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《宁夏回族自治区人民政府公报》 2015年第8期27-29,共3页
宁政办发[2015]35号各市、县(区)人民政府,自治区政府各部门、直属机构:《宁夏回族自治区政府法律顾问工作规则》已经自治区人民政府同意,现予印发,请认真贯彻执行。2015年3月26日宁夏回族自治区政府法律顾问工作规则第一章总则第一条... 宁政办发[2015]35号各市、县(区)人民政府,自治区政府各部门、直属机构:《宁夏回族自治区政府法律顾问工作规则》已经自治区人民政府同意,现予印发,请认真贯彻执行。2015年3月26日宁夏回族自治区政府法律顾问工作规则第一章总则第一条为了规范政府法律顾问工作,提高政府依法决策和依法行政水平。 展开更多
关键词 法律顾问 法制机构 顾问工作 直属机构 工作部门 司法行政部门 法律事务 顾问制度 经济开发 法律服
作者 杜颖 《海南省人民政府公报》 2014年第S1期27-27,16,共2页
省五届人大常委会第七次会议通过的《关于修改(海南省法律援助规定)决定》(详见海南日报4月2日B07版),(以下简称《规定》),自今年5月1日起施行。让困难群众打得起官司,享受法律的公平正义,是该法规在立法过程中发出的最强音,省人大法工... 省五届人大常委会第七次会议通过的《关于修改(海南省法律援助规定)决定》(详见海南日报4月2日B07版),(以下简称《规定》),自今年5月1日起施行。让困难群众打得起官司,享受法律的公平正义,是该法规在立法过程中发出的最强音,省人大法工委有关负责人今天(4月4日)接受记者采访,对修改后的《规定》进行解读。 展开更多
关键词 人大法工委 援助范围 法律援助 刑事诉讼法 委托诉讼代理人 委托辩护人 援助制度 法定代理人 法律服
华夏银行武汉分行采取有效进一步提高资产保全工作的质量 被引量:1
作者 石家洪 《今日财富(金融发展与监管)》 2008年第2期79-79,共1页
关键词 重组贷款 风险化解 快速反应能力 企业状况 专业部门 动态状况 协助制定 公证制度 优化工作 法律服
作者 西川 王文 《时代潮》 2004年第11期34-35,共2页
谢志伟是原四川成都高定律师事务所主任,又是该省某大型国有企业的员工,他却充分利用企业“收购”自己当主任的律师事务所之机,大肆贪污公共财产166.34万元。2004年4月14日,成都市锦江区人民法院对这起轰动全国的律师贪污案作出一审宣判... 谢志伟是原四川成都高定律师事务所主任,又是该省某大型国有企业的员工,他却充分利用企业“收购”自己当主任的律师事务所之机,大肆贪污公共财产166.34万元。2004年4月14日,成都市锦江区人民法院对这起轰动全国的律师贪污案作出一审宣判,以贪污罪判处其有期徒刑15年。 展开更多
关键词 贪污案 成都市锦江区 向锦江 欺骗手段 风险代理 一审判决 法律事务 四川省司法厅 触犯刑律 法律服
A study on recycling of discarded garments based on the seller' s responsibility for recycling
作者 ZHOU Jing 《International English Education Research》 2016年第5期68-69,共2页
By the closed-loop supply chain responsibility model, analysis the condition of seller taking the responslblhty for recychng of discarded clothes and derived utility of recycling by UNIQLO. The author thinks that the ... By the closed-loop supply chain responsibility model, analysis the condition of seller taking the responslblhty for recychng of discarded clothes and derived utility of recycling by UNIQLO. The author thinks that the best choice is to recycle by seller. At present, it should be encouraged that seller, who are at dominant position in the supply chain, to carry out recycling old clothing so as to lead the other members in the supply chain to participate in recycling. Meanwhile, establish the corresponding legal provisions for the recycling of discarded clothing. 展开更多
关键词 closed-loop supply chain reverse supply chain waste clothing recovery environmental protection UNIQLO
Wastewater Treatment and Sludge Utilisation in Hungary
作者 Ferenc Ligetvári Ferenc Zsabokorszky +1 位作者 Károly Kováics István Zsirai 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2015年第3期141-147,共7页
Hungary's accession to the European Union in 2004 marked the start of a new era. The completion of legal harmonization brought in new emission standards and thresholds, and this was followed by EU-assisted projects t... Hungary's accession to the European Union in 2004 marked the start of a new era. The completion of legal harmonization brought in new emission standards and thresholds, and this was followed by EU-assisted projects to build and reconstruct wastewater treatment plants. The utilization of sludge after it leaves the wastewater treatment plant is now a solely private-sector operation. There are new political priorities: increasing state involvement, buying out of major--formerly privatized--service providers, reintegration of isolated service providers, legally-imposed reduction of public utility charges. As a result, a demand has arisen for a greater central, i.e. government role in sludge utilization. 展开更多
关键词 European Union legal harmonization utilization SLUDGE political priorities public utility charges
European Insurance Markets' Size and Trends in Regulatory Environment in the Context of Its Complexity
作者 Karina MuzAkova Lenka Stibranyiova 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第8期865-877,共13页
In today's globalized world, regulatory issues are heatedly debated, and experts can be divided into two groups based on their attitudes towards these issues. In the first group, representatives are in favor of stric... In today's globalized world, regulatory issues are heatedly debated, and experts can be divided into two groups based on their attitudes towards these issues. In the first group, representatives are in favor of stricter regulation, and representatives of the second group are in favor of removing legislative barriers in the markets of financial services. An important objective of the European Commission in recent years is to integrate the individual segments of the financial services into a whole so as to ensure the proper functioning of the whole to satisfy all the member states. The aim of this paper is to show the complexity of the regulatory environment, to point out the large number of institutions that cooperate in the creation of legislative measures, and also to highlight the different approaches to regulation in individual member countries and these issues do not ease the situation. 展开更多
关键词 REGULATION INSURANCE European Union (EU) institutions
Network address translation traversal based on Bernoulli laws of large number in P2P streaming system
作者 Ren Hao Wang Jinlin 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2011年第4期401-406,共6页
P2P streaming application must realize network address translation (NAT) traversal. To handle low success ratio of the existing NAT traversal algorithm, UPnP-STUN (UPUN) and port-mapping sample estimation (PMSE)... P2P streaming application must realize network address translation (NAT) traversal. To handle low success ratio of the existing NAT traversal algorithm, UPnP-STUN (UPUN) and port-mapping sample estimation (PMSE) algorithm are recommended in this paper. UPUN is the combination of UPnP and STUN, and PMSE utilizes port mapping samples added by symmetric NAT for different sessions to estimate regularity of port mapping of symmetric NAT, which takes advantage of the Bernoulli law of large numbers. Besides, for the situation that both peers are behind NAT, and to handle heavy relay server load when many inner peers want to communicate with each other, a peer auxiliary-relay (PAR) algorithm is presented. PAR lets outer peers with sufficient bandwidth act as relay servers to alleviate pressure of real server, which could avoid NAT traversal failure caused by single point failure of relay server. Finally, experiments show that the proposed algorithms could improve the success ratio significantly for NAT traversal in P2P streaming application as well as improve P2P streaming application applicability. 展开更多
关键词 network address translation(NAT) TRAVERSAL sample estimation auxiliary-relay P2P streaming
Pakistan Electronic Media Legal and Regulatory System
作者 Muhammad Abrar 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2014年第1期36-41,共6页
In this paper, the legal and regulatory system of Pakistan media TV will be examined. In the digital era, electronic TV media has become one of Pakistan's fastest growing service industries, but there is still a need... In this paper, the legal and regulatory system of Pakistan media TV will be examined. In the digital era, electronic TV media has become one of Pakistan's fastest growing service industries, but there is still a need for considerable improvement with regard to the laws and regulations governing the activity. It defines the Pakistan electronic regulatory process and the relevant media laws. After that, it discusses enforcement mechanism operating in Pakistan, Lastly, it suggests some recommendations. 展开更多
Some Martial Motifs as Embedded Into Turkish Traditions
作者 Sinan Caya 《Sociology Study》 2015年第4期323-333,共11页
Turkish people traditionally make good soldiers. In the Republican Turkey, the draft [conscript service system is the valid application whereby privates (rankless plain soldiers)] are recruited from among healthy an... Turkish people traditionally make good soldiers. In the Republican Turkey, the draft [conscript service system is the valid application whereby privates (rankless plain soldiers)] are recruited from among healthy and young male citizens, for a specific term specified by law. Such draftees (conscrips) constitute the backbone of the military man-power. Their numbers attain figures much bigger than the numbers of rank-carrying personnel, namely the petty-officers and officers (generals are very few in number). It is a widely known fact that military life, all over the world, is indeed tough and this is especially true for the rank-and-file, who constitute the lowest levels or the base of the involved hierarchical pyramide. When conscripted for the service, the crushing majority of the young lads go to serve willingly (see Figure 1) and proudly and even with pleasure (see Figure 2). Those who do not readily render themselves to the armed forces are only a small minority. The reason for that is the high prestige enjoyed by all military personnel within the society. Deeply-rooted historical and cultural interpretations come into play, to make us understand the significance and even the sacredness of the armed service. Indeed, merely a collection of songs and ballads praising military themes, justifies the high value of soldierly ways for Turkisp people. 展开更多
Legal Conditions for Water Utilities Eco-innovation as Energy Smart Water Utilities
作者 Ellen Margrethe Basse 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2013年第9期644-654,共11页
Welfare and green growth rest heavily on an appropriate supply of safe water, the provision of adequate sewerage, and on energy services. These services are interdependent, as water is an integral part of electric-pow... Welfare and green growth rest heavily on an appropriate supply of safe water, the provision of adequate sewerage, and on energy services. These services are interdependent, as water is an integral part of electric-power generation; it is used directly in hydroelectric generation, and it is used extensively for cooling and emissions scrubbing in thermoelectric generation. Energy is also an integrated part of water services, as satisfying water needs for supply, purification, distribution, and treatment of wastewater requires energy sources. Water and energy utilities are however regulated without a specific focus on the interdependency of the two sectors and the possibilities to ensure sustainable use of the resources and reduction of greenhouse gasses by a better coordination. The article explains the possibilities of sustainable consumption and production of energy in the water utilities. It highlights EU legal framework that makes coordination at national level possible, and it gives examples and concludes--on the obstacles for the water utilities' future as energy-smart utilities that exist at the national level in Denmark. 展开更多
关键词 Resource efficiency energy smart technologies water utilities LEGISLATION
建设企业法治文化,提升企业法治水平——常州市开展“企业法治文化示范点创建工程”成效之探讨 被引量:2
作者 邹云帆 《上海企业》 2015年第3期66-68,共3页
常州市开展"企业法治文化示范点创建工程",通过企业报刊、网络平台、法制宣传栏(展板、橱窗)等多种宣传载体,加强企业法治文化阵地建设,拓宽培育和传播渠道。加强法律风险防范和控制,使企业经营管理活动中的法律风险降到最低... 常州市开展"企业法治文化示范点创建工程",通过企业报刊、网络平台、法制宣传栏(展板、橱窗)等多种宣传载体,加强企业法治文化阵地建设,拓宽培育和传播渠道。加强法律风险防范和控制,使企业经营管理活动中的法律风险降到最低。创建活动以增强企业经营管理者和员工法治意识为目标,以企业守法诚信经营为抓手,在全市企业中弘扬法治文化,传播法律知识,推进依法经营,提升竟争实力。 展开更多
关键词 法治文化 企业经营管理者 创建工程 文化阵地 法治意识 法律风险防范 法治水平 宣传载体 法律咨询
Upgrading Legal Aid
《Beijing Review》 2015年第32期2-2,共1页
Legal aid has recently come into the spotlight once again given the Central Government’s release of a document on further expanding the system in late June.China established a nationwide legal aid network following t... Legal aid has recently come into the spotlight once again given the Central Government’s release of a document on further expanding the system in late June.China established a nationwide legal aid network following the introduction of the Legal Aid Regulations in September 2003,whereby lawyers were organized into legal aid agencies set up by the government to offer free legal services to people facing economic hardship or involved in special cases.Since the system’s introduction,the financial input into legal aid by governments at various levels has grown rapidly. 展开更多
关键词 Legal legal expanding document nationwide organized again facing currently providing
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