥冤》是他的代表作。这个剧,尤其是剧中“法场”一折,具有非常强烈的... 关汉卿戏剧创作最活跃的时期是在入元以后,他至少写了六十多个剧本。其中被钟嗣成的《录鬼簿》著录了五十种,被近人王国维《曲录》著录了六十三种,现存十八种。《窦娥冤》是他的代表作。这个剧,尤其是剧中“法场”一折,具有非常强烈的悲壮气氛,成为元杂剧中现实主义与浪漫主义巧合的范例。因此,它能在戏曲舞台上长期演出不衰,拥有历代观众。 展开更多
关键词 《窦娥冤》 札记 鬼魂 关汉卿 元杂剧 婆婆 文卷 法场 钟嗣成 按察司
Phase-field study on competition precipitation process of Ni-Al-V alloy 被引量:5
作者 卢艳丽 卢广明 +1 位作者 贾德伟 陈铮 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期544-551,共8页
With microscopic phase-field kinetic model, atomic-scale computer simulation program for the precipitation sequence and microstructure evolution of the ordered intermetallic compound γ' and θ in ternary Ni75AlxV25-... With microscopic phase-field kinetic model, atomic-scale computer simulation program for the precipitation sequence and microstructure evolution of the ordered intermetallic compound γ' and θ in ternary Ni75AlxV25-x alloy were studied. The simulation results show that Al concentration has important effects on the precipitation sequence. When Al concentration in Ni75AlxV25-x alloy is low, 0(Ni3V) ordered phase will be firstly precipitated, followed by γ'(Ni3Al) ordered phase. With Al concentration increasing, θ and γ' ordered phases are simultaneously precipitated. With A1 concentration further increasing, γ' ordered phase is firstly precipitated, followed by θ ordered phase. There is a competition relationship between θ and γ' ordered phases during growth and coarsening process. No matter which first precipitates, θ ordered phase always occupies advantage in the competition process of coarsening, thus, the microstructure with preferred orientation is formed. 展开更多
关键词 Ni-Al-V alloy microstructure evolution precipitation process phase-field method
Forward modeling of marine DC resistivity method for a layered anisotropic earth 被引量:2
作者 殷长春 张平 蔡晶 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期279-287,417,共10页
Since the ocean bottom is a sedimentary environment wherein stratification is well developed, the use of an anisotropic model is best for studying its geology. Beginning with Maxwell's equations for an anisotropic mo... Since the ocean bottom is a sedimentary environment wherein stratification is well developed, the use of an anisotropic model is best for studying its geology. Beginning with Maxwell's equations for an anisotropic model, we introduce scalar potentials based on the divergence-free characteristic of the electric and magnetic (EM) fields. We then continue the EM fields down into the deep earth and upward into the seawater and couple them at the ocean bottom to the transmitting source. By studying both the DC apparent resistivity curves and their polar plots, we can resolve the anisotropy of the ocean bottom. Forward modeling of a high-resistivity thin layer in an anisotropic half-space demonstrates that the marine DC resistivity method in shallow water is very sensitive to the resistive reservoir but is not influenced by airwaves. As such, it is very suitable for oil and gas exploration in shallowwater areas but, to date, most modeling algorithms for studying marine DC resistivity are based on isotropic models. In this paper, we investigate one-dimensional anisotropic forward modeling for marine DC resistivity method, prove the algorithm to have high accuracy, and thus provide a theoretical basis for 2D and 3D forward modeling. 展开更多
关键词 Electrical anisotropy Marine DC resistivity method Forward modeling Field continuation algorithm
Phase-field simulation of forced flow effect on random preferred growth direction of multiple grains 被引量:1
作者 王军伟 朱昌盛 +2 位作者 王智平 冯力 肖荣振 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第7期1620-1626,共7页
The random distribution problem of dendrite preferred growth direction was settled by random grid method.This method was used to study the influence of forced laminar flow effect on multiple grains during solidificati... The random distribution problem of dendrite preferred growth direction was settled by random grid method.This method was used to study the influence of forced laminar flow effect on multiple grains during solidification.Taking high pure succinonitrile (SCN) undercooled melt as an example,the forced laminar flow effect on multiple grains was studied by phase-field model of single grain which coupled with flow equations at non-isothermal condition.The simulation results show that the random grid method can reasonably settle the problem of random distribution and is more effective.When the solid fraction is relatively low,melt particles flow around the downstream side of dendrite,and the flow velocity between two dendrite arms becomes high.At the stage of solidification time less than 1800Δt,every dendrite grows freely;the upstream dendrites are stronger than the downstream ones.The higher the melt flow rate,the higher the solid fraction.However,when the solid fraction is relatively high,the dendrite arm intertwins and only a little residual melt which is not encapsulated can flow;the solid fraction will gradually tend to equal to solid fraction of melt without flow. 展开更多
关键词 phase-field method multiple grains laminar flow preferred growth direction computer simulation SOLIDIFICATION flow velocity
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