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作者 贾焕银 《山东警察学院学报》 2022年第5期14-25,共12页
基于区域法治建设目标和历史地位,齐鲁法治文化建设享誉全国的目标定位是适当的。遵循现代社会朝洋发展的历史逻辑,立足土洋兼具的区域空间特点,齐鲁法治文化建设应当由守土薄洋转向厚土朝洋发展。朝洋发展程度如何决定了齐鲁法治文化... 基于区域法治建设目标和历史地位,齐鲁法治文化建设享誉全国的目标定位是适当的。遵循现代社会朝洋发展的历史逻辑,立足土洋兼具的区域空间特点,齐鲁法治文化建设应当由守土薄洋转向厚土朝洋发展。朝洋发展程度如何决定了齐鲁法治文化建设的水平和质量。朝洋建设应当遵循立足点由土地转向海洋、次第展开和建设与养育并行的原则,充分发挥海洋元素的法治文化塑造功能,努力打造厚薄相宜、宽窄有度、洋土融合的区域法治文化标准版。同时要将法治文化视作一个庄严的政治承诺,将其压实为一种政治责任,在区域制度空间中守护社会主体法治利益,注重在小传统中畅通齐鲁法治文化建设的常识化路径。 展开更多
关键词 齐鲁法治文化 厚土朝洋 海洋法治 标准法治 法治利益
公共利益法治论——基于需求溢出理论的分析 被引量:39
作者 刘太刚 《法学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期1-14,174,共14页
需求溢出理论追求简明且易操作的公共利益认定标准。从法治意义上的公共利益的概念功能出发,需求溢出理论认为公共利益就如同轻重的概念一样,只有在两相比较中才能得以认定,不存在无比较的、孤立的公共利益和静止不变的、绝对的公共利... 需求溢出理论追求简明且易操作的公共利益认定标准。从法治意义上的公共利益的概念功能出发,需求溢出理论认为公共利益就如同轻重的概念一样,只有在两相比较中才能得以认定,不存在无比较的、孤立的公共利益和静止不变的、绝对的公共利益。公共利益是发生冲突的合法需求中需要由公共权力来维护的、具有压倒性正义优势的一方需求。公共利益的认定必须符合全部三项标准:一是利益冲突标准,以确定利益冲突是否无可避免;二是法律途径标准,以确定公共利益条款是不是处理相关利益冲突的最佳途径;三是价值比较标准,以确定国家拟维护的需求是否具有压倒性的正义优势。对于公共利益法治,应当以正当程序的标准取代列举式的范围立法。 展开更多
关键词 需求溢出 公共性 公共利益 公共利益法治
作者 张婧娴 《时代经贸》 2011年第4期61-61,共1页
作为古代希腊最伟大的思想家和最博学者,亚里士多德的法律思想也极其丰富,对西方法学发展做出极大的贡献。韩非子是中国战国时期著名哲学家,法家学说集大成者。他创立的法家学说,为中国第一个统一专制的中央集权制国家的诞生提供了... 作为古代希腊最伟大的思想家和最博学者,亚里士多德的法律思想也极其丰富,对西方法学发展做出极大的贡献。韩非子是中国战国时期著名哲学家,法家学说集大成者。他创立的法家学说,为中国第一个统一专制的中央集权制国家的诞生提供了理论依据。亚里士多德代表了贵族阶层的利益,韩非子代表新兴的地主阶级中上层的利益,他们都在相对自由的学术氛围中,在批判和继承前人思想的基础之上形成各自的法律体系。本文从时代,文化背景等方面,对二者进行了简单的比较。 展开更多
关键词 法治共性 隐形“人治” 法治力量” 法治利益
The Criminal Law of Public Order as a Guardian of Public Interest in Terrorist Acts Scenario
作者 Altin Shegani 《Sociology Study》 2013年第3期172-181,共10页
Promotion of a model of the criminal law of public order represents an important point of reflection in criminal law doctrine. Public order, as a juridical good, has many predispositions to be exposed to criminal acti... Promotion of a model of the criminal law of public order represents an important point of reflection in criminal law doctrine. Public order, as a juridical good, has many predispositions to be exposed to criminal activity, and in this point of view, its special protection through criminal law norms constitutes a major concern of criminal legislation objectives. Criminal legislation (as a regulatory and modifying tool within society) is an intelligent social product It is a concrete expression of the important contribution of society in ensuring qualitative and quantitative relations of the model of public order. The latter finds expression as the object of a subjective right, which cannot be divided from the affirmation made by criminal legislation as a primary juridical good. In this context, the model of public order is associated with that of protection of general interest, in the subjective sense of the right to punish (ius puniendO, implemented by state authorities. In their universal meaning, all criminal offences in one way or another affect the normal functioning of public order, but terrorist acts can violate or impinge upon public order more closely and specifically. While affecting the designated model of public order, terrorist crimes put in question the architecture of the rule of law. In response to the mechanisms of terrorist offences, two main criminalization techniques are elaborated: (1) the classical technique of criminalization; and (2] the enumerative technique of criminalization. Criminal sanctions, by which the repression of this criminal vector is carried out, aim at ensuring not only the survival of human society, but also its cardinal values and interests, as well as the technical and scientific progress. 展开更多
关键词 Criminal law public order juridical good individual freedom public interest
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