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作者 范利民 《活力》 2011年第8期46-46,共1页
法职人员短缺是偏远地区基层检察院普遍存在的问题,也是困扰制约其发展的主要因素。尤其是在基层检察院干部队伍逐步出现基础薄弱、素质不高、年龄偏大等断档情形下,如何改进和完善基层检察院的外部条件和队伍结构,切实帮助基层检察... 法职人员短缺是偏远地区基层检察院普遍存在的问题,也是困扰制约其发展的主要因素。尤其是在基层检察院干部队伍逐步出现基础薄弱、素质不高、年龄偏大等断档情形下,如何改进和完善基层检察院的外部条件和队伍结构,切实帮助基层检察院更好地适应改革发展和新形势的需要,给我们提出了新的要求。尽快找寻一条切合实际的解题之路是检察人才队伍建设的当务之急。 展开更多
关键词 解决 法职人员 短缺问题
道教“法职”及其演变略论 被引量:2
作者 刘莉 《宗教学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期177-180,共4页
道教的"法职"是一种由道士担任的宗教职位,在汉天师时期就已经出现。天师道的"法职"开始是一种"政教合一"的职位,后来演变为单纯的宗教职位。在宋代,道教各派又出现了一些新"法职",这些法职不... 道教的"法职"是一种由道士担任的宗教职位,在汉天师时期就已经出现。天师道的"法职"开始是一种"政教合一"的职位,后来演变为单纯的宗教职位。在宋代,道教各派又出现了一些新"法职",这些法职不但继承了天师道的法职传统,也具有了一些新的特点。 展开更多
关键词 法职 天师道
高职院校“建设工程法规”课程思政的探索与实践——以工程造价专业为例 被引量:4
作者 唐若诗 《教育教学论坛》 2023年第8期130-133,共4页
为落实加强党对职业教育工作的全面领导,实现职业技能和职业精神培养高度融合的要求,“建设工程法规”课程的教学内容决定了教师必须承担起学生法治精神培养等思想政治教育的任务,积极探索课程思政开展的具体方式方法,落实立德树人根本... 为落实加强党对职业教育工作的全面领导,实现职业技能和职业精神培养高度融合的要求,“建设工程法规”课程的教学内容决定了教师必须承担起学生法治精神培养等思想政治教育的任务,积极探索课程思政开展的具体方式方法,落实立德树人根本任务。针对高职院校工程造价专业,对“建设工程法规”的思政入课实践方法和教学设计展开探索,基于互动教学,列举主要章节思政元素如何与知识和技能相结合,实现职业能力和职业素质双融合培养。 展开更多
关键词 院校 工程造价 建设工程 课程思政 互动教学
贯彻《职业病防治法》推动贵州省职防工作的发展 被引量:1
作者 王广松 王明启 《职业卫生与病伤》 2003年第3期195-196,共2页
关键词 贵州省 劳动者 身体健康
作者 任慧媛 《中外管理》 2019年第9期75-77,共3页
如何界定职场霸凌?如何让企业管理更文明的同时也更有效?中国是否有必要效仿韩国对职场霸凌立法?7月中下旬,韩国开始实施《职场霸凌禁止法》,这让很多中国人感到突兀:真的存在那么多职场霸凌吗?随即,有微博博主发起投票:'你是否遭... 如何界定职场霸凌?如何让企业管理更文明的同时也更有效?中国是否有必要效仿韩国对职场霸凌立法?7月中下旬,韩国开始实施《职场霸凌禁止法》,这让很多中国人感到突兀:真的存在那么多职场霸凌吗?随即,有微博博主发起投票:'你是否遭遇过职场霸凌?'结果8857位职场人调查对象中,有7011位选择了'有过,职场霸凌很常见',占比达到79%.其中被'穿小鞋'、排挤孤立,或者被指责辱骂的情况比比皆是。 展开更多
关键词 心理学 场霸凌禁止
绝经后性激素补充疗法的原则及其用药种类 被引量:29
作者 林守清 《实用妇产科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第4期176-177,共2页
一、绝经后性激素补充疗法的原则(一)病因性治疗在生育期,卵巢产生女性一生中最高浓度的雌激素和孕激素。血中雌、孕激素浓度周期性变化,参与协调机体生理活动长达约30年,成为稳定女性机体内环境、维持健康的重要因素。此后妇女... 一、绝经后性激素补充疗法的原则(一)病因性治疗在生育期,卵巢产生女性一生中最高浓度的雌激素和孕激素。血中雌、孕激素浓度周期性变化,参与协调机体生理活动长达约30年,成为稳定女性机体内环境、维持健康的重要因素。此后妇女经过一段过渡期步入绝经后,在近绝经... 展开更多
关键词 绝经后 激素补 病因性治疗 用药种类
作者 孙梦曦 《吉林省教育学院学报(中旬)》 2015年第10期105-109,共5页
宋末著名道士金允中所著的《上清灵宝大法》是研究唐宋以来道法仪式渊源流变的重要资料,其史料价值已获多位学者的承认。然而,金氏的神学思想价值却尚未得到深入探讨。金氏的神学思想主要有两大精华:维护洞玄灵宝经典——尤其是一卷本... 宋末著名道士金允中所著的《上清灵宝大法》是研究唐宋以来道法仪式渊源流变的重要资料,其史料价值已获多位学者的承认。然而,金氏的神学思想价值却尚未得到深入探讨。金氏的神学思想主要有两大精华:维护洞玄灵宝经典——尤其是一卷本《度人经》——之神圣权威与实践指导效力;维护中古以来道教的"箓阶―法职"制度,强调道士之名号必须遵制不逾矩;有四大要素,可初步概括为"尊经""重理""有据""有信"。 展开更多
关键词 金允中 《上清灵宝大 神学 灵宝经 法职
补气化瘀法治疗崩漏的研究 被引量:6
作者 冉青珍 《山东中医药大学学报》 1999年第5期367-371,共5页
从中西医理论相结合的角度对崩漏的病机进行了探讨,认为崩漏所以流血不止,是因为在病变过程中瘀血内阻与脾不统血共存。遵循气血理论,将补气药与化瘀、止血药配伍组方,并以化瘀止血方为对照进行临床和实验研究。临床研究结果表明,... 从中西医理论相结合的角度对崩漏的病机进行了探讨,认为崩漏所以流血不止,是因为在病变过程中瘀血内阻与脾不统血共存。遵循气血理论,将补气药与化瘀、止血药配伍组方,并以化瘀止血方为对照进行临床和实验研究。临床研究结果表明,补气化瘀止血方总有效率875% ,明显优于对照方(总有效率592% )( P< 001)。实验研究表明,补气化瘀止血方可缩短大白鼠凝血时间,延长 E L T,促进子宫收缩,改善血液流变性,作用优于对照方( P< 005 或 P< 001)。临床与实验研究均证实了补气化瘀法用于崩漏止血作用优于单纯化瘀止血法。 展开更多
关键词 崩漏 中莓 补气化瘀
伤科接骨片配合非手术疗法治疗颈椎病效果观察 被引量:1
作者 陈葵 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 2002年第12期1813-1813,共1页
关键词 伤科接骨片 非手术 治疗 颈椎病 疗效观察
中药预防性治疗母婴血型不合 被引量:6
作者 徐蕴华 边旭明 +5 位作者 钱美伦 刘善英 盖明英 杨剑秋 吴玉珍 葛秦生 《生殖医学杂志》 CAS 1993年第4期203-206,共4页
总结我院近20年来母婴血型不合112例(ABO 91例,Rh 21例)服用中药新溶Ⅰ号的临床效果。112例分为服药组(研究组)74例,对照组38例。结果表明预防服药明显降低了围产儿死亡率,服药组围产儿死亡率为14‰,对照组105‰,死亡病例均发生在 Rh ... 总结我院近20年来母婴血型不合112例(ABO 91例,Rh 21例)服用中药新溶Ⅰ号的临床效果。112例分为服药组(研究组)74例,对照组38例。结果表明预防服药明显降低了围产儿死亡率,服药组围产儿死亡率为14‰,对照组105‰,死亡病例均发生在 Rh 血型不合组,其中服药组围产死亡率77‰,对照组为500‰。此药能减轻溶血程度,ABO 血型不合服药组中重度溶血病例占6%,对照组为25%。Rh 血型不合服药组中重度溶血50%,对照组为80%。结果还表明服药期限与治疗效果相关,全部病例中服药期限>10周的重度溶血占12%,服药期限<10周占41%。中药对母血清免疫抗体效价在整个孕期没有升高或有不同程度下降。目前分析表明本药不但对预防 ABO 母婴血型不合有效,而且对 Rh 母婴血型不合也同样有预防性治疗效果。中药新溶Ⅰ号服用方便,无副作用,值得进一步深入研究。 展开更多
关键词 血型不合 中莓 新生儿溶血症
针灸对促进术后胃肠功能恢复的观察 被引量:7
作者 张淑萍 《中国城乡企业卫生》 2001年第4期43-44,共2页
手术的直接刺激或通过反射机制引起的胃肠运动抑制,是腹部术后腹胀,术后肠麻痹的主要原因.切口疼痛及腹壁运动受限也影响直肠排气,是腹胀加重的另一个原因.因此,在腹部手术以后如何尽快恢复肠管运动能力,早排气,预防肠麻痹的发生,仍是... 手术的直接刺激或通过反射机制引起的胃肠运动抑制,是腹部术后腹胀,术后肠麻痹的主要原因.切口疼痛及腹壁运动受限也影响直肠排气,是腹胀加重的另一个原因.因此,在腹部手术以后如何尽快恢复肠管运动能力,早排气,预防肠麻痹的发生,仍是临床上有待解决的问题.以往多采用自然恢复方法或服用胃肠动力药,疗效不满意.我科于1999年10月至2000年2月,采用针灸加脉冲用于肝胆术后患者,观察其对胃肠功能恢复,促进排气,消除腹胀的作用,取得较为满意的临床效果,结果报告如下. 展开更多
关键词 针灸 术后 胃肠功能恢复 疗效
作者 沙岩 《针灸临床杂志》 1998年第3期53-57,共5页
针灸治疗头痛近况(100029)中日友好医院针灸科沙岩主题词:头痛/针灸疗法头痛是针灸科临床上的常见症状之一,可见于内、外、神经、精神、五官等科的多种疾病,其中又以血管性头痛最为多见。针灸治疗头痛,历史悠久,临床报道... 针灸治疗头痛近况(100029)中日友好医院针灸科沙岩主题词:头痛/针灸疗法头痛是针灸科临床上的常见症状之一,可见于内、外、神经、精神、五官等科的多种疾病,其中又以血管性头痛最为多见。针灸治疗头痛,历史悠久,临床报道较多,现仅就近五年(1992—19... 展开更多
关键词 头痛 针灸产 毫针 头针 电针疗
作者 王庆瑜 《才智》 2013年第22期103-103,共1页
行动导向教学的研究处在兴盛且较为全面的程度,但主要集中在行动导向教学法的理解与在我国的本土化,行动导向教学在各种专业的适用以及行动导向教学的方式方法的应用问题,针对职业素质的培养,仅局限于潜移默化的层次,没有将其提升到与... 行动导向教学的研究处在兴盛且较为全面的程度,但主要集中在行动导向教学法的理解与在我国的本土化,行动导向教学在各种专业的适用以及行动导向教学的方式方法的应用问题,针对职业素质的培养,仅局限于潜移默化的层次,没有将其提升到与专业能力同等的高度。本文就是建立在行动导向教学基础上,探讨一种新的教学方法——职场生存法。重点介绍了这种新方法的主要内容、应用范围等。 展开更多
关键词 行动导向教学 场生存 素质教育
作者 王国华 郭书文 杨守范 《中医药信息》 1998年第6期37-38,共2页
将105例盆腔血瘀证患者随机分成通瘀注射液治疗组和庆大霉素加地塞米松对照组,并与正常人46例进行对照研究。观察其对患者血液流变学各项指标的影响。结果表明:盆腔血瘀证患者血液流变学各项指标与正常人比有明显差异(P<0.... 将105例盆腔血瘀证患者随机分成通瘀注射液治疗组和庆大霉素加地塞米松对照组,并与正常人46例进行对照研究。观察其对患者血液流变学各项指标的影响。结果表明:盆腔血瘀证患者血液流变学各项指标与正常人比有明显差异(P<0.01),通瘀注射液可显著降低患者血液粘度和血沉(P<0.05),作用优于庆大霉素加地塞米松对照组。 展开更多
关键词 通瘀注射液 盆腔血瘀证 血液流变学 中医药
The role of self-accounting and financial capability in consumer credit decisions
作者 Filotto Umberto Nicolini Gianni 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2010年第2期43-58,共16页
The role of financial capability in the consumers' financial behaviour has been widely analyzed by the literature. The same happened for the relationship between debt and financial capability. The consensus about the... The role of financial capability in the consumers' financial behaviour has been widely analyzed by the literature. The same happened for the relationship between debt and financial capability. The consensus about the benefits of an increase in the levels of financial literacy collides with a diversity of opinions on what the best solutions to increase financial capability. While methods based on traditional teaching may not be an effective solutions and they could not provide results in the short term, solutions oriented to support consumers in important financial decisions (requests for funding, choice of retirement solutions, etc.) may show greater effectiveness. Studies in literature have shown the tendency of subjects with high levels of financial capability to adopt a long term view and to upgrade their daily financial behaviour with attitudes and practices related to self-finance (budget, financial check-up, saving for goals, etc.) The paper focuses on the relationship between financial capability and self-accounting practices, interpreting the latter as evidence of conduct financially aware. After a review of the literature designed to emphasize the role of self-accounting in the context of personal finance, a financial check-up based tool is proposed, pointing out how the financial accounts' schemes and logics (regular budget, estimates and forecasts checking targets) may find useful application in the context of personal finance. 展开更多
关键词 self-accounting financial capability consumer credit
Simulation Games As Educational Learning Method in Engineering Careers
作者 Leonardo Adan Douglas Costucica 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2015年第4期251-256,共6页
The challenges of today's world require college students have different skills and know how to apply the knowledge acquired to solve new situations. The traditional mode of teaching with lectures, still present in ma... The challenges of today's world require college students have different skills and know how to apply the knowledge acquired to solve new situations. The traditional mode of teaching with lectures, still present in many subjects of the engineering, seems to favor the development of the necessary skills, as active use of knowledge required [ 1 ]. However, they are using simulation games as an educational method in many universities in the world for the advantages they present for learning and the development of various skills, to simulate specific situations of professional activity [2]. This paper presents some background and requirements that games must meet educational purposes and propose their use in subjects related to economics, management and organization of production engineering programs where you can teach and learn from building products with simple items like cardboard paper on the theory of constructionism to build a product where people are building theories and knowledge in the mind [3]. The use of games is not widespread in universities in Argentina, however you can generate more motivating learning situations as it leaves the board becoming less abstract and more concrete learning. Classroom climate changes as students take a more participatory role and the teacher intervenes as a guide or facilitator of learning. This work could motivate teachers and researchers to promote their use in teaching and in future research to evaluate the potential of its use as a learning tool. 展开更多
Scrap Activities on the Coastal Zone: Dynamic Model for the Recycling of Ships 被引量:1
作者 Aristotelis B. Alexopoulos 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2014年第1期27-37,共11页
This paper describes the main activities of the ship recycling facilities that have moved to the Asia continent and puts emphasis on environmental and working conditions under the umbrella of the new IMO (Internation... This paper describes the main activities of the ship recycling facilities that have moved to the Asia continent and puts emphasis on environmental and working conditions under the umbrella of the new IMO (International Maritime Organization) convention. However, the convention is not enforced yet and the legal gaps found on limited existing regulations do not impose strict rules on the shipping industry and at the same time offer motives for the safe recycling of ships. Ship-owners seem reluctant to send their vessels for scrap but rather prefer to employ them till the last minute, preferably in areas where the environmentally-friendly concept is not of primary importance. The dynamics of this specialized industry can be better shown by examining variables such as legal instruments, occupational health and safety hazards, geographical allocation of scrapping sites, scrap prices, safety working plans and volume to be scrapped. The next step is to build a simulation model in order to discuss the relevant scenarios. The first scenario is based on the current conditions where the ship-owner's decision is mainly affected by the fluctuations of the market and whether the effectiveness of existing regulations can improve the working environment in terms of health and safety. The second scenario refers to the situation when the IMO Convention is implemented, then it will produce two major recycling markets, the first one for the convention ships and the second for non-convention ships. 展开更多
关键词 Ship recycling health and safety IMO Hong Kong Convention system dynamics.
Strategies on Curriculum Reform of Hotel Management by Integrating Theory and Practice into Teaching
作者 LIU Xinchao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第11期64-66,共3页
Integrating theory and practice into teaching is an advanced pedagogy, particularly suitable for the cultivation of applied talents in higher vocational colleges. In this paper, the author first discusses the connotat... Integrating theory and practice into teaching is an advanced pedagogy, particularly suitable for the cultivation of applied talents in higher vocational colleges. In this paper, the author first discusses the connotation of the teaching method as integration of theory and practice and illustrates the background and significance of employing this teaching method in the curriculum reform of hotel management in higher vocational colleges. After that, the teaching content, methods as well as evaluation system are elaborated for implementing the integration of theory and practice teaching, and finally, some countermeasures are put forward for improving this teaching method. 展开更多
关键词 higher vocational colleges hotel management curriculum reform integrating theory and practice
Based on an Integrated Teaching of the "Retail Management" Analysis of Curriculum Reform
作者 Di Cao 《International English Education Research》 2015年第11期51-55,共5页
Vocational colleges teaching curriculum reform is an important content. Retail Management course is a relatively new course, more and more attention are paid by the university. But the old education system in the reta... Vocational colleges teaching curriculum reform is an important content. Retail Management course is a relatively new course, more and more attention are paid by the university. But the old education system in the retail management course teaching practice is of flaw. This paper aims to explore retail management curriculum reform. Exploration for integrated teaching methods, combined with "Retail Management" course teaching reform put forward some theoretical assumptions that based on characteristics of the course, the introduction of integrated retail management courses teaching method is feasible. 展开更多
关键词 Retail Management Integrated Approach Practice Teaching System
作者 王孟和 林木振 《北京中医》 1997年第1期56-57,共2页
关键词 痛风 中医药 疗效
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