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中古道教法服制度的成立 被引量:7
作者 孫齊 《文史》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期69-94,共26页
漢魏時代的五斗米道服飾模仿漢代官服,没有體現出與世俗相區别的特質。五世紀初,在南方地區新興的古靈寶經中,最先出現了與世俗服飾有别的"法服"理念,並創製出黄色的巾褐式法服。靈寶法服不僅啓發了上清法服的産生,也很快爲... 漢魏時代的五斗米道服飾模仿漢代官服,没有體現出與世俗相區别的特質。五世紀初,在南方地區新興的古靈寶經中,最先出現了與世俗服飾有别的"法服"理念,並創製出黄色的巾褐式法服。靈寶法服不僅啓發了上清法服的産生,也很快爲南方的天師道教團所採納,並在北朝後期傳入北方。南北朝末期,隨着道教法次制度的出現,來自舊天師道、靈寶經、上清經等不同經教傳統中的諸種法服,被整合爲一個統一的體系,出現了等級化的法服系統,奠定了唐代道教法服制度的基礎。中古道教法服制度的成立過程,不僅是服飾史上的問題,更是中古道教轉型的一個側面,是中古道教"寺院主義化"進程的表徵。 展开更多
关键词 道教服饰 法服制度 巾褐 寺院主义
唐代女冠法服之演变轨迹 被引量:1
作者 王丽娜 《历史教学(下半月)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期39-47,共9页
唐代是道教发展的重要阶段,也是女冠独立的关键时期,女冠法服是这一现象最直观的外在表现之一。透过女冠法服的演变,可清晰看到道教自身的发展轨迹,以及在此过程中,当世政治对道教的深刻影响。有唐一代,女冠法服大体经历了三次变化:初... 唐代是道教发展的重要阶段,也是女冠独立的关键时期,女冠法服是这一现象最直观的外在表现之一。透过女冠法服的演变,可清晰看到道教自身的发展轨迹,以及在此过程中,当世政治对道教的深刻影响。有唐一代,女冠法服大体经历了三次变化:初期形制基本确定;中期被赋予思想寓意,呈现教义化;后期思想固化为身体表演,出现了授法服仪式。这一演变轨迹不仅是道教内部通过构建日常秩序强化对女冠认同控制的过程,同时也是现实政治诸如中期女冠管理机构改变及后期中央权威下降等与道教的互动之路。 展开更多
关键词 唐代 女冠 法服 演变
从法服看道教与西南少数民族宗教的相互融摄 被引量:1
作者 张泽洪 廖玲 《民族艺术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期85-93,138,共10页
法服是法师在坛场行法的服饰,具有特殊的神性和多重文化内涵。道教和西南少数民族宗教的法服,是道士信奉大道和西南各族群接受道教的符号标志。道教和西南少数民族宗教法服,具有深刻的文化内涵与象征意义。通过对史籍道经及民族志资料... 法服是法师在坛场行法的服饰,具有特殊的神性和多重文化内涵。道教和西南少数民族宗教的法服,是道士信奉大道和西南各族群接受道教的符号标志。道教和西南少数民族宗教法服,具有深刻的文化内涵与象征意义。通过对史籍道经及民族志资料中法服内涵与象征的考察分析,可以看出道教与西南少数民族宗教有着相互融摄的关系。 展开更多
关键词 道教 法服 西南少数民族 文化符号 文化传播
作者 张阳 杨蓉 《世界宗教文化》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期176-181,共6页
随着道教团体组织、科仪制度和修道实践的正式化,道教法服开始产生并向制度化延伸。道教法服有其宗教意义,但也无法脱离所处时代的窠臼,综合对汉魏两晋南北朝服饰的研究,可以呈现道教法服在当时的发展演变脉络。道教法服的定型,是在所... 随着道教团体组织、科仪制度和修道实践的正式化,道教法服开始产生并向制度化延伸。道教法服有其宗教意义,但也无法脱离所处时代的窠臼,综合对汉魏两晋南北朝服饰的研究,可以呈现道教法服在当时的发展演变脉络。道教法服的定型,是在所处时代的大众和官方服饰基础上,由早期道教组织对其改进,赋予其宗教意义,使得早期道教法服成为一种蕴含中华文化内涵,在修道、科仪、行法等宗教活动中最为凸显的宗教标识之一。 展开更多
关键词 黄巾 道教服饰 法服
川西南杂散居藏族民间信仰与法器研究 被引量:3
作者 古涛 王轩 王德和 《西昌学院学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第3期101-104,共4页
关键词 唐卡 法螺 金刚杵 小号 面具 法服
论张万福的道教服饰美学思想 被引量:3
作者 李裴 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第3期55-59,共5页
受唐代服饰文化总体倾向的影响,以张万福为代表的道教学者开始注意到服装的审美特点,从以前对道服的纯粹宗教性规定,转向对服装本身之美及所蕴含的伦理美学思想的研究,并利用服装艺术的特点对道徒进行审美教育,表现出有道教特色的服饰... 受唐代服饰文化总体倾向的影响,以张万福为代表的道教学者开始注意到服装的审美特点,从以前对道服的纯粹宗教性规定,转向对服装本身之美及所蕴含的伦理美学思想的研究,并利用服装艺术的特点对道徒进行审美教育,表现出有道教特色的服饰美学思想。 展开更多
关键词 法服 道教伦理美学 “随机设教”
康泰克致胃出血1例 被引量:4
作者 张香兰 陈长武 《中国临床医生杂志》 1993年第11期17-17,共1页
病历摘要孙某,男,32岁,病历号67517。于1990年6月初受凉后发热、全身痛,自购康泰克缓释胶囊,每次1粒,日服2次,3天共服6粒,虽热退,但出现上腹部灼痛,排黑便两次,未予注意。11月7日旅途中感冒后,如前法服康泰克2粒/日,3天后上腹部灼痛,头... 病历摘要孙某,男,32岁,病历号67517。于1990年6月初受凉后发热、全身痛,自购康泰克缓释胶囊,每次1粒,日服2次,3天共服6粒,虽热退,但出现上腹部灼痛,排黑便两次,未予注意。11月7日旅途中感冒后,如前法服康泰克2粒/日,3天后上腹部灼痛,头晕,心悸,排黑便3次。停用康泰克。 展开更多
关键词 胃出血 康泰克 全身痛 上腹部 病历号 法服 吐酸 轻度压痛 服三 十二指肠粘膜
Determination of Scutellarin in Rabbit Plasma after Oral Administration by HPLC-MS with Solid-Phase Extraction 被引量:5
作者 李妮 黄建明 +3 位作者 翁伟宇 黄照昌 蔡佳 郁韵秋 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2005年第1期38-42,共5页
Aim To establish a sensitive and specific liquid chromatography-massspeetrometry method for determination of scutellarin in rabbit plasma after oral administration.Methods For the quantitative analysis, rutin was used... Aim To establish a sensitive and specific liquid chromatography-massspeetrometry method for determination of scutellarin in rabbit plasma after oral administration.Methods For the quantitative analysis, rutin was used as an internal standard and solid-phaseextraction (SPE) was performed by using a Phenomenex C_8 cartridge. HPLC was carried out using aZorbax Extend-C_(18) column (150 mm x 2.1 mm ID, 5 μm) with a guard cartridge (Phenomenex) .Gradient elution was selected with the mobile phase of methanol 10 mmol·L^(-1) ammonium acetatesolution (pH adjusted to 8.0 with ammonia solution). The flow rate of mobile phase was 0.4mL·min^(-1) and the column temperature was 35 ℃ . Both scutellarin and the internal standard rutinin rabbit plasma extracts were detected by mass spectrometry using an ESI interface in the negativeion mode. Results The linear range was from 2 to 200 ng· mL^(-1), with acceptable accuracy andprecision (RSD) . Conclusion A sensitive, reliable and accurate method for the quantitation ofscutellarin in rabbit plasma has been established. 展开更多
作者 蒋文娟 宗鹏 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2012年第3期254-262,共9页
Due to the diversified demands of quality of service(QoS) in volume multimedia application, QoS routings for multiservice are becoming a research hotspot in low earth orbit(LEO) satellite networks. A novel QoS sat... Due to the diversified demands of quality of service(QoS) in volume multimedia application, QoS routings for multiservice are becoming a research hotspot in low earth orbit(LEO) satellite networks. A novel QoS satellite routing algorithm for multi-class traffic is proposed. The goal of the routing algorithm is to provide the distinct QoS for different traffic classes and improve the utilization of network resources. Traffic is classified into three classes and allocated priorities based on their QoS requirements, respectively. A priority queuing mechanism guarantees the algorithm to work better for high-priority classes. In order to control the congestion, a blocking probability analysis model is built up based on the Markov process theory. Finally, according to the classification link-cost metrics, routings for different classes are calculated with the distinct QoS requirments and the status of network resource. Simulations verify the performance of the routing algorithm at different time and in different regions, and results demonstrate that the algorithm has great advantages in terms of the average delay and the blocking probability. Meanwhile, the robustness issue is also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 low earth orbit satellite networks traffic classification routing algorithm quality of service traffic and topology model
Improved ant colony optimization for multi-depot heterogeneous vehicle routing problem with soft time windows 被引量:10
作者 汤雅连 蔡延光 杨期江 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2015年第1期94-99,共6页
Considering that the vehicle routing problem (VRP) with many extended features is widely used in actual life, such as multi-depot, heterogeneous types of vehicles, customer service priority and time windows etc., a ... Considering that the vehicle routing problem (VRP) with many extended features is widely used in actual life, such as multi-depot, heterogeneous types of vehicles, customer service priority and time windows etc., a mathematical model for multi-depot heterogeneous vehicle routing problem with soft time windows (MDHVRPSTW) is established. An improved ant colony optimization (IACO) is proposed for solving this model. First, MDHVRPSTW is transferred into different groups according to the nearest principle, and then the initial route is constructed by the scanning algorithm (SA). Secondly, genetic operators are introduced, and crossover probability and mutation probability are adaptively adjusted in order to improve the global search ability of the algorithm. Moreover, the smooth mechanism is used to improve the performance of the ant colony optimization (ACO). Finally, the 3-opt strategy is used to improve the local search ability. The proposed IACO was tested on three new instances that were generated randomly. The experimental results show that IACO is superior to the other three existing algorithms in terms of convergence speed and solution quality. Thus, the proposed method is effective and feasible, and the proposed model is meaningful. 展开更多
关键词 vehicle routing problem soft time window improved ant colony optimization customer service priority genetic algorithm
A Self-organization Mapping Neural Network Algorithm and Its Application to Identify Ecosystem Service Zones 被引量:16
作者 战金艳 史娜娜 +1 位作者 吴红 邓祥征 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第5期162-165,共4页
The self-organization mapping (SOM) neural network algorithm is a new method used to identify the ecosystem service zones at regional extent. According to the ecosystem assessment framework of Millennium Ecosystem A... The self-organization mapping (SOM) neural network algorithm is a new method used to identify the ecosystem service zones at regional extent. According to the ecosystem assessment framework of Millennium Ecosystem Assessment ( MA), this paper develops an indicator system and conducts a spatial cluster analysis at the 1km by I km grid pixel scale with the SOM neural network algorithm to sort the core ecosystem services over the vertical and horizontal dimensions. A case study was carried out in Xilingol League. The ecosystem services in Xilingol League could be divided to six different ecological zones. The SOM neural network algorithm was capable of identifying the similarities among the input data automatically. The research provides both spatially and temporally valuable information targeted sustainable ecosystem management for decision-makers. 展开更多
关键词 Neural network algorithm Ecosystem services Ecosystem service zones Sustainable ecosystem management
作者 韩松臣 王兴贵 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2000年第1期48-52,共5页
At evaluating the combat effectiveness of the defense system, target′s probability to penetrate the defended area is a primary care taking index. In this paper, stochastic model to compete the probability that targe... At evaluating the combat effectiveness of the defense system, target′s probability to penetrate the defended area is a primary care taking index. In this paper, stochastic model to compete the probability that target penetrates the defended area along any flight path is established by the state analysis and statistical equilibrium analysis of stochastic service system theory. The simulated annealing algorithm is an enlightening random search method based on Monte Carlo recursion, and it can find global optimal solution by simulating annealing process. Combining stochastic model to compete the probability and simulated annealing algorithm, this paper establishes the method to solve problem quantitatively about combat configuration optimization of weapon systems. The calculated result shows that the perfect configuration for fire cells of the weapon is fast found by using this method, and this quantificational method for combat configuration is faster and more scientific than previous one based on principle via map fire field. 展开更多
关键词 air defense missile effectiveness analysis combat configuration simulated annealing algorithm stochastic service system
《元史·舆服志》中的冕服制度研究 被引量:1
作者 武晓丽 《文物鉴定与鉴赏》 2019年第2期90-91,共2页
元朝的服饰制度经过了漫长的制定与修改,最终在元英宗时期形成定制。与前代相比,元朝的服饰制度在吸收唐、宋、金朝的基础上,融合了本民族的特色。从《元史·舆服志》中的记载来看,似乎元朝宫廷袭用前朝遗制,实际上并非如此。文章... 元朝的服饰制度经过了漫长的制定与修改,最终在元英宗时期形成定制。与前代相比,元朝的服饰制度在吸收唐、宋、金朝的基础上,融合了本民族的特色。从《元史·舆服志》中的记载来看,似乎元朝宫廷袭用前朝遗制,实际上并非如此。文章在前人研究的基础上,以《元史·舆服志》为依托,探究了元朝冕服制度形成时间、冕服形制,最后分析了冕服制度一再推迟的原因。 展开更多
关键词 元朝 冕服 法服 冠服
萝卜蜂蜜饮治疗咳嗽 被引量:1
作者 崔从强 侯红岩 《中国民间疗法》 2016年第10期10-10,共1页
用料:白萝卜5片,生姜3片,大枣3枚,蜂蜜30g。制法服法:将萝卜、生姜、大枣加水适量煮沸约30min,去渣,加蜂蜜,再煮沸即可。温热服下。每日1~2次。功效主治:萝卜味辛、甘,性凉,有清热生津、凉血止血、化痰止咳等作用,其醇提取物对革兰... 用料:白萝卜5片,生姜3片,大枣3枚,蜂蜜30g。制法服法:将萝卜、生姜、大枣加水适量煮沸约30min,去渣,加蜂蜜,再煮沸即可。温热服下。每日1~2次。功效主治:萝卜味辛、甘,性凉,有清热生津、凉血止血、化痰止咳等作用,其醇提取物对革兰阳性菌有较强的抗菌作用。生姜是散风寒、止呕下气的常用药。 展开更多
关键词 萝卜蜂蜜饮 醇提取物 抗菌作用 化痰止咳 白萝卜 清热生津 止呕 凉血止血 热服 法服
《电影评介》 北大核心 1994年第Z1期39-39,共1页
关键词 刘晓庆 影视中心 刘大 中国华侨 陈家林 钓鱼台国宾馆 讲花 法服
作者 胥嘉 唐伦扬 《中国产业》 1994年第6期34-34,共1页
站在包公墓前,莫名的震颤席卷全身。同所有人一样,包公在我心中也是清官"的理想化身,"包公"两字同清正、廉明、刚直不阿、不畏权势、铁面无私等字眼联在一起,烙印在华夏民族的心理字典上。此刻,我伫立在他的墓前,在合肥,... 站在包公墓前,莫名的震颤席卷全身。同所有人一样,包公在我心中也是清官"的理想化身,"包公"两字同清正、廉明、刚直不阿、不畏权势、铁面无私等字眼联在一起,烙印在华夏民族的心理字典上。此刻,我伫立在他的墓前,在合肥,在"包教肃公墓园",思绪穿过滚滚的历史尘烟,去寻找这位弊绝风清的包青天。包公,姓包名拯,字希仁,庐州(今合肥)人,生于宋真宗咸平2年(公元999年),卒于宋仁宗嘉佑7年(公元1062年,享年64岁,是距今980多年前的历史人物。包拯少年家贫,28岁取进士,首任江西建昌(今江西永修县)知县,后历任知县、知府、监察御使、西北转运使、天章阁待制、开封府知府、枢密副使等职。并出使过契丹,后被封为龙图阁直学士,包拯死后谥号孝肃公。 展开更多
关键词 天章阁待制 枢密副使 龙图 直学士 咸平 历史人物 建炎 建昌 碑表 法服
作者 侯红岩 崔从强 《中国民间疗法》 2016年第11期11-11,共1页
用料:沙参50g,玉竹、莲子、百合各25g,鸡蛋1个。制法服法:将沙参、玉竹、莲子、百合洗净,同鸡蛋(带壳)一起下锅,同炖半小时,取出鸡蛋去壳,再同炖至药物软烂。食鸡蛋饮汤,可加糖调味。功效主治:本汤所取中药均是润肺养阴、健脾和胃... 用料:沙参50g,玉竹、莲子、百合各25g,鸡蛋1个。制法服法:将沙参、玉竹、莲子、百合洗净,同鸡蛋(带壳)一起下锅,同炖半小时,取出鸡蛋去壳,再同炖至药物软烂。食鸡蛋饮汤,可加糖调味。功效主治:本汤所取中药均是润肺养阴、健脾和胃之品,特别是鸡蛋,不但食疗价值高,且能补阴除烦,益血安神,可治肺胃阴伤、失音咽痛之症。 展开更多
关键词 百合汤 健脾和胃 食疗价值 养阴 胃阴 补阴 法服 口干口渴 脾虚湿盛 润肺止咳
Application of Maximum Probability Approach to the Fault Diagnosis of a Servo System 被引量:3
作者 马东升 胡佑德 戴凤智 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2002年第1期29-32,共4页
In an actual control system, it is often difficult to find out where the faults are if only based on the outside fault phenomena, acquired frequently from a fault system. So the fault diagnosis by outside fault phenom... In an actual control system, it is often difficult to find out where the faults are if only based on the outside fault phenomena, acquired frequently from a fault system. So the fault diagnosis by outside fault phenomena is considered. Based on the theory of fuzzy recognition and fault diagnosis, this method only depends on experience and statistical data to set up fuzzy query relationship between the outside phenomena (fault characters) and the fault sources (fault patterns). From this relationship the most probable fault sources can be obtained, to attain the goal of quick diagnosis. Based on the above approach, the standard fuzzy relationship matrix is stored in the computer as a system database. And experiment data are given to show the fault diagnosis results. The important parameters can be on line sampled and analyzed, and when faults occur, faults can be found, the alarm is given and the controller output is regulated. 展开更多
关键词 maximum probability approach fault diagnosis fault tree servo system
An Improved Genetic Algorithm for Allocation Optimization of Distribution Centers 被引量:7
作者 钱晶 庞小红 吴智铭 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2004年第4期73-76,共4页
This paper introduced an integrated allocation model for distribution centers (DCs). The facility cost, inventory cost, transportation cost and service quality were considered in the model. An improved genetic algorit... This paper introduced an integrated allocation model for distribution centers (DCs). The facility cost, inventory cost, transportation cost and service quality were considered in the model. An improved genetic algorithm (IGA) was proposed to solve the problem. The improvement of IGA is based on the idea of adjusting crossover probability and mutation probability. The IGA is supplied by heuristic rules too. The simulation results show that the IGA is better than the standard GA(SGA) in search efficiency and equality. 展开更多
关键词 distribution center allocation optimization improved genetic algorithm
A Retrievable Data Perturbation Method Used in Privacy-Preserving in Cloud Computing 被引量:3
作者 YANG Pan 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第8期73-84,共12页
With the increasing popularity of cloud computing,privacy has become one of the key problem in cloud security.When data is outsourced to the cloud,for data owners,they need to ensure the security of their privacy;for ... With the increasing popularity of cloud computing,privacy has become one of the key problem in cloud security.When data is outsourced to the cloud,for data owners,they need to ensure the security of their privacy;for cloud service providers,they need some information of the data to provide high QoS services;and for authorized users,they need to access to the true value of data.The existing privacy-preserving methods can't meet all the needs of the three parties at the same time.To address this issue,we propose a retrievable data perturbation method and use it in the privacy-preserving in data outsourcing in cloud computing.Our scheme comes in four steps.Firstly,an improved random generator is proposed to generate an accurate "noise".Next,a perturbation algorithm is introduced to add noise to the original data.By doing this,the privacy information is hidden,but the mean and covariance of data which the service providers may need remain unchanged.Then,a retrieval algorithm is proposed to get the original data back from the perturbed data.Finally,we combine the retrievable perturbation with the access control process to ensure only the authorized users can retrieve the original data.The experiments show that our scheme perturbs date correctly,efficiently,and securely. 展开更多
关键词 PRIVACY-PRESERVING data perturbation RETRIEVAL access control cloudcomputing
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