Acupuncture originated in China several thousand years ago, and this therapeutic approach has been shown to be an effective treatment of many diseases and the maintenance of health in China and other countries all ove...Acupuncture originated in China several thousand years ago, and this therapeutic approach has been shown to be an effective treatment of many diseases and the maintenance of health in China and other countries all over the world. However, there is little study into how the important skills of acupuncture should optimally be taught and how competence at this skill should be evaluated. The current competency assessment of acupuncture skills is primarily based on evaluations by experts, which can be subjective with large variations and potentially inaccurate. Developing evidence-based assessment standards for acupuncture skills is required to move the assessment of the clinical practice of acupuncture forward, and this performance evaluation could be based on standardized expert evaluation, computer-based measurements such as motion analysis , and high-fidelity simulators or standardized patients.展开更多
基金Jiangsu Government Scholarship for Overseas Studies (JS-2009)
文摘Acupuncture originated in China several thousand years ago, and this therapeutic approach has been shown to be an effective treatment of many diseases and the maintenance of health in China and other countries all over the world. However, there is little study into how the important skills of acupuncture should optimally be taught and how competence at this skill should be evaluated. The current competency assessment of acupuncture skills is primarily based on evaluations by experts, which can be subjective with large variations and potentially inaccurate. Developing evidence-based assessment standards for acupuncture skills is required to move the assessment of the clinical practice of acupuncture forward, and this performance evaluation could be based on standardized expert evaluation, computer-based measurements such as motion analysis , and high-fidelity simulators or standardized patients.