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论联合国人权条约机构对国内法治的促进——基于法治动力理论的分析与考察 被引量:1
作者 余贺伟 《武大国际法评论》 2017年第2期18-34,共17页
法治具有多层次的含义,同时法治又是动态的,法治要素在国内法治和国际法治等多个领域内相互影响和推动。法治的动力不仅来源于国内,也来源于国外。国际机构在推动一国国内法治进步的过程中起着不可忽视的作用。联合国人权条约机构能够... 法治具有多层次的含义,同时法治又是动态的,法治要素在国内法治和国际法治等多个领域内相互影响和推动。法治的动力不仅来源于国内,也来源于国外。国际机构在推动一国国内法治进步的过程中起着不可忽视的作用。联合国人权条约机构能够促进国内法治发展的原因是其自身具备法治动力主体的必要条件、人权和法治具有不可分性等。这些机构通过一般性建议或意见、结论性意见以及来文意见等方式促进了国际人权法标准的国内法治化,促进了一国宪法和法律的"良法"化发展,促进了司法机制的建立和完善,促进了一国法治的实质性内容进步,促进了人权与法治知识的传播等。从现实来看,这些机构对法治的促进作用是显著的。我国应重视联合国人权条约机构对法治进步的促进作用。 展开更多
关键词 法治 联合国人权条约机构 法治动力 国内法治
拆迁风云中寻找法治动力——论转型期法治建构的主体 被引量:27
作者 孙笑侠 《东方法学》 2010年第4期3-13,共11页
"折迁"引发的一系列现象,反映了许多矛盾,也可以看到拆迁制度艰难走过的每一步。这正是法治建构过程的一个典型缩影。无论法治是如何推进的,它都必有一个推动或建构的主体。在"拆迁管理"法治化的过程中,我们可以看... "折迁"引发的一系列现象,反映了许多矛盾,也可以看到拆迁制度艰难走过的每一步。这正是法治建构过程的一个典型缩影。无论法治是如何推进的,它都必有一个推动或建构的主体。在"拆迁管理"法治化的过程中,我们可以看到许多主体在其中扮演不同的角色,有的为之努力,有的成为阻力,也有的时而成动力时而成阻力。我们可以进一步分析其中的一个重要现象,即法治秩序的创造主体,即法治推动力问题。中国式的法治已经显示出中国式进路的特点,显示出中国法治秩序特有的建构方式。这就是在官方主导力、民间原动力和职业建构力的动态合力作用下,中国法治在转型和磨合中一边建构,一边探索,一边前行。三方力量虽有利益矛盾和冲突,但这三方力量在整体上是一致的、和谐的,是可以被整合的。 展开更多
关键词 建构型法治 法治动力 官方主导力 民间原动力 职业建构力
为提振发展信心注入法治动力——聚焦公司法修订草案三审 被引量:2
作者 李小健 《中国人大》 2023年第18期38-40,共3页
公司是最重要的市场主体,公司法是我国社会主义市场经济的基础性法律。2023年8月28日,公司法修订草案三次审议稿(以下简称“三审稿”)提请十四届全国人大常委会第五次会议审议。在吸纳各方面意见建议的基础上,三审稿对注册资本认缴登记... 公司是最重要的市场主体,公司法是我国社会主义市场经济的基础性法律。2023年8月28日,公司法修订草案三次审议稿(以下简称“三审稿”)提请十四届全国人大常委会第五次会议审议。在吸纳各方面意见建议的基础上,三审稿对注册资本认缴登记、公司民主管理、加强中小股东权利保护、强化对控股股东和实际控制人的规范等公司制度作出了进一步修改完善。步入三审,公司法修订草案热度不减,仍然引起各方面格外关注。 展开更多
关键词 基础性法律 法治动力 意见建议 市场主体 实际控制人 公司法 控股股东 社会主义市场经济
作者 梅达成 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2010年第9期29-31,共3页
中国从人治走向法治,既有历史发展的必然性,也有执政党和政府的推动作用,这种自上而下的政府推进型法治与欧美国家自下而上的社会内生型法治存在较大差别。政府推进型法治是中国走向法治之路的必经阶段,但政府推进型法治因存在不可弥补... 中国从人治走向法治,既有历史发展的必然性,也有执政党和政府的推动作用,这种自上而下的政府推进型法治与欧美国家自下而上的社会内生型法治存在较大差别。政府推进型法治是中国走向法治之路的必经阶段,但政府推进型法治因存在不可弥补的致命缺陷因而不可能将中国法治带入健康发展道路,政府与社会的互动型法治才是未来中国法治的发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 法治动力 政府推进 政府与社会互动
作者 余贺伟 《河南司法警官职业学院学报》 2016年第3期80-88,共9页
全球治理时代的法治除具有传统法治的基本要素之外,还具有国际性和跨国性。当前法治包含国内、国际、跨国三个层面的含义;是动态的全球善治过程。就国内法治而言,不仅包括国际法规范,而且还具有国际标准。从法治的动力角度来讲,这是跨... 全球治理时代的法治除具有传统法治的基本要素之外,还具有国际性和跨国性。当前法治包含国内、国际、跨国三个层面的含义;是动态的全球善治过程。就国内法治而言,不仅包括国际法规范,而且还具有国际标准。从法治的动力角度来讲,这是跨国因素和国际因素能够成为一国法治发展动力的前提条件和重要原因。而法治的跨国动力和国际动力主要是指国际组织、跨国间非政府组织、国家等通过采取披露法治状况,强制性或非强制传播法治能力、知识和信念,敦促一国加入国际公约或国际组织,相互间订立条约等方式促进一国法治发展的过程。就我国的法治发展而言,法治的动力应具有多元性,既包括人权的内驱动力、经济的全球化发展、中国共产党和新型动力主体的推动,又包括国际和跨国因素的促进等。 展开更多
关键词 法治概念 法治动力 跨国性和国际性 动力方式 多元性
中国法治与中国改革的社会动力 被引量:15
作者 郭道晖 《太平洋学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第9期32-38,共7页
新中国60年可以对半开为两阶段国史:前30年多是"以阶级斗争为纲"、否定法治、不断折腾的历史;后30年是"以经济建设为中心",实行改革开放,进入法治初级阶段的历史。30年的改革成果,不能仅看重经济发展以及立法、司... 新中国60年可以对半开为两阶段国史:前30年多是"以阶级斗争为纲"、否定法治、不断折腾的历史;后30年是"以经济建设为中心",实行改革开放,进入法治初级阶段的历史。30年的改革成果,不能仅看重经济发展以及立法、司法等法制建设的硬实力方面;更应正视正在发育成长的社会软实力,那就是经过30年来正反两方面的社会实践的潜移默化作用,公民、社会组织的权利意识、法治意识日渐强化,突出表现在近年来此起彼伏的人民维权活动。明智的执政者应尊重和发挥良性的民间组织的潜力,善于引导公民和社会组织及其自主自治的社会权力,协助政府治理国家和社会,实行国家权力与社会权力的共治。这是实现我国社会主义法治、防治权力腐败的一条新路径,也是当今知识界、法学界的志士仁人研究和实践的重心。 展开更多
关键词 中国法治社会改革 法治历程社会动力 历史责任
作者 战海峰 《当代党员》 2022年第13期28-30,共3页
关键词 市委政法委 双城记 法治动力 成渝地区 区域一体化 执法司法 坚强保障 经济社会
论中国特色社会主义法治理论发展的法治实践动力系统 被引量:13
作者 龚廷泰 《法制与社会发展》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期5-16,共12页
中国特色社会主义法治理论,是马克思主义法学理论和中国特色社会主义理论体系的重要组成部分,它是中国法治建设和法治发展的新理论。进一步厘清中国特色社会主义法治理论发展与中国法治建设实践的关系,用中国法治建设实践去推动法治理... 中国特色社会主义法治理论,是马克思主义法学理论和中国特色社会主义理论体系的重要组成部分,它是中国法治建设和法治发展的新理论。进一步厘清中国特色社会主义法治理论发展与中国法治建设实践的关系,用中国法治建设实践去推动法治理论发展,用法治理论去引领中国法治建设实践,意义尤为重大。中国正在全面开展的法治建设实践则是法治理论发展的动力。中国法治理论发展的实践动力系统包括法治实践主体系统、法治实践活动系统、法治实践环境系统、法治实践资源系统。以上四大系统的合力,乃是社会主义法治理论发展强劲的动力源泉。 展开更多
关键词 社会主义法治理论 法治理论与法治实践 中国法治实践:法治实践动力系统
5-aminolaevulinic Acid-photodynamic Therapy for the Treatment of Cervical Condylomata Acuminata 被引量:10
作者 Yong-xin Liu He-yi Zheng Xiu-rong Liu 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2009年第3期151-155,共5页
Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with topical 5-aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) on cervical condylomata acuminata. Methods Patients with cervical condylomata (n=30) were... Objective To investigate the efficacy and safety of photodynamic therapy (PDT) with topical 5-aminolaevulinic acid (ALA) on cervical condylomata acuminata. Methods Patients with cervical condylomata (n=30) were allocated into primary and recurrent group, and were given topical ALA under occlusive dressing for 3 hours followed by irradiation with semiconductor laser at a dose of 100 Jcm 2 and a power of 100 roW. The treatment was repeated 7 days later if the lesion was not completely removed after the first treatment. Complete response rate and recurrence rate of wart lesions as well as rate of adverse reaction were analyzed. Results The total complete response rate of PDT was 100% and the total recurrence rate was 5% after 3 months of follow-up. Recurrence rate of recurrent group was significantly lower than that of prior managements (100%, P〈0.01). The side effects of PDT in patients mainly included mild burning and/or stinging restricted to the illuminated areas, and was significant lower than their own control (25% vs. 100%, P〈0.05). Conclusion Compared with conventional therapies, topical application of ALA-PDT is a simple, effective, safe, well-tolerated, and low recurrence rate treatment for cervical condylomata acuminata. 展开更多
关键词 5-aminolaevulinic acid cervical condylomata acuminata photodynamic therapy
Dried-leaf Artemisia annua: A practical malaria therapeutic for developing countries? 被引量:2
作者 Pamela J Weathers Melissa Towler +2 位作者 Ahmed Hassanali Pierre Lutgen Patrick Ogwang Engeu 《World Journal of Pharmacology》 2014年第4期39-55,共17页
Artemisinin from the plant Artemisia annua (A. annua) L., and used as artemisinin combination therapy (ACT), is the current best therapeutic for treating malaria, a disease that hits children and adults especially... Artemisinin from the plant Artemisia annua (A. annua) L., and used as artemisinin combination therapy (ACT), is the current best therapeutic for treating malaria, a disease that hits children and adults especially in developing countries. Traditionally, A. annua was used by the Chinese as a tea to treat “fever”. More recently, investiga-tors have shown that tea infusions and oral consumption of the dried leaves of the plant have prophylactic and therapeutic effcacy. The presence of a complex matrix of chemicals within the leaves seems to enhance both the bioavailability and effcacy of artemisinin. Although about 1000-fold less potent than artemisinin in their antiplasmodial activity, these plant chemicals are mainly small molecules that include other artemisinic compounds, terpenes (mainly mono and sesqui), favonoids, and polyphenolic acids. In addition, polysaccharide constituents of A. an-nua may enhance bioavailability of artemisinin. Rodent pharmacokinetics showed longer T? and Tmax and greater Cmax and AUC in Plasmodium chabaudi -infected mice treated with A. annua dried leaves than in healthy mice. Pharmacokinetics of deoxyartemisinin, a liver metabolite of artemisinin, was more inhibited in infected than in healthy mice. In healthy mice, artemisinin serum levels were 〉 40-fold greater in dried leaf fed mice than those fed with pure artemisinin. Human trial data showed that when delivered as dried leaves, 40-fold less artemisinin was required to obtain a therapeutic response compared to pure artemisinin. ACTs are still unaffordable for many malaria patients, and cost estimates for A. annua dried leaf tablet production are orders of magnitude less than for ACT, despite improvements in the production capacity. Considering that for 〉 2000 years this plant was used in traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of fever with no apparent appearance of artemisinin drug resistance, the evidence argues for inclusion of affordable A. annua dried leaf tablets into the arsenal of drugs to combat malaria and other artemisinin-susceptible diseases. 展开更多
关键词 MALARIA Infectious disease Artemisia annua ARTEMISININ Combination therapy Artemisinin combination therapy
Photodynamic Therapy for Gynecological Diseases and Breast Cancer 被引量:3
作者 Natashis Shishkova Olga Kuznetsova Temirbolat Berezov 《Clinical oncology and cancer researeh》 CAS CSCD 2012年第1期9-17,共9页
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a minimally invasive and promising new method in cancer treatment. Cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated by the tissueqocalized non-toxic sensitizer upon illumination ... Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a minimally invasive and promising new method in cancer treatment. Cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) are generated by the tissueqocalized non-toxic sensitizer upon illumination and in the presence of oxygen. Thus, selective destruction of a targeted tumor may be achieved. Compared with traditional cancer treatment, PDI has advantages including higher selectivity and lower rate of toxicity. The high degree of selectivity of the proposed method was applied to cancer diagnosis using fluorescence. This article reviews previous studies done on PDT treatment and photodetection of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia, ovarian and breast cancer, and PDT application in treating non-cancer lesions. The article also highlights the clinical responses to PDT, and discusses the possibility of enhancing treatment efficacy by combination with immunotherapy and targeted therapy. 展开更多
关键词 photodynamic therapy PHOTOSENSITIZERS cervical/vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia ovarian neoplasms breast neoplasms
Some Thoughts on Lawyers and Legal Construction
作者 Sun Zilu 《International English Education Research》 2014年第7期75-77,共3页
To construct the rule of law, we can not only rely on the legal system itself, but also should we take good use of the legal person's active participation in the building process, which would be the driving force. On... To construct the rule of law, we can not only rely on the legal system itself, but also should we take good use of the legal person's active participation in the building process, which would be the driving force. Only the static legal system itself can not rule out the presence of ruling of man and something like unjust privilege. However, legal person's dynamic involving in the construction of rule of law, by means of legal person's constraints to the person of rule of man, can effectively protect citizens' legitimate rights and interests, by what we can achieve the maximum degree of eliminating social injustice as well. There is no doubt that the lawyer is just the strong force that above-mentioned who promotes the process of legal construction to develop better and longer. 展开更多
关键词 Practicing Lawyer Legal Construction Rule of Man Political Participation
Magnetic Nano-Amorphous-Iron-Oxide-Based Drug Delivery System with Dual Therapeutic Mechanisms
作者 Shan Lei Li-an Wang +3 位作者 Fu-xing Lin Kun Zeng Mo-zhen Wang Xue-wu Ge 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第3期376-384,I0003,共10页
Smart nanoparticles that respond to pathophysiological parameters,such as p H,GSH,and H2O2,have been developed with the huge and urgent demand for the high-efficient drug delivery systems(DDS)for cancer therapy.Herein... Smart nanoparticles that respond to pathophysiological parameters,such as p H,GSH,and H2O2,have been developed with the huge and urgent demand for the high-efficient drug delivery systems(DDS)for cancer therapy.Herein,cubic poly(ethylene glycol)(PEG)-modified mesoporous amorphous iron oxide(AFe)nanoparticles(AFe-PEG)have been successfully prepared as p H-stimulated drug carriers,which can combine doxorubicin(DOX)with a high loading capacity of 948 mg/g,forming a novel multifunctional AFe-PEG/DOX nanoparticulate DDS.In an acidic microenvironment,the AFe-PEG/DOX nanoparticles will not only release DOX efficiently,but also release Fe ions to catalyze the transformation of H2O2 to·OH,acting as fenton reagents.In vitro experimental results proved that the AFe-PEG/DOX nanoparticles can achieve combination of chemotherapeutic(CTT)and chemodynamic therapeutic(CDT)effects on Hela tumor cells.Furthermore,the intrinsic magnetism of AFePEG/DOX makes its cellular internalization efficiency be improved under an external magnetic field.Therefore,this work develops a new and promising magnetically targeted delivery and dual CTT/CDT therapeutic nano-medicine platform based on amorphous iron oxide. 展开更多
关键词 Cubic amorphous iron oxide nanoparticles p H-responsive CHEMOTHERAPY Chemodynamic therapy Magnetically targeted delivery
Some Thoughts on Lawyers and Legal Construction
作者 Sun Zilu 《International English Education Research》 2014年第6期28-30,共3页
To construct the rule of law, we can not only rely on the legal system itself but also should we take good use of the legal person' s active participation in the building process, which would be the driving force. On... To construct the rule of law, we can not only rely on the legal system itself but also should we take good use of the legal person' s active participation in the building process, which would be the driving force. Only the static legal system itself can not nile out the presence of ruling of man and something like unjust privilege. However, legal person's dynamic involving in the conslluction of rule of law, by means of legal person's constraints to the person of rule of man, can effectively protect citizens' legitimate rights and interests, by what we can achieve the maximum degree of eliminating social injustice as well. There is no doubt that the lawyer is just the Sllong force that above-mentioned who promotes the process of legal construction to develop better and longer. 展开更多
关键词 Practicing Lawyer Legal Construction Rule of Man Political Participation
Low-Storage Runge-Kutta Method for Simulating Time-Dependent Quantum Dynamics
作者 严运安 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期277-286,I0001,共11页
A wide range of quantum systems are time-invariant and the corresponding dynamics is dic- tated by linear differential equations with constant coefficients. Although simple in math- ematical concept, the integration o... A wide range of quantum systems are time-invariant and the corresponding dynamics is dic- tated by linear differential equations with constant coefficients. Although simple in math- ematical concept, the integration of these equations is usually complicated in practice for complex systems, where both the computational time and the memory storage become limit- ing factors. For this reason, low-storage Runge-Kutta methods become increasingly popular for the time integration. This work suggests a series of s-stage sth-order explicit Runge- Kutta methods specific for autonomous linear equations, which only requires two times of the memory storage for the state vector. We also introduce a 13-stage eighth-order scheme for autonomous linear equations, which has optimized stability region and is reduced to a fifth-order method for general equations. These methods exhibit significant performance improvements over the previous general-purpose low-stage schemes. As an example, we ap- ply the integrator to simulate the non-Markovian exciton dynamics in a 15-site linear chain consisting of perylene-bisimide derivatives. 展开更多
关键词 Low-storage Runge-Kutta Autonomous linear differential equation Time-dependent dynamics Time-invariant Hamiltonian
思想史视阈下法治中国的若干问题 被引量:4
作者 郭亮 陈金全 《求索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期11-17,共7页
法治奠定了现代民主社会的基本框架,是人类政治文明最坚实的基础。新中国法治思想经历了从革命法制观向治理法治观、从阶级专政的工具到利益调整的手段、从依规治国向依法治国、从法律虚无向法律至上、从义务本位法向权利本位法等转变... 法治奠定了现代民主社会的基本框架,是人类政治文明最坚实的基础。新中国法治思想经历了从革命法制观向治理法治观、从阶级专政的工具到利益调整的手段、从依规治国向依法治国、从法律虚无向法律至上、从义务本位法向权利本位法等转变。总结新中国法治实践的经验教训,探讨法治的时间维度、空间维度、法治认知、法治目标、法治模式、法治运行和法治动力等若干关键问题,对于当下建设法治中国具有重要的现实意义。 展开更多
关键词 思想史 法治中国 时间维度 空间维度 法治认知 法治目标 法治模式 法治运行 法治动力
A Novel Regimen for Perioral Dermatitis by Photodynamic Therapy
作者 Smadar Schreiber 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2016年第10期559-563,共5页
Some patients with perioral dermatitis are not relieved despite many medications. These patients confront pain, psychological bother and social/occupational limitations. Being efficient for a wide variety of diseases ... Some patients with perioral dermatitis are not relieved despite many medications. These patients confront pain, psychological bother and social/occupational limitations. Being efficient for a wide variety of diseases including infectious inflammative degenerative or tumoral, photodynamic therapy holds a good chance to cure diseases of unknown origin, such as perioral dermatitis. This study presents the results of three women with chronic perioral dermatitis that persisted for years with partial response to medical regimen. They asked for photodynamic treatment to ease off their suffering. The duration of follow-up was up to five years. Following PDT (photodynamic therapy), the patients discontinued medications, redness decreased and eruption disappeared. In these patients, a single PDT treatment provided prolonged relief of perioral dermatitis for up to three years. These data are encouraging but not sufficient. Further study is warranted. 展开更多
关键词 PDT (photodynamic therapy) perioral dermatitis periorificial dermatitis face rash.
作为制度变革的法治建设模式:一种统摄性法治理论的建构 被引量:3
作者 欧阳景根 《政治学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期62-72,共11页
统摄性理论的提出既是中国法学理论发展的重要动力,也是实现国家政治发展的理论支撑;中国法治实践学派与法民关系理论由于它们固有的重大理论缺陷,难以充当引领法学发展和指导中国法治建设的统摄性理论;党在新时期"四个全面"... 统摄性理论的提出既是中国法学理论发展的重要动力,也是实现国家政治发展的理论支撑;中国法治实践学派与法民关系理论由于它们固有的重大理论缺陷,难以充当引领法学发展和指导中国法治建设的统摄性理论;党在新时期"四个全面"的战略布局,以及当今中国法治建设集改革期法治与转型法治于一身的特点,要求我们从制度变革的角度来思考中国法治建设的理论与实践模式,并把作为制度变革的法治理论视为促进中国法学发展和指引中国法治建设的一种统摄性理论;制度变革视野下的法治建设,要高度重视法治资源的挖掘与法治资本的积累,重视法治动力的激活与动力机制的建设。 展开更多
关键词 统摄性理论 制度变革 法治 法治资本 法治动力
作者 吴德星 《学习与研究》 2022年第4期22-27,共6页
数字经济法治建设为优化数字基础设施建设、完善数字经济治理体系、强化数字经济安全,提供了行稳致远的法治动力。以法治赋能数字经济高质量发展,就是立足于数字经济发展实际,满足新产品、新模式、新业态发展需求,回应有关网络安全、数... 数字经济法治建设为优化数字基础设施建设、完善数字经济治理体系、强化数字经济安全,提供了行稳致远的法治动力。以法治赋能数字经济高质量发展,就是立足于数字经济发展实际,满足新产品、新模式、新业态发展需求,回应有关网络安全、数据收集、平台垄断、知识产权、市场竞争、消费者权益保护等社会关切,以法治维护数字经济市场秩序公平公正,引领算法应用向善向上,确保数据使用合理有效安全,促进、规范、保障数字经济做强做优做大、平稳健康高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 消费者权益保护 知识产权 法治动力 经济发展实际 数据收集 网络安全 市场秩序 行稳致远
作者 方学勇 龙飘飘 《民间法》 2021年第4期313-333,共21页
法治政府建设年度报告发布制度是非常具有本土特色的法治政府建设模式和路径,形塑了我国法治政府的进程与形态。年度报告发布制度包括向社会发布和向上级报告两个维度,是实践中推进法治政府建设的主要动力机制之一,但理论界研究不多。... 法治政府建设年度报告发布制度是非常具有本土特色的法治政府建设模式和路径,形塑了我国法治政府的进程与形态。年度报告发布制度包括向社会发布和向上级报告两个维度,是实践中推进法治政府建设的主要动力机制之一,但理论界研究不多。历程考察发现,从年度报告工作到年度报告制度最终演化为年度报告发布制度经历了近30年。通过对31个省级政府、293个地级市政府年度报告发布情况的实证研究,发现年度报告发布率与报告主体层级、报告主体经济发达程度、法治机构主政者法学教育背景呈现强关联;同时,存在地方政府制度落实动力不足等问题。为强化年度报告发布制度落实,应当完善年度报告发布制度设计、从理论上补强制度运行的法治逻辑缺陷;应当构建有利于制度落实的客观环境、从行政运作上尊重制度运行的行政逻辑;应当强化规范化标准化和信息化建设、在制度运行过程中吸纳其产生的实践逻辑。 展开更多
关键词 法治政府建设 年度报告发布制度 法治政府建设动力机制 实证研究 治理现代化
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